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Jakarta,November 2nd 2019

The Embassy of South Korea

Re: Visa Application

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Here undersigned:

Name : Eduward Adolof Kawi

Relation : Husband

Herewith certify that :

Name Relation Passport no

Yustina Sri Widyastuti (Wife) B 1050145
Juanita Elianna Kawi (Daughter) B 3399083

Will be traveling to your country for holiday purposes. All of the expenses during she stay in
your country will be fully imposed to our own account. I do guarantee that she will soon return
back to Indonesia after the tour ends, and she will not seek for any kinds of employment and
permanent stay there.

And for the additional information , I’m as her husband already permits and acknowledges my
wife to make a trip
Therefore, I would appreciate very much if you could grant her the necessary visa at your
earliest convenience.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention and cooperation in this matter.

Yours Faithfully,

(Eduward Adolof Kawi)


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