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(PM or "Project Manager") and ("ecommer*" or "e Commer*" or "E-commer*" or ATG or

Dynamo) and (HTML or JSP or CSS or AJAX)

("Time study" or "Motion Study" or "Time Motion Study") and (Field Or Technici*)
and (DSL or POTS or circuit or fib*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular
or BellSouth)

Releas* and Implemen* and Chang* and (Scope or budget or time) and (SDLC or
"Software Develop*") and Project and (Milestone or Activity)

(DataEntry or "Data Entry") and Data and (Bill or Billing) and Analy* and (Excel or
Spreadsheet or "Spread Sheet") and Repor* and ("PO" or "Purchase Order") and Order


Anupama is local to the work location - CA and currently working on a remote

project for a company based in FL. She is available immediately

(Procure* or iProcur*) and ("11i" or "11 i" or "11-i" or "11." or "11. ") and
Purcha* and (Asset Or Inven*) and ("AP" or "Account Payable") and ("Techno" or

Query: ("PM" or "Project Manager" or "Business Analyst" or Manager or Consultant)

and Kronos and (Timekeeping or Attendance) and Payroll and ("ADP" or "WTK" or
"WFSO" or "WFC") Days Back: 90 Location: CA

Archit* and (WSDL or SOAP or REST) and ("web Servic*" or "Web-Servic*" or

Webservic*) and (AJAX or CSS or "Web 2.0" or "Web2.0") and (HTML or XML or DHTML or
XHTML) and (Java or ".net" or ". Net" or
or Python or Ruby)

Data and Analy* and ("Unix shell" or "Shell Script" or Shell or Perl) and (SAS or

Performance and Amdocs and (Test* or Test) and (MFC or MPC or Billing or Ensamble
or Enabler or FBF or AMC) and (SQL or TOAD) and UNix

("UX" or "UI" or "User Experience" or "User Interface") and ("user flows" or "site
maps") and (wirefram* or "wire fram*") and prototyp*

Requir* and (Functional or Technical) and (gather or "Collec*") and Repor* and
anal* and business and proces* and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "Uverse" or "U
verse" or "U-Verse" or Verizon or Amdocs or Cingular or SBC or "South Bell")

(Cloud or "Salesforce" or "Sales Force") and (VMWare or "VM Ware" or "Vm-Ware" or

ESX) and (API or "web Services" or "WebServices" or SOAP or REST or JSON) and (Java
or XML) and Archit*

("Content Management System" or "CMS") and (Interwoven or Teamsite or "Adobe CQ" or

Joomla or WordPress or "WebCenter" or "Web Center") and Content
("HR" or "Human Resource") and (Coordinate or Support or Admin or Admin*) and
(Compensation or Benefits or Salary) and (Retension or Recrui* or Staffing) and

("Linux Adm*" or "Unix Adm*" or "System Admi*") and ("Red Hat" or "RedHat" or "Red-
Hat" or RHEL or Linux) and Unix and (Administ* or Admin) and (Insta* or configu* or
Upgra* or Troubl*) and (Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Korn or Bsh)

Oracle and (BPEL or JBPM) and J2EE and Developer and configuration and developer

Marketing and (Advert* or Promot* or Campaig*) and ("Legal firm" or "Legal suit" or
Legal or Law or Lawsuit) and Anal* and Sales

("Objective C" or "ObjectiveC" or "Objective-C" or COCOA or "IOS" or "i OS" or

Xcode or "X-Code") and Android and (Iphone or "i phone" or "i-phone" or "I pad" or
"i pad" or "i-Pad" or Blackberry or "Black Berry" or Smartphone or "Smart Phone")
and Applica* and Java and Devel*

("" or "Lexis/Nexis" or "" or "Avvo" or "Justia" or

"RocketLawyer" or "Rocket Lawyer") and Marketing and ("personal injury" or "social
security" or "bankruptcy" or "estates" or "family law") and ("Promot*" or
"Campaig*" or "Advertis*")

Ericsson and (UMTS or BSC or MSC or "Mobile Switching Centers") and Troubl* and
(NodeB or "Node B" or BTS or RAN)

(Unix or Linux or "RHCE" or "Red hat" or "Redhat") and (Perl or PHP or Ruby or
Python or JavaScript) and (Tomcat or Apache or Websphere or Webservices or SOAP or
REST or WSDL) and (IaaS or PaaS or SaaS or Cloud or Virtualization) and (VMWare or
"VM Ware" or "ESX")

("PM" or "Project Manager") and (PMI or PMP) and (Billing or Telegence or Ensemble
or Enabler or "Amdocs Billing") and (Conversion or Transformation)

("PM" or "Project Manager") and (PMI or PMP) and budge* and (Issue* or Risk) and
(Billing or Telegence or Ensemble or Enabler or "Amdocs Billing") and (Delivera* or
Milesto* or Activi*)

(UMTS or LTE) and ("NodeB" or "Node B" or "Node-B" or MSC or BSC or RNC) and (Test
or Check) and (Troubl* or Config* or Upgrad*) and ("Tier1" or "Tier 1" or "Tire-1"
or Technician or Engineer)

Nortel and (MGW or "Media Gateway") and (MSC or "Master switching Center")

(CMS or "Content Management" or Interwoven or Teamsite or Livesite or Kapow) and

Java and Application and (RHEL or "Red hat" or Linux) and (migration or
manipulation or validation)

HTML and (CSS or AJAX or XML) and (Desig* or Devel*) and Repor* and (Website or Web
or "web Site" or Portal or "webPortal")
(AJAX or HTML or "HTML5" or CSS) and ("Java Script" or "JSP" or JavaScrip*) and
("YUI" or "Prototype JS" or Dojo or jQuery) and (PHP or Perl or Python or Ruby) and
(Apache or HTTP or SOAP or JSON or XML or WSDL or REST) and Unix

Unix and (Admin or Admin* or Suppor* or enginee*) and (Linux or Redhat or "Red hat"
or RHEL) and (IBM or AIX) and (VOIP or "Voice over IP" or IVR or "Interactive
Voice" or Voice) and (Sun or Solaris)

System and (Admin or Admin*) and (Linux or "Red Hat" or RHEL or "RedHat") and
(Configura* or Insta* or upgrad* or Mainta* or Monitor*)

(Redhat or "Red Hat" or "RHEL" or Linux) and System and ("IIS" or "Windows Server"
or "Microsoft Server" or Apache or Tomcat) and (Oracle or "Sql Server" or
"SqlServer") and (Mainta* or Monito* or Configu* or Troub*)

System and (Admin or Admin*) and (Configu* or Instal* or Upgrad*) and (RedHat or
"Red Hat" or RHEL or Linux) and ("IIS" or "Apache" or "Tomcat" or Windo*) and
(Oracle or "sql Server" or SQLSever)

Ticke* and Troub* and (Probl* or Issu* or Escal*) and (CTS or Remedy or Froce or
AOTS) and ("Oncall" or "outbound" or "inbound" or Call) and (CSR Or customer or
"Customer Servic*") and (Technician or Dispat* or "Field Operati*" or Premis*)

(Equipemen* or Devi*) and (Ship* or Schedu* or Recei*) and (Coordinator or "Co

ordinator" or "Co-ordinator" or Suppor* or Engine*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT
&T" or Verizon or Cingular or SBC or "BellSouth" or "Bell South" or Sprint or
"TMobile" or "T Mobile" or "T-Mobile")

(Test or Test*) and ("Mobile device" or "Blackberry" or "Black Berry" or SmartPhone

or "Smart Phone" or "Iphone" or "I phone") and (Defect or Bug or QualityCenter or
"Quality Center") and (Log or log* or Case or Cases or Plan or Plan*)

("Release Manag*" or "Implementation Manag*") and Projec* and Repor* and (SDLC or
"Software Develo*") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or "SBC" or "Bell

("Help Desk" or "HelpDesk" or "DeskTop" or "desk Top" or "Tier1" or "Tier 1" or

"Tier 2" or "tier 2" or Technici* or Suppor*) and ("T1" or "T 1" or "T 3" or "T3"
or "DS0" or "DS 0" or "DS3" or "DS 3" or DSL or Circuit or Cable) and (Troubl* or
Escal* or resolv* or Configu*)

(Defec* or Bug or bugs or "Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "Qaulity Centre")

and (Test or Test*) and (Lead or Lead*) and (QTP or "Test Director" or "Quick Test
Pr*" or "TestDirector")

Instructional and Desig* and (training or Learning or WBT or CBT or "E-learning" or

"e-learn" or "Web based" or Online) and (Captivate or Lectora or Docutools or

(NOC or "network operation center") and (Netcool or "OpenView" or "Open View" or

Alarm or Ticke*) and (Troubl* or Instal* or Upgrad* or Configu*) and (Linux or

("MOSS developer" or "Sharepoint Developer" or "Share point Developer") and (MOSS

or "SharePoint" or "Share point" or Moss*) and (Develo* or Desig*)

("SharePoint Developer" or "Share point Developer" or "Moss Developer" or

"Sharepoint Designer") and ("Sharepoint" or "Share Point" or MOSS or MOSS*) and
(Design or develo*) and ("Visual Studio" or "VS" or VisualStudio) and (Content or

("SharePoint Developer" or "Share point Developer" or "Moss Developer" or

"Sharepoint Designer") and ("Sharepoint" or "Share Point" or MOSS or MOSS*) and
(Design or develo*)

(Tax or "Tax*") and analy* and (renditions or assessments or reconcil* or Returns

or preparation) and ("Real Estate" or Propert* or "State Tax" or "Legal Tax" or
State) and Repor* and (CPA or Certified or Certification)

(Inventory or logistics or material or Stock) and (Coordina* or "Co-ordinat*" or

"Co Ordinat*") and (Ship* or receiv*) and (Test or Test*) and (Handset or "Hand
Set" or "Mobile Prototy*" or "Mobile equipement")

("handsets prototype" or "handset prototype" or "smart phones" or SmartPhones or

Iphone or "I Phone") and (Test or Testing) and (vendo* or Clien* or suppliers) and
repor* and (Coordina* or "Co ordina*" or "Co-Ordin*" or Suppor* or Assis* or
Engineer) and ("AT&T" Or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
Verizon or "T Mobile" or "T-Mobile")

CCNA and CCNP and Voice and (VOIP or "Voice over IP" or "IPT") and (Desig* or
Develo* or archi*) and ("Unified Communications" or "CUCM" or Unified)

Applicat* and Functio* and Require* and (Gathe* or collec*) and (UML or Unified or
"Use Case" or DFD or "Data Flow" or BRD or SRS) and (ERWIN or "Data Modeling" or
"ER WIN" or "DataModeling") and Archite* and System and (Desig* or Develop*) and
(HLD or "High Level").

("C++" or "C ++" or "C sharp" or "C #" or "C#") and (OpenGL or "Open GL" or "Open-
GL") and ("3D" or "3 D" or "Unity 3D" or "3DS Max") and (Desig* or Devel* or
Progra*) and (Flash or Flex or Game or Gaming)

(Linux or "RHEL" or "Red Hat" or "RedHat") and System and (Admin or Admin*) and
(Instal* or config* or Upgrad* or Updat*) and (Solaris or Sun or Unix) and (SAN or
Storage or NAS) and (VMware or ESX or "VM Ware") and (Virtua* or Clou*)

(Provisi* or Ordering) and (Voip or "Business Voip" or "BVOIP" or "Voice over IP"
or Voice) and ("t1" or "T3" or Circu* or "DS0" or "DS1" or "DS3" or "T 1" or "T 3"
or POTS or CSU or DSU) and (BGP or OSPF or EIGRP or RIP or "Routing Protocol")

(Linux or "RHEL" or "Red Hat" or "RedHat") and System and (Admin or Admin*) and
(Instal* or config* or Upgrad* or Updat*) and (Solaris or Sun or Unix) and (SAN or
Storage or NAS) and (VMware or ESX or "VM Ware") and (Virtua* or Clou*)

Requi* and (Gather or Collec*) and ("BUsiness Analyst" or "Business Analysis" or

UML or "Use Case" or BRD or SRS) and ("MOCA" or "RedPrairie" or "Red Prairie" or
"warehouse management system" or WMS) and Oracle and (Toad or SQL)
("QA Tester" or "QA Analyst" or "QA" or "QA Lead" or "Lead QA" or "Test Analyst")
and (Test or Test*) and ("Quality Center" or "Quality Centre" or Defec* or Bug or
bugs) and ("DataWarehou*" or "Data Warehous*" or "ETL" or Teradata or Informatica)
and (BTEQ or FastLoad or "Fast Load" or "Fload" or "Multi load" or "Multiload") and

("BA" Or "Business Analyst") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (RedPrairie or
"Red Prairie" or MOCA or WMS or "Warehouse Management" or "Supply Chain") and
(Logistics or Material or Inventory) and Oracle

(Test or Testing) and ("QA" or "Quality Analyst" or "Quality Assurance" or "QA

analyst") and (Automation or QTP or "Quick Test Pro" or "Quick TestPro" or "Quick
Test") and (Wireless or "3g" or "Wi Fi" or "WiFi" or "Wi-Fi" or "GSM" or "2G") and
(DNS or DHCP or RADIUS or re-homing or "Network Management" or SNMP)

:("C++" or "C ++" or "Turbo C" or "Pro*") and (Develo* or Desgi* or Progra*) and
Java and (Threa* or Multithr* or "multi Threa*") and (Unix or Shell or Kshell or

(online or "On Line" or "On-Line" or "Click Stream" or "ClickStream" or

"Payperclick" or "Pay Per Click" or "Web Analytics" or "Google Analystics") and
("SEO" or "Search Engine" or "SEM" or "Adwords" or "Adsense") and (Campaig* or
Promotio* or Adversti* or Marke* or "eMarketing" or "E-Marketing" or "e Marketing")
and ("E-Commerce" or "E Commerce" or "Ecommerce" or "B2B" or "B2C" or "Business to
Business" or Commer*) and (Marketing or Sales)

Android and (Java or "J2EE") and Applica* and Eclipse and (Smartphone or "Mobile
handsets" or tablets or "Smart Phone" or Handset or IPhone or "i Phone")

(NOC or "Operation Center" or "Data Center") and ("HP Openview" or "HPOpenview" or

"OVO" or Netcool) and ("Production Support" or "24x7" or "24*7" or Suppor*) and
(Ticke* or CTS or Remedy or Troubl*) and ("RF" or DMZ or Firewall or SMPP or "SS7"
or "TCP/IP" or "TCP IP")

("NOC Technician" or "NOC Engineer" or "NOC Support" or "NOC Analyst") and (Unix or
shell) and (Cisco or rout* or switc* or circui*) and (Ticke* or Alarm or CTS or
Remedy or Netcool or HPOpenview or "Hp Openview" or OVO) and (TCP or "TCP/IP" or
SMPP or SNMP or "SS7" or Protoco*)

("Program Manager" or "Product Manager" or "Project manager" or "PM") and ("PMP" or

"PMI") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
Bellsouth or Verizon) and Produc* and Repor* and Manag*

("UCCE" or "UCCX") and (Intelligent Contact Management or "ICM" or "CVP" or

"Customer Voice Portal") and ("IOS" or "UCS" or "Unified Computing System" or
"Voice Gateways" or CCM or "Call manager") and (Trouble* or configu* or Upgrad* or
Instal*) and (Suppor* or Techn* or Engineer)

(UCCE or UCCX or UCCM or "ICM" or "CVP" or "IPCC" or "UCS" or "IOS Voice") and
(Troubl* or Configu* or Instal* or Upgra*) and ("Call manager" or "Unity" or
"CallManager" or "CiscoUnity") and (VOIP or "Voice Over IP" or "VoiceOver IP") and

(VMWare or "VM Ware" or ESX) and (SAN or "Storage Area Network" or "Storage Array")
and (Linux or "Red Hat" or "RedHat" or RHEL) and System and (Admin or Admin*) and
Cisco and Storage and (Qlogic or Emulux)

("mobile Applicato*" or "windows Mobile") and (Desig* or develo*) and (Produc* or


System and Engine* and (Desig* or Develo* or Archit*) and (OSS or BSS Or NGOS or
NMS or PMOSS or "Operation Support") and Requir*

MCITP and (VMware or ESX) and Server and System and (Engineer or Admin*)

(Voice or VOIP or "IP Telephony") and ("pre sales" or "post sales" or "Post-Sales"
or "pre-sales" or Sales) and (marke* or Advertis* or Campai* or Channel)

J2EE and (JavaScript or JSP or JQuery or "Java Script") and (Eclipse or Hibernate
or spring or Struts) and Oracle and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or
SBC or "Bellsouth" or "Bell south" or Verizon or "T Mobile" or "Tmobile") and
(Desig* or Develo*)

Travel and Arrang* and (book or booking) and (Hotel or Room) and Assista* and
(logistics or information) and ("MS Excel" or "MSExcel" or Spreadsheet or "Spread
Sheet" or Excel) and (Manager or Executive or Senior)

Cloud and ("Cloud Computing" or "CloudComputing" or "Cloud-Computing" or OpenStack

or "Open Stack" or "Open Source" or "Open Source" or "Eucalyptus" or "GlusterFS")
and ("RSA encryption" or "SSH Keypair" or "HTTPS" or "SSL" or "OpenSSL" or "Network

(CSM or Amdocs or Ensemble) and Applic* and ("Production Support" or "24x7" or

"24*7" or Suppor*) and Unix and (implementation or Configu* or Updat*)

(clickstream or "click Stream" or "pay per click" or "Payperclick") and (Webtrends

or "Web Trends" or "web Analytics" or "Google Analytics") and (Report or Reporting)
and (HTML or JavaScript or "Java Script") and ("Adsense" or "Adwords" or SEO or
"Search Engine")

and (Telecommu* or Verizon or Wireless or Uverse or "U-verse" or "U verse" or

"internet Services" or Cingular or "AllTel" or "Cox" or "sprint" or "AT&T" or "AT&
T" or "AT &T")

(Architect or Architecture or "Software Architecture" or "Enterprise Architecture"

or "Solutions Architect") and (Agile or Scrum or "service-oriented" or "SOA") and
Requir* and (XML or "Web Services" or "WebServices" or "Rest" or "SOAP" or "WSDL"
or "API" or Middleware) and (Specific* or Documen* or "call flow" or Proces*)

(OSP or "Outside Plant" or "Out side Plant") and (Planning or Desig* or

Construction) and (Wireline or Fiber or Copper or twisted or Cable or OSP) and
(Quality or Survey or Audit or Inspection)

(OSP or "Outside Plant" or "Out Side Plant") and (Planning or plan or Desig* or
maintai*) and (Wireline or Fiber or Copper or twisted or Cable or "Fiberoptics" or
"Wire line") and (Oberva* or Quality or Survey or Audit or Inspec*)

("Instruction" or "Instrucational") and (Develop* or Desig*) and ("WBT" or "CBT" or

"Web Based" or "Web-Based" or "Computer Based" or "Elearning" or "Elear*" or "e-
Learning" or LMS or SCORM) and (HTML or Dreamweaver or Photoshop or Lectora or
Captivate) and (Robohelp or Docutools or Snagit or "Docu tools" or "Robo Help")

Perl and (Shell or "Ksh" or "Bsh" or "Kshell" or "Bshell" or Korn) and ("C++" or
"Turbo C" or "Pro C") and (thread* or Multithrea* or "Multi Thread" or Pthrea*) and
(Desig* or Devel*) and (SQL or "PLSQL" or Oracle or Toad or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL")
"Network Engineer" and Verizon and (BGP or OSPF or EIGRP or RIP or "Routing
Protocols" or TCP) and (Cisco or Juniper) and (router or Switch or Router* or
Swith*) and (Troubl* or Configu* or Monitor* or Instal* or Upgra*)

(Perl or Shell or "Ksh" or "Bsh" or "Kshell" or "Bshell" or Korn or "Unix

Scripting") and ("C++" or "Turbo C" or "Pro C") and (thread* or Multithrea* or
"Multi Thread" or Pthrea*) and (Desig* or Devel*) and (SQL or "PLSQL" or Oracle or
Toad or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL")

"PHP" and ("MySQL" Or "MY SQL" or "MY-SQL") and ("DNS" or "DHCP" or "DNS/DHCP" or
"TCP" or "TCP/IP" or "TCP-IP" or "TCP\IP") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Support or
Administration or configuration or Installation)

(Coordina* or "Co-ordinator" or "Co-ordination") and (Trac* or Schedul* or Recor*

or "Follow up" or "Followup") and ("ship page" or "Call Tracker" or "Sales force"
or "SAP" or "Inventory Tracker" or Oracle) and Projec* and (Dell or Verizon or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell" or "Bell South" or Sprint)

("Amdocs Billing" or "OMS" or "Ensamble" or "Enabler" or Telegence or TLG) and

(Test or Testing) and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or "TOAD") and (UNix or Shell or "Ksh" or
"Bsh" or Korn) and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QTP" or "Quick Test
Pro*" or "Test Direcotor")

("Oracle Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer" or "PL/SQL Developer" or "PLSQL

Developer") and Oracle and Unix and (Shell or "Kshell" or "Ksh" or Bshell or Korn
or Born) and (Triggers or Procedur* or Stored or Function)

(Product or Project) and Sales and schedu* and repor* and Analy* and Schedu* and
(Monito* or Trac*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "UVerse" or "U-Verse" or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell South")
Sales and Training and (Coordina* or "Co-ordinator" or Support or "Project
Assistant" or "Project Support") and Project and Repor* and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or
"AT &T" or "Uverse" or "U-Verse" or "U verse" or Bellsouth or "Bell South" or
"SBC") and (Schedu* or Trac* or Monito* or Recor*)

"SAS" and Unix and "HTML" and "AWK" and "Shell" and Data and Analy*

("Test Manager" or "Test Planner" or "QA manager") and (Quality or "Quality

Assurance" or "Quality Analyst") and ("Quality center" or "QualityCenter" or "QTP"
or "Quick Test Pro" or "Test Director") and (

("Time Study" or "TimeStudy" or "Time Obervation" or "Time Standards" or "EMS" or

"Engineered Service Measures") and (Techni* or Analyst or Consultant or Engineer or
Support or Manager) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "Uverse" or "U-Verse" or
"U Verse") and (Obser* or Recor* or captu* or trac*)

(DSL or POTS or Uverse or "U-Verse" or "U Verse") and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T"
or MSOC or ESM) and ("Time Studies" or "Time Study" or "IR Telco" or "IRTelco") and
(instal* or repai* or Observ* or Record)

Analy* and ("Web Trends" or "WebTrends") and ("Web Analytics" or "Google Analytics"
or "WebAnalytics" or "Site Analytics" or Omniture or SiteCatalyst or "HBX" or

(InfoSphere or "Info Sphere" or DataStage or "Data Stage") and (Linux or Unix) and
Develop* and (Java or Perl or "C++)
("DSL" or "ADSL" or "POTS" or "Network Services" or "Internet Services" or Uverse
or "U-verse" or Wireless or "3G" or verizon) and (Troublesh* or Repai* or Resol* or
Ticke* or "CTS" or Remedy or Escal*) and (Connec* or Configu* or Instal* or Proble*
or Issues) and (Call or Inbound or Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-bound" or Oncall
or "On-call" or calls)

Oracle and (SQL or "PlSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL SQL") and
(Triggers or "Stored Procedure" or "Performance Tunning" or "RAC" or cluste*) and
(Perl or Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Korn or Bourne or "Ksh" or "Bsh") and (Admin*
or Configu* or Instal* or Upgrad*)

("Oracle Developer" or "Oracle DBA") and (Triggers or Procedures or Performance or

Tunning or RAC) and (SQL or "PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL SQL" or "PL
SQL") - Collabera

J2EE and (MVC or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (JSP or Servlets or Beans or
Javascrip*) and (XML or HTML or CSS or Ajax) and (Oracle or SQL or "Pl/SQL" or
"PL\SQL") and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

("PM" or "Project Manager" or "ProjectManager" or PMP) and Repor* and (Budge* or

Vendo* or Mileston* or "WBS" or "Work Breakdown") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T"
or cingular or Verizon or SBC) and (Releas* or Implemen*)

(JSP or "JavaScript" or "Java Scrip*" or J2EE) and (AJAX or CSS or XML or HTML or
Servlets) and (MVC or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (Desig* or Develo* or
Progra*) and (Oracle or SQL or JDBC or "PL\SQL" or "PL/SQL")

("WiFi" or "Wi Fi" or Wireless or "wire less" or Teleco* or Verizon or "WDS" or

"WDSGlobal") and (Suppor* or "Technical Support" or "Desktop" or "HelpDesk" or
"help desk" or Tier)

("Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or REST or WSDL) and (Test or Testing) and
("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QC")

("Web services" or "Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or WSDL or REST) and (Test
or Testing) and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QC") and (Billing or
Ensemble or Enabler or Telegence or "CSI")

(Order or Ordering) and (Construction or Engineering or "NP&E" or "C&E" or "CEEOT")

and (equipmen* or "Loop Electronic Equipment") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
cingular or Bellsouth or Bell or "Bell South") and (Updat* or Suppor* or
maintenance) and ("LEC" or "T1" or "T 1" or "T 3" or "T3" or "DS0" or circuit)

(Order or Ordering) and (Construction or Engineering or "NP&E" or "C&E") and

("Loop" or "Loop Electronic Equipment") and (OSP or "Outside Plant" or "Out side

(OpenSource or "Open Source") and (Develo* or Desig* or Archit*) and (RabbitMQ or

Camel or Hazelcast or AMPQ or STOMP or WebRTC) and (WebServic* or "Web Services" or

("Quality Assurance" or "Quality Analyst" or "QA") and (Excel or "MS-Excel" or

MAcro or VBA or MSExcel) and (unit or regression or load or Performance or
acceptance) and Repor* and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Verizon or "TMobile" or
Cingular or Sprint) and (CUCM or "Unified Communication" or "Call Manager" or IPCC
or "Cisco Unity" or "IP Telephony" or "IPT")
("System Admin" or "System Administrator") and Unix and Linux and (Shell or Script
or Ksh or Bsh) and (CLoud or VmWare or "ESX" or "Vm Ware" or Virtualiztion) and
(Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad* or Troubl*)

Unix and (Linux or RHEL or RHCE or "Red Hat" or RedHat) and System and (Admin* or
Instal* or configu* or Uupgra*) and (Cloud or VmWare or "VM Ware" or ESX or

(Linux or RedHat or "Red Hat" or RHEL) and Unix and System and (Administration or
Configu* or Instal* or Upgra*) and (IaaS or PaaS or SaaS or "DataCenter" or "Data

(PeriProducer or Periphonics or PeriStudio or PeriPro or PeriGem or Visio or

MSVisio) and (IVR or "Interactive Voice" or "CTI Integration") and Analy* and

("CMS" or "Content Management" or interwoven or ATG or Teamsite or "Adobe CQ") and

("Web Implementation" or "Web Editing" or "Web Content" or "web Services") and
(HTML or XML or "Java Script" or "JSP" or AJAX or CSS) and (Content or Data)

TEst or Testing) and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or QTP or "TEst Director"

or "Quick Test") and (Defec* or Log) and (Quality or "QA" or "Quality Assurance" or
"Quality Analyst" or "TEst Engineer")

("SQL Server" or "SQLServer" or "SQL-Server" or "MS SQL" or MSSQL) and ("T-SQL" or

"TSQL" or "Transact SQL") and (Production or "24x7" or "24*7" or "24by7") and
(Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and (DTS or SSIS or SSRS or SSAS or "Data Packages
or "Integration Services" or "Reporting Services") and ("Stored Procedures" or

(MVC or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (JSP or Servlets or Beans or J2EE) and
(XML or HTML or CSS or Ajax) and (Desig* or Devel* or Progra*) and J2EE

Troubl* and (Instal* or config* or Setup or repair or Escala* or Upgra*) and

(Probl* or issue* or Test or Outag*) and (Network or DSL or Internet or Networking
or "WiFi" or Wireless or Firewall or Switc*)

J2EE and (Desig* or Develo*) and (JSP or JavaScript or Ajax or XML or HTML) and
(Oracle or SQL or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL/SQl") and (Struts or MVC or Spring or

Oracle and (RAC or RMAN or Cluster or "Application Manager" or "Real Application")

and (PLSQL or "PL\SQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL-SQL" or SQL) and (Insta* or
Configu* or Upgra* or Upda*) and ("Performance Tuning" or "Stored Procedure" or
Tuning or Trigger)

(Store or "Retail store" or "in-store" or Instore) and (Greeting or Greeter or

Greet or Support or Executive or Associate) and Customer and (products or
Technology or Service or Solution) and (Sales or Sale).

(ObjectiveC or "Objective C" or "Objective-C" or "CoCoa" or "Interface Builder" or

Xcode) and ("iOS" or "i-Phone" or "iPhone" or "iPad" or "i-Pad" or Apple or
Smartphone or "Smart Phone" or Blackberry or "Windows Mobile") and (Desig* or
Devel* or Progra*)
Require* and (BVOIP or CVOIP or "Business VOIP" or AVPN or "VoAVPN") and System and
(VOice or VOIP or "Voice Over IP") and (Produc* or Servic*)

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "Program Manager" or "Construction Manager" or "Real

Estate Manager") and ("Real Estate" or "RealEstate" or Construction) and (UMTS or
LTE or Wireless or "Cell Site" or CellSite) and Project

(outag* or inciden* or Breakdown or "Break Down") and (resolu* or Escala* or

Monito*) and ("Global Center" or "Operation Center" or "Operations Center" or
"GNOC" or "NOC" or "Global Network") and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Cingular
or SBC or "Bell SOuth" or Verizon)

Provisi* and (Order or Ordering) and (BVOIP or VOIP or "VOICE over IP" or "Managed
Services" or Circuit or "T1" or DSU or "DS0" or "DS1" or "T3") and ("AT&T" or "AT&
T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell SOuth" or BellSouth or Verizon) and

(Store or "Retail store" or "in-store" or Instore) and Customer and (Sales or Sale)
and (Manager or Associate or Assist) and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Verizon
or TMobile or "T-Mobile" or Sprint or Dell or Radio or Comcast or Apple) and
(merchan* or Dashboard or metrics or team)

Infrastructure and ("PM" or "Project Manager") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
Bellsouth or SBC) and (Routing or Switching)

(Test or Testing) and (Unix or Shell) and (SQL or Toad or "PL/SQL") and ("AT&T" or
"AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or Mobility or Uverse)

Product and requirem* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (smartphone or "Mobile handset"
or "Mobile Device" or "Mobile Apps" or "Mobile Applications" or "Device level
APIs" or "windows Mobile" or Android or Handset or API) and (Marketing or Promotio*
or Launch) and Manag*

PeopleSoft and ("People Tool" or "peopletool" or "Ptool") and (Desig* or Develo*)

and (SQR or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or

"Data analyst" and (Report or Report*) and (Excel or "MSExcel" or "MS ExceL" or
"Pivot Table" or "V Lookup" or Macro or VBA) and (Financ* or Forecas* or
Estimation) and (extrac* or Gathe* or presen*)

("Test Engineer" or "NEtwork Tester" or "QA Lead" or "QA Analyst" or "Telecom

Tester") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular)

(plan or plan* or schedul* or SCOPE) and Project and (Budge* or Risk or Vendor or
COST) and (Milestone or WBS or "Work Breakdown" or CPM or PERT or SCM) and Finan*
and Oracle and OBIEE

("Admin Assistant" or "Executive Assistant" or "Administrative Assistant") and

(Excel or MSExcel or "MS Excel" or Spreadshe*) and (answering or Reception or
Calendar or Repor*) and (Files or Docume* or Bill or vouche* or workshee* or
conference) and Presentatio*

J2EE and (Junit or Jquery or JSP or JavaScript or "java Script") and (Eclipse or
Hibernate or Spring or Struts) and ("SOA" or "Service Oriented Architecture" or
Architec* or "Enterprise Arch*") and (GMIS or AVPN or Ethernet or CANOPI or "L2" or
"L3" or Provisioning or bvoip or "ipv6") and (Oracle or SQL)

("Business Analyst" or "BA") and (SCM or "Supply Chain" or EDI) and (Requir* or
specificat*) and (UML or "USe cases" or "Object Diagram" or BRD or JAD) and

("BA" or "Business Analyst" or "BSA" or "Business System Analyst") and ("Supply

Chain" or "SupplyChain" or "Supply-Chain") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and
("JAD" or "BRD" or "Functional Specification" or "UseCase" or "Use case" or UML or

(Teradata or "Tera Data" or BTEQ or Fload or MLoad or FastLoad or MultiLoad) and

(Desig* or Develo*) and (Informatica or ETL or "Data Warehouse")

Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Mload or Fastload or Multiload) and (ETL or

Informatica or "data warehouse" or "DataWarehouse") and (Desig* or Develo*) and
Archi* and (Unix or Shell or Kshell or BShell or Ksh or Bsh) and (ERWIN or "ER Win"
or "Data Modeling" or "DataModeling")

Websphere and (Architec* or Admin*) and (Linux or Solaris) and (Instal* or Configu*
or Upgrad*) and (Cluste* or Cell) and Deploy*

Teradata and (BTEQ or FLoad or MLoad or FastLoad or MultiLoad) and (Informatica or

ETL) and (Devel* or Archit*)

(Copyediting or Editing or consolidating or implementing or copywriting) and (Guide

or "style guide" or material or guidelines) and Content and ("Web site" or
"Website" or "Web Content" or "Web Data" or "Portal Content" or "Web Copy") and
(CSS or Javascript or "java Script" or HTML or XML) and ("Content Management
System" or "CMS" or Teamsite or Interv*)

(SOAP or XML or WSDL) and ("Web Service" or "WebService") and (Test or Testing) and
Production and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter") and (Defect or Bug) and
(Automation or "QTP" or "Quick Test")

Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Fastload or Mload or "Multiload") and (Informatica

or ETL) and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Unix or Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Korn)

Linux and (RHEL or RHCL or "Redhat" or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat") and ("Load Balancer"
or "Load-Balancer" or "F5" or "F-5") and (Insta* or Configu* or Upgra* or Admin*)

("IT Asset" or "IT Asset" or Hardware or Device or equipment) and (Vendor or

Contrac* or license or "3rd party" or SLA or Agreement) and (Track* or coordina* or
recor*) and repor* and (Instal* or Configu* or upgra*) and (servers or storage or
networking or "HPUX" or Solaris or LINUX or WINNT)

(Architect or Architect*) and Require* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (Desig* or

Develo*) and ("iOS" or "i OS" or Android or "Windows Phone" or "Blackberry" or
"Objective C" or ObjectiveC or "Objective-C" or "Mobile Application") and (HTML or
XHTML or "HTML 5" or ActionScript or "Java Applets" or Javascript or AJAX or CSS or
XML) and J2EE

"SAP" and "ABAP" and (Develo* or Progra*) and ("FI" or Financia* or "MM" or
Materia* or "SD" or "Sales & Distribution" or "Sales and Distribution") and ("R/3"
or "R-3" or ECC or "ECC6")

(Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad*) and (Troubleshoo* or Repair or Connec*) and

(Windows or Linux or Unix or Antivirus or Application or "software license" or
"software Renewal")
"SAP" and "ABAP" and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and ("FI" or Financia* or "MM"
or Materia* or "SD" or "Sales & Distribution" or "Sales and Distribution")

(Dispatc* or CSR or "Customer Service" or "Customer Support") and (Ticke* or

Troubl* or CTS or Remedy) and (Proble* or Issu* or Escal*) and (Call or Inbound or
Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-Bound") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
Frontier or COX or Verizon or Cingular or SBC)

("MS Excel" or Excel or MSExcel) and (Pivot or Macro or Vlookup or Sumifs or VBA or
Functions) and (Analy* or repor*)

("TPF" or "Sabre Talk" or Sabre) and (HP or "Hewlett Packard" or "EDS" or

"Electronic Data Systems") and (Develo* or Desig* or Progra*) and (Airline or
"Airlines Control Program" or "ACP" or FOS or "Flight Operation")

(Support or "Technical Support" or Helpdesk or Desktop) and (Networking or Wireless

or Router or Switches or WiFi or "Internet Connection" or DSL) and (repair or
connectivity or Troubleshoo*)

Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (UML or BRD or JAD or SRS or "use case" or
"Call Flow" or "Work Flow" or "user flow" or "Web Sequence") and (Agile or Scrum or
SDLC) and ("BA" or "BSA" or "Business Analyst" or "System Analyst" or

System and (Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad* or Updat*) and ("Active Director" or

"AD" or Exchange) and (Unix or Linux or Solaris) and (VMWare or ESX or Virtua*) and
(firewal* or VPN or Informix or Checkpoint)

Peoplesoft and Requir* and (Peopletools or Ptools or SQR) and Functio*

(WFC or WFTK or WFSO or "Time Keeper" or "Work Force" or Workforce or Kronos) and
(SQR or PTools or Peopletools or "People tools" or AppEngine) and Requir* and
PeopleSoft and (SQL or Oracle) and (Migrat* or Transf* or Integra*)

("SAS" or "Base SAS") and ("SAS Developer" or "SAS Programmer" or "SAS Analyst")
and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and SQL and (MSExcel or Excel or Pivot or
Vlooku* or Macro or VBA) and Analy* and statisti*

("SAS" or "Base SAS") and ("SAS Developer" or "SAS Programmer" or "SAS Analyst")
and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and SQL and (MSExcel or Excel or Pivot or
Vlooku* or Macro or VBA) and Analy* and statisti*

Business and Requir* and (data or Content) and (Colle* or Gathe*) and Repor* and
("Data Modeling" or ERWIN or Modeling or Validation) and (Testing or Test) and
Billing and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or Verizon or "bell
south") and ("Data Analyst" or "Business data" or "System Analyst")

(".Net" or "" or "C#" or "C Sharp" or ASP) and ("MSsql" or "Sql server" or
SSIS Or SSRS or SSAS or SQLServer or SQL) and (MVC or WCF or "Model-View" or "Model
View" or Silverlight) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

(REST or SOAP or WSDL or JSON or "Web Services" or WebServices) and (Java or J2EE)
and (JQuery or JavaScript or Junit or JPA) and Archi*

(Generato* or "DC Power" or "power backup" or DCPower) and (Construction or

Engineering or "Cellsite" or "Cell site" or "Wireless site" or "AT&T site") and
projec* and (Techni* or Manager or Coordina* or Suppor*)

Cognos and (Reportnet or "Report Net") and Repor* and (Datawarehousing or "Data
warehousing" or "BI" or "Business Intelligence" or ETL or "Data Model") and Requir*

Cognos and (Reportnet or "Report Net") and Repor* and (Datawarehousing or "Data
warehousing" or "BI" or "Business Intelligence" or ETL or "Data Model") and Requir*

System and Requir* and and ("AT& T" or "AT&T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or
"Bell South" or Verizon) and ("Cloud Computing" or "Ethernet Metro" or Ethernet)
and (SNMP or NMS or "Fault Management" or "Network Management" or "AVPN" or "MIS"
or VPLS or PNT or "Cloud computing" or "Ethernet services") and (Gathe* or Collec*)

System and Requir* and ("AT& T" or "AT&T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell
South" or Verizon) and (SNMP or NMS or "Fault Management" or "Network Management"
or "AVPN" or "MIS" or VPLS or PNT or "Cloud computing" or "Ethernet services") and
(Gathe* or Collec*)

(Hadoop or Hortonworks or "Big data" or "Bigdata" or NoSql) and Data and (Recovery
or Backup or Restore) and (SAS or "Statistical Analysis System" or "Analys")

("Big data" or NoSql or "No-SQL" or BigData or Hadoop or OpenStack or "Data Lake")

and (Recovery or Backup or "Back-up" or Restore) and Data and (Architec* or Analy*)

System and Requir* and (Enginee* or Analys* or Archite*) and (SNMP or NMS or
"Network Management" or "EMS" or "fault management" or "OSS" or "Operations
Support") and (Mobility or Ethernet or "IP/MPLS" or Uverse or LightSpeed or DSL or

(OfficeDirect or "Office Direct" or "Officereach or "Office Reach" or "Telecom

Products" or "fixed mobile convergence" or "FMC" or "wireless data pilots" or
"Wireless Product") and (Sales or Presales or "Pre-sales") and (Integra* or Deploy*
or Implem* or Desig*)

("System Engineer" or "System Analyst") and Requir* and (Enginee* or Analys* or

Archite*) and (SNMP or NMS or "Network Management" or "EMS" or "fault management"
or "OSS" or "Operations Support") and (Mobility or Ethernet or "IP/MPLS" or Uverse
or "U-Verse" or LightSpeed or DSL or ATM)

(Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kron) and (Weblogic or Websphere) and (Toad or SQL
or PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL") and (Production or Support or Engineer or

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "Ptools" or peoplecode) and

(Desig* or Develo*) and (SQR or SQL)

(Mobility or Uverse or LightSpeed or "AT&T" or Verizon or Comcast or Cingular or

Tmobile or SBC or "Bell South" or Sprint) and (MPLS or DSL or ATM or "FR networks"
or "Frame Relay") and (OSS or "Operation Support" or "NMS" or "Network Management"
or "EMS" or "BSS") and ("System Engineer" or "System Analyst" or "Business Analyst"
or "Member of Technical Staff")

(Test or Testing) and (QTP or "Quick Test" or QuickTest or Automation) and

("Quality Center" or QualityCenter or Defect or Logging or Tracking) and (Unix or
Shell or KShell or Bshell or Ksh or Bsh) and (Oracle or SQL or Toad)

(Camel or "Apache Camel") and Archit* and "J2EE" and (Weblogice or Websphere or
Tomcat) and (Webservices or "Web Services" or Restful or SOAP or WSDL or Rest) and
(Desig* or Develo*)

Kronos and (WFC or WRM or WTK or WFSO or SDM) and (WorkForce Or "Work Force" or "HR
system" or Payroll or Timekeeping)

Archite* and (Weblogic or WebSphere or Tomcat) and ("Web Services" or WebServic* or

SOAP or REST or WSDL or API) and (Apache or "Apache Camel") and (IMS or VOLTE or
"Voice over IP" or VOIP)

Repor* and data and Analy* and (SSIS or "Integration Services" or SSRS or "SQL
Server" or SQLServer or DTS or "Transformation Service" or "T-SQL" or TSQL) and
(SharePoint or "Share POint" or MOSS) and ("MS Access" or MSAccess or "MS Excel" or
Excel or VBA or Macro or Excel)

(Apache or "Apache Camel" or Camel) and (Websphere or Weblogic or Tomcat) and

Architect and (Agile or Scrum) and (desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

Hibernate and (Spring or MVC) and J2EE and (Unix or Shell) and (Oracle or SQL) and
(Apache or TomCat) and (Desig* or Devel*)

("Big Data" or Bigdata) and Hadoop and Analy* and Data

Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Mload or Fastload or Multiload) and (Informatica or

