TK-500MB - DB - Rev. 00

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TAGs: TV-02301 y TV-02302


10 / Febrero / 2020

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Table of Contents

Project Design Data and Summary

Roof and Structure Design Details

Top Member Design

Shell Design

Bottom Design

Wind Moment

Seismic Design

Anchor Bolt Design

Anchor Chair Design

Appurtenances Design

Normal and Emergency Venting

Capacities and Weights

Reactions on Foundation

MAWP & MAWV Summary

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No Warnings!!

Project Design Data and Summary


Project Data
Job : MEX-001-20
Date of Calcs. : 08-Feb-2020
Mfg. or Insp. Date :
Designer : DGG
Project :
Tag ID : TK 500 MB DB
Plant Location : Paraíso, Tabasco
Site : Refinería de Dos Bocas
Design Basis : API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 3 August 2018

Design Parameters and Operating Conditions

Design Parameters
Design Internal Pressure = 0.981 KPa or 100.013 mmh2o
Design External Pressure = -0 KPa or -0 mmh2o

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) = 0.985 KPa or 100.494 mmh2o

Maximum Allowable Working Vacuum (MAWV) = -0.626 KPa or -63.878 mmh2o

MAWP and MAWV reversed calculations are not part of the standard API-650. User must validate
these values in a new design. Under these conditions additional appendices may apply.

D of Tank = 85.344 m
OD of Tank = 85.42 m
ID of Tank = 85.344 m
CL of Tank = 85.382 m
Shell Height = 14.63 m
S.G of Contents = 1
S.G of Hydrotest = 1
Max Design Liq. Level = 13.167 m
Max Operating Liq. Level = 13.167 m
Min Liq. Level = 2.926 m
Design Temperature = 32.9 ºC
MDMT (Minimum Design Metal Temperature) = 10 ºC
Tank Joint Efficiency = 1
Ground Snow Load = 0 KPa
Roof Live Load = 1 KPa
Additional Roof Dead Load = 0 KPa

Wind Load Basis: ASCE7-05

3 Second Gust Wind Speed (entered), Vg = 130 kph
Wind Importance Factor, Iw = 1

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Design Wind Speed, V = Vg * SQRT(Iw) = 130 kph

Seismic Method: API-650 - Site Specific

Seismic Use Group = I
Site Class = D
Sai (g) = 0.1
Sac (g) = 0.5
Av (g) = 0.047
Importance Factor = 1
Rwi = 4
Rwc = 2

Design Remarks
TAGs: TV-02301 y TV-02302
El modeo se basa en las Hojas de datos proporcionadas por
R2B-P6-401-02-A-HD-00001_A (HOSTO)
Como fuente de información existen diferencias entre ambas
hojas de datos.
El tanque se considera con techo cónico y con estructura
interna de soporte.

Summary Results
Shell Width CA Min Yield Sd St Weight
Material JE Strength
# (mm) (mm) Strength (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (N)
1 2438.400 3.200 1 260 485 173 195 1,914,239
2 2438.400 3.200 1 260 485 173 195 1,914,239
3 2438.400 3.200 1 260 485 173 195 1,276,349
4 2438.400 3.200 1 260 485 173 195 1,115,591
5 2438.400 3.200 1 260 485 173 195 799,063
6 2438 3.200 1 260 485 173 195 638,165


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t-min t-min t-min
Shell Weight CA t-Des t-Test t-min t-Actual
Erection Seismic Ext-Pe Status
# (N) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1,753,529 10 32.988 26.632 28.510 NA 32.988 38.100 OK
2 1,753,529 10 28.726 22.405 24.063 NA 28.726 38.100 OK
3 1,115,591 10 20.699 15.647 19.622 NA 20.699 25.400 OK
4 954,821 10 15.425 10.890 15.193 NA 15.425 22.200 OK
5 638,269 10 9.879 5.999 10.782 NA 10.782 15.900 OK
6 477,385 10 4.790 1.442 6.402 NA 10 12.700 OK
Total Weight of Shell = 781,396.841 kg

Type = Structurally Supported Conical Roof
Plates Material = A516-70
Structural Material = A36
t.required = 8.2 mm
t.actual = 11.11 mm
Roof corrosion allowance = 3.2 mm
Roof Joint Efficiency = 1
Plates Overlap Weight = 8,373.702 kg
Plates Weight = 500,501.752 kg

