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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 6,998,054 B2

J angbarwala et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 14, 2006

(54) SELECTIVE FLUORIDE AND AMMONIA 4,265,634 A 5/1981 Pohl

REMOVAL BY CHROMATOGRAPHIC 4,375,568 A 3/1983 Izod et al.
SEPARATION OF WASTEWATER 4,389,293 A 6/1983 Mani et al.
4,995,956 A 2/1991 Mani et al.
(75) Inventors: Juzer Jangbarwala, Chino Hills, CA 5,043,072 A 8/1991 Hitotsuyanagi et al.
5,200,046 A 4/1993 Chlanda et a1.
(US); Gerald Albert Krulik, San 5,207,914 A 5/1993 Lin
Clemente, CA (US) 5,651,883 A 7/1997 HorwitZ et a1.
5,707,514 A 1/1998 Yamasaki et a1.
(73) Assignee: The BOC Group, Inc., Murray Hill, 5,725,753 A 3/1998 Harada et a1.
NJ (US) 5,733,434 A 3/1998 Harada et a1.
5,876,685 A 3/1999 Krulik et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,951,874 A 9/1999 Jangbarwala et a1.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,582,605 B1 6/2003 Krulik et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 72 days. 6,613,230 B1 9/2003 Krulik et al.
Primary Examiner—Ernest G. Therkorn
(21) Appl. No.: 10/749,954 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—David A. Hey
(22) Filed: Dec. 31, 2003
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2005/0145572 A1 Jul. 7, 2005 A process for ?uoride removal from WasteWater streams
produced during industrial operation for further industrial
use or to comply With environmental regulations. The pro
(51) Int. Cl.
cess segregates the removal of ?uoride and ?uorosilicate
B01D 15/08 (2006.01)
ions, from the totality of ions in the Waste Water stream, thus
(52) US. Cl. .................... .. 210/656; 210/682; 423/483;
improving treatment efficiency and reducing costs. Ion
exchange chromatography is used to remove the ?uoride and
(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 210/656,
?uorosilicate ions by passing the WasteWater stream through
210/659, 662, 682, 915; 423/483, 484, 488 one or more columns that contain a charged resin Which
See application ?le for complete search history.
selectively binds cations/anions in the stream. The ?uoride
ions are Washed from the column and then collected for
(56) References Cited
removal or use in other processes.
3,700,592 A 10/1972 De Pree 15 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

Acidic wastewater mixture into the

?rst column.
First Column -- strong acid cation resin Regeneration of First Column -
2 replaces cations in mixture with 0 Addition of Strong Acid to Resin 6
hydrogen ions.
Second Column -- strong base anion Regeneration of Second Column -
3 resin removes hexa?uorosilicate and 0 Addition of Hydrochloric Acid, 7
some phosphate. Followed by Sulfuric Acid to Resin

Third Column -- weak base anion resin Regeneration of Third Column -

4 containing tertiary amine groups 0 Addition of Dilute Sodium Hydroxide 8
removes anions. Solution to Resin
Fourth Column -- weak base anion Regeneration of Fourth Column -
5 resin in hydroxide form removes the 0 Addition of Hydrochloric Acid, 9
HF and, if present, acetic acid. Followed By Sodium Hydroxide or
Sodium Hydroxide Alone.
U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 2006 US 6,998,054 B2

Acidic wastewater mixture into the

?rst column.
First Column -- strong acid cation resin Regeneration of First Column -
replaces cations in mixture with Addition of Strong Acid to Resin
hydrogen ions.
Second Column -- strong base anion Regeneration of Second Column -
resin removes hexa?uorosilicate and Addition of Hydrochloric Acid,
some phosphate. Followed by Sulfuric Acid to Resin

Third Column -- weak base anion resin Regeneration of Third Column -

containing tertiary amine groups Addition of Dilute Sodium Hydroxide
removes anions. Solution to Resin
Fourth Column -- weak base anion Regeneration of Fourth Column -
resin in hydroxide form removes the Addition of Hydrochloric Acid,
HF and, if present, acetic acid. Followed By Sodium Hydroxide or
Sodium Hydroxide Alone.

