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Adolescents' Behavior in the Presence of

Interparental Hostility: Developmental and
Emotion Regulatory Influences
Marc S. Schulz
Bryn Mawr College,

Robert J. Waldinger

Stuart T. Hauser

Joseph P. Allen

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Custom Citation
Schulz, Marc S., Robert J. Waldinger, Stuart T. Hauser, and Joseph P. Allen. "Adolescents' Behavior in the Presence of Interparental
Hostility: Developmental and Emotion Regulatory Influences." Development and Psychopathology 17 (2005): 489-507, doi:10.1017/

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Development and Psychopathology 17 ~2005!, 489–507
Copyright © 2005 Cambridge University Press
Printed in the United States of America
DOI: 10.10170S0954579405050236

Adolescents’ behavior in the presence

of interparental hostility: Developmental
and emotion regulatory influences


Bryn Mawr College; b Judge Baker Children’s Center; and c University of Virginia

Within-family covariation between interparental hostility and adolescent behavior across three interactions over a
2-year period was explored in a sample that included 37 typical adolescents and 35 adolescents recently hospitalized
for psychiatric difficulties. More interparental hostility across the three interactions was associated with more
adolescent hostility and more positive engagement ~at a trend level! regardless of psychiatric background.
Parent-to-child hostility in each interaction mediated the link for adolescent hostility but not for positive adolescent
engagement. Emotion regulation capacities and age were linked to variability in adolescents’ behavior in the
presence of interparental conflict. In interactions with more interparental hostility, adolescents with greater capacity
to tolerate negative affect were more likely to show increased positive engagement, and adolescents who were better
able to modulate their emotional expression were less likely to show increased hostility. Covariation between
interparental and adolescent hostility across the three family interactions decreased as the adolescent aged. These
findings are consistent with the theory that exposure to interparental hostility is emotionally disequilibrating, and
that adolescent responses may reflect differences in emotion regulation and other developmentally based capacities.
Gender and variations across families in overall levels of hostile parenting were also linked with adolescent
behavior in the presence of interparental hostility.

Researchers have found consistent correla- Langrock, 2001; Davies & Cummings, 1994;
tional links between exposure to marital con- Davies & Forman, 2002!. Closely observing
flict and problematic functioning in children, children’s immediate emotional and behav-
yet the specific mechanisms responsible for ioral responses to interparental conflict is crit-
these connections remain unclear ~Davies & ical for learning more about how couples’
Cummings, 1994; Grych & Fincham, 1990!. conflict and child functioning may be linked
Much of the recent theoretical and empirical ~Cummings, 1987; Davies & Cummings,
inquiry about mechanisms has focused on 1994!. However, much of the work in this
the idea that conflict between parents is emo- area has relied on analog experimental de-
tionally disequilibrating for children ~Crock- signs that expose children to simulated con-
enberg & Forgays, 1996; Crockenberg & flict between adult strangers ~e.g., Davies,
Myers, Cummings, & Heindel, 1999!, a strat-
egy that may not yield information that accu-
This research was supported, in part, by a grant from the rately reflects children’s responses to real
National Institute of Mental Health ~RO1 MH 4493!. The conflict between their actual parents.
authors thank J. Heidi Gralinski–Bakker and Rebecca Bill-
Despite a rich existing literature emphasiz-
ings for their valuable assistance with this research.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Marc ing the importance of observing family pro-
S. Schulz, Department of Psychology, Bryn Mawr Col- cesses over time ~e.g., Patterson and Reid,
lege, 101 North Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. 1984!, relatively few investigators have at-

490 M. S. Schulz et al.

tempted to observe children’s behavior in the ily relationship patterns across time. The first
presence of their parents’ discord during a se- is the practical difficulty of collecting family
ries of family interactions. In most studies, observations across time, and the second is the
questions are limited to traditional between- complexity of the data analytic issues involved.
subjects comparisons at one point in time be- Multilevel data analytic procedures, such as hi-
tween children in families with greater marital erarchical linear modeling ~HLM!, have pro-
discord and children in families with less mar- vided a powerful tool to enable researchers to
ital discord. These studies indicate that ado- combine individual and group-level analyses.
lescents in families with more interparental Trends within families across multiple occa-
conflict are more likely to exhibit aggressive sions can be identified, and differences in the
behavior than those children from families with pattern of these trends across families can
less interparental conflict ~Amato & Keith, be linked to variables that distinguish these
1991!. Because most studies to date have not families.
observed interactions from the same family In this study, we investigated two behav-
across multiple time points, they have not been ioral responses, hostility and relationship-
able to capture variation in each child’s be- facilitating behaviors, that adolescents may
havior across occasions that may be a func- employ to regain a sense of emotional secu-
tion of variation in parents’ marital conflict or rity in the face of interparental discord ~Davies
hostility on these occasions. This type of & Cummings, 1994, 1998!. In addition to
within-family covariation ~between children’s developmental influences, we explored how
behavior and interparental conflict! is pre- stable person-based and family-based differ-
dicted by most process-oriented theories of ences might shape adolescents’ behavior in
the effects of marital conflict on children ~e.g., the presence of interparental hostility. Al-
Crockenberg & Langrock, 2001; Davies & though previous research indicates that there
Cummings, 1994!. Another limitation of sin- is considerable variability in children’s re-
gle point in time studies is their inability to sponses to interparental conflict ~Davies &
directly address questions about how develop- Cummings, 1994; Grych & Fincham, 1990!,
mental factors might influence children’s re- much remains to be understood about the fac-
sponses to interparental conflict. However, as tors that moderate or shape these varied re-
Fincham and Grych ~2001! recently observed, sponses. In this study, we focused particularly
“Virtually all the research in . . . @this# field on the moderating influence of age at the time
involves data gathered at a single point in time of each interaction and two emotion regula-
and thus provides us a snapshot of the phe- tory capacities that differ across adolescents:
nomena we study ~p.448!.” the ability to tolerate the experience of emo-
In this study, we observed family inter- tional distress, and the ability to modulate
actions at three time points ~when adolescents one’s emotional expression and responses
were 14, 15, and 16! so that we could examine when negatively aroused. We also explored
how adolescents’ behavior in their families whether variation in adolescents’ behavior in
might change as a function of the level of in- the presence of interparental hostility was re-
terparental hostility present in each interaction, lated to their gender and to the typical affec-
and whether there were developmental trends tive quality of the parenting they received.
in these within-family linkages. By focusing Previous research suggests that links between
on patterns of within-family covariation of in- marital conflict and children’s behavior prob-
terparental hostility and adolescent behavior lems are stronger in clinical samples than in
across time we are following in the tradition of community-based samples ~Emery & O’Leary,
“person-centered” research increasingly em- 1984; Jouriles, Bourg, & Farris, 1991; Reid
phasized by researchers in developmental and & Crisafulli, 1990!. We explored this possi-
related fields ~e.g., Cairns, Bergman, & Ka- bility by examining family processes in a sam-
gan, 1998; Magnusson, 1998; Nesselroade, ple that incorporates both typical adolescents
2001!. Two key obstacles have hindered the ap- and adolescents with a recent history of psy-
plication of this approach to the study of fam- chiatric difficulties.
Interparental hostility 491

