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Lettre Formative Assessment eine University of Lethbridge, Facully of Education PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER TWO ‘Student Teacher: "| Hale bo ‘School: Grade/Subjects Taught:| STEM Santor Haigh —— Teacher Associate: aie Kre lech University Consultant] Gwen Young Pate: ad March 10, 2020 Instructions: ‘+ The purpose ofthis form is fo provide te student teacher with specific feedback during the PSII Pracheum (ED 3600) ‘= The feacher associate should complete ths form at regular intervals dung the practicum (.9. every week orev ‘= The student teacher retain the completed form for his/her records itis not submitted tothe Field Expenence Office, Suggestors/Areas for Growth on the final pape othe fom. « sot necessary to selelplae a checkmark ret fo each outcome ever tine he form s completed ~ Teacher Ass concentrate onthe 3-5 most relevant and significant strengths an areas for growth, depending on he stuaten, To document the sludet teaches growth over the practoum, seleciplace a checkmark, or week 1, week 2 et. in he appropri performance for oeomes being assessed, Please also provide some commanis on Strengts/Professional Leaming Achieved and ery other week) sociales may wish fo 4, PLANNING AND PREPARATION (10s #1, #2. #3, #4) ‘Planning and Preparation set Meeting |Execatons Espen 4. Demonstrates knowledge and skills he subject mater f te lessons including hier subst major (3) OO) 2. Incorporates a vanel of eppropra resources and nsturtoralassossment strategies into lesson plans. (3) “3. Translates wornag odeomes tom the Atbora Program ol Saws ino relevant and appropri earring obecives for the lessons beng laugh! (3) “Takes nl account sludenis’ por learning, baring needs (ncludng Soden IPPs), nerest, and sudenl varies such a8. age, gender, soc-economic status and cuuralinguistic background. (1.3.4) oojoo ‘5. Organizas content ilo appropiate components and sequences frinsrutn. (3) Plans appropiate content and activites forte tne ated (3) Prepares lesson plans oral lessons Ugh Usg a well delned suctre which ncudes leering Objecbvels), 09 introduction and closure, detaibe procedures and instucions, ay quesbon, leaching Stategies, learning aches, and assossmen of lesson objectives. (3) Oo ppolocbes:. Prepares un pan(s)n subecl maps tat ince rable, overview, eating ovleones, eachnglearing actives, and assessment pan. (3) Inegrates dita technology and resources into nsructon in eubject mejor and cher subjects, where appropiate. 2,3) oOo) 70. Obtains an organizes equipment and materials for instruction. (3) oO) oO ONO) O Ooo}o Sow ap oooh Cado|o 2. INSTRUCTION (Tas #1, #9. #4, #5) Communication... 2 " 2 Net Meating Expectatos| Nesting Expectlon TSesetng er 1. Uses clear, ent, nd grammatically corecl spoken and ween language (3) 7. Uses vocabulary sppropiaie o students age, background and interests. (3) oO oO ‘3. Medals hither voice for audbity and expression. (3) “Demonstrates cual senstivlyn communication and insructon (1, 4,5), SIAN obdo Tesson introduction === c= acini sna ast 5. Esiablshes sl reviews pror lariag, denties lesson obectve[s and expeclatons, uses molvatng atenton-gees, provdes ovenew, and reals the lesson lo provous learnng as approprale. (3) of} oooo alee Revised: Seplomber 2019 Inapeesamges hy rotueg uses amgrebvant and estng Subs Mara acts Prsenn contrtinarpeate omnes seqvones or astucten (3) 6 6 Essons ans poceesin sna eps at an apap pce sul ace ad sdentespnse (3) 8 Denorsrates sect mater competence dures eatcten 8) 10 Oryan ces and ges anny rns. Svat ope and wt eWHES 11 Proves dew devctons, nszucions and eptinatens (3) 12 Dies etcenttanstonsbeoneenWssars. ans ton one avy bene (8) = 1 Uses a ane of tcl tates fo ess dese oucomes, adel mae vated eum0g aye nd | _dveunineess(reking seset PP goveheties| M4) | 1 Uses a troas range ol mstuctona stalages specie lo sitet nape 4) [15 Uses asproprae TE Wren apsroprae, uses resources ta acevaty eect and demon [was sasie 6) 7 boris ean TH onng a Discussion A vd webegme ote Sen oe 1 Pri era Sat’ 59 gato rite ose te 21_ Leads and deci student garepaten m dass dscussonetecbvely and dss auesions mooromaioy () he see and dersy eT Ft Nats, | Soooo00o0g000c! ooFo oo00o0 000000 (000 O000000000 ‘on Student Se el 2 Cedkes he dass leronng when recesay cheng on rds and gaup AFCO a ‘eintyconen 2 Recognzns ang responds eprpnally waa enone an grup harnrg needs (3.4) 24 Reltes sud ang buting on povous emg. evewen. ard reieachng SEER DARA GET PRR 25 Achewcs Conse for sin, cTsoaaing appiatons (3) 2 Proves namewok when appoprate ad explansassgnents WY () CONF EOP SEEANES HS, SHES Bofoodokoao jofeoo5 0) 3. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (ras #1, #2. 