US 6,998,054 B2
1 2
SELECTIVE FLUORIDE AND AMMONIA semiconductor manufacturing processes, its presence in the
REMOVAL BY CHROMATOGRAPHIC caked calcium ?uoride negates its value as a raW material.
SEPARATION OF WASTEWATER Therefore, all of the ?uoride from conventional ?uoride
caking systems is unusable by semiconductor manufactur
BACKGROUND ers, because it is unavailable for recycle or recovery.
In addition to the above problems, the industry desires a
Many industrial operations utilize ?uoride, often as Way to isolate and treat the Waste streams containing ammo
hydro?uoric acid or as ?uoride salts such as ammonium nium ions. Current state-of-the-art employs biological ?lters
?uoride. For example, alumina and silica etching, cleaning, Which require much maintenance and are not very efficient.
etc. and semiconductor production utiliZe large amounts of 10 US. Pat. No. 5,876,685 discloses a method for the
hydro?uoric acid, and other ?uoride compounds. As a removal and puri?cation of substantially all the ?uoride ions
regulated element in Water discharge, for reasons Well contained in a solution containing greater than 10 parts per
knoWn in the art, the WasteWater generated needs to be million (ppm) ?uoride ion, a mixture of other anions, silicon
processed for ?uoride ion removal. Additionally, When using in the form of a ?uorosilic acid, silicic acid, silicates, or
hydro?uoric acid (HF), semiconductor manufacturers often 15 silicon tetra?uoride, and optionally also containing complex
require an ultra-pure hydro?uoric acid. metal ?uorides, to produce a hydro?uoric acid.
The typical semiconductor manufacturer may produce an
average of 10,000 gallons per day of mixed acidic ?uoride SUMMARY
Waste. The production of such vast quantities of ?uoride ion
Waste, hoWever, presents signi?cant disposal problems. 20 A process for treating a WasteWater stream is provided,
Fluoride Wastes are becoming subject to increasingly strin Which includes removing substantially all ?uoride ions
gent environmental controls for treatment and disposal. contained in the WasteWater stream, and comprises exchang
Industry must therefore greatly reduce the ?uoride content ing cations in the WasteWater stream With hydrogen ions by
of Waste solutions before the solutions may be introduced passing the WasteWater stream through a strong acid cation
into the municipal Water disposal system. 25 resin, removing hexa?uorosilicates from the WasteWater
With the increased use of ?uorine as a chamber cleaning stream by passing the WasteWater stream through a strong
gas, the volumes of Waste are expected to increase. The base anion resin in sulfate form, removing acids from the
state-of-the-art practices for ?uoride treatment have focused WasteWater stream by passing the WasteWater stream
on precipitation of ?uoride as an insoluble calcium ?uoride through a Weak base anion resin, having tertiary amine
(CaF2) salt by treating the dilute streams With either direct 30 groups in free base form, and removing hydro?uoric acid
calcium hydroxide addition (Ca(OH)2) or forming calcium from the WasteWater stream by passing the WasteWater
hydroxide by addition of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and stream through a Weak base anion resin in free base form.
sodium hydroxide (NaOH). A process for treating a WasteWater stream is also pro
The reaction proceeds as folloWs: vided Which includes removing substantially all ?uoride
35 ions contained in the Waste Water stream, and comprises
exchanging hydrogen ions in a strong acid cation resin
As can be seen from the reaction, on a dry Weight basis, containing hydrogen ions With aluminum ions by passing a
the sludge Would contain only 45% calcium ?uoride (CaFZ), solution of aluminum salt through the strong acid cation
the balance being relatively benign CaSO4. resin, rinsing the strong acid cation resin With Water, and
This treatment scheme suffers from several draWbacks. 40 removing hydro?uoric acid from the WasteWater stream by
Solubility of (Ca(OH)2) in Water is approximately 1,600 passing the WasteWater stream through the strong acid cation
ppm. Therefore, addition of Ca(OH)2 typically results in the resm.
injection of a slurry of Ca(OH)2. The slurry has 10—15
micron siZe particles of Ca(OH)2 that act as the seed for BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
calcium ?uoride (CaF2) precipitation. The sulfates present in 45