Children’s Responses to Marital Conflict critical task for researchers is to identify the
factors that lead a child to favor one of these
Children do not respond uniformly to discord strategies over the other.
between adults. When exposed to simulated
interadult conflicts in the laboratory, children
Adolescence and Responses to Marital
manifest a wide range of reactions, including
increased aggressiveness ~Cummings, Vogel,
Cummings, & El-Sheikh, 1989!, increased Coping strategies evolve as children develop
physiological reactivity ~El-Sheikh, Harger, & ~Schulz & Lazarus, in press!. Empirical work
Whitson, 2001; Katz & Gottman, 1995, 1997!, suggests that advances in cognitive sophisti-
and more negative emotion ~Cummings et al., cation are linked to an expanded range of cop-
1989; Cummings, Iannotti, & Zahn–Waxler, ing skills ~Grych & Cardoza–Fernandes, 2001!.
1985!. Laboratory research also demonstrates Compared to younger children, adolescents
that children show greater reactivity to con- have greater access to emotion-focused cop-
flict stimuli that are of stronger intensity ~Cum- ing strategies, such as self-calming. However,
mings et al., 1985, 1989; Cummings, Simpson, investigators ~e.g., Cummings, Ballard, & El-
& Wilson, 1993; Grych & Fincham, 1993; Sheikh, 1991; Davies, Myers, & Cummings,
Davies & Cummings, 1998!. 1996! have found that adolescents are more
Similar conclusions have been reached in likely than younger children to react to inter-
observational or questionnaire-based studies parental discord with strategies that attempt to
of actual family interactions ~e.g., Easter- alter the situation ~i.e., problem-focused cop-
brooks, Cummings, & Emde, 1994; Greene & ing!. Specifically, adolescents are more likely
Anderson, 1999!. Davis, Hops, Alpert, and to endorse intervening in their parents’ argu-
Sheeber ~1998! carefully tracked children’s re- ments. As Kerig ~2001! points out, cognitive
sponses to parental conflict in family inter- development may actually increase adoles-
actions and found that aggressive behavior by cents’ tendency to intervene in parental argu-
the child was the most likely response to in- ments because they are able to do so more
terparental conflict. Other research has pro- effectively than younger children.
vided evidence that some children may attempt Interparental conflict may have unique
to become “peacekeepers” in the presence of meaning and implications during adoles-
parental conflict by engaging in facilitative or cence because of the central relational chal-
supportive family behaviors ~Emery, 1982; lenges that adolescents face. Adolescence is
Jenkins, Smith, & Graham, 1989; Kerig, 2001; permeated by a dialectic between strivings
Wallerstein & Blakeslee, 1989!. for autonomy from parents and a desire to
Children’s varied responses to adult con- remain close to them ~Allen, Hauser, Bell, &
flict may reflect differences in the perceived O’Connor, 1994; Allen, Kuperminc, & Moore,
meaning of the conflict to the child and differ- 1997!. The presence of discord between par-
ences in the strategies that the child employs ents may stimulate discomfort for adoles-
to cope with internal distress or family ten- cents, but their reaction to this discomfort
sions. A leading theoretical framework, the may be shaped by their attempts to balance
emotional security hypothesis ~Davies & Cum- strivings toward autonomy and relatedness.
mings, 1994!, suggests that interparental con- For example, an adolescent might feel needed
flict makes children feel less emotionally as a peacemaker within the family and, as a
secure in their families and that children’s re- consequence, inhibit his or her moves toward
sponses are shaped by desires to reduce expo- greater independence. Older or more autono-
sure to further conflict and to experience less mous adolescents may be less worried about
vulnerability and more security. Two common the potential consequences of interparental
types of child responses to quarreling parents hostility for their well-being and, therefore,
~aggressive and facilitative behaviors! can be less affected by their parents’ discord. It is
viewed as different strategies to reestablish also possible that adolescent strivings for au-
the child’s sense of security and control. A tonomy, particularly those marked by hostil-
492 M. S. Schulz et al.

ity, could be a stimulus for conflict between family behaviors. The first dimension is the
parents. In the present study, we explored capacity to tolerate, experience, and acknowl-
whether the degree of covariation between edge a range of affective states, which we
interparental hostility and adolescent hostile refer to as Affective Tolerance. The second
or facilitating responses in each interaction dimension focuses on the adolescent’s ability
changed as the adolescent aged during the 2 to modulate his or her behavioral and expres-
years of the study. sive reactivity to negative emotional arousal,
which we call Modulation of Emotional Ex-
pression. This latter dimension captures the
The Influence of Emotion Regulatory
capacity to control or modify one’s expression
Capacities and Parenting Quality
of negative emotions to achieve personal and
Aware of the variability across children in their social goals ~Schulz & Lazarus, in press!. Both
reactions to interparental conflict, investiga- of these dimensions have been cited in previ-
tors have begun to explore factors that may ous reviews of the literature as indicative of
shape a child’s particular response. Coping healthy emotion regulation ~e.g., Cole, Michel,
theory and research ~Lazarus & Folkman, & Teti, 1994!.
1984! suggest that personal resources avail- We expected that variations in adolescents’
able to an individual, such as a sense of self- capacities to tolerate negative affect and to
efficacy or temperamental strengths, are an modulate their emotional expression would be
important determinant of coping choices. Be- predictive of whether adolescents were more
cause exposure to interparental conflict may likely to respond to interparental discord with
stimulate negative affect, it is especially im- hostility or with positive engagement. More
portant to consider the role of individual dif- specifically, we hypothesized that stronger
ferences in children’s capacities to regulate emotional regulatory capacities would be as-
emotion ~Crockenberg & Langrock, 2001; sociated with less hostility and more positive
Davies and Cummings, 1994; Maughan & Cic- engagement in the context of increased inter-
chetti, 2002!. Katz and Gottman ~1995! have parental hostility.
provided evidence that individual differences To understand fully the effects of marital
in parasympathetic nervous system reactivity conflict on children’s behavior it is helpful to
~vagal tone!, which may index emotion regu- consider the influence of hostile parenting
latory capacities, are linked with differential ~Gordis, Margolin, & John, 1997!. Parent–
adaptation in the face of marital conflict. They child and interparental behaviors occur in the
found that children with low vagal tone showed context of a complicated family system and
a strong link between the amount of marital both are likely to shape adolescents’ own be-
hostility displayed by their parents and sub- havior in their families ~e.g., Margolin, Gor-
sequent displays of externalizing behavior, but dis, & John, 2001; McHale & Cowan, 1996!.
no such link was present among children with Besides affecting children directly, marital hos-
high vagal tone. Kerig ~1998! found that the tility may influence children’s behavior indi-
ability to soothe oneself during interparental rectly by “spilling over” into parenting ~Erel
conflict protected girls from increased anxiety & Burman, 1995!. In the current study, we
in the face of marital conflict. Other research- examined whether hostile parenting in the con-
ers have linked difficult temperament and ag- text of the family interactions mediated year–
gressive personality traits, factors related to year links between marital hostility and
emotion regulatory abilities, to greater reac- adolescent behavior in these interactions.
tivity to interadult anger ~Cummings et al., The general emotional tone of parents’ be-
1985; Easterbrooks et al., 1994!. havior toward the child may also shape ~i.e.,
In the present study, two dimensions of emo- moderate! adolescents’ responses to their par-
tion regulation were examined as moderating ents’ discord ~Katz & Gottman, 1997!. So-
factors that may help adolescents weather hos- cialization theories ~Bandura, 1977; Emery,
tile marital behavior and reduce their ten- 1982! suggest that marital and parenting
dency to respond to discord with negative behaviors serve as important models for
Interparental hostility 493

