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New Chinese Own-

ership Brings ‘Great
Change’ to Enstrom
By Ernie Stephens, Editor-at-Large

Enstrom Helicopter of Menominee, Mullins expects

Mich. used Heli-Expo 2013 in Las Ve- the system package
gas as a backdrop for the introduction to sell for approxi-
of a Garmin G1000H flight control op- mately $155,000 and MD540F on the show floor at Heli-Expo in Las Vegas. Photo by Frank Lombardi
tion for its 480B light turbine aircraft. to receive FAA certi-
The fully integrated system is primar- fication by September But in late December of 2012, the 53-
ily a flight information source that 2013.The first aircraft example will go year-old company was purchased by
provides terrain avoidance, collision to long-time customer Rick Boswell, Chongqing Helicopter Investment
awareness, weather and engine data who approached Enstrom about add- Co. (CQHIC), of Chongqing, China.
on two, panel-mounted displays. ing the system to their product line as The infusion of cash from a firm
“It’s already been flying and we’re an option. based in a region where rotorcraft
in the certification process,” Enstrom “You’re going to see a lot of new sales are expected to quadruple soon,
President Jerry Mullins explained to improvements like this.” Mullins dovetailed with Mullins’ second an-
a gathering of conference attendees. said. “It’s exciting for us.” Enstrom’s nouncement, which was the sale of
“We think it’s an innovation that’s sales figures had been suffering for 10 Enstrom helicopters to its parent
really going to propel our product to many years, mostly due to its larger, company in Chongqing. Full Story
compete in the industry.” more financially backed competition.

AgustaWestland: Tiltrotor is EC135 T3/P3 to

Future of High-Speed Vertical Lift Feature Upgrad-
ed Engines
Eurocopter uncovered its EC135 T3
and P3 variants at Heli-Expo show
in early March. The helicopters will
come equipped with two new engine
options—Turbomeca’s Arrius 2B2
“Plus” for the T3 and Pratt & Whitney
Canada’s PWC206B3 for the P3. The
company has launch customers—Air
Methods is slated to operate six EC135
P3s, Norsk Luftambulanse signed up
for six EC135 P3s and Aiut Alpin Do-
lomites is acquiring one EC135 T3 for
Aiut Alpin Dolomites. The PW206B3
AgustaWestland Project Zero tiltrotor concept. Photo courtesy AgustaWestland
for the P3 has the same engine archi-
tecture as the PW206B2, and offers up
to 10 percent more thermal takeoff
Finmeccanica subsidiary AgustaWest- rotors that can be tilted more than power in hot and high conditions.
land has uncovered its “Project Zero” 90 degrees and long wings, with an The engines will help boost takeoff
effort, which is tiltrotor a technology appearance that closer resembles a
weight and power reserves on the
demonstrator (TD). The electrically fixed-wing aircraft than a traditional
powered aircraft has two integrated helicopter. Full Story EC135 P3. Full Story

4 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■


Bell 525 Controls: ‘Just PAC Enters

Grab It and Fly It’ Brazilian
to be invited aboard.
For the technical purist, Bell did not
actually bring a “flight simulator,”
which by most definitions is a ma-
chine that moves in order to give the Helicopter transportation services
feeling of flight. Instead, it was actu- provider Metro Aviation announced
ally a “flight training device,” or FTD, a new partnership with Sao Paulo,
a learning tool that is laid out like an Brazil-based Sierra Aeronautica, mark-
actual aircraft, but has moving graph- ing its entrance into the Brazilian he-
ics instead of a moving platform. But licopter completions market.
for our purposes here, I’ll continue to The marketing partnership was
call it a simulator. formed along with PAC Internation-
The 525 simulator is more of a tech- al, a subsidiary of Metro Aviation.
nology and cockpit ergonomics con- Metro will focus on providing emer-
cept demonstrator made to stay on gency medical service (EMS) helicop-
the ground. Bell explains that a cus- ters and PAC will look to serve Brazil’s
tomer review panel meets regularly to VIP transport segment, with Sierra
discuss the progress of the aircraft’s Aeronautica providing marketing and
design, and to use the simulator to test sales support.
Bell Helicopter CEO John Garrison. Photo by Andrew Parker the outcomes. If anything disappoints Full Story
Last year, Fort Worth, Texas-based the review panel, all efforts are made
Bell Helicopter unveiled the mockup to correct the problem. Consequent-
of its model 525 “Relentless,” the air- ly, sources say that the layout of the
craft its designers call a “super medi- ARC Horizon and Garmin G-5000H
um” twin. Designed to carry up to 18 touchscreen displays in the simulator
people in a dense seating configura- have already been rearranged for air-
tion, the 10,000-to-11,000-lb. (empty craft #0001. But for now, the aircraft’s
weight) ship is being developed pri- unique fly-by-wire (FBW) side-stick
marily with the offshore support mar- configuration for the cyclic and the
ket in mind. collective are features that will reach
To assist engineers with tweaking the production model.
the 525’s handling characteristics and And I can see why. With just a cou-
flight deck ergonomics, Bell built a ple of quick and easy adjustments to
concept simulator programmed to the high-back seat and forearm rests,
duplicate as many parameters as pos- sitting in the real 525 will be like sit-
sible. The company then shipped the ting in an easy chair.
simulator to Heli-Expo 2013 in Las Full Story
Vegas in early March for attendees to
try. Rotor & Wing was one of the first

Marenco Appoints Helilite as

SH09 Distributor in Oceania
As Marenco Swisshelicopter’s SKYe SH09 progresses into prototype develop-
ment and first flight during 2013, the manufacturer has chosen Heliflite to
serve as a distributor in Australia, New Zealand and throughout Oceania.
Sydney-based Heliflite has been a Robinson distributor since 1977 and an
AgustaWestland distributor since 1997. Full Story
EC225 at Eurocopter’s booth. Photo by Frank Lombardi ■ HELI-EXPO 2013 5


Cobham Demos HeliSAS FAA Awards

Over Vegas Desert Honeywell STC
Cobham, the avionics firm based in
Mineral Wells, Texas, arrived at Heli-
shortly after its development and a
few months before it received FAA
for AW139 Zing
Expo 2013 with HeliSAS, the compa- certification. But I also accepted a FAA has approved Honeywell’s Zing
ny’s sleek autopilot system specifically second opportunity to see it perform health and usage monitoring system
designed for the light helicopter mar- over the desert outside of Las Vegas (HUMS) 1134 for supplemental type
ket. Weighing in at a scant 15 lbs., the during Heli-Expo 2013. This time, certificate (STC) installation on the
system, which was designed for Part it was installed aboard a privately AgustaWestland AW139.
27-catagory helicopters in VFR condi- owned Bell 407. (It is also certified for The Zing HUMS solution is a sen-
tions, is capable of providing hands- the 206B, and the Eurocopter AS350 sor-based monitoring system that
off flight for pilots across the pitch and EC130.) Full Story continuously tracks aircraft flight
and roll axis. (Power and yaw remain data while determining component
the responsibility of the pilot.) health. Honeywell developed the STC
Edwards & Associates, Bell Helicop- in partnership with Air Concepts In-
ter’s completions subsidiary in Piney ternational, and will allow current
Flats, Tenn., first installed HeliSAS in and new production AW139 opera-
a Bell 206B. I was invited there to fly tors to purchase the Zing HUMS 1134
it in the summer of 2010 by Cobham system at a lower cost. The advanced
HUMS functionality of the system
meets CAA, CAP753 and CAP739 re-
TSI Gives Bond, quirements, according to Honeywell.
Full Story

USCG Moral Sikorsky President & CEO Mick Maurer during the company’s
Heli-Expo press conference. Photo by Andrew Parker

Courage Honor
The U.S. Transportation Safety Insti- up and delayed the flight until the is-
tute (TSI), in partnership with Embry- sue was resolved. Receiving the award
Riddle Aeronautical University and was Bond Aviation CEO Richard Min-
HAI’s Safety Committee, presented tern, who brought along Simon Stew-
the first ever “Moral Courage Award” art, Bond’s group safety director.
to Bond Offshore Helicopters and the Full Story
U.S. Coast Guard during a ceremony
at Heli-Expo in early March.
TSI’s D Smith noted that “for the
first time ever, we’re going to present
an award to individuals and organi-
zations who say: ‘We will not do it.
H-60, S-70i to
We will not unknowingly accept risk
when the risk outweighs the benefit,
Employ L-3 ESIS,
and we want to foster a culture within
our organization that promotes that.’
So that’s what the award is really
Sikorsky Aircraft has elected to offer
Eagle Copters Bell 407HP with Honeywell HTS900 retrofit on
display at Heli-Expo 2013. Photos by Barry Schwartz
about.” the L-3 Aviation Products GH-3001
The Bond award was centered electronic standby instrument system
around two maintenance techni- (ESIS), Stormscope WX-500 lightning
cians—Sean Newlands and John detection system and PS-855 emer-
Crowthers—who were not comfort- gency power supply (EPS) on the
able about releasing an aircraft, de- H-60 and S-70i platforms. The five-
spite getting approval from the OEM, year agreement runs through 2017.
and how management backed them Full Story

6 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■


Peterson said that customer ex-

pectations have been changed with
the arrival of services like Amazon.
People are looking for shorter-order
delivery times, he said. “We want a
24-hour response time anywhere in
the world.”
His expectation is based on 17 years
of Boeing experience as a flight test
engineer on the RAH-66 Comanche
and a further six years with Sikorsky
on UH-60Ms. “I did see the benefit of
HNZ AgustaWestland AW139 on display at the manufacturer’s Heli-Expo booth. Photo by Barry Schwartz standard processes with them—not
ad hoc. You need four things to make
a change: people, organization, tools

Breeze-Eastern: Sailing (software) and process.”