the Water also precipitate since calcium sulfate (CaSO4) is FIG. 1 is a ?oW chart of the process according to one
not very soluble. Also as CaSO4 has tWo molecules of Water embodiment.
attached to the salt molecule, the precipitated solid is very
sticky, and does not ?lter Well in the ?lter press. As a result, DETAILED DESCRIPTION
?lter press operations may need to be stopped prematurely 50
due to pressure build-up, resulting in excessive amounts of The subject process is applicable for ?uoride removal
moisture being left in the cake. A further limitation of these from WasteWater streams produced during industrial opera
systems has been the level of ?uoride ion concentration that tion for further industrial use or to comply With environ
they can achieve. Typically, at slightly alkaline pH, approxi mental regulations. The process segregates the removal of
mately 20 parts per million (ppm) of CaF2 is still soluble in 55 ?uoride and ?uorosilicate ions, from the totality of ions in
the Water. At excessive dosage levels of reactants, especially the Waste Water stream, thus improving treatment ef?ciency
the calcium and alkalinity source, loWer levels of 10—12 ppm and reducing costs. Ion-exchange chromatography is used to
of ?uoride can be achieved. HoWever, in some areas of the remove the ?uoride by passing the WasteWater stream
World, the discharge limits for ?uoride are being loWered to through one or more columns that contain a charged resin
sub 2-ppm levels. This level cannot be technically achieved 60 Which selectively binds cations/anions in the stream. The
by the precipitation mechanism due to the loWer solubility ?uoride is Washed from the column and is then collected for
limit of CaF2. removal or use in other processes.
In addition, it is very dif?cult for the semiconductor In one embodiment the ?uoride (F‘) Waste is separated
manufacturer to recycle the ?uoride after this process has from a mixed acid Waste stream by ?oWing the mixed acid
been used, because caked calcium ?uoride also contains 65 Waste stream through a four stage (column) ion chromatog
high amounts of silicon as silica, Which is dif?cult to raphy exchange separation process. The ?rst column con
separate from ?uoride. As silica has adverse effects on many verts any salts in the stream to the corresponding acids by
US 6,998,054 B2
3 4
exchanging cations such as ammonium With hydrogen ions. no hexa?uorosilicates. This WasteWater stream is treated for
The second preconditioned column selectively removes the removal of acids other than HF. The resin used in the column
hexa?uorosilicates (SiFG), While the third column removes is a Weak base anion containing tertiary amine groups that
the acids—nitric acid (HNO3), acetic acid (HOAc), hydro are in free base form. That is, the exchangeable anion on the
chloric acid (HCl) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) by chromato resin is hydroxide ion, thus free base, since no soluble cation
graphic separation. The fourth column removes only hydrof is associated With it. The only cation is the insoluble ion
luoric acid This process facilitates the treatment of a exchange resin. An example of such a resin is Purolite A-845
concentrated stream as a batch, containing only ?uoride (Purolite Company, Bala CynWyd, Pa.). It should be noted
compounds, eliminating the extra sludge generated by sul that most Weak base anion resins, Whether With partial strong
fates and overdosing of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) due to 10 base groups or not, can be used.
continuous operation. HF is initially absorbed in place of the hydroxide ions on
In the ?rst column, the WasteWater stream is treated by a the resin, along With all the other acids. Therefore, initially,
strong acid cation resin With sulfonic acid moieties such as the column ef?uent has very loW conductivity, (deioniZed
polystyrene crosslinked With di-vinyl benZene, an example quality Water), indicating that substantially all acids are
of such a resin is Purolite C-100 (Purolite Company, Bala 15 being absorbed. This loW conductivity condition persists
CynWyd, Pa.). It should be noted that many strong cation until all of the hydroxide ions are essentially replaced by the
resins could be used in this process. This column exchanges anions in the Waste stream. Since the equivalent Weight of
