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Mafia Observations

-- Mission 1- No observations --

Mission 2- Running man

First passenger
If you get out of the taxi, after your
first passenger has got in, look
around and you will notice that you
are in the car park of the municipal
building (where you steal the
Lassiter Phaeton at the end of
mission 6), there are cars parked all
round you and another taxi is waiting
for a passenger behind you and a man and woman enter a taxi in front
of you. Could this be your taxi head quarters?

Third passenger
You’ve dropped your second
passenger off at the hospital. Your
next customer, wanting to get to the
theatre on Central Island is- Sarah!
Then, when you drop her off at the
theatre, she just stands there on the
pavement! She didn’t want to see the
show, I take it.

When you’re driving around with a passenger and you commit an

offence such as speeding and the cops
see you, it says “Game Over- You broke
the law.” Kind of ironic that Tommy joined
the Mafia later that day then!
Coffee break
When you’re running away from the two men chasing you, there are a
number of interesting things in the
back-alleys that the thugs chase
you through, but one of the most
interesting is in the last alleyway
before you reach the Salieri bar. A
man and a woman are arguing.
The woman tells the man to “go
find your ready-made whores.” He
then threatens to strangle her and
she threatens to stab him! Yet
strangely enough, if you punch
the man, the woman screams, “Honey, those men have guns! Help,
police- someone is trying to kill my husband!”

Also, if you use MafiaCon to quickly

‘fly’ across the street to Salieri’s bar,
just before the cutscene runs, you
will see the people who are in the
cutscene that is about to run in the
bar drinking.

-- Mission 3- No observations --
-- Mission 4- No observations --

Mission 5- Fairplay
Salieri Bar
After the Don has given you your briefing, go into the
backyard of the bar. Among the things in the boxes
beside the fire is a small doll of a woman!
Ralphe practices voodoo now?
After the Race
When you have to go to Lucas Bertone after the race, use MafiaCon to
get back to the race track and the race will load again!

-- Mission 6- No observations --

Mission 7- Sarah
There are two things to be spotted in this
mission. One of them is that one of the men
who tries to beat you up is the son of the city
councillor that you shoot at the end of the
‘better get used to it’ mission.

The other thing is

that if you don’t
get too close to Sarah when she runs into
the main alleyway, two of the thugs start
‘talking dirty’ to her. Tut tut lads…

Mission 7- Better get used to it

When you get to the service station,
use MafiaCon to go through the wall
that is a little to the right of the red
door that you kick open. You will see
the son of the city councillor and his
friend talking. The cutscene will not
play until it is meant to (after you’ve
whacked the thugs dotted around the
Mission 8- The whore
In my opinion, this is the best designed mission
in the game. There are three “hidden” interesting
things in this mission. If you go up to the
manager in the restaurant and right click (action
button), you will say to him, “this is the way
everybody ends up when they sell out to
Morello.” He then says, “what’s your business
here?! Guards, shoot him!” The guards then turn
on you and the manager runs to his office.
Also, if you try to open the doors of some
of the rooms, you will hear quite, er,
naughty noises coming from inside!
Lastly, after you’ve liquidated all the
guards in the hotel and you shoot the
manager, he will mumble, “who… who
sent you? Why- aaarrgghh…” and he
will die dramatically. This may not work
first time, so try doing it a couple of

Mission 8- The priest

When the cutscene plays in the
church and you are recognised,
one of the men who draws out a
gun is- Sergio Morello!

-- Mission 9- No observations --

Mission 10- Omerta

Salieri Bar
As you go into the “back yard” of
the Salieri Bar, you will see a man
on a balcony.
The Airport

The reflections on the floor of the main airport building

are not reflections at all! There is an exact copy of the
ceiling underneath the almost completely transparent
floor. This is the same in the countryside where the
bridge appears to have a reflection on the water

Also, the man who tries to attack you

with a crowbar when you are chasing
after Frank will sometimes get shot by
the cops as he is chasing you through
the hangar that Frank runs through.

Interestingly enough, when you are in the reception area of the airport,
the cops will not shoot you if you hide behind Frank. Well, I suppose
they ARE trying to PROTECT him.

We all know about the woman in the building where you find Frank’s
family, who tries to punch you if you kill her
husband. Equally, the husband tries to
punch you if you kill his wife, but, if you take
cover from the cops who attack you at the
entrance of the building and hide behind the
man and woman; they will try and shoot
through the couple to get to you, thus, killing
one of them. The other will then run up to
the cop that killed their partner and start punching him!
Frank’s Funeral
Nothing out of the ordinary in the cutscene, but in the
extracted maps folder, I found this picture of the
funeral that you don’t see in the game! If you want to
find it for yourself, the file is called ‘Hrbitov01.’