While working at both of the OEMs,
he learned the value of timely logis-

Toward a New Dawn? tics and support. “If you don’t have
all those pieces in place then change
is difficult.”
Most of Breeze-Eastern’s suppliers
Breeze-Eastern CEO Brad Pedersen is and ready,” he told Rotor & Wing on “are fairly local and can respond,”
making a concerted effort toward im- Monday during Heli-Expo in Las Ve- he said. “Similarly with our distribu-
proving his company’s logistics struc- gas. “It is a mindset change and we tors—if we show our intent they are
ture and customer support. “We have want to change the expectations of prepared to follow. None of us alone
to have our supply base prepared our customers.” can change the system.” Full Story

HTAWS, Garmin
GTN Among
Metro Aviation
Metro Aviation of Shreveport, La.
is introducing a helicopter ter-
rain awareness and warning system
(HTAWS) option in its supplemental
type certificate (STC) for the Euro-
copter EC135 series. The completions
provider also announced plans to Columbia Helicopters has purchased 10 Swedish military Vertols. Photo courtesy of Columbia Helicopters
add Garmin’s GTN series of nav/com/
GPS equipment for both the EC135
and EC145 single-pilot IFR versions
later in 2013. The new systems will
Columbia Acquires 10 Swedish
offer a number of features including
touchscreen controls and multifunc-
tion displays (MFDs) that include
Military Vertols to Expand Fleet
automatic dependent surveillance- Columbia Helicopters acquired 10 The first three helicopters have been
broadcast (ADS-B) functions. The helicopters from the Swedish Depart- disassembled and shipped, with the
GTN series will also enable Gamma ment of Defense, comprising six Boe- remaining three scheduled to arrive
3 wide area augmentation system ing Vertol 107-IIs and four Kawasaki in the United States later this year.
(WAAS) approaches. Full Story Vertol 107-IIs. Full Story ■ HELI-EXPO 2013 7


Safety Training, Awareness

Take Center Stage at Heli-Expo
Walking through the long hallways Heli-Expo started with the Safety about the statistics of the event. There
of the Las Vegas Convention Cen- Symposium and guest speaker Robert were more than 60 aircraft on dis-
ter during HAI’s Heli-Expo in early Sumwalt from the National Trans- play and 20,000-plus attendees. HAI
March, I didn’t have to go far to see portation Safety Board (NTSB). He boasts a membership of 3,355 organi-
some sort of ongoing safety event. spoke on SMS, its four components zations, which includes members in
Whether it was a class on accident and why it is important. He focused 71 countries. There were more than
prevention, HFACS or safety manage- on the importance of providing cor- 1,000 students attending classes with
ment systems (SMS), the show was porate flight departments with a for- over 50 courses offered including 20
overwhelmingly conspicuous with mal safety management program. He dedicated to safety.
safety awareness. finished by asking the question, “Do At the Safety Directors Forum,
I was impressed with the number of you have a good safety culture?” It’s HFACS and our role in accident pre-
members who wanted to learn more doing the right thing when no one is vention was a main topic. We then
about SMS or other safety initiatives. looking. SMS must be used every day discussed the Heinrich ratio, which
My plan going into Heli-Expo was and rules must be written so that peo- states that 95 percent of accidents are
to find every safety training session, ple can follow them, not just to cover human error and for every fatal acci-
town hall and safety committee meet- legal issues, Sumwalt noted. dent there are 10 non-fatal incidents,
ing to observe what topics were under During HAI’s annual Board Meet- 30 reportable incidents and 600 at-
discussion. ing and Press Conference, we talked risk behavioral actions. Full Story

Bell AH-1 Cobra takes a bite out of a passerby at the Heritage of Helicopters display at Heli-Expo. Photo by Ernie Stephens

China’s MOT Air Methods,

Orders S-76Ds StandardAero
for SAR Fleet Agree on Engine
China’s Ministry of Transport (MOT) Maintenance
has placed an order with Sikorsky for StandardAero has received a five-
the supply of four S-76Ds in the search year maintenance contract from Air
and rescue (SAR) configuration. Methods for its fleet of Rolls-Royce
The contract includes options for M250 engines. The announcement
HAI President Matt Zuccaro at the organization’s Heli-Expo press
an additional four helicopters in was made at the Heli-Expo show in
conference. Photo by Barry Schwartz
2014. The MOT purchased the he- early March. The contract covers Air
licopters for its Rescue and Salvage and this is the fourth contract it has Methods’ current fleet of 53 engines,
Bureau. MOT currently operates a signed with Sikorsky involving the which will add about 20 engines over
fleet of eight S-76 series helicopters, S-76 series. Full Story the next several years. Full Story

8 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

March 5, 2013

Robinson to Show Police R66 page 4 | Eurocopter Brings EC175 page 10 | Turbomeca CEO Q&A page 26 | Marenco SKYe SH09 page 28

News OEMs Hope 2012 Returns

Enstrom Helicopter
Enters Growth Phase
As of Dec. 27, 2012, China’s
Push 2013 Into the Black
Chongqing Helicopter Investment
Company (CQHIC) has ac-
quired Enstrom Helicopter (Booth
C4322), which moves from one
foreign owner to another. CQHIC
is focused on helping Enstrom ex-
pand its reach into China and the
rest of the world. The number of
helicopters in Asia represents only
a small percent of the number of
helicopters in the U.S., while Asia
has a significantly larger popula-
tion and is expected to be a major
market for helicopters over the next
two decades. Enstrom has seen a
50 percent growth in employment Ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the start of Heli-Expo 2012 in Dallas. More than 20,000 visitors and 725 exhibitors are expected at
over the past 18 months, and this year’s tradeshow from March 4-7 in Las Vegas, Nev. Photo by Ernie Stephens
with the new ownership plans to
continue expanding to meet the
current and future demands. This By Ernie Stephens, ous convention center. AgustaWest-
growth includes expanding the Editor-at-Large land, Bell, Enstrom, Eurocopter, Ka-
facility in Menominee, Mich. Las Vegas Convention Center is the man, MD Helicopters, Robinson,
The expansion will almost dou- venue for Heli-Expo 2013, the annual Russian Helicopters and Sikorsky will
ble the current size of Enstrom’s gathering of the worldwide helicopter have large displays, complete with
facility and allow for the company industry, hosted by Alexandria, Va.- models and production versions of
to grow to address higher produc- based Helicopter Association Interna- their aircraft for visitor inspection, as
tions rates. The new ownership tional (HAI). Thousands of attendees, well as engineering, support and sales
aims to provide many opportuni- hundreds of vendors, and dozens of he- personnel ready to answer questions
ties, including continued product licopters will converge in Nevada from Each manufacturer will also host a
improvement, increased marketing March 4-7. Planners of Heli-Expo are technical briefing, where operators
support and funding for new prod- expecting more than 725 exhibitors, can get the latest information on the
uct development. Stop by Booth who will display all varieties of rotor- aircraft they fly, and seek solutions for
C4322 to learn more about the craft parts, crew supplies and services. even the most complicated issues.
acquisition. —By Frank Lombardi This includes 47 exhibitors who plan To read the full story, visit
More: to display aircraft within the cavern-
Going Digital

The largest and most powerful single engine multi-role helicopter in the
marketplace is now enhanced by advanced digital avionics.
As the latest evolution of the AW119 “Koala”, the AW119 Kx features
a state of the art Garmin G1000HTM-integrated cockpit; critical fl ight
information is shown on two large multi-function displays in real time,
allowing the highest levels of safety with ultimate situational awareness
and reduced pilot workload.

AgustaWestland @ Heli-Expo 2013 mobile app Available Now!

