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Study Questions

1. Why does Caesar not read Artemidorus’ letter?

Because he first wants to finish the issues concerning Rome because it more important than himself

2. Why does Cassius think their assassination plan has been discovered?
Because popilius told cassius that he hopes that his enterprise thrive and wishes him luck then cassius
told Brutus what popilius told him and he told Brutus that he fears that they are discovered

3. Why does Caesar get angry at Metellus?

Because metillius mentioned to Caesar the case of his brother pubilus cimber and hat he wants Caesar
to make him return to Rome. so Caesar got mad because Metellus thought that Caesar will accept his
request by begging and flattery

4. What does Brutus tell the frightened senators after Caesar’s assassination?
To not be afraid because they will have no harm to them or to any roman and that they will be safe

5. How does Calpurnia’s dream come true?

Calpurnia dreamt that ceaser is being murdered and so insisted him to stay at home but ceaser didn’t
agree to it. And ceaser was really killed by Brutus and other conspirators and washed their hands with
Caesar`s blood

6. What does Antony want from the conspirators?

Antony wants a reasonable explanation for Caesar’s death and he also wants to speak in Caesar`s
funeral and he also wants Caesar`s corpse

7. What restrictions does Brutus place on Antony when he allows him to speak at the funeral?
That he must braise Caesar and not blame the conspirators so that the speech would be on their

8. What does Antony predict in his soliloquy?

Antony speaks over Caesar’s corpse, prophesying that brutal civil war will break out across Italy, urged
on by Caesar’s vengeful spirit.

9. What information does the messenger bring to Antony?

That Octavius is coming to Rome

10. What are Antony’s intentions as the scene ends?

Antony has intentions of turning the people against the conspirators

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