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Name of the Company: GLOBAL TOURISM

Proprietor Name: MR. SABU
Indulged in travel and tourism


“Research Methodology is a systematic way of investigation directed to the discovery of some facts
by careful study of a subject, a course of critical and scientific inquiry”.

Research is the search for knowledge. Research methodology refers to the various sequences
and steps to be adopted by a researcher to study a problem with certain objective in view. To conduct
any research a scientific method must be followed. The universe of study is very large in which it is
difficult to correct information from all the employees. So, the sampling method has been followed
for the study. The analysis is based on primary as well as secondary data.

Research Design

A research design is the blue print for fulfilling the objectives and answering question.” A research
design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aim to
combine relevance to the research has undertaken a descriptive type of research.

It describes the characteristics of population or presentation of answers for the questions like
where, when and how relating to field matter. This study presents the state of affairs as it exists. This
type of study mainly helps to know the past and to predict the future area of the study.

Literature survey:

One of the most economical and quickest ways to discover hypotheses is through a literature search.
For this purpose, large volumes of published and unpublished data are available.
Data Collection

While dealing with any real problem, it is obvious that the data at hand are inadequate and hence it
becomes necessary to collect that are appropriate. Depending up on the source of information
available, the data can be classified as

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data

Primary Data

The primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for a first time and thus happen to the
original in the character. In this study primary data from various respondents are collected with the
help of structured questionnaire. We can obtain primary data either through observation or through
direct communication. Primary data used in this study are collected by:

 Questionnaire

A structured questionnaire was selected as the tool for data collection. In this method,
a list of questions related to subject is prepared and given to participants. The
questionnaire contains questions and provides space. The questionnaire should be
developed and tested carefully before being used on a large scale. A questionnaire is
made to participants to fill up the questions and sent it back within a specified time.

 Personal interaction
This method is also used to collect data. This had helped to collect valuable
information from company executive and other concerned authorities which is more
accurate than any other way of getting data, the respondent gives actual information’s
regarding that company to the person who asks the questions

Secondary Data

Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the data which have already
been collected and analyzed by someone else. Secondary data may either be published data.
Secondary data are gathered from the official website of the company and from reference books.

Secondary data is that data which are collected for some earlier research work and are applicable in
the study the research has presently undertaken.
Depending upon the gathering sources, secondary data can be divided into two categories-
i. Internal data:

Internal data is procured by the research in normal operations within his own premises.
 Companies websites
 Company catalogue

ii. External data:

External data are generated and collected from variety of events and sources outside the firm’s
 Business magazines
 Various newspapers
 Journals
 Various books

Sample Design

A sample is a segment of the population selected to represent the population as a whole.

Researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups by taking a sample. Ideally, the sample
should be representative and allow the researcher to make accurate estimations of the thoughts and
behavior of the large populations.

Stratified random sampling is used in this research. In this method the population is divided
into mutually executive groups such as departments and random samples are drawn from each group.
It is a kind of probability sampling, in this kind of sampling the sample members may be chosen at
random from the entire population.

Statistical Tools Used

 Percentage Analysis

Percentage analysis is used making comparison between two or more series of data
percentage and also to describe relationship. It can also be used to compare to relative terms,
the distribution of two or more series of data. In this research various percentages are
identified in the analysis and they are presented pictorially by way of bar diagram, pie
diagram, and line charts in order to have better understanding

 To study and understand the organization

 To identify the functions, duties, responsibilities and of each department.

 To verify how far the organization structure is successful in accomplishing the objectives

 To determine the factors that influences the organization.

 To know the customer preferences

 To study the key factors of their successful

 To understand extent of technology adoption.

 To understand the growth of travel agency

 To understand the welfare activities for the workers

 To understand overall performance of the organization

 To understand how the key business process are carried out in an organization

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