all cations in the WasteWater stream With hydrogen ions. The HF is the loWest among the acids mentioned above as
resulting WasteWater stream contains dilute concentrations coming from the second stage resin treatment, HF becomes
of: sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, displaced as the higher equivalent Weight acids enter the
hydro?uoric acid and ?uorosilicic acid. The column is column. This results in the treated WasteWater stream con
equipped With either an ammonium ion monitor or a differ sisting almost exclusively of dilute HF. To detect When the
ential pH monitor. If the ammonium ion monitor is used, a resin is exhausted (ie, When the next most loosely held ion
leakage of ammonium ions indicates column exhaustion and than HF is being displaced), the column may have a chloride
the column can be regenerated With a strong acid. The choice 25 monitor that checks for the presence of chloride ions in the
of the strong acid used during regeneration is decided by the ef?uent stream. The chloride ions indicate that the column
user. If the user is inclined to ship the regenerant Waste, the can no longer produce exclusively HF ef?uent, Which sig
column can be regenerated With sulfuric acid, Which gen nals the need for regeneration of the resin. The resulting
erates an ammonium sulfate salt solution that could be sold WasteWater stream is then treated by the fourth stage.
to the fertiliZer industry. If the user is inclined to destroy the Regeneration comprises pumping a very dilute NaOH
ammonium on-site, the column can be regenerated With solution through the third stage resin. The amount of NaOH
hydrochloric acid, and the regenerant Waste treated in an may be approximately 110% of the stoichiometric value
electrolytric chamber under the in?uence of DC current, to required for complete replacement With hydroxide ion. The
change the chlorides to hypochlorite, Which then reacts With Waste from the regeneration includes mostly sodium salts of
the ammonia, to eventually convert it to nitrogen gas 35 sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, and can be discharged to any
through the mono-, di-, and tri-chloramine reaction process. standard acid Waste neutraliZation system. It should be noted
In the second column, the acidi?ed WasteWater stream is that acetic acid, Which is a very Weak acid, Will be released
treated With a strong base anion containing quaternary amine before chlorides by the column if it is present in the
groups, such as polystyrene crosslinked With di-vinyl ben WasteWater.
Zene. An example of such a resin is Purolite A-400, or A-600 40 The fourth column removes HF from the WasteWater
(Purolite Company, Bala CynWyd, Pa.). This resin is treated stream by using any Weak base anion resin in hydroxide
With sulfuric acid to leave the resin in the sulfate form, rather form such as Purolite A-845, or Purolite A-103 (Purolite
than in the more-standard hydroxide form. It should be noted Company, Bala CynWyd, Pa.) Which can be used for this
that any type of strong base sulfate anion resins that can process. Another example of such a resin is the Reillex 425P
dissociate salts into acids by removing the cation and 45 polymer, (Reilly Industries, Indianapolis, Ind.). This resin
replacing it With hydrogen ion (splitting salts), can be used. has demonstrated very high HF absorption capacity. (2.5
The divalent sulfate ions prevent any of the other anions in equivalents per liter volume of Wet resin as supplied (eq/l)
the WasteWater stream from being absorbed by the resin, vs 1.6 eq/1 for other Weak base anion resins). The resin
except for anions that have a higher equivalent Weight. An Would initially produce deioniZed Water, as it absorbs sub
example of one such anion Would be the hexa?uorosilicate stantially all acetic acid Which might be present, as Well as
ion, formed from the silicon or silicon dioxide portions of substantially all the HF. HoWever, as more HF contacts the
the semiconductor Wafer and the presence of HF. The resin, the acetic acid Will be replaced by the HF, and the
equivalent Weight of the SiF6 is 71 compared to 48 for ef?uent stream Will contain acetic acid. This stream can be
sulfates. The resin exchanges (SiF6) for sulfates, producing sent to the acid Waste neutraliZation system.
sulfuric acid in place of the ?uorosilicic acid. The column 55 Regeneration of this column can have different con?gu