children’s social behavior both within and out- nerability factor ~poor emotion regulatory
side the family. Moreover, repeated exposure capacities! on these links.
to hostile parenting may foster or heighten an Both theory and prior research suggest that
adolescent’s sense of emotional insecurity and gender may influence children’s responses to
thereby engender greater sensitivity to inter- interparental conflict, but empirical findings in
parental conflict ~Cummings, Davies, & this area are inconsistent, and there is uncer-
Campbell, 2000!. In the current study, we hy- tainty about how children’s age may influence
pothesized that adolescents whose parents were any gender effects ~Crockenberg & Langrock,
generally more hostile toward their children 2001; Fincham & Grych, 2001; Osborne & Fin-
would be more likely to respond to interpa- cham, 1996!. Some have speculated that gen-
rental discord with more hostile and fewer der role socialization patterns may make it more
constructive responses. likely that boys respond to interparental con-
flict with aggressive behavior and that girls re-
spond with sadness or with attempts to repair
Additional Sources of Variation the parental relationship ~Davis et al., 1998!.
in Adolescents’ Responses to Although there is some evidence for this gen-
Interparental Conflict der pattern in younger children ~Cummings et al.,
1985, 1989; Greene &Anderson, 1999!, the few
Previous studies suggest that the link between studies examining this question in adolescence
marital conflict and child behavioral difficul- suggest the impact of gender may be different
ties is stronger in clinical samples than in among older children. Cummings et al. ~1991!
community-based samples ~Emery & O’Leary, found that adolescent girls displayed aggres-
1984; Jouriles et al., 1991; Reid & Crisafulli, sive behavior patterns during family inter-
1990!. Although this elevated link may merely actions to the same extent as adolescent boys.
reflect the likelihood of increased behavior Davis et al. ~1998! found that adolescent girls
problems in samples that seek or are referred were as likely as adolescent boys to respond to
for treatment, it may also reflect vulnerabili- interparental conflict with aggressive behav-
ties linked with psychopathology that may iors. In the current study, we explored the role
increase children’s risk for problematic func- of gender in shaping adolescents’ constructive
tioning in the face of marital conflict. Poor and aggressive responses to interparental
emotion regulatory abilities, which are a conflict.
hallmark of a wide range of emotional and
behavioral disorders, may be one of these vul-
nerabilities. Prior research and theory also sug-
gest links between child psychopathology and
particular responses to interparental conflict
~Crockenberg & Langrock, 2001; Davis et al., Seventy-two two-parent families participated
1998!. To clarify questions about the role of in the study. These families were drawn from
psychopathology, we explored links between the Adolescent and Family Development
interparental hostility and adolescents’ behav- Project, a longitudinal study of psychological
ior in a sample that was chosen to encompass development ~see details in Hauser, Powers,
a wide range of adolescent and family func- & Noam, 1991!. Adolescents were age 14–15
tioning. Half of the participants in our study ~M ! 14.6 years! upon entering the study and
were experiencing serious psychiatric difficul- were members of primarily Caucasian middle-
ties at the start of the study, putting both the class and upper middle-class families. Thirty-
adolescents and their families under consider- seven of these adolescents ~21 girls, 16 boys!
able strain. The sample for this study allows were recruited from the freshman class of a
us to clarify the nature of interparental conflict0 local high school, and 35 ~19 girls, 16 boys!
child behavior links across the two groups were recruited during an in-patient psychiat-
and to compare the moderating impact of psy- ric hospitalization. The psychiatric group was
chiatric background and a more specific vul- drawn from consecutive early adolescent in-
494 M. S. Schulz et al.

patient admissions to a psychiatric hospital. ual interviews, a family interaction task with
The predominant diagnoses of the hospital- their parents, and completion of questionnaires.
ized adolescents were mood or disruptive be-
havior disorders. The high school sample was Adolescent semistructured interview. This
selected from a larger group of volunteers to semistructured 1-hr interview consisted of
match the characteristics of the psychiatric open-ended questions that probed for adoles-
sample with respect to age, gender, birth or- cents’ descriptions of their current lives and
der, number of siblings, and whether one or past experiences, including relationships with
two parents were living in the home ~Hauser parents and siblings, friendships, school, and
et al., 1991!. The only demographic criterion other activities ~Hauser, 1978!. Adolescents
on which the samples differed was socioeco- were asked explicitly about how they man-
nomic status ~higher for the high school sam- aged the feelings that arose in each of these
ple!. The adolescents in these 72 families are areas. Participants were interviewed by clini-
a subset of the adolescents from the 146 orig- cally trained interviewers ~psychiatrists, psy-
inal families participating in the Adolescent chologists, and social workers! who were blind
and Family Development Project. to all other assessments of the adolescents ~in-
Given the current study’s focus on interpa- cluding the family interactions!. Interviews
rental conflict, all adolescents living in single were audiotaped and transcribed for later
parent homes ~n ! 57! were excluded from coding.
the current study, leaving 89 eligible families.
In 17 additional families, there was either only Family interaction task. Adolescents and their
one parent present for all three of the family parents participated in a “revealed-differences”
interactions required for this study or they did task ~Strodtbeck, 1951! designed to present
not participate at all in the family interaction families with the challenge of acknowledging
component of the larger study. In the 72 re- and discussing differences of opinion. Family
maining families, 59 of the families provided members first completed a Kohlberg Moral
data in each of the three years of the study, Judgment Interview ~Colby, Kohlberg, & Can-
eight families provided data in 2 of the years, dee, 1986! independently of one another. In
and five families provided data in only 1 year. this interview, specific moral dilemmas were
Parents were married in all 72 families, and presented in story form and the participant
all but two of these marriages remained intact was asked to state his or her opinion about
across the 3 years of the study. The great ma- how the dilemma should be resolved. Two
jority of families included two biological par- new dilemmas were presented each year to
ents. Sixteen percent of families in the high avoid tedium and repetition of answers. Each
school group and 20% of families in the psy- dilemma had structured follow-up questions
chiatric group consisted of one biological par- linked with it. The family was then assembled
ent and one step-parent. Analyses presented so that they could be told about differences
below used all available data.1 among family members in their responses to
the Moral Judgment Interview. Three differ-
ences were presented in the following order:
Procedure Mother and Adolescent versus Father, Father
Each year, when they were age 14, 15, and 16, and Adolescent versus Mother, and Mother
adolescents came to the laboratory for individ- and Father versus Adolescent. For each differ-
ence, the family was instructed to take 10 min
1. The main analyses for this paper used HLM, which to defend their individual positions and then
makes effective use of all available data from each attempt to reach a consensus that represented
individual participant and from the sample as a whole the entire family. Presentation of these differ-
to increase the reliability of parameter estimates at
ences and the ensuing family discussions lasted
both the individual and sample levels ~Raudenbush &
Bryk, 2002!. For this reason, even the families with for 40– 45 min. Audiotapes of the family dis-
only 1 year of interaction data were included in the cussions were carefully transcribed for later
analyses. coding ~see Hauser, Powes, Naom, Jacobson,
Interparental hostility 495