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OEMs Hope 2012 Returns Push 2013 Into the Black ....Page 1 Andrew Parker Editor-in-Chief,
Ernie Stephens Editor-at-Large,
Enstrom Helicopter Enters Growth Phase .....................Page 1
Andrew Drwiega Military Editor,
Robinson to Show Police R44, ENG R44 .......................Page 4
Claudio Agostini Latin America Bureau Chief
AW119Kx Makes Heli-Expo Debut ................................Page 6 Contributing Writers: Chris Baur; Lee Benson; Shannon
Bower; Keith Cianfrani; Steve Colby; Frank Colucci; Dan
Deutermann; Pat Gray; Frank Lombardi; Vicki McConnell;
Sensor Technology Unveils Upgrades ............................Page 6 Robert Moorman; Douglas Nelms; Mark Robins; Dale Smith;
Terry Terrell; Todd Vorenkamp; Richard Whittle.
Magnum PI MD500 Replica at Phoenix Heliparts ........Page 8 DESIGN/PRODUCTION
Tara Zaino Graphic Designer
RAVCO Completes Spanish High-Altitude Training .....Page 8 Tony Campana Production Manager
David Hurwitz Web Production Manager
Eurocopter Brings EC175 and EC135 T3/P3 ................Page 10 ADVERTISING/BUSINESS
Jennifer Schwartz Vice President & Group Publisher,
All-Metal Maintenance Stands at Home in Vegas .......Page 10
Randy Jones Publisher, 1-972-713-9612,
S-92, S-76D Lead Sikorsky’s Commercial Exhibits.......Page 11 US & Canada
Carol Mata 1-512-607-6361,
PRISM Upgrades SMS for Small Operators .................Page 12 International Sales, Europe/Pacific Rim/Asia
James McAuley +34 952118018,
IHST Releases HUMS Safety Toolkit .............................Page 12
George Severine Fulfillment Director,
Hickok & Associates Develops Procedures...................Page 12
Customer Service/Back Issues 1-847-559-7314,
People and Coming Events ..........................................Page 14
Workshops, Seminars and HAI Events Schedule .........Page 16 Stalistics Jen Felling, 1-203-778-8700,
Interview with Richard Dussault of P&WC .................Page 20 REPRINTS
Wright’s Media, 1-877-652-5295,
Garmin Features GRA 5500 in Vegas ...........................Page 20
Metro Aviation Adds STCs for EC135/EC145 ..............Page 22 Donald A. Pazour Chief Executive Officer
Ed Pinedo Executive Vice President/Chief Financial Officer
Macy L. Fecto Executive Vice President,
BLR Aerospace Offers FastFin ROI Analysis .................Page 22 Human Resources & Administration
Heather Farley Divisional President,
Rolls-Royce to Showcase Engines, Apps ......................Page 24 Business Information Group
Sylvia Sierra Senior Vice President of Corporate
FLIR Systems Brings Sensor Applications ....................Page 24 Audience Development
Robert Paciorek Senior Vice President/
Chief Information Officer
Avalex Technologies Shows Smart Displays ................Page 24 Michael Kraus Vice President of Production &
Q&A with Turbomeca CEO Olivier Andries ................Page 26 Steve Barber Vice President, Financial Planning and
Internal Audit
Swiss Marenco SKYe SH09 Progresses ..........................Page 28 Alison Johns Vice President, E-Media,
Business Information Group
Emhart Brings Spiralock to Heli-Expo .........................Page 30 Reprints
Wright’s Media,
Utah Aero Bureau Selects Becker Audio .......................Page 30 List Sales 1-203-778-8700, Back Issues 1-847-559-7314
Editorial 1-301-354-1832, Advertising 1-972-713-9612
Aero Dynamix Obtains Laser Panel Approval .............Page 30 Customer Service 1-847-559-7314

Cadorath Boosts Bell Repair Offerings .........................Page 30

Access Intelligence, LLC
4 Choke Cherry Rd., 2nd Floor , Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-354-2000, Fax: 301-340-3169
E-mail: ■ HELI-EXPO 2013 3


Robinson to Show Police R66, ENG R44

By Ernie Stephens,
Torrence, Calif.-based Robinson He-
licopter (Booth C1511) will display
two of its specially equipped aircraft
at Heli-Expo 2013. One will be a law
enforcement version of its turbine-
powered R66, and the other will be an
R44 electronic newsgathering (ENG)
platform. Conventional versions of
the company’s current best-selling
helicopter—the four-seat, piston-
driven R44 Raven, and its two-seat
piston helicopter, the R22—will likely
share the display area with the two,
purpose-built models. Robinson will display an R66 police helicopter similar to this one at Booth C1511. Photo by Ernie Stephens
“They’re all factory demos, except
the R66 police helicopter. It’s being era, digital downlink gear, “on-air tal- and float upgrades for the R66.
operated by Fontana Police,” said Kurt ent” cameras, and rear cabin-mounted Robinson’s production breakdown
Robinson, president of the company production station for a broadcast for 2012 revealed weekly deliveries of
and son of its founder, Frank Robin- engineer. “We were increasing pro- five R66s, six R44s, and one R22 from
son. “They just took delivery of it late duction all through the year, and we its facility at Zamperini Field (KTAO)
last year. So, that’s why we’re having ended up producing 517 helicopters, in Torrence. “What we’re predicting
them bring it out.” which is a significant increase over for 2013 will be sales very similar to
Fontana is located approximately 40 2011,” Robinson said. “We did 356 he- last year. But anything over 500, we’re
east of Los Angeles, and boasts a popu- licopters that year.” The company has not going to complain about,” chuck-
lation of 196,000 residents within its also been swamped with greater-than- led Robinson. More Airframe News
43-square-mile city limits. Its police anticipated requests for cargo hook at
department has been utilizing a law
enforcment-equipped R44II under a
lease agreement since 2003.
M International Brings Mx Family to Heli-Expo
The police version of the R66 comes McLean, Va.-based M Interna- Keystone Turbine Services, MI’s
with forward-looking infrared thermal tional (Booth N5804) has arrived newest engine service acquisition, is
imaging equipment, searchlight, mov- at Heli-Expo prepared to present its the only authorized maintenance, re-
ing map system, and public service ra- family of powerplant maintenance pair and overhaul facility on the East
dio suite. It has seating for a pilot and centers to HAI’s members. The com- Coast for Rolls-Royce M250 engines,
three other occupants. (The standard pany, which was founded in 1979, modules, components and accesso-
R66 seats five, but the rear/center seat is parent to four subsidiaries: MINT ries. The Coatesville, Pa.-based opera-
in the police version is replaced with Turbines, Keystone Turbine Services, tion is also an FAA-certified Part 145
an avionics bay concealed beneath a Airborne Engines, and Southwest repair station; Honeywell-authorized
raised armrest.) Fuel systems. warranty and repair station for over-
Robinson’s standard R66 received FAA MINT Turbines, based in Stroud, haul, repair and testing of M250, LTS-
certification in late 2011, and has been Okla., has more than 30 years of 101; and now Pratt & Whitney PT6-
drawing a positive response from opera- experience repairing and overhaul- series fuel controls, power turbine
tors looking for a turbine helicopter with ing aircraft engines. It has recently governors and accessories.
a base price of less than $1 million. become a licensed T53-authorized Airborne Engines Ltd of Delta,
Also on static display at the Robin- service center for Honeywell Inter- B.C. is the only authorized Honey-
son booth will be an R44 Newscopter. national, and remains an authorized well T53 service center in Canada.
That aircraft is scheduled for delivery repair, overhaul and testing provider It is also an authorized repair and
to Sky Helicopters, a multi-mission for Pratt & Whitney’s PT6A- and overhaul facility for Rolls-Royce’s
operation based in the Dallas/Fort PT6T-series engines and combining M250 family of powerplants. It is a
Worth, Texas area. gearboxes. The company also holds full-service rework shop, on-site test
The ENG version of the R44 comes U.S. Government HUBZone certifi- cell and exchange pool for engine
equipped with a gyro-stabilized cam- cation. accessories.

