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Claude Monet & Impressionism Worksheet - Researching

x 2 paintings by Monet
• Log on to ‘Google Art Project’ (if not working, go onto Google

Images and search for the paintings on that)

• Click on ‘Artists’ in Google Art Project homepage

• Click on ‘C’ and find ‘Claude Monet’

• PAINTING 1: Find the following painting: ‘Regattas at

Argenteuil’ (painting of boats with white sails)

• Answer the following questions on this painting:

1. Date painted:

2. Subject matter:

(a)What is this a painting of?

(b)Say what is in the foreground (nearest the viewer):

(c)Say what is in the middle ground (middle area of painting):

(d)Say what is in the Background:

3. Composition:

(a)What is the focal point (what your eye is drawn to first) of

this painting do you think?

(b)Why do you think Claude Monet wanted the viewer to notice

this first?

4. Colour:

(a)List the main colours used in this painting:

(b)What effect does this choice of colour have on the overall

feel of the painting?

5. Technique: Zoom right in to this painting and explore how the

artist has applied his paint.

(a)List the different brushstrokes Monet used to apply his


(b)Comment on his technique:

6. Style:

This painting is in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ style.

7. Make a simple sketch of this painting below:


• Find the following painting: The Japanese Footbridge

and The Waterlily Pond (painting of a little bridge

over a pond)

• Answer the following questions on this painting:

1. Date painted:

2. Subject matter:

(a) What is this a painting of?

(b) Say what is in the foreground (nearest the viewer):

(c) Say what is in the middle ground (middle area of painting):

(d) Say what is in the Background:

3. Composition:
(a) What is the focal point (what your eye is drawn to first) of
this painting do you think?

(b) Why do you think Claude Monet wanted the viewer to notice
this first?

4. Colour:

(a) List the main colours used in this painting:

(b) What effect does this choice of colour have on the overall
feel of the painting?

5. Technique: Zoom right in to this painting and explore how

the artist has applied his paint.

(a) List the different brushstrokes Monet used to apply his


(b) Comment on his technique:

6. Style:

This painting is in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ style.

7. Make a simple sketch of this painting below:

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