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The Soldier’s Blue Book

The Guide for Initial Entry Training Soldiers

23 June 2017


United States Army Training and Doctrine Command Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5701
Chapter 1 – The Army

On 14 June 1775, the Second Continental Congress

established “the American Continental Army.” The
United States Army is the senior Service of the Armed
Forces. As one of the oldest American institutions, it
predates the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution. For almost two and a half centuries, Army
forces have protected this Nation. Our Army flag is
adorned with over 190 campaign and battle streamers
to date, each one signifying great sacrifices on behalf
of the Nation.
Because of the Army, the United States is independent
and one undivided nation.

1-1. Why we have an Army

It is the intent of Congress to provide an Army that is
capable, in conjunction with the other armed forces, of…
Preserving the peace and security, and providing for the
defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and
possessions, and any areas occupied by the United States;
Supporting the national policies; Implementing the national
objectives; and
Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that
imperil the peace and security of the United States.
Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 3062(a)
1-2. What the Army uniform represents

For Soldiers it means that they are part of something

far bigger than themselves…it is an opportunity to
serve this great country and to make a difference in
this world.
For Army Families, the uniform is a source of both pride
and sacrifice.
Living by and upholding the Army Ethics is our life-long
commitment. For our veterans, it represents one of the
most important periods of their lives…pride in
honorable service, accomplishments as part of a team,
and a life-long connection to the comrades with whom
they served, and in some cases, lost during their time
in uniform.
When Soldiers return to society as private citizens, they
are expected to continue to be moral-ethical role
models for their Families and communities, contributing
to the well- being of the United States of America, as Soldiers for Life.
For the American citizen, Soldiers are their sons, daughters, relatives, neighbors,
and during disaster, their lifeline. In us they see patriotism and selfless service,
and heroism.
Being seen as heroes you are expected to uphold a higher standard and represent
yourself and community as a source of pride and commitment.
People around the world recognize the American Soldier as a symbol of the United
States…Soldiers represent freedom, democracy, and stability.
To our enemies, the Soldier represents American strength, resolve, and a
commitment to defend the values that we hold dear as a Nation.

1-3. Why we serve

As Soldiers, we are committed to do our duty to contribute to the “common
defense;” we share a love of our country and of our Army Family; we defend
American values that frame the nation as expressed in the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution of the United States; and we serve “not to
promote war, but to preserve peace.”

1-4. The Army’s Motto – “This We’ll Defend”

The Army’s motto remains as relevant today as it did at our
Nation’s founding. The pronoun “We” reinforces our
collective or team effort and “Defend” remains our Army’s
main mission. The Army continues this pledge into the
future, as we have done since 1775.

Department of the Army Emblem

1-5. Oath of Enlistment
Members of the American military
profession swear or affirm to support
and defend the Constitution of the
United States—not a leader, people,
government, or territory.
That solemn oath ties service in the
Army directly to the founding
document of the United States. It
instills a nobility of purpose within
each member of the Army Profession
and provides deep personal meaning
to all who serve.
The Army Profession believes America must have a Professional Army of Soldiers
and Civilians who are inspired to honorably fulfill their Oaths of Service. We
accomplish our missions as a team, partnering with the other armed forces in the
joint community and with government services that dedicate themselves to
defending the U.S. Constitution and protect the Nation’s interests, at home and
abroad, against all threats.”

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