4 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

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GTP 9532
Show Briefs
AW119Kx Makes
Heli-Expo Debut
The launch of the new AW119Kx
highlights AgustaWestland’s com-
mitment to the continued enhance-
ment of its product range, both
through the development of new
models and installing technology
into its existing products. With the
AW119Kx, the company is introduc-
Life Flight Network is the first operator of the ing greater capability into the single-
AgustaWestland AW119Kx. Photo by Ernie Stephens
engine market, thanks to a combi-
Sensor Technology The latest evolution of the nation of avionics with performance
Unveils Load Monitor/ AgustaWestland (Booth N2115) and capacity.
Management Upgrades AW119 single-engine helicopter, The G1000H has two large 10.4-
Sensor Technology Ltd. (Booth the AW119Kx, features Garmin’s inch LCD units to provide both
C2432) of Oxfordshire, England, has G1000H glass integrated flight deck primary and multi-function display
brought a number of new helicopter system and the very latest in avion- (PFD/MFD) information. The new
load systems for introduction at Heli- ics technology, including synthetic avionics are also optimized for diag-
Expo 2013. Visitors to its booth will vision, moving map, highway in nostics and data analysis for mainte-
also be able to see products from its the sky and obstacle/terrain avoid- nance purposes. The EMS helicopter
established lineup of cargo devices. ance systems, to improve situational configuration of the Kx will include
Leading the list of new products is awareness and increase safety. The night vision imaging system (NVIS)
the HeliNav LoadMaster, a wireless new aircraft, officially unveiled at lighting and operation of night vi-
payload monitor for helicopter cargo the Air Medical Transport Confer- sion goggles (NVGs).
hooks. As an autonomous system ence in Seattle during late October The AW119K, with a maximum
that does not require integration 2012, is expected to obtain certifica- gross weight of 2,850 kg (6,283
into the aircraft, LoadMaster can tion soon. lbs.), is powered by a Pratt & Whit-
be easily transferred between differ- The AW119Kx incorporates an ney PT6B-37A engine that is rated
ent helicopters without the need for integrated avionics suite, bringing at 1,002 shp (747 kW) for takeoff,
separate certifications. this model to a new digital era while delivering exceptional performance
According to its engineers, Load- keeping the performance, cabin in hot and high conditions as well
Master checks the actual weight of space and payload characteristics of as a maximum speed of 152 knots
an under-slung load 10 times per the rugged AW119Ke. The first op- (282 km/h). Critical systems redun-
second, and transmits the gathered erator for the AW119Kx is Life Flight dancies similar to twin-engine heli-
data to a display in the cockpit. The Network, which is set to receive all copters provide high levels of safety.
software also stores the informa- of the 15 units ordered for its air More than 100 operators have or-
tion for use in performance analysis medical helicopter transportation dered almost 220 AW119s in nearly
and customer billing. New features requirement during 2013. These he- 40 countries. The new AW119Kx,
include an inclinometer function licopters, provided with a custom like the AW119Ke, is suited for many
that allows each support cable in EMS interior with two stretchers, roles, including EMS, utility, fire-
a multi-point attached heavy load will be based in the states of Oregon, fighting, VIP/corporate transport,
to be monitored individually, and Washington and Idaho. offshore transport, law enforcement
displayed on a new, enhanced, seven- and govern-
inch color touchscreen display. Thes ment duties.
ystem will interface with HeliNav Read
Trackmaster, another new technology more
that will provide distance and weight Airframe
information for later flight analysis News at
and customer billing. TrackMaster www.avia-
gives the flight crew an accurate tiontoday.
system for line guidance. com/rw
Garmin’s G1000H flight deck system, including synthetic vision, highway in the sky and
obstacle/terrain avoidance, will come equipped on the AW119Kx. Photo courtesy of Garmin

6 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

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Show Briefs

RAVCO Completes High

Altitude Spanish Language
Training Course
Leadville, Colo.-based RAVCO
(Booth C3008) has graduated eight Phoenix Heliparts has assembled an exact replica of the MD500 used in the TV series, “Magnum PI” for its booth at Heli-Expo.
foreign national military pilots from Photo by Phoenix Heliparts
its first Spanish language mountain
helicopter course. The three-week
program, carried out at RAVCO’s Magnum PI MD500 Replica on
Mountain/High Altitude Training
and Test Site in Leadville, included
advanced instruction in techniques
Display at Phoenix Heliparts
related to flying in challenging opera-
tional conditions. Phoenix Heliparts (Booth C1527), for operators.
The pilots used RAVCO’s fleet of an aftermarket MRO and rotorcraft Phoenix Heliparts also works on
three Bell 206B3s to study aerody- parts supplier, is one of more than Bell products. At present, Phoenix
namics, the fundamentals of power 725 businesses that will exhibit at Heliparts is a prime subcontractor
management, high-altitude physiol- Heli-Expo 2013 in Las Vegas. to Huntsville, Ala.-based Science
ogy and mountain weather, as well Tina and Darin Cannon, a veter- and Engineering Co., which has a
as night vision goggle (NVG) training an aircraft maintenance technician $350-million contract to restore Bell
at altitudes up to 14,000 feet. (AMT) with experience in MDs, the UH-1s for the U.S. Department of
Read more Training News at Bell 206 and the Aerospatiale/Euro- State. copter AS350, started their aftermar- At Heli-Expo, Phoenix Heliparts—
training ket repair and parts business in 2003, which is celebrating its 10th anniver-
in the garage of their home. sary—will exhibit at Booth C-1527
“We found a niche in doing heavy an exact replica of the MD500 he-
maintenance and repair of legacy licopter used for the “Magnum PI”
aircraft,” said Tina Cannon, presi- television series, down to the same N
dent. The company works on older number and paint job. The success-
fixed and rotary wing aircraft, but ful TV show ran from 1980 to 1988.
specializes in restoring no longer Two cast members from the original
manufactured rotorcraft, such as the cast, Roger E. Mosley (TC, the pilot)
MD500D, which remains very popu- and Larry Minetti (Rick) will be on
lar with law enforcement and utility hand to sign the aircraft. Minetti has
operators. written a book, “Aloha Magnum,”
If needed, Phoenix Heliports can which he will sign for readers.
completely strip down an older heli- The aircraft has been sold to Para-
copter and repair—can’t say rebuild dise Helicopters, which will take the
because of FAA rules—the aircraft, helicopter back to Honolulu.
adding the “latest and greatest tech- For more parts and mainte-
nology,” Cannon said. The company nance news, visit www.avia-
can install new engines and avionics

8 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

Show Briefs

Eurocopter EC175 mockup, seen here at its unveiling at Heli-Expo 2008, will be replaced by an operational example at booth
C2922 this year. Photo by Ernie Stephens
All Metal Maintenance
Stands At Home in Vegas
All Metal MS, a leading manu-
facturer of “safety first” aviation
support equipment, hangar equip-
AW119Kx Makes
ment, and maintenance stands,
won’t have to travel far to be present Washington and Idaho.
at Heli-Expo, held in the company’s
home city of Las Vegas, Nevada
this year. Showing off one of their
Heli-Expo The launch of the new AW119Kx
highlights AgustaWestland’s com-
mitment to the continued enhance-
latest helicopter maintenance stands
custom-designed for the U.S. Coast
Guard’s fleet of Dauphin helicopters,
The latest evolution of the
ment of its product range, both
through the development of new
models and installing technology
President & CEO John Buscema and AgustaWestland (Booth N2115) into its existing products. With the
company founder Bill McNiff will be AW119 single-engine helicopter, AW119Kx, the company is introduc-
on-hand at booth C4906 to answer the AW119Kx, features Garmin’s ing greater capability into the single-
questions. Always interested in G1000H glass integrated flight deck engine market, thanks to a combi-
maximizing safety while improving system and the very latest in avion- nation of avionics with performance
efficiency, they will also be display- ics technology, including synthetic and capacity.
ing a gimbal camera installation and vision, moving map, highway in The G1000H has two large 10.4-
removal device to support L-3 Wes- the sky and obstacle/terrain avoid- inch LCD units to provide both
cam’s MX-10 and MX-15 turrets. ance systems, to improve situational primary and multi-function display
Additionally, All Metal MS has de- awareness and increase safety. The (PFD/MFD) information. The new
veloped a battery lift unit that works new aircraft, officially unveiled at avionics are also optimized for diag-
in conjunction with one of their the Air Medical Transport Confer- nostics and data analysis for mainte-
general maintenance stands in an ence in Seattle during late October nance purposes. The EMS helicopter
effort to enhance support of the U.S. 2012, is expected to obtain certifica- configuration of the Kx will include
Army’s UH-72 Lakota helicopter. tion soon. night vision imaging system (NVIS)
Sikorsky Aerospace Services-MRO The AW119Kx incorporates an lighting and operation of night vi-
division has given the approval to integrated avionics suite, bringing sion goggles (NVGs).
purchase 18 of the battery lifts, this model to a new digital era while The AW119K, with a maximum
which can also be seen at this year’s keeping the performance, cabin gross weight of 2,850 kg (6,283
show, for the helicopters stationed space and payload characteristics of lbs.), is powered by a Pratt & Whit-
at Fort Irwin, Calif., as well as 17 the rugged AW119Ke. The first op- ney PT6B-37A engine that is rated
other U.S. Army locations around the erator for the AW119Kx is Life Flight at 1,002 shp (747 kW) for takeoff,
country. —By Frank Lombardi Network, which is set to receive all delivering exceptional performance
For more maintenance news of the 15 units ordered for its air in hot and high conditions as well
visit medical helicopter transportation as a maximum speed of 152 knots
requirement during 2013. These he- (282 km/h). Critical systems redun-
licopters, provided with a custom dancies similar to twin-engine heli-
EMS interior with two stretchers, copters provide high levels of safety.
will be based in the states of Oregon, More than 100 operators have or-

