Decomposition of Organic Matter in Water

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Submitted by

Name :- M pavan kumar

Reg no :- 11705249

Roll no :- 43

Submitted to

Name :- Dr. Aditya Agrahari Sir


Decomposition of organic matter involves four component processes: photo-oxidation,

leaching, comminution, and mineralization. Arthropods are key factors influencing comminution and
mineralization. Decomposition most commonly is measured as respiration rate, as the ratio of litter
input to litter standing crop, or as the rate of litter disappearance. Isotopic tracers also provide data on
decomposition rate. Decomposition rate typically is higher in mesic than in arid ecosystems.
Decomposition generally can be modeled as a multiple negative exponential decay function over time,
with decay constants proportional to the quality of litter components.

The organic matter in the sea is unevenly distributed between the living plant and animal population,
the suspended detritus, the organic matter in the sea bottom, and that present in the water in true and
in colloidal solution.


Decomposition of organic matter in sea water placed under controlled laboratory conditions. It
has been found that, under these conditions, the organic matter in the water, both in suspension and in
solution, can undergo rapid decomposition. It is quite possible that a change I temperature, resulting rom
the sudden warming up the water, may bring about not only an increases in the biological reactions, but
also change in their very nature; this limitation need not invalidate the result obtained, since these results
are not a measure of what actually happens in nature different conditions, but what may happen any one
of conditions.

The abundance o readily decomposable organic matter in sea water was measured by the rate of oxygen
absorption in the water, incubated under uniform condition. The rapidity o libenation of nitrogen in the
decomposition of the organic matter can be measured by rate of decomposition of glucose added to the

The amount of organic matter in sea water readily attacked by bacteria varies with the rate of production
of the organic matter, with photosynthesis and with the water mass; at the surface of the water, it falls off
as one goes southward.


The major sources of organic matter in aquaculture ponds are organic fertilizer, remains of
microorganisms — phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos — produced within the pond, feces of the
culture animals, and uneaten feed. A relatively small proportion of the total organic matter input to
ponds (usually less than 10 percent) is recovered in the form of harvested fish, shrimp or other culture
animals. The rest of the organic matter is converted to carbon dioxide and water by respiration of the
culture species and other pond biota, discharged in pond effluent, or it accumulates in the sediment.

Many producers believe that a large amount of organic matter in pond bottoms negatively impacts
sediment condition and water quality during future crops. Although this opinion is true, organic matter
decomposes quickly, and its accumulation is not usually as great as often believed. More importantly,
with proper management, problems associated with organic matter accumulation in ponds can be


 Distillation Method:

The sample is buffered to a pH of 9.5 to minimize hydrolysis of organic nitrogen

compounds. Ammonia is distilled from the buffered solution, and an aliquot of the distillate is then
Nesslerized. Essentially, Nesslerization is the reaction between potassium mercuric iodide and ammonia
which forms a red-brown complex of mercuric ammonobasic iodide:

Hgl 2.2KI+NH2 -------->Hg(NHa )I+2KI + HI.

Concentrations of ammonia are then determined by standard spectrophotometric measurements.

Alternatively, the distillate may be titrated with standard sulfuric acid solution.

 Reduction Method:

Samples containing more than 30 mg/1 of NOs"1 may be analyzed by reduction using
Devarda's alloy, distillation of the resulting NHs, and titration with standard H2S04 solution. Details of
the procedure are given by Blaedel and Meloche (1963) and by Kolthoff and Sandell (1952). For high
concentrations of nitrate, the method yields results which are comparable in accuracy to those obtained
by the brucine method.

 Diazotization Method:
Nitrite is diazotized with sulfanilamide, and the resulting diazo compound is coupled with
1-naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride to form an intensely colored red dye (Rider and Mellon,
1945). The absorbance of the dye is proportional to the amount of nitrite present.

This method may be applied to samples containing less than 4 mg nitrite per liter. Samples containing
higher concentrations must first be diluted.

 Dichromate oxidation Method:

Organic and other oxidizable material is oxidized by refiuxing with standard acid-dichromate
solution in the presence of silver sulfate catalyst. The excess dichromate is titrated with standard ferrous
ammonium sulfate, using orthophenanthroline ferrous complex as indicator (American Society for
Testing and Materials, 1968).


