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Harish Chand

Delhi LIC Agent


NEW DELHI- 110087
INDIA, 9811896425, 9212201725

169 - Jeevan Nidhi

Pg. 1

Term Age Sum

Minimum 5 18 50000

Maximum 35 65 0

Premium Ceasing Age : 75 Premium Ceasing Term : 5

Plan Highlights

Jeevan Nidhi Plan is a with-profits plan which provides for death cover during the deferment period and on
survival to the date of vesting, the maturity proceeds are compulsorily to be used for purchase of annuity.

Benefits :

Benefit On Vesting :
Provided the policy is in full force, Sum Assured under the Basic Plan along with accrued Guaranteed
Additions, vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and Terminal Bonus, if any, will compulsorily be converted
into annuity. There is an option to commute up to 1/3rd of Sum Assured under the Basic Plan together with
accrued Guaranteed Additions and Bonuses. If commutation is exercised then the annuity is payable for the
balanced amount.

Benefit on death before annuity vests :

On death of the Life Assured during the deferment period of the policy an amount equal to the Sum Assured
under the Basic Plan along with accrued Guaranteed Additions, vested Simple Reversionary Bonuses and
Terminal Bonus, if any, shall be payable in a lump sum to the appointed nominee provided the policy is in full

Annuity Options :
On vesting Life Assured shall have an option to purchase annuity from Life Insurance Corporation of India or
from any other Life Insurance Company. If the Life Assured desires to purchase the annuity from other
company, he/she shall be required to inform the same to Life Insurance Corporation of India in writing three
months before the date of vesting. If purchased from LIC, then the type of annuity and annuity rate will be
that applicable at the time of vesting.

IT Rebate :
As per present tax provisions, the premiums under the plan shall be allowed for rebate under Section 80CCC
of the IT Act, 1961.

Guaranteed Additions :
Provided the policy is in full force, Guaranteed Additions @ Rs.50/- per thousand Sum Assured will be added
to the Sum Assured under the Basic Plan at the end of each policy year, for the first five years.

Participation in profits :
The policy shall participate in profits of the "With Profit Assurance Policies" from the 6th policy year onwards
till the end of the deferment period and at such rates as may be declared by the Corporation provided the
policy is kept in force for full Sum Assured.
Terminal Bonuses, if any, may also be declared under the policy depending upon the experience of the
Corporation and shall be payable either on death of the Life Assured or on vesting.

The plan offers the following optional riders by payment of additional premium -

Accident Benefit Option :

Insure And Be Secure

Plan Features Continue .......... Pg. 2

5 years for Regular Premium.

f) Maximum Deferment period : 35 years
g) Minimum Sum Assured : Rs.50,000/-
h) Maximum Sum Assured : No limit.
i) Minimum Annual Premium : Rs.3,000/-
j) Minimum Single premium : Rs.10,000/-
k) Maximum Premium : No limit.

The Sum Assured under the Basic Plan shall be in multiples of Rs.5,000.
(b) For Term Assurance Rider Option :
a) Minimum age at entry : 18 years (completed)
b) Maximum age at entry : 50 years (age nearest birthday)
c) Maximum age at vesting : 60 years (age nearest birthday)
d) Deferment Period : 6 to 35 years under Single Premium mode and 10 to 35 years under regular premium
e) Minimum Sum Assured : Rs.1,00,000/-
f) Maximum Sum Assured : An amount not exceeding the Sum Assured under the Basic Plan subject to the
maximum of Rs.25,00,000/- overall limit taking all Term Assurance Riders availed under all existing policies of
the life assured with the Corporation and the Term Assurance Rider under new proposal into consideration.

Insure And Be Secure

Plan Features Continue .......... Pg. 3

Insure And Be Secure

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