Space Int

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Interview guide

1. Railway Industry specific questions

a. What has been done already with the railway industry
 Are you working with other industries than the railway sector? If so, are there lessons
to be learned from those other industries?
 How are you working with the railway industry right now?
o Which kind of actors in the industry?
o Which persons (job titles, division)
o What is their feedback?
 Do you see a larger potential for GNSS in passenger rail or freight?
b. Who are the decision-makers and the dynamics between the different stakeholders ?
- Do you see rail actors more open to innovation or more willing to cooperate with
the space industry? Who are the most reluctant?
- In the railway industry and then inside of one company, who is deciding on
investing in space-based technologies?
- What is the role of authorities or the European Union in adopting or not those
c. Challenges and resistance to the adoption of space-based technologies
- What are the main resistances to the adoption of space-based technologies by the
railway industry?
o Cost? Trust? They don’t see the added-value? It takes too much time to be
developed? Regulation?
o How to overcome them?
- What are the existing alternatives to space-technologies for the railway industry?
What advantages do those alternatives offer?
3. Additional questions
- How could we help you? What is important to know for you?

2. Introduction
 What is GNSS in simple words? Global Navigation Satellite Systems
 Are there any substitutes to this technology for navigation? Is GNSS superior to its
substitutes, and why?
 Is there more that can be achieved with GNSS? Is there a big road for potential
developments in GNSS technology or has it reached its potential?
 What does your job consist in within the organization?

Client Journey

High Importance

- Personal contact with sales representatives 

- Negotiation process  

- Educational measures provided by Startup XX

- Brand awareness through digital marketing

- Attracting end consumers through product specific ads

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