Qty At Radius (m) Size Length (m) W (N/m) Ind. Weight (kg) Total Weight (kg)
36 10.668 W10X30 9.751 437.817 435.347 15,672.52
66 21.394 W12X40 12.4 583.756 738.157 48,718.38
96 32.062 W12X40 11.696 583.756 696.274 66,842.314
136 42.662 W12X40 11.427 583.756 680.227 92,510.978

Rafters Total Weight = 223,744.194 kg

Qty At Radius (m) Size Length (m) W (N/m) Ind. Weight (kg) Total Weight (kg)
6 10.668 W18X86 10.464 1,255.075 1,339.204 8,035.228
12 21.336 W18X86 10.84 1,255.075 1,387.367 16,648.414
17 32.004 W18X97 11.557 1,415.608 1,668.338 28,361.754
Girders Total Weight = 53,045.396 kg

Qty At Radius (m) Size Length (m) W (N/m) Ind. Weight (kg) Total Weight (kg)
1 0 14" SCH 80 16.619 1,550.34 2,627.301 2,627.301
6 10.668 12" SCH XS 15.867 955.555 1,571.439 9,428.638
12 21.336 10" SCH XS 15.2 799.546 1,253.269 15,039.23

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17 32.004 10" SCH XS 14.528 799.546 1,191.246 20,251.184
Columns Total Weight = 47,346.355 kg

Type : Cone-Up Bottom Floor
Bottom Material = A516-70
t.required = 9.2 mm
t.actual = 9.525 mm
Bottom corrosion allowance = 3.2 mm
Bottom Joint Efficiency = 0.35
Total Weight of Bottom = 428,952.298 kg

Top Member
Type = Detail B
Size = L8x6x1
Material = A36
Weight = 17,641.08 kg

Quantity = 90
Size = M56 mm
Material = A36
Bolt Hole Circle Radius = 42.812 m

Nameplate Information
Pressure Combination Factor 0.4
Design Standard API-650 12th Edition, Addendum 3 August 2018
Appendices Used E, F, P
Roof A516-70 : 11.11 mm
Shell (1) A516-70 : 38.1 mm
Shell (2) A516-70 : 38.1 mm
Shell (3) A516-70 : 25.4 mm
Shell (4) A516-70 : 22.2 mm
Shell (5) A516-70 : 15.9 mm
Shell (6) A516-70 : 12.7 mm
Bottom A516-70 : 9.525 mm

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Roof and Structure Design Details Back
Roof Type = Cone
Structure Support Type = Inside Structure With Columns

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
Density (d) = 7,840 kg/m^3

Rh = Horizontal Radius (m)
slope = Slope (Rise / Run)

Rh = 42.726 m
slope = 0.063

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Slope Angle Theta ARCTAN(slope) 3.576 deg
Angle With Vertical Line Alpha 90 - Theta 86.424 deg
Height h Rh * TAN(Theta) 2.67 m
Surface Area A (pi * (Rh^2)) / COS(Theta) 5,746.122 m^2
Center of Gravity from Base CG h/3 0.89 m
Vertical Projected Area Av Rh * h 114.093 m^2
Horizontal Projected Area Ah pi * (Rh^2) 5,734.932 m^2
Volume V (pi * (Rh^2) * h) / 3 5,104.77 m^3

DL-add = Added dead load (kPa)
d-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3)
t = Plates Thickness (mm)
t-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm)

DL-add = 0.0 kPa

d-ins = 130 kg/m^3
t = 11.11 mm
t-ins = 0 mm

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Plates Nominal Weight Wr-pl A*d*t 500,500.997 kg
Plates Corroded Weight Wr-pl-corr A * d * (t - CA) 356,342.294 kg
((9.80665 * Wr-pl) / Ah) * (1 /
New Plates Dead Load Pressure DL-pl 0.856 kPa

