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5th Year English King Lear Ms.


Act 3 Scene 6

GLOUCESTER, LEAR, KENT (in disguise), the FOOL, and EDGAR (in disguise)
It's better in this shed than out in the open air. Be grateful for the shelter. I'll
make you more comfortable in whatever way I can. I won't be gone long.
His passionate rage is driving him crazy. May the gods reward your kindness!
The devil Frateretto calls out to me. He says that the Roman emperor Nero is a
fisherman in Hell's lake of darkness. Pray, innocent Fool, and beware the devil.
Please, uncle, tell me whether this madman is a gentleman or an average man?
He's a king, a king!
No, he must be an average man with a gentleman for a son—since an average man
would be crazy to let his son become a gentleman before he became a gentleman
May a thousand hissing devils strike those daughters of mine with their red
burning pitchforks!
The devil bites my back.
A man would be crazy to trust a wolf's tameness, a horse's health, a boy's love,
or a whore's promise.
I will do it. I'll put my daughters on trial right away.

[To EDGAR] Come, sit here, our excellent judge.

[To the FOOL] And you, wise sir, sit here. Now, you she-foxes—
Look, see the devil standing and glaring at me! Do you want spectators at your
trial, madam?
Come over the brook, Bessy, to me—
5th Year English King Lear Ms. Doyle

Her boat has a leak,
And she must not speak
About why she can't come over to see you.

The devil haunts Poor Tom by singing like a nightingale. That devil Hoppedance
grumbles in Tom's belly, crying for two fish to eat. Stop rumbling, you black
angel. I don't have any food for you.
[To LEAR] How are you, sir? Don't look so bewildered. Will you lie down and rest
on the pillows?
I want to see their trial first. Bring in the witnesses against them.

[To EDGAR] Take your place, you judge in your robe.

[To the FOOL] And you, his partner in justice, sit by his side.

[To KENT] You are allowed to be a judge as well. Sit down, too.
Let's deliver a fair trial.
Are you asleep or awake, happy shepherd?
Your sheep are in the cornfield.
And if you blow your horn with your sweet little mouth
Your sheep will come to no harm.
Purr the Cat is a gray devil.
Let's put Goneril on trial first. Here she is. I swear before this honourable
assembly that she kicked her father, the poor king.
Come here, mistress. Is your name Goneril?
She cannot deny it.

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