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1. What is Business Intelligence 1
2. Business Intelligence Infrastructure 2
3. Example and types of BI 3-6
4. BI Tools, Data sources and strategies 7-9
5. How organization use BI 10-12
6. The benefits and challenges of BI 13-14
7. References 15
1.What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence (BI) may be a business management term accustomed describe

applications and technologies that are accustomed gather, give access associate degree
analyse to research to investigate knowledge and knowledge regarding an enterprise,
so as to assist Bl encompasses not solely applications, however conjointly
technologies and processes. It includes not solely obtaining a ala out (through tools
and applications), however conjointly obtaining "data in" (to an information
marketplace or warehouse). It ought to be distinguished that some authors use the
metallic element term to visit "getting knowledge out" and knowledge storage as
"getting knowledge in." And there are some authors World Health Organization use
{the knowledge the info the information} storage term to visit each "getting
knowledge in and "getting data out," very like we tend to are victimization the
metallic element term. the nice news is that the differing nomenclature them build
higher wise business decisions" (Experts). doesn't commonly cause confusion as a
result of the context during which the terms are used. Consistent with Stackowiak et
al "Business Intelligence may be a method of choosing Brobdingnagian quantity of
knowledge, analysing a number of the foremost normally used definitions are as
follows that knowledge and presenting a high level set of reports that con dense the
essence of that knowledge into the premise of business actions, sanctioning the
management to form the elemental daily business decisions" consistent with Zeng et
al Business Intelligence may be a method of assortment, treatment Associate in
Nursing diffusion of data that has an objective, the reduction of uncertainty within the
creating of all strategic decisions" Business intelligence (BI) may be a broad class
of applications, technologies, and processes or gathering storing, accessing, and
analysing knowledge to assist business users build higher decisions- consistent with
the specialists. It is conjointly the manner or methodology of up business performance
by manufacturing powerful assists for govt chief to modify them to possess data at
hand- consistent with cul de sac et al. Business Intelligence is Associate in Nursing
integrated answer for firms, among that the business demand is unquestionably the
key issue that drives technology innovation. the way to establish and creatively
address key problems is so the key challenge of a Bl application to attain real business
impact. A metallic element that business includes effective knowledge warehouse and
conjointly a reactive element capable of watching the time important company
strategy. operational processes to permit military science Associate in Nursing
operational call manufacturers to tune their actions consistent with the metallic
element provides an in-depth analysis of elaborate business knowledge, together with
info and application technologies likewise as analysis practices. It encompasses data
management, enterprise resource designing, performance mensuration, call support
systems and data processing. It helps within the strategic management of a business. It
corroborates/coordinates completely different areas either among the business or
outside to figure along. It hell note to achieve true business data i.e. distinguishing,
creating, representing, distributing and sanctioning adoption of insights and
2.Business Intelligence Infrastructure

Predictive analytics needs knowledge for initial analysis, model development, model
testing, and model maintenance. This knowledge usually must be raw and careful.
several corporations have an information warehouse in situ and its existence
facilitates prognostic analytics. However, providing a robust knowledge infrastructure
is obtaining a lot of complicated. metal administrators ought to rely on the role and
use of appliances, the cloud, software package as a service, columnar databases, in-
memory analytics, in-data base analytics, grid computing, knowledge federation, and
more. a number of the advanced analytics area unit best served by analytical
sandboxes that permit knowledge to be analysed on the desktop or in physical or
logical knowledge repositories. Then there's the requirement to accommodate huge
knowledge and new technologies like Hadoop and MapReduce. the image is of
Yahoo's Hadoop cluster. The International Institute for Analytics predicts that huge
knowledge analytics can prime all different areas of growth in analytics throughout
2012 because of the speedy growth of social, mobile, location and transaction-based
knowledge. there's a shortage of individuals UN agency have the abilities for
operating with and analysing huge knowledge. whereas we tend to ordinarily suppose
that prognostic analytics and knowledge warehouses go along, this is not invariably
the case. Scientific researchers have developed strong prognostic models for years
victimization terribly specific knowledge sets. This use may be a little bit of AN
outlier, however. A 2011 Bloomberg BusinessWeek study found that knowledge is
that the preferred challenge within the adoption of analytics.