10 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■




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People: Who’s Changed Seats Since The Last Heli-Expo

Brad Pedersen (left) licopter hired Peter Bartolotta to was selected chairman of the board
became president and serve as chief operating officer and of directors. Rues is the general direc-
CEO of Breeze-Eastern president of the company’s Helicop- tor of Oboronprom.
in May 2012. Peder- ter Services division in mid-2012. A Keystone Med-Flight
sen was formerly the former operations manager at Allied- has named Heidi
president of Airborne Signal/Honeywell, Bartolotta joins Ames as chief pilot for
Systems Group in New Jersey, and CHC from Morrisville, N.C.-based the company. Ames was
prior to that served as the Canadian computer firm Lenovo Corp., where previously the South-
maritime helicopter project program he was senior vice president of global east regional manager
manager, UH-60M program manager services. and pilot hiring manag-
and director of advanced programs The National EMS Pilots Association er for Med-Trans Corp. She has more
(R&D) during a six-year stint at Sikor- gave its 2012 Pilot of the Year award than 20 years of flight and manage-
sky Aircraft. to Jim Glasner, who flies for Eagle- ment experience with commercial air
Leading up to Heli-Expo 2013, Med in Wichita, Kan. Glasner got his medical operators and the military.
Breeze-Eastern made a series of key start as a U.S. Army helicopter pilot American Helicopter Society Interna-
executive appointments, including in 1970, becoming an HEMS pilot in tional (AHS International) elected new
Steve Chisarik, the new vice presi- 1979. directors and officers in early 2012 for
dent of development programs. The During his career, Glasner has served the period running until June 30, 2013.
company also promoted as a line pilot, instructor pilot, check Stephen Mundt, vice president of
Rodger Hahneman airman, chief pilot and base manager. business development for EADS North
(left) to general manag- Glasner joined EagleMed in 2001, cur- America, is serving as chairman and
er of production opera- rently flying the Eurocopter AS350B and Bell Helicopter President & CEO John
tions and customer sup- AS355N. NEMPSA presented the award Garrison is president of the board of
port. Mike Koons, vice to Glasner during the AMTC Confer- directors. Ed Birtwell, general man-
president of contracts ence on Oct. 22 in Seattle, Wash. ger at GE Aviation, took the position of
and customer support, will work with Russian Helicopters named a new treasurer, and Boeing’s Dan Newman,
Hahneman on the company’s cus- chairman and board of directors dur- senior technical fellow for new product
tomer support organization. ing its board meeting in July. Andrei development, is the AHS International
Vancouver, B.C.-based CHC He- Reus, a board member since 2010, technical director.

April 8-10: Navy Lead Sea- May 21–23: AHS International Oct. 10-12: Aircraft Owners
Coming Events Air-Space Exposition, Gaylord 69th Annual Forum and and Pilots Association Aviation
National Resort & Convention Technology Display, Phoenix, Summit, Fort Worth, Texas.
2013: Center, National Harbor, Md. Ariz. Contact AHS, phone 1-703- Visit
March 4–7: HAI Heli-Expo Visit 684-6777 or visit
Oct. 21-23: AUSA Annual
2013, Las Vegas, Nev. April 9-11: Aircraft Interiors May 21–23: European Meeting and Exposition, Walter
Contact HAI, 1-703-683-4646 or Expo, Hamburg Messe, Business Aviation Convention E. Washington Convention
visit Hamburg, Germany. Visit and Exhibition (EBACE), Center, Washington, D.C.
March 12-14: ATC Global, Geneva PALEXPO and Geneva Visit
Amsterdam RAI Center, International Airport, Geneva,
April 10–14: Quad-A Annual Oct. 22-24: NBAA Annual
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Switzerland. Visit
Convention, Fort Worth, Texas. Meeting & Convention, Las
Visit Contact Quad-A, phone June 17–23: Paris Airshow, Le Vegas Convention Center, Las
March 18–20: 9th Annual 1-203-268-2450 or visit Bourget, Paris, France. Visit www. Vegas. Visit
CHC Safety & Safety
Nov. 17-21: Dubai Airshow,
Summit, Vancouver, Canada. April 16–18: Asian Business July 29-Aug. 4: EAA Dubai World Central, Dubai.
Contact CHC, phone 1-604- Aviation Conference & AirVenture, Wittman Regional Visit
232-7424 or visit www. Exhibition (ABACE 2013), Airport, Oshkosh, Wis. Visit Shanghai, China. Contact 2014:
March 25–28: 56th Annual NBAA, phone 1-202-783-9000
Aug. 12-15: Association of March 2-5: Heli-Expo 2014,
AEA International Convention or visit
Unmanned Vehicle Systems Orlando, Fla. Contact HAI,
& Trade Show, Las Vegas, Nev. May 16–18: 6th International International (AUVSI) 1-703-683-4646 or visit
Contact Aircraft Electronics Helicopter Industry Exhibition, Unmanned Systems 2013,
Assoc., phone 1-816-347-8400 or Moscow, Russia. Contact Walter E. Washington
visit HeliRussia, phone +7 (0) 495 958 Convention Center, Washington,
9490 or visit D.C. Visit

14 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■


Thanks to our more than 20 world-class operating partners, Milestone has leased over
70 helicopters valued at over US$ 1.0 billion. These aircraft, which vary from the light-twin
;1ヱンヵ" ラ" エW"エW; ど キミ"}どΓヲが"; W" W キミェ"マキ キラミどI キ I;ノ"Iラミ ;I "キミ"16 countries around the
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Safety Directors Forum (RSC) 11:30 am 12:30 pm

HFI Pilot Mentoring Program 12:30 pm 1:30 pm
Air Medical Services Committee Meeting 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Ofshore Forum 1:30 pm 3:30 pm
HFI Industry Outreach to Students 1:30 pm 2:30 pm
Utilities, Patrol, and Construction Committee Meeting 2:00 pm 4:00 pm
HFI Maintenance Tech Mentoring Program 2:30 pm 3:30 pm
Pilot Roundtable 3:00 pm 4:30 pm
Twirly Birds Annual Meeting 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 sTarT TIMe end TIMe

Manufacturers’ Technical Brieings 8:00 am 5:00 pm
Flight Operations Committee Meeting 8:00 am 10:00 am
Government Service Committee Meeting 8:00 am 10:00 am
HAI Rotor Safety Challenge Education Sessions (RSC) 8:30 am 5:00 pm
Finance & Leasing Committee Meeting 8:30 am 10:00 am
Safety Committee Meeting 8:30 am 9:30 am
Chief Pilot Roundtable 9:00 am 11:00 am
General Aviation Association CEO Town Hall 9:00 am 10:00 am
This event will provide an opportunity for all attendees to learn about the shared interests of the general aviation community and how the
representatives of the general aviation associations work together on issues. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end.
Exhibit Hall Open 10:00 am 5:00 pm
Aerial Fireighting & Natural Resources (formerly Government Contracting)
10:00 am 12:00 pm
Committee Meeting
Fly Neighborly / Environmental Committee Meeting 10:30 am 12:30 pm
Flight Training Committee Meeting 10:30 am 12:30 pm
HAI Auditor Accreditation Workshop 1:00 pm 5:00 pm
Heliport Committee Meeting 1:00 pm 4:00 pm
Autorotations - Reality Exposed 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Annual DOI/USFS Interagency Fire Brieing 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Business Management (formerly Economics) Committee Meeting 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
Insurance Forum 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
HAI Salute to Excellence Awards Dinner* 8:00 pm 11:30 pm
at the Encore at Wynn. Join the HAI Board of Directors in honoring those whose remarkable talent and professionalism enrich our industry and
whose courage and skills have saved lives under extreme conditions, despite extraordinary odds. Tickets for the awards dinner must be purchased
separately; advanced purchase is recommended but tickets will be sold on site on a space-available basis. Seating reservations must be made
before noon, Wednesday, March 6, either online or at the awards dinner desk in the registration area of the Convention Center. Tables of 10 are avail-
able but do ill up quickly, so request these early.