Weiss, & Follansbee, 1984; Hauser et al., 1991, mation results in a weighted percentage ~re-
for more detailed description of the family call that strong exemplars are coded as 2! of
procedure!. speech turns for that adolescent ~or parent
dyad! that were coded as hostile. In effect,
scores were weighted to account for the inten-
sity as well as the frequency of hostile speech
Adolescent behaviors toward parents, inter- turns ~see Luborsky, 1998, for a similar weight-
parental hostility, and parenting hostility. The ing procedure!. Adolescent Hostility was
Constraining and Enabling Coding System thus computed as the weighted percentage of
~CECS; Allen et al., 1994; Hauser et al., 1984; adolescent–father and adolescent–mother
Hauser, Powers, Weiss–Perry, Follansbee, Ra- speech turns that were hostile. Interparental
japark, Greene, Waters, Levine, & Jurecic, Hostility was computed as the weighted per-
1992! was applied to transcripts of family in- centage of mother–father and father–mother
teractions to measure adolescent hostile and speech turns that were coded as hostile. Par-
facilitating behaviors toward parents, hostil- enting Hostility was the weighted percentage
ity between parents, and parents’ hostility to of the mother’s and father’s speech turns to
their adolescent. This microanalytic coding the adolescent that were coded as devaluing
system categorizes individual speech turns in or judgmental. Adolescent Enabling, a mea-
terms of the extent to which they either inter- sure of constructive engagement, was com-
fere with ~constrain! or facilitate ~enable! fam- puted as the weighted percentage of total
ily members discussing one another’s thoughts adolescent speech turns that were coded as
and feelings. Coders note the source and explaining, focusing, problem solving, curios-
target of the behavior0speech for each turn ity, acceptance, or active understanding.
~adolescent to father, adolescent to mother, Previous studies using these data have re-
etc.! and the specific type of constraining or ported satisfactory interrater reliabilities for
enabling behavior. If a speech turn is a par- these codes ~agreement for the hostility codes
ticularly strong exemplar of the category be- averaged 98% and for the facilitating codes
ing coded, it is assigned a score of 2; a score 89%! and provided evidence of construct and
of 1 is assigned to typical exemplars of that predictive validity ~Allen et al., 1994; Hauser
code. et al., 1984, 1991!. For example, Allen and
Hostility was indexed by combining CECS colleagues ~1994! have shown that there were
constraining codes for devaluing and judgmen- expectable linkages between parent and ado-
tal. Speech coded as devaluing is character- lescent variables obtained from the CECS and
ized by belittling, criticism, mocking sarcasm, macroanalytically coded family variables ob-
or derogatory or condescending language. tained from another family coding system, the
Judgmental speech involves a punitive nega- Autonomy and Relatedness System.
tive evaluation of another’s ideas, feelings, or As would be expected, adolescents in the
character. Particularly strong exemplars of present study whose speech turns were gener-
judgmental speech are characterized by con- ally more hostile were less likely to display
demnatory global judgments of rightness and enabling speech than those who were gener-
wrongness presented in a dogmatic and reject- ally less hostile, rs ~72! ! ".46, p , .001.
ing manner. For hostile speech to be coded Parents who generally displayed more hostil-
as a strong examplar ~2!, it must be clearly ity to their children were much more likely to
insulting and antagonistic ~e.g., “You would have displayed hostility toward each other, rs
have to be an idiot to believe that”! rather than ~72! ! .70, p , .001. The magnitude of this
merely insinuating hostility. To account for between-family association points to the im-
variability in the number of speech turns across portance of examining the degree to which
families and to provide a meaningful metric any within-family connections among interpa-
we divided the total score for the relevant rental hostility and adolescent behavior across
code by the total number of speech turns for the 3 years of the study are independent of or
that adolescent ~or parent dyad!. This transfor- mediated by parent-to-child hostility.
496 M. S. Schulz et al.

Adolescent emotion regulatory capacities. The r ~72! ! .61, p , .01, which indicates that
Haan ~1977, 1993! Q-Sort of Defending and these two emotion regulation scales share about
Coping Processes was used to code the tran- 37% of their variance in common. The mod-
scripts of the adolescent open-ended inter- erate degree of overlap suggests the impor-
views at ages 14, 15, and 16. These interviews tance of examining the scales simultaneously
are distinct from the Moral Judgment Inter- to determine the independent contribution of
views described above. Coders who were blind each to adolescent behaviors in the presence
to all other data sorted 60 descriptors into of interparental hostility.
forced distributions with nine piles ~from “most Evidence for the validity of these scales is
descriptive” to “least descriptive”!. The aver- derived from their links to adolescents’ psy-
age interrater reliability was .68, indicating chiatric backgrounds and to the adolescents’
satisfactory reliability ~Roston, Lee, & Vail- typical ~3-year average! enabling or hostile
lant, 1992!. Eighteen of the 60 descriptors in behavior in family interactions. Adolescents
the Q-Sort were judged relevant to capturing with psychiatric backgrounds were rated as
two dimensions of adolescents’ capacity to having less tolerance for negative affect,
regulate emotion. Ten of the items described t ~70! ! 7.67, p , .01, and less ability to
the capacity to experience and recall a range modulate their emotional expression, t ~70! !
of negative feelings ~e.g., unable to recall 8.47, p , .01, than their high school peers.
painful experiences, focuses attention on Modulation of emotion expression was signif-
pleasant aspects of problems and ignores oth- icantly linked in the expected directions with
ers, ignores aspects of situations that are adolescents’ typical levels of facilitating be-
potentially threatening @all reverse scored# !. havior ~rs ! .30, p ! .01!, and hostility ~rs !
Eight of the items captured the ability to ".28, p ! .02!. Greater affective tolerance
modulate emotional and behavioral reactions was linked with more overall facilitating be-
when challenged by difficulty or when expe- havior ~rs ! .29, p ! .02!, and less overall
riencing distressing feelings ~e.g., controls ex- hostile behavior, but the latter link was not
pression of affective reactions when not significant ~rs ! ".14, p ! .25!.
appropriate to express them, regulates expres-
sion of feelings proportionate to the situation,
inhibits his0her reactions for the time being Results
when appropriate!. High internal consistency
was obtained for both of these two scales ~a ! Table 1 lists the means and standard devia-
.94–.97 over the 3 years of the study!. A prin- tions for the key study variables. As would be
cipal axis factor analysis at each time period expected in a family problem-solving task, the
of all 60 Q-Sort items yielded scales that were devaluing and critical behaviors characteristic
largely consistent with the rationally derived of hostile speech were generally in evidence
scales. at a much lower frequency than enabling ~fa-
The 3-year average on each of the two scales cilitating! behaviors. Coders identified at least
was used in analyses to capture a reliable in- some enabling behavior by the adolescents in
dicator of enduring differences in adoles- all of the family interactions, and they noted
cents’ capacities to regulate emotion. Use of some adolescent hostility toward their parents
these averages is supported by correlational in 62% of the family interactions. The typical
analyses that indicated consistent between- adolescent was rated as expressing hostility
adolescent differences in emotion regulation toward his or her parent in nearly one of every
across the 3 years of the study. Average corre- 20 speech turns.2 Parents were seen as display-
lations over the 3 years ~i.e., Time 1 with
Time 2 and with Time 3, and Time 2 with
2. The weighted percentage was actually 5%, but be-
Time 3! were .58 for Affective Tolerance and
cause speech turns that were strong exemplars of a
.59 for Modulation of Emotional Expression. category were weighted with a score of 2 in the coding
The correlation between Affect Tolerance and system, the actual percentage of speech turns rated as
Modulation of Emotional Expression was hostile was less than 5%.
Interparental hostility 497

Table 1. Means and standard deviations of emotion regulatory capacities

and family behaviors

Emotion Regulation
Capacities Family Behaviors
~n ! 72! ~n ! 179–181!