Example 1:
In an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system information that could be fed
into product database could be
1.add a product line
2.change a product price
Correspondingly, in a Business Intelligence system query that would be executed for
the product subject area could be did the addition of new product line or change in
product price increase revenues

In an advertising database of OLTP system query that could be executed

1.Changed in advertisement options
2.Increase radio budget
Correspondingly, in BI system query that could be executed would be how many new
clients added due to change in radio budget

In OLTP system dealing with customer demographic data bases data that could be fed
would be
1.increase customer credit limit
2.change in customer salary level
Correspondingly in the OLAP system query that could be executed would be can
customer profile changes support higher product price

Example 2:
A hotel owner uses BI analytical applications to gather statistical information
regarding average occupancy and room rate. It helps to find aggregate revenue
generated per room.
It also collects statistics on market share and data from customer surveys from each
hotel to decides its competitive position in various markets.
By analysing these trends year by year, month by month and day by day helps
management to offer discounts on room rentals.
Example 3:
A bank gives branch managers access to BI applications. It helps branch manager to
determine who are the most profitable customers and which customers they should
work on.
The use of BI tools frees information technology staff from the task of generating
analytical reports for the departments. It also gives department personnel access to a
richer data source.
Data and what businesses do with it has become a popular science. Many take some
steps to track and analyze important data, and from that make decisions or changes to
their current strategies. The use of data to make better decisions is commonly referred
to as Business Intelligence (BI). But, did you know that there are more types of BI
you could be using?
Business Intelligence is generally divided into four different categories which are
comprised of different types of BI that businesses working with data should be aware
Reporting focuses on developing documents with valuable information, telling the
reader what happened. They usually cover a time span that is determined by the writer
of the report and can provide information on the whole company’s activities, or be as
simple as a weekly report which looks at your Facebook campaign.
Many BI professionals will call the reports generated from BI efforts Standard
Reports – a record of past activities and data.
Analysis looks at why something happened. This is an important part of BI, because
data by itself is useless. It only become useful when it has been analyzed and turned
into something that we can interpret and understand. There are three common types of

1. Spreadsheet Analysis – Analyzing data contained in spreadsheets with the

goal of evaluating or anticipating company wide, or specific unit performance. E.g.,
using Excel to track hours your employees work.
2. Ad-Hoc Query – Software that allows users to develop their own specific data
queries. E.g., creating a query that displays how many of one item has been sold in
a specific time period.
3. Visualization Tools – Software that takes raw data and creates a visualization
that users can read and understand. E.g., a pie chart that compares the method by
which customers contacted you in a one-month period.

One of the more useful functions of BI is that you can often monitor data and
information in real-time, or close to it anyway. This can be interesting for getting
snapshots between reporting periods or when making decisions. The three main types
of monitoring are:

1.Dashboard – A central location where all useful and actionable metrics and data are
contained. They are usually represented graphically to make it easier for users to read.
E.g., the new Google+ dashboards which can be accessed by logging into your
business Google+ page and selecting Dashboard from the drop-down menu on the

2.Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – KPIs measure the performance of a specific

action or project. E.g., Return on Investment (ROI).
3.Business Performance Management – A system that is designed to ensure that
performance goals for your organization or projects are being met and results are
being delivered. E.g., number of new customers acquired. Some businesses and BI
providers will call this the Balanced Scorecard.

The reason many businesses employ BI methodologies is to try and predict what will
happen based on the data currently available and other trends. Prediction can be an
incredibly complex form of BI, so many companies often contract this out to firms, or
rely on software that automates much of the process. There are two main types of

1. Data Mining – Is the act of finding patterns and relations in and between large
sets of data. The main goal of data mining is to extract or transform data into
something we can understand and further use.
2. Predictive Modelling – Any modeling that sets out to predict the outcome of
an action, or the probability of an outcome.

