InstallationGuideWindows7 PDF

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Quick Installation Guide for Windows 7

This section describes the procedure for installing and configuring PDS on a Windows 7
computer that includes User Access Control (UAC).

Software Prerequisites
For more information, see the Software Prerequisites section in Server Hardware and
Software Requirements.

Computer Preparation
1. Log in as an administrator with local administration permissions.
2. Create a temporary folder on the C:\ drive, such as C:\temp. Ensure the folder security
allows users to write, read and execute. This should include the Intergraph Batch Manager
3. Create a share for the temporary folder with the same permissions described in the previous
4. Create the following folder structure: C:\win32app\ingr\share\.
5. Enable Remote Registry service, this service is not on by default in Windows 7.
If the Remote Registry service is not running, some of the batch processes
might fail.

Enabling Remote Registry service

To enable Remote Registry you should be a member of the local administration
group or its equivalent on the remote computer.
1. Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative tools > Services.
2. In the console pane, look for Remote Registry. Right-click on Remote Registry, and then
select Properties.
3. Set Startup Type to Automatic.
4. Click Start.
5. Click OK.

Registry Modification
Use extreme caution when modifying the registry. If you are unsure of what steps to
take, please contact Intergraph Support.
1. Start the Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
2. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE folder and create an Intergraph folder
by selecting Edit > New > Key.
For 64-bit operating systems, add the new key in the
3. Create a string value named Common in the Intergraph key with a value of
4. Add a new DWORD (32-bit) Value (Edit > New) named DisableUNCCheck with a value of
1 to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Process key.
Choose the 32-bit DWORD type regardless of your operating system architecture.

Quick Installation Guide for Windows 7

5. Locate the
G folder
There are three methods for modifying this key:
 Add the shared folders on the server to the allowed paths in the WINREG key. To add
all allowed paths, enter System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Shares
as the value for the AllowedPaths key in the WINREG folder.
 Grant access permission to the users or user groups from within the Registry Editor
from the Edit > Permissions command.
 Delete the WINREG key.

1. Install SmartPlant License Manager.
After installation, and in order to use a license to run PDS applications, you must run
SPLM as an administrator by right-clicking the start menu item and selecting Run as
administrator. Click Yes on the User Access Control dialog box.
2. Configure SmartPlant License Manager to point to the license computer. Do this in
SmartPlant License Manager by selecting Configure and Test > Select License Machine
for Client.
3. Perform a complete installation of Microstation J.
4. Install RIS Client. After installation, you must configure the RIS Client.
a. Select Start > All Programs > RIS > RIS Schema Manager.
b. Click Schema File, and select Show Schema File Location.
c. Click Locate Schema File.
d. Type the path of the schema file and filename in the Schema File Name field.
e. Click OK.
5. Install Intergraph Batch Manager.
6. Install PDS Applications. After installation, you must locate the pds.cmd file and configure
the batch queues.
a. Log in as an administrator.
b. Select Start > All Programs > PD_Shell > PDS Configure. Select Yes on the User
Access Control dialog box.
c. Locate the pds.cmd file with the Browse command.
d. Select Local Machine in the Update Registry Entry for section. This will setup the
location of the cmd file for anyone that has not already chosen to point the registry entry
to their “Current User” profile in the registry. Note that Current User entries override the
Local Machine entries for pointing to the pds.cmd file.
e. Click OK.
f. Select Start > All Programs > PD_Shell > PDS Queue as an administrator.
g. Select Yes on the User Access Control dialog box.
h. Configure your queues.

 If you are not an administrator on the computer, the queue creation process fails.
 If PDS2D was installed on the computer, the path variable in Environment Variables
must have the PDS path variable before the PDS2D variable.

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