Affect of Emotional Adolescent Adolescent Interparental Parenting
Tolerance Expression Enabling Hostility Hostility Hostility

Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

5.57 1.77 4.79 1.27 1.29 0.22 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.03

Note: Family behaviors are presented as the weighted proportion of total speech turns for the adolescent or couple that
received the code in each category.

ing devaluing or critical behaviors toward the study than the psychiatric group. No sig-
their adolescent child in three quarters of nificant differences were found between the
the interactions and devaluing or critical two groups in the overall percentages of ad-
behaviors toward each other in more than half olescent, interparental or parenting hostility.
of the interactions. The exchanges between There were no gender differences in emotion
some parents in these family interactions regulatory capacities or in the overall percent-
included a substantial percentage of hostility ages of adolescent and parental family
~the weighted percentages ranged as high behaviors.
as 37%! and some adolescents were repeat- Before investigating the within-family
edly hostile toward their parents ~scores covariation of parental hostility and adoles-
ranged as high as 54%!. A close look at cent behavior across the 2 years of the study,
the actual distributions for the Adolescent, we conducted more traditional between-
Parenting and Interparental Hostility vari- subjects correlational analyses ~see Table 2!.
ables revealed classic Poisson distributions These analyses examined whether the chil-
~see Breslow & Clayton, 1993! that cannot be dren of couples who generally displayed
transformed to approximate normality. Hier- more interparental or parent-to-child hostil-
archical generalized linear modeling ~HGLM! ity generally showed more hostile or en-
can be applied to Poisson distributions abling behaviors during family interactions
~Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Raudenbush, than the children of less hostile parents. To
Bryk, Cheong, & Congdon, 2000! and was implement these analyses, we aggregated
used in the principal analyses predicting each family behavior score across the three
hostile adolescent behavior. Because of the interactions ~by taking the mean! to obtain
skewed distributions, Spearman rank cor- a reliable indicator of differences across fam-
relations were used to examine zero-order, ilies on each of these scales. Interparental
between-subjects associations with these and parent-to-child hostility were signifi-
variables. cantly correlated with adolescent hostility but
There was a marginally significant differ- not with adolescent enabling behaviors. Par-
ence in the percentage of enabling behavior ents who generally displayed more hostility
displayed by the two groups of adolescents, to each other or to their child were more likely
t ~70! ! 1.92, p ! .06; on average, the high than less hostile parents to have adolescents
school group displayed a higher percentage who generally displayed hostility toward the
of enabling behavior across the 2 years of parents.
498 M. S. Schulz et al.

Table 2. Spearman rank correlations Enabling it is the adolescent’s enabling behav-

between adolescent family behaviors and ior in Family i’s interaction at time t ~t ! 1, 2,
parents’ hostile family behaviors (N ! 72) or 3!. Individual differences across adoles-
cents in their typical amount of enabling be-
Adolescent Interparental Parenting havior in the family interactions are captured
Behaviors Hostility Hostility
by p0i , and eit represents unexplained varia-
Hostility .23* .36** tion in adolescent i’s enabling at each time
Enabling .04 .14 point. To account for linear changes in partici-
pants’ behavior in the interaction tasks over
**p , .01. *p ! .05. the 3 years that might be related to develop-
mental growth or practice effects associated
with repeating similar family interaction tasks,
year of the study ~1, 2, or 3! was entered as a
Covariation of interparental hostility and
covariate in the Level 1 equation.
adolescent behavior: Within-family
In HLM, the Level 1 parameters estimated
multilevel analyses
for each family are pooled at Level 2 to ob-
Covariation between adolescent behavior and tain sample estimates. The slopes represent-
interparental discord from interaction to in- ing covariation between interparental hostility
teraction was examined using an HLM ap- and adolescent enabling behaviors were al-
proach ~Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002!. This lowed to vary randomly across families in
approach permits simultaneous examination the Level 2 model. This Level 2 equation can
of within-family covariation ~Level 1! of in- be written as
terparental conflict and adolescent behavior
over the three time points and examination p1i ! b10 # r, ~2!
of between-family variation ~Level 2! in the
degree to which interparental conflict and ad- where b10 represents the pooled estimate for
olescent behavior covary. Level 1 models pro- the whole sample of covariation between in-
vide estimates of covariation for each family. terparental hostility and adolescent enabling
The Level 1 estimates for each family are then behavior, and r captures residual error.3
treated as dependent variables in the Level 2 All model estimates were made using the
equations to derive estimates of covariation HLM 5 computer program ~version 5.04;
for the sample as a whole. The maximum like- Raudenbush et al., 2000!. The models esti-
lihood procedure used to estimate HLM mod- mated for hostile adolescent family behaviors
els incorporates weighting algorithms that help were identical to the enabling model with one
to improve the precision of the estimated pa- exception. The distribution for hostile adoles-
rameters for the sample as a whole ~Kenny, cent behaviors approximated a Poisson distri-
Kashy, & Bolger, 1998; Raudenbush & Bryk, bution commonly produced by count data, so
2002!. the GLM extension of HLM ~HGLM! for count
The Level 1 model for adolescent hostility data ~see Breslow & Clayton, 1993; Rauden-
and interparental enabling behavior in each bush et al., 2000, Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002!
family can be written as was used to estimate these models. The coef-
ficients estimated for adolescent hostile behav-
Adolescent Enabling it iors are presented in logged units so that the
! p0i # p1i ~Interparental Hostility!it direction of change in adolescent hostile be-
# p2i ~year! # eit . ~1! havior associated with a 1-unit increase in in-

Of particular interest is p1i , which is the ex- 3. The slope capturing linear growth was viewed as a
fixed effect at Level 2 because all the available de-
pected increase in Adolescent i’s enabling be- grees of freedom were already used by allowing the
havior associated with a unit increase in Level 1 intercept and interparental hostility parameter
interparental hostility in Family i. Adolescent to vary randomly across families.
Interparental hostility 499

Table 3. HLM estimates of within-family covariation between interparental

hostility and adolescent family behavior over three discussions

Adolescent Behavior

b10 SE t reffect

Model 1: adolescent hostility a

Interparental hostility 3.078* 1.250 2.46 .28
Year "0.093 0.102 "0.91 ".07
Model 2: adolescent enabling
Interparental hostility 0.331† 0.189 1.75 .20
Year 0.014 0.014 1.02 .07

a Estimated coefficients for adolescent hostility are in logged units.