can be equipped With a silica monitor for monitoring silica rations, based on user needs. If the user Wants to reuse the
breakthrough, signaling the need for regeneration. Regen Water, then a conductivity monitor is installed at the ef?uent
eration may be a tWo-stage process comprising ?rst adding port, Which signals the need for regeneration, by measuring
hydrochloric acid, folloWed by sulfuric acid, to the strong the electrical resistance of the Water, Which is controlled by
sulfate base anion. The regenerant Waste is collected, and the total number of ions in the Water. Once an ion exchange
treated in a small batch treatment system With very sloW resin is exhausted, it can no longer absorb ions so the
addition of calcium hydroxide, or calcium chloride and conductivity of the exit Water increases. If the user is not
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to precipitate a mixture of cal interested in the reuse of Water, and Wants maximum ?uoride
cium silicate (CaSiO3), silica, and CaF2. The sludge can then removal, the column may be equipped With a ?uoride ion
be pressed and disposed of. 65 monitor to signal the need for regeneration. In either case,
In the third column, the treated WasteWater stream from the regeneration may be done With hydrochloric acid to
the second stage contains all the acids With no cations, and produce an acidic HF solution, folloWed by NaOH to
US 6,998,054 B2
5 6
regenerate the resin, or the regeneration can be done With volumes per hour, or roughly 2 gallons per minute (gpm)/per
only NaOH, to give a NaF/NaOH mixture. When the HCl cubic foot of resin. A ?uoride ion detector may signal the
elution Wave is separated, the Waste consists mostly of HF. exhaustion of the column.
The HF Waste Will be collected in a tank and batch treated The regenerant Waste is collected and sent back to the
by adding Ca(OH)2 at a concentration beloW the Ca(OH)2 precipitation system for processing With either calcium
solubility limits, to alloW for calcium ?uoride (CaF2) crys hydroxide, or calcium chloride plus sodium hydroxide, as
tals to groW Without Ca(OH)2 crystal seeds. Alternatively, previously described, to precipitate a mixture of calcium
calcium chloride (CaCl2) can be added in stoichiometric ?uoride, aluminum hydroxide, and calcium aluminate salts.
amounts, With the pH being adjusted to maintain an opti To repeat the process, soluble aluminum salt solution is
mum CaF2 solubility. In some embodiments, the pH value 10 added to the strong acid cation resin.
Would be betWeen about 4 to about 5. The CaF2 crystals thus System con?gurations can vary With user requirements. In
formed are extremely easy to ?lter, and the sludge is one embodiment, the con?guration has three columns of
effectively concentrated, as it contains very little Water. strong acid cation resin in a Primary-Polisher-Standby
In one embodiment, a system employing a cation design. During the service cycle, the WasteWater stream
exchange resin, With all available cation capacity ?lled by 15 ?oWs ?rst through the Primary column and second through
aluminum ions, is used to purify WasteWater streams con the Polisher column. A ?uoride sensor monitors the ef?uent
taining ?uoride ions. The resin is used for selectively from the Primary column and signals exhaustion of the
removing ?uoride ions in WasteWater by facilitating the Primary column. At this point, the WasteWater stream is
complexation reaction of aluminum ions With ?uoride ions, channeled to pass through the Polisher column next, fol
Within the reactive matrix of the ion exchange resin. The loWed by the Standby column. After the WasteWater stream
system is suitable for use in neutral or slightly alkaline pH is passed through, the Primary column is regenerated by
WasteWater, such as is found at the discharge end of a pumping the concentrated mineral acid corresponding to the
conventional ?uoride precipitation system. anion of the aluminum salt passed through the strong acid
The folloWing embodiment described beloW alloWs the cation resin. After regeneration is complete, the regenerated
user to produce loWer levels of ?uoride in the WasteWater. 25 Primary column becomes the neW Standby column.
The process includes using a strong acid cation ion exchange In another embodiment, the con?guration has tWo trains
resin, With certain embodiments having a uniform particle (one in service, one in standby) of tWo columns each, With