Thursday, March 7, 2013 sTarT TIMe end TIMe

Why SMS in Maintenance? Workshop (RSC) 8:00 am 12:00 pm
Ailiate Symposium 8:00 am 10:00 pm
Heliport Design Workshop 9:00 am 12:00 pm
General Session 9:00 am 10:00 am
Exhibit Hall Open 10:00 am 4:00 pm

FrIday, March 8 – sunday, March 10, 2013 sTarT TIMe end TIMe
Professional Education Courses* 8:00 am 5:00 pm

18 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■ *Separate registration/ticket required.


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©2013 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries G500H ® ■ HELI-EXPO 2013 19

Show Briefs
Garmin Features GRA
Q&A with Richard Dussault of
5500 in Las Vegas
Since 1989, Garmin (Booths Pratt & Whitney Canada
N4412 and N5) has designed, convinced that it will be a big mar-
manufactured, marketed and sold ket hit with operators. The PT6C-
navigation, communication and in- 67-E, a variant of the PT6-C67
formation devices and applications— family of engines that’s powering
most of which are enabled by GPS the Eurocopter EC175, was certi-
technology. Garmin’s products serve fied last year. Eurocopter is in full-
automotive, mobile, wireless, outdoor development work and certifica-
recreation, marine, aviation, and tion work to certify the EC175 this
OEM applications. Pratt & Whitney Canada will have this cut-away model of year and enter into service. Also,
One of the latest devices to come its PT6C-67, as well as other products, on display in booth we’ve announced the development
out of Garmin’s Olathe, Kansas N3718. Photo by Ernie Stephens
program on the PT6-C67-A for the
facility is the GRA 5500, a high-per- AgustaWestland AW609 tiltorotor.
formance, all-digital radar altimeter By Ernie Stephens, So, we’ve got a lot of new prod-
for transport category, helicopter, Editor-at-Large ucts coming into the market, and
business and general aviation air- Pratt & Whitney Canada (Booth that’s our prime priority—to make
craft. Using patent-pending digital N3718) has been designing and sure we enter service flawlessly, and
signal processing technology, the manufacturing powerplants since we deliver the performance our cus-
GRA 5500 works to provide smooth the late 1950s. Since then, its line of tomers expect of us.
altitude tracking resulting in a con- helicopter engines—such as the PT6 R&W: Are there any special tech-
sistent and highly accurate altitude and its new PW210—have found nological requirements for the X4?
above ground indication, even over their way aboard many of yester- Dussault: Yes. It is a very detailed
the most challenging environments day’s and today’s most advanced engineering spec that we’ve agreed
like rough terrain, tree canopies, sand rotorcraft. Rotor & Wing spoke with to with Eurocopter, and the other
and choppy water. Richard Dussault, P&WC’s vice customers as well. It is very, very
The GRA 5500 “meets the highest president of sales and marketing for powerful in terms of power-re-
altitude accuracy standards only pre- regional helicopter engines, who sponse capability. It’s got a full-au-
viously seen in products for transport shared what the company is cur- thority digital engine control (FA-
and military aircraft, providing pilots rently working on. DEC) that’s very heavily integrated
unprecedented confidence in their R&W: What are your priorities for into the aircraft’s avionics.
actual altitude,” said Carl Wolf, the regional helicopter division? Rotor & Wing: Are you able to share
Garmin’s vice president of aviation Dussault: When we focus on the your helicopter engine sales figures
sales and marketing. helicopter market, it’s about lever- for 2012?
According to Garmin, the GRA aging the new platforms and the Dussault: We don’t break that
5500 is able to intelligently process business growth in the various seg- down into that sort of level of
hundreds of altitude measurements ments. We’ve made a lot of very detail. But I can tell you that we
per second and apply advanced digi- significant investments in the he- shipped close to 800 engines in the
tal filters to help detect and mitigate licopter business over the last few helicopter market. So, you sort of
false altitude returns. years. Today we have many pro- see the size of the business for Pratt
Industry-standard ARINC 429 grams in development. We have & Whitney Canada.
interface allows the GRA 5500 to three versions of the PW210, which R&W: What is your forecast for
integrate with a breadth of Garmin is our brand new platform, state- 2013?
integrated flight decks and flight of-the-art, 1,000-shp type engine. Dussault: There will be some an-
displays, as well as third-party prod- And Sikorsky has selected it for the nouncements for HAI. But nothing
ucts. S-76D. It will start entering revenue from the standpoint of new facili-
See this unit and more at Garmin’s service this year. The PW210-A for ties or anything like that. I think
booths, N4412 and N5, during Heli- the AgustaWestland AW169 is in we’ve got a very extensive network
Expo 2013. —By Frank Lombardi full development. (The fourth pro- as it is [with] both Pratt & Whitney-
totype has just begun flying.) And owned shops and third-party pro-
For more avionics news, visit
Rotor & Wing sister publication, last year we announced the PW210- viders that are authorized by Pratt.
Avionics Magazine, on the web at E for powering the new Eurocopter From that standpoint, we believe X4. We’re in full development with we have the network that we need
that product. So, the 210 as a family to serve our customers. Full Story:
is a big priority of ours, and we are

20 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

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©2013 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. All rights reserved. ■ HELI-EXPO 2013 21

Show Briefs
BLR Aerospace Offers
FastFin ROI Analysis
With more than 600 systems sold
worldwide, BLR Aerospace (Booth
N3724) has demonstrated that it’s
FastFin tail rotor enhancement and
stability system is a game-changing
technology that dramatically im-
proves the stability, safety margin
and wind azimuth tolerance of Bell
medium helicopters.
But that’s not all. The FastFin
System also delivers a quantifiable
return on investment. This year, BLR
is offering Heli-Expo attendees a cus-
tomized return on investment (ROI)
Information on Metro Aviation’s medical transport services, as well as operational examples of its completion and upgrade
services, can be found at booth C3511. Photo by Ernie Stephens
Appointments are not necessary,
and Bell medium operators may
request an analysis that can quickly
estimate what their payback period
Metro Adds Innovative STCs for
will be for the investment made in
the FastFin system, and calculate Eurocopter EC135 and EC145
continuing savings looking forward By Ernie Stephens, try, high-resolution graphics, and
at the BLR Exhibit throughout the Editor-at-Large ergonomic grips for operation in tur-
convention. Operators may also Metro Aviation (Booth C3511), bulence. Terrain alerting features are
request a technology briefing to learn the Shreveport, La.-based provider of also incorporated into the avionics
more about how and why the FastFin helicopter completion services, will with color-coded terrain, terrain map
System works. use its appearance at Heli-Expo to overlays, and HTAWS warnings.
According to BLR Aerospace, while announce the addition of a helicop- High-output transceivers, and
every operator will realize a return ter terrain awareness and warning remote transponder and audio pro-
on investment, every flight profile is system (H-TAWS) to its single-pilot cessor operation are also available,
different, so each individual ROI will IFR supplemental type certificate as are Jeppesen Chatview, XM WX
be different, too. Participants will be (STC) for the Eurocopter EC135 and satellite weather, U.S. Safe Taxi, U.S.
asked a series of basic operational EC145 helicopter lines. In a state- Flite Charts, and many other fea-
questions about the way they fly, and ment released to Rotor & Wing, the tures. Metro Aviation personnel can
the automated process will quickly company calls the enhanced feature fully integrate the new Geneva digi-
calculate the ROI value. “…a new level of increased safety tal audio communication system
The FastFin System modifies the and operational efficiency that the into the Garmin GTN series.
tail boom with two parallel stall company can offer embodied in one “We are always looking for new
strips, known as Dual Tail Boom STC.” and innovative ways to improve
Strakes, and a reshaped vertical fin, Metro Aviation plans to add the our safety equipment and services
optimizing airflow around the tail Garmin GTN series NAV/COM/GPS offered, not only in our operating
boom for dramatic performance and suite to both the EC135 and EC145 fleet, but also to our completion
efficiency improvements. later in 2013, giving those models customers around the world,” said
Bell Helicopter now installs Fast- touch-screen controls and “seam- Milton Geltz, managing director.
Fin as standard equipment on all less cockpit integration,” as well as Metro Aviation invites attendees
new Bell 412EPs. Come to BLR’s multi-function displays that include at Heli-Expo 2013 to come to booth
Booth N3724 to get a custom ROI automatic dependent surveillance- C3511 to learn more about its STCs,
analysis. —By Frank Lombardi broadcast (ADS-B) traffic and weath- aircraft completions services, and air
er capabilities. medical transport operations.
For more helicopter modifica-
Other features of the GTN series
tions and rotor blade news, visit
are Gamma 3 wide area augmenta- For more helicopter EMS,
tion system (WAAS)-enabled ap- completions, avionics and
proaches, weather radar integration, maintenance news, visit
intuitive menus, simplified data en-