*p ! .01. †p , .1.

terparental hostility can be easily interpreted haviors across the 2 years of the study were
~positive coefficients indicate increases in ad- small and statistically insignificant.
olescent hostile behavior and negative coeffi-
cients indicate decreases!.
Direction of influence
HLM analyses summarized in Table 3 in-
dicate that, in the years in which parents di- The results summarized in Table 3 indicate
rected more hostile exchanges toward each that there is covariation across the three inter-
other, their adolescent children were more hos- actions between interparental hostility and the
tile toward the parents than in years in which two adolescent behaviors. They do not, how-
there was less interparental hostility. The ever, indicate a direction of influence. Al-
adolescents also exhibited more enabling be- though we are particularly interested in the
haviors in the family discussions in which influence of interparental hostility on adoles-
their parents exchanged more hostility, al- cent family behavior, it is possible that inter-
though this link was only marginally signifi- parental hostility escalates in response to
cant. The t ratios, which are derived by dividing adolescent hostility and enabling behaviors.
estimated parameters by their standard errors, In an attempt to examine the direction of in-
can be converted to effect size correlations fluence we conducted additional analyses. We
~reffect ! to give a clearer indication of the mag- split each interaction into two parts. Interpa-
nitude of these associations ~Karney & Brad- rental hostility and adolescent hostility and
bury, 1997; Kurdek, 1998; O’Brien & Peyton, enabling scores for each period were calcu-
2002; Rosnow & Rosenthal, 2002!. The reffect lated. New HLM analyses were run in which
of .28 for adolescent hostility represents a interparental or adolescent behavior from the
moderately strong effect while the reffect of .20 first part of each interaction was used to pre-
for adolescent enabling represents a small– dict particular behaviors in the second part of
moderate effect ~Cohen, 1988!. These effects the interaction after controlling for the behav-
are impressive given the number of factors ior displayed in the first part of the inter-
that might influence changes in adolescents’ action. Thus, for example, we investigated
behaviors from year to year in these struc- whether interparental hostility in the first part
tured family interaction tasks. The analyses of the three interactions was linked with ado-
also indicated that there were no systematic lescent hostility in the second part of the three
developmental changes in the amount of hos- interactions after controlling for adolescent
tility or enabling adolescents displayed across hostility in the first part of the interactions.
their adolescence. The parameters estimating None of the four models estimated ~adoles-
linear changes in both of these adolescent be- cent hostility or enabling in the second half as
500 M. S. Schulz et al.

a function of interparental hostility in the first adolescent behavior over the 2 years of the study
half, interparental hostility in the second half might be due to the independent or mediated
as a function of adolescent hostility or en- influence of parenting hostility. To examine this
abling in the first half ! yielded significant re- question, we incorporated parenting hostility
sults indicating that a consistent direction of as an additional predictor into the Level 1 mod-
influence was not present despite evidence of els described above ~Equation 1!.4 Parenting
covariation. hostility did not have a statistically significant
independent relationship with adolescent en-
abling ~ b ! ".85, p ! .13! over and above the
Developmental trends in the covariation
influence of interparental hostility and year in
of interparental hostility and adolescent
the study. Importantly, after accounting for the
influence of parenting hostility, interparental
Although the results in Table 3 indicate that there hostility still covaried significantly with ado-
was no linear developmental trend in adoles- lescent enabling across the 2 years of the study.
cent enabling or hostile behaviors across the 2 Parenting hostility did have a significant, in-
years of the study, it is possible that the degree dependent association ~ b!14.70, p , .01! with
of covariation between interparental hostility adolescent hostility; that is, in years that par-
and these adolescent behaviors changed as the ents displayed more hostility toward their child,
adolescents got older. To investigate this pos- the adolescent also displayed relatively more
sibility, we added an interaction term ~Year in hostility toward the parents. After accounting
Study $ Interparental Hostility! into the Level for the influence of parenting hostility, inter-
1 HLM model ~Equation 1! as an additional parental hostility no longer significantly covar-
predictor. For the adolescent enabling model, ied with adolescent hostility across the 2 years
the interaction term was not significant ~ b ! of the study. The latter finding suggests that
".02, p ! .94! and for the adolescent hostility parenting hostility may mediate the link be-
model it was significant ~ b ! "3.48, p ! .04!. tween interparental and adolescent hostility and
The significant interaction term suggests that that it also has independent connections with
the link between adolescent and interparental adolescent hostility.
hostility across the 2 years of adolescence
depends, in part, on the age of the adolescent.
As adolescents aged, they were less likely to Explaining variation across families in the
show hostility in the discussions in which their link between interparental hostility and
parents also displayed hostility toward each adolescent behavior
Additional HLM analyses were conducted to
examine individual- and family-based factors
Does parenting hostility mediate the
that might moderate the year–year relation-
within-family association between
ship between interparental hostility and ado-
interparental hostility and adolescent lescents’ family behavior. We were particularly
interested in examining whether adolescents’
Particularly in the context of triadic family in- emotional regulatory capacities were related
teractions, hostility between parents might be to differences across families in the degree to
linked to children’s behavior in part through its which interparental hostility and adolescent
influence on parenting ~e.g., Erel & Burman, behaviors covaried over the three discussions.
1995!. Parenting hostility may also have its own Affective Tolerance and Modulation of Emo-
independent association with adolescent be- tional Expression were added to the basic Level
havior. Because parenting hostility and inter- 2 model identified in Equation 2. Three addi-
parental hostility were highly correlated at a tional variables were also incorporated into
between-family level in this study, it is impor- the Level 2 equation so that the effect of the
tant to examine whether the within-family co-
variation between interparental hostility and 4. Parenting hostility was entered as a fixed effect.
Interparental hostility 501

Table 4. HLM estimates of the moderating influence of emotion regulatory capacities,

gender, psychiatric status, and parenting hostility on the covariation of interparental
hostility and adolescent behavior

Model 1 a Model 2

b SE t reffect b SE t reffect

Affective tolerance "0.611 0.800 "0.77 ".09 0.251* 0.131 1.92 .23
Modulation of "2.130* 0.944 "2.26 ".27 0.176 0.170 1.03 .13
emot. expr.
Gender ~female! 6.119** 2.005 3.05 .29 "0.398 0.324 "1.23 .15
Psychiatric status "5.056 3.373 "1.50 ".18 0.616 0.528 1.17 .14
Parenting hostility 151.163** 46.277 3.27 .37 "12.22† 6.584 "1.86 .22

Note: Model 1, interparental hostility0adolescent hostility; Model 2, interparental hostility0adolescent overall enabling.
a Estimated coefficients for adolescent hostility are in logged units.