While Business Intelligence is important and popular among many companies, it can
be complex. If you would like to learn more about BI and how we can help you get
the most out of your data, contact us today.
4.1 BI TOOLS:-
1.ETL tools - ETL tools and processes square measure accountable for the extraction
of information from one or several supply systems, as they remodel information from
many various formats into a typical format so load that information into an
information warehouse. (Schinke, 2009). the method involves extract, remodel and
cargo (ETL) procedures in coordination with an information warehouse (database) so
victimisation reportage tools (software).

2.Data warehouse - A data warehouse is a collection of relevant business data that is

organized and validated (Cody et al - 2002) so that it can be analysed to support
business decision making. Data warehouse are populated with data that has been
extracted from distributed databases, often heterogeneous and in some cases, external
to the organization which is using it.

3.Query tools and reporting - A querying and reporting tool helps to run regular
reports, create organized listings and perform cross tabular reporting and querying. The
query and reporting tools are meant to allow it users to interact directly with the
organization's data

4.OLAP Techniques—The OLAP tries to research complicated information in real

time on a info that's OLAP Techniques perpetually updated with transactional
information. The OLAP optimizes the looking of big information files by means that of
automatic generation of SQL queries. OLAP permits managers to research information
from multiple views and explore it so as to find hidden data. This tool permits users
(management) to analyse three-d information interactively from multiple views.
The data corporations analyse through business intelligence comes from a
various sort of data sources. the foremost common of those are:
2.Flat files
3.Web services
4.Other sources like RSS feeds

Databases are the foremost ancient quite knowledge supply in bismuth. There are
many various forms of databases, and lots of vendors providing databases with totally
different completely different} architectures and different options. Common databases
used these days embody MS Access, Oracle, DB2, Informix, SQL, MySQL, Amazon
Simple DB and a bunch of others.

Traditionally, transactional databases—namely those that record the company’s daily

transactions, like CRM, HRM and ERP—are not thought of optimum for business
intelligence. this is often for a range of reasons, as well as the very fact that a)
knowledge isn't optimized for coverage and analysis and b) querying directly against
these databases might impede the system and forestall the databases from recording
transactions in real time.

In some cases, corporations use associate ETL tool to gather knowledge from their
transactional databases, rework them to be optimized for bismuth and cargo them into
{a knowledge a knowledge an information} warehouse or alternative data sales outlet.
the most drawback of this approach is that an information warehouse could be a
complicated and high-priced design, that is why several alternative corporations like
better to report directly against their transactional databases.

Flat Files
Few corporations these days haven't used Microsoft surpass spreadsheets. Their easy
use and widespread use make them as well-liked as ever.
Business Intelligence even wherever it's been enforced, largely seen as another tool
within the hands of the IT department. this can be fully out of the mark and defeats
the terribly purpose of multinational of the bismuth system. So, the bismuth strategy
of the corporate ought to be driven by the Business Strategy of the corporate The
Strategic intent, if absent in bismuth roll out can cause waste of investments and time
spent because the selections either aren't taken supported the Bl output or periodically
used. a reasonably small Humber of executives and corporations, in distinction, have
discovered that true business intelligence is that the key to running a performance-
oriented organization. They use their systems to point on chosen cluster of key
performance indicators, usually custom-crafted, that facilitate them outline company
strategy and drive profitableness. they need found that the info they receive offers
them the flexibility to form sense of markets; to spot strengths and weaknesses, to live
the progress of the corporate against its goals; and to use the talents, processes,
technologies, applications, and practices that support sensible a choice creating
Business Intelligence allows organizations to form well knowing business selections
and therefore will be the supply of competitive benefits. this can be very true once
companies square measure ready to extrapolate info from indicators within the
external atmosphere and build correct forecasts concerning future trends or economic
conditions. Once business intelligence is gathered effectively and used proactively
then the companies will build selections that profit the companies. the final word
objective of business intelligence is to boost the timeliness and quality of knowledge.
Timely and sensible quality info is like having a ball which will provide a sign of
what is the simplest course to require. Business indigence reveals:The position of
the firm as compared to its competitors. Change in client behaviour and disbursal
patterns, The capabilities of the firm, market conditions, future trends, demographic
and economic info. The social ,regulatory, and political surroundings Journal of
Theoretical and Applied info Technology. What the opposite corporations within the
market do Businesses notice that during these terribly competitive, quick paced and
dynamic business surroundings, a key competitive amount is however quickly they
respond and adapt to change,Business intelligence allows them to use info gathered
to quickly and perpetually reply to adapt to changes. the basic ideology of a Bl
strategy is that the varied business units or departments don't act in silos information
is to be maximized and shared across the organization, not hoarded and used for
singular functions solely it's vital to seem into key areas like atomic number 83 Scope,
Technical design which might outline the B surroundings and reportage surroundings.
Addressing {the info the knowledge the data} wants of AN non-depository financial
institution involves development of a comprehensive strategy moreover as AN
implementation arrange for Bl initiatives to deliver a atomic number 83 answer that:
Acts as one purpose of access to any or all vital business information. as an example,
a Bl system ought to be answer that able to give through single access, info on
policies, claims, renewals and grievances of the insured. Provide core insight to the
highest management to help deciding. Provides a platform for performance activity
across all business functions .Provides a foundation to watch day to day activities and
intelligence for fast course correction at numerous levels.