ETL) and (Unix or Shell or KShell or Bshell or Ksh or Bsh) and SQL

J2EE and (Tomcat or Apache or JBoss) and (Spring or Hibernate) and SQL and (AspectJ
or "Aspect J" or Eclipse) and Jersey

System and ("Fault Management" or SNMP or SMARTS or NMS or "Network Management" or

Netcool) and (Unix or Linux or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or Bshell or Perl) and
(Test or Testing) and ("Frame Relay" or ATM or IP or BGP or OSPF or BGP or CMIP)

("User Interface" or "UI" or "User Experience" or "UX") and (wirefram* or iRise or

Prototype) and ("D3.js" or "JavaScript" or "java Script" or JSP or CSS or Ajax) and
(HTML or "Action Script" or XML or XHTML or DHTML) and (Desig* or Devel*)

("Quality Center" or "HP QC") and (Administration or Support or Troubl*) and (API
or Application) and ("MS SQL" or "Sql Server" or MSSQL or SQLServer)

(Netcool or omnibus or SNMP or "Fault Management) and (Test or Testing) and

("System Tester" or "QA Analyst" or "Test Engineer" or "Quality Assurance" or
"Sytem Testing" or "System Engineer" or Tester)

(HTML or "HTML5") and ("AJAX" or CSS) and (JQuery or JavaScript or "Java Script")
and (SPring or Hibernate or MVC) and (Desig* or Develop*)

("C++" or "C ++") and (MultiThread or "Multi Thread" or Threa*) and (Unix or Shell
or Kshell or Bshell or KSh or Bsh or Korn) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progr*)

JavaScript or "java Script") and (Groovy or Grails or "Grails") and (CSS or HTML or
AJAX) and (JSON or JQuery or JSP) and (Java or J2EE)

("User Interface" or "UI" or "GUI" or "Graphic Design") and (HTML5 or HTML) and
("User experience" or "UX" or UserExperience) and (Prototypes or "Web Flow" or
"Content Flow" or "Web Content" or Interwoven or Wireframe or iRise or "Vector
Graphics" or "Design Thinking") and (JavaScript or "Java Script" or CSS or AJAX or
"JS" or "D3.js" or SWIFT)

(Devic* or Equip* or Boar* or Circui*) and (Test or Testing) and (staging or

assembly or configuration) and (Intel or Dell or Verizon)
("C++" or "C ++" or "Turbo C") and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or
Bshell or Korn) and (Desig* or Devel* or Progr*) and (SQL or Oracle) and (Threads
or Thread* or Multithrea*)

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "Project ANalyst") and (Report or Reporting) and

("SQL Server" or SQLserver or SSRS or "Reporting Service") and Project and Data and
Analy* and ("TSQL" or "T-SQL" or "Transact SQL" or "TransactSQL")

Requir* and (OSS or BSS or "Operation Support" or "Business Support" or NMS or

"Network Managent" or "EMS") and (SS7 or SIP or "Diameter protocol" or Voice or
VoIP or CDR or MIBS or "call Processing") and (Gathe* or collec*)

(CDR or "Call Processing" or "Call Detail Records" or "performance data" or "Call

Detail") and ("SS7" or "SIP" or VoIP or "Diameter protocol") and (Requir* or
specific*) and Data

("UX" or "User Experience" or UserExperience) and ("IA" or "Information Architect"

or Architect or "Technial Architect") and (Irise or Wirefram* or Prototyp*) and
(Desig* or Develo* or Tes*)

("Helpdesk" or "PC" or Hardware or Laptop) and Support and (Connection or repair or


("Leasing" or Zoning") and ("C&E" or construction or "Site acquisition") and

(Repor* or Project)

Android and ("iOS" or "iPhone" or "i-Phone" or Blackberry or SmartPhone or "Mobile

Application" or "Mobile Apps") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Java or J2EE)

Forklift and (Certificat* or Certifi*) and (barcode or "RF Guns" or scanning or

Scanner) and (invent* or Stoc* or materi*)

(Insta* or configu* or repai* or Upgra* or Upda* or troublesh*) and (Network or

Wireless or "wifi" or Internet or broadband or DSL or Cable or Fibre) and (Support
or engineer or tier or helpdesk or desktop or admin or admin* or Technician or
"Technical Assistant")

(ITUP or PRISM) and Project and ("Project Manager" or "PM" or "Program Manager")
and (Budg* or Repor* or Mileston* or WBS or Deliverab*)

("Call Center" or "Customer Service" or CallCenter or VoiceSupport) and Audit and

(calls or call) and (Monito* or Trac* or Observe) and (Complianc* or Procedur* or
Polic* or Rules or Metrix)

Project and ("Project Manager" or "PM") and ("ITUP" or "IT UP" or "AT&T") and
(Budge* or Repor* or Scope or Risk or VPMO or Process or estimation)

(Java or J2EE) and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Hibernate or Spring) and (EJB or JMS)
and (SOAP or JAXB or WSDL or Rest or Restful) and Archit*

Archite* and Weblogic and (JVMs or JDK) and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or XML o
XSL o XSD) and (Unix or Linux or Shell)

(WebAnalytics or "Web Analytics" or "Web trends" or Webtrends) and (PPC or

"Payperclick" or "Pay Per Click" or Omniture or SiteCatelyst) and (Marketing or SEM
or Adword or Adsense or SEO)

J2EE and ("WebServices" or "web Service" or SOAP or Rest or RAXB or Restful) and
(XML or HTML or SFTP) and (Protoco* or SMTP or TCP)
(Ordering or "OMS" or "Order Management") and Requir* and (gathe* or collec* or
Interfa*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Lightspeed or "Light Speed" or
Uverse or "U-Verse" or "U Verse") and Business

(Android or iOS or "i-OS" or "i-Phone" or COCOA or "ObjectiveC" or "Objective C" or

"Mobile Application" or "Mobile Apps") and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and (AJAX
or CSS or JavaScript or HTML or XML) and "J2EE" and (SQL or "Pl/SQL" or Oracle or

"J2EE" and (Hibernate or Spring) and (CRAMER or OSS or "Operation Support" or

"AVPN" or "GMIS" or "BVoip) and (SQL or Oracle) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Cramer or "Amdocs OSS" or "Operation Support" or "Network

Management" or "Network Provisioning" or "NMS" or "EMS" or "Elementary Management")
and (MIS or "AVPN" or "GMIS" or Ethernet or "BVOIP" or "AT&T" or "AT& T" or
"TMobile" or "T-Mobile" or "T Mobile" or Verizon or Comcast) and (desig* or Develo*
or Progra*)

Peoplesoft and (Ptools or Peopletools or "People tools" or Peoplecodes or "People

codes" or Kronos) and Requir* and (SQL or SQR) and (Integration or "IB" or
"Integration Broker")

("ColFusion" or "Cold Fusion" or "CFML" or "CFMX") and (MVC or "Model View") and
(AJAX or CSS or JavaScrip* or "Java Script" or XML) and (Desig* or Develo* or

ESPN, ABC, CBS, MLB, NBC, Discovery, OPRAH, and E! Entertainment

("Video Engineer" or "VideoEngineer" or "BroadCast engineer" or "Video Support")

and (Broadcas* or Forma* or Transpor* or Strea*) and (Encod* or Decod* or Muxes or
"Media link" or Nevion or Artel or Leitch or SONET or GIGE or "OC12" or HDVT or

(ESPN or "CBS" or "MLB" or "NBC" or "ABC" or "AT&T" or Verizon or "SBC" or "Bell

South") and (Video or Broadcast or Strea*) and (SMPTE or HDVT or SCVS or GIGE or
SONET or SDI or ASI or HDSDI or Encoder or Decoder or Muxes or Demux)

("Oracle Apps" or "Oracle Applications" or "Oracle EBS" or PeopleSoft) and (Admin

or Administrator or Consultant or Functional) and (Troubleshoo* or Configur* or

"J2EE" and HTML and (CSS or AJAX or JavaScript or Jquery) and (Desig* or Develo*)
and ( Struts or Spring)

(Javae or "J2EE") and "HTML" and ("CSS" or "AJAX" or JavaScript or "Jquery") and
(Desig* or Develo*) and ("Struts" or Spring)

("Performance management" or "Fault Management" or "SIP Monitoring" or "Network

Provisioning" or "SNMP" or "Network Management System" or "NMS" or "OSS" or
"Operations Support" or "Operation support") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*)
and System and (Analy* or "Technical Staff" or Enginee*) and ("LTE" or "VOIP" or
"IMS" or Wireless or "USP" or "AT&T" or Telcordia or Verizon or SBC or Cingular)

"Wintel" and (Powershell or "power shell" or "VBScripts" or "VB Script" or "VB

Scripting") and Admin*
Product and ("Push To Talk" or "PTT" or "M2M" or "Machine to Machine" or "Machine 2
Machine") and (Mobility or "MSS" or "Managed Services" or "AT&T" or verizon or
"TMobile" or "T-Mobile" or "AT&T Wireless") and ("Product Manager" or "Product
Management" or "Project Manager" or "Program Manager")

"PMP" and (schedules or milestone or Deliverabl* or WBS or "Work breakdown") and

(budge* or Repor* or Issu* or Risk) and (Deploy* or Integra* or Manag*) and ("AT&T"
or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "T-Mobile" or "TMobile" or Cingular)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Spring or Struts) and (Unix or shell or Ksh or Bsh or Bash)
and ("SQL Server" or SSIS or "Integration Services" or SSRS or "Report Developer"
or SQLSERVER) and (Desig* or develo*)

("Customer Support" or "CallCenter" or "call Center" or "CSR" or "Customer

Service") and (Call or Inbound or Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-Bound") and
(Trouble* or Escala* or CTS or Remedy or Ticket or Ticket*) and ("Wireless" or
Comcast or "AT&T")
(Test or Testing) and ("QC" or "Quality Center" or QualityCenter or Rallye or Jira)
and (Defect or Tracking or Logging) and ("Test Lead" or "Team Lead" or "QA Lead" or
"Lead Tester" or "Lead QA" or "Quality Assurance Lead")

(Admin or Admin* or Instal* or Upgra* or Production) and ("WTK" or "WSD" or

"Workforce Central" or "Work Froce Central" or "WFSO" or "WRM") and "Kronos"

(Production or "Performance Tuning" or "24X7" or "24*7") and (Admin or Admin* or

Instal* or Configu* or Upgra* or Updat*) and Kronos Near ("WTK" or "WFSO" or "WFC"
or "WorkForce Central" or "Work Force Central")

"Civil" and ("Road construction" or "Storm Sewer" or "structural walls" or culverts

or "bridge structure" or drainage or "Civil Plans" or "Civil Construction") and
(Desig* or BluePrint or Draw or Draw*) and (AutoCad or "Auto Cad" or Microstation
or "Micro Station") and ("Civil Engineering" or "Bachelor of Civil")

("Road construction" or "Storm Sewer" or "structural walls" or culverts or "bridge

structure" or drainage or "Civil Plans" or "Civil Construction" or Tower or Road or
Building) and (Desig* or BluePrint or Draw or Draw*) and (AutoCad or "Auto Cad" or
"CAD" or Microstation or "Micro Station") and ("Civil Engineering" or "Bachelor of
Civil") Near "Civil"

"CRM" and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or QTP or "Quick Test" or "Test

Director") and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or TOAD or Oracle) and ("Test Engineer" or "QA
Analyst" or "Test Analyst" or Tester or "Quality Analyst")

(KRONOS or "WFC" or "WTK" or "WFSO") and (PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and

(Peopletools or "People tools" or "peoplecode" or "People code" or SQR) and Analy*

Project and (Coordina* or Desig* or Develo*) and (Microstation or "Micro Station"

or AutoCad or "Auto Cad") and (municipalit* or permits or compliance or
environmental or laws or regulation or NEPA or SOHO) and (Wireless or Telecom or
Tower or Antenna or LTE or "4G" or Cellsite)

(Helpdesk or Desktop or Support or "Technical Support" or "Computer Technician" or

"Computer repair") and (Networ* or Cable or "WiFi" or Wireless or Telecom or "Wi-
Fi" or Broadband or Internet or "DSL") and (diagno* or troublesh* or repai* or
Tivoli and ("TAM" or "TIM" or "Access Manager" or "Identity Management" or
"Directory Server") and "LDAP" and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne)

(AVPN or BVOIP or VOIP) and System and (OSS or BSS or "Operation Support" or NMS or
LMS) and Requir* and (Telcordia or "AT&T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell

Recruit* and (Source or Screen) and (Feedback or Followup or Negotiate) and (ATS or
"Applicant Tracking" or Monster or Dice or "Career builder") and ("Social
Networking" or Linkedin or Facebook or Inedeed")

Tivoli and ("TAM" or "TIM" or "Tivoli Access Manager" or "Tivoli Identity Manager")
and (Server or "Directory Server" or "LDAP") and ("Role Based" or Security or
Authentication) and (Shell or Unix or Kshell or Bshell)

Java and (Weblogic or "Web Logic") and Hibernate and (SVN or CVS) and (Oracle or
SQL) and XML

(Architect or "Solutions Architect" or "Enterprise Architect") and ("SOA" or

"Service Oriented Architecture" or "EDA" or "Event Driven Architecture") and (REST
or SOAP or WSDL or API or "Web Services" or WebServic*)

(Excel or "MS Excel" or Pivot or Macro or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-lookup" or "H-

Lookup") and SQL and Data and Analy* and (Access or "MS Access" or MSAccess)

"J2EE"and (Desig* or Develo*) and (JSP or "Java Script" or "JavaScript") and (SQL
or JDBC or DAO) and (Unix or Linux) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Perl or AWK) and
(Oracle or "DB2" or MySQL or "MSSQL" or Informix) and (Tivoli or TIM or TAM or
"Identity Manager" or "Access manager")

Content and ("Web Content" or "Web Page" or WebContent) and (Writ* or Edit* or
"Copy Write" or "Copy Edit" or Proofing) and ("Content Management" or "CMS" or
Zoomla or Teamsite or Interwoven)

("OSS" or "BSS" or "EMS" or "BSS" or "Element Management Systems" or "Operation

Support System" or "Business Support System") and Archite* and Requir* and ("AT&T"
or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Telcordia or Lucent or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
BellSouth) and System

(Groovy or Grails) and (Spring or "Spring Security" or Acegi) and ("Web Services"
or WebServices or SOAP or REST or WSDL) and "J2EE"

("OSP" or "Outside Plant" or "Out side plant" or "Outside Plant Technician") and
(splicing or copper or Fiber or Cable or cabl* or wire or Wire*)

("OSP" or "Outside Plant" or "Out side plant" or "Outside Plant Technician") and
(splicing or copper or Fiber or Cable or cabl* or wire or Wire*)

(Draw* or Desig* or Draft* or Draft) and (AutoCad or "Auto Cad" or "Auto-CAD" or

"CAD") and ("AT&T" or "ARES" or "MIC" or "JAM" or "AOTX" or "Project Tracker" or

(Wire or Wire* or Cable or Cabl*) and ("CAT" or "Fiber" or Copper) and (Repai* or
Configu* or upgra* or Insta*)

"OBIEE" and (Weblogic or Tomcat) and ("SOA" or "Service Oriented Architecture") and
Develo* and (SupplyChain or SCM or "Supply Chain") and Requir*

(SOA or "Service Oriented ARchitect" or "Service Oriented Architecture") and

Archite* and ("Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or REST or WSDL or API) and
(Desig* or Develo*)

Require* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interp*) and (OSPF or BGP or EIGRP or "Routing
Protocols" or RIP or MPLS or VPN or "IP Network") and system and Analy* and (BRD or
JAD or "Use Case" or UseCase or HLD)

Requir* and System and ("System Analyst" or "Business ANalylst" or "BSA" or "BA" or
"Requirement Engineer" or "Requirement Analyst") and (OSS or PMOSS or MOSS or BSS
or NMS or Ems or "operation support" or "Business Support" or "Network Analyst")

(Projectmanager or "project Manager" or "PM") and Projec* and (XML or "XML Schema
Definition") and ("Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or REST or WSDL or JAX) and
(Repor* or budge* or Milestone or WBS or Schedu* or Risk)

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (PeopleTools or "People tools" or Peoplecodes or

"people codes" or Ptools) and

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "People tools" or "PeopleCode" or

"People code" or ptools or Kronos) and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interpr*)
and (Function* or Analy* or "Business Analyst" or "BA")

PeopleSoft and (PeopleTools or "People Tools" or PeopleCode or "People Code" or

Ptools or Kronos) and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interp*) near ("BA" or
"Business Analyst" or BusinessAnalyst)

("Functional Consultant" or "Functional Analyst" or "Business Analyst" or "System

Analyst") and (PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "People tools" or
Ptools or PeopleCode or "People Code") and Requir*

(Production or "24x7" or "Application Support") and (Cassandra or Coherence or

Hadoop or NoSQL or Postgre or MongoB or "Zoo Keeper" or "Cloud Comupting") and
("Unix Script" or Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (PeopleCode or "People Code" or Peopletools or

"People tools" or Ptools) near (Functional or "Business Analyst" or Analyst)

(SOAP or XML) and (Automation or QTP or "Quick Test Pro" or QuickTest) and (Unix or
Ksh or Bsh or Shell or Kshell or Bshell) and SQL and (Test or Tester) and (Defec*
or Bug)

Instruc* and (WBT or "Web Based" or "CBT" or "Instructor led" or "e-Learning" or

eLearning) and (HTML or Dreamweaver or Flash) and (Training or Learning or Course
or material) and Desig*

"IIS" and (Powershell or "Cmdlets") and ("Windows Server" or WindowsServer) and


("Mobile Developer" or "Android Developer" or "iOS Developer" or "iPhone

Developer") and ("iOS" or Android or OBjectiveC or "Objective-C") and (Desig* or
Develo*) and (Java or "J2EE")

(android or "iOS" or ObjectiveC or "Objective-C") and ("C++" or "C ++" or Threads)

and (Develop* or Desgin*)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Spring or Struts) and (DAO or JDBC) and (WebSphere or
WebServices or SOAP or REST or WSDL or JAX) and (Desig* or Develo*)
(Android or "iOS" or "Mobile Application") and ("C++" or "C ++") and (java or J2EE)
and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Java or "J2EE") and (JSP or Servle* or Bea* or EJB) and (HTML or DHTML or
JavaScript or CSS or XML or XSLT) and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Spring or Hibern*)
and (Oracle or SQL or PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL")

"J2EE" and (WSDL or SOAP or ReST or JAX or "JAX-RS" or "Web Service") and ("C++" or
"C ++" or Threa* or Multithre* or PThre*) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

(T-SQL or "TSQL" or "transact SQL" or DTS or SQL) and Repor* and Data

(Test or Testing) and ("Load Runner" or "Road Runner" or "quality Center") and
("Load testing" or "Performance Testing" or "Jmeter scripting" or "System Testing")
and (Unix or Solaris) and (Shell or Scripting or Ksh or Bsh or korn or bourne) and
("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" orss "Network

(Backup or Storage) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or "Unix Scrip*")
and SAN and (Insta* or configu* or Upgra*) and (ECC or Orion or Solarwinds or SMC)
and (EMC or HP or Hitachi or Netapp or "IBM storage"))

"SDET" and (java or "J2EE") and (Networking or Alarm or Netcool or SMARTS) and
(QualityCenter or "Quality Center")

(Java or J2EE) and (Test or Testing) and (Weblogic or "Web logic" or WebSphere or
"Web Sphere") and (QualityCenter or "Quality Center") and (Netcool or SMARTS or "HP
OpenView" or "HPOpenView" or "Network Monitoring" or "Network Infrastructure") and
(Rest or SOAP or XML or Restful)

Unix and (Linux or Solaris or HP-UX or SunSolaris or "Red Hat") and System and
(Instal* or configu* or Upgrad*) and ("Performance monitoring" or tuning or Backup
or recovery) and (Nagios or NetApp or Netbackup or CIFTS)

Unix and (Linux or Solaris or HP-UX or SunSolaris or "Red Hat") and System and
(Instal* or configu* or Upgrad*) and ("Performance monitoring" or tuning or Backup
or recovery)

(Java or J2EE) and (Develop* or Desig*) and (Weblogic or "Web Logic) and (SQL or
Oracle) and (Hibernate or Spring)

(Java or J2EE) and (Develop* or Desig*) and (Weblogic or "Web Logic) and (SQL or
Oracle) and (Hibernate or Spring)

Unix and (Linux or Solaris or HPUX or "HP-UX") and (Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad*)
and (backup or Recovery or Performance or Monitoring) and Admin*

(Java or "J2EE") and (Weblogic or "web logic") and (Oracle or SQL) and (Hibernate
or SPRING or Struts) and (CVS or SVN or "Sourcesafe" or "Version Control") and
(JUnit or Automati* or Test*) and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh)

Storage and (Backup or Recovery) and (SAN or NAS or "Storage Area") and (EMC or
Hitachi or Netapp) and (SunSolaris or Linux or Redhat or UNIX or "HP-UX" or "HPUX")
and (Instal* or Config* or Upgrad* or Admin*) and ("Storage Admin" or "Storage
Administrator" or "Storage Administration" or "SYstem Administration")

Architect and Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Mload or "Fast Load" or "Multi Load")
and ("Data Modeling" or ERWIN or DataModeling) and Oracle and SQL and
(UnixScripting or "unix Scripting" or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or bourne)

(Excel or "MS Excel" or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup) and (MSAccess or "Microsoft

Access" or SQL) and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T") and (Billing or Invoice or bill
or "PO" or "Purchase Order")

(AVPN or "Frame Relay" or FrameRelay or ATM or AGN or IMA) and Juniper and (BGP or

(Perl or shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and (Apache or Tomcat or Weblogic)
and (Sun or Solaris) and (CVS or SVN or Version) and (Oracle or mySQL or "My SQL")
and Data and (Progra* or Develo*)

(Microstation or "Micro Station") and Civil and (Construction or "C&E" or

Engineering or "Civil Structure") and (Road or Building or Campus or PLant or
Bridge) and (Layout or desig* or Draw or Drawing or Draf*)

Ethernet and ("Network Operations" or "VOIP" or "Voice over IP" or "BVOIP") and
(Test or Testing) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell

(Billing or Telegence) and payment and (Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup or

Macro) and (Reconcile or Check or Correct or Verify) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT
&T" or Cingular or SBC)

(Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or Shell or "unix csripting") and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or
"PL-SQL" or TOAD) and ("QA Tester" or "Test Engineer" or "Qualty Tester" or "QA
Analyst") and (Test or Testing) and ("AT&T" or Amdocs or Ensemble or Enabler or
Telegence or "CSM" or "Amdocs Billing" or "CSI" or "Common Service" or Verizon or

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "People tools" or "Peoplecode" or

"people code" or "Ptools" or Kronos) and (SQL or SQR or "PL/SQL") and Develo* and
("Integration Broker" or "IB")

Oracle and (RAC or RMAN or Cluster or "Recovery Manager") and (Instal* or Cofigu*
or Upgra*) and ("DBA" or "Database Admin" or "Database Administrator")

(Java or "J2EE") and (SOA or "Web Services" or SOAP or REST or XML) and (JSP or EJB
or Servlets) and (Unix or Linux or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn) and (SQL or Oracle
or Toad) and "C++"

("Load Runner" or "LoadRunner") and "VuGen" and (Load or Performance) and

(Bottlenec* or Load or Stress or "Load Generator") and (Test or Testing)

("iOS" or "i-OS") and ("iOS Developer" or "i-OS Developer" or "Mobile Developer" or

"iPhone Developer")

("24x7" or "Application Analyst" or "production Analyst" or "Production Support" or

"Application Support") and Unix and (Tuxedo or Weblogic or "CSM") and (COBOL or "C+
+" or "C ++") and Unix and (Ksh or Bsh or Shell or Korn or Bourne or "Unix

Oracle and ("PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or SQL) and (Linux or RedHat or "Red
Hat" or "Ubuntu" or RHCL) and (java or Javascript or Coldfusion or "Cold Fusion")
and Developer

(Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or "Unix Scripting") and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or
"Pl-SQL" or PLSQL) and ("C++" or "C ++" or Cobol) and Unix

"OBIEE" and ("OBIEE Consultant" or "OBIEE Architect") and Architec* and ("BI" or
"Business Intelligence" or "EDW" or "OEM" or "Data Warehouse") and integra* and
(Tuning or "Data Recovery" or Backup)

("OBIEE" or "Oracle Business Intelligence") and ("OBIEE Admin" or "OBIEE

Consultant" or "OBIEE Administrator") and ("BI" or "Business Intelligence") and
Dashboar* and Repor* and (Tuning or Instal* or Upgrad* or Monito*)

Storage and ("SAN" or "NAS") and ("EMC" or Hitachi or Netapp or "IBM Storage") and
(Unix or Linux or "HP-UX" or "HPUX") and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Bash or Kourne or
"Unix Scripting")

("Windows 7" or "Windows7") and (Desktop or "Desk top" or Helpdesk or "Help desk"
or Support or "Technical Support") and (Insal* or Remov* or upgrad* or Updat* or

("Windows 7" or "Windows7") and (Desktop or "Desk top" or Helpdesk or "Help desk"
or Support or "Technical Support") and (Insal* or Remov* or upgrad* or Updat* or

Procurement and ("PM" or "Project Manager" or PMP) and (trac* or evalua or

prioriti* or plan* or deliver* or sour*) and (Purchase or Order or MRP or BOM) and
(schedu* or Budge* or Timeline or Resource)

"J2EE" and Spring and Hibernate and JQuery and ("WEb Services" or SOAP or REST or
WSDL or JAX) and Developer

"J2EE" and Spring and (hibernate or Struts) and jquery and ("Web Services" or
"Webservices" or Soap or Rest or WSDL or "JAX") and Developer and ("Green card" or
"GreenCard" or "L2EAD" or Citizen or "GC Holder" or "GCEAD" or "GC-EAD")

(Java or "J2EE") and Hibernate and Spring and (Struts or Jquery) and (Tomcat or
Apache) and ("Web Services" or "WebServices" or SOAP or REST or WSDL or JAXR) and
(Citizen or "Permanent Resident" or GreenCard or "Green Card" or "GC Holder" or
"GC-EAD" or "GCEAD" or "US Citizen")

(Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and Financ* and Analy* and (SQL or Oracle)
and ("GL" or "General Ledger" or "AR" or "Account Receivable" or "Account Payable")
and (Billing or "TLG" or Telegence or ENabler or Ensemble)

("Application Packager" or "Application Packaging") and "SCCM" and ("MSI" or "EXE"

or ".msi" or ".exe") and (AdminStudio or "Admin Studio" or "install shield" or

("Application Packager" or "Application Packaging" or "Software Packager" or

"Software Packaging") and ("SCCM" or "System Center Configuration Manager") and
("MSI" or "MSIs" or "EXE" or ".msi" or ".exe") and (AdminStudio or "Admin Studio"
or "install shield" or InstallShield)

"Oracle DBA" and (RAC or "Cluster") and ("RMAN" or "Recovery Manager") and (Unix or
Shell or Linux) and (backup or Recovery) and ("10G" or "11G")

Oracle and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL\SQL") and (Triggers or "Stored

Procedure") and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or Bshell or Korn) and Unix

Applicat* and analy* and ("SQL server" or "SQLServer" or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL" or
MSSQL) and (HTML or CSS) and "IIS"
("PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL") and ("Oracle Developer" or "PL/SQL
Developer" or "PLSQL Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer") and (Unix or Linux or Shell
or Ksh or Bsh or Korn)

("FIS" or Savana or "eVue" or Lexis or Nexis or "iVu" or "PPPC" or "ECCO" or

banking) and (Saving or Loan or insurance or regulations) and Customer and (Call or
"OnCall" or "On Call" or Inbound or Outbound)

("FIS" or Savana or "eVue" or Lexis or Nexis or "iVu" or "PPPC" or "ECCO" or

banking) and (Saving or Loan or insurance or regulations) and Customer and (Call or
"OnCall" or "On Call" or Inbound or Outbound)

("FIS" or Savana or "eVue" or Lexis or Nexis or "iVu" or "PPPC" or "ECCO" or

banking) and (Saving or Loan or insurance or regulations) and Customer and (Call or
"OnCall" or "On Call" or Inbound or Outbound)

Java and ("C++" or "C ++") and (Unix or Shell or ksh or Bsh or Korn or bash or
Bourne) and (Developer or Programmer)

Perl and "CGI" and (shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or "unix script") and
(Oracle or SQL or MYSQL) and (Develo* or Progra*) and (Sun or Solaris)

("CSR" or "Customer Support" or "Customer Service") and (CallCenter or "Call

Center" or Call or Inbound or Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-bound") and (Bank or
banking or Insurance "Wells" or "JPMC" or "AMEX" or "American Express")

("Set Top Box" or "Set-top" or "settop" or "STB" or "SET Top BOXES" or "IPTV" or
"residential gateway") and Quality and (Test or Testing) and ("QA" or "Quality
Assurance" or "QA ANalyst" or "QA Tester" or "Hardware Tester" or "Network Tester")

("Set Top Box" or "SetTop" or "STB" or "Set-Top" or "IPTV" or "Residential

Gateway") and Quality and (Test or Testing) and (Certifica* or Assuran* or
Verficat*) and (Mediaroom or Verizon or TiVo or Lightspeed or Uverse or "AT&T")

Mainframe and CICS and COBOL and (Develo* or Program*)

"Release manager" and (Buil* or Releas*) and Configur* and ("Golive" or "Go live"
or "Go-Live")

"GAAP" and Accoun* and Reconcil* and "CPA" and ("General Ledger" or "GL")

(SQL or "PL/SQL" or TOAD) and (Test or Testing) and (Backend or "ServerSide" or

"Back-end") and (unix or Shell or ksh or bsh or Korn or Bourne) and (Amdocs or
Ensemble or Enabler or Telegence or "TLG" or Cingular or "AT&T")

("SQLServer" or "SQL Server" or "MSSQL" or "MS SQL" or SQL) and (SSIS or SSRS or
SSAS or DTS or "Data Cubes") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interpr*) and
("BA" or "Business Analyst" or "System Analyst" or "BSA" or "Business System

Retail and Store and (Sales or Sells or "retail sales" or Selling) and Customer and
(Apple or Dell or Samsung or "AT&T" or Verizon or Intel or "Microsoft Store" or
Tmobile or Electronics)

Retail and Store and (Sales or Sells or "retail sales" or Selling) and Customer and
(Apple or Dell or Samsung or "AT&T" or Verizon or Intel or "Microsoft Store" or
Tmobile or "T-Mobile" or Lenovo or Motorolla or Compaq or "Hewlett Packard" or
"IBM" or "HP" or Sony or Sprint or Panasonic or MAcMall)
"Retail Store" and (Sales or Sells) and ("Microsoft Store" or Dell or Compaq or
Lenovo or Sony or Verizon or "AT&T" or "Hewlett Packard")

Retail and Store and (Sales or Sells or Selling) and (Representative or Executive
or Associate) and (Apple or Dell or Samsung or "AT&T" or Verizon or Intel or
"Microsoft Store" or Tmobile or "T-Mobile" or Lenovo or Motorolla or Compaq or
"Hewlett Packard" or "IBM" or "HP" or Lenovo or Sony or Sprint or Panasonic or

(Store or Mall or "Shopping Center" or "Shopping Square" or "Pentagon City" or

"Retail Store" or "Fashion Center") and (Sales or Sells or Selling or Promotion or
Branding) and (Representative or Executive or Associate or Support) and ("AT&T" or
Verizon or "Microsoft Store" or Sony or "Hewlett Packard" or RadioShack or "Radio

Retail and (Store or Instore or "In-Store" or "Shopping Center" or Mall or "Tysons

Corner") and (Sales or Sells or Selling) and (Associate or Executive or Assistant
or Consultant) and (Brookstone or "Macy" or "BOSE" or Apple or "AT&T" or Sony or
Portables or Sprint or "Tmobile" or Verizon or JCPenny or Target or "Home Depot" or

Retail and (Sale or Sells or Selling) and (Mall or Center or or Store) and (Xbox or
Gam*) and (Executive or Support or Associate or Representative)

("Web Servic*" or WebServic* or "SOAP" or "SOAP-UI" or "REST") and (Performance or

Load or Automation) and ("Online transac*" or "Money Transfe*" or "Online Banking"
or "Payment Gateway" or "Online Banker" or "UOB" or "UMB") and (Bank or Banking)

Kronos and ("WorkForce" or "Work Force" or "WTK" or "WFC" or "WFSO" or "WIM") and
(Admin or Admin* or Instal* or Configu* or Upgra*) and SQL

Netezza and ("ETL" or "DataWarehouse" or "Data Warehouse") and (SQL or "NZSQL") and
(NZload or Aginity or Twinfin or "Twin Fin" or Mustang)

(".net" or "C#" or "CShar" or "ASP.Net") and (SQL or SQLServer or "MS-SQL" or

MSSQL) and (WPF or WCF or MVC) and (Desig* or Devel*)

(".net" or "C#" or "CShar" or "ASP.Net") and (SQL or SQLServer or "MS-SQL" or

MSSQL) and (WPF or WCF or MVC or "Visual Studio") and (Desig* or Devel*)

(Biztalk or "Biz Talk") and Adapt* and (".net framework" or "Asp.Net" or "C#.Net")
and (XML or XSD or XSLT)

"Data Architect" and ("Big Data" or BigData or NoSQL or "SOA") and Data and
archite* and ("BI" or "Business Intelligence" or "Data Warehouse" or

("Health Informatics" or "HL7" or "HL-7" or "HL 7" or "Health Level 7" or "EDI" or
"X12") and ("Health Care" or HealthCare or Medicare or Medicaid) and (Test or
Testing) and ("QTP" or "Quick Test Pro" or "Quick Test Professional" or
Testdirector or "Test Director" or LoadRunner or "Load Runner" or Automation) and
(Transaction or Integration or Exchange or "inter-operability" or Interoperability)

("Symantec NetBackup" or NetBackup or "Net Backup" or "Net-backup") and (Oracle or

RMAN or "Recovery Manager") and (Backup or Recovery) and System

Netbackup and ("Netbackup Consultant" or "Netbackup ENgineer" or "Netbackup Admin"

or "Netbackup Administrator") and (Backup or Recovery) and (Oracle or Storage or

(MSExcel or Excel or Pivot or Vlookup or "V-lookup" or "V Lookup" or "Hlookup" or

Macro) and Data and Analy* and SQL and ("MS Access" or "Microsoft Access") and
(Repor* or Adhoc or "Ad-Hoc") and Asset

(Java or J2EE) and Archite* and ("Web Services" or WebServices or SOAP or REST or
WSDL or JAXR) and (Hibernae or EJB) and Desig*

"J2EE" and (Desig* or devel*) and Applica* and (Hibernate or Spring) and (Oracle or

(Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring) and (Oracle or SQL) and (AJAX or CSS or
HTML or XML) and (Desig* or Devel*)

Rconcil* and (Pivot or Vlookup or "V-lookup" or Hlookup or "H-lookup" or Macro or

VBA) and (Property Tax

("QTP" or "Quick Test Pro" or QuickTest) and ("Quality Center" or QualityCenter or

"Test Director" or TestDirector or "Load Runner" or LoadRunner) and Automa* and

Storage and "IBM" and (XIV or SCV) and (SAN or NAS or "NetApp" or Clariion or
PowerSeries or zSeries)

"IBM" and ("storage line" or "XIV" or "SCV" or "DS") and (Storage or "SAN" or
"NAS") and ("iSCSI" or "MDS" or "NFS") and (Netapp or EMC or "Hitachi" or "NFS" or
"MDS" or "iSCI")

"IBM" and ("storage line" or "XIV" or "SCV" or "DS") and (Storage or "SAN" or
"NAS") and ("iSCSI" or ") and (Netapp or EMC or "Hitachi" or "NFS" or "MDS" or
"iSCI") and ("Storage Admin" or "Storage Consultant" or "Storage Architect" or
"Storage Administrator")

(Legal or contra*) and (Documen* or Repor* or vouche* or workshe* or workflo*) and

(Excel or pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup or "H-lookup" or "V-lookup") and (Administr*
or Executi*)

PHP and ("HTML" or "HTML5" or "HTML4") and (Javascript or JSP or "Java Script") and
(SQL or Oracle or MYSQL or "My-SQL") and (LAMP or Linux or Apache) and (Develo* or

("ETTCS" or "Ethernet TO cellSite" or "Cell Site" or Cellsite or "wireless site" or

"RAN") and ("TRACE" or Netmart or "ACMS" or Granite) and (Excel or MSExcel or "MS
Excel" or Pivot or Macro or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-Lookup") and ("work plans" or
estima* or repor* or trac* or Schedu*)

("ASP.NET" or "C#.NET" or "CSharp" or ".NET") and ("WPF" or "WCF" or "MVC") and

Archite* and ("SOA" or "Service Oriented")

".Net" and ("" or "" or Csharp) and (WCF or WPF or MVC) and (Architect
or "SOA")

("SQL Server" or "SQLSErver" or "MSSQL" or "MS SQL") and ("Performance Tuning" or

Optimization) and (Admin or Admin* or Instal* or Configur*) and (Lead or "DBA LEAD"
or "Lead DBA" or "Lead Admin")

(IDS or IPS or "Intrusion Detection" or "Intrusion prevention" or Firewall or

checkpoint or "ASA") and Suppor* and (Documen* or Manua* or Procedu* or Proces*)
and (Produc* or "24X7") and (Unix or Linux or Shell or ksh or bsh or Korn) and
("ITIL" or Infrastructure)

(Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup) and Analy* and Tax and ("Ad-hoc"
or Repor* or Adhoc) and Financ* and (Recon* or Compil*)

"System Engineer" and (VOIP or "Voice over IP" or IMS) and Requir* and (Gathe* or
Collec*) and ("AT&T" or "Telcordia" or Lucent or SBC or "BELL SOUTH" or Cingular)
and System

(Openstack or "Open stack" or BigData or "Big Data" or Cloud) and (ESX or Vmware or
"Vm-Ware") and syste* and Archi* and (OSS or BSS or "Operations Support" or
"Business Support" or DNS

(HIPPA or "HealthCare" or "Health Care" or "Health-Care") and (Audit or Auditor)

and Complian* and "SOX"

(Excel or "MS Excel" or "MSExcel" or "Microsoft Excel" or "MS-Excel") and (Vlookup

or Hlookup or Macro or Pivot or "V-Lookup" or "H-Lookup") and Data and ("LTE" or
"3G" or "4G" or UMTS or "New Site" or NSB or Cellular or "Cell Site") and
(Construc* or Deploy* or Impleme* or Buil*)

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "ProjectManager" or "PMO") and (Infrastructure or

Hardwar* or Serve*) and (Unix or linux or Solaris or Shell) and ("AT&T" or Cingular
or "SBC" or "Bell South" or "Amdocs" or "Telegence" or "TLG" or Enabler)

("Red Prairie" or "RedPrairie") and "MOCA" and (Unix or shell or Ksh or Bsh or
Kshell or Bshell) and devel*

(Java or "J2EE") and ("JavaScript" or "Java Script" or JSP or Jquery) and

(Hibernate or Servle* or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (Oracle or SQL or
"PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL") and (Unix or Linux or Shell or Ksh or Korn or
bourne or Bsh or Kshell or Bshell) and (MVC or HTML or "JS" or "CSS" or "XML" or
"Ajax") and Develo* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or Verizon or
Tmobile or "T-Mobile" or Telecommunication)

("IMS" or "VoIP" or "Voice over IP" or "VoLTE" or "Voice over LTE") and Architect
and (Mobility or "4G" or "3G" or "IP Backbone" or "WiFi" or "IP Networking") and
("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or BellSouth or Telcordia)

(Jenkins or Hudson) and (Buil* or Releas*) and ("SCM" or Configu*) and ("Weblogic"
or "web-Logic" or "Web Logic") and Maven

("Windows Mobile" or "Windows Phone" or WindowsMobile or WindowsPhone) and (Android

or "iOS" or "i-OS" or "iPhone" or "i-Phone") and Develo*

System and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and Anal* and ("NMS" or "Network
Management" or "EMS" or "Element Management" or "OSS" or "BSS" or "Network
Monitoring") and (Enginee* or Archite*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or BellSouth or Verizon or Telcordia or Lucent) and
("IP Networking" or "DNS" or "DHCP" or Radius)

("Data Mining" or "Data Processing" or "Data Set" or "Data Volumes" or "Data

Analy*") and (Jav or "J2EE") and (Spring or Hibernate) and (OLAP or "Reporting" or
"Data Warehouse" or "ETL")

("socialmedia" or "Social Media") and (Promoti* or Bran* or Marke*) and ("SEM" or

"SEO" or "Search Engine" or "Online Marketing" or Analytics)
Worked with User Interface Analyst to build the prototype using iRise and verified
the prototype using iRise Reader
* Skilled in the use of iRise or equivalent project management tools

* Implement and manage project changes and interventions to achieve

project outputs

* Used iRise prototyping and techniqes which helped in minimizing

ambiguous requirements and producing clear, concise requirments which
led to accurate estimation and reuced the development and turnaround

* Process visualization for new development using iRise

Oracle and Data and Analys* and (entry or "data sets" or editing or Edit or
creation) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell SOuth" or Verizon or
"Cox") and ("Supply Chain" or Logis* or Invento* or SupplyChain or "EBS")

Oracle and (EBS or "Enterprise Business" or "R12") and (Mining or "Clean up" or
Analy* or updat*)

Oracle and ("EBS or "EBusiness" or "EBiz" or "e-business" or "R12") and Data and
Anal* and (logist* or Invento* or "Supply chain" or "SCM" or SupplyChai*)

Oracle and ("EBS" or "EBusiness" or "E-Business" or "Ebiz" or "e-Biz" or "R12" or

"R-12") and Data and Analy* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or "SBC" or "Bell" or "Cox" or
Verizon or "TMobile" or "T-Mobile")

(Cable or Fiber) and (splicing or Construction) and (Trac* or monito* or updat*)

and (review or Inspec* or Audi* or Visi* or Surve*)

("PM" or "Project Manager" or ProjectManager) and "Agile" and "Rally" and (Repor*
or Budge* or Risk or Issue*) and (schedu* or estimat* or Milesto* or "WBS" or

("Project Manager" or "PM" or ProjectManager or "IT Manager" or "Program Manager"

or "PMP") and (Agile or Scrum) and "Rally" and ("Software Development" or "SDLC")
and (Repor* or Budge* or Risk or Issu* or Resour*)

("BPM" or "business process modeler") and Archite* and proces* and ("work flow" or
"WorkFlow" or "Process Flow" or ProcessFlow or Procedu*) and Requir* and (Agile or
scrum) and ("Technical Architect" or "Solutions Architect" or "Software Architect"
or Architect)

