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The Pulley & Screw

Science 8
March 12, 2020
45 minutes
General Learning Outcome(s)
 Machines are used for many purposes in our daily lives when we need to transfer energy into
motion or move materials in a controlled way

Specific Learning Outcome(s):

 Describe mechanical devices that have improved over time
o What are examples of mechanical devices used in the past to meet particular needs
o How have common needs been met in different ways over time
o How does trial and error and scientific knowledge play a role in technological development
Students will:
 Be able to solve the mechanical advantage of a pulley (fixed and moving)
 Be able to solve the mechanical advantage of a screw
 Be able to identify the uses of a pulley
 Be able to identify the uses of a screw
 PowerPoint On Mechanical Systems
 Pulley system from science lab
Introduction (10
 We will review the simple machines we went over the day prior.
o We went over the wedge and the wheel and axle
Body (30 minutes)

 Starting on Slide 59
o Introduce the pulley.
 The pulley can be fixed, moving or compound.
o First we will go through the fixed pulley.
 Show a demonstration of a pulley in class to see how it works. (materials in the science lab)
 This will only demonstrate the fixed pulley
o Then we will go through the moving pulley’s
o Finally we will go through the compound pulley’s
 Within a compound pulley the load is dispersed across each pulley so one single pulley
isn’t just doing all the work.
 We will watch the following clip on pulleys.
 What did we notice about the difference of where the pulleys were when lifting the 1000gram weight?
 After our discussion we will go through the review of the pulleys at the end of the section.
 Following the review we will introduce the Screw!!
o A screw is a cylinder with a bump on the outside that is spiraled.
o We will go through the notes on the slideshow..
o If time we will watch a short clip on the Archimedes screw
o This shows how a screw works in a different way instead of just holding things together.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
 What did we learn about today?
o We learned the mechanical advantage of a screw and pulley
o We learned what both of these items do and how they make work easier.
 Observation
 Discussion

Pros of the lesson Things to work on _

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