**p , .01. *p ! .05. †p , .1.

emotional regulatory capacities was exam- less likely to display hostility during family
ined after controlling for the influence of interactions that were filled with greater inter-
parent–child hostility, psychiatric history, and parental hostility. In contrast, adolescents seen
gender.5 The 2-year average in hostility di- as being more able to tolerate a range of emo-
rected by both mother and father toward the tions were more likely to engage positively
adolescent in the three family discussions was ~using enabling behaviors! in the family inter-
included in the Level 2 equation, as were action task when their parents exchanged more
dummy variables distinguishing the psychiat- hostile remarks with each other. The effect
ric sample from the high school sample ~1 ! sizes of these associations approached a mod-
psychiatric! and boys from girls ~1 ! girls!. erate level of strength as defined by Cohen
Results of these analyses are summarized ~1988!.
in Table 4. As predicted, adolescent emotional The analyses also indicated that adolescent
regulatory abilities were related to the degree gender and the typical level of hostility that
to which the adolescents showed more hostil- parents displayed toward the adolescents were
ity or enabling behavior when their parents linked to variations in adolescents’ behavior
engaged in more hostile exchanges with each in the presence of interparental hostility. Girls
other. The two types of emotion regulatory were more likely than boys to display in-
capacities assessed had unique moderating ef- creased hostility in discussions in which there
fects. Adolescents who were rated by coders was greater interparental hostility. As antici-
in independent interviews as being more able pated, the adolescents whose parents were typ-
to modulate their emotional and behavioral ically more hostile toward them displayed
reactions when challenged or distressed were significantly more hostile behaviors and, at a
trend level, fewer constructive behaviors when
their mothers and fathers showed more hostil-
ity toward each other. Psychiatric history did
5. All of the Level 2 variables can be conceptualized as
potential moderators of the connection between inter- not moderate the relationship within families
parental hostility and adolescent behaviors. In fact, between interparental hostility and adolescent
Equation 1 and the expanded Equation 2 can be com- behaviors; that is, after controlling for emo-
bined algebraically into one equation that would in- tion regulatory abilities, hostile parenting and
clude product terms ~representing interactions between
gender, adolescents in the psychiatric and non-
interparental hostility and each of the Level 2 predic-
tors identified above! familiar to those who have in- psychiatric groups did not differ in the extent
vestigated interactions in traditional regression-based to which their behaviors were linked with lev-
approaches ~see Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002!. els of interparental hostility.
502 M. S. Schulz et al.

Discussion itating responses in the presence of interparental

discord. Compared with adolescents who were
This study examined the covariation of ob- judged as less able to experience and acknowl-
served interparental hostility and adolescent edge negative feelings, those who were seen as
behavior in families during three separate better able to tolerate a range of feeling states
family interactions over a 2-year period. As were more likely to show an increase in facil-
predicted, family interactions with more inter- itating behaviors when interparental hostility
parental hostility were accompanied by more increased.Adolescents who were judged as bet-
expression of hostility toward parents by ado- ter able to modulate their emotional expression
lescents. More interparental hostility was also and behavior when experiencing negative feel-
linked, at a trend level, with more attempts by ings were less likely than adolescents with dif-
adolescents to engage positively in the family’s ficulties modulating their emotions to show
assigned task of discussing moral dilemmas. increased hostility when their parents’ behav-
These linkages did not differ across the psy- ior toward each other became more hostile.
chiatric and nonpsychiatric cohorts of adoles- These findings are consistent with other em-
cents in our sample, suggesting that we have pirical evidence that suggests that emotion reg-
identified a common pattern of adolescent be- ulatory abilities and related constructs, such as
havior in the presence of interparental hostil- temperament or vagal tone, are linked with dif-
ity that is robust across varying levels of ferential responses in the face of marital con-
psychological functioning. flict ~Cummings et al., 1985; Easterbrooks et al.,
Analyses directed at disentangling the di- 1994; Katz & Gottman, 1995; Kerig, 1988;
rection of influence underlying the covariation Maughan & Cicchetti, 2002!.
between interparental hostility and adolescent In our analyses, the degree of covariation
behavior showed no consistent directional between adolescent and interparental hostility
influence. This may reflect causal processes depended, in part, on the age of the adolescent
operating in both directions. It may also partly at the time of the family interactions. As the
reflect methodological limitations that we adolescents got older, they were less likely to
discuss below. The findings do, however, indi- display hostility in discussions in which their
cate that adolescent hostile and facilitating parents also displayed hostility toward each
behaviors changed in step with interparental other. This developmental trend may reflect in-
hostility, which is consistent with past research creasing emotion regulatory control over ex-
suggesting that interparental conflict is emo- pression across adolescence ~Grych & Cardoza–
tionally disequilibrating and that behaviors Fernandes, 2001! or it may reflect changes in
enacted in its presence might be motivated the significance of marital discord for adoles-
by attempts to regulate this emotional strain cents as they mature ~Kerig, 2001!. Older or
~Crockenberg & Forgays, 1996; Crockenberg more autonomous adolescents may be less
& Langrock, 2001; Davies & Cummings, 1998!. worried about the potential consequences of
Hostile and positive engagement behaviors in the discord for their well-being and, therefore,
the face of interparental hostility may serve sim- less affected by their parents’ conflict. It is also
ilar functions for the adolescent. Adolescents possible that increasing adolescent age and au-
who are knocked off balance emotionally by tonomy result in generally less reciprocity of
parents’ discord might seek to regain a sense of behavioral exchanges within families.
emotional security by responding either with As we expected, the quality of parent-to-
hostile actions that attempt to assert some con- child behavior also played an important role
trol over the situation or with attempts to refo- in predicting adolescent behaviors in the fam-
cus the parents on the task at hand and thereby ily interactions. Children who were generally
reduce the likelihood of further interparental exposed to more hostile parenting were signif-
discord. icantly more likely to use hostile strategies
The findings from this study indicate that and marginally less likely to use constructive
emotion regulatory capacities may help deter- strategies in the presence of interparental hos-
mine whether adolescents use hostile or facil- tility. In this respect, overall parenting is a
Interparental hostility 503

moderator of the covariation across time of fact of psychiatric hospitalization. Second,

