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1. Click on Employee Mater Details

2. Click Employee
3. Click Post Assignment
4. Enter the Employee Name and press Search button.
5. Assign post Name to the employee i.e. UDC Marking Abbreviation and
select the organisation i.e. Section or Office from date. Check primary if
it is his/her primary post, check OU head if he/she is OU head at this
post. Then click on save button.
6. Again search the same employee & click on hierarchy button
7. Select the organisation Name of his/her reporting officer, then select the
marking abbreviation of the reporting Officer and then Name of
Reporting Officer. And then click Submit button. Once the post and
hierarchy is assigned, the roles for eFile and eLeave is to be given for
respective employee.

A. On Home page click on login Name then click on Admn Section.

B. On the LHS click on Application Management System
C. Then click on Application post role
D. Click Add New Data
E. Select Application Name i.e. eFile, eLeave or eTour
F. Select Global org. Name
G. Select Post Name
H. Select Employee Name
I. Select the roles to assigned form the RHS Window and press button to
move the desired role on the LHS window and press submit.
To Assign Leave Workflow

1. Go home page by checking on login Name & Press Home button

2. Click Leave Management System
3. Click on Approval workflow.
4. Click Add New Work Flow
5. Type the Employee Name and click Search Employee
6. Select the Employee by clicking check box
7. Choose Authority level i.e. 1 or 2 or 3.
8. Select
9. Reporting Officer
10.Approving Officer
11.Role Admin
12.Role Admin assistant
13.Comment eg. eLeave-EA
14.Save Work Flow
To update Leave Balance.

1. Go leave Management System

2. Click on Administration
3. Click update Leave Balance
4. Type Employee Name or code and submit
5. Enter CL and RH and press Edit Balance Button.
6. Save button is for adding CL and RH at beginning of the year.
7. CCL for female employee is to be updated only once.

8. To update EL and HPL press on the hyperlink “update EL and HPL

balance” as shown in the fig. below
A. Enter the EL and HPL credited at the beginning of half year on RHS and
enter EL & HPL credit up to date as shown in fig. below

B. Press Edit Button.

C. “Submit” button is for adding 15 EL & 10 HPL at the beginning of half

year i.e. 01/01 & 01/07 every year.

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