(Fiber or Cable) and (Survey or Review or Inspec* or Visit) and (Site or Sites) and
(Desig* or Drawing or Autocad or "CAD") and ("OSP" or "Outside PLant" or "Out Side

"Billing" and (Revenue or tariff or Plan or Contract) and ("AT&T" or Cingular or

"SBC" or "Bell South")

(Java or "j2EE") and (Oracle or SQL or "PL/SQL") and Data and (Mining or Analy*)
and (Html or CSS or XML) and ("Master of" or "MS in" or "Master in" or "MS Degree"
or "Master Degree")
(bill or Billing) and (Invoic* or "PO" or "Purchase order" or Order) and
(reconciliation or audi* or Revie*) and (Excel or "MS Excel" or MSExcel) and (Pivot
or Vlookup or "V-lookup" or Hlookup or "VBA")

(Bill or billing) and ("AT&T" or "Bell South" or BellSouth or Cingular or "SBC" or

"Bell South") and ("CRIS" or "ACIS" or "BOCRIS" or "CABS" or "CRIS" or "BOSS" or

Invento* and (Stoc* or Logis* or Mater*) and Control and Analy* and Repor* and
("Chipset" or Chip or Electro* or Qualcomm or Intel or Dell) and (SupplyChain or
"Supply Chain" or "SCM" or "APICS")

Requir* and Agile and Scrum and ("JIRA" or "Rally") and Process and (Excel or
MSExcel or "MS Excel") and Analy* and ("CSM" or "Certified Scrum")

("java" or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and ("MS in Computer" or "MS in Information"
or "Masters of" or "Masters in") and Data and ("HTML" or "XML" or "DHTML" or "CSS"
or "Ajax")

(Onsite or Premise or Field) and (Agent or Techni*) and (Suppo* or Ticke* or

Escal*) and (Repai* or troublesh*)

("BigData" or "Big Data" or "Hadoop" or "NoSQL" or "No-SQL") and ("HDFS" or

"MapReduce" or "Hive" or "HCatalog" or "HBase" or "ZooKeeper" or "Oozie" or "Pig"
or Sqoop or "Avro") and (Develo* or Progra* or Desig*) and "j2EE" and (Oracle or
"SQL") and ("Junit" or "Test")

(Java or "J2EE") and ("Bigdata" or "Big Data" or Hadoop) and (NOSQL or "NO-SQL" or
Hive or Hbase or Pig or Sqoop or Cassandra) and (Junit or Test) and (Oracle or SQL)

"Oracle developer" and ("PL/SQL" or "PLSQL" or "PL-SQL") and ("Stored Procedure" or

Triggers or "StoredProcedures" or Functions or Packag*) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or
Korn or Bourne) and Unix

("BusinessObjects" or "Business Objects" or "Business-Objects") and ("XI" or "BOXI"

or "BOBJ" or "Webi") and ("Healthcare Insurance" or Medicare or "Medi claim" or
"Blue Cross" or "BCBS" or HIPAA or HIPPA or "BCBSNC" or Facets or "Claim
Processing") and Repor*

(SQLSErver or "SQL Server" or "MS SQL" or "MSSQL") and ("DTS Package" or "DTS" or
SSIS or cube*) and analys* and (SQL or "TSQL" or "T-SQL")

("Master in" or "MS Degree" or "Masters in" or "MS in" or "Masters degree") and
(Java or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or
"Unix Script") and (Servlets or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (HTML or CSS or
AJAX or "JavaScript" or "Java Script" or "XML" or "MVC")

Financ* and (Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-lookup" or

macro) and Analy* and Repor* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or

(troubl* or Instal* or repai* or upgrad*) and (Suppor* or Techni* or Tier) and

("DSL" or "BroadBand" or "Broad Band" or Internet or "wi-fi" or "WiFi") and (Call
or Oncall or "On-call" or "inbound" or "Outbound" or "In-bound" or "Out-bound")

(Servlets or Struts or Spring) and (Java or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL or "PLSQL")
and (MVC or HTML or CSS or XML or Ajax or "Java Script" or "JavaScript") and
("Masters in" or "Masters of" or "MS in" or "MS of")

("Data Center" or DataCenter) and (Infrastructure or "ITIL") and (Monitoring or

Integra* or Optimiz*) Days Back: 90 Location: US-48341,, Within 50 miles

("Big Data" or "Bigdata") and ("NoSQL" or "No-SQL" or Cassandra or Hive or Hbase or

MongoDB or Hadoop) and (Java or "J2EE") and Develo* and SQL

("Change Management" or "ChangeManagement") and (Inciden* or Proble* or Issu*) and

(Chang* or Releas*) and Infrastr* and "ITIL" and (ServiceNow or "service Now" or

Recruiter and (Sourc* or Searc* or Submi* or Qualif*) and (Hire or hiring or

Interview or Prep*) and (Jobboar* or "Job boards" or "Job portal" or Careerbuil* or
Monster or Dice)

(Write or edi* or Copywrite) and (material or manua* or briefs or proposa*) and


(SQL or "PLSQL" or "PL/SQL") and "J2EE" and (Servlets or Struts or Spring) and
(HTML or JavaScript or CSS or XML or Ajax)

"DOJO" and "Struts" and ("Restful" or "Rest ful" or "Rest-ful" or "WSDL" or "SOAP")
and ("J2EE" or Java) and (JavaScript or "Java Script" or "java-Script" or "JSP" or

("SCCM" or "System Center Configuration Manager ") and ("Application Packaging" or

"MSI" or InstallShield or "Install Shield") and (Admin* or Troubl* or Upgrad*) and
(MCSE or MCSA or "MCITP" or Certif*)

"Data Scientist" and (Hadoop or "BigData" or "Big Data" or Hive or Hbase or

"MongoDB" or "PIg") and (Analy* or Stat*)

("Data Scientist" or DataScientist) and ("Hadoop" or "BigData" or "Big Data" or

Hive or Hbase or "MongoDB" or "Pig") and ("SAS" or "SPSS" Or "R Programming" or "R
Plus" or "S plus" or "R Language")

Data and Analy* and (Excel or Pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-lookup" or "H-
Lookup") and ("MSAccess" or "MS Access" or "MSProject" or "MS Project" or
Deliverab* or Mileston*)

(SystemEngineer or "System Engineer" or "system Analyst" or "Technical Staff") and

Requir* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or Bellsouth or Verizon or
Telcordia or Lucent

"Grails" and "Groovy" and Develop* and ("HTML" or "CSS" or "JavaScript" or "jQuery"
or "JSON" or "AJAX") and Develo* and (Spring or Hibernate or Struts)

"Recruiter" and ("Linkedin" or "Linked in" or "Social Media" or "SocialMedia") and

("Jobboard" or "ATS" or "CATS" or "Applicant Tracking" or "Job Portal" or "JOb
Site") and (Sourc* or Searc* or Submi* or Intervie* or deliver*)

(troubl* or Instal* or repai* or upgrad*) and (Suppor* or Techni* or Tier) and

("DSL" or "BroadBand" or "Broad Band" or Internet or "wi-fi" or "WiFi") and (Call
or Oncall or "On-call" or "inbound" or "Outbound" or "In-bound" or "Out-bound")

("Project Manager" or ProjectManager or "PM") and Project and ("Internet Service"

or "InternetServi* or BroadBand or "Broad Band" or "DSL") and (Trac* or Schedu* or
Milest* or "WBS" or "work Breakdown") and ("AT&T" or Verizon or "TMobile" or "T-
Mobile" or Sprint)

"Agile" and Project and "Rally" and (Schedu* or Trac* or Budge* or Repor*) and
("WBS" or Milestone or "Mile-stone")

("Adobe CQ" or "AdobeCQ" or "CQ" or CQ*) and (Edit* or Publis* or Copywri* or "Copy
proofing" or "Copyproofing" or "Copy writing" or "Copywriting" or "Copyediting" or
"Copy editing")

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "projectManager") and ("Bigdata" or "Big Data" or

"Big-Data" or NoSQL or "No-SQL") and (Implementation or Track* or Schedu*) and
(Milestone or "WBS" or "Work Breakdown" or Deliver* or "Project charter") and

("Content management" or "ContentManagement" or "CMS" or "Web Content" or "Content

Manager") and ("Interwoven" or "Teamsite" or "Adobe CQ" or "AdobeCQ" or "CQ" or

(Hive or Hbase or Pig or Sqooop or Zookeeper or Flume) and (NOSQL or Cassendra or

Cassandra or MongoDB or Cloudera or Vertica or Greenplumor or Hortonworks) and
(Java or "J2EE")

"Cloud" and ("OpenStack" or "Open Stack") and ("Nova" or "Neutron" or "Glance" or

"Cinder" or "Keystone" or "Heat' or "Trove")

(angular or Backbone or "Backbone.js" or Thorax or "Thorax.js" or "Angular.js" or

"D3.js" or "dc.js") and (JavaScript or "Java Script") and (Desig* or Develo*) and

("HTML" or "CSS" or "AJAX" or "Front End" or "UI Developer" or "User Interface")

and (JavaScrip* or "Java Scripts") and (angular or Backbone or "Backbone.js" or
Thorax or "Thorax.js" or "Angular.js" or "D3.js" or "dc.js" or "Ext.js")

("Oracle Developer" or "PL/SQL Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer" or "PLSQL

Developer") and (Trigge* or "Stored Procedure" or Functi* or Packag*) and Devel*

("Java" or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring or "EJB" or "Struts") and (Oracle or

SQL or "PL/SQL" or "PLSQL") and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or

("HTML5" or "HTML" or "XHTML") and ("CSS3" or "CSS") and (JavaScript or "Java

Script" or "Angular" or "NodeJS" or "Backbone" or "ExtJS") and (Desig* or Develo*)

"data Analyst" Excel SQL Sharepoint

("Data Analyst" or "Financial Analyst") and (Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup

or Hlookup or Macro) and Data and "SQL"

("Network support" or "Network Center" or "NOC" or "Data Center" or "Technical

Support" or "Tier" or "Labs") and (Router or Switches or Server or "Hub") and
(Resol* or Issu* or Escala* or Proble*) and (Telecom or Network or "wifi" or "Wi-

Civil and ("AutoCad" or "Auto CAD" or "CAD") and (Draf* or Draw or Draw*) and (ARES
or JAM or Fieldview or "Project Tracker" or "LFACS" or "SHOTS" or "APEX")

("CMS" or "Content Management") and ("WordPress" or "Word Press" or "Drupal" or

"Joomla" or "ExpressionEngine" or TextPattern or "Cushy CMS" or "Alfresco" or
"TYPOlight" or "teamsite" or Interwoven or "CQ" or "Adobe CQ")
(".Net" or "C#" or "VB.Net") and ("HTML" or "CSS" or "JavaScript") and ("WPF" or
"WCF") and (Desig* or Devel*) and ("Visual Studio" or VisualStudio or "VS")

("Oracle Developer" or "PL/SQL Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer" or "PL-SQL

Developer" or "PLSQL Developer") and Oracle and ("PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL")
and "SQL" and ("Stored Procedure" or "StoredProcedure" or Trigger) and Devel*

("SEO" or "Search Engine") and Marke* and (Bran* or Promo*) and Relati* and
("Social Media" or "SocialMedia")

("Python Engineer" or "Python Developer" or "Python Consultant" or "Python

Programer") and "Python" and (Scrip* or Perl or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or
Bshell or Korn or Bourne or Unix) and Develo*

("Java" or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and (JavaScript or JQuery) and ("HTML5" or
HTML or XML or XSL) and ("C#" or "CSharp" or ".net" or "ASP.Net") and ("iOS" or
Android or COCOA or "ObjectiveC" or "Objective-C" or "i-Phone") and Develo*

("Java" or "J2EE") and ("JSP" or "JavaScript" or "Java Script" or "JSON" or

"Jquery") and ("HTML" or "XML" or "CSS" or "AJAX") and (Develo* or Desig*)

("eCAM" or "eTemp" or "Fieldglass" or "Field glass" or "AT&T") and ("Staffing

Manager" or "Staffing Coordinator" or "VMS Manager" or "Vendor Liason" or "VMO
Coordinator" or "VMO Manager" or "VMS Coordinator")

(Java or "J2EE") and "Spring" and ("Hibernate" or "ORM") and ("JavaScript" or "Java
Script" or "EXT.JS" or "Ext" or "Ext JS") and (Develo* or Desig*)

("User Experience" or "UX") and ("User Interface" or "UK") and ("Wireframe" or

"iRise" or "Wireframe" or "Process fow" or "Work Flow" or Procesflow)

("Linux Admin" or "Linux Administrator") and (Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad* or

Admin*) and (Troubl* or diagno* or

("human resour*" or "HR") and (polic* or Procedur* or guidel*) and (data or Recor*
or Repor*) and (Supplier or Staffing or Fieldglass or VMS or "Vendor Management")

("human resour*" or "HR") and (polic* or Procedur* or guidel*) and (data or Recor*
or Repor*) and (Supplier or Staffing) and (Fieldglass or "VMS" or "VMO" or "Vendor

("HR Manager" or "Human Resource Manager" or "HR Coordinator" or "Human Resource

Coordinator") and ("Staffing" or "Supplier" or "VMS" or Vendor) and (Polic* or
Procedu* or guideli* or Process)

("C#" or "Csharp" or "" or ".Net") and (MSSQL or "MS SQL" or "SQL Server" or
SQLServer) and (desig* or develo*)

("SCCM Admin" or "SCCM Administrator" or "SCCM Engineer") and ("SCCM" or "Systems

Centre Configuration Manager") and (SQL or PowerShell or "Power Shell" or scrip*)

("SCCM Admin" or "SCCM Administrator" or "SCCM Engineer") and ("SCCM" or "Systems

Centre Configuration Manager") and (SQL or PowerShell or "Power Shell" or scrip*)

("PL/SQL" or "PLSQL" or "PL-SQL") and SQL and ("Stored Procedure" or "Triggers" or

"Complex Queries") and Develo* and Java and "XML"

(offboarding or Onboarding or "Off-boarding" or "On-boarding" or "New Hire" or

"Hire") and ("HR Manager" or "Human Resource Manager" or "HR Coordinator" or "Human
Resource Coordinator") and (Polic* or Procedu* or guideli* or Process)

(Proces* or Polic*) and (Contrac* or legal or contractual or agreemen*) and

("Customer Service" or "Customer Support" or CustomerServic* or CustomerSuppor*)

("Project Manager" or "ProjectManager" or "Operation Manager") and Repor* and

Operati* and (Proces* or Procedu*) and "Cisco"

("iOS" or "i-OS" or Android) and ("Objective-C" or "ObjectiveC" or "COCOA" or

"Xcode") and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Test or Turnup) and (Provision or Provisioning or Provisioner) and ("T1" or "T3"

or "DS0" or "DS3" or Circu* or Ethernet) and (Suppor* or techni* or Tier or
Engine*) and Verizon

("T1" or "T3" or "DS0" or "DS1" or "DS3" or "OC1" or "OCX" or "OC3" or Circui*) and
(Provis* or Ordering) and (Test or Turn-up or Turnup or Instal* or configu* or

Provisio* and (Test or "Testing" or Turnup or "Turn-up" or Config* or Upgrad* or

Insta*) and ("T1" or "T3" or "DS1" or "DS3" or "DS0" or Circui*) and AT&T

("QA" or "QUality Assurance" or "Quality Analyst" or Tester or "Test Engineer" or

"QA Analyst") and (Restful or "Rest ful" or SOAP or "Web Servic*" or WebServic* or
WSDL) and (Debug* or Log* or Trac* or Defec*) and (Regres* or "UAT" or Stress or
Integration or Unit)

("SQL Server" or "SQLServer" or "MSSQL" or " MS SQL") and ("T-SQL" or "DTS" or

"Data Cubes" or Package) and ("SSIS" or "SSRS" or "Integration Servic*" or
"Reporting Servic*") and Develo*

("Java" or "J2EE") and ("WebSphere" or "Web Sphere" or "MQ Series") and (Oracle or
SQL or "PL/SQL") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Hibernate or Spring or "EJB" or "Java
Beans" or "Struts")

"Automation" and ("QTP" or "Quick Test" or "QuickTest" or "LoadRunner" or "Load

Runner") and (Scrip* or "VB Script" or "VBScript" or "PowerShell") and "Python"

("Program Manager" or ProgramManager) and "Cisco" and (Deliverables or milestone or

Repor* or Condfli*)

("HR" or "Humen Resource") and ("New hire" or "Onboarding" or "new staff" or

"Employee") and (Recor* or docum* or Repor*)

(Omniture or SiteCatalyst or WebTrends or CoreMetrics or WebSideStory) and ("Google

Analytics" or "Web Analytics" or "Site Analytics" or "GoogleAnalytics" or "Online
Analytics" or Analytics) and ("A/B" or Doubleclick or DART or PPC or "Pay Per
Click" or "Web Traffic" or "site traffic")

("FAQ" or "Blog" or Blog* or foru*) and ("Ecommerce site" or "Ecommerce portal" or

"Ecommerce website") and (Purchas* or buy or Payment or "Online Shopping") and
(Issu* or Concern or Problem or Escalation)

"GAAP" and ("CPA" or "Certified Public Accountant") and ("MS Access" or "MSAccess"
or "Microsoft Access") and accoun*

("Oracle" or "MySQL") and SQL and (Administrator or Admin) and (RAC or RMAN or
"performance Tuning" or "Application Cluster" or "Recovery Manager") and (Inst* or
Config* or Upgra* or Tun*) and (Linux or Unix)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Swing or SWT or JFace) and Maven and "XML" and ("Web
Services" or "WebServices" or "JAX" or "JAXB" or "JAXWS" or "JAX-WS")

Automation and ("QA Analyst" or "Automation Tester" or "Automation Engineer") and

("QTP" or "Quick Test" or "QuickTest Pro" or "Load Runner" or "LoadRunner") and
("VB Script" or "VBScript" or Scrip*)

("Database Architect" or "Data Architect" or "ETL Developer") and (Teradata or BTEQ

or Fload or Mload or Fastload or Multiload) and (Erwin or "Data Modeling") and
(Oracle or SQLServer or SQL)

("Quality Analyst" or "QA Analyst") and (QualityCenter or "Quality Center" or "QTP"

or "Quick Test" or "Test Director") and (Defec* or Triag* or Bug*)

(procurement or Procur*) and ("Project Manager" or "ProjectManager" or "PM" or

Manager) and ("Lean" or "SixSigma" or "Six-Sigma" or "ISO" or "BPM")

(Lean or "Six-Sigma" or "Six Sigma" or "ISO" or "BPM") and Proces* and (procurement
or Procur*) and "IT" and ("Business Manager" or "Project Manager" or "PM" or
"Program Manager" or Mnaager)

(Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or Python or Perl) and (Linux or Unix) and
("C++" or " C++") and (Develo* or Program*)

"AT&T" and ("New Sales" or "Sales") and Account and (rate or "Erate" or "E-rate")

AT&T and Sales and (Account or Client) and (Planning or Forecasting or Trending)

("J2EE" or Java) and Spring and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and
(SOAP or Rest or Webservices or WSDL) and (JavaScript or "Java Script" or Angular)

(NoSQL or Cassandra or "Mongo DB") and (Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring)
and (JAX or "JAX-RS" or Jersey or RESTful)

("NoSQL" or Cassandra or "Mongo DB") and (Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring)
and (JAX or "JAX-RS" or Jersey or RESTful)

(HR or "Humen Resource") and (Complianc* or Procedur* or Polic*) and Proces* and
Operati* and ("HR manager" or "Humen Resource Manager" or "Manager" or "Project
Manager" or Process Manager) and (SharePoint or "share point")

(HR or "Humen Resource") and (interviewing or Hire or Onboard or "on-board") and

proces* and (Complianc* or Practic* or Procedu*) and (Map or Mapping)

("HTML" or "HTML5") and ("CSS" or "CSS3") and ("Backbone.js" or JavaScript or "java

Script" or "Backbone" or JQuery or "AngularJS" or "Angular.JS") and (JSON or XML)
and (Desig* or Develo*) and ("UI" or "GUI" or "User Interface" or "Front End" or

(".Net" or "ASP.NET" or "C#.NET") and ("WPF" or "WCF" or MVC) and (Desig* or

Develo*) and (HTML or CSS or XML)

(Lauterbach or "ARM tool" or "Network sniffers" or Wireshark or Sniffer or "Network

Monitoring") and ("WLAN" or "LTE Anritsu" or "Bluetooth") and (Debu* or Test) and
(Device or Mobile or Smartphone or Handset or Cellphone or "windows phone" or
"windows mobile")
(Wireshark or Sniffer or Aircrack or IXIA or Agilent) and (Handset or "Mobile
Device" or Cellphone or "windows Mobile" or "Windows Phone")

Sales and Retail and (Store or Mart or Mall or Megamart or Superstore) and
("Laptop" or Mobile or Xbox or "windows PHone" or "Windows Mobile" or Electronix)

Cognos and (Desig* or Develo*) and ("Report Studio" or "Analysis Studio" or

"Transformer Cubes" or "Query Studio" or "Metric Studio") and Repor*

(Agents or "General Agents") and Team and Sales and Marketing and (Manager or
"project Manager" or "Insurance Manager" or "Sales Manager") and (Insurance or
Medicare or HealthCare or "Health Care" or "Health Insurance" or Medicaid)

("BSA" or "Business System Analysis" or "Business Analyst" or "System Analyst" or

"BA") and requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and ("UseCase" or "Use Case" or "UML" or
"JAD" or "BRD") and ("Java" or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and (HealthCare or
"Health Care" or "Health Insurance" or "HealthInsurance" or "Medicare" or
"Medicaid" or "Medi Care")

("Java Lead" or "Lead Java Developer" or "Lead Jaya") and ("Java" or "J2EE") and
(Hibernate or ORM) and (Beans or "Java Beans" or "EJB")

(ProjectManager or "Project Manager" or "business Manager" or "Client Manager" or

"Onboarding Manager") and (ProcessFlow or "Process Flow" or "Work Flow" or WorkFlow
or "User Flow" or UseCase or "Use Case") and ("XML" or "XSD")

("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QTP" or "Quick Test" or "QuickTest") and

(SQL or TOAD) and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and (Defec* or
Bug or Logging or tracking) and (Amdocs or "AT&T" or Verizon or Tmobile or "T-

(QualityCenter or "Quality Center" or "QTP" or "Quick Test" or "Test Director" or

"Test Manager") and ("User Acceptance Testing" or "UAT") and (AppleSDK or "MAC" or
Macintosh or "iOS" or "iPhone")

(Claim or Claims) and Data and Proces* and (Log or Logging or trac* or Enter or
Entery or Record) and (guidelin* or procedu* or complian*) and (HIPAA or "HL7" or
"EDI" or "HealthCare" or "Health Insurance" or "Medicare" or "Medicaid")

("Unix Scripting" or "Unix Shell" or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and
(SQL or "PL/SQL" or TOAD or OracleSQL) and (QualityCenter or QualityCentre or
"Quality Centre" or "Quality Center") and (Defec* or Bug) and (Amdocs or "AT&T" or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or "Tmobile" or "T-mobile") and ("QA Analyst" or
"Test Engineer" or "Quality Assurance" or "Testing Enigneer")

(WebLogic or WebSphere) and (Tibco or OSB or Tuxedo) and (Unix or Shell or "Unix
Scripting" or Korn or Bourne or Ksh or bsh) and (Admin or Admin*)

Query: Procurement and staffing and Sourcing and (supplier or Vendor) and ("HR" or
"Human Resource") Days Back: 90 Location: US-30308,, Within 20 miles

Query: ("Program Manager" or "Product Manager" or "Technical Manager") and ("OLAP"

or "OLTP") and ("Business Intelligence" or "BI" or "Data Warehouse" or "Data
Warehousing" or "ETL") and ("UAT" or "User Acceptance" or "JAD" or "Use Case" or
"User Stories" or "Sprint") and (Agile or Scrum) Days Back: 90 Location: 10021
Within 50 miles

(Java or "J2EE") and ("AngularJS" or "Angular.JS" or "Backbone.js" or "BackboneJS"

or "Knockout.js" or AlloyUI) and (AJAX or CSS or HTML) and (JavaScript or "Java
Script" or "JS") and ("UI" or "User Interface" or "Front End" or "Frontend")

"Liferay" and Java and (Servlet or JSP or JSF or JDBC or JNDI or RMI or JavaBeans)
and Develo*

("SCCM" or "System Center Configuration Manager") and "MDT" and (MSI or "AppV" or
"Application Packaging")

Query: (Android or iOS or iPhone or "Windows Mobile" or "Windows Smartphone" or

Blackberry) and (MDM or MEAP or MAD or MobileIron or Airwatch or Toggle) and
(Support or "Service desk" or "Help desk" or Helpdesk or "Support desk") Days Back:
90 Location: 30308 Within 30 miles

Query: (Helpdesk or "Customer support" or "Application Support" or "Service Desk"

or "help Desk") and (MDM or MEAP or MAD or MobileIron or Airwatch or Toggle) Days
Back: 90 Location: 30308 Within 40 miles

("Cloud Computing" or "IAAS" or "PAAS" or "CAAS" or "Network Enabled Cloud" or

"Private Cloud" or "Public Cloud") and (Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring or
struts or "EJB") and (Oracle or SQL) and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Procurem* or staffing or Sourcing) and (supplier or Vendor) and (Recruit* or


Query: Teradata and ("BTEQ" or "Fload" or "Mload" or FastLoad or Multiload or

Tpump) and ("Teradata Architect" or "Teradata Developer" or "Data Architect" or
"ETL Developer" or "Datawarehouse Developer") Days Back: 270 Location:

("SSRS" or "SQL Server Reporting Services" or "SQLServer Reporting Service") and

(SQLServer or "SQL Server") and Repor* and Citrix and (Plainview or "Report
Builder" or "Plain View")

"PERL" and "CGI" and (Unix or Shell or "Ksh" or "Bsh" or Korn or Bourne) and Devel*
and (Oracle or "SQL") and Anal* and ("Perl Developer" or "Perl Programmer" or "Perl

(Account or Accounting) and ("MSExcel" or "MSAccess" or "Excel" or "Pivot" or

Vlookup or Macro) and Reconci* and Manag*

(Operation or Operations) and ("Business Manager" or "Operations Manager" or

"Business Operations Manager") and (proces* or Practic* or Polici*) and (Budge* or
Performan* or Capacit* or Risk or "Risk Mitigation") and ("Cox Communication" or
Verizon or Comcast or Frontier or Tmobile or "T-Mobile")

("Business Manager" or "Operations manager" or "Business Operations" or "Project

Manager") and ("OSS" or "BSS" or "Operations Manager")

("ASP.NET" or "C#.NET" or "C#") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (HTML or CSS or

JavaScript or AJAX or JQuery)

Linux and (Ubuntu or Kickstart) and (Test or Testing) and (Shell or Perl) and
Networ* and "AT&T"

(Tidal or "Cisco Tidal" or "Enterprise Scheduler") and (Support or "Production

Support" or "24/7" or "Application Support" or "System Support") Days Back: 90
Location: 30346 Within 50 miles
("whitebox" or "white-box" or "white box") and (".net" or "C#" or "ASP.Net" or
"WCF" or "visual basic") and (Test or Testing)

(suppor*) and (Troubl*) and (Mobility or UMTS or CDMA or WCDMA or LTE or 3G) and
(MSC or RNC or eNB or "e Nod*" or "e-Nod*" or "e-Nod*") and (transport or RAN)

(Oracle or "11i" or "11 i" or "11-i") and Siterra and (CASPR or NORAD) and excel
and data*

("Project Coordinat*" or "Coordinat*" or "Co-ordinat*") and wireless and (CASPR or

SITERA or NORAD) and "AT&T" and oracle

("Project Coordinat*" or "Project Co-ordinat*" or "Project Co Ordinat*") and

(Coordinat* or "Co-Ordinat*" or "Co odinat*") and oracle and (CASPR or SITERRA or

(Java or J2EE or "JEE") and (develop* or program*) and web and agil* and (HTML or
CSS or "JavaScript" or "Java-Script" or "Java Script")

(leas* or zon* or permi*) and (acquisi*) and (Tower or "cell site" or "cell sites"
or cellsit*) and (FCC or FAA)

networ* and technic* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and provis* and circui* and
(WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or "LAN/WAN" or "LAN-WAN" or "WAN-LAN") and ethernet and

integrat* and (analy* or implment* or config*) and (Node or System) and networ* and
(Snoop or Sniff or packet) and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoot*"
or resolv*) and (scrip* or shell) and (linux or unix) and (Vmware or "VM Ware" or
"VM-Ware" or VMs) and (Soap or rest)

(translations or translation) and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs
or IuRs or Link or Links) and (Add or adds or additions or expand or expansion or
expansions) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

networ* and techni* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and rout* and (MPLS or BGP or
OSPF or QoS) and (Subnetting or "Sub netting" or "Sub-netting" or VPN or Ethernet)
and switc* and (dial or DSL) and (resol* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or
"trouble-shoo*") and (CISCO or Juniper) and (ASR or "ASR9000" or "ASR 9000" or
"ASR-9000" or "ASR3600" or "ASR 3600" or "ASR-3600" or "ASR6500" or "ASR 6500" or
"ASR-6500" or "AlcatelLucent" or "Alcatel-Lucent" or "Alcatel Lucent" or "ALU") and
(CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or JNCIA or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or JNCISM or "JNCIS M" or

("Integration Engineer" or "Integrated Engineer" or "System Integrated Engineer" or

"System Integration Engineer" or "Network Integration engineer" or "Network
Integrated Engineer") and integrat* and (NODE or netwo* or system) and (snoop or
sniff or packet) and (shell or scrip*) and (instal* or upgrad*) and (VMware or VMs
or "VM Ware" or "VM-Ware")
NPM and applica* and develo* and ("Node.js" or "Node Js" or "Node-js") and
(Javascript or "Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or "JQuery" or "J
Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle) and (SOAP or Rest or "web
service*" or "web-service*" or "webservice")

networ* and switc* and technic* and suppor* and ("7X24X365" or "24X7" or "24/7" or
"24*7" or "24 / 7" or "24 X 7" or " or "24 * 7" or "On Call" or "on-call" or
oncall) and (TDM or Voip) and monito*

NPM and (applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs)
and (Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle or SOAP or Rest
or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-service")

(applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs) and

(Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or "d3js") and (SQL or oracle "NoSQL" or
"No SQL" or "No-SQL") and (SOAP or Rest or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-

(Develop* or Program*) and (PHP or PHP5 or LAMP or WAMP) and (AJAX or Javascrip* or
"Java-scrip*" or "Java Scrip*" or ".JS" or "JS") and (HTML or HTML5) and (CSS or

networ* and enginee* and circui* and desig* and (WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or
"LAN/WAN") and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and (rout* or switc* or ethernet) and
("DS3" or "DS 3" or "DS-3" or "OC3" or "OC 3" or "OC-3" or "OC12" or "OC 12" or
"OC-12") and (CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or "JNCIAM" or

(Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or "RHEL") and (ISP or "Internet Service
Provider" or "Service provider") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble
shoo*" or resolv* or digoni*) and suppor* and ("7X24" or "24X7" or "7*24" or "24*7"
or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or "24/7" or "24/ 7" or
"24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or "oncall" or "on call" or
"on-call") and (Python or Django or "D Jango" or shell or scrip*)

translat* and (resolv* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*") and

(desig* or develo*) and networ* and infrast* and (PHP or Perl or javascript or
"Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML/CSS" or "HTML" or CSS or SQL or Java or
"C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C Sharp" or "C-Sharp" or Apache or Informix or oracle
or "webservices" or "web services" or "web-Services" or SOAP or REST or Jquery or
"J-Query" or "J Query" or Ajax or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON" or Sharepoint or
"Share Point" or "Share-point") and (Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or
"RHEL" or unix)
networ* and switc* and ("DMS10" or "DMS 10" or "DMS-10" or DMS or "DMS100" or "DMS
100" or "DMS-100" or "DMS-100/200/500" or "5ESS" or DCO or "GTD5" or "GTD 5" or
"GTD-5" or "EWSD") and Voip and (GenBand or "Gen Band" or "Gen-Band" or "G9" or "G
9" or "G-9" or "G6" or "G 6" or "G-6" or "Metaswitc*" or "Meta-Switc*" or "Meta
switc*" or "Metasphere" or "Meta Sphere" or "Meta-Sphere") and ("7X24" or "24X7" or
"7*24" or "24*7" or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or
"oncall" or "on call" or "on-call")

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
networ* and (rout* or switc* or LAN or WAN or "TCP/IP" or QoS) and (Callrout* or
"Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H 248" or "H-
248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or resolv*)

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
(Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center" or

Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

translat* and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs or IuRs or Link or
Links) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

(Microstrategy or "Micro Strategy" or "Micro-Strategy") and develo* and integr* and

(Attributes or filters or metrics or Facts or prompts or templates or consolidation
or custom) and dat* and warehous*

system* and admin* and (Solaris or Unix or AIX or HPUX or Linux or "RedHat" or
"Red-Hat" or "Red Hat") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*")
and (backup or "back up" or "back-up" or recov*) and suppo* and (NOC or provisio*)

("Project Manager" or PM) and customer and manag* and (KPI or "Key Performance
Indicator" or "KPI's")

("Project Manager" or ProjectManger or "PM") and project and manag* and schedul*
and (KPI or "Key Performance Indicator" or "KPI's") and customer and SAP

networ* and technic* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and provis* and circui* and
(WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or "LAN/WAN" or "LAN-WAN" or "WAN-LAN") and ethernet and

integrat* and (analy* or implment* or config*) and (Node or System) and networ* and
(Snoop or Sniff or packet) and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoot*"
or resolv*) and (scrip* or shell) and (linux or unix) and (Vmware or "VM Ware" or
"VM-Ware" or VMs) and (Soap or rest)
(translations or translation) and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs
or IuRs or Link or Links) and (Add or adds or additions or expand or expansion or
expansions) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

networ* and techni* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and rout* and (MPLS or BGP or
OSPF or QoS) and (Subnetting or "Sub netting" or "Sub-netting" or VPN or Ethernet)
and switc* and (dial or DSL) and (resol* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or
"trouble-shoo*") and (CISCO or Juniper) and (ASR or "ASR9000" or "ASR 9000" or
"ASR-9000" or "ASR3600" or "ASR 3600" or "ASR-3600" or "ASR6500" or "ASR 6500" or
"ASR-6500" or "AlcatelLucent" or "Alcatel-Lucent" or "Alcatel Lucent" or "ALU") and
(CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or JNCIA or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or JNCISM or "JNCIS M" or

("Integration Engineer" or "Integrated Engineer" or "System Integrated Engineer" or

"System Integration Engineer" or "Network Integration engineer" or "Network
Integrated Engineer") and integrat* and (NODE or netwo* or system) and (snoop or
sniff or packet) and (shell or scrip*) and (instal* or upgrad*) and (VMware or VMs
or "VM Ware" or "VM-Ware")

NPM and applica* and develo* and ("Node.js" or "Node Js" or "Node-js") and
(Javascript or "Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or "JQuery" or "J
Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle) and (SOAP or Rest or "web
service*" or "web-service*" or "webservice")

networ* and switc* and technic* and suppor* and ("7X24X365" or "24X7" or "24/7" or
"24*7" or "24 / 7" or "24 X 7" or " or "24 * 7" or "On Call" or "on-call" or
oncall) and (TDM or Voip) and monito*

NPM and (applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs)
and (Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle or SOAP or Rest
or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-service")

(applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs) and

(Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or "d3js") and (SQL or oracle "NoSQL" or
"No SQL" or "No-SQL") and (SOAP or Rest or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-

(Develop* or Program*) and (PHP or PHP5 or LAMP or WAMP) and (AJAX or Javascrip* or
"Java-scrip*" or "Java Scrip*" or ".JS" or "JS") and (HTML or HTML5) and (CSS or

networ* and enginee* and circui* and desig* and (WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or
"LAN/WAN") and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and (rout* or switc* or ethernet) and
("DS3" or "DS 3" or "DS-3" or "OC3" or "OC 3" or "OC-3" or "OC12" or "OC 12" or
"OC-12") and (CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or "JNCIAM" or

(Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or "RHEL") and (ISP or "Internet Service
Provider" or "Service provider") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble
shoo*" or resolv* or digoni*) and suppor* and ("7X24" or "24X7" or "7*24" or "24*7"
or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or "24/7" or "24/ 7" or
"24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or "oncall" or "on call" or
"on-call") and (Python or Django or "D Jango" or shell or scrip*)

translat* and (resolv* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*") and

(desig* or develo*) and networ* and infrast* and (PHP or Perl or javascript or
"Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML/CSS" or "HTML" or CSS or SQL or Java or
"C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C Sharp" or "C-Sharp" or Apache or Informix or oracle
or "webservices" or "web services" or "web-Services" or SOAP or REST or Jquery or
"J-Query" or "J Query" or Ajax or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON" or Sharepoint or
"Share Point" or "Share-point") and (Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or
"RHEL" or unix)

networ* and switc* and ("DMS10" or "DMS 10" or "DMS-10" or DMS or "DMS100" or "DMS
100" or "DMS-100" or "DMS-100/200/500" or "5ESS" or DCO or "GTD5" or "GTD 5" or
"GTD-5" or "EWSD") and Voip and (GenBand or "Gen Band" or "Gen-Band" or "G9" or "G
9" or "G-9" or "G6" or "G 6" or "G-6" or "Metaswitc*" or "Meta-Switc*" or "Meta
switc*" or "Metasphere" or "Meta Sphere" or "Meta-Sphere") and ("7X24" or "24X7" or
"7*24" or "24*7" or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or
"oncall" or "on call" or "on-call")

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
networ* and (rout* or switc* or LAN or WAN or "TCP/IP" or QoS) and (Callrout* or
"Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H 248" or "H-
248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or resolv*)

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
(Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center" or

Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

translat* and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs or IuRs or Link or
Links) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)
(Microstrategy or "Micro Strategy" or "Micro-Strategy") and develo* and integr* and
(Attributes or filters or metrics or Facts or prompts or templates or consolidation
or custom) and dat* and warehous*

system* and admin* and (Solaris or Unix or AIX or HPUX or Linux or "RedHat" or
"Red-Hat" or "Red Hat") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*")
and (backup or "back up" or "back-up" or recov*) and suppo* and (NOC or provisio*)

(UI or "User interface" or "User-Interface" or UX or "User Experience" or "User-

Experience" or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI") and graphic* and design* and (wireframe or "wire
frame" or "wire-frame") and mobile

(�User Experience� or �User-Experience� or UX or �Human-Computer Interaction� or

�Human Computer Interaction� or HCI) and CSS and HTML and JavaScript and (jQuery or
user-centered or �graphic design� or �visual design�)

(Desktop or Helpdesk or "Help Desk" or "Help-Desk") and support* and (troubleshoot*

or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and ticket*

(Helpdesk or "help desk" or "help-desk" or "technical support" or "Desktop support"

or "systems support" or "system support" or "Technical support" or "IT support")
and ticke* and (troubleshoo* or maintai* or monito* or solve* or diagnos* or
configur* or instal*)

(Helpdesk or "Help desk" or "Help-desk" or technical or desktop) and support* and

ticket* and (troubleshoo* or maintai* or monito* or solve* or diagnos* or configur*
or instal*)

("Helpdesk Support*" or "Help-Desk Support*" or "Help Desk Support*" or "Technical

Support*" or "Desktop Support*" or "ServiceDesk Support*" or "Service-Desk
Support*" or "Service Desk Support*") and support* and (troubleshoo* or maintai* or
monito* or solve* or diagnos* or configur* or instal*)

operation* and (Online or Offline) and market* and (sharepoint or "Share point" or
"Share-point") and vendor* and (test* or audit*) and SAP and budget* and invoic*
and requistion*

(UX or "User experience") and (Frontend or "Front end" or "Front-end") and visual*
and graphic* and design* and web* and (Javascipt or "Java script" or "Java-Script")
and (RWB or "Responsive web design*")

iOS and develop* and framework and (Chrome or poster or firebug or safari) and
(Java or "J2EE" or "JEE")

iOS and develop* and "Objective-C" and (SDK or "Software development kit") and
mobile and app*

"business analyst" and gather* and analy* and documen* and (JAD or "Joint
application design*") and govern*

network* and implement* and data and (IVAPP or BDMS or BeRT or BDMS or FTTP or WFA
or TIRKS or CCP)

equipment* and design* and order* and procur* and optimiz*

transport* and engineer* and (CISCO or ALU) and equipment* and fiber and (Cell or
Ethernet) and (rout* or switch*) and (Cell* or telecom* or wireless)

("Project Manag*" or "Deployment Manag*") and gather* and implement* and (Goal or
schedul*) and network* and schedul* and (telecom* or wireless*)

("project manager" or "deployment manager") and schedul* and network* and (telecom*
or wireless)

"Project Manager" and deploy* and gather* and implement* and schedul* and (IP or
"Internet protocol") and data and network* and (telecom* or wireless)

(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ". Net") and (develop* or program*) and
(webservice* or "web-service*" or "web service*" or Rest) and HTML and CSS and (MVC
or Grails or "Module View controller") and (MSSQL or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL")

"Project Manager" and budget* and schedul* and network* and (SOTS or BMP or Tirks
or RMIN) and telecom*

(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ". Net") and (develop* or program*) and
(webservice* or "web-service*" or "web service*" or Rest) and (HTML or CSS) and
(MVC or Grails or "Module View controller") and (MSSQL or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL") and

Drupal and PHP and develop* and (Oracle or MySQL or "My-SQL" or "My SQL") and (LAMP
or MAMP) and apache and (Varnish or Memcache or Mongo)

("Outside Plant" or osp or "field engineer" or fiel*) and (fios or fttp or fibe* or
COEP or CCP or ICGS or iVAPP or AAIS or "Activation and Inventory System" or
"Assignment Activation and Inventory System" or JPA or "joint powers agreement" or
"General Order 95" or GO95 or "Go-95" or "GO 95")

"Project Manager" and manag* and budget* and schedul* and sale* and market* and
product* and launch*

(OSP or "Outside Plant engineer*" or "Outside plant") and LFA and complia* and

(HR or "Human Resource" or EHS or "Environment* health and Safety" or SHE or HSE)
and report* and ("Cognos Quer*" or "Cognos-Quer*" or "Analysis Studio" or

("Environment Health and Safety Systems" or EHS or SHE or HSE or HR or "human

resource" or "human resources" or hrms or "human resourc*") and writ* and documen*
and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or PowerPoint or "power point"
or "power-point" or "power - point") and (dat* or repor*) and anal* and (Peoplesoft
or "People soft") and cognos

("Environment Health and Safety Systems" or EHS or SHE or HSE) and requimen* and
writ* and documen* and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or
PowerPoint or "power point" or "power-point" or "power - point") and cognos and
(dat* or repor*) and anal* and (Peoplesoft or "People soft")