Factors controlling decomposition:

The process of microbial decomposition of organic matter is controlled by several factors to include
water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, and the chemical composition of the organic
matter itself. Bacteria and other organisms of decay decompose organic matter fastest at temperatures
of 30 to 35 degrees-C — doubling the temperature in the range of 0 to 35 degrees-C usually will double
the rate of decomposition.

Bacteria function best in the pH range of 7 to 8.5. When the pH is lower, decomposition by fungi is
favored over that by bacteria — especially at pH less than 6. Fungi are not as efficient as bacteria in
decomposing organic matter because they convert more of the organic matter to their own biomass
than do bacteria.

Organic matter that contains a higher nitrogen content usually is easier to decompose than organic
matter of lower nitrogen content. One reason is that organic matter of higher nitrogen content contains
less fiber, but an equally important reason is that microorganisms of decay need nitrogen to produce
their cells (biomass). An organic residue containing 3 or 4 percent nitrogen may decompose several
times faster than one containing 0.5 to 1 percent nitrogen. Of course, ammonia or nitrate nitrogen
dissolved in the water can be used by microorganisms to decompose organic matter of low nitrogen
content. In aquaculture ponds, organic matter usually is low in fiber content and high in nitrogen
content, and if some of it is not, there usually is ammonia and nitrate nitrogen in the water.
The ideal situation for accumulation of organic matter in water bodies is low water temperature and pH,
and the predominance of fibrous vegetation such as reed swamp plants that are of low nitrogen
content. These are the reasons that peat bogs often develop in shallow marshes, especially in cold

Decomposition in water column:

Decomposition of organic matter occurs in the water column, but much of the particulate organic matter
settles to the bottom of a pond. Decomposition is rapid in the layer of flocculent, fresh organic matter
that accumulates at the sediment-water interface. Of course, part of this organic matter mixes with the
underlying sediment or is covered with new sediment before decomposing.

In the water column and surface layer of sediment, there usually are several milligrams per liter of
dissolved oxygen (aerobic conditions), but at a depth of a few millimeters into the sediment, microbial
activity depletes molecular oxygen (anaerobic conditions). Aerobic decomposition completely converts
organic compounds to carbon dioxide and water. But, many of the microorganisms that can decompose
organic matter anaerobically do not completely convert organic compounds to carbon dioxide and water
resulting in a larger amount of organic remains than present where decomposition is aerobic. There are,
however, other anaerobic bacteria that can use these partially decomposed organic residues and
eventually break them down to carbon dioxide and water, but the process is slow. Thus, decomposition
is favored by presence of dissolved oxygen.


Organic matter not only releases nutrients into the soil but it also provides water holding
capacity, improved permeability and prevents erosion. Nitrogen, Phosphorus pentoxide and Sulfur are
among the nutrients that are released into the soil. As well, organic matter can hold up to 90 percent of
its weight in water, which it releases to the plants. Organic matter also causes soil to form aggregates,
this results in an increase in water retention ability, erosion is also prevented.

There are many ways to maintain soil organic matter. A reduction in the use of tillage can significantly
decrease the erosion and decomposition of organic matter. Reducing erosion in general also keeps
organic matter available for longer. Proper fertilization increases the growth of plants and roots, which
help to maintain organic matter. Also, cover crops and the addition of compost can help to maintain
organic matter in the soil.

Organic matter is a necessary and vital aspect of having healthy and workable soil. A quality supply of
organic matter is beneficial to crop and forage production.

A study has been made of bacterial multiplication in stored sea water, obtained from different
depths and different regions, and modified by filtration through different filters. The results can be
summarized as follows:

1. When sea water is placed in glass containers and stored in the laboratory or in the sea, rapid
multiplication of the bacteria takes place.

2. The bacteria multiply at the expense of the organic matter present in the water in suspension and in
solution, as measured by an increase in oxygen consumption.

3. The maximum development of bacteria takes place within two to three days, at 20° to 300C. At lower
temperatures, the rise in bacterial activities is much slower; however, in time they may attain as high if
not a higher maximum than at the higher temperature.

4. The oxygen concentration of the water is highly important for bacterial activities; at a reduced
oxygen tension, the organic matter of the water is attacked with considerable difficulty.

5. In the decomposition of the organic matter in the water by bacteria, a definite parallelism was
obtained between bacterial multiplication, oxygen consumption and liberation of nitrogen in an
available form.

6. These results lead to the conclusion that sea water contains sufficient organic matter in true solution,
to support, under favorable conditions, an extensive bacterial population.

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