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It is made from four main raw materials.

1. C2S (Di Calcium- Silicate) (25%)
2. C3S (Tri Calcium-Silicate) (50%)
3. C3A ( Tri Calcium- Aluminate) (12%)
4. C4Af (Tetra Calcium Alumino Feerite) (8%)
5. CSH2 (Gypsum ) (4%)
The aluminates are known to hydrate at a much faster rate
than the silicates. In fact, the stiffening (loss of consistency)
and setting (solidification) characteristics of a portland
cement paste, are largely determined by the hydration
reactions involving the aluminates

The silicates, which make up about 75 percent of ordinary

portland cement, play a dominant role in determining the
hardening (rate of strength development) characteristics.

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