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Sam gates production


Short film

Opening outside garden

Levi stands with a shovel overlooking his garden floor with a

flower in a pot near him on the ground,


Levi with the camera looking up digs into the ground, as the
shovel hits the ground he hears a ding sound like metal
hitting metal.

What the hell?

Levi, with the camera at a side view of Levi he hits the

shovel into the ground again and the shovel hits the ground
making the same metal hitting metal sound.

Levi then with a curious look digs into the ground, he then
sees a metal box, he bends over with the camera facing in
front of him. He uses his fingers to brush away dirt covering
a strange almost rusty box with the camera facing over him. He
reaches into the hole and takes out the box

The man bends up and with the camera facing his body he opens
the box his face shows confusion, before he can touch the
pocket watch inside of the box he gets scared by a woman
calling his name into his house causing him to drop the box,
he bends over to pick up the box you her the woman again
The woman
Levi NOW!

Levi ignores the box and walks towards where the voice came
from, it then cuts to a shot of a watch from close up. Pocket
watch on the floor then in the exact same shot it turns
straight into night.

You see Levi walk out in the middle of the night to put up a
bunch of washing on a washing line, he pauses and faces
towards the pocket watch on the floor, as he gets curious he
walks towards the pocket

The man
Aaaaah what the fuu

Levi, this time goes to pick up the Pocket watch, just as he

touches it with his index find he feels a pain on it and jerks
his finger back, he turns over his finger and there is blood
on it. The man looks confused, he grabs a tissue from his
pocket and uses it to pick up the pocket watch

It then cuts to a shot of the pocket watch on a table. The man

looking over the Pocket Watch has a confused look on his face.

Livi picks up the pocket watch but this time it doesn’t hurt
him, while looking around it and trying to find a way to open
it he clicks a button on the top of the watch causing him to
see a very slight way he will die. In curiosity he holds down
the button and it shows the audience how the man is going to
*small sound of a clock ticking in the background as the man
is showed his future/death*
Cuts to a wide shot of the man on his living room table passed
out on the table,

What the hell…

Levi moves out of his chair and goes to the bathroom to wash
his face, the camera stays focused on the watch as this
happens and when the man leaves the shot the camera zooms in
on the watch
Sound: Sinister sound crescendo
As the sound builds, as it gets to the peak of the crescendo
the camera cuts to the man in the bathroom staring at himself
just after washing his face. Levi looks at himself for a bit
with a look that says “you’re not going crazy this isn’t

Your not going crazy this isn’t happening
Your not going crazy this isn’t happening
Your not going crazy this isn’t happening

The man walks out of the bathroom and stares at the watch from
a distance with a pull focus from the watch to Levi

Levi touches the watch one more time and he gets a quick flash
of his future, it quick cuts to Levi running to a forest, we
see him put a shovel in the ground and he Burys the watch.

The man then walks home feeling a lot better, he pulls out his
phone and he begins to look down as it cuts from scenes off a
car speeding to scenes of Levi walking until the car barely
misses him as of the way it is angled, the car beeps and Levi
turns to see that he has just avoided his death. He
walks back into his house and it cuts to a year late.

Levi is sitting at his sofa

The woman
Can you get me a tea?


Cuts to Levi looking in the fridge

The woman

Oh, by the way we have no milk, so you might need to get some

ok I’ll go down the road and get some

(Levi leans back almost as if he is shouting upstairs)

Levi walks out of his house, by leaving his front door, as he

walks out you see him walk into frame in another shot walking
towards a tesco/store

It then cuts to Levi walking out of the store with a gallon of

milk, the sound of a car draws closer and closer and as levi
sees the car he also sees a child crossing the road,
Levi moves the child out of the way of the car and
get run over himself, the screen cuts to a shot of Levi facing
up with a nose bleed and milk in the background spilling out

There is a beeping in the background that sounds like a heart

monitor, it beeps silent until the ringing of the sound
transitions to a man with a metal detector

The man with the metal detector then puts the metal detector
down and shoves a shovel into the ground and the sound of the
shovel hitting the ground cuts the screen to the credits


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