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"Wait, wait, wait.

So "What i cant hear you What is your

you're telling me you over the sound of how reoccurring dream?__
got herpes from __". __ I am!!".

What ruined your Look at all the __ i "Presenting the lastest

childhood?__ give. innovation in Call of
Duty, __ AI".

Side-effects may "Look son you need to 60% of males suffer

include: Diarrhea, first experience __ from __.
Drowsiness, before you're a man".
Headaches, __, ,
__,__, and Death.
Instead of stealing "Last night my What do you want for
hamburgers, the grandma gave me a Christmas?__
Hamburglar now __, it was really
steals __. awkward".

"This is Raj from __ What was the last "__ and __ always
Support, how may I thing that Robin gets me high...
help you today". Williams thought always".
about when he

What gets you "The only thing we In space no one can

hard?__ should fear is __ hear you __.
What dont you want to __ killed my son. Did you Know that __
find in your food?__ kills a whopping 13
million __ per year?

"Hey dude remember "Shut up and go make "Mom, i got in trouble

when we were __ and me a __ woman". for __ at school".
__ when we were
young, good times".

As Stevie Wonder "Alright Taylor imma "Alright class today we

once said, "I may be let you finish, but will learn about __
blind but atleast I am Beyonce had the best with the power of __".
not __". __ of all time, of all
"Alright! I like __, so Instead of investing What are your parents
what" millions of dollars on doing while you're
nuclear weaponry, Kim away?__
Jong Un will now
invest in __.

Whats that smell?__ That moment when To do list __, __, and
your mom finds out __.
you have a weird
fetish for __.

I am so __ right now. How did Germany Check yourself before

penetrate france's you __ yourself, foo.
defenses during
Whats your back up "Welcome to "Just a drink, __ ,
plan?__ Mcdonalds how may i shaken not stirred".
take your order",
"Yeah i would like__
with no __ and__".

Never underestimate Pro-tip: Never under In the new hit AMC

__. any circumstances, series __ must deal
never do __. with __ in order to__.

What gave you an __ Abortion Clinic: __+__= My sex life.

awkward boner?__ You rape em, we
scrape em.
__ Is so gay even the Put your best card in "For the last fucking
LGBT community will the blank time, stop __!".
say "Thats some gay motherfucker__.

__, it's a hell of a drug. "911 whats your If you were to make a
emergency", "Yeah my sex position, what
neighbor has gone would it be?__
AWOL he is__, send
help bitch".

Ohh to hell with __.

Donald Trump. Sticking hypodermic Anne Frank.
needles in every
cavity in your human

Cutting the tip of your Land mines. Cow worshiping.

tongue in half so you
could be a snake.

World peace. John Connor. Making sweet love to

your mother.
A Butchery. Martin Scorsese. Burning an

Columbine The David Vonderhaar. The Human

Musical 2: Electric Centipede, best movie
Boogaloo. of the year!!!

Goosing. Oh baby a triple. Emo kids cutting too

deep and killing
A Chinchilla eating the Cutting a paraplegic's Steve Harvey's black
universe. legs off and saying cheeto puff mustache.
"You don't need these
anymore" then feeding
them to the kids in
you're basement.

The Bataan Death Buddha's fatass. The New York Jets, Al

March. Qaeda's favorite
football team.

Fleshlights. Sacrificing aborted Ray William Johnson.

babies to Lord Gaben.
Chester the Cheetah Moneyshot. Shaking a baby.
choking on a cheeto
and dying.

Child Protective Dark n' Dirty The Magic

Services. Expansion. Conch-shell.

Squirting The Cookie Monster Eating a vegtable (not

uncontrollably. injencting himself with that kind of vegtable).
cookie dough.
The hilariously boring Crib Death. Circumcision.
first season of
Breaking Bad.

Having a seizure at a Strangling someone Giving a child with no

rave. with their own arms, eyes, and legs
intestines. cancer as a birthday

You're adopted. The Nopetrain. Tommy Wiseau.

Accidentally giving a The Alabama Hot Fubar.
kid Krokodil instead of Pocket.
a flu shot.

9/11 jumpers. Kony: Putting the Malayshia Airlines.

infant into infantry.