(HR or "human resource" or "human resources" or hrms or "human resourc*") and writ*
and documen* and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or PowerPoint or
"power point" or "power-point" or "power - point") and (dat* or repor*) and anal*
and (Peoplesoft or "People soft") and cognos

"Technical writ*" and writ* and edit* and document* and develop* and portal* and
web* and HTML

(CAD or "Computer-aided design*" or "Computer aided design*" or "AutoCad" or "Auto-

CAD" or "Auto CAD") and (design* or draft*)

("Data Analyst" or "Data Analysis" or "Business Data Analy*" or "Business Data

Analysis" or "Data Business Analy*" or "Data Business Analysis") and data and
(analyst or Analysis) and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL") and (Query or Queries) and and (report or

oracle and data* and develop* and ("10g" or "10 g") and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL"
or "PL / SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL SQL" or "PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and
quer* and (Perl or Python) and ETL

Essbase and develop* and (MDBMS or "Multidimensional database management system" or

"Multidimensional database") and (OLAP or "Online analytical processing" or "On
line analytical processing" or "On-line analytical processing") and hyperion

Essbase and hyperion and (Multidimensional or "Multi dimensional" or "Multi-

Dimensional") and EPM and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL-SQL") and (Unix or Linux) and shell and script*

application and support* and ("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp"
or Java) and (webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or
"User Interface") SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp") and Java and support* and
(webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or "User
Interface") and SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

(Java or J2EE or ".Net" or ". Net" or ".net" or ". net") and spring and hibernate
and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and JSP and WCF and (ANT or

oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and (backup or recover*) and RAC and (PLSQL
or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and (KSH or KornShell or "Korn Shell" or "Korn-Shell") and
("11g" or "11 g" or "11-g" or "12g" or "12 g" or "12-g") and performan* and unix
and (telecom* or wireless)

Groovy and Grails and (devlop* or program*) and ("html5" or html or css or Cascade*
or "CSS3" or "Java Script" or javascrip*) and ("my sql" or mysql or "My-SQL") and
(XML or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON") and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-
service*" or "SOAP" or REST)

(Groovy or Grails or "Groovy/Grails" or "Grails/Groovy" or "Groovy on Grails") and

(Java or J2EE) and Web and develop*

network* and implement* and data and (SES or "Switched Ethernet Services" or DNCP
or "Data Network Current Planning" or IOF or "Inter Office Facilities" or "TCC-IP"
or "TCC/IP" or "Transport Creation Center" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center")

Switch* and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and (organi* or schedul*) and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation") and (BDMS
or BeRT or BDMS or TIRKS or CCP or WFA or FEPS or PWS or "WFA/C" or "WFA/DI" or
"WFA/DO" or NSDB or "SOAC/LFACS" or PET or "FOMS/NP" or NMA or TEMS)

("Switched Ethernet Service" or SES) and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation")

(SSIS or "SQL Server Integration Service") and ETL and develop* and SQL and (MSSQL
or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL") and oracle

Avaya and ("CallCenter" or "Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "Contact Center" or

"ContactCenter" or "Contact Center") and (ACD or "Automatic Call Distribution") or
(CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR or "Interactive Voice response") and
(VOIP or Voice)

avaya and ("Call Management System" or cms) and ("Contact Center" or "Contact
Center" or ContactCenter or "Contact-Center") and (configur* or implemen* or deplo*
or troubleshoo* or suppor*) and (admin* or technic* or enginee*) and (ACD or PBX or
"ACD/PBX" or "Automatic Call Distribution")

Avaya and ("ContactCenter" or "Contact Center" or "Contact-Center") and (UCM or

Unified communications management) and (CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR
or "Interactive Voice response")

Circuit* and technic* and order* and equipment* and inventory* and report* and
(trouble* or resolv*) and telecom*

oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and RAC and (backup or recover*) and (PLSQL
or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL / SQL" or "PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL
/SQL" or "PL/ SQL") and Unix
automat* and (develop* or program*) and (API or "Application Program* Interface")
and test* and (Perl or Script*) and test* and (GUI or "Graphic user interface") and
(CISCO or telecom*) and linux

technical and writ* and design* and instruct* and train* and web and document* and
edit* and product*


(UX or "User Experience" or "User-Experience") and web and graphic* and (GUI or
"Graphic user interface" or "UI" or "User interface") and interface

("C++" or "C ++" or "c++" or "C++/C" or "C/C++" or Java) and (develop* or program*)
and (Scala or Python) and network* and (Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or RHEL) and
(SDN or "South bound plugins" or OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "CloudFoundary" or
"Cloud Foundary" or AWS or "Cloud Stack" or "CloudStack" or "Cloud-Stack" or "Open
flow" or "Openflow") and config*

tes* and automat* and develop* and (python or scala) and ("c++" or "C++/C" or "C/C+
+") and java and (sdlc or lifecycle or "life cycle" or "life-cycle") and agile and
waterfall and ("Software-defined networking" or SDN) and (OF or "Open Flow" or "OF
Config" or "Open vSwitch" or OVSDB or NETCONF) and ("Open Stack" or CloudFoundry or
AWS or CloudStack)

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and test* and java and selenium and automat* and linux
and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and script* and (SQL or

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and test* and automat* and (UAT or "User Acceptance
Test*") and lead* and unix and shell and script*

Verizon Wireless Ended Dec 2014

network* and provision* and test* and ("L1" or "L 1" or "Layer1" or "Layer 1" or
"L2" or "L 2" or "Layer2" or "Layer 2" or "L3" or "L 3" "Layer 3" or "Layer 3" or
"L4" or "L 4" or "Layer4" or "Layer 4") and surveill* and unix

tes* and automat* and ("Quality Center" or "quality-center" or qualitycenter) and

(QTP or "Quick Test Professional" or "QuickTest Pro" or "Quick Test Pro" or
QuickTestPro) and scrip* and provisio* and switc* and rout* and (perl or shell or
python or .net or "dot net" or dotnet or ".Net" or "dot-net" or java) and ("layer1"
or "layer 1" or "layer 2" or "layer2" or "layer3" or "layer 3" or "layer4" or
"layer 4" or "L1" or "L 1" or "L2" or "L 2" or "L3" or "L 3" or "L4" or "L 4" or
"FW9500" or "FW 9500" or "OME6500" or "OME 6500" or "Ciena 5410" or "ciena5410" or
"Ciena5430" or "ciena 5430" or CIENA or "5410/5430")

("Equal Employment Opportunity" or "Equal opportunity employment" or EEO or

"Affirmative Action" or AA or "EEO/AA" or "EEO-AA" or "EEO/ AA") and (HR or "human
resource" or "human resources" or hrms or "human resourc*" or legal) and inves* and
(sensitiv* or confiden*)

(UI or "User Interface" or "UX or "User Experience") and interface and design* and
network* and techni* and (config* or install*) and (CISCO or Juniper) and
(troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and (MPLS or
"Multiprotocol Label Switch*" or "BGP" or "Border Gateway protoco" or OSPF or "Open
Shortest Path First") and ("TCP/IP" or "TCP-IP" or "TCP IP" or "TCP - IP" or "TCP /
IP" or "Transmission control protocl/Internet Protocol" or "Transmission control
protocl Internet Protocol" or "Transmission control protocl-Internet Protocol") and
("IPv6" or "Internet protocol version 6" or "Internet protocol Version 4" or "IPV4"
or "IPV 4" or "IPV 6" or "IP V4" or "IP V6")

web and develop* and design* and interface and HTML and CSS and (Javascript or
"Java Script" or "Java-Script") and illustrator and photoshop and multimedia

"business analyst" and analy* and gather* and document* and budget* and (JAD or
"Joint application design*") and (CAM or "Client Account Manager")

implement* and service and manag* and "Project Manag*" and Circuit* and rout* and
switch* and firewall and network* and ITIL and securi*

(DataCenter or "Data Center" or "Data-Center") and storage and network* and (Phone
or email or "E-Mail" or "E Mail" or WebEx or "Web Ex" or "web-Ex") and Fibre

("Service Manager" or "Service Delivery Manager" and "Project Manager") and service
and deliver* and manag* and (ITSSM or "ITSM") and chang* and (VMware or "VM Ware"
or "VM-Ware")

Service and manag* and deliver* and (IT or "Information Technology") and Virtual*
and Cloud and (VMware or "VM Ware" or "VM-Ware") and (Workflow or "Work-Flow" or
"Work Flow")

network* and engineer* and ("Push to Talk" or "Push-To-Talk" or "PTT" or "Press-To-

Transmit") and (Voice or Voip) and (�SIP� or �RTP� or �RTPCP�) and (�CCPN� or �
CAN� or �CISSP�)

"Business Analy*" and analy* and document* and gather* and (JAD or "Joint
Application design*") and (Bilingual or Japanese or "Brazilian Portuguese" or
Portuguese or French)

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and test* and (QTP or "Quick test pro*") and Script*
and SQL and Unix and telecom

CISCO and ("Call Manager" or "Call Center" or "Contact Center" or "Contact Center"
or "CallCenter" or "Call Manager") and (implement* or install* or Config*) and
("Cisco Unified Communications Manager" or CUCM or "Cisco Unified CallManager" or
"Cisco CallManager" or CCM or "Cisco Call Manager" or "Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise" or "Cisco UCCE" or UCCE) and (Maintain* or trouble*) and (CCVP or
"CCNA" or CCNP) and (Voice or Video or VOD) and design*
("Cisco Unified Communications Manager" or CUCM or "Cisco Unified CallManager" or
"Cisco CallManager" or CCM or "Cisco Call Manager" or "Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise" or "Cisco UCCE" or UCCE) and (CCVP or CCNP or CCNA or CCIE or CCIP or
"CCIE SP" or CCIE or "Cisco Certified Network Associate" or "Cisco Certified�
Network� Professional") and (video or voice)

network* and engineer* and (Voice or Voip) and switch* and rout* and install* and
config* and ("CCPN" or " CAN" or "CISSP") and (Firewall or Securi*) and (Ethernet
or "Fast Ethernet" or "Gigabit Ethernet")

Train* and develop* and (LMS or "Learning Management System") and ("HTML" or
"HTML5" or "HTML 5") and (CSS or "CSS3" or "CSS 3") and (JavaScript or "Java-
Script" or "Java Script") and ("ELearning" or "E-Learning" or "E Learning") and
flash and design*

Network* and operation* and support* and switch* and rout* and (IP or "Internet
Protocol") and (troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*)
and product* and layer and (WAN or LAN or MAN) and ethernet

network* and operation and support* and switc* and rout* and (voip or "voice over
internet protocol" or "voice over IP" or IP or "internet protocol") and
(troubleshoot* or "trouble-shoot*" or "trouble shoot*" or diagnos* or resolv*) and
(lan or "local area network" or wan or "wide area network" or man)

("Cisco Unified Communications Manager" or CUCM or "Cisco Unified CallManager" or

"Cisco CallManager" or CCM or "Cisco Call Manager" or "Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise" or "Cisco UCCE" or UCCE) and implemen* and (suppor* or "24" or "24*7"
or "24/7" or "on-call" or "on call") and (CCVP or CCNP or CCNA or CCIE or CCIP or
"CCIE SP" or CCIE or "Cisco Certified Network Associate" or "Cisco Certified
Network Professional") and (video or voice)

"Project Manager" and manag* and budget schedul* and (Scrum or Agile) and waterfall
and PMP

"Project Manager" and manag* and budget* and schedul* and (IT or "Information
Technology") and Telecom*

Automat* and test* and agile and (QA or "Quality Assurance") and java and linux and

Oracle and database and develop* and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or
"PL / SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or PL SQL) and tun* and script* and (Perl or

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and product and test* and (bill* or order*) and
telecom* and (Quote or pric* or revenue or tax)
account* and Tax* and (account* or financ*) and audit* and complianc* and purchas*
and (Audit or Researc* or accurat* or verif*) and (revie* or fil* or anal*) and
(Excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or macro or macros or pivot or
"power-point" or "power - point" or PowerPoint or Access or SAP or Peoplesoft or
"People soft")

stat* and ("local sales" or "use tax" or "local/Use" or local or use) and tax and
complainc* and (account* or finanac*) and (Audit or Researc* or accurat* or verif*)
and (revie* or fil* or anal*)

(MongoDB or BSON) and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and (NoSQL or "NO SQL" or "NO-
SQL") and (Unix or linux) and SQL

("Product Marketing Writer" or "product writer" or "marketing writer") and produc*

and writ* and market* and strateg* and (conten* or documen*) and (online or "on
line" or "on-line" or "ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digital or web* or mobile* or
tablet or Blackberry or Android or smartphone or Smartbook or "Smart phone" or
Android or ios or "iphone os" or PDAs or "Mobile-device") and ("B2B market*" or
"business-to-business" or "business to business market*" or "B-to-B" or "B2B" or
"Business-to-Consumer" or B2C or "B-to-C" or "Business to Consumer")�

Produc* and market* and writ* and (Conten* or document*) and (online or "on line"
or "on-line" or "ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digital or web* or mobile* or tablet
or Blackberry or Android or smartphone or Smartbook or "Smart phone" or Android or
ios or "iphone os" or PDAs or "Mobile-device")

System and perform* and ticket* and remed* and (troubleshoot or "trouble shoot" or
"trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and (CDMA or "EVDO" or "EV-DO" or "EV DO" or
"Evolution-Data-Optimized" or "Evolution-Data Optimized" or LTE) and (Datapro or
"data pro" or "Data-pro" or "Airlink" or "Air-Link" or "Air Link")

("Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "CallCenter") and (Workforce or "work-Force" or

"work force") and lead and schedul* and budget* and (Multilingual or "Multi-
lingual" or "MultiLingual") and manag*

("Safety professional" or "Safety Manager" or "Safety operation manager" or Safety

program mamager") and manag* and saf* and (develo* or implemen* or updat*) and
(metho* or procedu* or regulat* or legislat*) and repor* and data* and anal* and
(messag* or vide* or poste* or communica*)

Java and ("J2EE" or "JEE") and (develop* or program*) and swing and (unix or linux)
and SQL and shell and script* and eclipse and telecom*

("Safety professional" or "Safety Manager" or "Safety operation manager" or Safety

program manager") and manag* and saf* and (develo* or implemen* or updat*) and
(metho* or procedu* or regulat* or legislat*) and repor* and data* and anal* and
(messag* or vide* or poste* or communica*)

Safety and manag* and (develop* or implement* or updat*) and regulat* and legislat*
and report* and data and anal*

"Safety professional" or "Safety Manager" or "Safety operation manager" or "Safety

program mamager") and manag* and saf* and (develo* or implemen* or updat*) and
(regulat* or legislat*) and repor* and data* and anal* and (messag* or vide* or
poste* or communica*) and (Avaya or Nortel or Motorola or Lucent or cellular or
wireles* or verizon or mci or att or "at & t" or "at&t" or sprint or nextel or
telco* or cingular or "t-mobile" or alcatel or "Lucent" or "Telcordia" or qualcomm
or gte or Amdocs or Comcast)

"Business Analy*" and gather* and document* and (SME or "Subject Matter Expert")
and (eCommerce or "e Commerce" or "e-Commerce" or "ECommerce" or "E Commerce" or
"E-Commerce") and (iRise or "i Rise" or "i-Rise" or Balsamiq or Axure or
omnigraffle) and (SLA or "SLA'S" or "Service Level Agreement")

network* and techni* and (config* or install*) and (CISCO or Juniper) and
(troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and protocol*
and switch*

"Technical Writ*�and documen* and analyz* and Train* and Repor* and writ* and
publis* and visio and (SCM or "Supply chain manag*")

Business and Statis* and analy* and Data and min* and model*

Data and analy* and mining and (graph* or chart* or table*)

Data and analy* and (Database or "DB") and (Solaris or Linux) and oracle and SQL
and (graph or chart* or tabl*) and (�stored procedures� or �ssis� or �ssas� or
�ssrs� or analy* or �data conversion� or quer* or queries or �data mining� or excel
or pivot or vlookup or �v-lookup� or chart or graph or �ms office� or audit*)

(�dba� or �data analyst� or �database administrator�) and �sql server� and

(�transact-sql� or �t-sql� or �tsql�) and (�stored procedures� or �ssis� or �ssas�
or �ssrs� or analy* or �data conversion� or quer* or queries or �data mining� or
excel or pivot or vlookup or �v-lookup� or chart or graph or �ms office� or audit*)

"data analyst" and "sql server" and ("stored procedures" or "ssis" or "ssas" or
"ssrs" or analy or "data conversion" or query or queries or "data mining" or excel
or pivot or vlookup or "v-lookup" or chart or graph or "ms office" or audit*) and
(linux or redhat or "red hat" or "Red-Hat" or Solaris or "sun os" or SunOS or "sun

("Project Manager" or "Program Manager") and manag* and budget* and schedul* and
product* and bill* and order* and telecom*
produc* and launc* and ("project manager" or "program manager") and agile and
develo* and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*" or "power-point" or "power - point" or
PPT) and (TBS or "Billing Systems" or "Carrier Access Billing System" or CABS or
"Customer Billing Services System" or CBSS or RSS or "Reseller Services Suite" or
ribs or RiBS or orde* or bil*) and and (Nortel or Motorola or Lucent or cellular or
wireles* or verizon or mci or att or "at & t" or "at&t" or sprint or nextel or
telco* or cingular or "t-mobile" or alcatel or "Lucent" or "Telcordia" or qualcomm
or gte or Amdocs or Comcast) and cros* and PMP

("AsBuilt" or "As Built" or "AS-Built") and network* and engineer* and rout* and
config* and (updat* or creat*)

(online or "on line" or "on-line" or offline or "off line" or "off-line"or

"ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digita* or web*) and marke* and advertis* and
(vendor or client or "third party" or "third-party" or "3rd party") and manag* and
(excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*"
or "power-point" or "power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*) and
(bran* or campaig*) and (promot* or launc*) and (Nortel or Motorola or Lucent or
cellular or wireles* or verizon or mci or att or "at & t" or "at&t" or sprint or
nextel or telco* or cingular or "t-mobile" or alcatel or "Lucent" or "Telcordia" or
qualcomm or gte or Amdocs or Comcast) and (kit* or flye* or brochur*)

Market* and analy* and (online or "on line" or "on-line" or offline or "off line"
or "off-line"or "ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digita* or web*) and advert* and
(excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*"
or "power-point" or "power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*) and
(bran* or campaig*)

Produc* and launc* and ("Project Manag*" or "Program Manag*") and (TBS or "Billing
Systems" or "Carrier Access Billing System" or CABS or "Customer Billing Services
System" or CBSS or RSS or "Reseller Services Suite" or ribs or RiBS or orde* or
bil*) and PMP and teleco*

market* and analy* and (online or "On line" or "On-line"" or "Offline" or "off
line" or "off-line") and (ECommerce or "e-Commerce" or "E Commerce") and campaig*
and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power
poin*" or "power-point" or "power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*)

marke* and manag* and online and sale* and campaig* and media and email* and
(online or "On line" or "On-line"" or "Offline" or "off line" or "off-line") and
(ECommerce or "e-Commerce" or "E Commerce") and campaig* and (excel or msexcel or
pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*" or "power-point" or
"power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*)

produc* and launc* and ("Project Manag*" or "Program Manag*") and bill* and order*
and PMP and teleco*

(PowerPoint or "power point" or "PPT" or "power-point" or "power - point") and

(exper* or specialis*) and present* and develop* and (Portfolio or "Port-Folio" or
"Port Folio") (bachelo* or "Bachelor of Art*" or "Bachelor of Science" or "B.S." or
(Powerpoint or "Power Point" or "PPT" or "Power-Point" or "Power - Point") and
present* and design* and animat* and (slideshow or "Slide Show" or "slide-show")
and slid* and (layout or "Lay out" or "Lay-out")

(Powerpoint or "Power Point" or "PPT" or "Power-Point" or "Power - Point") and

present* and templ* and design* and slid*

Linux and admin* and (RedHat or "Red Hat" or Centos or Debian) and (SMTP or DHCP or
DNS or LDAP or NFS or SMTP or HTTP or SNMP) and (Vmware or "VM Ware" or "Vm-Ware"
or Esx or Esxi)

("call center" or callcenter or �contact center� or contactcenter ) and Avaya and

(implement* or inastall* or Config*) and (maintain* or trouble*)

avaya and ("call center" or callcenter or �contact center� or contactcenter) and

migrat* and (IVR or "Interactive voice response") and VOIP or Voice and call and
("CS1000m" or "CS1000e") and rout*

avaya and cisco and desig* ("Communication Server 1000" or "CS1000m" or "CS1000e"
or "Communication Server") and (voip or "voice over internet protocol" or "voice
over IP") and (instal* or configur*) and migrat* and ("nuance" or "Voice Genie" or
"voice" or "Speech" or "Telephony" or VXML or IVR or "voice response" or "computer-
telephony-integration" or CTI)

Avaya and Cisco and ("Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "CallCenter" or "Call

Manager" or "CallManager" or "Call-Manager" or "ContactCenter" or "Contact Center"
or "Contact-Center") and Call and record*

Unix and (Linux or "RedHat" or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or RHEL) and Solaris and
System and admin* and (Apache or Tomcat or "Tom Cat" or "Tom-Cat" or JBoss or "J
Boss" or "J-Boss" or PHP or MYSQL or "My-SQL" or "My SQL" or DNS OR BIND or
"DNS/BIND" or "DNS / BIND" or Postfix or "Post Fix" or "Post-Fix" or "SendMail" or
"Send Mail" or "Send-Mail") and troubleshoot*

(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ". Net" or ".NET" or ". NET" or "DotNet" or "Dot
Net" or "Dot-Net") and ("C#" or "C # " or "CSharp" or "C Sharp" or "C-Sharp") and
(develop* or program*) and (Coldfusion or "Cold Fusion" or "Cold-Fusion") and SQL
and server

(Online or "On line" or "On-line") and content and (updat* or creat* or mainta*)
and model* and (Metadata or "Meta Data" or "Meta-Data") and writ* and HTML and
(RedDot or "Red Dot" or "Red-Dot" or Document*) and wireless

("Integrated Solutions Desk" or ISD) and devic* and deplo* and monito* and physica*
and virtua* and (SMARTS or Ionix or EMC) and ("System Center" or NetIQ or SiteScope
or Netcool) and (powershell or "power shell") and scrip* and (tcp or TCPIP or "TCP-
IP" or TCP/IP or http or TCP or SSL or SSH or SMPP or MSRP or MMS or SNMP or TLS or

("Integrated Solutions Desk" or "ISD") and devic* and deploy* and monitor* and
physic* and virtua* and (SMARTS or Ionix or EMC) and ("System Center" or NetIQ or
SiteScope or Netcool)
("Data Analyst" or "Data Analysis" or "Business Data Analy*" or "Business Data
Analysis" or "Data Business Analy*" or "Data Business Analysis") and data and
(analyst or Analysis) and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL") and (Query or Queries) and and (report or

oracle and data* and develop* and ("10g" or "10 g") and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL"
or "PL / SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL SQL" or "PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and
quer* and (Perl or Python) and ETL

Essbase and develop* and (MDBMS or "Multidimensional database management system" or

"Multidimensional database") and (OLAP or "Online analytical processing" or "On
line analytical processing" or "On-line analytical processing") and hyperion

Essbase and hyperion and (Multidimensional or "Multi dimensional" or "Multi-

Dimensional") and EPM and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL-SQL") and (Unix or Linux) and shell and script*

application and support* and ("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp"
or Java) and (webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or
"User Interface") SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp") and Java and support* and
(webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or "User
Interface") and SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

(Java or J2EE or ".Net" or ". Net" or ".net" or ". net") and spring and hibernate
and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and JSP and WCF and (ANT or

oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and (backup or recover*) and RAC and (PLSQL
or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and (KSH or KornShell or "Korn Shell" or "Korn-Shell") and
("11g" or "11 g" or "11-g" or "12g" or "12 g" or "12-g") and performan* and unix
and (telecom* or wireless)

Groovy and Grails and (devlop* or program*) and ("html5" or html or css or Cascade*
or "CSS3" or "Java Script" or javascrip*) and ("my sql" or mysql or "My-SQL") and
(XML or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON") and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-
service*" or "SOAP" or REST)

(Groovy or Grails or "Groovy/Grails" or "Grails/Groovy" or "Groovy on Grails") and

(Java or J2EE) and Web and develop*

network* and implement* and data and (SES or "Switched Ethernet Services" or DNCP
or "Data Network Current Planning" or IOF or "Inter Office Facilities" or "TCC-IP"
or "TCC/IP" or "Transport Creation Center" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center")

Switch* and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and (organi* or schedul*) and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation") and (BDMS
or BeRT or BDMS or TIRKS or CCP or WFA or FEPS or PWS or "WFA/C" or "WFA/DI" or
"WFA/DO" or NSDB or "SOAC/LFACS" or PET or "FOMS/NP" or NMA or TEMS)

("Switched Ethernet Service" or SES) and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation")

(SSIS or "SQL Server Integration Service") and ETL and develop* and SQL and (MSSQL
or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL") and oracle

Avaya and ("CallCenter" or "Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "Contact Center" or

"ContactCenter" or "Contact Center") and (ACD or "Automatic Call Distribution") or
(CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR or "Interactive Voice response") and
(VOIP or Voice)

avaya and ("Call Management System" or cms) and ("Contact Center" or "Contact
Center" or ContactCenter or "Contact-Center") and (configur* or implemen* or deplo*
or troubleshoo* or suppor*) and (admin* or technic* or enginee*) and (ACD or PBX or
"ACD/PBX" or "Automatic Call Distribution")

(implement* OR upgrad* OR maintain*) AND ("Microsoft Dynamics GP" OR "Dynamic GP"

OR "Dynamics-GP" OR "Dynamics CRM" OR "Dynamics-CRM" OR CRM OR "MS Dynamics GP" OR
"MS Dynamics CRM" OR "MSDynamics" OR "MS-Dynamics" OR "MS Dynamics") AND SQL AND
server AND (VBScript OR "VB-Script" OR "VB Script") AND (VB OR Visual Basis)

("MS Dynamics" OR "MS-Dynamics" OR "MSDynamics" OR "MS Dynamics GP" OR "MS-

Dynamics" OR "MS Dynamics-GP" OR "Microsoft Dynamics" OR "Microsoft-Dynamics" OR
"Microsoft Dynamics GP" OR "Dynamics GP" OR "Dynamics-GP" OR "Dynamics-CRM" OR
"Dynamics CRM") AND (VB OR "Visualbasis" OR "Visual Basis" OR "Visual-Basis") AND
script* AND SQL AND server

(".net" OR ". net" OR ". Net" OR ".Net") AND (develop* OR program*) AND ASP AND (VB
OR "VisualBasis" OR "Visual Basis") AND (PLSQL OR "PL/SQL" OR "PL / SQL" OR "PL-

regulatory and compliance and contract* and law and verizon

Oracle and ("DBA" or "Database Admin*") and (Backup or "Back up" or "Back-up" or
recover*) and RAC and ASM and (Shareplex or "Golden Gate" or "Golden-Gate") and
(Telecom or Wireless or Verizon or MCI)

network* and implement* and ("LAN/WAN" or "LAN" or WAN) and config* and (trouble*
or provisio* or "Network engineer" or networ*) and ("ds3" or "DS-3" "DS1" or "DS-1"
or circui* or "oc3" or "oc12" or or "oc192" or "Ocn") and desig*

network* and provision* and design* and circuit* and equipment*

network* and provision* and circuit* and equipment* and design* and rout* and
("DS3" or "DS 3")
(windows or window) and patch* and (PCI or "Payment card industry") and complia*
and (Fix* or improv*) and securi* and bugs and (Usabil* or perform*) and updat* and
(SCCM or "System Center Config* Manag*" or ConfigMgr or "SMS" or "Systems
Management server" or "HP Server Automation" or "HP SA" or "HP-SA") and (script* or
"VBScript*" or "VB Script*" or "VB-Script*" or "PowerShell" or "Power Shell") and
(SQL or "TSQL" or "T SQL" or "T-SQL") and (VMware or "VM Ware" or "ESX" or "ESXi"
or "vSphere" or "V Sphere")

manufactur* and (PCBA or "Printed circuit board assembly" or "PCA" or "Printed

circuit assembly" or "PCB" or "Printed Circuit Board") and design* and (ECN or
"Electric* communication network*" or "BOM" or "Bill of Material")

(OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "Open-Stack") and develop* and (Opensource or "Open

Source" or "Open-Source")

(UI or "User Interface" or "User-Interface" or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI" or "User

Experience" or "User-Experience") and develop* and web and dynamic* and (CGI or
"Common Gateway Interface") and script* and HTML and CSS and (Javascript or "Java-
Script" or "Java Script")

(�User Experience� or User-Experience or UX or �Human-Computer Interaction� or

�Human Computer Interaction� or HCI or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI" or "UI" or "User
Interface" or "User-Interface") and CSS and HTML and JavaScript and (jQuery or
user-centered or �graphic design� or �visual design�)

("User Experience" or "User-Experience" or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI" or "User-Interface")

and CSS* and HTML* and (jQuery or user-centered or �graphic design� or �visual
design�) and photoshop* and web

("UI Desig*" or "user interface desig*" or "UI Developer" or "GUI Developer" or

"user interface developer" or "GUI desig*" or "graphical user interface develo*" or
"graphical user interface desig*" or "User experience design*" or "User experience
develop*" or "UX design*" or "UX develop*") and (develo* or progra* or desig*) and
(html or "html5") and (css or cascad* or "css3") and (javascrip* or "java script"
or "java-script") and (PhotoSho* or flash or "dreamweaver" or mockup or "mock-up"
or "Mock-ups" or illustrat* or wirefram* or "wire- fram*")

("UI Desig*" or "user interface desig*" or "UI Developer" or "GUI Developer" or

"user interface developer" or "GUI desig*" or "graphical user interface develo*" or
"graphical user interface desig*" or "User experience design*" or "User experience
develop*" or "UX design*" or "UX develop*") and (develo* or progra* or desig*) and
(html or "html5") and (css or cascad* or "css3") and (cgi or "common gateway
interface" or "cgi develo*") and (javascrip* or "java script" or "java-script") and
(PhotoSho* or flash or "dreamweaver" or mockup or "mock-up" or "Mock-ups" or
illustrat* or wirefram* or "wire- fram*")

(UI or "User Interface" or "User-Interface" or "UX" or "User Experience" or "User-

Experience") and (GUI or "Graphic user interface") and web and develop* and
graphic* and (HTML or "HTML 5" or "HTML5") and (CSS or "CSS 3" or "CSS-3") and
(PhotoSho* or flash or "dreamweaver" or mockup or "mock-up" or "Mock-ups" or
illustrat* or wirefram* or "wire- fram*")

network* and implement* and (HW or SW or "Hardware" or Software) and test* and (IP
or "Internet Protocol") and MPLS and cisco and rout* and equipment*

network* and provisin* and plan* and circuit*

(provision* or Netpro or "Net pro" or "Net-pro" or "F&E" or "TCOMs" or "TCOM" or

MECCA or eASR or CAMEO or "F & E" or OrderPro or EZStatus or TYRA or OMS or UPI or
and ("ds3" or "DS-3" "DS1" or "DS-1" or circui* or "oc3" or "oc12" or or "oc192" or
"Ocn") and plan*

network* and techni* and rout* and switch* and (instal* or updgrad*)

(".net" or ". net" or ". Net" or ".Net") and (develop* or program*) and ASP and
oracle and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and ADO and (DTS or
SSIS or SSRS) and (VisualStudio or "Visual Studio" or "Visual-Studio") and (UI or
"User Interface")

Clarity and (PPM or "Project Portfolio Manag*") and (BO or "Business Object" or
"Business-Object" or Dashboard) and SQL and Java and (ERP or SAP)

"Project Manager" and deploy* and budget* and schedul* and Telecom*

Storage and (SAN or "Storage Area Network*") and ("3Par" or "3 Par" or "3-Par") and
HP and EMC and (NetApp or "Net App" or "Net-App") and virtuali*

(CSharp or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp" or "C#" or "C #") and (".net" or ". net" or
".Net" or ". Net" or "DotNet" or "Dot-Net" or "Dot Net") and (develop* or program*)
and ASP and (VS or "Visual Studio") and (Javascript or "Java-Script" or "Java
Script") and WPF

Securit* and design* and install* and monitor* and config* and ("Incident
Management" or "IcM" or "Incident Reponse Team" or "IRT" or "Incident Management
Team" or "IMT")

(BI or "Business Intell*") and data analy* and (Teradata or "Tera Data" or "Tera-
Data" or SQL) and report* and SQL

customer and ticket* and (troubleshoot* or "trouble-shoot*" or "trouble Shoot*" or

resolv*) and (LAN or WAN or "LAN/WAN" or "WAN/LAN")

support* and ("24*7" or "24/7" or "24 * 7" or "24 / 7" or "24 by 7" or "24by7" or
"24x7" or "24 x 7") and operation* and (troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or
"trouble-shoot*" or resolv*)

Operation* and support* and "24*7" or "24/7" or "24 * 7" or "24 / 7" or "24 by 7"
or "24by7" or "24x7" or "24 x 7") and circuit* and ("4G" or "4g" or "3G" or "3g" or
"CDMA" or EVDO or Airave or Wimax) and (trouble* or resolv*)

(NOC or "Network operation center" or "operation Center" or "Technical Support" or

"Operation* Support") and ("Production Support" or "24/7" or "24/7/365" or "24*7"
or "24*7*365" or "24X7" or "24X7X365" or Suppor*) and (Ticke* or CTS or Remedy or
Troubl*) and (trouble* or resolv*)

support* and (trouble* or reslov*) and (Ticke* or CTS or Remedy)

support* and (Hardware or Software) and (ticket* or Remedy) and (network* or


support* and monitor* and (ticket* or remed* or alarm*) and (repla* or diagon*) and
(troubleshoot* or resolv* or "trouble-shoot*" or "trouble shoot*")

(Splunk or Hunk) and (Dashboards or Dashboard or "Dash-Boards" or "Dash-boards" or

"Dash Board" or "Dash boards") and (Bigdata or "Big Data" or "Big-Data") and
(design* or develop* or debug*) and Hadoop

(OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "Open-Stack") and cloud* and (migrat* or integ* or


(DevOps or "Dev-Ops" or "Dev Ops") and (OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "Open-Stack")

and (migrat* or integ* or deploy*) and cloud*

ETL and informatica and (Datawarehou* or "Data Warehous*" or "Data-Warehous*") and

test* and (QA or "Quality Assurance") and (Automation or Manual or Performance)

(Conceptwave or "Concept Wave" or "Concept-Wave") and develo*

("Site Acquisition" or "Construction Manager") and sit* and construc* and

(Cellsites or "Cellsite" or "Cell Sites" or "Cell Site" or "Cell-Sites" or "Cell-

application and web and suppor* and ("24X7" or "24 X 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "oncall" or "on-call" or "on call") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*"
or "trouble-shoo*" or resolv* or fix*) and (Linux or "Redhat" or "Red hat" or RHEL)
and (Perl or shell) and (Rest or Weblogic or "Web logic" or "web-logic" or SOAP or
XML or Java) and (JBoss or Websphere or "web sphere" or "web-sphere" or oracle or
PHP or ASP or ".Net" or "C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C sharp" or "C-Sharp" or
"Javascript" or "Java-Script" or "Java script")

("Application Analyst" or "production Analyst" or "Production Support" or

"Application Support") and ("24X7" or "24 X 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or "24/7" or
"oncall" or "on-call" or "on call") and (Redhat or "Red hat" or "Red-hat" or Rhel
or "Linux") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*" or resolv* or
fix*) and develop* (Rest or Weblogic or "Web logic" or "web-logic" or SOAP or XML
or Java or JBoss or Websphere or "web sphere" or "web-sphere" or oracle or PHP or
ASP or ".Net" or "C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C sharp" or "C-Sharp" or
"Javascript" or "Java-Script" or "Java script")

("Application Support*" or "Production Support*" or "Application Production

Support" or "Production Application Support") and application and suppor* and
develop* and ("24X7" or "Oncall" or "On-Call" or "on call") and (middleware or
"middle ware" or "middle-ware" or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web services"
or SOAP or REST or JSON or XML) and (Perl or Shell or Scrip*) and (Linux or Redhat
or "Red hat" or RHEL)

(PM or "Project Manager") and ("ecommer*" or "e Commer*" or "E-commer*" or ATG or

Dynamo) and (HTML or JSP or CSS or AJAX)

("Time study" or "Motion Study" or "Time Motion Study") and (Field Or Technici*)
and (DSL or POTS or circuit or fib*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular
or BellSouth)

Releas* and Implemen* and Chang* and (Scope or budget or time) and (SDLC or
"Software Develop*") and Project and (Milestone or Activity)

(DataEntry or "Data Entry") and Data and (Bill or Billing) and Analy* and (Excel or
Spreadsheet or "Spread Sheet") and Repor* and ("PO" or "Purchase Order") and Order


Anupama is local to the work location - CA and currently working on a remote

project for a company based in FL. She is available immediately

(Procure* or iProcur*) and ("11i" or "11 i" or "11-i" or "11." or "11. ") and
Purcha* and (Asset Or Inven*) and ("AP" or "Account Payable") and ("Techno" or

Query: ("PM" or "Project Manager" or "Business Analyst" or Manager or Consultant)

and Kronos and (Timekeeping or Attendance) and Payroll and ("ADP" or "WTK" or
"WFSO" or "WFC") Days Back: 90 Location: CA

Archit* and (WSDL or SOAP or REST) and ("web Servic*" or "Web-Servic*" or

Webservic*) and (AJAX or CSS or "Web 2.0" or "Web2.0") and (HTML or XML or DHTML or
XHTML) and (Java or ".net" or ". Net" or
or Python or Ruby)

Data and Analy* and ("Unix shell" or "Shell Script" or Shell or Perl) and (SAS or

Performance and Amdocs and (Test* or Test) and (MFC or MPC or Billing or Ensamble
or Enabler or FBF or AMC) and (SQL or TOAD) and UNix

("UX" or "UI" or "User Experience" or "User Interface") and ("user flows" or "site
maps") and (wirefram* or "wire fram*") and prototyp*

Requir* and (Functional or Technical) and (gather or "Collec*") and Repor* and
anal* and business and proces* and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "Uverse" or "U
verse" or "U-Verse" or Verizon or Amdocs or Cingular or SBC or "South Bell")

(Cloud or "Salesforce" or "Sales Force") and (VMWare or "VM Ware" or "Vm-Ware" or

ESX) and (API or "web Services" or "WebServices" or SOAP or REST or JSON) and (Java
or XML) and Archit*

("Content Management System" or "CMS") and (Interwoven or Teamsite or "Adobe CQ" or

Joomla or WordPress or "WebCenter" or "Web Center") and Content

("HR" or "Human Resource") and (Coordinate or Support or Admin or Admin*) and

(Compensation or Benefits or Salary) and (Retension or Recrui* or Staffing) and

("Linux Adm*" or "Unix Adm*" or "System Admi*") and ("Red Hat" or "RedHat" or "Red-
Hat" or RHEL or Linux) and Unix and (Administ* or Admin) and (Insta* or configu* or
Upgra* or Troubl*) and (Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Korn or Bsh)

Oracle and (BPEL or JBPM) and J2EE and Developer and configuration and developer

Marketing and (Advert* or Promot* or Campaig*) and ("Legal firm" or "Legal suit" or
Legal or Law or Lawsuit) and Anal* and Sales

("Objective C" or "ObjectiveC" or "Objective-C" or COCOA or "IOS" or "i OS" or

Xcode or "X-Code") and Android and (Iphone or "i phone" or "i-phone" or "I pad" or
"i pad" or "i-Pad" or Blackberry or "Black Berry" or Smartphone or "Smart Phone")
and Applica* and Java and Devel*

("" or "Lexis/Nexis" or "" or "Avvo" or "Justia" or

"RocketLawyer" or "Rocket Lawyer") and Marketing and ("personal injury" or "social
security" or "bankruptcy" or "estates" or "family law") and ("Promot*" or
"Campaig*" or "Advertis*")

Ericsson and (UMTS or BSC or MSC or "Mobile Switching Centers") and Troubl* and
(NodeB or "Node B" or BTS or RAN)

(Unix or Linux or "RHCE" or "Red hat" or "Redhat") and (Perl or PHP or Ruby or
Python or JavaScript) and (Tomcat or Apache or Websphere or Webservices or SOAP or
REST or WSDL) and (IaaS or PaaS or SaaS or Cloud or Virtualization) and (VMWare or
"VM Ware" or "ESX")

("PM" or "Project Manager") and (PMI or PMP) and (Billing or Telegence or Ensemble
or Enabler or "Amdocs Billing") and (Conversion or Transformation)

("PM" or "Project Manager") and (PMI or PMP) and budge* and (Issue* or Risk) and
(Billing or Telegence or Ensemble or Enabler or "Amdocs Billing") and (Delivera* or
Milesto* or Activi*)

(UMTS or LTE) and ("NodeB" or "Node B" or "Node-B" or MSC or BSC or RNC) and (Test
or Check) and (Troubl* or Config* or Upgrad*) and ("Tier1" or "Tier 1" or "Tire-1"
or Technician or Engineer)

Nortel and (MGW or "Media Gateway") and (MSC or "Master switching Center")

(CMS or "Content Management" or Interwoven or Teamsite or Livesite or Kapow) and

Java and Application and (RHEL or "Red hat" or Linux) and (migration or
manipulation or validation)

HTML and (CSS or AJAX or XML) and (Desig* or Devel*) and Repor* and (Website or Web
or "web Site" or Portal or "webPortal")

(AJAX or HTML or "HTML5" or CSS) and ("Java Script" or "JSP" or JavaScrip*) and
("YUI" or "Prototype JS" or Dojo or jQuery) and (PHP or Perl or Python or Ruby) and
(Apache or HTTP or SOAP or JSON or XML or WSDL or REST) and Unix

Unix and (Admin or Admin* or Suppor* or enginee*) and (Linux or Redhat or "Red hat"
or RHEL) and (IBM or AIX) and (VOIP or "Voice over IP" or IVR or "Interactive
Voice" or Voice) and (Sun or Solaris)

System and (Admin or Admin*) and (Linux or "Red Hat" or RHEL or "RedHat") and
(Configura* or Insta* or upgrad* or Mainta* or Monitor*)

(Redhat or "Red Hat" or "RHEL" or Linux) and System and ("IIS" or "Windows Server"
or "Microsoft Server" or Apache or Tomcat) and (Oracle or "Sql Server" or
"SqlServer") and (Mainta* or Monito* or Configu* or Troub*)

System and (Admin or Admin*) and (Configu* or Instal* or Upgrad*) and (RedHat or
"Red Hat" or RHEL or Linux) and ("IIS" or "Apache" or "Tomcat" or Windo*) and
(Oracle or "sql Server" or SQLSever)

Ticke* and Troub* and (Probl* or Issu* or Escal*) and (CTS or Remedy or Froce or
AOTS) and ("Oncall" or "outbound" or "inbound" or Call) and (CSR Or customer or
"Customer Servic*") and (Technician or Dispat* or "Field Operati*" or Premis*)

(Equipemen* or Devi*) and (Ship* or Schedu* or Recei*) and (Coordinator or "Co

ordinator" or "Co-ordinator" or Suppor* or Engine*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT
&T" or Verizon or Cingular or SBC or "BellSouth" or "Bell South" or Sprint or
"TMobile" or "T Mobile" or "T-Mobile")

(Test or Test*) and ("Mobile device" or "Blackberry" or "Black Berry" or SmartPhone

or "Smart Phone" or "Iphone" or "I phone") and (Defect or Bug or QualityCenter or
"Quality Center") and (Log or log* or Case or Cases or Plan or Plan*)

("Release Manag*" or "Implementation Manag*") and Projec* and Repor* and (SDLC or
"Software Develo*") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or "SBC" or "Bell

("Help Desk" or "HelpDesk" or "DeskTop" or "desk Top" or "Tier1" or "Tier 1" or

"Tier 2" or "tier 2" or Technici* or Suppor*) and ("T1" or "T 1" or "T 3" or "T3"
or "DS0" or "DS 0" or "DS3" or "DS 3" or DSL or Circuit or Cable) and (Troubl* or
Escal* or resolv* or Configu*)

(Defec* or Bug or bugs or "Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "Qaulity Centre")

and (Test or Test*) and (Lead or Lead*) and (QTP or "Test Director" or "Quick Test
Pr*" or "TestDirector")

Instructional and Desig* and (training or Learning or WBT or CBT or "E-learning" or

"e-learn" or "Web based" or Online) and (Captivate or Lectora or Docutools or
(NOC or "network operation center") and (Netcool or "OpenView" or "Open View" or
Alarm or Ticke*) and (Troubl* or Instal* or Upgrad* or Configu*) and (Linux or

("MOSS developer" or "Sharepoint Developer" or "Share point Developer") and (MOSS

or "SharePoint" or "Share point" or Moss*) and (Develo* or Desig*)

("SharePoint Developer" or "Share point Developer" or "Moss Developer" or

"Sharepoint Designer") and ("Sharepoint" or "Share Point" or MOSS or MOSS*) and
(Design or develo*) and ("Visual Studio" or "VS" or VisualStudio) and (Content or

("SharePoint Developer" or "Share point Developer" or "Moss Developer" or

"Sharepoint Designer") and ("Sharepoint" or "Share Point" or MOSS or MOSS*) and
(Design or develo*)

(Tax or "Tax*") and analy* and (renditions or assessments or reconcil* or Returns

or preparation) and ("Real Estate" or Propert* or "State Tax" or "Legal Tax" or
State) and Repor* and (CPA or Certified or Certification)

(Inventory or logistics or material or Stock) and (Coordina* or "Co-ordinat*" or

"Co Ordinat*") and (Ship* or receiv*) and (Test or Test*) and (Handset or "Hand
Set" or "Mobile Prototy*" or "Mobile equipement")

("handsets prototype" or "handset prototype" or "smart phones" or SmartPhones or

Iphone or "I Phone") and (Test or Testing) and (vendo* or Clien* or suppliers) and
repor* and (Coordina* or "Co ordina*" or "Co-Ordin*" or Suppor* or Assis* or
Engineer) and ("AT&T" Or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
Verizon or "T Mobile" or "T-Mobile")

CCNA and CCNP and Voice and (VOIP or "Voice over IP" or "IPT") and (Desig* or
Develo* or archi*) and ("Unified Communications" or "CUCM" or Unified)

Applicat* and Functio* and Require* and (Gathe* or collec*) and (UML or Unified or
"Use Case" or DFD or "Data Flow" or BRD or SRS) and (ERWIN or "Data Modeling" or
"ER WIN" or "DataModeling") and Archite* and System and (Desig* or Develop*) and
(HLD or "High Level").