siZe, as a chelating agent for the formation of the aluminum one column being a Primary and the other a Polisher
?uoride complex Within the reactive matrix of the resin. In column. When ?uoride is detected by a ?uoride detector in
other embodiments, the resin has a non-uniform bead siZe. the ef?uent of the Primary column, the WasteWater ?oW is
Examples of resins With non-uniform bead siZe comprise: IR sWitched to the standby train, and the exhausted train is
120, (Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa.); Purolite C-100, regenerated With concentrated mineral acid as described
(Purolite Company Bala CynWyd, Pa.). Examples of resins previously. The mineral acid (regenerant) is pumped through
With uniform bead siZe resin are Purolite PFC-100, (Purolite the Polisher column ?rst, and then through the Primary
Company Bala CynWyd, Pa.); Marathon series, (DoW 35 column.
Chemical Company Midland, Mich.); and Amberjet series, FIG. 1 illustrates the general process of one embodiment
(Rohm & Haas, Co. Philadelphia, Pa.). Wherein an acidic WasteWater mixture containing at least
In one embodiment, strong acid cation resin containing some of the folloWing ions: sulfate, chloride, ?uoride,
hydrogen ions is subjected to a solution of soluble aluminum acetate, ammonium, hydrogen, nitrate, phosphate, hexa?uo
salt, such as aluminum chloride or aluminum sulfate. It
40 rosilicate, silicate, sodium, potassium, organic amines, tet
should be noted that any soluble salt of aluminum can be
ramethylammonium is introduced into the ?rst column 1.
The WasteWater passes through the ?rst column Where a
used. In one embodiment, the amount Will be about 1 to
strong acid cation resin removes substantially all cations
about 3 equivalents of aluminum, as aluminum per liter of
resin. In another embodiment, the amount Would be that such as, ammonium, sodium, potassium, tetramethylammo
Which Would be very close to the tested resin capacity for
45 nium and replaces the cations With hydrogen ions, making
aluminum, currently estimated at 1.2 equivalents per liter. the exiting WasteWater strongly acidic 2. Resin exhaustion in
The hydrogen ion from the resin is exchanged With the the ?rst column is signaled by no pH drop betWeen entrance
and exit from the ?rst column. The WasteWater from the ?rst
aluminum ion, and a strong acid With a slight residual of the
column enters the second column Wherein hexa?uorosilicate
aluminum salt is generated as the ef?uent from the column.
and some phosphate is removed using a strong base anion
In one embodiment, a volume of one bed volume of alumi
num salt solution Will be used. The column is then rinsed containing quaternary amine resin in sulfate form 3. Exhaus
With approximately one bed volume of deioniZed Water.
tion of the resin in the second column is measured by using
a silica analyZer on the ef?uent. All other acids, except for
The total Waste from the soluble aluminum salt solution some phosphate, pass through With the WasteWater to the
passed through the strong acid cation resin and deioniZed 55 third column.
Water that rinsed the strong cation resin in the column is The third column removes substantially all anions to give,
collected and saved in a tank. initially, deioniZed Water by using a Weak base anion resin
Concentrated mineral acid, corresponding to the anion of containing tertiary amine groups that are in free base form
the aluminum salt passed through the strong acid cation 4. Once the resin is completely loaded With anions, addi
resin is added to the soluble aluminum salt solution Which tional anions Will displace any ?uoride that is absorbed on
passed through the strong acid cation resin and deioniZed the resin. The ef?uent consists of substantially only HF, and
Water that rinsed the strong cation resin in the column is acetic acid if any is present in the initial WasteWater, until
regenerated using a strong acid solution of 6% by Weight. As there is little or no absorbed HF left on the resin. As this
an example, if aluminum chloride is used as the salt, happens chloride ions Will pass through in addition to the
hydrochloric acid Would be used as a regenerant. 65 acetate and HF; indicating resin exhaustion. The HF ions,
A WasteWater stream containing ?uoride ions is passed and if present acetic acid, from the ef?uent WasteWater of