Accidentally calling Donkey Punch. A leper boxing match.

your mother and
saying if you want to
bang thinking its your
Hand-to-gland Finding Waldo and The Salem Witch
combat. mercilessly beating Trials.
him to a pulp for all
the hard work you put

A gay inmate staring Mohandas Gandhi. Adrien Brody.

at you, menacingly.

Getting penetrated by Eeyore cutting STD's for everyone.

a yak. himself.
Truffle Butter. Having the power to Nelson Mandela.
become invisible when
no one is looking.

A orphan at a family The Mormon's. Picking up Jewish

resturant. women with a dust

Amanda Todding. My self-esteem. A black jew in the

back of an oven.
Being skinned alive. Brutally murdering the An arrow to the knee.

Getting fisted by the Getting eaten by a The smell of burnt

Iron Giant. jaguar. Jews in the morning.

Your gay son. Beating a nun with the Cheeky Nandos.

Holy Bible.
White man scalps. Jim Crow Laws. Getting shot in the

FENTON! Taping a peace of Getting a handy from

bread on top of a Freddy Krueger.
ceiling to make an
Ethiopian rave.

Driving under the Rice Cakes. Throwing autistic and

influence and running handicapped kids
over an older woman. down a flight of stairs.
Finding a finger in Pointless card is Roid Rage.
your soup. pointless.

A PSA about the Kristalnacht. Cow Tipping.

dangers of drugs.

Half-Life 3. Whipping a slave with This card is written

barbed wire. with the blood of
innocent children.
Amputated Limbs. Death from Emo stoner Devil
circumcision. worshipers.

Shooting up a school Man's best friend.... A baby using a potato

for fun. with benefits. peeler as a hairbrush.

Man meat. Ted Bundy. The fetuses in my

Hilary Clinton A brotha having to do A man with syringes
becoming president, 15 to life just for for fingers.
come on guys laugh at having a white
the joke, it was funny girlfriend.
wasn't it.

Sandy Hook. Murica. Dewitos.

Sci- Fi original movies. A Jew doing push ups Having a dead

in 3D. Pakistani on your
Telling an orphan "Go Niglets. Princess Diana.
home you're drunk".

Putting down a dog. Nerdgasms. The Jonestown


Crabs. THE BEES, NOT THE Tourette's Sydrome.

Popping a blood Getting a paper-cut on Being slapped in the
vessel. the webbing of your face by multiple
fingers. dicks..... thankfully all
of them have herpes.

The LGBT community. Spermies™. Concentrated Jewce.

Heil The Third Reich. The joke that is Force feeding a cat
feminism. Diet Coke and
Mentos, shaking him,
and quickly putting
him in a trash can and
closing the lid.
Eating a bannana, Baby Sammiches. The French Doorbell.

Internment camps. Putting down a cat. Ethiopian prostitutes

that are eager to
swallow anything.

Old men jizzing out Not pulling out fast Eating maggots.
white dust. enough.
TACTICAL NUKE Jizzing blood. Columbine: The

Anyone who has this Miscarriage. Testicular Cancer.

card I have to tell you
a secret. *whispers*
Your parents got
divorced cause of you.

Killing your friends Dying of dysentery. Aaaand, scene.

parents and selling
their remains on EBay.
Black people in the The Confederate flag. Ground Zero.

Open Trench. Free samples. Morgan Freeman's

god-like voice.

Pre-pubescent 12 year Abstinence. Grand Theft Auto™:

old girls. Somlia.
69. I Cant Believe its Not Anyone who has this
Butter!!! card i respect you, you
are an inspiration to all
orphans, me and your
mom have been talking
and we decided that i
will be there this
Christmas. I know I've
been away but to make
it up to you, you can
have anything you
want, except a dad.

More Muppet necking. Feeding the A French man

homeless.... to a pack showing you his Eiffel
of wolves. Tower.

Owning a Canadian. 3 fat guys planing a Sticking your genitalia

heist on a McDonalds into a bear trap.
Siri talking dirty. Parasitic twins. A seal ordering
Canadian Club
Whiskey on the rocks.

Ronald Mcdonald Genital Warts. Hershey Squirts.

sticking his Mcnuggets
in a childs mouth.

Planking. Giving your step child The Armenian

cigarette burns. Genocide of 1915.
Nicolas Cage and his A home sick abortion Beating your wife
overreactions. crawling up a woman's senselessly for putting
inner thigh. tomatoes in your

Having an extra The Angry Pirate. Gassing a JB concert.