("C++" or "C ++" or "C sharp" or "C #" or "C#") and (OpenGL or "Open GL" or "Open-
GL") and ("3D" or "3 D" or "Unity 3D" or "3DS Max") and (Desig* or Devel* or
Progra*) and (Flash or Flex or Game or Gaming)

(Linux or "RHEL" or "Red Hat" or "RedHat") and System and (Admin or Admin*) and
(Instal* or config* or Upgrad* or Updat*) and (Solaris or Sun or Unix) and (SAN or
Storage or NAS) and (VMware or ESX or "VM Ware") and (Virtua* or Clou*)

(Provisi* or Ordering) and (Voip or "Business Voip" or "BVOIP" or "Voice over IP"
or Voice) and ("t1" or "T3" or Circu* or "DS0" or "DS1" or "DS3" or "T 1" or "T 3"
or POTS or CSU or DSU) and (BGP or OSPF or EIGRP or RIP or "Routing Protocol")

(Linux or "RHEL" or "Red Hat" or "RedHat") and System and (Admin or Admin*) and
(Instal* or config* or Upgrad* or Updat*) and (Solaris or Sun or Unix) and (SAN or
Storage or NAS) and (VMware or ESX or "VM Ware") and (Virtua* or Clou*)
Requi* and (Gather or Collec*) and ("BUsiness Analyst" or "Business Analysis" or
UML or "Use Case" or BRD or SRS) and ("MOCA" or "RedPrairie" or "Red Prairie" or
"warehouse management system" or WMS) and Oracle and (Toad or SQL)

("QA Tester" or "QA Analyst" or "QA" or "QA Lead" or "Lead QA" or "Test Analyst")
and (Test or Test*) and ("Quality Center" or "Quality Centre" or Defec* or Bug or
bugs) and ("DataWarehou*" or "Data Warehous*" or "ETL" or Teradata or Informatica)
and (BTEQ or FastLoad or "Fast Load" or "Fload" or "Multi load" or "Multiload") and

("BA" Or "Business Analyst") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (RedPrairie or
"Red Prairie" or MOCA or WMS or "Warehouse Management" or "Supply Chain") and
(Logistics or Material or Inventory) and Oracle

(Test or Testing) and ("QA" or "Quality Analyst" or "Quality Assurance" or "QA

analyst") and (Automation or QTP or "Quick Test Pro" or "Quick TestPro" or "Quick
Test") and (Wireless or "3g" or "Wi Fi" or "WiFi" or "Wi-Fi" or "GSM" or "2G") and
(DNS or DHCP or RADIUS or re-homing or "Network Management" or SNMP)

:("C++" or "C ++" or "Turbo C" or "Pro*") and (Develo* or Desgi* or Progra*) and
Java and (Threa* or Multithr* or "multi Threa*") and (Unix or Shell or Kshell or

(online or "On Line" or "On-Line" or "Click Stream" or "ClickStream" or

"Payperclick" or "Pay Per Click" or "Web Analytics" or "Google Analystics") and
("SEO" or "Search Engine" or "SEM" or "Adwords" or "Adsense") and (Campaig* or
Promotio* or Adversti* or Marke* or "eMarketing" or "E-Marketing" or "e Marketing")
and ("E-Commerce" or "E Commerce" or "Ecommerce" or "B2B" or "B2C" or "Business to
Business" or Commer*) and (Marketing or Sales)

Android and (Java or "J2EE") and Applica* and Eclipse and (Smartphone or "Mobile
handsets" or tablets or "Smart Phone" or Handset or IPhone or "i Phone")

(NOC or "Operation Center" or "Data Center") and ("HP Openview" or "HPOpenview" or

"OVO" or Netcool) and ("Production Support" or "24x7" or "24*7" or Suppor*) and
(Ticke* or CTS or Remedy or Troubl*) and ("RF" or DMZ or Firewall or SMPP or "SS7"
or "TCP/IP" or "TCP IP")

("NOC Technician" or "NOC Engineer" or "NOC Support" or "NOC Analyst") and (Unix or
shell) and (Cisco or rout* or switc* or circui*) and (Ticke* or Alarm or CTS or
Remedy or Netcool or HPOpenview or "Hp Openview" or OVO) and (TCP or "TCP/IP" or
SMPP or SNMP or "SS7" or Protoco*)

("Program Manager" or "Product Manager" or "Project manager" or "PM") and ("PMP" or

"PMI") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
Bellsouth or Verizon) and Produc* and Repor* and Manag*

("UCCE" or "UCCX") and (Intelligent Contact Management or "ICM" or "CVP" or

"Customer Voice Portal") and ("IOS" or "UCS" or "Unified Computing System" or
"Voice Gateways" or CCM or "Call manager") and (Trouble* or configu* or Upgrad* or
Instal*) and (Suppor* or Techn* or Engineer)

(UCCE or UCCX or UCCM or "ICM" or "CVP" or "IPCC" or "UCS" or "IOS Voice") and
(Troubl* or Configu* or Instal* or Upgra*) and ("Call manager" or "Unity" or
"CallManager" or "CiscoUnity") and (VOIP or "Voice Over IP" or "VoiceOver IP") and
(VMWare or "VM Ware" or ESX) and (SAN or "Storage Area Network" or "Storage Array")
and (Linux or "Red Hat" or "RedHat" or RHEL) and System and (Admin or Admin*) and
Cisco and Storage and (Qlogic or Emulux)

("mobile Applicato*" or "windows Mobile") and (Desig* or develo*) and (Produc* or


System and Engine* and (Desig* or Develo* or Archit*) and (OSS or BSS Or NGOS or
NMS or PMOSS or "Operation Support") and Requir*

MCITP and (VMware or ESX) and Server and System and (Engineer or Admin*)

(Voice or VOIP or "IP Telephony") and ("pre sales" or "post sales" or "Post-Sales"
or "pre-sales" or Sales) and (marke* or Advertis* or Campai* or Channel)

J2EE and (JavaScript or JSP or JQuery or "Java Script") and (Eclipse or Hibernate
or spring or Struts) and Oracle and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or
SBC or "Bellsouth" or "Bell south" or Verizon or "T Mobile" or "Tmobile") and
(Desig* or Develo*)

Travel and Arrang* and (book or booking) and (Hotel or Room) and Assista* and
(logistics or information) and ("MS Excel" or "MSExcel" or Spreadsheet or "Spread
Sheet" or Excel) and (Manager or Executive or Senior)

Cloud and ("Cloud Computing" or "CloudComputing" or "Cloud-Computing" or OpenStack

or "Open Stack" or "Open Source" or "Open Source" or "Eucalyptus" or "GlusterFS")
and ("RSA encryption" or "SSH Keypair" or "HTTPS" or "SSL" or "OpenSSL" or "Network

(CSM or Amdocs or Ensemble) and Applic* and ("Production Support" or "24x7" or

"24*7" or Suppor*) and Unix and (implementation or Configu* or Updat*)

(clickstream or "click Stream" or "pay per click" or "Payperclick") and (Webtrends

or "Web Trends" or "web Analytics" or "Google Analytics") and (Report or Reporting)
and (HTML or JavaScript or "Java Script") and ("Adsense" or "Adwords" or SEO or
"Search Engine")

and (Telecommu* or Verizon or Wireless or Uverse or "U-verse" or "U verse" or

"internet Services" or Cingular or "AllTel" or "Cox" or "sprint" or "AT&T" or "AT&
T" or "AT &T")

(Architect or Architecture or "Software Architecture" or "Enterprise Architecture"

or "Solutions Architect") and (Agile or Scrum or "service-oriented" or "SOA") and
Requir* and (XML or "Web Services" or "WebServices" or "Rest" or "SOAP" or "WSDL"
or "API" or Middleware) and (Specific* or Documen* or "call flow" or Proces*)

(OSP or "Outside Plant" or "Out side Plant") and (Planning or Desig* or

Construction) and (Wireline or Fiber or Copper or twisted or Cable or OSP) and
(Quality or Survey or Audit or Inspection)

(OSP or "Outside Plant" or "Out Side Plant") and (Planning or plan or Desig* or
maintai*) and (Wireline or Fiber or Copper or twisted or Cable or "Fiberoptics" or
"Wire line") and (Oberva* or Quality or Survey or Audit or Inspec*)

("Instruction" or "Instrucational") and (Develop* or Desig*) and ("WBT" or "CBT" or

"Web Based" or "Web-Based" or "Computer Based" or "Elearning" or "Elear*" or "e-
Learning" or LMS or SCORM) and (HTML or Dreamweaver or Photoshop or Lectora or
Captivate) and (Robohelp or Docutools or Snagit or "Docu tools" or "Robo Help")

Perl and (Shell or "Ksh" or "Bsh" or "Kshell" or "Bshell" or Korn) and ("C++" or
"Turbo C" or "Pro C") and (thread* or Multithrea* or "Multi Thread" or Pthrea*) and
(Desig* or Devel*) and (SQL or "PLSQL" or Oracle or Toad or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL")

"Network Engineer" and Verizon and (BGP or OSPF or EIGRP or RIP or "Routing
Protocols" or TCP) and (Cisco or Juniper) and (router or Switch or Router* or
Swith*) and (Troubl* or Configu* or Monitor* or Instal* or Upgra*)

(Perl or Shell or "Ksh" or "Bsh" or "Kshell" or "Bshell" or Korn or "Unix

Scripting") and ("C++" or "Turbo C" or "Pro C") and (thread* or Multithrea* or
"Multi Thread" or Pthrea*) and (Desig* or Devel*) and (SQL or "PLSQL" or Oracle or
Toad or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL")

"PHP" and ("MySQL" Or "MY SQL" or "MY-SQL") and ("DNS" or "DHCP" or "DNS/DHCP" or
"TCP" or "TCP/IP" or "TCP-IP" or "TCP\IP") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Support or
Administration or configuration or Installation)

(Coordina* or "Co-ordinator" or "Co-ordination") and (Trac* or Schedul* or Recor*

or "Follow up" or "Followup") and ("ship page" or "Call Tracker" or "Sales force"
or "SAP" or "Inventory Tracker" or Oracle) and Projec* and (Dell or Verizon or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell" or "Bell South" or Sprint)

("Amdocs Billing" or "OMS" or "Ensamble" or "Enabler" or Telegence or TLG) and

(Test or Testing) and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or "TOAD") and (UNix or Shell or "Ksh" or
"Bsh" or Korn) and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QTP" or "Quick Test
Pro*" or "Test Direcotor")

("Oracle Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer" or "PL/SQL Developer" or "PLSQL

Developer") and Oracle and Unix and (Shell or "Kshell" or "Ksh" or Bshell or Korn
or Born) and (Triggers or Procedur* or Stored or Function)

(Product or Project) and Sales and schedu* and repor* and Analy* and Schedu* and
(Monito* or Trac*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "UVerse" or "U-Verse" or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell South")
Sales and Training and (Coordina* or "Co-ordinator" or Support or "Project
Assistant" or "Project Support") and Project and Repor* and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or
"AT &T" or "Uverse" or "U-Verse" or "U verse" or Bellsouth or "Bell South" or
"SBC") and (Schedu* or Trac* or Monito* or Recor*)

"SAS" and Unix and "HTML" and "AWK" and "Shell" and Data and Analy*

("Test Manager" or "Test Planner" or "QA manager") and (Quality or "Quality

Assurance" or "Quality Analyst") and ("Quality center" or "QualityCenter" or "QTP"
or "Quick Test Pro" or "Test Director") and (

("Time Study" or "TimeStudy" or "Time Obervation" or "Time Standards" or "EMS" or

"Engineered Service Measures") and (Techni* or Analyst or Consultant or Engineer or
Support or Manager) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "Uverse" or "U-Verse" or
"U Verse") and (Obser* or Recor* or captu* or trac*)

(DSL or POTS or Uverse or "U-Verse" or "U Verse") and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T"
or MSOC or ESM) and ("Time Studies" or "Time Study" or "IR Telco" or "IRTelco") and
(instal* or repai* or Observ* or Record)
Analy* and ("Web Trends" or "WebTrends") and ("Web Analytics" or "Google Analytics"
or "WebAnalytics" or "Site Analytics" or Omniture or SiteCatalyst or "HBX" or

(InfoSphere or "Info Sphere" or DataStage or "Data Stage") and (Linux or Unix) and
Develop* and (Java or Perl or "C++)

("DSL" or "ADSL" or "POTS" or "Network Services" or "Internet Services" or Uverse

or "U-verse" or Wireless or "3G" or verizon) and (Troublesh* or Repai* or Resol* or
Ticke* or "CTS" or Remedy or Escal*) and (Connec* or Configu* or Instal* or Proble*
or Issues) and (Call or Inbound or Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-bound" or Oncall
or "On-call" or calls)

Oracle and (SQL or "PlSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL SQL") and
(Triggers or "Stored Procedure" or "Performance Tunning" or "RAC" or cluste*) and
(Perl or Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Korn or Bourne or "Ksh" or "Bsh") and (Admin*
or Configu* or Instal* or Upgrad*)

("Oracle Developer" or "Oracle DBA") and (Triggers or Procedures or Performance or

Tunning or RAC) and (SQL or "PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL SQL" or "PL
SQL") - Collabera

J2EE and (MVC or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (JSP or Servlets or Beans or
Javascrip*) and (XML or HTML or CSS or Ajax) and (Oracle or SQL or "Pl/SQL" or
"PL\SQL") and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

("PM" or "Project Manager" or "ProjectManager" or PMP) and Repor* and (Budge* or

Vendo* or Mileston* or "WBS" or "Work Breakdown") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T"
or cingular or Verizon or SBC) and (Releas* or Implemen*)

(JSP or "JavaScript" or "Java Scrip*" or J2EE) and (AJAX or CSS or XML or HTML or
Servlets) and (MVC or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (Desig* or Develo* or
Progra*) and (Oracle or SQL or JDBC or "PL\SQL" or "PL/SQL")

("WiFi" or "Wi Fi" or Wireless or "wire less" or Teleco* or Verizon or "WDS" or

"WDSGlobal") and (Suppor* or "Technical Support" or "Desktop" or "HelpDesk" or
"help desk" or Tier)

("Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or REST or WSDL) and (Test or Testing) and
("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QC")

("Web services" or "Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or WSDL or REST) and (Test
or Testing) and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QC") and (Billing or
Ensemble or Enabler or Telegence or "CSI")

(Order or Ordering) and (Construction or Engineering or "NP&E" or "C&E" or "CEEOT")

and (equipmen* or "Loop Electronic Equipment") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
cingular or Bellsouth or Bell or "Bell South") and (Updat* or Suppor* or
maintenance) and ("LEC" or "T1" or "T 1" or "T 3" or "T3" or "DS0" or circuit)

(Order or Ordering) and (Construction or Engineering or "NP&E" or "C&E") and

("Loop" or "Loop Electronic Equipment") and (OSP or "Outside Plant" or "Out side

(OpenSource or "Open Source") and (Develo* or Desig* or Archit*) and (RabbitMQ or

Camel or Hazelcast or AMPQ or STOMP or WebRTC) and (WebServic* or "Web Services" or
("Quality Assurance" or "Quality Analyst" or "QA") and (Excel or "MS-Excel" or
MAcro or VBA or MSExcel) and (unit or regression or load or Performance or
acceptance) and Repor* and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Verizon or "TMobile" or
Cingular or Sprint) and (CUCM or "Unified Communication" or "Call Manager" or IPCC
or "Cisco Unity" or "IP Telephony" or "IPT")

("System Admin" or "System Administrator") and Unix and Linux and (Shell or Script
or Ksh or Bsh) and (CLoud or VmWare or "ESX" or "Vm Ware" or Virtualiztion) and
(Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad* or Troubl*)

Unix and (Linux or RHEL or RHCE or "Red Hat" or RedHat) and System and (Admin* or
Instal* or configu* or Uupgra*) and (Cloud or VmWare or "VM Ware" or ESX or

(Linux or RedHat or "Red Hat" or RHEL) and Unix and System and (Administration or
Configu* or Instal* or Upgra*) and (IaaS or PaaS or SaaS or "DataCenter" or "Data

(PeriProducer or Periphonics or PeriStudio or PeriPro or PeriGem or Visio or

MSVisio) and (IVR or "Interactive Voice" or "CTI Integration") and Analy* and

("CMS" or "Content Management" or interwoven or ATG or Teamsite or "Adobe CQ") and

("Web Implementation" or "Web Editing" or "Web Content" or "web Services") and
(HTML or XML or "Java Script" or "JSP" or AJAX or CSS) and (Content or Data)

TEst or Testing) and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or QTP or "TEst Director"

or "Quick Test") and (Defec* or Log) and (Quality or "QA" or "Quality Assurance" or
"Quality Analyst" or "TEst Engineer")

("SQL Server" or "SQLServer" or "SQL-Server" or "MS SQL" or MSSQL) and ("T-SQL" or

"TSQL" or "Transact SQL") and (Production or "24x7" or "24*7" or "24by7") and
(Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and (DTS or SSIS or SSRS or SSAS or "Data Packages
or "Integration Services" or "Reporting Services") and ("Stored Procedures" or

(MVC or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (JSP or Servlets or Beans or J2EE) and
(XML or HTML or CSS or Ajax) and (Desig* or Devel* or Progra*) and J2EE

Troubl* and (Instal* or config* or Setup or repair or Escala* or Upgra*) and

(Probl* or issue* or Test or Outag*) and (Network or DSL or Internet or Networking
or "WiFi" or Wireless or Firewall or Switc*)

J2EE and (Desig* or Develo*) and (JSP or JavaScript or Ajax or XML or HTML) and
(Oracle or SQL or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL/SQl") and (Struts or MVC or Spring or

Oracle and (RAC or RMAN or Cluster or "Application Manager" or "Real Application")

and (PLSQL or "PL\SQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL-SQL" or SQL) and (Insta* or
Configu* or Upgra* or Upda*) and ("Performance Tuning" or "Stored Procedure" or
Tuning or Trigger)

(Store or "Retail store" or "in-store" or Instore) and (Greeting or Greeter or

Greet or Support or Executive or Associate) and Customer and (products or
Technology or Service or Solution) and (Sales or Sale).

(ObjectiveC or "Objective C" or "Objective-C" or "CoCoa" or "Interface Builder" or

Xcode) and ("iOS" or "i-Phone" or "iPhone" or "iPad" or "i-Pad" or Apple or
Smartphone or "Smart Phone" or Blackberry or "Windows Mobile") and (Desig* or
Devel* or Progra*)

Require* and (BVOIP or CVOIP or "Business VOIP" or AVPN or "VoAVPN") and System and
(VOice or VOIP or "Voice Over IP") and (Produc* or Servic*)

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "Program Manager" or "Construction Manager" or "Real

Estate Manager") and ("Real Estate" or "RealEstate" or Construction) and (UMTS or
LTE or Wireless or "Cell Site" or CellSite) and Project

(outag* or inciden* or Breakdown or "Break Down") and (resolu* or Escala* or

Monito*) and ("Global Center" or "Operation Center" or "Operations Center" or
"GNOC" or "NOC" or "Global Network") and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Cingular
or SBC or "Bell SOuth" or Verizon)

Provisi* and (Order or Ordering) and (BVOIP or VOIP or "VOICE over IP" or "Managed
Services" or Circuit or "T1" or DSU or "DS0" or "DS1" or "T3") and ("AT&T" or "AT&
T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell SOuth" or BellSouth or Verizon) and

(Store or "Retail store" or "in-store" or Instore) and Customer and (Sales or Sale)
and (Manager or Associate or Assist) and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T" or Verizon
or TMobile or "T-Mobile" or Sprint or Dell or Radio or Comcast or Apple) and
(merchan* or Dashboard or metrics or team)

Infrastructure and ("PM" or "Project Manager") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
Bellsouth or SBC) and (Routing or Switching)

(Test or Testing) and (Unix or Shell) and (SQL or Toad or "PL/SQL") and ("AT&T" or
"AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or Mobility or Uverse)

Product and requirem* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (smartphone or "Mobile handset"
or "Mobile Device" or "Mobile Apps" or "Mobile Applications" or "Device level
APIs" or "windows Mobile" or Android or Handset or API) and (Marketing or Promotio*
or Launch) and Manag*

PeopleSoft and ("People Tool" or "peopletool" or "Ptool") and (Desig* or Develo*)

and (SQR or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or

"Data analyst" and (Report or Report*) and (Excel or "MSExcel" or "MS ExceL" or
"Pivot Table" or "V Lookup" or Macro or VBA) and (Financ* or Forecas* or
Estimation) and (extrac* or Gathe* or presen*)

("Test Engineer" or "NEtwork Tester" or "QA Lead" or "QA Analyst" or "Telecom

Tester") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular)

(plan or plan* or schedul* or SCOPE) and Project and (Budge* or Risk or Vendor or
COST) and (Milestone or WBS or "Work Breakdown" or CPM or PERT or SCM) and Finan*
and Oracle and OBIEE

("Admin Assistant" or "Executive Assistant" or "Administrative Assistant") and

(Excel or MSExcel or "MS Excel" or Spreadshe*) and (answering or Reception or
Calendar or Repor*) and (Files or Docume* or Bill or vouche* or workshee* or
conference) and Presentatio*

J2EE and (Junit or Jquery or JSP or JavaScript or "java Script") and (Eclipse or
Hibernate or Spring or Struts) and ("SOA" or "Service Oriented Architecture" or
Architec* or "Enterprise Arch*") and (GMIS or AVPN or Ethernet or CANOPI or "L2" or
"L3" or Provisioning or bvoip or "ipv6") and (Oracle or SQL)

("Business Analyst" or "BA") and (SCM or "Supply Chain" or EDI) and (Requir* or
specificat*) and (UML or "USe cases" or "Object Diagram" or BRD or JAD) and

("BA" or "Business Analyst" or "BSA" or "Business System Analyst") and ("Supply

Chain" or "SupplyChain" or "Supply-Chain") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and
("JAD" or "BRD" or "Functional Specification" or "UseCase" or "Use case" or UML or

(Teradata or "Tera Data" or BTEQ or Fload or MLoad or FastLoad or MultiLoad) and

(Desig* or Develo*) and (Informatica or ETL or "Data Warehouse")

Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Mload or Fastload or Multiload) and (ETL or

Informatica or "data warehouse" or "DataWarehouse") and (Desig* or Develo*) and
Archi* and (Unix or Shell or Kshell or BShell or Ksh or Bsh) and (ERWIN or "ER Win"
or "Data Modeling" or "DataModeling")

Websphere and (Architec* or Admin*) and (Linux or Solaris) and (Instal* or Configu*
or Upgrad*) and (Cluste* or Cell) and Deploy*

Teradata and (BTEQ or FLoad or MLoad or FastLoad or MultiLoad) and (Informatica or

ETL) and (Devel* or Archit*)

(Copyediting or Editing or consolidating or implementing or copywriting) and (Guide

or "style guide" or material or guidelines) and Content and ("Web site" or
"Website" or "Web Content" or "Web Data" or "Portal Content" or "Web Copy") and
(CSS or Javascript or "java Script" or HTML or XML) and ("Content Management
System" or "CMS" or Teamsite or Interv*)

(SOAP or XML or WSDL) and ("Web Service" or "WebService") and (Test or Testing) and
Production and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter") and (Defect or Bug) and
(Automation or "QTP" or "Quick Test")

Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Fastload or Mload or "Multiload") and (Informatica

or ETL) and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Unix or Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Korn)

Linux and (RHEL or RHCL or "Redhat" or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat") and ("Load Balancer"
or "Load-Balancer" or "F5" or "F-5") and (Insta* or Configu* or Upgra* or Admin*)

("IT Asset" or "IT Asset" or Hardware or Device or equipment) and (Vendor or

Contrac* or license or "3rd party" or SLA or Agreement) and (Track* or coordina* or
recor*) and repor* and (Instal* or Configu* or upgra*) and (servers or storage or
networking or "HPUX" or Solaris or LINUX or WINNT)

(Architect or Architect*) and Require* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (Desig* or

Develo*) and ("iOS" or "i OS" or Android or "Windows Phone" or "Blackberry" or
"Objective C" or ObjectiveC or "Objective-C" or "Mobile Application") and (HTML or
XHTML or "HTML 5" or ActionScript or "Java Applets" or Javascript or AJAX or CSS or
XML) and J2EE

"SAP" and "ABAP" and (Develo* or Progra*) and ("FI" or Financia* or "MM" or
Materia* or "SD" or "Sales & Distribution" or "Sales and Distribution") and ("R/3"
or "R-3" or ECC or "ECC6")

(Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad*) and (Troubleshoo* or Repair or Connec*) and

(Windows or Linux or Unix or Antivirus or Application or "software license" or
"software Renewal")

"SAP" and "ABAP" and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and ("FI" or Financia* or "MM"
or Materia* or "SD" or "Sales & Distribution" or "Sales and Distribution")

(Dispatc* or CSR or "Customer Service" or "Customer Support") and (Ticke* or

Troubl* or CTS or Remedy) and (Proble* or Issu* or Escal*) and (Call or Inbound or
Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-Bound") and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
Frontier or COX or Verizon or Cingular or SBC)

("MS Excel" or Excel or MSExcel) and (Pivot or Macro or Vlookup or Sumifs or VBA or
Functions) and (Analy* or repor*)

("TPF" or "Sabre Talk" or Sabre) and (HP or "Hewlett Packard" or "EDS" or

"Electronic Data Systems") and (Develo* or Desig* or Progra*) and (Airline or
"Airlines Control Program" or "ACP" or FOS or "Flight Operation")

(Support or "Technical Support" or Helpdesk or Desktop) and (Networking or Wireless

or Router or Switches or WiFi or "Internet Connection" or DSL) and (repair or
connectivity or Troubleshoo*)

Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and (UML or BRD or JAD or SRS or "use case" or
"Call Flow" or "Work Flow" or "user flow" or "Web Sequence") and (Agile or Scrum or
SDLC) and ("BA" or "BSA" or "Business Analyst" or "System Analyst" or

System and (Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad* or Updat*) and ("Active Director" or

"AD" or Exchange) and (Unix or Linux or Solaris) and (VMWare or ESX or Virtua*) and
(firewal* or VPN or Informix or Checkpoint)

Peoplesoft and Requir* and (Peopletools or Ptools or SQR) and Functio*

(WFC or WFTK or WFSO or "Time Keeper" or "Work Force" or Workforce or Kronos) and
(SQR or PTools or Peopletools or "People tools" or AppEngine) and Requir* and
PeopleSoft and (SQL or Oracle) and (Migrat* or Transf* or Integra*)

("SAS" or "Base SAS") and ("SAS Developer" or "SAS Programmer" or "SAS Analyst")
and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and SQL and (MSExcel or Excel or Pivot or
Vlooku* or Macro or VBA) and Analy* and statisti*

("SAS" or "Base SAS") and ("SAS Developer" or "SAS Programmer" or "SAS Analyst")
and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and SQL and (MSExcel or Excel or Pivot or
Vlooku* or Macro or VBA) and Analy* and statisti*

Business and Requir* and (data or Content) and (Colle* or Gathe*) and Repor* and
("Data Modeling" or ERWIN or Modeling or Validation) and (Testing or Test) and
Billing and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or Verizon or "bell
south") and ("Data Analyst" or "Business data" or "System Analyst")

(".Net" or "" or "C#" or "C Sharp" or ASP) and ("MSsql" or "Sql server" or
SSIS Or SSRS or SSAS or SQLServer or SQL) and (MVC or WCF or "Model-View" or "Model
View" or Silverlight) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

(REST or SOAP or WSDL or JSON or "Web Services" or WebServices) and (Java or J2EE)
and (JQuery or JavaScript or Junit or JPA) and Archi*
(Generato* or "DC Power" or "power backup" or DCPower) and (Construction or
Engineering or "Cellsite" or "Cell site" or "Wireless site" or "AT&T site") and
projec* and (Techni* or Manager or Coordina* or Suppor*)

Cognos and (Reportnet or "Report Net") and Repor* and (Datawarehousing or "Data
warehousing" or "BI" or "Business Intelligence" or ETL or "Data Model") and Requir*

Cognos and (Reportnet or "Report Net") and Repor* and (Datawarehousing or "Data
warehousing" or "BI" or "Business Intelligence" or ETL or "Data Model") and Requir*

System and Requir* and and ("AT& T" or "AT&T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or
"Bell South" or Verizon) and ("Cloud Computing" or "Ethernet Metro" or Ethernet)
and (SNMP or NMS or "Fault Management" or "Network Management" or "AVPN" or "MIS"
or VPLS or PNT or "Cloud computing" or "Ethernet services") and (Gathe* or Collec*)

System and Requir* and ("AT& T" or "AT&T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell
South" or Verizon) and (SNMP or NMS or "Fault Management" or "Network Management"
or "AVPN" or "MIS" or VPLS or PNT or "Cloud computing" or "Ethernet services") and
(Gathe* or Collec*)

(Hadoop or Hortonworks or "Big data" or "Bigdata" or NoSql) and Data and (Recovery
or Backup or Restore) and (SAS or "Statistical Analysis System" or "Analys")

("Big data" or NoSql or "No-SQL" or BigData or Hadoop or OpenStack or "Data Lake")

and (Recovery or Backup or "Back-up" or Restore) and Data and (Architec* or Analy*)

System and Requir* and (Enginee* or Analys* or Archite*) and (SNMP or NMS or
"Network Management" or "EMS" or "fault management" or "OSS" or "Operations
Support") and (Mobility or Ethernet or "IP/MPLS" or Uverse or LightSpeed or DSL or

(OfficeDirect or "Office Direct" or "Officereach or "Office Reach" or "Telecom

Products" or "fixed mobile convergence" or "FMC" or "wireless data pilots" or
"Wireless Product") and (Sales or Presales or "Pre-sales") and (Integra* or Deploy*
or Implem* or Desig*)

("System Engineer" or "System Analyst") and Requir* and (Enginee* or Analys* or

Archite*) and (SNMP or NMS or "Network Management" or "EMS" or "fault management"
or "OSS" or "Operations Support") and (Mobility or Ethernet or "IP/MPLS" or Uverse
or "U-Verse" or LightSpeed or DSL or ATM)

(Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kron) and (Weblogic or Websphere) and (Toad or SQL
or PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL") and (Production or Support or Engineer or

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "Ptools" or peoplecode) and

(Desig* or Develo*) and (SQR or SQL)

(Mobility or Uverse or LightSpeed or "AT&T" or Verizon or Comcast or Cingular or

Tmobile or SBC or "Bell South" or Sprint) and (MPLS or DSL or ATM or "FR networks"
or "Frame Relay") and (OSS or "Operation Support" or "NMS" or "Network Management"
or "EMS" or "BSS") and ("System Engineer" or "System Analyst" or "Business Analyst"
or "Member of Technical Staff")

(Test or Testing) and (QTP or "Quick Test" or QuickTest or Automation) and

("Quality Center" or QualityCenter or Defect or Logging or Tracking) and (Unix or
Shell or KShell or Bshell or Ksh or Bsh) and (Oracle or SQL or Toad)
(Camel or "Apache Camel") and Archit* and "J2EE" and (Weblogice or Websphere or
Tomcat) and (Webservices or "Web Services" or Restful or SOAP or WSDL or Rest) and
(Desig* or Develo*)

Kronos and (WFC or WRM or WTK or WFSO or SDM) and (WorkForce Or "Work Force" or "HR
system" or Payroll or Timekeeping)

Archite* and (Weblogic or WebSphere or Tomcat) and ("Web Services" or WebServic* or

SOAP or REST or WSDL or API) and (Apache or "Apache Camel") and (IMS or VOLTE or
"Voice over IP" or VOIP)

Repor* and data and Analy* and (SSIS or "Integration Services" or SSRS or "SQL
Server" or SQLServer or DTS or "Transformation Service" or "T-SQL" or TSQL) and
(SharePoint or "Share POint" or MOSS) and ("MS Access" or MSAccess or "MS Excel" or
Excel or VBA or Macro or Excel)

(Apache or "Apache Camel" or Camel) and (Websphere or Weblogic or Tomcat) and

Architect and (Agile or Scrum) and (desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

Hibernate and (Spring or MVC) and J2EE and (Unix or Shell) and (Oracle or SQL) and
(Apache or TomCat) and (Desig* or Devel*)

("Big Data" or Bigdata) and Hadoop and Analy* and Data

Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Mload or Fastload or Multiload) and (Informatica or

ETL) and (Unix or Shell or KShell or Bshell or Ksh or Bsh) and SQL

J2EE and (Tomcat or Apache or JBoss) and (Spring or Hibernate) and SQL and (AspectJ
or "Aspect J" or Eclipse) and Jersey

System and ("Fault Management" or SNMP or SMARTS or NMS or "Network Management" or

Netcool) and (Unix or Linux or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or Bshell or Perl) and
(Test or Testing) and ("Frame Relay" or ATM or IP or BGP or OSPF or BGP or CMIP)

("User Interface" or "UI" or "User Experience" or "UX") and (wirefram* or iRise or

Prototype) and ("D3.js" or "JavaScript" or "java Script" or JSP or CSS or Ajax) and
(HTML or "Action Script" or XML or XHTML or DHTML) and (Desig* or Devel*)

("Quality Center" or "HP QC") and (Administration or Support or Troubl*) and (API
or Application) and ("MS SQL" or "Sql Server" or MSSQL or SQLServer)

(Netcool or omnibus or SNMP or "Fault Management) and (Test or Testing) and

("System Tester" or "QA Analyst" or "Test Engineer" or "Quality Assurance" or
"Sytem Testing" or "System Engineer" or Tester)

(HTML or "HTML5") and ("AJAX" or CSS) and (JQuery or JavaScript or "Java Script")
and (SPring or Hibernate or MVC) and (Desig* or Develop*)

("C++" or "C ++") and (MultiThread or "Multi Thread" or Threa*) and (Unix or Shell
or Kshell or Bshell or KSh or Bsh or Korn) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progr*)

JavaScript or "java Script") and (Groovy or Grails or "Grails") and (CSS or HTML or
AJAX) and (JSON or JQuery or JSP) and (Java or J2EE)

("User Interface" or "UI" or "GUI" or "Graphic Design") and (HTML5 or HTML) and
("User experience" or "UX" or UserExperience) and (Prototypes or "Web Flow" or
"Content Flow" or "Web Content" or Interwoven or Wireframe or iRise or "Vector
Graphics" or "Design Thinking") and (JavaScript or "Java Script" or CSS or AJAX or
"JS" or "D3.js" or SWIFT)

(Devic* or Equip* or Boar* or Circui*) and (Test or Testing) and (staging or

assembly or configuration) and (Intel or Dell or Verizon)

("C++" or "C ++" or "Turbo C") and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or
Bshell or Korn) and (Desig* or Devel* or Progr*) and (SQL or Oracle) and (Threads
or Thread* or Multithrea*)

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "Project ANalyst") and (Report or Reporting) and

("SQL Server" or SQLserver or SSRS or "Reporting Service") and Project and Data and
Analy* and ("TSQL" or "T-SQL" or "Transact SQL" or "TransactSQL")

Requir* and (OSS or BSS or "Operation Support" or "Business Support" or NMS or

"Network Managent" or "EMS") and (SS7 or SIP or "Diameter protocol" or Voice or
VoIP or CDR or MIBS or "call Processing") and (Gathe* or collec*)

(CDR or "Call Processing" or "Call Detail Records" or "performance data" or "Call

Detail") and ("SS7" or "SIP" or VoIP or "Diameter protocol") and (Requir* or
specific*) and Data

("UX" or "User Experience" or UserExperience) and ("IA" or "Information Architect"

or Architect or "Technial Architect") and (Irise or Wirefram* or Prototyp*) and
(Desig* or Develo* or Tes*)

("Helpdesk" or "PC" or Hardware or Laptop) and Support and (Connection or repair or


("Leasing" or Zoning") and ("C&E" or construction or "Site acquisition") and

(Repor* or Project)

Android and ("iOS" or "iPhone" or "i-Phone" or Blackberry or SmartPhone or "Mobile

Application" or "Mobile Apps") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Java or J2EE)

Forklift and (Certificat* or Certifi*) and (barcode or "RF Guns" or scanning or

Scanner) and (invent* or Stoc* or materi*)

(Insta* or configu* or repai* or Upgra* or Upda* or troublesh*) and (Network or

Wireless or "wifi" or Internet or broadband or DSL or Cable or Fibre) and (Support
or engineer or tier or helpdesk or desktop or admin or admin* or Technician or
"Technical Assistant")

(ITUP or PRISM) and Project and ("Project Manager" or "PM" or "Program Manager")
and (Budg* or Repor* or Mileston* or WBS or Deliverab*)

("Call Center" or "Customer Service" or CallCenter or VoiceSupport) and Audit and

(calls or call) and (Monito* or Trac* or Observe) and (Complianc* or Procedur* or
Polic* or Rules or Metrix)

Project and ("Project Manager" or "PM") and ("ITUP" or "IT UP" or "AT&T") and
(Budge* or Repor* or Scope or Risk or VPMO or Process or estimation)

(Java or J2EE) and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Hibernate or Spring) and (EJB or JMS)
and (SOAP or JAXB or WSDL or Rest or Restful) and Archit*

Archite* and Weblogic and (JVMs or JDK) and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or XML o
XSL o XSD) and (Unix or Linux or Shell)
(WebAnalytics or "Web Analytics" or "Web trends" or Webtrends) and (PPC or
"Payperclick" or "Pay Per Click" or Omniture or SiteCatelyst) and (Marketing or SEM
or Adword or Adsense or SEO)

J2EE and ("WebServices" or "web Service" or SOAP or Rest or RAXB or Restful) and
(XML or HTML or SFTP) and (Protoco* or SMTP or TCP)

(Ordering or "OMS" or "Order Management") and Requir* and (gathe* or collec* or

Interfa*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Lightspeed or "Light Speed" or
Uverse or "U-Verse" or "U Verse") and Business

(Android or iOS or "i-OS" or "i-Phone" or COCOA or "ObjectiveC" or "Objective C" or

"Mobile Application" or "Mobile Apps") and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*) and (AJAX
or CSS or JavaScript or HTML or XML) and "J2EE" and (SQL or "Pl/SQL" or Oracle or

"J2EE" and (Hibernate or Spring) and (CRAMER or OSS or "Operation Support" or

"AVPN" or "GMIS" or "BVoip) and (SQL or Oracle) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Cramer or "Amdocs OSS" or "Operation Support" or "Network

Management" or "Network Provisioning" or "NMS" or "EMS" or "Elementary Management")
and (MIS or "AVPN" or "GMIS" or Ethernet or "BVOIP" or "AT&T" or "AT& T" or
"TMobile" or "T-Mobile" or "T Mobile" or Verizon or Comcast) and (desig* or Develo*
or Progra*)