Mission 11- Visiting rich people

Salieri Bar
Most of the interesting things in this mission
are at Salieri’s. In the cutscene, the Don tells
you that Paulie and Sam are sorting out the
witnesses who are giving evidence against the
Family. And where is Sam? In the back room

Also, if you talk to Salieri or Luigi after the

cutscene, Salieri tells you how he misses
Frank and Luigi tells you that “this business
with Frank has really got Don Salieri

The Villa
Once you have broken open the safe, run
down the staircase and fire a few shots into
the air. If you’re quick enough, the
prosecutor will get back into his car and
drive away! When you’re inside the villa, if
you shoot at the chandelier, the light in the
room that the chandelier belongs to will go
Mission 12- A Great Deal!
Ever wondered where all those enemies that ambush you come from?

-- Mission 13- No observations --

Mission 14- Happy Birthday!

Before the politician starts his speech, if you go to the place where
Paulie will be waiting after the
assassination, you will notice that you can
open the gate, but cannot escape just yet.
And, if you speak to one of the bodyguards
during the
speech, he
will talk
about how
it is nice not to see all the “riff-raff and
criminals” Also, before the speech, just
outside, the restaurant, a man waves
to land.

-- Mission 15- No observations --

-- Mission 16: No observations --
Mission 17: Election campaign
If you spawn a grenade and throw it at the dogs behind the
gate, it will blow their heads off! You will see dogs with no
heads and you can then pick up any of the dog heads and
use it as a boxing glove. This is why there is a dog head in
the game.
When the time comes for you to assassinate the politician from the prison tower,
use MafiaCon to get down to the island. Kill the man in the Lassiter fordor,
waiting on the island and then spawn a car (with MafiaCon.) Push the car into the
water with the car you spawned. Then, go back to the prison tower and fire a
shot close the politician. He and his bodyguards will then run to the Lassiter
(which is underwater!) They will run into the lake and die. Mission complete.

Mission 18- Just for relaxation

Salieri Bar
When you go into the “back yard” of the bar, a man
and a woman are talking on a balcony, a little way from
Vincenzo’s workshop. Also, if you kill Vincenzo, it is not
game over. And, sitting
at the window in the bar
is a man who raises his
glass to Luigi and the
people outside.

The harbour
There are actually two ways of doing this part of the mission. The normal way is
to load the crates while he’s taking a leak. The other way: Do what he tells you to
do and move the crates that he shows you to the dispatch hall. You can also get
some men who are near the crates to help you. Once this is done, he will inspect
them. Then, go up to him and press the action button. You
will tell him that the men over in the train yard need help. He
complains and goes to help them. This will buy you more
time. **Also, in the “watchtower”, there is a radio
playing music that you can turn on and off and near
the “watchtower” there is a lookout “shelter”. Go in,
look down and you will see a knife.
** I have drawn a diagram underneath to show where
the knife and the radio are



The agreed place

If you waste the men from the harbour following you before you bring the cigars
back to the agreed place, Paulie will congratulate you when you get there. When
Sam is about to drive back to get Salieri, quickly get in the passenger seat of the
car and he will drive back to the Bar, unaware that you are in the car with him!
Also, if you go back to the agreed place without the truck, Paulie & Sam will not

Mission 19- Moonlighting

When you enter the bank for reconnaissance, there
are two men talking about a movie theatre project to be
built in Hoboken. The man sitting in the chair in the
blue suit is the prosecutor! (Mission 11) Also, if you
use MafiaCon to “fly” down to the safe in the basement, you can open the door
and all the money is inside!
But, you cannot grab it yet. The whole of the bank is “set up” for the raid later that

And, when you go to get your bank job weapons from Yellow Pete, after you’ve
got them, if you kill Pete, it is not game over, just like in the death of art. You can
also kill Paulie when he is on the way back to his flat and it will not be game over.
When Paulie has shot the woman trying to escape, go up to him and press the
action button. Tommy will then start yelling at Paulie because he shot her!

Ralphe’s secret room

In Ralphe’s garage, there are some stairs leading up
to a room. Of course, we’ve all seen these before, but
in mission 16, you see him coming out of the room. If
you use MafiaCon to get into the room, it is not
massively decorated, but quite interesting all the
same. If you go up to the door in any mission, it will
be locked, but you can still “fly” inside.

Salieri Bar access

In mission 9, the Salieri bar back door is locked. However, if you use MafiaCon to
“fly” through the door, the bar itself is perfectly ‘built up’ as if you start the mission
inside the bar. This is also the case for Vinnie’s workshop. You do not enter it in
this mission, but it is prepared as if you are meant to have access to it.

Cigar pen

In mission 7, a lady is sitting by the window in the

Salieri bar. She is smoking a cigar. This is identical
to the pen that the receptionist uses in hotel
Corleone in mission 8. Conveniently, she works
there as a whore.

I hope that you have found this

document interesting. If you can’t see
any of the pictures properly, just zoom in.
If you have any queries, please contact
me via my PM.

© AsaSK 2008

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