Many business decisions need to be made on the spot, and to ensure sure you’re
making the right one, you need access to information. Information isn’t just numbers
in a column, but also what those numbers mean for your organization. Using BI
software gives you this information at the click of a button to help you gain a
competitive advantage.



When companies focus on doing tasks that are not aligned with their strategy, this
leads to both time and money wasted. To avoid this, you need to establish metrics that
come with performance indicators that are aligned with your company strategies. BI
tools can help you in this regard by providing the metrics so you can focus on
improving performance where it really matters.


BI solutions enable employees to make informed, data-driven decisions by giving

them access to relevant, real-time data. This allows organizations to maximize
information across all levels and empowers employees for professional and personal
growth. Having an empowered workforce can make a company more competitive in
the global business arena.


Manual data entry is prone to human error, even when it’s copied and pasted from
another source. Not only that, it also takes a lot of time to do properly. By using a
well-configured BI system, you eliminate time spent on data entry and decrease the
amount of time spent on performing calculations. BI tools also allow for quick report
generation and data visualization where you can see all the information you need in
one place. By saving time on creating reports, you can see how your business is doing
and make profitable decisions quickly.


Meeting customers’ needs is what drives businesses forward, which is why it’s
important that you are able to discover patterns in customer behavior. Without BI
tools, it is difficult to know what customers really want without spending hours upon
hours poring over past reports. BI software allows you to identify which customers
should be prioritized in order to increase customer satisfaction and improve your
market reputation.

One of the primary functions of BI applications is to reveal sales information,

especially if you work with multiple sales partners. With BI on hand, your team is
able to know which sales partners perform well and which need to exert more effort.


BI software allows you to see which areas of your business you can save money on,
such as inventory. There may be an excess in your inventory, which translates to extra
costs not only in terms of acquisition, but also maintenance. Once you know where
you can increase productivity and cut costs, you can take the necessary action to
increase your savings.


With BI tools, you can monitor the tasks, output and overall performance of your
team. This enables you to identify where you can streamline work processes and make
your operations more efficient, therefore increasing the productivity of your


Organizations leverage social media to connect with existing and potential customers.
You can use BI software to gain insights on consumer behavior and identify avenues
for actively connecting with people to expand your customer base.

1.Starbucks gets in on business intelligent

The Seattle-based coffee chain Starbucks is also a prominent user of BI technology.

Through its popular Loyalty Card program, Starbucks is able to amass individualized
purchase data on millions of customers. Using this information and business
intelligence software, the large coffee company can then predict what purchases and
offers an individual customer is likely to be interested in. The company informs
customers of the offers it believes they will want to take advantage of via mobile

This system lets Starbucks draw existing customers into its stores more frequently and
increase its volume of sales. In this capacity, BI has a use similar to traditional CRM
systems. In fact, many businesses choose to combine BI and CRM systems to get the
most out of their data.