Bullet time. Hiroshima and A priest cumming into

Nagasaki: The best an altar boys mouth.
prank the U.S pulled
on japan.
Overdosing on cough Bad Boys 3: Electric Teasing African
drops. Boogaloo. Children with crumbs
of bread.

The Church of A wonderful disease Muppet Necking.

Unitology. called Progeria.

Chocolate pudding. Attention Whores. One Erection.

Al Qaeda gone wild. The shenanigans of Little Asian toddlers.
the elderly.

A slave named Uncle Playing Russian Purposely tampering a

Rufus. Roulette with a fully nuclear facility to
loaded magnum. cause another incident
like Chernobyl.

Isis beheadings. Throwing Adalia Rose An obese Ethiopian.

into a volcano.
Self-Flagellation. Sharknadoes. The Wonderful World
of Ebola.

Accidentally choking The flying spaghetti Raping a deaf and

yourself with a monster. blind woman, then
condom. breaking her fingers
so she cant say

Sexual Chocolate. The weird boner you Taking the piss.

have right now.
Having sexual Putting your penis in a Pedobear on
relations with a hot blender. rollerskates.

Masturbating while Bloody diarrhea. An inside-out penis.

choking yourself with
a belt and also
wearing Batman's suit.

Breaking a a 7 year Ripping someones INSERT SEX JOKE

olds shoulders just to head and shitting HERE.
titty fuck her. down their neck.
A T-Rex trying to Blue Balls. The 200th card of the
masturbate. Dark n' Dirty
congratulations on
getting such a rare
card. As a prize I will
give you AIDS, you're
welcome faggit.

Where the The Coon. Motherfucker Jones.

homosexuals go.

The NSA watching The Holocaust, thats Snorting salt instead

you while you take a all folks good night. of cocaine.
Goatse. Card Czar pick this Rubbing your bloody
card or I will murder dick on the teddy bear
your whole family, the of a 6 year old to
man or woman needs make her cry twice.
the point for fucks
sake and I bet you this
card doesn't make
sense for the damn
black card.

Failed suicide Literally shitting out Finding out your mom

attempts. bricks. is a Nazi.

Centaur porn. Having sexual Gay homo fags, gay

intercourse while the homo fags
kids are in the next everywhere.
A Obama themed Hitlers K/D. Using a dildo wrapped
dildo. around barbed wire.

Cunt flaps. Finding out that The Putting a choking

Holocaust isnt real. hazard sign on your
penis... cause its

Black Pedophiles, now My foot up your ass. Suicide victims.

with an even bigger
blacker dick!!
Shitbiscuits. A toothy blowjob. Sexy children.

An HIV infested boner. Disemboweling a Finding out your dad

newborn and sticking had sexual intercourse
your hand in it's anus with the family dog.
to make a hand

Cock Magic. Kim Jong Un and his Eating da poo poo.

tiny North Korean
You want to play rape. Running butt-ass Arnold
No? Thats the spirit!!!! naked through a Schwarzenegger
daycare. having an orgasm.

Masturbating with Being impaled in a Hell itself.

sand paper. position where the
spike goes in your
anus and comes out
from your mouth.

An anus that leads to Using the tip of your Fucking a corpse.

another universe. penis as pirahna bait.
I swear on me mum u Punching a seagull in Sexting dad.
cheeky cunt. his tiny tiny kidneys.

Big gaping assholes. Allowing flesh eating Taking a shit in your

insects into ones neighbor's front yard.
penis hole.

Shoving gerbils in your Auschwitz on Ice. Stoning a whore.

ass through a tube.
Putting a baby in a Frag Grenades: When Dank weed.
blender feet first so you absolutely need to
you can see his kill every motherfucker
expression on his face in the room.
til you cum.

Lynching. Child sex slaves. Giving Hitler credit for

killing Hitler.

Vagina Dentata. That one rape scene Shiting, farting,

in The Girl With the coughing, sneezing,
Dragon Tatoo. jizzing, and pissing at
the same time.
Micheal Bay furiously Triple fisting. Alzheimers patients
masturbating to forgetting to give a
explosions. fuck.

Cock Meat Sandwich. Having to call a Rape Shoving Fire Ants up

Hotline then finding your rectum for
out its only for victims. funsies.

The biggest balls in

the state of of Texas.

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