Peoplesoft and (Ptools or Peopletools or "People tools" or Peoplecodes or "People

codes" or Kronos) and Requir* and (SQL or SQR) and (Integration or "IB" or
"Integration Broker")

("ColFusion" or "Cold Fusion" or "CFML" or "CFMX") and (MVC or "Model View") and
(AJAX or CSS or JavaScrip* or "Java Script" or XML) and (Desig* or Develo* or

ESPN, ABC, CBS, MLB, NBC, Discovery, OPRAH, and E! Entertainment

("Video Engineer" or "VideoEngineer" or "BroadCast engineer" or "Video Support")

and (Broadcas* or Forma* or Transpor* or Strea*) and (Encod* or Decod* or Muxes or
"Media link" or Nevion or Artel or Leitch or SONET or GIGE or "OC12" or HDVT or

(ESPN or "CBS" or "MLB" or "NBC" or "ABC" or "AT&T" or Verizon or "SBC" or "Bell

South") and (Video or Broadcast or Strea*) and (SMPTE or HDVT or SCVS or GIGE or
SONET or SDI or ASI or HDSDI or Encoder or Decoder or Muxes or Demux)

("Oracle Apps" or "Oracle Applications" or "Oracle EBS" or PeopleSoft) and (Admin

or Administrator or Consultant or Functional) and (Troubleshoo* or Configur* or

"J2EE" and HTML and (CSS or AJAX or JavaScript or Jquery) and (Desig* or Develo*)
and ( Struts or Spring)

(Javae or "J2EE") and "HTML" and ("CSS" or "AJAX" or JavaScript or "Jquery") and
(Desig* or Develo*) and ("Struts" or Spring)

("Performance management" or "Fault Management" or "SIP Monitoring" or "Network

Provisioning" or "SNMP" or "Network Management System" or "NMS" or "OSS" or
"Operations Support" or "Operation support") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*)
and System and (Analy* or "Technical Staff" or Enginee*) and ("LTE" or "VOIP" or
"IMS" or Wireless or "USP" or "AT&T" or Telcordia or Verizon or SBC or Cingular)

"Wintel" and (Powershell or "power shell" or "VBScripts" or "VB Script" or "VB

Scripting") and Admin*

Product and ("Push To Talk" or "PTT" or "M2M" or "Machine to Machine" or "Machine 2

Machine") and (Mobility or "MSS" or "Managed Services" or "AT&T" or verizon or
"TMobile" or "T-Mobile" or "AT&T Wireless") and ("Product Manager" or "Product
Management" or "Project Manager" or "Program Manager")

"PMP" and (schedules or milestone or Deliverabl* or WBS or "Work breakdown") and

(budge* or Repor* or Issu* or Risk) and (Deploy* or Integra* or Manag*) and ("AT&T"
or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or "T-Mobile" or "TMobile" or Cingular)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Spring or Struts) and (Unix or shell or Ksh or Bsh or Bash)
and ("SQL Server" or SSIS or "Integration Services" or SSRS or "Report Developer"
or SQLSERVER) and (Desig* or develo*)

("Customer Support" or "CallCenter" or "call Center" or "CSR" or "Customer

Service") and (Call or Inbound or Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-Bound") and
(Trouble* or Escala* or CTS or Remedy or Ticket or Ticket*) and ("Wireless" or
Comcast or "AT&T")
(Test or Testing) and ("QC" or "Quality Center" or QualityCenter or Rallye or Jira)
and (Defect or Tracking or Logging) and ("Test Lead" or "Team Lead" or "QA Lead" or
"Lead Tester" or "Lead QA" or "Quality Assurance Lead")

(Admin or Admin* or Instal* or Upgra* or Production) and ("WTK" or "WSD" or

"Workforce Central" or "Work Froce Central" or "WFSO" or "WRM") and "Kronos"

(Production or "Performance Tuning" or "24X7" or "24*7") and (Admin or Admin* or

Instal* or Configu* or Upgra* or Updat*) and Kronos Near ("WTK" or "WFSO" or "WFC"
or "WorkForce Central" or "Work Force Central")

"Civil" and ("Road construction" or "Storm Sewer" or "structural walls" or culverts

or "bridge structure" or drainage or "Civil Plans" or "Civil Construction") and
(Desig* or BluePrint or Draw or Draw*) and (AutoCad or "Auto Cad" or Microstation
or "Micro Station") and ("Civil Engineering" or "Bachelor of Civil")

("Road construction" or "Storm Sewer" or "structural walls" or culverts or "bridge

structure" or drainage or "Civil Plans" or "Civil Construction" or Tower or Road or
Building) and (Desig* or BluePrint or Draw or Draw*) and (AutoCad or "Auto Cad" or
"CAD" or Microstation or "Micro Station") and ("Civil Engineering" or "Bachelor of
Civil") Near "Civil"

"CRM" and ("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or QTP or "Quick Test" or "Test

Director") and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or TOAD or Oracle) and ("Test Engineer" or "QA
Analyst" or "Test Analyst" or Tester or "Quality Analyst")

(KRONOS or "WFC" or "WTK" or "WFSO") and (PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and

(Peopletools or "People tools" or "peoplecode" or "People code" or SQR) and Analy*

Project and (Coordina* or Desig* or Develo*) and (Microstation or "Micro Station"

or AutoCad or "Auto Cad") and (municipalit* or permits or compliance or
environmental or laws or regulation or NEPA or SOHO) and (Wireless or Telecom or
Tower or Antenna or LTE or "4G" or Cellsite)
(Helpdesk or Desktop or Support or "Technical Support" or "Computer Technician" or
"Computer repair") and (Networ* or Cable or "WiFi" or Wireless or Telecom or "Wi-
Fi" or Broadband or Internet or "DSL") and (diagno* or troublesh* or repai* or

Tivoli and ("TAM" or "TIM" or "Access Manager" or "Identity Management" or

"Directory Server") and "LDAP" and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne)

(AVPN or BVOIP or VOIP) and System and (OSS or BSS or "Operation Support" or NMS or
LMS) and Requir* and (Telcordia or "AT&T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell

Recruit* and (Source or Screen) and (Feedback or Followup or Negotiate) and (ATS or
"Applicant Tracking" or Monster or Dice or "Career builder") and ("Social
Networking" or Linkedin or Facebook or Inedeed")

Tivoli and ("TAM" or "TIM" or "Tivoli Access Manager" or "Tivoli Identity Manager")
and (Server or "Directory Server" or "LDAP") and ("Role Based" or Security or
Authentication) and (Shell or Unix or Kshell or Bshell)

Java and (Weblogic or "Web Logic") and Hibernate and (SVN or CVS) and (Oracle or
SQL) and XML

(Architect or "Solutions Architect" or "Enterprise Architect") and ("SOA" or

"Service Oriented Architecture" or "EDA" or "Event Driven Architecture") and (REST
or SOAP or WSDL or API or "Web Services" or WebServic*)

(Excel or "MS Excel" or Pivot or Macro or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-lookup" or "H-

Lookup") and SQL and Data and Analy* and (Access or "MS Access" or MSAccess)

"J2EE"and (Desig* or Develo*) and (JSP or "Java Script" or "JavaScript") and (SQL
or JDBC or DAO) and (Unix or Linux) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Perl or AWK) and
(Oracle or "DB2" or MySQL or "MSSQL" or Informix) and (Tivoli or TIM or TAM or
"Identity Manager" or "Access manager")

Content and ("Web Content" or "Web Page" or WebContent) and (Writ* or Edit* or
"Copy Write" or "Copy Edit" or Proofing) and ("Content Management" or "CMS" or
Zoomla or Teamsite or Interwoven)

("OSS" or "BSS" or "EMS" or "BSS" or "Element Management Systems" or "Operation

Support System" or "Business Support System") and Archite* and Requir* and ("AT&T"
or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Telcordia or Lucent or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
BellSouth) and System

(Groovy or Grails) and (Spring or "Spring Security" or Acegi) and ("Web Services"
or WebServices or SOAP or REST or WSDL) and "J2EE"

("OSP" or "Outside Plant" or "Out side plant" or "Outside Plant Technician") and
(splicing or copper or Fiber or Cable or cabl* or wire or Wire*)

("OSP" or "Outside Plant" or "Out side plant" or "Outside Plant Technician") and
(splicing or copper or Fiber or Cable or cabl* or wire or Wire*)

(Draw* or Desig* or Draft* or Draft) and (AutoCad or "Auto Cad" or "Auto-CAD" or

"CAD") and ("AT&T" or "ARES" or "MIC" or "JAM" or "AOTX" or "Project Tracker" or

(Wire or Wire* or Cable or Cabl*) and ("CAT" or "Fiber" or Copper) and (Repai* or
Configu* or upgra* or Insta*)

"OBIEE" and (Weblogic or Tomcat) and ("SOA" or "Service Oriented Architecture") and
Develo* and (SupplyChain or SCM or "Supply Chain") and Requir*

(SOA or "Service Oriented ARchitect" or "Service Oriented Architecture") and

Archite* and ("Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or REST or WSDL or API) and
(Desig* or Develo*)

Require* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interp*) and (OSPF or BGP or EIGRP or "Routing
Protocols" or RIP or MPLS or VPN or "IP Network") and system and Analy* and (BRD or
JAD or "Use Case" or UseCase or HLD)

Requir* and System and ("System Analyst" or "Business ANalylst" or "BSA" or "BA" or
"Requirement Engineer" or "Requirement Analyst") and (OSS or PMOSS or MOSS or BSS
or NMS or Ems or "operation support" or "Business Support" or "Network Analyst")

(Projectmanager or "project Manager" or "PM") and Projec* and (XML or "XML Schema
Definition") and ("Web Service" or WebServic* or SOAP or REST or WSDL or JAX) and
(Repor* or budge* or Milestone or WBS or Schedu* or Risk)

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (PeopleTools or "People tools" or Peoplecodes or

"people codes" or Ptools) and

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "People tools" or "PeopleCode" or

"People code" or ptools or Kronos) and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interpr*)
and (Function* or Analy* or "Business Analyst" or "BA")

PeopleSoft and (PeopleTools or "People Tools" or PeopleCode or "People Code" or

Ptools or Kronos) and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interp*) near ("BA" or
"Business Analyst" or BusinessAnalyst)

("Functional Consultant" or "Functional Analyst" or "Business Analyst" or "System

Analyst") and (PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "People tools" or
Ptools or PeopleCode or "People Code") and Requir*

(Production or "24x7" or "Application Support") and (Cassandra or Coherence or

Hadoop or NoSQL or Postgre or MongoB or "Zoo Keeper" or "Cloud Comupting") and
("Unix Script" or Shell or Kshell or Bshell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (PeopleCode or "People Code" or Peopletools or

"People tools" or Ptools) near (Functional or "Business Analyst" or Analyst)

(SOAP or XML) and (Automation or QTP or "Quick Test Pro" or QuickTest) and (Unix or
Ksh or Bsh or Shell or Kshell or Bshell) and SQL and (Test or Tester) and (Defec*
or Bug)

Instruc* and (WBT or "Web Based" or "CBT" or "Instructor led" or "e-Learning" or

eLearning) and (HTML or Dreamweaver or Flash) and (Training or Learning or Course
or material) and Desig*

"IIS" and (Powershell or "Cmdlets") and ("Windows Server" or WindowsServer) and


("Mobile Developer" or "Android Developer" or "iOS Developer" or "iPhone

Developer") and ("iOS" or Android or OBjectiveC or "Objective-C") and (Desig* or
Develo*) and (Java or "J2EE")
(android or "iOS" or ObjectiveC or "Objective-C") and ("C++" or "C ++" or Threads)
and (Develop* or Desgin*)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Spring or Struts) and (DAO or JDBC) and (WebSphere or
WebServices or SOAP or REST or WSDL or JAX) and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Android or "iOS" or "Mobile Application") and ("C++" or "C ++") and (java or J2EE)
and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Java or "J2EE") and (JSP or Servle* or Bea* or EJB) and (HTML or DHTML or
JavaScript or CSS or XML or XSLT) and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Spring or Hibern*)
and (Oracle or SQL or PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL")

"J2EE" and (WSDL or SOAP or ReST or JAX or "JAX-RS" or "Web Service") and ("C++" or
"C ++" or Threa* or Multithre* or PThre*) and (Desig* or Develo* or Progra*)

(T-SQL or "TSQL" or "transact SQL" or DTS or SQL) and Repor* and Data

(Test or Testing) and ("Load Runner" or "Road Runner" or "quality Center") and
("Load testing" or "Performance Testing" or "Jmeter scripting" or "System Testing")
and (Unix or Solaris) and (Shell or Scripting or Ksh or Bsh or korn or bourne) and
("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" orss "Network

(Backup or Storage) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or "Unix Scrip*")
and SAN and (Insta* or configu* or Upgra*) and (ECC or Orion or Solarwinds or SMC)
and (EMC or HP or Hitachi or Netapp or "IBM storage"))

"SDET" and (java or "J2EE") and (Networking or Alarm or Netcool or SMARTS) and
(QualityCenter or "Quality Center")

(Java or J2EE) and (Test or Testing) and (Weblogic or "Web logic" or WebSphere or
"Web Sphere") and (QualityCenter or "Quality Center") and (Netcool or SMARTS or "HP
OpenView" or "HPOpenView" or "Network Monitoring" or "Network Infrastructure") and
(Rest or SOAP or XML or Restful)

Unix and (Linux or Solaris or HP-UX or SunSolaris or "Red Hat") and System and
(Instal* or configu* or Upgrad*) and ("Performance monitoring" or tuning or Backup
or recovery) and (Nagios or NetApp or Netbackup or CIFTS)

Unix and (Linux or Solaris or HP-UX or SunSolaris or "Red Hat") and System and
(Instal* or configu* or Upgrad*) and ("Performance monitoring" or tuning or Backup
or recovery)

(Java or J2EE) and (Develop* or Desig*) and (Weblogic or "Web Logic) and (SQL or
Oracle) and (Hibernate or Spring)

(Java or J2EE) and (Develop* or Desig*) and (Weblogic or "Web Logic) and (SQL or
Oracle) and (Hibernate or Spring)

Unix and (Linux or Solaris or HPUX or "HP-UX") and (Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad*)
and (backup or Recovery or Performance or Monitoring) and Admin*

(Java or "J2EE") and (Weblogic or "web logic") and (Oracle or SQL) and (Hibernate
or SPRING or Struts) and (CVS or SVN or "Sourcesafe" or "Version Control") and
(JUnit or Automati* or Test*) and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh)

Storage and (Backup or Recovery) and (SAN or NAS or "Storage Area") and (EMC or
Hitachi or Netapp) and (SunSolaris or Linux or Redhat or UNIX or "HP-UX" or "HPUX")
and (Instal* or Config* or Upgrad* or Admin*) and ("Storage Admin" or "Storage
Administrator" or "Storage Administration" or "SYstem Administration")

Architect and Teradata and (BTEQ or Fload or Mload or "Fast Load" or "Multi Load")
and ("Data Modeling" or ERWIN or DataModeling) and Oracle and SQL and
(UnixScripting or "unix Scripting" or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or bourne)

(Excel or "MS Excel" or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup) and (MSAccess or "Microsoft

Access" or SQL) and ("AT&T" or "AT &T" or "AT& T") and (Billing or Invoice or bill
or "PO" or "Purchase Order")

(AVPN or "Frame Relay" or FrameRelay or ATM or AGN or IMA) and Juniper and (BGP or

(Perl or shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and (Apache or Tomcat or Weblogic)
and (Sun or Solaris) and (CVS or SVN or Version) and (Oracle or mySQL or "My SQL")
and Data and (Progra* or Develo*)

(Microstation or "Micro Station") and Civil and (Construction or "C&E" or

Engineering or "Civil Structure") and (Road or Building or Campus or PLant or
Bridge) and (Layout or desig* or Draw or Drawing or Draf*)

Ethernet and ("Network Operations" or "VOIP" or "Voice over IP" or "BVOIP") and
(Test or Testing) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell

(Billing or Telegence) and payment and (Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup or

Macro) and (Reconcile or Check or Correct or Verify) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT
&T" or Cingular or SBC)

(Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or Shell or "unix csripting") and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or
"PL-SQL" or TOAD) and ("QA Tester" or "Test Engineer" or "Qualty Tester" or "QA
Analyst") and (Test or Testing) and ("AT&T" or Amdocs or Ensemble or Enabler or
Telegence or "CSM" or "Amdocs Billing" or "CSI" or "Common Service" or Verizon or

(PeopleSoft or "People Soft") and (Peopletools or "People tools" or "Peoplecode" or

"people code" or "Ptools" or Kronos) and (SQL or SQR or "PL/SQL") and Develo* and
("Integration Broker" or "IB")

Oracle and (RAC or RMAN or Cluster or "Recovery Manager") and (Instal* or Cofigu*
or Upgra*) and ("DBA" or "Database Admin" or "Database Administrator")

(Java or "J2EE") and (SOA or "Web Services" or SOAP or REST or XML) and (JSP or EJB
or Servlets) and (Unix or Linux or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn) and (SQL or Oracle
or Toad) and "C++"

("Load Runner" or "LoadRunner") and "VuGen" and (Load or Performance) and

(Bottlenec* or Load or Stress or "Load Generator") and (Test or Testing)

("iOS" or "i-OS") and ("iOS Developer" or "i-OS Developer" or "Mobile Developer" or

"iPhone Developer")

("24x7" or "Application Analyst" or "production Analyst" or "Production Support" or

"Application Support") and Unix and (Tuxedo or Weblogic or "CSM") and (COBOL or "C+
+" or "C ++") and Unix and (Ksh or Bsh or Shell or Korn or Bourne or "Unix
Oracle and ("PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or SQL) and (Linux or RedHat or "Red
Hat" or "Ubuntu" or RHCL) and (java or Javascript or Coldfusion or "Cold Fusion")
and Developer

(Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or "Unix Scripting") and (SQL or "PL/SQL" or
"Pl-SQL" or PLSQL) and ("C++" or "C ++" or Cobol) and Unix

"OBIEE" and ("OBIEE Consultant" or "OBIEE Architect") and Architec* and ("BI" or
"Business Intelligence" or "EDW" or "OEM" or "Data Warehouse") and integra* and
(Tuning or "Data Recovery" or Backup)

("OBIEE" or "Oracle Business Intelligence") and ("OBIEE Admin" or "OBIEE

Consultant" or "OBIEE Administrator") and ("BI" or "Business Intelligence") and
Dashboar* and Repor* and (Tuning or Instal* or Upgrad* or Monito*)

Storage and ("SAN" or "NAS") and ("EMC" or Hitachi or Netapp or "IBM Storage") and
(Unix or Linux or "HP-UX" or "HPUX") and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Bash or Kourne or
"Unix Scripting")

("Windows 7" or "Windows7") and (Desktop or "Desk top" or Helpdesk or "Help desk"
or Support or "Technical Support") and (Insal* or Remov* or upgrad* or Updat* or

("Windows 7" or "Windows7") and (Desktop or "Desk top" or Helpdesk or "Help desk"
or Support or "Technical Support") and (Insal* or Remov* or upgrad* or Updat* or

Procurement and ("PM" or "Project Manager" or PMP) and (trac* or evalua or

prioriti* or plan* or deliver* or sour*) and (Purchase or Order or MRP or BOM) and
(schedu* or Budge* or Timeline or Resource)

"J2EE" and Spring and Hibernate and JQuery and ("WEb Services" or SOAP or REST or
WSDL or JAX) and Developer

"J2EE" and Spring and (hibernate or Struts) and jquery and ("Web Services" or
"Webservices" or Soap or Rest or WSDL or "JAX") and Developer and ("Green card" or
"GreenCard" or "L2EAD" or Citizen or "GC Holder" or "GCEAD" or "GC-EAD")

(Java or "J2EE") and Hibernate and Spring and (Struts or Jquery) and (Tomcat or
Apache) and ("Web Services" or "WebServices" or SOAP or REST or WSDL or JAXR) and
(Citizen or "Permanent Resident" or GreenCard or "Green Card" or "GC Holder" or
"GC-EAD" or "GCEAD" or "US Citizen")

(Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and Financ* and Analy* and (SQL or Oracle)
and ("GL" or "General Ledger" or "AR" or "Account Receivable" or "Account Payable")
and (Billing or "TLG" or Telegence or ENabler or Ensemble)

("Application Packager" or "Application Packaging") and "SCCM" and ("MSI" or "EXE"

or ".msi" or ".exe") and (AdminStudio or "Admin Studio" or "install shield" or

("Application Packager" or "Application Packaging" or "Software Packager" or

"Software Packaging") and ("SCCM" or "System Center Configuration Manager") and
("MSI" or "MSIs" or "EXE" or ".msi" or ".exe") and (AdminStudio or "Admin Studio"
or "install shield" or InstallShield)

"Oracle DBA" and (RAC or "Cluster") and ("RMAN" or "Recovery Manager") and (Unix or
Shell or Linux) and (backup or Recovery) and ("10G" or "11G")
Oracle and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL\SQL") and (Triggers or "Stored
Procedure") and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or Bshell or Korn) and Unix

Applicat* and analy* and ("SQL server" or "SQLServer" or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL" or
MSSQL) and (HTML or CSS) and "IIS"

("PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL\SQL" or "PL-SQL") and ("Oracle Developer" or "PL/SQL

Developer" or "PLSQL Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer") and (Unix or Linux or Shell
or Ksh or Bsh or Korn)

("FIS" or Savana or "eVue" or Lexis or Nexis or "iVu" or "PPPC" or "ECCO" or

banking) and (Saving or Loan or insurance or regulations) and Customer and (Call or
"OnCall" or "On Call" or Inbound or Outbound)

("FIS" or Savana or "eVue" or Lexis or Nexis or "iVu" or "PPPC" or "ECCO" or

banking) and (Saving or Loan or insurance or regulations) and Customer and (Call or
"OnCall" or "On Call" or Inbound or Outbound)

("FIS" or Savana or "eVue" or Lexis or Nexis or "iVu" or "PPPC" or "ECCO" or

banking) and (Saving or Loan or insurance or regulations) and Customer and (Call or
"OnCall" or "On Call" or Inbound or Outbound)

Java and ("C++" or "C ++") and (Unix or Shell or ksh or Bsh or Korn or bash or
Bourne) and (Developer or Programmer)

Perl and "CGI" and (shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or "unix script") and
(Oracle or SQL or MYSQL) and (Develo* or Progra*) and (Sun or Solaris)

("CSR" or "Customer Support" or "Customer Service") and (CallCenter or "Call

Center" or Call or Inbound or Outbound or "In-bound" or "Out-bound") and (Bank or
banking or Insurance "Wells" or "JPMC" or "AMEX" or "American Express")

("Set Top Box" or "Set-top" or "settop" or "STB" or "SET Top BOXES" or "IPTV" or
"residential gateway") and Quality and (Test or Testing) and ("QA" or "Quality
Assurance" or "QA ANalyst" or "QA Tester" or "Hardware Tester" or "Network Tester")

("Set Top Box" or "SetTop" or "STB" or "Set-Top" or "IPTV" or "Residential

Gateway") and Quality and (Test or Testing) and (Certifica* or Assuran* or
Verficat*) and (Mediaroom or Verizon or TiVo or Lightspeed or Uverse or "AT&T")

Mainframe and CICS and COBOL and (Develo* or Program*)

"Release manager" and (Buil* or Releas*) and Configur* and ("Golive" or "Go live"
or "Go-Live")

"GAAP" and Accoun* and Reconcil* and "CPA" and ("General Ledger" or "GL")

(SQL or "PL/SQL" or TOAD) and (Test or Testing) and (Backend or "ServerSide" or

"Back-end") and (unix or Shell or ksh or bsh or Korn or Bourne) and (Amdocs or
Ensemble or Enabler or Telegence or "TLG" or Cingular or "AT&T")

("SQLServer" or "SQL Server" or "MSSQL" or "MS SQL" or SQL) and (SSIS or SSRS or
SSAS or DTS or "Data Cubes") and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec* or Interpr*) and
("BA" or "Business Analyst" or "System Analyst" or "BSA" or "Business System

Retail and Store and (Sales or Sells or "retail sales" or Selling) and Customer and
(Apple or Dell or Samsung or "AT&T" or Verizon or Intel or "Microsoft Store" or
Tmobile or Electronics)

Retail and Store and (Sales or Sells or "retail sales" or Selling) and Customer and
(Apple or Dell or Samsung or "AT&T" or Verizon or Intel or "Microsoft Store" or
Tmobile or "T-Mobile" or Lenovo or Motorolla or Compaq or "Hewlett Packard" or
"IBM" or "HP" or Sony or Sprint or Panasonic or MAcMall)

"Retail Store" and (Sales or Sells) and ("Microsoft Store" or Dell or Compaq or
Lenovo or Sony or Verizon or "AT&T" or "Hewlett Packard")

Retail and Store and (Sales or Sells or Selling) and (Representative or Executive
or Associate) and (Apple or Dell or Samsung or "AT&T" or Verizon or Intel or
"Microsoft Store" or Tmobile or "T-Mobile" or Lenovo or Motorolla or Compaq or
"Hewlett Packard" or "IBM" or "HP" or Lenovo or Sony or Sprint or Panasonic or

(Store or Mall or "Shopping Center" or "Shopping Square" or "Pentagon City" or

"Retail Store" or "Fashion Center") and (Sales or Sells or Selling or Promotion or
Branding) and (Representative or Executive or Associate or Support) and ("AT&T" or
Verizon or "Microsoft Store" or Sony or "Hewlett Packard" or RadioShack or "Radio

Retail and (Store or Instore or "In-Store" or "Shopping Center" or Mall or "Tysons

Corner") and (Sales or Sells or Selling) and (Associate or Executive or Assistant
or Consultant) and (Brookstone or "Macy" or "BOSE" or Apple or "AT&T" or Sony or
Portables or Sprint or "Tmobile" or Verizon or JCPenny or Target or "Home Depot" or

Retail and (Sale or Sells or Selling) and (Mall or Center or or Store) and (Xbox or
Gam*) and (Executive or Support or Associate or Representative)

("Web Servic*" or WebServic* or "SOAP" or "SOAP-UI" or "REST") and (Performance or

Load or Automation) and ("Online transac*" or "Money Transfe*" or "Online Banking"
or "Payment Gateway" or "Online Banker" or "UOB" or "UMB") and (Bank or Banking)

Kronos and ("WorkForce" or "Work Force" or "WTK" or "WFC" or "WFSO" or "WIM") and
(Admin or Admin* or Instal* or Configu* or Upgra*) and SQL

Netezza and ("ETL" or "DataWarehouse" or "Data Warehouse") and (SQL or "NZSQL") and
(NZload or Aginity or Twinfin or "Twin Fin" or Mustang)

(".net" or "C#" or "CShar" or "ASP.Net") and (SQL or SQLServer or "MS-SQL" or

MSSQL) and (WPF or WCF or MVC) and (Desig* or Devel*)

(".net" or "C#" or "CShar" or "ASP.Net") and (SQL or SQLServer or "MS-SQL" or

MSSQL) and (WPF or WCF or MVC or "Visual Studio") and (Desig* or Devel*)

(Biztalk or "Biz Talk") and Adapt* and (".net framework" or "Asp.Net" or "C#.Net")
and (XML or XSD or XSLT)

"Data Architect" and ("Big Data" or BigData or NoSQL or "SOA") and Data and
archite* and ("BI" or "Business Intelligence" or "Data Warehouse" or

("Health Informatics" or "HL7" or "HL-7" or "HL 7" or "Health Level 7" or "EDI" or
"X12") and ("Health Care" or HealthCare or Medicare or Medicaid) and (Test or
Testing) and ("QTP" or "Quick Test Pro" or "Quick Test Professional" or
Testdirector or "Test Director" or LoadRunner or "Load Runner" or Automation) and
(Transaction or Integration or Exchange or "inter-operability" or Interoperability)
("Symantec NetBackup" or NetBackup or "Net Backup" or "Net-backup") and (Oracle or
RMAN or "Recovery Manager") and (Backup or Recovery) and System

Netbackup and ("Netbackup Consultant" or "Netbackup ENgineer" or "Netbackup Admin"

or "Netbackup Administrator") and (Backup or Recovery) and (Oracle or Storage or

(MSExcel or Excel or Pivot or Vlookup or "V-lookup" or "V Lookup" or "Hlookup" or

Macro) and Data and Analy* and SQL and ("MS Access" or "Microsoft Access") and
(Repor* or Adhoc or "Ad-Hoc") and Asset

(Java or J2EE) and Archite* and ("Web Services" or WebServices or SOAP or REST or
WSDL or JAXR) and (Hibernae or EJB) and Desig*

"J2EE" and (Desig* or devel*) and Applica* and (Hibernate or Spring) and (Oracle or

(Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring) and (Oracle or SQL) and (AJAX or CSS or
HTML or XML) and (Desig* or Devel*)

Rconcil* and (Pivot or Vlookup or "V-lookup" or Hlookup or "H-lookup" or Macro or

VBA) and (Property Tax

("QTP" or "Quick Test Pro" or QuickTest) and ("Quality Center" or QualityCenter or

"Test Director" or TestDirector or "Load Runner" or LoadRunner) and Automa* and

Storage and "IBM" and (XIV or SCV) and (SAN or NAS or "NetApp" or Clariion or
PowerSeries or zSeries)

"IBM" and ("storage line" or "XIV" or "SCV" or "DS") and (Storage or "SAN" or
"NAS") and ("iSCSI" or "MDS" or "NFS") and (Netapp or EMC or "Hitachi" or "NFS" or
"MDS" or "iSCI")

"IBM" and ("storage line" or "XIV" or "SCV" or "DS") and (Storage or "SAN" or
"NAS") and ("iSCSI" or ") and (Netapp or EMC or "Hitachi" or "NFS" or "MDS" or
"iSCI") and ("Storage Admin" or "Storage Consultant" or "Storage Architect" or
"Storage Administrator")

(Legal or contra*) and (Documen* or Repor* or vouche* or workshe* or workflo*) and

(Excel or pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup or "H-lookup" or "V-lookup") and (Administr*
or Executi*)

PHP and ("HTML" or "HTML5" or "HTML4") and (Javascript or JSP or "Java Script") and
(SQL or Oracle or MYSQL or "My-SQL") and (LAMP or Linux or Apache) and (Develo* or

("ETTCS" or "Ethernet TO cellSite" or "Cell Site" or Cellsite or "wireless site" or

"RAN") and ("TRACE" or Netmart or "ACMS" or Granite) and (Excel or MSExcel or "MS
Excel" or Pivot or Macro or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-Lookup") and ("work plans" or
estima* or repor* or trac* or Schedu*)

("ASP.NET" or "C#.NET" or "CSharp" or ".NET") and ("WPF" or "WCF" or "MVC") and

Archite* and ("SOA" or "Service Oriented")

".Net" and ("" or "" or Csharp) and (WCF or WPF or MVC) and (Architect
or "SOA")
("SQL Server" or "SQLSErver" or "MSSQL" or "MS SQL") and ("Performance Tuning" or
Optimization) and (Admin or Admin* or Instal* or Configur*) and (Lead or "DBA LEAD"
or "Lead DBA" or "Lead Admin")

(IDS or IPS or "Intrusion Detection" or "Intrusion prevention" or Firewall or

checkpoint or "ASA") and Suppor* and (Documen* or Manua* or Procedu* or Proces*)
and (Produc* or "24X7") and (Unix or Linux or Shell or ksh or bsh or Korn) and
("ITIL" or Infrastructure)

(Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup) and Analy* and Tax and ("Ad-hoc"
or Repor* or Adhoc) and Financ* and (Recon* or Compil*)

"System Engineer" and (VOIP or "Voice over IP" or IMS) and Requir* and (Gathe* or
Collec*) and ("AT&T" or "Telcordia" or Lucent or SBC or "BELL SOUTH" or Cingular)
and System

(Openstack or "Open stack" or BigData or "Big Data" or Cloud) and (ESX or Vmware or
"Vm-Ware") and syste* and Archi* and (OSS or BSS or "Operations Support" or
"Business Support" or DNS

(HIPPA or "HealthCare" or "Health Care" or "Health-Care") and (Audit or Auditor)

and Complian* and "SOX"

(Excel or "MS Excel" or "MSExcel" or "Microsoft Excel" or "MS-Excel") and (Vlookup

or Hlookup or Macro or Pivot or "V-Lookup" or "H-Lookup") and Data and ("LTE" or
"3G" or "4G" or UMTS or "New Site" or NSB or Cellular or "Cell Site") and
(Construc* or Deploy* or Impleme* or Buil*)

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "ProjectManager" or "PMO") and (Infrastructure or

Hardwar* or Serve*) and (Unix or linux or Solaris or Shell) and ("AT&T" or Cingular
or "SBC" or "Bell South" or "Amdocs" or "Telegence" or "TLG" or Enabler)

("Red Prairie" or "RedPrairie") and "MOCA" and (Unix or shell or Ksh or Bsh or
Kshell or Bshell) and devel*

(Java or "J2EE") and ("JavaScript" or "Java Script" or JSP or Jquery) and

(Hibernate or Servle* or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (Oracle or SQL or
"PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL") and (Unix or Linux or Shell or Ksh or Korn or
bourne or Bsh or Kshell or Bshell) and (MVC or HTML or "JS" or "CSS" or "XML" or
"Ajax") and Develo* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or Verizon or
Tmobile or "T-Mobile" or Telecommunication)

("IMS" or "VoIP" or "Voice over IP" or "VoLTE" or "Voice over LTE") and Architect
and (Mobility or "4G" or "3G" or "IP Backbone" or "WiFi" or "IP Networking") and
("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or BellSouth or Telcordia)

(Jenkins or Hudson) and (Buil* or Releas*) and ("SCM" or Configu*) and ("Weblogic"
or "web-Logic" or "Web Logic") and Maven

("Windows Mobile" or "Windows Phone" or WindowsMobile or WindowsPhone) and (Android

or "iOS" or "i-OS" or "iPhone" or "i-Phone") and Develo*

System and Requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and Anal* and ("NMS" or "Network
Management" or "EMS" or "Element Management" or "OSS" or "BSS" or "Network
Monitoring") and (Enginee* or Archite*) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or "AT &T" or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or BellSouth or Verizon or Telcordia or Lucent) and
("IP Networking" or "DNS" or "DHCP" or Radius)
("Data Mining" or "Data Processing" or "Data Set" or "Data Volumes" or "Data
Analy*") and (Jav or "J2EE") and (Spring or Hibernate) and (OLAP or "Reporting" or
"Data Warehouse" or "ETL")

("socialmedia" or "Social Media") and (Promoti* or Bran* or Marke*) and ("SEM" or

"SEO" or "Search Engine" or "Online Marketing" or Analytics)

Worked with User Interface Analyst to build the prototype using iRise and verified
the prototype using iRise Reader
* Skilled in the use of iRise or equivalent project management tools

* Implement and manage project changes and interventions to achieve

project outputs

* Used iRise prototyping and techniqes which helped in minimizing

ambiguous requirements and producing clear, concise requirments which
led to accurate estimation and reuced the development and turnaround

* Process visualization for new development using iRise

Oracle and Data and Analys* and (entry or "data sets" or editing or Edit or
creation) and ("AT&T" or "AT& T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell SOuth" or Verizon or
"Cox") and ("Supply Chain" or Logis* or Invento* or SupplyChain or "EBS")

Oracle and (EBS or "Enterprise Business" or "R12") and (Mining or "Clean up" or
Analy* or updat*)

Oracle and ("EBS or "EBusiness" or "EBiz" or "e-business" or "R12") and Data and
Anal* and (logist* or Invento* or "Supply chain" or "SCM" or SupplyChai*)

Oracle and ("EBS" or "EBusiness" or "E-Business" or "Ebiz" or "e-Biz" or "R12" or

"R-12") and Data and Analy* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or "SBC" or "Bell" or "Cox" or
Verizon or "TMobile" or "T-Mobile")

(Cable or Fiber) and (splicing or Construction) and (Trac* or monito* or updat*)

and (review or Inspec* or Audi* or Visi* or Surve*)

("PM" or "Project Manager" or ProjectManager) and "Agile" and "Rally" and (Repor*
or Budge* or Risk or Issue*) and (schedu* or estimat* or Milesto* or "WBS" or

("Project Manager" or "PM" or ProjectManager or "IT Manager" or "Program Manager"

or "PMP") and (Agile or Scrum) and "Rally" and ("Software Development" or "SDLC")
and (Repor* or Budge* or Risk or Issu* or Resour*)

("BPM" or "business process modeler") and Archite* and proces* and ("work flow" or
"WorkFlow" or "Process Flow" or ProcessFlow or Procedu*) and Requir* and (Agile or
scrum) and ("Technical Architect" or "Solutions Architect" or "Software Architect"
or Architect)

(Fiber or Cable) and (Survey or Review or Inspec* or Visit) and (Site or Sites) and
(Desig* or Drawing or Autocad or "CAD") and ("OSP" or "Outside PLant" or "Out Side
"Billing" and (Revenue or tariff or Plan or Contract) and ("AT&T" or Cingular or
"SBC" or "Bell South")

(Java or "j2EE") and (Oracle or SQL or "PL/SQL") and Data and (Mining or Analy*)
and (Html or CSS or XML) and ("Master of" or "MS in" or "Master in" or "MS Degree"
or "Master Degree")

(bill or Billing) and (Invoic* or "PO" or "Purchase order" or Order) and

(reconciliation or audi* or Revie*) and (Excel or "MS Excel" or MSExcel) and (Pivot
or Vlookup or "V-lookup" or Hlookup or "VBA")

(Bill or billing) and ("AT&T" or "Bell South" or BellSouth or Cingular or "SBC" or

"Bell South") and ("CRIS" or "ACIS" or "BOCRIS" or "CABS" or "CRIS" or "BOSS" or

Invento* and (Stoc* or Logis* or Mater*) and Control and Analy* and Repor* and
("Chipset" or Chip or Electro* or Qualcomm or Intel or Dell) and (SupplyChain or
"Supply Chain" or "SCM" or "APICS")

Requir* and Agile and Scrum and ("JIRA" or "Rally") and Process and (Excel or
MSExcel or "MS Excel") and Analy* and ("CSM" or "Certified Scrum")

("java" or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and ("MS in Computer" or "MS in Information"
or "Masters of" or "Masters in") and Data and ("HTML" or "XML" or "DHTML" or "CSS"
or "Ajax")

(Onsite or Premise or Field) and (Agent or Techni*) and (Suppo* or Ticke* or

Escal*) and (Repai* or troublesh*)

("BigData" or "Big Data" or "Hadoop" or "NoSQL" or "No-SQL") and ("HDFS" or

"MapReduce" or "Hive" or "HCatalog" or "HBase" or "ZooKeeper" or "Oozie" or "Pig"
or Sqoop or "Avro") and (Develo* or Progra* or Desig*) and "j2EE" and (Oracle or
"SQL") and ("Junit" or "Test")

(Java or "J2EE") and ("Bigdata" or "Big Data" or Hadoop) and (NOSQL or "NO-SQL" or
Hive or Hbase or Pig or Sqoop or Cassandra) and (Junit or Test) and (Oracle or SQL)

"Oracle developer" and ("PL/SQL" or "PLSQL" or "PL-SQL") and ("Stored Procedure" or

Triggers or "StoredProcedures" or Functions or Packag*) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or
Korn or Bourne) and Unix

("BusinessObjects" or "Business Objects" or "Business-Objects") and ("XI" or "BOXI"

or "BOBJ" or "Webi") and ("Healthcare Insurance" or Medicare or "Medi claim" or
"Blue Cross" or "BCBS" or HIPAA or HIPPA or "BCBSNC" or Facets or "Claim
Processing") and Repor*

(SQLSErver or "SQL Server" or "MS SQL" or "MSSQL") and ("DTS Package" or "DTS" or
SSIS or cube*) and analys* and (SQL or "TSQL" or "T-SQL")

("Master in" or "MS Degree" or "Masters in" or "MS in" or "Masters degree") and
(Java or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and (Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or
"Unix Script") and (Servlets or Struts or Spring or Hibernate) and (HTML or CSS or
AJAX or "JavaScript" or "Java Script" or "XML" or "MVC")

Financ* and (Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-lookup" or

macro) and Analy* and Repor* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or
(troubl* or Instal* or repai* or upgrad*) and (Suppor* or Techni* or Tier) and
("DSL" or "BroadBand" or "Broad Band" or Internet or "wi-fi" or "WiFi") and (Call
or Oncall or "On-call" or "inbound" or "Outbound" or "In-bound" or "Out-bound")

(Servlets or Struts or Spring) and (Java or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL or "PLSQL")
and (MVC or HTML or CSS or XML or Ajax or "Java Script" or "JavaScript") and
("Masters in" or "Masters of" or "MS in" or "MS of")

("Data Center" or DataCenter) and (Infrastructure or "ITIL") and (Monitoring or

Integra* or Optimiz*) Days Back: 90 Location: US-48341,, Within 50 miles

("Big Data" or "Bigdata") and ("NoSQL" or "No-SQL" or Cassandra or Hive or Hbase or

MongoDB or Hadoop) and (Java or "J2EE") and Develo* and SQL

("Change Management" or "ChangeManagement") and (Inciden* or Proble* or Issu*) and

(Chang* or Releas*) and Infrastr* and "ITIL" and (ServiceNow or "service Now" or

Recruiter and (Sourc* or Searc* or Submi* or Qualif*) and (Hire or hiring or

Interview or Prep*) and (Jobboar* or "Job boards" or "Job portal" or Careerbuil* or
Monster or Dice)

(Write or edi* or Copywrite) and (material or manua* or briefs or proposa*) and


(SQL or "PLSQL" or "PL/SQL") and "J2EE" and (Servlets or Struts or Spring) and
(HTML or JavaScript or CSS or XML or Ajax)

"DOJO" and "Struts" and ("Restful" or "Rest ful" or "Rest-ful" or "WSDL" or "SOAP")
and ("J2EE" or Java) and (JavaScript or "Java Script" or "java-Script" or "JSP" or

("SCCM" or "System Center Configuration Manager ") and ("Application Packaging" or

"MSI" or InstallShield or "Install Shield") and (Admin* or Troubl* or Upgrad*) and
(MCSE or MCSA or "MCITP" or Certif*)

"Data Scientist" and (Hadoop or "BigData" or "Big Data" or Hive or Hbase or

"MongoDB" or "PIg") and (Analy* or Stat*)

("Data Scientist" or DataScientist) and ("Hadoop" or "BigData" or "Big Data" or

Hive or Hbase or "MongoDB" or "Pig") and ("SAS" or "SPSS" Or "R Programming" or "R
Plus" or "S plus" or "R Language")

