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INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand each question or situation then provide what is asked by
encircling the letter of your answer. For questions that don’t have choices, give the exact answer being

1. Aling Nida is making polvoron for business. One box contains 20 pieces of polvoron with yellow
wrapper, 25 pieces with red wrapper, and 15 pieces with blue wrapper. If one store ordered 440 boxes,
how many pieces of polvoron are there?

2. Lina is making stocking flowers made up of dyed used stockings and soft wire. She found a copper
wire and measured it to be 8/9 meters. What is the length of each piece if she cut it into 16 pieces?

3. Mang Kanor wants to surprise Berna on her birthday by contacting a contractor to make a pool. The
pool has two rectangular parts forming a L-shape. The smaller part has a width of 4m and a length of 6m
while the bigger part has 5m and 10m, respectively. What is the total area of the pool?

4. Mr. Einstein instructed her Practical students to make a wooden cube of side 7 cm. What is the total
surface area of the cube?

5. Bekbek measured her hula hoop and found out that its radius is 30 cm. What is the circumference of
the hula hoop?

6. Mang Islaw is constructing a rectangular floor. He measured the diagonal of the floor and recorded 13
meters. If the shorter side of the floor is 5 meters, what is the total area of the floor?

7. In the toy box, there are 5 cars, 8 balls, and 12 toy soldiers. What percent of the toys are cars?

8. Enchanted Kingdom is charging P 240.00 entrance ticket for adults and P 120.00 for children. If 115
children entered the carnival and the day's sale revenue is P 45,000.00, how many adults' tickets were

9. Andie receives P 150.00 "baon" from her "nanay" everyday. She spends P 75.00 for snacks, P 20.00 for
transportation, and saves the rest. To find the daily savings of Andie, which of the following equation is
a. S = (75 - 20) + 150
b. S = 150 - (75 + 20)
c. S = (75 + 20) - 150
d. S = 150 + (75 + 20)

10. Simplify the expression below:

50 + ( 50 - 30) x 3 - 75 = ?

11. Aling Zosima bought one bilao of rice cake (kakanin) from the market. She cut ¼ of the rice cake and
kept it. Then she divided the remaining part equally among her 6 children. What part of the rice cake did
each child get?

For items 12 – 14, study the chart below which shows the activities Inday did last Friday and answer the
questions that follows:

Watching TV - 12.50%
Sleeping - 37.50%
Marketing - 8.33%
Cooking - 20.83%
Gardening - 4.17%
Washing - 16.67%

12. How many percent did Inday spend in washing?

13. About how many hours did Inday spend in cooking?

14. How many percent greater did Inday spend in sleeping than in gardening?
15. Aling Nitang bought 3 kilos of bangus at P 180.00 per kilo and one kilo of tilapya for P 160.00. Which
of the following equations she should use to find her total expenses?
a. E = 3(180) – 160
b. E = 3(180) + 160
c. E = 3 + 180 + 160
d. E = 3 + 180(160)

16. Every week, Mrs. Dizon is collecting P 0.75 from each student for their Christmas fund. How much is
the collection every week if there are 40 students in her class?

17. Mang Igme bought Php 175.25 worth of tokneneng, Php 105.50 kikiam, and Php 95.75 fishball. How
much will be his change if he gave Php 500.00 to the vendor?

18. Kurdapya was 60 kg. before conceiving her baby. She weighed 65 kg. while her baby was in her
tummy. She lost 6 kg. when she delivered it. After a month, she gained 4 kg. How much weight did she
finally loss or gain?

19. Karlo is building a scale model of a real castle. The real castle has a rectangular base that is 30 meter
wide and 50 meter long. If the model scale is 1:5 in centimeters, how long should he make the model?

20. Rafael received Php 75.00 from his kuya and lent Php 25.00 to his friend. Then his sister borrowed
Php 35.00 from him. Rafael also paid Php 19.00 for his project. When he counted his money, Rafael still
has Php 36.00 in it. How much money did Rafael have originally?

21. A rectangular block is 15 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 12 inches high. Compute its volume.

22. Using MDAS, perform the indicated operations:

       5 + 7 x 6 + 18 ÷  3 – 9

23. It was very cold during winter in Toronto, Canada. The weather bureau recorded the temperatures
during the day as shown below. Compute the difference between the temperatures at 4 AM and 10 PM.

4 AM ==>   -10 oC
10 AM ==>   12 oC
12 NN ==>   15 oC
4 PM ==>    14 oC
10 PM ==>   - 7 oC

24. Annthea went to MS Mall to buy that cute little doll which was priced at P 500.00 last week. Today,
MS Mall is offering 25% discount for the doll. How much Annthea will pay for the doll?

25. Alicia and her family went to Nuvali to see the new koi pond that is 16 meter long and 8 meter wide.
What is the total area of the pond?

26. Which of the following are real numbers?

a. Whole numbers
b. Integers
c. Rational and Irrational Numbers
d. All of the above

27. Which of the following are included in the subset of integers?

a. counting numbers
b. Negative Numbers
c. Zero
d. All of the above

28. What do you call the value of an integer regardless of its sign?
a. absolute reality
b. Absolute solution
c. Absolute value
d. None of the above

29. Which of the following is written as absolute value of a number?

a. |x|
b. (x)
c. {x}
d. All of the above.

30. How do you write the expression "absolute value of 5" ?

a. [5]
b. |5|
c. {5}
d. (5)

31. What is the absolute value of |-5|?

a. 5
b. -5
c. None
d. both a and b

32. In January 2017, 30,500 tourists visited Boracay in the Philippines. The number of tourists dropped
by 20% in February as compared to the number in January. Given that the number of tourists in March
increased by 30% as compared to the number in February, how many tourists visited Boracay in March?

33. What do you do when adding integers with opposite signs?

a. Get the sum of the absolute values and use + sign
b. Get the difference of the absolute values and prefix the sign of the bigger absolute value
c. Do not consider the signs
d. No answer

34. What is the answer of 13 + (-7)= ?

35. What is the answer of -13 + 7 =?

36. When subtracting signed numbers, which equation is correct?

a. 7-11 = 7 -(-11)
b. 7-11 = 7 +(-11)
c.Both are correct
d. None of the above

37. When we multiply two NEGATIVE integers, what is the sign of the product?
c. Both are correct
d. None of the above

38. When we multiply integers with OPPOSITE SIGNS, the answer is always _____.
d. None of the above

39. -3 (-4) = ?

40. -3 (4) = ?

41. The quotient of two integers with different signs is _________ ?

c. Both correct
d. None of the above

42. - 28 / 7 = ?

43. 105 / (-7) = ?

44. Quotient means it is the answer in___________ ?

a. Addition
b. Subtraction
c. Multiplication
d. Division

45. All real numbers have their negatives or opposites. This statement about real numbers is expressed
as a + (-a) = 0 .
a. True
b. False
c. Not always
d. None of the above

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