marital hostility and adolescent behavior. These the predictive strength of our emotion regula-
findings are consistent with theories of social- tory variables may also be due to our rigorous
ization that suggest that children with greater measurement strategy of combining interview-
exposure to hostile behaviors come to see hos- based assessments from three separate years
tility as a viable mode of response ~Bandura, to capture an enduring characteristic of the
1977; Emery, 1982!. The results are also con- adolescents. In contrast, adolescents’ psychi-
sistent with the idea that repeated exposure to atric history may reflect a less stable marker
punitive parenting might exacerbate feelings of functioning. The links we found between
of vulnerability fostered by exposure to inter- adolescents’ emotional regulatory capacities
parental discord ~Cummings et al., 2000; Gor- and their behaviors during family discussions
dis et al., 1997; Maughan & Cicchetti, 2002!. are particularly noteworthy because of the
Children who are in a state of heightened vul- independence of the methods and data sources
nerability and who have been exposed to hos- from which these constructs were assessed.
tile role models may be more likely to take an Interviews with the adolescents were rated
aggressive path in attempting to restore their using Q-sort methodology to obtain the mea-
emotional security. sures of emotion regulatory capacities, and
Variations within families in hostile par- careful coding of yearly family interactions
enting behavior from interaction to inter- yielded ratings of parent and adolescent
action were strongly linked with hostile but behaviors.
not constructive adolescent behaviors, over The specificity of the moderating effects
and above the influence of variations in in- of the two emotion regulatory variables pro-
terparental hostility. Analyses indicated that vides support for considering affect tolerance
year–year changes in parenting hostility fully and modulation of emotion expression as sep-
mediated the link between marital hostility arate dimensions of emotion regulation, de-
and adolescent hostility but not between mar- spite their high degree of correlational overlap.
ital hostility and adolescents’ constructive be- When confronted with emotional situations,
haviors. The mediational results for adolescent adolescents regulate their emotions in an at-
hostility may reflect, in part, the idea that tempt to pursue their personal goals ~Schulz
marital hostility is likely to spill over into & Lazarus, in press!. In the context of hostile
parents’ dealings with their adolescents, re- family interactions, these goals are likely to
sulting in more hostile parenting ~Erel & Bur- include the preservation of emotional secu-
man, 1995! and more aggressive adolescent rity ~Davies & Cummings, 1994!. The mod-
behavior. These results may also reflect the erating effects of the emotion regulatory
possibility that hostility directed by parents capacities in this study are consistent with
at their children is more likely to be experi- the notion that interparental hostility is emo-
enced by the children as a personal assault tionally disequilibrating for adolescents. When
than witnessing marital discord, and is, there- faced with an emotionally challenging situa-
fore, more likely to elicit hostile responses. tion, greater comfort experiencing a range of
Psychiatric background was not directly affective states may give adolescents access
linked with variations in adolescents’ behav- to a broader repertoire of coping strategies
ior in the presence of interparental hostility, and allow them to remain engaged with oth-
although it was clearly linked with differences ers in positive ways ~Dodge, 1991!. The abil-
in adolescents’ overall emotion regulatory ca- ity to modulate behavioral and expressive
pacities. The stronger explanatory power of reactions associated with negative emotional
emotion regulatory capacities as compared to arousal may be necessary to inhibit an impul-
psychiatric history is of note, and may be due sive tendency to react to interparental con-
to two factors. First, the emotion regulatory flict with an aggressive response.
variables used in this study may tap more psy- The relatively few studies that have inves-
chologically meaningful and specific psycho- tigated gender differences in adolescent re-
logical processes than those captured by the sponses to marital discord indicate that, at this
504 M. S. Schulz et al.

age, girls may be at least as likely as boys to Because the same coders were responsible
respond to interparental conflict with hostile for rating all of the behaviors in the family
behaviors ~Cummings et al., 1991; Davis et al., interactions, it is important to consider the
1998!. We found that girls were actually more possibility that method artifacts in our re-
likely than boys to display increased hostility search design inflated the links that emerged
in the presence of increased interparental con- between interparental hostility and adolescent
flict. The effect size of this gender difference behavior. For example, coders might not dif-
was moderate in magnitude, suggesting that ferentiate the behaviors of specific family
this difference between boys and girls is mean- members from the overall tone of the family’s
ingful. Further research is warranted to clarify interaction. There are two reasons why we do
the extent and nature of these gender differ- not think such method artifacts underlie the
ences. Several investigators have suggested central findings of this study. First, at the
that one route to greater clarity about the role within-family level, interparental hostility was
of gender is to consider both the gender of the positively linked with two distinct and oppo-
child and the gender of the parent who is the sitely valenced adolescent behaviors: hostility
primary instigator of marital conflict ~Crock- and positive engagement. Second, if method
enberg & Langrock, 2001; Osborne & Fin- artifacts were driving our findings we would
cham, 1996!. have found consistent and strong associations
It is impossible from these data to be clear between interparental hostility and adolescent
about the direction of effects; that is, the ex- behaviors at the between-family level. Adoles-
tent to which adolescent behaviors influenced cent enabling was not correlated with interpa-
or were influenced by interparental hostility. rental hostility and the connection between
It is certainly plausible that parents’ hostility adolescent and interparental hostility was quite
toward each other may be stimulated by an modest. There was, however, a strong between-
adolescent’s hostility. However, it is difficult subjects link between parent-to-child hostility
to construct a plausible scenario in which par- and interparental hostility. Shared method vari-
ents’ hostility toward each other would esca- ance may have inflated this link.
late in response to increases in their child’s It is also important to note the challenges
facilitating behaviors. Thus, in the case of fa- inherent in measuring emotion regulation abil-
cilitating behaviors, one direction of influ- ities. Adolescents vary in their ability and will-
ence seems more likely than the other. ingness to label their emotional reactions and
Detailed sequential analysis of family in- to discuss emotionally salient aspects of their
teractions ~e.g., Davis et al., 1998! can pro- lives. Self-report measures of emotion regula-
vide additional information about the temporal tion are particularly vulnerable to distortions
patterns of adolescent and parental behav- linked to such individual variation but ob-
iors. However, such microlevel analyses are server ratings like the ones used in this study
not possible when examining a behavior that may also be influenced by these differences.
has a relatively low base rate. In our study, Nevertheless, we believe the results of this
the low base rate of interparental hostility re- study suggest that combining sensitive semi-
stricted us to a relatively coarse mode of ex- structured interviews and careful observa-
amining sequences ~i.e., dividing each family tional coding is an effective strategy for
interaction into two parts!. Even when base assessing meaningful differences in emotion
rates are higher, the private languages and regulation abilities.
hidden meanings that exist within any family An important strength of this study is
and the complexity of family interactions may the observation of adolescents exposed to
make it challenging to ascertain the “real” conflict between their parents rather than be-
direction of influence. For example, a seem- tween strangers. Capturing adolescents’ be-
ingly innocuous comment or shrug of a shoul- haviors when exposed to their parents’ discord
der by a parent might be perceived as hostile is likely to provide information that cannot
by an adolescent but not coded as hostile by be obtained from analog studies that use sim-
outside observers. ulated conflict. A second major strength is
Interparental hostility 505

the inclusion of observations from family in- interparental hostility and constructive ado-
teractions conducted at three points in time. lescent behavior.
Repeated observations allowed us to examine Differences in the pattern of within-family
within-family covariation between interparen- links compared to between-family links help
tal and adolescent behaviors, and in this way, narrow the field of likely mechanisms that shape
to focus specifically on potential short-term adolescents’ behavior in the presence of mari-
mechanisms linking these behaviors within tal discord. Connections between adolescent
each interaction. Compared with typical cross- behavior and marital behavior at the between-
sectional studies examining families at one family level could be due to a number of re-
point in time, repeated family observations latively long-acting or stable factors such as
and examination of within-family covariation long-term parental socialization effects or
is a labor-intensive research strategy. With- common genetic origins of personality or be-
out this focus on repeated interactions, how- havioral styles. The presence of significant as-
ever, important information about the linkages sociations at the within-family level can only
between interparental conflict and adolescent be explained by shorter term mechanisms that
behavior may be lost. When we conducted account for yearly fluctuations in adolescent
traditional between-subjects analyses compar- behavior. Emotional disequilibration linked to
ing the adolescents of generally more hostile fluctuations in interparental hostility across the
couples with adolescents of less hostile cou- three interactions is one plausible mechanism.
ples, we found no evidence of a link to the In future research, the combination of within-
frequency of adolescents’ constructive behav- family and between-family perspectives may
iors in the family tasks. Only when we con- help to refine further our understanding of the
ducted within-family analyses of repeated empirical connection between marital conflict
interactions did we find connections between and child behavior.

Allen, J. P., Hauser, S. T., Bell, K. L., & O’Connor, T. G. behavioral considerations ~Vol. 59, pp. 73–100!. Chi-
~1994!. Longitudinal assessment of autonomy and re- cago: University of Chicago Press.
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