Data and Analy* and (Excel or Pivot or Vlookup or Hlookup or "V-lookup" or "H-
Lookup") and ("MSAccess" or "MS Access" or "MSProject" or "MS Project" or
Deliverab* or Mileston*)

(SystemEngineer or "System Engineer" or "system Analyst" or "Technical Staff") and

Requir* and ("AT&T" or Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or Bellsouth or Verizon or
Telcordia or Lucent

"Grails" and "Groovy" and Develop* and ("HTML" or "CSS" or "JavaScript" or "jQuery"
or "JSON" or "AJAX") and Develo* and (Spring or Hibernate or Struts)

"Recruiter" and ("Linkedin" or "Linked in" or "Social Media" or "SocialMedia") and

("Jobboard" or "ATS" or "CATS" or "Applicant Tracking" or "Job Portal" or "JOb
Site") and (Sourc* or Searc* or Submi* or Intervie* or deliver*)

(troubl* or Instal* or repai* or upgrad*) and (Suppor* or Techni* or Tier) and

("DSL" or "BroadBand" or "Broad Band" or Internet or "wi-fi" or "WiFi") and (Call
or Oncall or "On-call" or "inbound" or "Outbound" or "In-bound" or "Out-bound")

("Project Manager" or ProjectManager or "PM") and Project and ("Internet Service"

or "InternetServi* or BroadBand or "Broad Band" or "DSL") and (Trac* or Schedu* or
Milest* or "WBS" or "work Breakdown") and ("AT&T" or Verizon or "TMobile" or "T-
Mobile" or Sprint)

"Agile" and Project and "Rally" and (Schedu* or Trac* or Budge* or Repor*) and
("WBS" or Milestone or "Mile-stone")

("Adobe CQ" or "AdobeCQ" or "CQ" or CQ*) and (Edit* or Publis* or Copywri* or "Copy
proofing" or "Copyproofing" or "Copy writing" or "Copywriting" or "Copyediting" or
"Copy editing")

("Project Manager" or "PM" or "projectManager") and ("Bigdata" or "Big Data" or

"Big-Data" or NoSQL or "No-SQL") and (Implementation or Track* or Schedu*) and
(Milestone or "WBS" or "Work Breakdown" or Deliver* or "Project charter") and

("Content management" or "ContentManagement" or "CMS" or "Web Content" or "Content

Manager") and ("Interwoven" or "Teamsite" or "Adobe CQ" or "AdobeCQ" or "CQ" or

(Hive or Hbase or Pig or Sqooop or Zookeeper or Flume) and (NOSQL or Cassendra or

Cassandra or MongoDB or Cloudera or Vertica or Greenplumor or Hortonworks) and
(Java or "J2EE")

"Cloud" and ("OpenStack" or "Open Stack") and ("Nova" or "Neutron" or "Glance" or

"Cinder" or "Keystone" or "Heat' or "Trove")

(angular or Backbone or "Backbone.js" or Thorax or "Thorax.js" or "Angular.js" or

"D3.js" or "dc.js") and (JavaScript or "Java Script") and (Desig* or Develo*) and

("HTML" or "CSS" or "AJAX" or "Front End" or "UI Developer" or "User Interface")

and (JavaScrip* or "Java Scripts") and (angular or Backbone or "Backbone.js" or
Thorax or "Thorax.js" or "Angular.js" or "D3.js" or "dc.js" or "Ext.js")

("Oracle Developer" or "PL/SQL Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer" or "PLSQL

Developer") and (Trigge* or "Stored Procedure" or Functi* or Packag*) and Devel*

("Java" or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring or "EJB" or "Struts") and (Oracle or

SQL or "PL/SQL" or "PLSQL") and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or

("HTML5" or "HTML" or "XHTML") and ("CSS3" or "CSS") and (JavaScript or "Java

Script" or "Angular" or "NodeJS" or "Backbone" or "ExtJS") and (Desig* or Develo*)

"data Analyst" Excel SQL Sharepoint

("Data Analyst" or "Financial Analyst") and (Excel or MSExcel or Pivot or Vlookup

or Hlookup or Macro) and Data and "SQL"

("Network support" or "Network Center" or "NOC" or "Data Center" or "Technical

Support" or "Tier" or "Labs") and (Router or Switches or Server or "Hub") and
(Resol* or Issu* or Escala* or Proble*) and (Telecom or Network or "wifi" or "Wi-
Civil and ("AutoCad" or "Auto CAD" or "CAD") and (Draf* or Draw or Draw*) and (ARES
or JAM or Fieldview or "Project Tracker" or "LFACS" or "SHOTS" or "APEX")

("CMS" or "Content Management") and ("WordPress" or "Word Press" or "Drupal" or

"Joomla" or "ExpressionEngine" or TextPattern or "Cushy CMS" or "Alfresco" or
"TYPOlight" or "teamsite" or Interwoven or "CQ" or "Adobe CQ")

(".Net" or "C#" or "VB.Net") and ("HTML" or "CSS" or "JavaScript") and ("WPF" or

"WCF") and (Desig* or Devel*) and ("Visual Studio" or VisualStudio or "VS")

("Oracle Developer" or "PL/SQL Developer" or "PL\SQL Developer" or "PL-SQL

Developer" or "PLSQL Developer") and Oracle and ("PLSQL" or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL")
and "SQL" and ("Stored Procedure" or "StoredProcedure" or Trigger) and Devel*

("SEO" or "Search Engine") and Marke* and (Bran* or Promo*) and Relati* and
("Social Media" or "SocialMedia")

("Python Engineer" or "Python Developer" or "Python Consultant" or "Python

Programer") and "Python" and (Scrip* or Perl or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Kshell or
Bshell or Korn or Bourne or Unix) and Develo*

("Java" or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and (JavaScript or JQuery) and ("HTML5" or
HTML or XML or XSL) and ("C#" or "CSharp" or ".net" or "ASP.Net") and ("iOS" or
Android or COCOA or "ObjectiveC" or "Objective-C" or "i-Phone") and Develo*

("Java" or "J2EE") and ("JSP" or "JavaScript" or "Java Script" or "JSON" or

"Jquery") and ("HTML" or "XML" or "CSS" or "AJAX") and (Develo* or Desig*)

("eCAM" or "eTemp" or "Fieldglass" or "Field glass" or "AT&T") and ("Staffing

Manager" or "Staffing Coordinator" or "VMS Manager" or "Vendor Liason" or "VMO
Coordinator" or "VMO Manager" or "VMS Coordinator")

(Java or "J2EE") and "Spring" and ("Hibernate" or "ORM") and ("JavaScript" or "Java
Script" or "EXT.JS" or "Ext" or "Ext JS") and (Develo* or Desig*)

("User Experience" or "UX") and ("User Interface" or "UK") and ("Wireframe" or

"iRise" or "Wireframe" or "Process fow" or "Work Flow" or Procesflow)

("Linux Admin" or "Linux Administrator") and (Instal* or Configu* or Upgrad* or

Admin*) and (Troubl* or diagno* or

("human resour*" or "HR") and (polic* or Procedur* or guidel*) and (data or Recor*
or Repor*) and (Supplier or Staffing or Fieldglass or VMS or "Vendor Management")

("human resour*" or "HR") and (polic* or Procedur* or guidel*) and (data or Recor*
or Repor*) and (Supplier or Staffing) and (Fieldglass or "VMS" or "VMO" or "Vendor

("HR Manager" or "Human Resource Manager" or "HR Coordinator" or "Human Resource

Coordinator") and ("Staffing" or "Supplier" or "VMS" or Vendor) and (Polic* or
Procedu* or guideli* or Process)

("C#" or "Csharp" or "" or ".Net") and (MSSQL or "MS SQL" or "SQL Server" or
SQLServer) and (desig* or develo*)

("SCCM Admin" or "SCCM Administrator" or "SCCM Engineer") and ("SCCM" or "Systems

Centre Configuration Manager") and (SQL or PowerShell or "Power Shell" or scrip*)

("SCCM Admin" or "SCCM Administrator" or "SCCM Engineer") and ("SCCM" or "Systems

Centre Configuration Manager") and (SQL or PowerShell or "Power Shell" or scrip*)

("PL/SQL" or "PLSQL" or "PL-SQL") and SQL and ("Stored Procedure" or "Triggers" or

"Complex Queries") and Develo* and Java and "XML"

(offboarding or Onboarding or "Off-boarding" or "On-boarding" or "New Hire" or

"Hire") and ("HR Manager" or "Human Resource Manager" or "HR Coordinator" or "Human
Resource Coordinator") and (Polic* or Procedu* or guideli* or Process)

(Proces* or Polic*) and (Contrac* or legal or contractual or agreemen*) and

("Customer Service" or "Customer Support" or CustomerServic* or CustomerSuppor*)

("Project Manager" or "ProjectManager" or "Operation Manager") and Repor* and

Operati* and (Proces* or Procedu*) and "Cisco"

("iOS" or "i-OS" or Android) and ("Objective-C" or "ObjectiveC" or "COCOA" or

"Xcode") and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Test or Turnup) and (Provision or Provisioning or Provisioner) and ("T1" or "T3"

or "DS0" or "DS3" or Circu* or Ethernet) and (Suppor* or techni* or Tier or
Engine*) and Verizon

("T1" or "T3" or "DS0" or "DS1" or "DS3" or "OC1" or "OCX" or "OC3" or Circui*) and
(Provis* or Ordering) and (Test or Turn-up or Turnup or Instal* or configu* or

Provisio* and (Test or "Testing" or Turnup or "Turn-up" or Config* or Upgrad* or

Insta*) and ("T1" or "T3" or "DS1" or "DS3" or "DS0" or Circui*) and AT&T

("QA" or "QUality Assurance" or "Quality Analyst" or Tester or "Test Engineer" or

"QA Analyst") and (Restful or "Rest ful" or SOAP or "Web Servic*" or WebServic* or
WSDL) and (Debug* or Log* or Trac* or Defec*) and (Regres* or "UAT" or Stress or
Integration or Unit)

("SQL Server" or "SQLServer" or "MSSQL" or " MS SQL") and ("T-SQL" or "DTS" or

"Data Cubes" or Package) and ("SSIS" or "SSRS" or "Integration Servic*" or
"Reporting Servic*") and Develo*

("Java" or "J2EE") and ("WebSphere" or "Web Sphere" or "MQ Series") and (Oracle or
SQL or "PL/SQL") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (Hibernate or Spring or "EJB" or "Java
Beans" or "Struts")

"Automation" and ("QTP" or "Quick Test" or "QuickTest" or "LoadRunner" or "Load

Runner") and (Scrip* or "VB Script" or "VBScript" or "PowerShell") and "Python"

("Program Manager" or ProgramManager) and "Cisco" and (Deliverables or milestone or

Repor* or Condfli*)

("HR" or "Humen Resource") and ("New hire" or "Onboarding" or "new staff" or

"Employee") and (Recor* or docum* or Repor*)

(Omniture or SiteCatalyst or WebTrends or CoreMetrics or WebSideStory) and ("Google

Analytics" or "Web Analytics" or "Site Analytics" or "GoogleAnalytics" or "Online
Analytics" or Analytics) and ("A/B" or Doubleclick or DART or PPC or "Pay Per
Click" or "Web Traffic" or "site traffic")

("FAQ" or "Blog" or Blog* or foru*) and ("Ecommerce site" or "Ecommerce portal" or

"Ecommerce website") and (Purchas* or buy or Payment or "Online Shopping") and
(Issu* or Concern or Problem or Escalation)

"GAAP" and ("CPA" or "Certified Public Accountant") and ("MS Access" or "MSAccess"
or "Microsoft Access") and accoun*

("Oracle" or "MySQL") and SQL and (Administrator or Admin) and (RAC or RMAN or
"performance Tuning" or "Application Cluster" or "Recovery Manager") and (Inst* or
Config* or Upgra* or Tun*) and (Linux or Unix)

(Java or "J2EE") and (Swing or SWT or JFace) and Maven and "XML" and ("Web
Services" or "WebServices" or "JAX" or "JAXB" or "JAXWS" or "JAX-WS")

Automation and ("QA Analyst" or "Automation Tester" or "Automation Engineer") and

("QTP" or "Quick Test" or "QuickTest Pro" or "Load Runner" or "LoadRunner") and
("VB Script" or "VBScript" or Scrip*)

("Database Architect" or "Data Architect" or "ETL Developer") and (Teradata or BTEQ

or Fload or Mload or Fastload or Multiload) and (Erwin or "Data Modeling") and
(Oracle or SQLServer or SQL)

("Quality Analyst" or "QA Analyst") and (QualityCenter or "Quality Center" or "QTP"

or "Quick Test" or "Test Director") and (Defec* or Triag* or Bug*)

(procurement or Procur*) and ("Project Manager" or "ProjectManager" or "PM" or

Manager) and ("Lean" or "SixSigma" or "Six-Sigma" or "ISO" or "BPM")

(Lean or "Six-Sigma" or "Six Sigma" or "ISO" or "BPM") and Proces* and (procurement
or Procur*) and "IT" and ("Business Manager" or "Project Manager" or "PM" or
"Program Manager" or Mnaager)

(Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne or Python or Perl) and (Linux or Unix) and
("C++" or " C++") and (Develo* or Program*)

"AT&T" and ("New Sales" or "Sales") and Account and (rate or "Erate" or "E-rate")

AT&T and Sales and (Account or Client) and (Planning or Forecasting or Trending)

("J2EE" or Java) and Spring and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and
(SOAP or Rest or Webservices or WSDL) and (JavaScript or "Java Script" or Angular)

(NoSQL or Cassandra or "Mongo DB") and (Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring)
and (JAX or "JAX-RS" or Jersey or RESTful)

("NoSQL" or Cassandra or "Mongo DB") and (Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring)
and (JAX or "JAX-RS" or Jersey or RESTful)

(HR or "Humen Resource") and (Complianc* or Procedur* or Polic*) and Proces* and
Operati* and ("HR manager" or "Humen Resource Manager" or "Manager" or "Project
Manager" or Process Manager) and (SharePoint or "share point")

(HR or "Humen Resource") and (interviewing or Hire or Onboard or "on-board") and

proces* and (Complianc* or Practic* or Procedu*) and (Map or Mapping)

("HTML" or "HTML5") and ("CSS" or "CSS3") and ("Backbone.js" or JavaScript or "java

Script" or "Backbone" or JQuery or "AngularJS" or "Angular.JS") and (JSON or XML)
and (Desig* or Develo*) and ("UI" or "GUI" or "User Interface" or "Front End" or

(".Net" or "ASP.NET" or "C#.NET") and ("WPF" or "WCF" or MVC) and (Desig* or

Develo*) and (HTML or CSS or XML)

(Lauterbach or "ARM tool" or "Network sniffers" or Wireshark or Sniffer or "Network

Monitoring") and ("WLAN" or "LTE Anritsu" or "Bluetooth") and (Debu* or Test) and
(Device or Mobile or Smartphone or Handset or Cellphone or "windows phone" or
"windows mobile")

(Wireshark or Sniffer or Aircrack or IXIA or Agilent) and (Handset or "Mobile

Device" or Cellphone or "windows Mobile" or "Windows Phone")

Sales and Retail and (Store or Mart or Mall or Megamart or Superstore) and
("Laptop" or Mobile or Xbox or "windows PHone" or "Windows Mobile" or Electronix)

Cognos and (Desig* or Develo*) and ("Report Studio" or "Analysis Studio" or

"Transformer Cubes" or "Query Studio" or "Metric Studio") and Repor*

(Agents or "General Agents") and Team and Sales and Marketing and (Manager or
"project Manager" or "Insurance Manager" or "Sales Manager") and (Insurance or
Medicare or HealthCare or "Health Care" or "Health Insurance" or Medicaid)

("BSA" or "Business System Analysis" or "Business Analyst" or "System Analyst" or

"BA") and requir* and (Gathe* or Collec*) and ("UseCase" or "Use Case" or "UML" or
"JAD" or "BRD") and ("Java" or "J2EE") and (Oracle or SQL) and (HealthCare or
"Health Care" or "Health Insurance" or "HealthInsurance" or "Medicare" or
"Medicaid" or "Medi Care")

("Java Lead" or "Lead Java Developer" or "Lead Jaya") and ("Java" or "J2EE") and
(Hibernate or ORM) and (Beans or "Java Beans" or "EJB")

(ProjectManager or "Project Manager" or "business Manager" or "Client Manager" or

"Onboarding Manager") and (ProcessFlow or "Process Flow" or "Work Flow" or WorkFlow
or "User Flow" or UseCase or "Use Case") and ("XML" or "XSD")

("Quality Center" or "QualityCenter" or "QTP" or "Quick Test" or "QuickTest") and

(SQL or TOAD) and (Unix or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and (Defec* or
Bug or Logging or tracking) and (Amdocs or "AT&T" or Verizon or Tmobile or "T-

(QualityCenter or "Quality Center" or "QTP" or "Quick Test" or "Test Director" or

"Test Manager") and ("User Acceptance Testing" or "UAT") and (AppleSDK or "MAC" or
Macintosh or "iOS" or "iPhone")

(Claim or Claims) and Data and Proces* and (Log or Logging or trac* or Enter or
Entery or Record) and (guidelin* or procedu* or complian*) and (HIPAA or "HL7" or
"EDI" or "HealthCare" or "Health Insurance" or "Medicare" or "Medicaid")

("Unix Scripting" or "Unix Shell" or Shell or Ksh or Bsh or Korn or Bourne) and
(SQL or "PL/SQL" or TOAD or OracleSQL) and (QualityCenter or QualityCentre or
"Quality Centre" or "Quality Center") and (Defec* or Bug) and (Amdocs or "AT&T" or
Cingular or SBC or "Bell South" or "Tmobile" or "T-mobile") and ("QA Analyst" or
"Test Engineer" or "Quality Assurance" or "Testing Enigneer")

(WebLogic or WebSphere) and (Tibco or OSB or Tuxedo) and (Unix or Shell or "Unix
Scripting" or Korn or Bourne or Ksh or bsh) and (Admin or Admin*)

Query: Procurement and staffing and Sourcing and (supplier or Vendor) and ("HR" or
"Human Resource") Days Back: 90 Location: US-30308,, Within 20 miles

Query: ("Program Manager" or "Product Manager" or "Technical Manager") and ("OLAP"

or "OLTP") and ("Business Intelligence" or "BI" or "Data Warehouse" or "Data
Warehousing" or "ETL") and ("UAT" or "User Acceptance" or "JAD" or "Use Case" or
"User Stories" or "Sprint") and (Agile or Scrum) Days Back: 90 Location: 10021
Within 50 miles

(Java or "J2EE") and ("AngularJS" or "Angular.JS" or "Backbone.js" or "BackboneJS"

or "Knockout.js" or AlloyUI) and (AJAX or CSS or HTML) and (JavaScript or "Java
Script" or "JS") and ("UI" or "User Interface" or "Front End" or "Frontend")

"Liferay" and Java and (Servlet or JSP or JSF or JDBC or JNDI or RMI or JavaBeans)
and Develo*

("SCCM" or "System Center Configuration Manager") and "MDT" and (MSI or "AppV" or
"Application Packaging")

Query: (Android or iOS or iPhone or "Windows Mobile" or "Windows Smartphone" or

Blackberry) and (MDM or MEAP or MAD or MobileIron or Airwatch or Toggle) and
(Support or "Service desk" or "Help desk" or Helpdesk or "Support desk") Days Back:
90 Location: 30308 Within 30 miles

Query: (Helpdesk or "Customer support" or "Application Support" or "Service Desk"

or "help Desk") and (MDM or MEAP or MAD or MobileIron or Airwatch or Toggle) Days
Back: 90 Location: 30308 Within 40 miles

("Cloud Computing" or "IAAS" or "PAAS" or "CAAS" or "Network Enabled Cloud" or

"Private Cloud" or "Public Cloud") and (Java or "J2EE") and (Hibernate or Spring or
struts or "EJB") and (Oracle or SQL) and (Desig* or Develo*)

(Procurem* or staffing or Sourcing) and (supplier or Vendor) and (Recruit* or


Query: Teradata and ("BTEQ" or "Fload" or "Mload" or FastLoad or Multiload or

Tpump) and ("Teradata Architect" or "Teradata Developer" or "Data Architect" or
"ETL Developer" or "Datawarehouse Developer") Days Back: 270 Location:

("SSRS" or "SQL Server Reporting Services" or "SQLServer Reporting Service") and

(SQLServer or "SQL Server") and Repor* and Citrix and (Plainview or "Report
Builder" or "Plain View")

"PERL" and "CGI" and (Unix or Shell or "Ksh" or "Bsh" or Korn or Bourne) and Devel*
and (Oracle or "SQL") and Anal* and ("Perl Developer" or "Perl Programmer" or "Perl

(Account or Accounting) and ("MSExcel" or "MSAccess" or "Excel" or "Pivot" or

Vlookup or Macro) and Reconci* and Manag*

(Operation or Operations) and ("Business Manager" or "Operations Manager" or

"Business Operations Manager") and (proces* or Practic* or Polici*) and (Budge* or
Performan* or Capacit* or Risk or "Risk Mitigation") and ("Cox Communication" or
Verizon or Comcast or Frontier or Tmobile or "T-Mobile")

("Business Manager" or "Operations manager" or "Business Operations" or "Project

Manager") and ("OSS" or "BSS" or "Operations Manager")

("ASP.NET" or "C#.NET" or "C#") and (Desig* or Develo*) and (HTML or CSS or

JavaScript or AJAX or JQuery)

Linux and (Ubuntu or Kickstart) and (Test or Testing) and (Shell or Perl) and
Networ* and "AT&T"
(Tidal or "Cisco Tidal" or "Enterprise Scheduler") and (Support or "Production
Support" or "24/7" or "Application Support" or "System Support") Days Back: 90
Location: 30346 Within 50 miles

("whitebox" or "white-box" or "white box") and (".net" or "C#" or "ASP.Net" or

"WCF" or "visual basic") and (Test or Testing)

(suppor*) and (Troubl*) and (Mobility or UMTS or CDMA or WCDMA or LTE or 3G) and
(MSC or RNC or eNB or "e Nod*" or "e-Nod*" or "e-Nod*") and (transport or RAN)

(Oracle or "11i" or "11 i" or "11-i") and Siterra and (CASPR or NORAD) and excel
and data*

("Project Coordinat*" or "Coordinat*" or "Co-ordinat*") and wireless and (CASPR or

SITERA or NORAD) and "AT&T" and oracle

("Project Coordinat*" or "Project Co-ordinat*" or "Project Co Ordinat*") and

(Coordinat* or "Co-Ordinat*" or "Co odinat*") and oracle and (CASPR or SITERRA or

(Java or J2EE or "JEE") and (develop* or program*) and web and agil* and (HTML or
CSS or "JavaScript" or "Java-Script" or "Java Script")

(leas* or zon* or permi*) and (acquisi*) and (Tower or "cell site" or "cell sites"
or cellsit*) and (FCC or FAA)

networ* and technic* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and provis* and circui* and
(WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or "LAN/WAN" or "LAN-WAN" or "WAN-LAN") and ethernet and

integrat* and (analy* or implment* or config*) and (Node or System) and networ* and
(Snoop or Sniff or packet) and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoot*"
or resolv*) and (scrip* or shell) and (linux or unix) and (Vmware or "VM Ware" or
"VM-Ware" or VMs) and (Soap or rest)

(translations or translation) and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs
or IuRs or Link or Links) and (Add or adds or additions or expand or expansion or
expansions) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

networ* and techni* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and rout* and (MPLS or BGP or
OSPF or QoS) and (Subnetting or "Sub netting" or "Sub-netting" or VPN or Ethernet)
and switc* and (dial or DSL) and (resol* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or
"trouble-shoo*") and (CISCO or Juniper) and (ASR or "ASR9000" or "ASR 9000" or
"ASR-9000" or "ASR3600" or "ASR 3600" or "ASR-3600" or "ASR6500" or "ASR 6500" or
"ASR-6500" or "AlcatelLucent" or "Alcatel-Lucent" or "Alcatel Lucent" or "ALU") and
(CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or JNCIA or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or JNCISM or "JNCIS M" or

("Integration Engineer" or "Integrated Engineer" or "System Integrated Engineer" or

"System Integration Engineer" or "Network Integration engineer" or "Network
Integrated Engineer") and integrat* and (NODE or netwo* or system) and (snoop or
sniff or packet) and (shell or scrip*) and (instal* or upgrad*) and (VMware or VMs
or "VM Ware" or "VM-Ware")

NPM and applica* and develo* and ("Node.js" or "Node Js" or "Node-js") and
(Javascript or "Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or "JQuery" or "J
Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle) and (SOAP or Rest or "web
service*" or "web-service*" or "webservice")

networ* and switc* and technic* and suppor* and ("7X24X365" or "24X7" or "24/7" or
"24*7" or "24 / 7" or "24 X 7" or " or "24 * 7" or "On Call" or "on-call" or
oncall) and (TDM or Voip) and monito*

NPM and (applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs)
and (Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle or SOAP or Rest
or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-service")

(applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs) and

(Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or "d3js") and (SQL or oracle "NoSQL" or
"No SQL" or "No-SQL") and (SOAP or Rest or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-

(Develop* or Program*) and (PHP or PHP5 or LAMP or WAMP) and (AJAX or Javascrip* or
"Java-scrip*" or "Java Scrip*" or ".JS" or "JS") and (HTML or HTML5) and (CSS or

networ* and enginee* and circui* and desig* and (WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or
"LAN/WAN") and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and (rout* or switc* or ethernet) and
("DS3" or "DS 3" or "DS-3" or "OC3" or "OC 3" or "OC-3" or "OC12" or "OC 12" or
"OC-12") and (CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or "JNCIAM" or

(Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or "RHEL") and (ISP or "Internet Service
Provider" or "Service provider") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble
shoo*" or resolv* or digoni*) and suppor* and ("7X24" or "24X7" or "7*24" or "24*7"
or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or "24/7" or "24/ 7" or
"24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or "oncall" or "on call" or
"on-call") and (Python or Django or "D Jango" or shell or scrip*)

translat* and (resolv* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*") and

(desig* or develo*) and networ* and infrast* and (PHP or Perl or javascript or
"Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML/CSS" or "HTML" or CSS or SQL or Java or
"C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C Sharp" or "C-Sharp" or Apache or Informix or oracle
or "webservices" or "web services" or "web-Services" or SOAP or REST or Jquery or
"J-Query" or "J Query" or Ajax or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON" or Sharepoint or
"Share Point" or "Share-point") and (Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or
"RHEL" or unix)

networ* and switc* and ("DMS10" or "DMS 10" or "DMS-10" or DMS or "DMS100" or "DMS
100" or "DMS-100" or "DMS-100/200/500" or "5ESS" or DCO or "GTD5" or "GTD 5" or
"GTD-5" or "EWSD") and Voip and (GenBand or "Gen Band" or "Gen-Band" or "G9" or "G
9" or "G-9" or "G6" or "G 6" or "G-6" or "Metaswitc*" or "Meta-Switc*" or "Meta
switc*" or "Metasphere" or "Meta Sphere" or "Meta-Sphere") and ("7X24" or "24X7" or
"7*24" or "24*7" or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or
"oncall" or "on call" or "on-call")

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
networ* and (rout* or switc* or LAN or WAN or "TCP/IP" or QoS) and (Callrout* or
"Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H 248" or "H-
248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or resolv*)

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
(Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center" or

Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

translat* and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs or IuRs or Link or
Links) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

(Microstrategy or "Micro Strategy" or "Micro-Strategy") and develo* and integr* and

(Attributes or filters or metrics or Facts or prompts or templates or consolidation
or custom) and dat* and warehous*

system* and admin* and (Solaris or Unix or AIX or HPUX or Linux or "RedHat" or
"Red-Hat" or "Red Hat") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*")
and (backup or "back up" or "back-up" or recov*) and suppo* and (NOC or provisio*)

("Project Manager" or PM) and customer and manag* and (KPI or "Key Performance
Indicator" or "KPI's")

("Project Manager" or ProjectManger or "PM") and project and manag* and schedul*
and (KPI or "Key Performance Indicator" or "KPI's") and customer and SAP

networ* and technic* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and provis* and circui* and
(WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or "LAN/WAN" or "LAN-WAN" or "WAN-LAN") and ethernet and
integrat* and (analy* or implment* or config*) and (Node or System) and networ* and
(Snoop or Sniff or packet) and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoot*"
or resolv*) and (scrip* or shell) and (linux or unix) and (Vmware or "VM Ware" or
"VM-Ware" or VMs) and (Soap or rest)

(translations or translation) and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs
or IuRs or Link or Links) and (Add or adds or additions or expand or expansion or
expansions) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

networ* and techni* and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and rout* and (MPLS or BGP or
OSPF or QoS) and (Subnetting or "Sub netting" or "Sub-netting" or VPN or Ethernet)
and switc* and (dial or DSL) and (resol* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or
"trouble-shoo*") and (CISCO or Juniper) and (ASR or "ASR9000" or "ASR 9000" or
"ASR-9000" or "ASR3600" or "ASR 3600" or "ASR-3600" or "ASR6500" or "ASR 6500" or
"ASR-6500" or "AlcatelLucent" or "Alcatel-Lucent" or "Alcatel Lucent" or "ALU") and
(CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or JNCIA or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or JNCISM or "JNCIS M" or

("Integration Engineer" or "Integrated Engineer" or "System Integrated Engineer" or

"System Integration Engineer" or "Network Integration engineer" or "Network
Integrated Engineer") and integrat* and (NODE or netwo* or system) and (snoop or
sniff or packet) and (shell or scrip*) and (instal* or upgrad*) and (VMware or VMs
or "VM Ware" or "VM-Ware")

NPM and applica* and develo* and ("Node.js" or "Node Js" or "Node-js") and
(Javascript or "Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or "JQuery" or "J
Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle) and (SOAP or Rest or "web
service*" or "web-service*" or "webservice")

networ* and switc* and technic* and suppor* and ("7X24X365" or "24X7" or "24/7" or
"24*7" or "24 / 7" or "24 X 7" or " or "24 * 7" or "On Call" or "on-call" or
oncall) and (TDM or Voip) and monito*

NPM and (applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs)
and (Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or Ajax or SQL or Oracle or SOAP or Rest
or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-service")

(applic* or develop*) and ("Node.js" or "Node JS" or "Node-JS" or NodeJs) and

(Javascript or "Java-script" or "Java Script" or "HTML" or CSS or JQuery or "J
Query" or "J-Query" or "J-Query") and (PHP or "d3js") and (SQL or oracle "NoSQL" or
"No SQL" or "No-SQL") and (SOAP or Rest or "webservices" or "web-services" or "web-
(Develop* or Program*) and (PHP or PHP5 or LAMP or WAMP) and (AJAX or Javascrip* or
"Java-scrip*" or "Java Scrip*" or ".JS" or "JS") and (HTML or HTML5) and (CSS or

networ* and enginee* and circui* and desig* and (WAN or LAN or "WAN/LAN" or
"LAN/WAN") and (IP or "Internet Protocol") and (rout* or switc* or ethernet) and
("DS3" or "DS 3" or "DS-3" or "OC3" or "OC 3" or "OC-3" or "OC12" or "OC 12" or
"OC-12") and (CCNA or CCNP or CCIP or "JNCIA-M" or "JNCIA M" or "JNCIAM" or

(Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or "RHEL") and (ISP or "Internet Service
Provider" or "Service provider") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble
shoo*" or resolv* or digoni*) and suppor* and ("7X24" or "24X7" or "7*24" or "24*7"
or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or "24/7" or "24/ 7" or
"24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or "oncall" or "on call" or
"on-call") and (Python or Django or "D Jango" or shell or scrip*)

translat* and (resolv* or troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*") and

(desig* or develo*) and networ* and infrast* and (PHP or Perl or javascript or
"Java-Script" or "Java Script" or "HTML/CSS" or "HTML" or CSS or SQL or Java or
"C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C Sharp" or "C-Sharp" or Apache or Informix or oracle
or "webservices" or "web services" or "web-Services" or SOAP or REST or Jquery or
"J-Query" or "J Query" or Ajax or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON" or Sharepoint or
"Share Point" or "Share-point") and (Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or
"RHEL" or unix)

networ* and switc* and ("DMS10" or "DMS 10" or "DMS-10" or DMS or "DMS100" or "DMS
100" or "DMS-100" or "DMS-100/200/500" or "5ESS" or DCO or "GTD5" or "GTD 5" or
"GTD-5" or "EWSD") and Voip and (GenBand or "Gen Band" or "Gen-Band" or "G9" or "G
9" or "G-9" or "G6" or "G 6" or "G-6" or "Metaswitc*" or "Meta-Switc*" or "Meta
switc*" or "Metasphere" or "Meta Sphere" or "Meta-Sphere") and ("7X24" or "24X7" or
"7*24" or "24*7" or "24 X 7" or "7 X 24" or "24 * 7" or "7 * 24" or "7/24" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or "24 / 7" or "7 /24" or "7/ 24" or "7 / 24" or
"oncall" or "on call" or "on-call")

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
networ* and (rout* or switc* or LAN or WAN or "TCP/IP" or QoS) and (Callrout* or
"Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H 248" or "H-
248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or resolv*)

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center") and
(Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or

(Voip or voice) and avaya and (CallCenter or "Call-Center" or "Call Center" or

Callrout* or "Call rout*" or "Call-rout*" or TDM) and (SIP or RTP or "H248" or "H
248" or "H-248") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble-shoo*" or "trouble shoo*" or
translat* and (IuB or IuC or IuR or IUP or IuCs or IuPs or IuBs or IuRs or Link or
Links) and (RNC or RNCs or "Node B" or "Node-B" or "Node-Bs" or "node Bs" or
"Enod*" or "e Nod*" or "nodeB" or "NodeBs" or "E-Nod*") and (RAN or Transport or
UTRAN or Wireless) and (3G or 4G or LTE or UMTS)

(Microstrategy or "Micro Strategy" or "Micro-Strategy") and develo* and integr* and

(Attributes or filters or metrics or Facts or prompts or templates or consolidation
or custom) and dat* and warehous*

system* and admin* and (Solaris or Unix or AIX or HPUX or Linux or "RedHat" or
"Red-Hat" or "Red Hat") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*")
and (backup or "back up" or "back-up" or recov*) and suppo* and (NOC or provisio*)

(UI or "User interface" or "User-Interface" or UX or "User Experience" or "User-

Experience" or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI") and graphic* and design* and (wireframe or "wire
frame" or "wire-frame") and mobile

(�User Experience� or �User-Experience� or UX or �Human-Computer Interaction� or

�Human Computer Interaction� or HCI) and CSS and HTML and JavaScript and (jQuery or
user-centered or �graphic design� or �visual design�)

(Desktop or Helpdesk or "Help Desk" or "Help-Desk") and support* and (troubleshoot*

or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and ticket*

(Helpdesk or "help desk" or "help-desk" or "technical support" or "Desktop support"

or "systems support" or "system support" or "Technical support" or "IT support")
and ticke* and (troubleshoo* or maintai* or monito* or solve* or diagnos* or
configur* or instal*)

(Helpdesk or "Help desk" or "Help-desk" or technical or desktop) and support* and

ticket* and (troubleshoo* or maintai* or monito* or solve* or diagnos* or configur*
or instal*)

("Helpdesk Support*" or "Help-Desk Support*" or "Help Desk Support*" or "Technical

Support*" or "Desktop Support*" or "ServiceDesk Support*" or "Service-Desk
Support*" or "Service Desk Support*") and support* and (troubleshoo* or maintai* or
monito* or solve* or diagnos* or configur* or instal*)

operation* and (Online or Offline) and market* and (sharepoint or "Share point" or
"Share-point") and vendor* and (test* or audit*) and SAP and budget* and invoic*
and requistion*

(UX or "User experience") and (Frontend or "Front end" or "Front-end") and visual*
and graphic* and design* and web* and (Javascipt or "Java script" or "Java-Script")
and (RWB or "Responsive web design*")

iOS and develop* and framework and (Chrome or poster or firebug or safari) and
(Java or "J2EE" or "JEE")

iOS and develop* and "Objective-C" and (SDK or "Software development kit") and
mobile and app*
"business analyst" and gather* and analy* and documen* and (JAD or "Joint
application design*") and govern*

network* and implement* and data and (IVAPP or BDMS or BeRT or BDMS or FTTP or WFA
or TIRKS or CCP)

equipment* and design* and order* and procur* and optimiz*

transport* and engineer* and (CISCO or ALU) and equipment* and fiber and (Cell or
Ethernet) and (rout* or switch*) and (Cell* or telecom* or wireless)

("Project Manag*" or "Deployment Manag*") and gather* and implement* and (Goal or
schedul*) and network* and schedul* and (telecom* or wireless*)

("project manager" or "deployment manager") and schedul* and network* and (telecom*
or wireless)

"Project Manager" and deploy* and gather* and implement* and schedul* and (IP or
"Internet protocol") and data and network* and (telecom* or wireless)

(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ". Net") and (develop* or program*) and
(webservice* or "web-service*" or "web service*" or Rest) and HTML and CSS and (MVC
or Grails or "Module View controller") and (MSSQL or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL")

"Project Manager" and budget* and schedul* and network* and (SOTS or BMP or Tirks
or RMIN) and telecom*

(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ". Net") and (develop* or program*) and
(webservice* or "web-service*" or "web service*" or Rest) and (HTML or CSS) and
(MVC or Grails or "Module View controller") and (MSSQL or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL") and

Drupal and PHP and develop* and (Oracle or MySQL or "My-SQL" or "My SQL") and (LAMP
or MAMP) and apache and (Varnish or Memcache or Mongo)

("Outside Plant" or osp or "field engineer" or fiel*) and (fios or fttp or fibe* or
COEP or CCP or ICGS or iVAPP or AAIS or "Activation and Inventory System" or
"Assignment Activation and Inventory System" or JPA or "joint powers agreement" or
"General Order 95" or GO95 or "Go-95" or "GO 95")

"Project Manager" and manag* and budget* and schedul* and sale* and market* and
product* and launch*

(OSP or "Outside Plant engineer*" or "Outside plant") and LFA and complia* and

(HR or "Human Resource" or EHS or "Environment* health and Safety" or SHE or HSE)
and report* and ("Cognos Quer*" or "Cognos-Quer*" or "Analysis Studio" or

("Environment Health and Safety Systems" or EHS or SHE or HSE or HR or "human

resource" or "human resources" or hrms or "human resourc*") and writ* and documen*
and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or PowerPoint or "power point"
or "power-point" or "power - point") and (dat* or repor*) and anal* and (Peoplesoft
or "People soft") and cognos

("Environment Health and Safety Systems" or EHS or SHE or HSE) and requimen* and
writ* and documen* and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or
PowerPoint or "power point" or "power-point" or "power - point") and cognos and
(dat* or repor*) and anal* and (Peoplesoft or "People soft")

(HR or "human resource" or "human resources" or hrms or "human resourc*") and writ*
and documen* and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or PowerPoint or
"power point" or "power-point" or "power - point") and (dat* or repor*) and anal*
and (Peoplesoft or "People soft") and cognos

"Technical writ*" and writ* and edit* and document* and develop* and portal* and
web* and HTML

(CAD or "Computer-aided design*" or "Computer aided design*" or "AutoCad" or "Auto-

CAD" or "Auto CAD") and (design* or draft*)

("Data Analyst" or "Data Analysis" or "Business Data Analy*" or "Business Data

Analysis" or "Data Business Analy*" or "Data Business Analysis") and data and
(analyst or Analysis) and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL") and (Query or Queries) and and (report or

oracle and data* and develop* and ("10g" or "10 g") and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL"
or "PL / SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL SQL" or "PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and
quer* and (Perl or Python) and ETL

Essbase and develop* and (MDBMS or "Multidimensional database management system" or

"Multidimensional database") and (OLAP or "Online analytical processing" or "On
line analytical processing" or "On-line analytical processing") and hyperion

Essbase and hyperion and (Multidimensional or "Multi dimensional" or "Multi-

Dimensional") and EPM and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL-SQL") and (Unix or Linux) and shell and script*

application and support* and ("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp"
or Java) and (webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or
"User Interface") SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp") and Java and support* and
(webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or "User
Interface") and SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

(Java or J2EE or ".Net" or ". Net" or ".net" or ". net") and spring and hibernate
and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and JSP and WCF and (ANT or
oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and (backup or recover*) and RAC and (PLSQL
or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and (KSH or KornShell or "Korn Shell" or "Korn-Shell") and
("11g" or "11 g" or "11-g" or "12g" or "12 g" or "12-g") and performan* and unix
and (telecom* or wireless)

Groovy and Grails and (devlop* or program*) and ("html5" or html or css or Cascade*
or "CSS3" or "Java Script" or javascrip*) and ("my sql" or mysql or "My-SQL") and
(XML or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON") and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-
service*" or "SOAP" or REST)

(Groovy or Grails or "Groovy/Grails" or "Grails/Groovy" or "Groovy on Grails") and

(Java or J2EE) and Web and develop*

network* and implement* and data and (SES or "Switched Ethernet Services" or DNCP
or "Data Network Current Planning" or IOF or "Inter Office Facilities" or "TCC-IP"
or "TCC/IP" or "Transport Creation Center" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center")

Switch* and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and (organi* or schedul*) and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation") and (BDMS
or BeRT or BDMS or TIRKS or CCP or WFA or FEPS or PWS or "WFA/C" or "WFA/DI" or
"WFA/DO" or NSDB or "SOAC/LFACS" or PET or "FOMS/NP" or NMA or TEMS)

("Switched Ethernet Service" or SES) and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation")

(SSIS or "SQL Server Integration Service") and ETL and develop* and SQL and (MSSQL
or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL") and oracle

Avaya and ("CallCenter" or "Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "Contact Center" or

"ContactCenter" or "Contact Center") and (ACD or "Automatic Call Distribution") or
(CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR or "Interactive Voice response") and
(VOIP or Voice)

avaya and ("Call Management System" or cms) and ("Contact Center" or "Contact
Center" or ContactCenter or "Contact-Center") and (configur* or implemen* or deplo*
or troubleshoo* or suppor*) and (admin* or technic* or enginee*) and (ACD or PBX or
"ACD/PBX" or "Automatic Call Distribution")

Avaya and ("ContactCenter" or "Contact Center" or "Contact-Center") and (UCM or

Unified communications management) and (CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR
or "Interactive Voice response")
Circuit* and technic* and order* and equipment* and inventory* and report* and
(trouble* or resolv*) and telecom*

oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and RAC and (backup or recover*) and (PLSQL
or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL / SQL" or "PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL
/SQL" or "PL/ SQL") and Unix

automat* and (develop* or program*) and (API or "Application Program* Interface")

and test* and (Perl or Script*) and test* and (GUI or "Graphic user interface") and
(CISCO or telecom*) and linux

technical and writ* and design* and instruct* and train* and web and document* and
edit* and product*


