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Bivariate analysis - Exploring relationships between two variables

Bivariate analysis focuses on how two variables are related to each other. There are several
ways to determine whether a relationship exists:

Cross tabulation is one of the most common and easiest way of demonstrating whether a
relationship exists between two variables. The Chi-square test is used for determining the
statistical relevance of cross tabulation, that is, determining what are the chances that what
seems like a relationship between two variables is only due to chance.

Correlation indicates both the strength and the direction of the relationship between two
variables. There are two types of correlation: linear correlation, when using interval
variables, or rank correlation, when using ordinal variables.

Regression can identify which variable is influencing which one, which can be very useful for
making predictions. The independent variable would be the one affecting the other,
dependent variable. Regression works by summarizing the relationship between two
variables and producing a line of best fit, a line which fits the data closely.

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