2.Amazon and business intelligence go hand-in-hand

Last but not least among the companies that use BI is the online retail giant Amazon.

Much like Starbucks, Amazon uses business intelligence technology to personalize

product recommendations and market products, but it also uses its BI software tools
for logistical business decisions. In fact, in-depth data analysis is what enables
Amazon’s massive supply chain to run smoothly.

From optimizing shipping routes to allocating inventory among warehouses, data and
BI tools influence practically every step of Amazon’s supply process.
6.The benefits and challenges of BI

6.1 Benefits of BI:-

1. Eliminate guesswork
2. Get faster answers to your business questions
3. Get key business metrics reports when and where you need them
4.Get insight into customer behaviour
5. Identify cross-selling and up-selling opportunities
6.Learn how to streamline operations
7.Improve efficiency
8.Learn what your true manufacturing costs are
9.Manage inventory better
10. See where your business has been, where it is now and where it is going

It is essential to have a carefully designed Bl strategy for combining the common busi
ness intelligence needs of all units and departments of an insurer under one group. It
is also vital to study the existing technology infrastructure to determine its suitability
to support strategic Bl and recommend changes only if required. The long standing
benefits of implementing a Bl strategy include:
—Understanding strategic business initiatives and increasing visibility for BI to
provide a high ROI in these initiatives. For instance, an insurer may be planning to
enter new lines of business. The Bl strategy could provide cross sell capability,
tapping the existing customer base to position the new products successfully
6.2 Challenges of BI:-

1.Absence of BI Impact (Low Use)

Administration can raise why there's no amendment in business once adopting metal
and may feel that business estimations of metal speculations aren't caught. Incoherent
metal hones and fizzles all-encompassing reception

2.Business Intelligence is costly

Spending plans and assets have invariably been tight, notably for little businesses. this
can be not true any longer with the arrival of SSBI stages. the price of conveyancing
metal is a necessary worry among SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises).
SMEs AR debilitated by the restrictive expenses of gaining the proper programming.
Today, a couple of stages create SSBI receptive tiny businesses while not expecting
anybody to pay a big quantity of cash. Likewise, unnatural assets mean sorting out
qualified consultants. For a tiny low business, you must choose metal merchants that
provide labile arrangements with insignificant TCO. These impediments are
exacerbated by stress over pricey framework speculations expected from metal
programming. With the ascent of SSBI stages, value does not get to be a business
intelligence challenge.

3. Absence of Execution and Training

Many times, organizations have well-rounded enunciated requirements, a sound metal
system, and an honest equipment arrangement, however still would like specialised
skills. Another issue that has influenced SMEs to induce a ways from metal is that the
apparent demand for broad coaching. the explanations for the absence of execution
often are totally different and fluctuated, the same as its cures. This has needed
additional coaching in information administration applications. Associations ought to
spotlight understanding their assets, why a metal service is needed, and therefore the
benefits of a metal resolution. perhaps the most coaching you need is obtaining comfy
with the visual interface once you decide the proper metal stage. Associations ought
to pay astutely on progressing coaching in order that purchasers see the way to utilize
the framework. this could not be a difficulty since higher active metal stages provide a
greatly usable, point-and-snap interface.
3. Absence of BI Impact (Low Use)
Administration can raise why there's no amendment in business once adopting metal
and may feel that business estimations of metal speculations aren't caught. Incoherent
metal hones and fizzles all-encompassing reception



1. Steve Willams , Naricy Willams(2007 JUN)”The Impact of Business
Intelligence” MK(Morgan Kaufmann Publishers)
2. Efraim Turban , Ramesh Sharda , Dursun Delen , David King(2008
March)”Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach”PEARSON
3. IBM(2016 May)”Innovation Centre for Education:Business Intelligence”IBM
4.IBM(2017 Jan)”Innovation Centre for Education:Introduction to Business

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