(UX or "User Experience" or "User-Experience") and web and graphic* and (GUI or
"Graphic user interface" or "UI" or "User interface") and interface

("C++" or "C ++" or "c++" or "C++/C" or "C/C++" or Java) and (develop* or program*)
and (Scala or Python) and network* and (Linux or Redhat or "Red Hat" or RHEL) and
(SDN or "South bound plugins" or OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "CloudFoundary" or
"Cloud Foundary" or AWS or "Cloud Stack" or "CloudStack" or "Cloud-Stack" or "Open
flow" or "Openflow") and config*

tes* and automat* and develop* and (python or scala) and ("c++" or "C++/C" or "C/C+
+") and java and (sdlc or lifecycle or "life cycle" or "life-cycle") and agile and
waterfall and ("Software-defined networking" or SDN) and (OF or "Open Flow" or "OF
Config" or "Open vSwitch" or OVSDB or NETCONF) and ("Open Stack" or CloudFoundry or
AWS or CloudStack)

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and test* and java and selenium and automat* and linux
and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and script* and (SQL or

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and test* and automat* and (UAT or "User Acceptance
Test*") and lead* and unix and shell and script*

Verizon Wireless Ended Dec 2014

network* and provision* and test* and ("L1" or "L 1" or "Layer1" or "Layer 1" or
"L2" or "L 2" or "Layer2" or "Layer 2" or "L3" or "L 3" "Layer 3" or "Layer 3" or
"L4" or "L 4" or "Layer4" or "Layer 4") and surveill* and unix

tes* and automat* and ("Quality Center" or "quality-center" or qualitycenter) and

(QTP or "Quick Test Professional" or "QuickTest Pro" or "Quick Test Pro" or
QuickTestPro) and scrip* and provisio* and switc* and rout* and (perl or shell or
python or .net or "dot net" or dotnet or ".Net" or "dot-net" or java) and ("layer1"
or "layer 1" or "layer 2" or "layer2" or "layer3" or "layer 3" or "layer4" or
"layer 4" or "L1" or "L 1" or "L2" or "L 2" or "L3" or "L 3" or "L4" or "L 4" or
"FW9500" or "FW 9500" or "OME6500" or "OME 6500" or "Ciena 5410" or "ciena5410" or
"Ciena5430" or "ciena 5430" or CIENA or "5410/5430")

("Equal Employment Opportunity" or "Equal opportunity employment" or EEO or

"Affirmative Action" or AA or "EEO/AA" or "EEO-AA" or "EEO/ AA") and (HR or "human
resource" or "human resources" or hrms or "human resourc*" or legal) and inves* and
(sensitiv* or confiden*)

(UI or "User Interface" or "UX or "User Experience") and interface and design* and

network* and techni* and (config* or install*) and (CISCO or Juniper) and
(troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and (MPLS or
"Multiprotocol Label Switch*" or "BGP" or "Border Gateway protoco" or OSPF or "Open
Shortest Path First") and ("TCP/IP" or "TCP-IP" or "TCP IP" or "TCP - IP" or "TCP /
IP" or "Transmission control protocl/Internet Protocol" or "Transmission control
protocl Internet Protocol" or "Transmission control protocl-Internet Protocol") and
("IPv6" or "Internet protocol version 6" or "Internet protocol Version 4" or "IPV4"
or "IPV 4" or "IPV 6" or "IP V4" or "IP V6")

web and develop* and design* and interface and HTML and CSS and (Javascript or
"Java Script" or "Java-Script") and illustrator and photoshop and multimedia

"business analyst" and analy* and gather* and document* and budget* and (JAD or
"Joint application design*") and (CAM or "Client Account Manager")

implement* and service and manag* and "Project Manag*" and Circuit* and rout* and
switch* and firewall and network* and ITIL and securi*

(DataCenter or "Data Center" or "Data-Center") and storage and network* and (Phone
or email or "E-Mail" or "E Mail" or WebEx or "Web Ex" or "web-Ex") and Fibre

("Service Manager" or "Service Delivery Manager" and "Project Manager") and service
and deliver* and manag* and (ITSSM or "ITSM") and chang* and (VMware or "VM Ware"
or "VM-Ware")

Service and manag* and deliver* and (IT or "Information Technology") and Virtual*
and Cloud and (VMware or "VM Ware" or "VM-Ware") and (Workflow or "Work-Flow" or
"Work Flow")

network* and engineer* and ("Push to Talk" or "Push-To-Talk" or "PTT" or "Press-To-

Transmit") and (Voice or Voip) and (�SIP� or �RTP� or �RTPCP�) and (�CCPN� or �
CAN� or �CISSP�)

"Business Analy*" and analy* and document* and gather* and (JAD or "Joint
Application design*") and (Bilingual or Japanese or "Brazilian Portuguese" or
Portuguese or French)

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and test* and (QTP or "Quick test pro*") and Script*
and SQL and Unix and telecom
CISCO and ("Call Manager" or "Call Center" or "Contact Center" or "Contact Center"
or "CallCenter" or "Call Manager") and (implement* or install* or Config*) and
("Cisco Unified Communications Manager" or CUCM or "Cisco Unified CallManager" or
"Cisco CallManager" or CCM or "Cisco Call Manager" or "Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise" or "Cisco UCCE" or UCCE) and (Maintain* or trouble*) and (CCVP or
"CCNA" or CCNP) and (Voice or Video or VOD) and design*

("Cisco Unified Communications Manager" or CUCM or "Cisco Unified CallManager" or

"Cisco CallManager" or CCM or "Cisco Call Manager" or "Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise" or "Cisco UCCE" or UCCE) and (CCVP or CCNP or CCNA or CCIE or CCIP or
"CCIE SP" or CCIE or "Cisco Certified Network Associate" or "Cisco Certified�
Network� Professional") and (video or voice)

network* and engineer* and (Voice or Voip) and switch* and rout* and install* and
config* and ("CCPN" or " CAN" or "CISSP") and (Firewall or Securi*) and (Ethernet
or "Fast Ethernet" or "Gigabit Ethernet")

Train* and develop* and (LMS or "Learning Management System") and ("HTML" or
"HTML5" or "HTML 5") and (CSS or "CSS3" or "CSS 3") and (JavaScript or "Java-
Script" or "Java Script") and ("ELearning" or "E-Learning" or "E Learning") and
flash and design*

Network* and operation* and support* and switch* and rout* and (IP or "Internet
Protocol") and (troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*)
and product* and layer and (WAN or LAN or MAN) and ethernet

network* and operation and support* and switc* and rout* and (voip or "voice over
internet protocol" or "voice over IP" or IP or "internet protocol") and
(troubleshoot* or "trouble-shoot*" or "trouble shoot*" or diagnos* or resolv*) and
(lan or "local area network" or wan or "wide area network" or man)

("Cisco Unified Communications Manager" or CUCM or "Cisco Unified CallManager" or

"Cisco CallManager" or CCM or "Cisco Call Manager" or "Cisco Unified Contact Center
Enterprise" or "Cisco UCCE" or UCCE) and implemen* and (suppor* or "24" or "24*7"
or "24/7" or "on-call" or "on call") and (CCVP or CCNP or CCNA or CCIE or CCIP or
"CCIE SP" or CCIE or "Cisco Certified Network Associate" or "Cisco Certified
Network Professional") and (video or voice)

"Project Manager" and manag* and budget schedul* and (Scrum or Agile) and waterfall
and PMP

"Project Manager" and manag* and budget* and schedul* and (IT or "Information
Technology") and Telecom*

Automat* and test* and agile and (QA or "Quality Assurance") and java and linux and

Oracle and database and develop* and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL-SQL" or
"PL / SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or PL SQL) and tun* and script* and (Perl or

(QA or "Quality Assurance") and product and test* and (bill* or order*) and
telecom* and (Quote or pric* or revenue or tax)

account* and Tax* and (account* or financ*) and audit* and complianc* and purchas*
and (Audit or Researc* or accurat* or verif*) and (revie* or fil* or anal*) and
(Excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup or macro or macros or pivot or
"power-point" or "power - point" or PowerPoint or Access or SAP or Peoplesoft or
"People soft")

stat* and ("local sales" or "use tax" or "local/Use" or local or use) and tax and
complainc* and (account* or finanac*) and (Audit or Researc* or accurat* or verif*)
and (revie* or fil* or anal*)

(MongoDB or BSON) and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and (NoSQL or "NO SQL" or "NO-
SQL") and (Unix or linux) and SQL

("Product Marketing Writer" or "product writer" or "marketing writer") and produc*

and writ* and market* and strateg* and (conten* or documen*) and (online or "on
line" or "on-line" or "ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digital or web* or mobile* or
tablet or Blackberry or Android or smartphone or Smartbook or "Smart phone" or
Android or ios or "iphone os" or PDAs or "Mobile-device") and ("B2B market*" or
"business-to-business" or "business to business market*" or "B-to-B" or "B2B" or
"Business-to-Consumer" or B2C or "B-to-C" or "Business to Consumer")�

Produc* and market* and writ* and (Conten* or document*) and (online or "on line"
or "on-line" or "ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digital or web* or mobile* or tablet
or Blackberry or Android or smartphone or Smartbook or "Smart phone" or Android or
ios or "iphone os" or PDAs or "Mobile-device")

System and perform* and ticket* and remed* and (troubleshoot or "trouble shoot" or
"trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and (CDMA or "EVDO" or "EV-DO" or "EV DO" or
"Evolution-Data-Optimized" or "Evolution-Data Optimized" or LTE) and (Datapro or
"data pro" or "Data-pro" or "Airlink" or "Air-Link" or "Air Link")

("Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "CallCenter") and (Workforce or "work-Force" or

"work force") and lead and schedul* and budget* and (Multilingual or "Multi-
lingual" or "MultiLingual") and manag*

("Safety professional" or "Safety Manager" or "Safety operation manager" or Safety

program mamager") and manag* and saf* and (develo* or implemen* or updat*) and
(metho* or procedu* or regulat* or legislat*) and repor* and data* and anal* and
(messag* or vide* or poste* or communica*)

Java and ("J2EE" or "JEE") and (develop* or program*) and swing and (unix or linux)
and SQL and shell and script* and eclipse and telecom*
("Safety professional" or "Safety Manager" or "Safety operation manager" or Safety
program manager") and manag* and saf* and (develo* or implemen* or updat*) and
(metho* or procedu* or regulat* or legislat*) and repor* and data* and anal* and
(messag* or vide* or poste* or communica*)

Safety and manag* and (develop* or implement* or updat*) and regulat* and legislat*
and report* and data and anal*

"Safety professional" or "Safety Manager" or "Safety operation manager" or "Safety

program mamager") and manag* and saf* and (develo* or implemen* or updat*) and
(regulat* or legislat*) and repor* and data* and anal* and (messag* or vide* or
poste* or communica*) and (Avaya or Nortel or Motorola or Lucent or cellular or
wireles* or verizon or mci or att or "at & t" or "at&t" or sprint or nextel or
telco* or cingular or "t-mobile" or alcatel or "Lucent" or "Telcordia" or qualcomm
or gte or Amdocs or Comcast)

"Business Analy*" and gather* and document* and (SME or "Subject Matter Expert")
and (eCommerce or "e Commerce" or "e-Commerce" or "ECommerce" or "E Commerce" or
"E-Commerce") and (iRise or "i Rise" or "i-Rise" or Balsamiq or Axure or
omnigraffle) and (SLA or "SLA'S" or "Service Level Agreement")

network* and techni* and (config* or install*) and (CISCO or Juniper) and
(troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*" or resolv*) and protocol*
and switch*

"Technical Writ*�and documen* and analyz* and Train* and Repor* and writ* and
publis* and visio and (SCM or "Supply chain manag*")

Business and Statis* and analy* and Data and min* and model*

Data and analy* and mining and (graph* or chart* or table*)

Data and analy* and (Database or "DB") and (Solaris or Linux) and oracle and SQL
and (graph or chart* or tabl*) and (�stored procedures� or �ssis� or �ssas� or
�ssrs� or analy* or �data conversion� or quer* or queries or �data mining� or excel
or pivot or vlookup or �v-lookup� or chart or graph or �ms office� or audit*)

(�dba� or �data analyst� or �database administrator�) and �sql server� and

(�transact-sql� or �t-sql� or �tsql�) and (�stored procedures� or �ssis� or �ssas�
or �ssrs� or analy* or �data conversion� or quer* or queries or �data mining� or
excel or pivot or vlookup or �v-lookup� or chart or graph or �ms office� or audit*)

"data analyst" and "sql server" and ("stored procedures" or "ssis" or "ssas" or
"ssrs" or analy or "data conversion" or query or queries or "data mining" or excel
or pivot or vlookup or "v-lookup" or chart or graph or "ms office" or audit*) and
(linux or redhat or "red hat" or "Red-Hat" or Solaris or "sun os" or SunOS or "sun
("Project Manager" or "Program Manager") and manag* and budget* and schedul* and
product* and bill* and order* and telecom*

produc* and launc* and ("project manager" or "program manager") and agile and
develo* and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*" or "power-point" or "power - point" or
PPT) and (TBS or "Billing Systems" or "Carrier Access Billing System" or CABS or
"Customer Billing Services System" or CBSS or RSS or "Reseller Services Suite" or
ribs or RiBS or orde* or bil*) and and (Nortel or Motorola or Lucent or cellular or
wireles* or verizon or mci or att or "at & t" or "at&t" or sprint or nextel or
telco* or cingular or "t-mobile" or alcatel or "Lucent" or "Telcordia" or qualcomm
or gte or Amdocs or Comcast) and cros* and PMP

("AsBuilt" or "As Built" or "AS-Built") and network* and engineer* and rout* and
config* and (updat* or creat*)

(online or "on line" or "on-line" or offline or "off line" or "off-line"or

"ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digita* or web*) and marke* and advertis* and
(vendor or client or "third party" or "third-party" or "3rd party") and manag* and
(excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*"
or "power-point" or "power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*) and
(bran* or campaig*) and (promot* or launc*) and (Nortel or Motorola or Lucent or
cellular or wireles* or verizon or mci or att or "at & t" or "at&t" or sprint or
nextel or telco* or cingular or "t-mobile" or alcatel or "Lucent" or "Telcordia" or
qualcomm or gte or Amdocs or Comcast) and (kit* or flye* or brochur*)

Market* and analy* and (online or "on line" or "on-line" or offline or "off line"
or "off-line"or "ecommerce" or "e-commerce" or digita* or web*) and advert* and
(excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*"
or "power-point" or "power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*) and
(bran* or campaig*)

Produc* and launc* and ("Project Manag*" or "Program Manag*") and (TBS or "Billing
Systems" or "Carrier Access Billing System" or CABS or "Customer Billing Services
System" or CBSS or RSS or "Reseller Services Suite" or ribs or RiBS or orde* or
bil*) and PMP and teleco*

market* and analy* and (online or "On line" or "On-line"" or "Offline" or "off
line" or "off-line") and (ECommerce or "e-Commerce" or "E Commerce") and campaig*
and (excel or msexcel or pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power
poin*" or "power-point" or "power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*)

marke* and manag* and online and sale* and campaig* and media and email* and
(online or "On line" or "On-line"" or "Offline" or "off line" or "off-line") and
(ECommerce or "e-Commerce" or "E Commerce") and campaig* and (excel or msexcel or
pivot or VLookup or HLookup) and (PowerPoin* or "power poin*" or "power-point" or
"power - point" or PPT) and ("Adobe Acrobat" or adob*)

produc* and launc* and ("Project Manag*" or "Program Manag*") and bill* and order*
and PMP and teleco*
(PowerPoint or "power point" or "PPT" or "power-point" or "power - point") and
(exper* or specialis*) and present* and develop* and (Portfolio or "Port-Folio" or
"Port Folio") (bachelo* or "Bachelor of Art*" or "Bachelor of Science" or "B.S." or

(Powerpoint or "Power Point" or "PPT" or "Power-Point" or "Power - Point") and

present* and design* and animat* and (slideshow or "Slide Show" or "slide-show")
and slid* and (layout or "Lay out" or "Lay-out")

(Powerpoint or "Power Point" or "PPT" or "Power-Point" or "Power - Point") and

present* and templ* and design* and slid*

Linux and admin* and (RedHat or "Red Hat" or Centos or Debian) and (SMTP or DHCP or
DNS or LDAP or NFS or SMTP or HTTP or SNMP) and (Vmware or "VM Ware" or "Vm-Ware"
or Esx or Esxi)

("call center" or callcenter or �contact center� or contactcenter ) and Avaya and

(implement* or inastall* or Config*) and (maintain* or trouble*)

avaya and ("call center" or callcenter or �contact center� or contactcenter) and

migrat* and (IVR or "Interactive voice response") and VOIP or Voice and call and
("CS1000m" or "CS1000e") and rout*

avaya and cisco and desig* ("Communication Server 1000" or "CS1000m" or "CS1000e"
or "Communication Server") and (voip or "voice over internet protocol" or "voice
over IP") and (instal* or configur*) and migrat* and ("nuance" or "Voice Genie" or
"voice" or "Speech" or "Telephony" or VXML or IVR or "voice response" or "computer-
telephony-integration" or CTI)

Avaya and Cisco and ("Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "CallCenter" or "Call

Manager" or "CallManager" or "Call-Manager" or "ContactCenter" or "Contact Center"
or "Contact-Center") and Call and record*

Unix and (Linux or "RedHat" or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or RHEL) and Solaris and
System and admin* and (Apache or Tomcat or "Tom Cat" or "Tom-Cat" or JBoss or "J
Boss" or "J-Boss" or PHP or MYSQL or "My-SQL" or "My SQL" or DNS OR BIND or
"DNS/BIND" or "DNS / BIND" or Postfix or "Post Fix" or "Post-Fix" or "SendMail" or
"Send Mail" or "Send-Mail") and troubleshoot*

(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ". Net" or ".NET" or ". NET" or "DotNet" or "Dot
Net" or "Dot-Net") and ("C#" or "C # " or "CSharp" or "C Sharp" or "C-Sharp") and
(develop* or program*) and (Coldfusion or "Cold Fusion" or "Cold-Fusion") and SQL
and server

(Online or "On line" or "On-line") and content and (updat* or creat* or mainta*)
and model* and (Metadata or "Meta Data" or "Meta-Data") and writ* and HTML and
(RedDot or "Red Dot" or "Red-Dot" or Document*) and wireless

("Integrated Solutions Desk" or ISD) and devic* and deplo* and monito* and physica*
and virtua* and (SMARTS or Ionix or EMC) and ("System Center" or NetIQ or SiteScope
or Netcool) and (powershell or "power shell") and scrip* and (tcp or TCPIP or "TCP-
IP" or TCP/IP or http or TCP or SSL or SSH or SMPP or MSRP or MMS or SNMP or TLS or

("Integrated Solutions Desk" or "ISD") and devic* and deploy* and monitor* and
physic* and virtua* and (SMARTS or Ionix or EMC) and ("System Center" or NetIQ or
SiteScope or Netcool)

("Data Analyst" or "Data Analysis" or "Business Data Analy*" or "Business Data

Analysis" or "Data Business Analy*" or "Data Business Analysis") and data and
(analyst or Analysis) and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL") and (Query or Queries) and and (report or

oracle and data* and develop* and ("10g" or "10 g") and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL"
or "PL / SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL SQL" or "PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and
quer* and (Perl or Python) and ETL

Essbase and develop* and (MDBMS or "Multidimensional database management system" or

"Multidimensional database") and (OLAP or "Online analytical processing" or "On
line analytical processing" or "On-line analytical processing") and hyperion

Essbase and hyperion and (Multidimensional or "Multi dimensional" or "Multi-

Dimensional") and EPM and oracle and SQL and (PLSQL or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL-SQL") and (Unix or Linux) and shell and script*

application and support* and ("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp"
or Java) and (webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or
"User Interface") SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

("C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp") and Java and support* and
(webservices" or "web services" or "web-services" or SOAP) and (UI or "User
Interface") and SQL and oracle and ("24x7" or "24 x 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "24/ 7" or "24 /7" or oncall or "On Call" or "on-call") and API and
(Consum* or validat*)

(Java or J2EE or ".Net" or ". Net" or ".net" or ". net") and spring and hibernate
and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and JSP and WCF and (ANT or

oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and (backup or recover*) and RAC and (PLSQL
or "PL/SQL" or "PL / SQL" or "PL-SQL" or "PL/ SQL" or "PL /SQL" or "PL / SQL" or
"PL*SQL" or "PL * SQL") and (KSH or KornShell or "Korn Shell" or "Korn-Shell") and
("11g" or "11 g" or "11-g" or "12g" or "12 g" or "12-g") and performan* and unix
and (telecom* or wireless)

Groovy and Grails and (devlop* or program*) and ("html5" or html or css or Cascade*
or "CSS3" or "Java Script" or javascrip*) and ("my sql" or mysql or "My-SQL") and
(XML or JSON or "J SON" or "J-SON") and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-
service*" or "SOAP" or REST)
(Groovy or Grails or "Groovy/Grails" or "Grails/Groovy" or "Groovy on Grails") and
(Java or J2EE) and Web and develop*

network* and implement* and data and (SES or "Switched Ethernet Services" or DNCP
or "Data Network Current Planning" or IOF or "Inter Office Facilities" or "TCC-IP"
or "TCC/IP" or "Transport Creation Center" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center")

Switch* and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and (organi* or schedul*) and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation") and (BDMS
or BeRT or BDMS or TIRKS or CCP or WFA or FEPS or PWS or "WFA/C" or "WFA/DI" or
"WFA/DO" or NSDB or "SOAC/LFACS" or PET or "FOMS/NP" or NMA or TEMS)

("Switched Ethernet Service" or SES) and (dat* or networ*) and plan* and ("Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol" or DHCP or iof or "Interoffice Facility" or "Inter-
office Facility" or "Inter office Facility" or NPC or "Network Provisioning Center"
or "GD IP" or GMPLS or COEI or "Central Office Equipment Installation")

(SSIS or "SQL Server Integration Service") and ETL and develop* and SQL and (MSSQL
or "MS SQL" or "MS-SQL") and oracle

Avaya and ("CallCenter" or "Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "Contact Center" or

"ContactCenter" or "Contact Center") and (ACD or "Automatic Call Distribution") or
(CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR or "Interactive Voice response") and
(VOIP or Voice)

avaya and ("Call Management System" or cms) and ("Contact Center" or "Contact
Center" or ContactCenter or "Contact-Center") and (configur* or implemen* or deplo*
or troubleshoo* or suppor*) and (admin* or technic* or enginee*) and (ACD or PBX or
"ACD/PBX" or "Automatic Call Distribution")

(implement* OR upgrad* OR maintain*) AND ("Microsoft Dynamics GP" OR "Dynamic GP"

OR "Dynamics-GP" OR "Dynamics CRM" OR "Dynamics-CRM" OR CRM OR "MS Dynamics GP" OR
"MS Dynamics CRM" OR "MSDynamics" OR "MS-Dynamics" OR "MS Dynamics") AND SQL AND
server AND (VBScript OR "VB-Script" OR "VB Script") AND (VB OR Visual Basis)

("MS Dynamics" OR "MS-Dynamics" OR "MSDynamics" OR "MS Dynamics GP" OR "MS-

Dynamics" OR "MS Dynamics-GP" OR "Microsoft Dynamics" OR "Microsoft-Dynamics" OR
"Microsoft Dynamics GP" OR "Dynamics GP" OR "Dynamics-GP" OR "Dynamics-CRM" OR
"Dynamics CRM") AND (VB OR "Visualbasis" OR "Visual Basis" OR "Visual-Basis") AND
script* AND SQL AND server

(".net" OR ". net" OR ". Net" OR ".Net") AND (develop* OR program*) AND ASP AND (VB
OR "VisualBasis" OR "Visual Basis") AND (PLSQL OR "PL/SQL" OR "PL / SQL" OR "PL-

regulatory and compliance and contract* and law and verizon

Oracle and ("DBA" or "Database Admin*") and (Backup or "Back up" or "Back-up" or
recover*) and RAC and ASM and (Shareplex or "Golden Gate" or "Golden-Gate") and
(Telecom or Wireless or Verizon or MCI)

network* and implement* and ("LAN/WAN" or "LAN" or WAN) and config* and (trouble*
or provisio* or "Network engineer" or networ*) and ("ds3" or "DS-3" "DS1" or "DS-1"
or circui* or "oc3" or "oc12" or or "oc192" or "Ocn") and desig*

network* and provision* and design* and circuit* and equipment*

network* and provision* and circuit* and equipment* and design* and rout* and
("DS3" or "DS 3")
(windows or window) and patch* and (PCI or "Payment card industry") and complia*
and (Fix* or improv*) and securi* and bugs and (Usabil* or perform*) and updat* and
(SCCM or "System Center Config* Manag*" or ConfigMgr or "SMS" or "Systems
Management server" or "HP Server Automation" or "HP SA" or "HP-SA") and (script* or
"VBScript*" or "VB Script*" or "VB-Script*" or "PowerShell" or "Power Shell") and
(SQL or "TSQL" or "T SQL" or "T-SQL") and (VMware or "VM Ware" or "ESX" or "ESXi"
or "vSphere" or "V Sphere")

manufactur* and (PCBA or "Printed circuit board assembly" or "PCA" or "Printed

circuit assembly" or "PCB" or "Printed Circuit Board") and design* and (ECN or
"Electric* communication network*" or "BOM" or "Bill of Material")

(OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "Open-Stack") and develop* and (Opensource or "Open

Source" or "Open-Source")

(UI or "User Interface" or "User-Interface" or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI" or "User

Experience" or "User-Experience") and develop* and web and dynamic* and (CGI or
"Common Gateway Interface") and script* and HTML and CSS and (Javascript or "Java-
Script" or "Java Script")

(�User Experience� or User-Experience or UX or �Human-Computer Interaction� or

�Human Computer Interaction� or HCI or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI" or "UI" or "User
Interface" or "User-Interface") and CSS and HTML and JavaScript and (jQuery or
user-centered or �graphic design� or �visual design�)

("User Experience" or "User-Experience" or "UI/UX" or "UX/UI" or "User-Interface")

and CSS* and HTML* and (jQuery or user-centered or �graphic design� or �visual
design�) and photoshop* and web

("UI Desig*" or "user interface desig*" or "UI Developer" or "GUI Developer" or

"user interface developer" or "GUI desig*" or "graphical user interface develo*" or
"graphical user interface desig*" or "User experience design*" or "User experience
develop*" or "UX design*" or "UX develop*") and (develo* or progra* or desig*) and
(html or "html5") and (css or cascad* or "css3") and (javascrip* or "java script"
or "java-script") and (PhotoSho* or flash or "dreamweaver" or mockup or "mock-up"
or "Mock-ups" or illustrat* or wirefram* or "wire- fram*")

("UI Desig*" or "user interface desig*" or "UI Developer" or "GUI Developer" or

"user interface developer" or "GUI desig*" or "graphical user interface develo*" or
"graphical user interface desig*" or "User experience design*" or "User experience
develop*" or "UX design*" or "UX develop*") and (develo* or progra* or desig*) and
(html or "html5") and (css or cascad* or "css3") and (cgi or "common gateway
interface" or "cgi develo*") and (javascrip* or "java script" or "java-script") and
(PhotoSho* or flash or "dreamweaver" or mockup or "mock-up" or "Mock-ups" or
illustrat* or wirefram* or "wire- fram*")

(UI or "User Interface" or "User-Interface" or "UX" or "User Experience" or "User-

Experience") and (GUI or "Graphic user interface") and web and develop* and
graphic* and (HTML or "HTML 5" or "HTML5") and (CSS or "CSS 3" or "CSS-3") and
(PhotoSho* or flash or "dreamweaver" or mockup or "mock-up" or "Mock-ups" or
illustrat* or wirefram* or "wire- fram*")

network* and implement* and (HW or SW or "Hardware" or Software) and test* and (IP
or "Internet Protocol") and MPLS and cisco and rout* and equipment*

network* and provisin* and plan* and circuit*

(provision* or Netpro or "Net pro" or "Net-pro" or "F&E" or "TCOMs" or "TCOM" or

MECCA or eASR or CAMEO or "F & E" or OrderPro or EZStatus or TYRA or OMS or UPI or
and ("ds3" or "DS-3" "DS1" or "DS-1" or circui* or "oc3" or "oc12" or or "oc192" or
"Ocn") and plan*

network* and techni* and rout* and switch* and (instal* or updgrad*)

(".net" or ". net" or ". Net" or ".Net") and (develop* or program*) and ASP and
oracle and (webservice* or "web service*" or "web-service*") and ADO and (DTS or
SSIS or SSRS) and (VisualStudio or "Visual Studio" or "Visual-Studio") and (UI or
"User Interface")

Clarity and (PPM or "Project Portfolio Manag*") and (BO or "Business Object" or
"Business-Object" or Dashboard) and SQL and Java and (ERP or SAP)

"Project Manager" and deploy* and budget* and schedul* and Telecom*

Storage and (SAN or "Storage Area Network*") and ("3Par" or "3 Par" or "3-Par") and
HP and EMC and (NetApp or "Net App" or "Net-App") and virtuali*

(CSharp or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp" or "C#" or "C #") and (".net" or ". net" or
".Net" or ". Net" or "DotNet" or "Dot-Net" or "Dot Net") and (develop* or program*)
and ASP and (VS or "Visual Studio") and (Javascript or "Java-Script" or "Java
Script") and WPF

Securit* and design* and install* and monitor* and config* and ("Incident
Management" or "IcM" or "Incident Reponse Team" or "IRT" or "Incident Management
Team" or "IMT")

(BI or "Business Intell*") and data analy* and (Teradata or "Tera Data" or "Tera-
Data" or SQL) and report* and SQL

customer and ticket* and (troubleshoot* or "trouble-shoot*" or "trouble Shoot*" or

resolv*) and (LAN or WAN or "LAN/WAN" or "WAN/LAN")
support* and ("24*7" or "24/7" or "24 * 7" or "24 / 7" or "24 by 7" or "24by7" or
"24x7" or "24 x 7") and operation* and (troubleshoot* or "trouble shoot*" or
"trouble-shoot*" or resolv*)

Operation* and support* and "24*7" or "24/7" or "24 * 7" or "24 / 7" or "24 by 7"
or "24by7" or "24x7" or "24 x 7") and circuit* and ("4G" or "4g" or "3G" or "3g" or
"CDMA" or EVDO or Airave or Wimax) and (trouble* or resolv*)

(NOC or "Network operation center" or "operation Center" or "Technical Support" or

"Operation* Support") and ("Production Support" or "24/7" or "24/7/365" or "24*7"
or "24*7*365" or "24X7" or "24X7X365" or Suppor*) and (Ticke* or CTS or Remedy or
Troubl*) and (trouble* or resolv*)

support* and (trouble* or reslov*) and (Ticke* or CTS or Remedy)

support* and (Hardware or Software) and (ticket* or Remedy) and (network* or


support* and monitor* and (ticket* or remed* or alarm*) and (repla* or diagon*) and
(troubleshoot* or resolv* or "trouble-shoot*" or "trouble shoot*")

(Splunk or Hunk) and (Dashboards or Dashboard or "Dash-Boards" or "Dash-boards" or

"Dash Board" or "Dash boards") and (Bigdata or "Big Data" or "Big-Data") and
(design* or develop* or debug*) and Hadoop

(OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "Open-Stack") and cloud* and (migrat* or integ* or


(DevOps or "Dev-Ops" or "Dev Ops") and (OpenStack or "Open Stack" or "Open-Stack")

and (migrat* or integ* or deploy*) and cloud*

ETL and informatica and (Datawarehou* or "Data Warehous*" or "Data-Warehous*") and

test* and (QA or "Quality Assurance") and (Automation or Manual or Performance)

(Conceptwave or "Concept Wave" or "Concept-Wave") and develo*

("Site Acquisition" or "Construction Manager") and sit* and construc* and

(Cellsites or "Cellsite" or "Cell Sites" or "Cell Site" or "Cell-Sites" or "Cell-

application and web and suppor* and ("24X7" or "24 X 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or
"24/7" or "oncall" or "on-call" or "on call") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*"
or "trouble-shoo*" or resolv* or fix*) and (Linux or "Redhat" or "Red hat" or RHEL)
and (Perl or shell) and (Rest or Weblogic or "Web logic" or "web-logic" or SOAP or
XML or Java) and (JBoss or Websphere or "web sphere" or "web-sphere" or oracle or
PHP or ASP or ".Net" or "C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C sharp" or "C-Sharp" or
"Javascript" or "Java-Script" or "Java script")

("Application Analyst" or "production Analyst" or "Production Support" or

"Application Support") and ("24X7" or "24 X 7" or "24*7" or "24 * 7" or "24/7" or
"oncall" or "on-call" or "on call") and (Redhat or "Red hat" or "Red-hat" or Rhel
or "Linux") and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*" or resolv* or
fix*) and develop* (Rest or Weblogic or "Web logic" or "web-logic" or SOAP or XML
or Java or JBoss or Websphere or "web sphere" or "web-sphere" or oracle or PHP or
ASP or ".Net" or "C#" or "C #" or "CSharp" or "C sharp" or "C-Sharp" or
"Javascript" or "Java-Script" or "Java script")

(CDMA or WCDMA) and (LTE or 4G or "4 G" or "4-G") and (interoperability) and (Test
or Tests or Testing) and ("test cas*" or "Test Pla*" or "Test Strateg*")

(CDMA or WCDMA) and (LTE or "4G" or "4 G" or "4-G") and (interoperability or "inter
operability" or "inter-operability") and tes*

(CDMA or WCDMA or GSM) and (LTE or VoLTE or "3G" or "3 G" or "3-G" or "4-G" or "4
G" or "4G") and (interoperability or IOT or "inter operability" or "inter-
operatability") and tes*

system* and admin* and (Solaris or unix or AIX or Linux or Redhat or "Red hat" or
"RHEL") and (backup or recov*) and (LAN or WAN) and (instal* or config* or mainta*)
and (Tier or "Tier2" or "Tier 2" or "Tier3" or "Tier 3") and ("24/7" or "Oncall" or
"On call" or "On-Call") and suppor* and (NOC or provisio* or operati*)

Avaya and ("CallCenter" or "Call Center" or "Call-Center" or "Contact Center" or

"ContactCenter" or "Contact Center") and (ACD or "Automatic Call Distribution") or
(CMS or "Call Management System") and (IVR or "Interactive Voice response") and
(VOIP or Voice) and program* and (VB or "Visual Basis" or Java or "C++" or SQL)

(IVR or "Interactive Voice Response") and (CallCenter or "Call Center" or "Call-

Center" or "ContactCenter" or "Contact-Center" or "Contact Center") and (VB or
"Visual Basic" or "Java" or "J2EE") and SQL and program* and Avaya

(IVR or "Interactive voice Response") and (Java or J2EE or "JEE" or "C++") and SQL
and Avaya and (VXML or Voice)

(IVR or "Interactive voice Response" or "Interactive Voice" or "Interactive-Voice-

Response") and cal* and (Java or "J2EE" or JEE or "C++" or "C ++") and (VXML or "V
XML" or "V-XML" or Voice or "CCXML") and Avaya

(NOC or "Network Operational Analy*" or "Operational Analy*") and switc* and

suppor* and (troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*" or resolv*)

netwo* and engine* and circui* and (DS3 or "DS 3" or "DS-3" or OC3 or "OC 3" or
"OC-3" or OC12 or "OC 12" or "OC-12") and data* and (Ethernet or Switc*)

System* and (Admin or Admin*) and (Linux or "Red Hat" or RHEL or "RedHat" or Unix
or AIX or HPUX or "HP/UX" or "HP-UX") and (Configura* or Insta* or upgrad* or
Mainta* or Monitor*)

Unix and (Linux or RHEL or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat" or "RedHat") and (Solaris or
"HPUX" or "HP/UX" or "HP-UX" or "HP UX" or AIX) and (DB or Database) and (SLA or
"Service Level Agreements" or WLAs or "Worker level agreements") and ("24/7" or "On
Call" or "On-Call" or "On Call") and (Monito* or config* or install*) and (Storage
or Backup or "Back-up" or "Back up" or recove*) and (virtual* or VmWare or VMs or
(netcool or "net cool" or "net-cool") and tivoli and IBM and (Linux or redhat or
"Red hat" or "Red-Hat" or RHEL) and (Java or PHP or HTML or Perl) and (SNMP or CMIP
or "TL1" or socke*) and SQL

IBM and Tivoli and (NetCool or "Net Cool" or "Net-Cool" or Omnibus or "Omni bus" or

("Construction Manager" or "Site acquisi*") and site and acquisi* and (UMTS or LTE
or wireless or "CellSites" or "CellSite" or "Cell-Sites" or "Cell-Site" or "Cell
Sites" or "Cell Site")

(ISP or "Internet Service provider") and suppor* and ("24/7" or "On Call" or "on-
call" or "onCall") and (Troubleshoo* or "trouble shoo*" or "trouble-shoo*" or
resolv*) and (DNS or Radius or DHCP or CPE) and (Debian) and SQL

Networ* and archit* and (Access) and (Equipments or Equipment or Vendor*) and
(DSLAM or Ethernet or ATM) and (NOC or Operatio* or Provisio*) and ("ADSL2" or
"ADSL 2" or "ADSL2+" or "ADSL2 +" or "VDSL2" or "VDSL 2" or eSHDSL or xPON or
"G.984" or "G.991" or "G.992" or "G.993" or "G.994" or "G.998" or "G.8031" or
"G.8032" or FTTx or QoS) and (xDSL or xPON)

"Construction Manager" and (desig* or implemen* or Civil) and site* and acquis* and
(logist* or sourc*)

MRE and (Filing or Paperwork) and ("O-Calc" or "O Calc") and pole and (GO95 or "GO
95" or "GO-95" or NESC)

("Project Coordinator" or "Project Admin*") and coordinat* and (Google or Twitter

or Facebook)

("C++" or "C ++") and java and (program* or develop*) and thread* and (GUI or
"Graphical User Interface") and linux and (iPlanet or "i Planet" or "i-Planet" or
Apache or Tomcat) and network*

network* and equipment* and technic* and logist* and order* and material* and CISCO

Haseeb ullah khan

("OBIEE" OR "Oracle Business Intelligence") AND develop* AND Warehous*

(UX or "User Experience" or "UserExperience" or "User-Experience") and (UI or "User

Interface" or "UserInterface" or "User-Interface") and design* and (HTML or "HTML
5" or "HTML5") and (CSS or "CSS3" or "CSS 3") and interact* and graphic* and

PHP and develop* and drupal and (HTML or "HTML5" or "HTML 5") and (CSS or "CSS3" or
"CSS 3") and web and LAMP and apache

(Linux or "REDHAT" or "RED HAT") and ("C++" or "C ++") and java and (GUI or
"Graphical User Interface") and (iPlanet or "i Planet" or "i-Planet" or Apache or
Tomcat) and network*

"system engineer" and desig* and architec* and requiremen* and (voip or "voice over
internet protocol" or "voice over IP") and networ* and ("IP Multimedia Subsystem"
or "IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem" or IMS or "Session Initiation Protocol"
or SIP) and (vendor or client) and manag*

(".net" or ". net" or ". Net" or ".Net" or ".NET" or ". NET") and (develop* or
program*) and (telerik or "tele rik" or "tele-rik") and (HTML or XHTML or XML or
XSLT) and Ajax and SQL

"system engineer" and desig* and architec* and requiremen* and (voip or
"voice over internet protocol" or "voice over IP") and networ* and ("IP Multimedia
Subsystem" or "IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem" or IMS or "Session Initiation
Protocol" or SIP) and (vendor or client) and manag* and (vmware or "vm ware" or
Virtual* or "ESX" or linux or securit* or HIPAA or "Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act" or "Protected Health Information" or PHI or HL7 or HITECH
or FDA or PCI "21CFR") and (vendor or client) and manag*

(conten* or "web conten*" or "web content management" or WCM or CMS or "Content

Management System") and conten* and ("html5" or html) and (css or Cascade* or
"CSS3") and (PhotoSho* or "dreamweaver" or drupal or illustrat* or adob*) and
analy* and ("web analy*" or Sitecatalyst or "site catalyst" or Omniture or "web
metrics" or "Google Analytics" or "Yahoo Analytics" or "Yahoo Web Analytics" or
"Crazy Egg" or Compete or "Google's Web Site Optimizer" or "Web Site Optimizer" or

("Web content*" or "web Content manag*" or "WCM" or "Content management system")

and content* and ("HTML5" or "HTML 5" or HTML) and (CSS or Cascade* or "CSS 3" or
"CSS3") and edit* and (PhotoSho* or "dreamweaver" or drupal or illustrat* or adob*)
and analy*

oracle and (DBA or "Database Admin*") and RAC and (Linux or AIX) and OEM and SQL
and tun* and RMAN

"Project Manager" and budget* and manag* and schedul* and securit* and federal and
framework and PMP

(Peoplesoft or "People Soft" or "People-Soft") and (Payroll or "Pay-Roll" or "Pay

Roll") and test* and oracle and SQL and (Linux or "Redhat" or "Red Hat" or "Red-
Hat" or RHEL) and (QC or "Quality center") and (QTP or "Quick Test pro*")

Voip and network* and support* and SIP and CISCO and (resolv* or "Troubleshoot*" or
"trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*")

(voip or "voice over internet protocol" or "voice over IP" or "Hosted IP" or
"Hosted VoIP") and ("Session Initiation Protocol" or SIP) and suppor* and rout* and
(featur* or syste*) and (vendo* or agenc*) and networ* and (instal* or configur*)
and troubleshoo* and activat*

(voip or "voice over internet protocol" or "voice over IP" or "Hosted IP" or
"Hosted VoIP") and ("Session Initiation Protocol" or SIP) and suppor* and rout* and
(featur* or syste*) and networ* and (instal* or configur* or troubleshoo*) and
activat* and (vendo* or agenc* or locatio*)

(voip or "voice over internet protocol" or "voice over IP" or "Hosted IP" or
"Hosted VoIP") and ("Session Initiation Protocol" or SIP) and (resolv* or
"Troubleshoot*" or "trouble shoot*" or "trouble-shoot*) and (install* or config*)

(Linux or RHEL or "RedHat" or "Red Hat" or "Red-Hat") and script* and ("TCP/IP" or
"TCP / IP" or "TCP/ IP" or "TCP /IP" or "TCP IP" or "TCP-IP") and ("C++" or "C ++")
and network* or program*

SQL and develop* and server and (SSRS or "SQL Server integration services") and
(".net" or ". net" or ".Net" or ".Net" or ". NET" or ".NET" or "DotNet" or "Dot
Net" or "Csharp" or "C-Sharp" or "C Sharp" or "C#" or "C #")

(BO or "Business Object") and report* and develop* and migrat* and web

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