22 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

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Aviation Professionals Network is the premier space dedicated to aviation professionals. Become
a part of this dynamic community where industry insiders congregate and connect with Aviation
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Show Briefs
FLIR Systems Brings
Rolls-Royce To Showcase
Sensor Applications
FLIR Systems, Inc. (Booth C6606) Engines, Apps at Heli-Expo
imaging and detection sensors are By Ernie Stephens, is now adding two additional plans.
used for a variety of applications, Editor-at-Large The first is the company’s Total
including airborne and ground-based Care program, which is a power-by-
surveillance, SAR, drug interdiction, the-hour (PBH) plan for scheduled
border and maritime patrol. FLIR’s maintenance. The second, which is
airborne sensors are unique in pro- also based on the Total Care plan,
viding a common operating system goes further. It includes unsched-
with cables, interface and hand con- uled maintenance items. “The other
trollers allowing for ease of use. thing we’re offering is the ability to
Operators who are looking for pre-pay those two Total Care pack-
high-definition imaging solutions ages at a discount,” explained Fe-
have many options to choose from. RR300 turbine engine, as well as other Rolls-Royce products,
dele. Rolls-Royce is also planning to
FLIR’s Star SAFIRE family of turrets will be on display at Booth N4717. Photo by Ernie Stephens
bring the pre-pay option to its M250
feature a simplified common inter- Engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce customers sometime in the future.
face to their single line replaceable promises engine displays, support But there is more news from Rolls-
units (LRUs). This provides standard- applications and interactive learning Royce on the RR300, which has
ized wiring to all HD turrets in this tools for Heli-Expo attendees who only been installed in the Robinson
family and to external systems, mak- visit Booth N4717. The company R66—approximately 500 units to
ing this family of systems completely also promises news of its latest de- date. Last fall, the company signed
interchangeable and interoperable. velopments, and programs to power a memorandum of understanding
Visit the FLIR booth (C6606) dur- a very old helicopter model. “One with Scott’s Bell 47, which owns
ing Heli-Expo to learn more about of the things we’re rolling out at the the rights to build the Bell 47 as its
these products. Also on display will booth is the industry’s first support own SB-47. It creates a deal to “look
be the Pima County Sheriff Depart- app,” said Greg Fedele, senior vice into,” as Fedele described it, offering
ment’s new AS350 with state-of-the- president of helicopters. “It’s for our the 300-shp RR300 turbine as an op-
art avionics. FIRST Network.” tion for the SB-47. And even though
Find more Technology News at
One of Rolls-Royce’s popular en- Fedele refused to get into specifics,
gine maintenance programs, FIRST he said that another airframer is “in-
Network consists of 24 company- terested” in putting the engine in a
Avalex Technologies owned and authorized service cen- production aircraft.
Shows Smart Displays ters available to service the 4,500 Rolls-Royce also plans to use its
Pensacola, Fla.-based Avalex Tech- operators of its M250 engine series. appearance at Heli-Expo to tell at-
nologies (Booth C2411) continues “If you need support or service for tendees about a new variant of a
to bring display, moving map and an M250 [through FIRST Network], popular powerplant. “We will be
video recorder technology to the avia- you can have an app on several dif- launching a new series of engines
tion market. The company’s family ferent platforms, such as your iP- called the M250-C47E—the Evolu-
of multifunction displays, smart hone, iPad and Android,” explained tion Engine,” Fedele reported.
tablets, and radio management units Fedele. Best of all, he added, the ser- The C47B will be on display at the
are designed to save space, weight, vice is free. Stop by the Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce booth, along with an in-
and power. Avalex Smart Displays Heli-Expo booth with a smart phone teractive learning system that uses a
combine a powerful solid-state pro- or tablet, scan the QR code, and it touchscreen television to show the
cessor and display into a lightweight will take you to a website to down- intricacies of the engine, as well as
and rugged package. Offering a wide load the app. component-level detail of the dif-
variety of processors and memory op- Rolls-Royce will also be announc- ferences between it and earlier mod-
tions, the Avalex smart display line ing a new set of support options for els of the M250-C47. Rolls-Royce
has a solution for nearly any mission the RR300, the powerplant used in will also use its appearance to an-
need. Stop by booth C2411 to see the the single-engine Robinson R66 nounce that it sold approximately
entire complement of Avalex Tech- turbine. Fedele said the company 500 engines in 2012, and delivered
nologies products. —By Frank Lom- is “rolling out an enhanced suite of its 31,000th turbine engine in Feb-
bardi Read more avionics news support specifically for the RR300.” ruary of 2012. The recipient of the
at The only service plan originally 31,000th engine was Enstrom Heli-
available for the RR300 was a time- copter of Menominee, Mich. Full
and-material system. But Rolls-Royce Story:

24 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

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Q&A with Turbomeca’s Olivier Andries

Turbomeca’s Ardiden 3 will power the Kamov Ka-62. Illustration shows the Ka-62 in the livery of Brazil’s Atlas, the launch customer of the Ka-62. Image courtesy of Russian Helicopters

By Andrew Parker, R&W: What about two or three years boost in the helicopter market out-
Editor-in-Chief down the road? side of the military.
Rotor & Wing had a chance to inter- Andries: In 2008, we were at 1,300,
view Turbomeca CEO Olivier Andres that was our high number. We are R&W: What are Turbomeca’s plans for
right before Heli-Expo to find out the confident that we’ll reach or be close Heli-Expo?
latest from the engine manufacturer to 1,100 by the end of 2013. So get- Andries: There are a lot of things
heading into Heli-Expo. ting back to 1,300, I would say toward going on, but unfortunately I can’t
2015. comment on all of them until the
R&W: What was business like in 2012? show. But what we’re basically going
How does it look for 2013? R&W: What segments of the commer- to communicate is about the TM800,
Andries: We have enjoyed good cial market are poised for growth? our brand new generation engine
growth in 2012 vs. 2011, which is a Andries: The most solid growth is that we officially launched last year,
continuation of the trend that we’ve coming from oil and gas. This is an and are developing to address the five
followed since 2010. 2010 was a interesting segment, because the to six-ton helicopter capability. It’s a
trough for us, in the aftermath of the growth is resilient to the financial 1,200-hp engine, and this is a power
economic crisis we were down to 800 situation or the global economic situ- segment where we previously had no
new engines delivered. ation. We see a trend for deeper off- offers. Other than the TM800, we’re
It was 942 in 2011, and precisely shore and new areas of exploration going to talk about upgrades to the
1,012 new engines delivered during and operation. So this is clearly an Arriel and Arrius lines. The Arriel 2E
2012—so growth of around six per- area of growth, and an area of growth received certification in December
cent in numbers. At the same time, for us too as we are in this segment. 2012, it’s going to power the EC145T2
our support business has grown too, The other segments, it’s small/ from Eurocopter. The Arrius 2B2+ is
as a consequence an expanding fleet sparse, but we see also a significant going to be the engine for the EC135
in operation of engines, but also growth in some specific geographi- V3, the third version of the EC135
we’ve seen a slight increase of flying cal areas, and I would list two as fast- powered by Turbomeca.
hours per engine. risers—South America and southeast But the big announcement is go-
So we have benefitted from both. Asia. This is driven by military needs ing to be on the TM800, in the 1,000
And as a consequence of all that, ba- in the helicopter market as well as to 2,000 hp market segment, where
sically our turnover has increased by commercial needs. we’ve decided to come in with a new-
10 percent versus last year. Oil and gas, certainly, but also po- generation engine, with typically
We see this trend going on in 2013, lice, parapublic, charter, tourism, you a double-digit advantage over the
so it’s essentially moderate growth, know, as those countries reach a cer- completion, and of course we want to
but solid. tain level of GDP, we see a significant be able to have significant commer-