through the column at a volumetric rate of about 16 bed column three are removed in column four using any Weak
US 6,998,054 B2
7 8
base anion resin in hydroxide form 5. A ?uoride analyzer 3. The process of claim 1 Wherein the strong acid cation
may be used to monitor the exiting solution to determine resin contains sulfonic acid moieties.
When the resin is exhausted. 4. The process of claim 1 further comprising monitoring
The ?rst column can be regenerated With sulfuric acid 6, the WasteWater stream passing through the strong acid cation
Which generates an ammonium sulfate salt or hydrochloric resin to test for ammonium ion breakthrough.
acid. The second column, can be regenerated 7 using a 5. The process of claim 4 Wherein said monitoring com
tWo-stage process comprising ?rst adding hydrochloric acid, prises monitoring the differential pH of the WasteWater
folloWed by sulfuric acid, to the strong sulfate base anion stream entering and exiting the resin.
resin. Regeneration of the third column 8 comprises pump 6. The process of claim 1 further comprising regenerating
ing a very dilute NaOH solution through the third stage the strong acid cation resin by passing through the strong
resin. The regeneration of the fourth column 9 may be done acid cation resin, at least one of sulfuric acid or hydrochloric
With hydrochloric acid to produce an acidic HF solution, acid.
folloWed by NaOH to regenerate the resin, or the regenera 7. The process of claim 1 Wherein the strong base anion
tion can be done With only NaOH, to give a NaF/NaOH resin contains quaternary amine groups.
mixture. 15 8. The process of claim 1 Wherein part b further comprises
It Will be understood that the embodiment(s) described monitoring the WasteWater stream passing through the
herein is/ are merely exemplary, and that one skilled in the art strong base anion resin to test for silica breakthrough.
may make variations and modi?cations Without departing 9. The process of claim 1 Wherein part b further comprises
from the spirit and scope of the invention. All such varia regenerating the strong base anion resin by passing through
tions and modi?cations are intended to be included Within the strong base anion resin, hydrochloric acid folloWed by
the scope of the invention as described hereinabove. Further sulfuric acid.
all embodiments disclosed are not necessarily in the alter 10. The process of claim 1 Wherein part c further com
native, as various embodiments of the invention may be prises monitoring the WasteWater stream passing through the
combined to provide the desired characteristics. strong base anion resin to test for chloride breakthrough.
We claim: 25
11. The process of claim 1 Wherein parts c and d further
1. A process for treating a WasteWater stream, including
comprise regenerating the Weak base anion resin having
removing substantially all ?uoride ions contained in the
tertiary amine groups in free base form With a sodium
WasteWater stream, comprising: hydroxide solution.
a. exchanging cations in the WasteWater stream With
hydrogen ions by passing the WasteWater stream 12. The process of claim 1 Wherein part d further com
through a strong acid cation resin; prises monitoring the WasteWater stream passing through the
Weak base anion resin to test for electrical resistance.
b. removing hexa?uorosilicates from the WasteWater
stream by passing the WasteWater stream through a 13. The process of claim 1 further comprising monitoring
strong base anion resin in sulfate form; the WasteWater stream passing through the strong base anion
c. removing acids from the WasteWater stream by passing 35 resin to test for ?uoride breakthrough.
the WasteWater stream through a Weak base anion resin, 14. The process of claim 1 further comprising regenerat
having tertiary amine groups in free base form; ing the Weak base anion resin by passing hydrochloric acid
d. removing hydro?uoric acid from the WasteWater stream through the Weak base anion resin.
by passing the WasteWater stream through a Weak base 15. The process of claim 1 further comprising adding to
anion resin in free base form. 40 the removed hydro?uoric acid, at least one of Ca(OH)2 at a
2. The process of claim 1 Wherein the acids other than concentration beloW solubility limits or CaCl2.
hydro?uoric acid are selected from the group consisting of
HNO3, HOAc, HCl, and H2504.

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