Designer Babies

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A designer baby is a baby whose genetic makeup has been selected or altered, often to
include a particular gene or to remove genes associated with a disease.
This process usually involves analysing a wide range of human embryos to identify genes
associated with particular diseases and characteristics, and selecting embryos that have
the desired genetic makeup; a process known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Other
potential methods by which a baby's genetic information can be altered involve directly
editing the genome, a person's genetic code before birth. This process is not routinely
performed and only one instance of this is known to have occurred as of 2019, where
Chinese twins Lulu and Nana were edited as embryos, causing widespread criticism.
Genetically altered embryos can be achieved by introducing the desired genetic material
into the embryo itself, or into the sperm and/or egg cells of the parents; either by delivering
the desired genes directly into the cell or using the gene-editing technology. This process
is known as germline engineering and performing this on embryos that will be brought to
term is not typically permitted by law. Editing embryos in this manner means that the
genetic changes can be carried down to future generations, and since the technology
concerns editing the genes of an unborn baby, it is considered controversial and is subject
to ethical debate. While some scientists condone the use of this technology to treat
disease, some have raised concerns that this could be translated into using the technology
for cosmetic means and enhancement of human traits, with implications for the wider
 Installing a better understanding of genetics for biologists.
 It increases human lifespan for up to 30 years.
 helps to keep up with modern technologies
 It might help prevent genetic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s Disease,
down syndrome, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and many others.
 It reduces the risk of inherited medical conditions such as anemia, obesity,
diabetes, cancer, and much more.
 Enhancement of children.
 It allows parents to give their child a healthy life.
 Genetically engineering babies is an option, not a requirement for all parents. For
those that disagree with it, they don’t have to engineer their child.
 Taking folate during pregnancy will reduce the risk of a child developing autism. It
is an example of medically altering a child and it is considered ethically acceptable.
 It helps to eliminate mitochondrial disorders.
 Parents can set their own limits for genetically engineering their baby.
 The government does not have the right to control means of reproduction.
 It allows parents to give the child genes that they do not carry.

With all scientific and technological advancements, there is ethical disparagement; the
ethical viewpoints should not cease the advancement of technology.
1. It will help increase the life expectancy
By editing out an unborn baby’s defective genes and only retaining the healthy genes, the
baby will grow up healthier. Therefore, you may increase their overall life expectancy by up
to 30 years.
2. Positive Influence on the Baby
A designer baby will have an overall positive take on various parts of life. Some aspects of
your baby’s life that you can surely create a positive impact on are your baby’s health, your
baby’s intelligence, your baby’s looks and more.

3. Altering the lifestyle earlier

You might influence the child’s thinking and life by adding various influences to it. Instead
of influencing the child later in life, designing a baby may help you create some similar
types of influences but even before the baby is born. Like instead of pushing the baby to
study hard and do well in the academic field, you can already enhance your baby’s mental
capabilities before your baby is even born.
4. It reduces the chances of genetic disorders
When you use the genetic modification technology to create a designer baby, it will help to
reduce the chances of various genetic disorders in your baby. In many instances, these
are not only a means to reduce your baby’s chances of getting affected with certain health
conditions, but are also a way of increasing your baby’s chances of survival.

5. You call the shots

As a parent, you have the say in what all parts of your baby’s life you want to change for
the better. You will be able to set all the limits and keep a check on what all changes your
baby will go through and how much of the same you want to be done.
 Genetic engineers are not perfect people and cannot 100% properly evaluate every
gene. They are more than likely mistakes will be made.
 If the process is not done carefully, the embryo could be accidentally terminated.
 The technology used is not 100% safe yet. It is only in the experimental stages at
this point.
 A baby cannot consent to have its body altered; therefore some do not believe it’s
right as parents do not “own” their children
 Parents may use this technology for superficial purposes, such as purposely
seeking out a blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby for appearance concerns only.
 They could create a gap in society. “Designer” babies would most likely be better
looking, smarter, etc. This would create “classes” between designer
and nondesigner babies.
 Because the technology is so new, it is unknown whether the babies will affect the
gene pool. This can cause difficulties later on throughout the baby’s family tree.
  Because most people will seek out good-looking, intelligent babies with other
optimum characteristics, everyone will be relatively similar.
 This procedure is not cheap, and not everyone would be able to afford it. Could
create prejudice between “Designer” and “nondesigner” babies.
1. Not error-free
The process of genetic modification to create designer babies is still in its nascent
experimental stage, and it needs time and research to progress forward. Genetics are not
always a hundred percent sure, which means that it is very likely possible that error may
come up at some point in the future in the case of designer babies. Researchers worry that
when they will do everything possible to eradicate any illness in the baby while modifying
the genes, an accidental error could give rise to some new form of illness, something they
may not be aware of how to treat.
2. Ethical and Moral Issues
It is almost the same as carrying out an abortion when you have plenty of choices to
eliminate the unwanted ones. In some cases, the parents have also gone ahead and
aborted the baby, depending on their reasons for creating the baby in the first place.
Sometimes parents do it for money they will get as compensation for donating the stem
cells and have no thought whatsoever of the baby.
3. Violation of your baby’s rights
When you go ahead with the process of creating a designer baby, you essentially change
the life and mind of a living human being without taking the person’s permission or choice
in regard. In this case, you will alter your baby’s mental, emotional and physical makeup
for life, without your baby having any say in whether or not it is something your baby
wanted or not. It is a process in which your baby will be used as a scientific experiment,
instead of being treated more like a human being.
4. Can Create A Marked Gap In Society
If more parents decide to go in for designer babies, the world will soon be divided into a
class of babies who are designer babies as compared to non-designer babies. As a result,
those babies who are created as part of the designer baby series will feel more superior to
those who are born naturally without any form of genetic manipulation. Those who follow
social norms believe that it could lead to a hostile environment in the future.
5. Other Shortcomings
 Not completely error-free and could lead to the death of the unborn baby.
 May accidentally give rise to new forms of illnesses that scientists are not yet
aware of
 Is not affordable by all and will create a class divide where only the rich can afford
designer babies
 Takes away from the child’s individual personality
 May remove certain genes that could have been good for the baby’s overall
development and growth

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