26 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■


cial success with these engines. One

of them is the Ardiden 3, which we
launched years ago in 1,800 hp range,
and then the TM800, which is in the
1,200 hp range.
We’re going to have a press confer-
ence on the TM800, including giving
it a name. We’ll keep the Turbomeca
tradition of naming our engines after
the name of peaks or lakes of the Pyr-
enees in France. But I won’t tell you
more until the show.
I also wanted to share that we
have launched a new way of working
within Turbomeca in relation to the
TM800. As an example this is the very
first engine, you might be surprised
but it’s the very first where we’ve de- Graphic of the TM800. Image courtesy of Turbomeca
cided to have a cost objective design.
Meaning that we decided to involve strategy pillars focused on customer light helicopter that we are powering
our manufacturing guys, and also our satisfaction is proximity. The four with an Arrius engine, so we’ve deliv-
support guys, right from the begin- are safety, reliability, innovation— ered our first serial engine to them,
ning, right from the conception—in- because we invest money in new en- and basically we’ve got a launching
cluding some of our key suppliers—in gines, to upgrade, about 15 percent customer, with is Gazprom.
order to capitalize on all the knowl- of our turnover—and the last one is The other platform we’ve embarked
edge that we have acquired on the proximity. What does this mean? We on is the Ka-62, which is a seven-ton
support side, as well as the manufac- want to be close to our customer, and brand new helicopter that they un-
turing side, to inject this knowledge so we’ve continued to expand our veiled at Heli-Russia in mid-2012. To
into new developments and to make network of Turbomeca offices, region- a large extent, it’s a composite aero-
sure that we are going to be able to al support and service centers. structure, it has new engines, new
develop an engine that is going to be As an example, in the last 18 main gearbox and new avionics, and
as cheap, or cheaper to produce and months, we’ve opened two offices, so it is receiving attention from the
also cheaper to operate. one in Mexico and the other in Ma- oil and gas market. We are onboard
That’s a key point, because the op- laysia. Those are two growing coun- with the Ardiden 3. We delivered to
erator is waiting at the end of the day tries. We shall continue that trend. Kamov our first prototype powerplant
to keep the aircraft flying, so they In Brazil, we have a strong MRO fa- last year, and so the engine is planned
want high performance, high reli- cility in Turbomeca do Brazil, close to to fly in spring, and I expect the first
ability and low operating costs. So we the Federal Police, there are about 200 public flight in the summer.
need to be able to respond to those people there and we have decided to In China, let’s say there’s a big po-
three key requirements from our end open an Makila assembly line in Bra- tential, including for helicopters. We
customer. zil for the EC225/EC725. So we are in- have license agreements with China
creasing our capacity in Brazil, which for older-generation engines, and we
R&W: How is Turbomeca positioning is a country where we are well-posi- have a partnership on one specific
itself to take advantage of emerging mar- tioned and see very strong growth, version of the Ardiden 3 for a Chi-
kets around the world? both in the military and commercial nese platform, which is named W-16,
Andries: First of all, one of the four markets. which is dedicated to the Red 15 plat-
As we speak, we have no indus- form, which is a Chinese version of
trial footprint in Russia, but we are the EC175. This is in process we are in
strongly developing our business re- a development phase with them, it’s
lationship with Russian Helicopters. a 50/50 partnership where basically
Russian Helicopters is a strong player they are in charge of the cold section,
in the market, they have large ambi- and we are for the hot section of the
tions and they want to be a worldwide engine.
player. They have decided to develop
their product line, including the com- To read the full interview and
mercial market. At the moment, we additional Engine News, visit
are on two platforms, one is the Kam-
Ardiden 3. Image courtesy of Turbomeca
ov Ka-226, which is a twin engine but ■ HELI-EXPO 2013 27


Swiss Marenco SKYe SH09 Advances

Marenco Swisshelicopter SKYe SH09 at Heli-Expo 2012. Images courtesy of Marenco

By Andrew Parker, launch, but as our CEO said, ‘If we Graphic of the SH09 in transport configuration.
Editor-in-Chief don’t have this kind of tight planning,
Marenco Swisshelicopter (Booth then nothing will fly for 10 years.’” recordable in the certification process,
N3712) will discuss the progress of its Deliveries are still planned for 2015, which is not the case for an X1 type of
SKYe SH09 at Heli-Expo. The helicop- Senes told Rotor & Wing. “Keep in helicopter.”
ter has received a total of 35 orders mind, we do plan for a small number But Marenco remains optimistic
through early 2013, with deliveries of aircraft in 2015. We don’t want to that the timeline will remain intact.
targeted to begin in 2015. The com- extend the risk over too much of a big “What we have lost in preparing the
pany will announce the appointment fleet, so we figure that if we deliver prototype, we should gain back in the
of a distributor and representative for 30 to 50 aircraft in the first couple certification process,” Senes said.
the Asia-Pacific region, according to of years, that will be quite enough to The company will also uncover the
Mathias Senes, commercial and strat- handle in terms of keeping support.” latest modifications to the helicopter’s
egy director. On the development side, he con- Sagem instrument panel, which will
“We are working very hard and that’s tinued, “we announced early last year include reducing the cockpit displays
something that’s not just a myth,” he that we would fly in 2012. But then from 10 inches to 8 inches. Marenco
said. “The targets that we fixed are im- after we made the announcement, we is not committing to an exact date for
posing on us. We knew from the be- decided not to produce an experimen- certification of the Honeywell HTS-
ginning that this planning was tight, tal aircraft—which was the initial plan, 900-2 powered SH09, but the compa-
some people mentioned that we were to fly it very quickly. We realized that ny is “fully engaged” with EASA in the
a little too ‘virtual’ during the 2011 we needed to make a prototype, being type certification process.
“We’re leading the certification
through EASA, with the support of the
Swiss aviation authority, and in paral-
lel in the U.S., we have full-time ex-
FAA certification officers to correspond
with our team and inform the FAA and
Transport Canada of our progress.”
The seven-passenger SH09 proto-
type is currently being assembled and
is projected to have a 140-knot cruise
speed with a 430 nautical mile range.
To read the full story from the
interview with Mathias Senes,
Graphical rendering of the SH09 in the law enforcement/police/EMS configuration.

28 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

Show Briefs
Utah Aero Bureau AS350
to Use Becker Audio
Emhart Brings Spiralock
Becker Avionics (Booth N5801)
will equip the Utah Highway Patrol
Aero Bureau’s newly ordered Eurocop-
to Heli-Expo 2013
ter (Booth C2922) AS350B3e with By Frank Lombardi rific vibration. But the Space Agency
its DVCS6100 digital audio system. Emhart Teknologies-Aerospace, a also wanted a 15-cycle reuse capabil-
The AS350B3e will become the first Heli-Expo 2013 exhibitor at Booth ity per fastener.
of its type to enter service for a law C3405, presents its Spiralock brand Under its own test, NASA deter-
enforcement agency in the United of internally threaded fasteners, fea- mined the fasteners in Spiralock-
States, joining two other AS350B2 A- turing a 30-degree wedge ramp at threaded holes did not back off
Stars that are currently in operation the root of the female thread. The or loosen when subjected to ten
with the Utah Highway Patrol. The Spiralock self-locking threaded as- times shuttle-specified vibrations,
new helicopter is scheduled for initial sembly effectively prevents vibra- and they stayed that way 10 times
delivery in May, followed by installa- tion loosening without the use of longer than called for, according
tion of the DVCS6100 system and a ancillary devices. to the company. NASA tests found
law enforcement mission package at Spiralock threaded fasteners are the Spiralock fasteners delivered 50
Hangar One Avionics (Booth C2813) available in several different options uses with no loss of locking perfor-
in Carlsbad, Calif. ranging from hex and hex flange mance.
See more Law Enforcement
nuts, self clinching nuts, ultrasonic Current industry trends show on-
News at
inserts, molded inserts, threaded going efforts to increase fuel efficien-
standoffs, wire inserts, and custom cy, tactical mobility, and payload ca-
Cadorath Boosts Bell Heli- threaded fasteners. Furthermore, pacity in aerospace design, driving
copter Repair Offerings Spiralock has the experience and engineers to find numerous ways to
Winnipeg-based Cadorath Aero- capability to manufacture most any reduce mass through the extensive
space has expanded the number of type of fastener featuring the Spiral- use of lightweight materials such as
options available for Bell (Booths ock internal female thread. composites, aluminum, and plastics.
N17-18 and N5612) operators, NASA was among the first to ap- In most structural joints using light-
developing 178 new repairs during preciate the advantages of the Spi- weight materials, the parent mate-
2012. The company’s engineering ralock thread, when designing the rial needs to be reinforced through
department continues to grow and main engines of the Shuttle orbiter. the use of a wire insert, molded/pot-
plans call for additional repairs to Each of the three main engines de- ted insert or ultrasonic insert. Spiral-
become available during 2013, ac- velops 400,000 lbs. of thrust and ter- ock offers all of these products with
cording to President & CEO Gerry its unique thread,
Cadorath. Visit Cadorath at Heli- which allows for
Expo Booth C4122. superior locking
Read more Repair News at performance in re- lation to standard
threads and prevail-
Aero Dynamix Obtains ing torque threads.
Stop by the Emhart
Laser Panel Certification Teknologies Booth
The U.S. Defense Logistics Agency C3405 to see demos
has approved the MIL-DTL-7788 il- of its fastener tech-
luminated panels from Aero Dyna- nology.
mix (Booth C2025) as certified for its For more Prod-
qualified products lists (QPL). Aero uct news, see Ro-
Dynamix produced the illuminated tor & Wing’s Hot
panels in-house at its robotic paint Products in the
facility in Euless, Texas to ensure the monthly print
consistency of paint application. edition and visit
See more Certification News at

30 HELI-EXPO 2013 ■

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