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Corroded Plates Dead Load ((9.80665 * Wr-pl-corr) / Ah) * (1 /
DL-pl-corr 0.609 kPa
Pressure 1000)
Insulation Weight Wr-ins t-ins * d-ins * A 0.0 kg
((9.80665 * Wr-ins) / Ah) * (1 /
Insulation Dead Load Pressure DL-ins 0.0 kPa
Dead Load DL DL-pl + DL-ins + DL-add 0.856 kPa
Total Nominal Dead Weight Wr-DL (DL * Ah) / 9.80665 500,500.997 kg
Additional Dead Weight (DL-add * Ah) / 9.80665 0.0 kg

B = Maximum Gravity Load Combination Based on Balanced Snow Load (kPa)
Fpe = External Pressure Combination Factor
Lr = Minimum Roof Live Load (kPa)
Pv = Design External Pressure (kPa)
S = Ground Snow Load (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Snow load per API 650 Section 5.2.1 (h) (kPa)
Su = Unbalanced Snow load per API 650 Section 5.2.1 (h) (kPa)
U = Maximum Gravity Load Combination Based on Unbalanced Snow Load (kPa)
W-max-gravity-load = Maximum Gravity Load Weight (kg)
e.1b = Gravity Loads Combination 1 Based on Balanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2
e.1u = Gravity Loads Combination 1 Based on Unbalanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2
e.2b = Gravity Loads Combination 2 Based on Balanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2
e.2u = Gravity Loads Combination 2 Based on Unbalanced Snow Load per API 650 Section 5.2.2
max-gravity-load = Maximum Gravity Load (kPa)

Fpe = 0.4
Lr = 1.0 kPa
Pv = 0.0 kPa
S = 0.0 kPa

Sb = 0.84 * S
Sb = 0.84 * 0.0
Sb = 0.0 kPa

Su = Sb
Su = 0.0
Su = 0.0 kPa

e.1b = DL + MAX(Lr , Sb) + (Fpe * Pv)

e.1b = 0.8558 + MAX(1.0 , 0.0) + (0.4 * 0.0)
e.1b = 1.856 kPa

e.2b = DL + Pv + (0.4 * MAX(Lr , Sb))

e.2b = 0.8558 + 0.0 + (0.4 * MAX(1.0 , 0.0))
e.2b = 1.256 kPa

B = MAX(e.1b , e.2b)

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B = MAX(1.8558 , 1.2558)
B = 1.856 kPa

e.1u = DL + MAX(Lr , Su) + (Fpe * Pv)

e.1u = 0.8558 + MAX(1.0 , 0.0) + (0.4 * 0.0)
e.1u = 1.856 kPa

e.2u = DL + Pv + (0.4 * MAX(Lr , Su))

e.2u = 0.8558 + 0.0 + (0.4 * MAX(1.0 , 0.0))
e.2u = 1.256 kPa

U = MAX(e.1u , e.2u)
U = MAX(1.8558 , 1.2558)
U = 1.856 kPa

max-gravity-load = MAX(B , U)
max-gravity-load = MAX(1.8558 , 1.8558)
max-gravity-load = 1.856 kPa

W-max-gravity-load = (max-gravity-load * Ah * 1000) / 9.80665

W-max-gravity-load = (1.8558 * 5,734.9316 * 1000) / 9.80665
W-max-gravity-load = 1,085,301.275 kg

Erection Requirements
t-erec-req = Minimum Erection Thickness Including Corrosion Allowance (mm)

As per API-650, Minimum Erection Thickness (t-erec) = 5 mm

t-erec-req = t-erec + CA
t-erec-req = 5 + 3.2
t-erec-req = 8.2 mm

API-650 Appendix F Internal Pressure Thickness Calculation

Alpha = Half Apex Angle of Cone Roof (deg)
CA = Corrosion Allowance (mm)
DL-add = Additional Dead Load (kPa)
DL-plates = Plates Dead Load (kPa)
E = Joint Efficiency
L-max-F = Maximum Roof Load Based on Installed Thickness (kPa)
P = Internal Design Pressure (kPa)
P-max-F = Maximum Design Pressure (kPa)
P-net = Net Internal Pressure (kPa)
Rt = Nominal Tank Radius (m)
Sd = Allowable Stress for the Design Condition (MPa)
t = Roof Actual Thickness (mm)
t-calc-F = Minimum Roof Thickness Required for Internal Pressure per API-650 F.6 (mm)

