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Lesson Plan

Math 8: Cylinders, 45- minute

March 4, 2020


General Learning Outcome(s)
 Use indirect and direct measurement to solve problems

Specific Learning Outcome(s):

 Determine the surface area of:
o Right rectangular prisms
o Right triangular prisms
o Right cylinders
to solve problems.
Students will:
 Be able to determine the surface area of a cylinder
 Be able to understand the formula for surface area of a cylinder
 Be able to use the cylinder net to identify the surface area of a cylinder.
 Net of Cylinder
 Whiteboard markers
Introduction (5
 Daily five
o Students grab whiteboards from the back corner and a corresponding marker
o They are to answer the questions on the whiteboards.
o After five minutes we will go through them as a class
Body (35 minutes)

 Students are asked to put their whiteboards away and get out their notebook to take notes with a pen or pencil
 Introduction of Cylinders
o Students will be introduced to cylinders
o Show students the net of a cylinder then tell them to pay close attention to the song because it tells
them about the key vocabulary for a circle.
o We will then play the circle song to remind students of the elements of a circle.
o We will go over some key terms for a circle
 This includes radius, diameter, circumference, area of a circle.
o After going through circles we will look back to the net of a cylinder
 Ask students what other shape the net has in it besides circles.
o Using the net we will solve for the surface area of a cylinder.
 Emphasize that the circumference of the circle is the side length for the rectangle in the
 Using the measurements of 3 for the radius and 4 for the height of the cylinder.
 After going through an example of using the net to solve for the surface area of a cylinder
then we will create the formula for solving the surface area.
o Ask students what we used to find the area of a circle
 pi r squared
o so, if we use that formula. can someone tell me how many circles there are on a cylinder.
o What other shape do we have to account for in the formula?
 A rectangle.
 Explain where the measurements come from and go through the same example as before to
show the connections to the using the net and the formula.
 We will then go through another example as a class.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
 What two areas do we have to find for the surface area of a cylinder?
 How do we find the length of the re
 Ask students to pack up their belongings.
 Observations

Pros of the lesson Things to work on _

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