Concert Review Guidelines

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Concert Review Guidelines

A review combines reporting with personal opinion. Write your review as if your audience is the
general reading public and you are a person who attends concerts for pleasure. As you write
about the concert, deal with aspects of the concert that you consider most important or striking.
Word choice, spelling, grammar, and punctuation are important. Write your review as an essay,
not in question and answer format. Be honest and show that you seriously engaged in the music
and the performance.

Opening Paragraph: Briefly describe the event using these questions:

WHO—who was performing? WHEN—date, time?

WHAT—What was the event? What was the WHY—What was the purpose?
title of the concert?
HOW—Types of concert and music
WHERE—Where was the event held? (concert band, jazz band, choir)

Body: The bulk of the review might address some of these questions. Remember to use essay
form. Questions about the performance:

What about the experience was new or different for you?

What impressed you about this live music experience and why?

Which selection intrigued you the most? Explain what about the music intrigued you.

If the piece is a new work, what is your opinion about the writing of the composition?

What work did you find most enjoyable? Why?

If there was a selection you did not enjoy, why didn’t you enjoy it?

What did the audience respond to the most? Least?

Questions about the performers:

What was your opinion about the performers’ presentation of the music?

How good are they as musicians?

How well did they work together?

Be sure to concentrate on musical matters, although brief discussions of other aspects may be

Conclusion: Your conclusion should summarize your overall impression of the concert. Share your
reactions and opinions. What did you like, what did you dislike and why? Finally, give the
performers a pat on the back or suggestions for improvement, and give your readers good
reasons for going (or not going) to the next such concert.
Concert Review Rubric

FORMAT-LENGTH, Review is 1 complete Review is almost 1 Review is 3/4 Review is 3/4 Review is 1/2 page
FONT & SPACING page or more. Double complete page. page. Double page. More than or less. There are
Spaced and uses 12 Double Spaced Spaced and uses Double Spaced extra spaces and/or
pt appropriate font. and uses 12 pt 12 pt appropriate and/or uses large inappropriate font.
appropriate font. font. than 12 pt
appropriate font.
FORMAT-Title & The correct format for There is a title and There is no title on
byline a Title and byline are byline on the the paper.
used. Title is enticing paper.
and/or interesting.

INTRODUCTION Introduction paragraph Introduction Introduction Introduction

includes title, venue, paragraph includes paragraph includes paragraph is
and date of the two of the one of the missing title,
concert. Name of following: title, following: title, venue, and date of
Musicians/ ensembles/ venue, and date of venue, and date of the concert. Name
conductors are the concert. Name the concert. Name of Musicians/
included. Overall intro of Musicians/ of Musicians/ ensembles/
to concert setting is ensembles/ ensembles/ conductors are
included. conductors may be conductors are missing. Overall
included. Overall missing. Overall intro to concert
intro to concert intro to concert setting is missing.
setting is setting is limited.
DESCRIPTION Brief discussions of Brief discussions Limited discussions Pieces are listed
each piece is included. of some pieces are of few pieces are and not described.
Title of each piece and included. Title of included. Title of Discussion of
composer is listed (OR some pieces and few pieces and reaction to pieces
program is attached). composers are composers are are missing.
Discussion of reaction listed (OR program listed (OR program
to each piece is is attached). is attached).
included. Discussion of
reaction to some
pieces are
EVALUATION Evaluation of concert Evaluation of Evaluation of Evaluation of
is reflective and uses concert uses facts concert is limited. missing. Audience
facts or reactions to or reactions to the Audience response response is not
the pieces as support. pieces as support. is not mentioned mentioned and the
Audience response is Audience response and the overall overall judgment of
mentioned and the is mentioned and judgment of the the concert is
overall judgment of the the overall concert is listed. listed.
concert is listed and judgment of the
discussed. concert is listed.
CONCLUSION The impression of the The impression of The impression of Conclusion is
concert is summarized the concert is the concert is missing or just one
in more than three summarized in summarized in less sentence.
sentences. Mention of three sentences. than three
upcoming attractions Mention of sentences. The
may be present. The upcoming conclusion leaves
conclusion leaves the attractions may be the reader with a
reader with a feeling of present. feeling of wanting
completion. more information

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