3.44) eo - - - room Leadership, ‘Assunes indesho le we dastean, Bh Gur9s a cassbom ave, shawng conch. poe, congosu, and presence (13.4) 7 Crates and mania an eecheleungenvonnon| eng hgh erpeaionsard sanders 6 Gon WawAg, tng fo se varabes sh a5 98, onde, coon acorome sas an cuangust backyoun (2) ‘3 Dereonstoes tare entusasm and camminet tothe students nd subject dels prepa betavous (13) “_Exublahes pote rebtonehpsanda daeom cima Based on mula ond reped (1,24) 1ssrOom Mai fa TEE 5 SaaS 5. Cleary delnes ad elorescs:oom procedures and ratnes (8) 15 Clatly communicates and rales expetatens or appopraa saint betawow() 7 Woniars sant behav ands aware of scr Bekavour tall es (6) ‘Respond onagropratebenovorPonply, iy, ad onssonly, sng apprepole lowe and her a reszones, flows eco! Spine pohows dnd pocecve.( O000) 0000 fess UcIL: PS Il Fomalve Assossmont (Rev Sep 218) Student: Page 2014 @ ° F i §. ASSESSMENT (10511 1) at i tin! tt se tat itn Slagealiea9) Waive) and scrmal seh wa7g.a ave 0! apPUaTA aeaTHONT tna aNd snsrunents (09 obsevaionsconversatons, questonng, checking daly wor, performance: based and wtn |__ assessments. quuzes. 058) ( 2. Chests equenty for viersiacing (3) | © wots nd ado acing based onanvessnen ala ad udeniPPs [eq eng Sale wating Walaa | to re-teach where equred) (3.4 = 5 Araizes and evatates measurement aio asese student ieameg (2) {5 Expns to sents Rew ameg wba measured (3) 7, Develops and manamns acurle records of suden achewerar (ag, rade heels, dalabass) and corimancalas result students, parents and he schoo eet) (3) oo00oo OY oo0000 0} O00000 0 = 5. PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (105 #1, #2. 14, #0) F r 7 7 Professionalism 1 Presensa pilessonal appearance and manne. (1,6) 2,_Fulisprofessonal obigatons (punctual, rouine amnstalve dutes). (6) '3,_Derenstales atu and prolessonaludgreent (1,6) “4. ls krowiedgoablo about prolessonalssues and denonsales a commitranto the teaching prlesson 5,6) '5,_Estalshes polesoralrlaonship wih the educational communty and wer conmunty (where appropri). (1) Professional Growth 7 SER PTE Ie SP TO 5. Accuralolyasiesses and documents re efeciveress of iossons, ents eng ad weaknesses and mates appropala suggestions fot improvements (2) 7._Uses he rosuls of student assessmen and feedback o improve leaching praciees and gudeprolessonal growth (2) '&._ Responds appropraelylo eedback rm others by string, terpeing. and implanting suggestions. (2) Develops and communicate a personal sion f teaching () 70-Develops end presents a professional porfoko andor row pla neudng gous, evden progress ovard goals, efecbons on grow and tule goals (2) T- Cares out he rls ad responses 8 each ctarGng bre Abera Scho Act, school and dana poles and abe relevant legion (6) 72. Aoples the leaching competences erin cerficaton appropriately (8) eal Conduct a ee ee aT Ooloooo0 oR oo000)—4 SNS "5. Respecis fe Ggnty and rghis of allersans wihou prejudice a lo ace, rlgaus bles, clo gender, sexual oentaon, gender dent, physeal characters, csabtiy, mara stalus, age, ancesty, place twig, place ofesénce,secaeconomic background orIngusic background. (4, 5.6) 7, Treats sudens wih dgny and respect andi considerate of he cecumstances. (8 5,6) “Does not dvdge formation received in conlience orth course of prlessonal utes about a siden excel as requredby law orwhere @ 305 inthe est eres of he sunt (6) 7B. Does not undermine he confidence of sludenis in wachers or cher sudent each. (1) "T7- Does nol ricze the profesional compelenes or poTessonalepuaion ofteachers orale suet aches ness te cams communicted in condence to proper oil afer intring the individual conceed ofthe cris. (1, 6) 78. Acts ina manner hat maintains the Ronout and agi ofthe profess, (1.6) 18. Does not speak on Beha ol the Faculyof Educa, the Universiy of Lehbedge, the school or he profession unless authorized to do so (6) Goo'ojoo/ oO REISS Uf L: PS II Formative Assessment (Row: Sap 2019) Student: Page 3 of 4 E _FEEDBACK ON PROFESSIONAL GROWTH [Strengths / Professional Leaming Achieved: ~~ pnaiecau aed Haley has developed a strong relationship with Shucdnk| by gqueck| learning Names and ge Hing to Know there Irkes and dsh'bes! Haley hasta Ryn grasp dn the descip bne techniques she uses. She rs airaane Pm in her expec feations dy- students hehaveour (4 CASS. Haley's lessons are we Wp lanned and she knows her curr cular obects fr her subject area. wel/, | Suggestions 7 Areas for Growth: Make sure to Spend equal amounts of Ame on loth sides oP: the room, Sometines one stale rs fivorecl over the other; © Wet for sh dents + be quet— clon t yell aver ein, f are po state ceri tule objectives ot te / & eae ohelass, Talk rhiut what they whl be “earning to help wth pens, dlse the termine logy they are used fo. Fo overnew Vo cabulary regularly, Uof L: PS Il Formate Assessment (Rev Sep 2018) ‘Student: Page 4 of 4

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