Alpha = 86.424 deg

CA = 3.2 mm
DL-add = 0.0 kPa
DL-plates = 0.856 kPa
P = 0.981 kPa
Rt = 42.691 m
Sd = 173.0 MPa
t = 11.11 mm

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P-net = MAX((P - DL-plates - DL-add) , 0)
P-net = MAX((0.9807 - 0.8558 - 0.0) , 0)
P-net = 0.125 kPa

t-calc-F = ((P-net * Rt) / (COS(Alpha) * Sd * E)) + CA

t-calc-F = ((0.1249 * 42.6911) / (COS(86.4237) * 173.0 * 1)) + 3.2
t-calc-F = 3.694 mm

L-max-F = ((t - CA) * (COS(Alpha) * Sd * E)) / Rt

L-max-F = ((11.11 - 3.2) * (COS(86.4237) * 173.0 * 1)) / 42.6911
L-max-F = 1.999 kPa

P-max-F = L-max-F + DL-plates + DL-add

P-max-F = 1.9995 + 0.8558 + 0.0
P-max-F = 2.855 kPa

Required Thickness
MAWP-Roof = Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (kPa)
t-req = Required Thickness (mm)

t-req = MAX(t-erec-req , t-calc-F)

t-req = MAX(8.2 , 3.6939)
t-req = 8.2 mm

t >= t-req ==> PASS

MAWP-Roof = P-max-F
MAWP-Roof = 2.8553
MAWP-Roof = 2.855 kPa

Structure Design Calculations

Radial Bay 3 (outer bay)
Radial Bay 3 Rafters Spacing and Quantity
DL = Dead load (kPa)
Fp = Pressure Combination Factor
Fy-roof = Roof Yield Strength (MPa)
Lr = Roof Live Load (kPa)
N-min-4 = Rafters Quantity Required
N-rft-4 = Actual Number of Rafters
P-ext-1-4 = Maximum External Pressure (kPa)
P-max-4 = Maximun Roof Load Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (MPa)
R-4 = Rafters Outer Radius (mm)
S = Ground Snow Load (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Snow Load (kPa)
TL = Roof Total Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
l = Rafters Maximum Spacing per API-650 (mm)
l-actual-4 = Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)
roof-ca = Roof Corrosion Allowance (mm)
t-actual = Roof Actual Thickness (mm)
t-calc-4 = Roof Required Thickness Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)

DL = 0.856 kPa
Fp = 0.4

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Fy-roof = 260.0 MPa
Lr = 1.0 kPa
N-rft-4 = 136
R-4 = 42,672 mm
S = 0.0 kPa
Sb = 0.0 kPa
TL = 0.002 MPa
roof-ca = 3.2 mm
t-actual = 11.11 mm

l = (t-actual - roof-ca) * SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))

l = (11.11 - 3.2) * SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))
l = 3,626.08 (Set to 2,100 mm since it cannot be greater than 2,100)

N-min-4 = CEILING(((2 * pi * R-4) / l))

N-min-4 = CEILING(((2 * pi * 42,672) / 2,100))
N-min-4 = 128

N-recommended-4 must be a multiple of 17, therefore N-recommended-4 = 136.

N-rft-4 >= N-min-4 ==> PASS

l-actual-4 = (2 * pi * R-4) / N-rft-4

l-actual-4 = (2 * pi * 42,672) / 136
l-actual-4 = 1,971.442 mm

t-calc-4 = (l-actual-4 / SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))) + roof-ca

t-calc-4 = (1,971.4418 / SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))) + 3.2
t-calc-4 = 7.501 mm

Radial Bay 3 Maximum Allowable External Pressure Based on Rafters Actual Spacing
P-max-4 = (1.5 * Fy-roof) / ((l-actual-4 / (t-actual - roof-ca))^2)
P-max-4 = (1.5 * 260.0) / ((1,971.4418 / (11.11 - 3.2))^2)
P-max-4 = 0.006 MPa

P-ext-1-4 = (P-max-4 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-1-4 = (6.2784 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-1-4 = -5.023 kPa

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Design

Average-p-width-4 = Average Plate Width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-4 = Average Rafter Spacing on Inner Side (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-4 = Average Rafter Spacing on Outer Side (mm)
CA-rft = Rafter Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma-rft = Rafter Material
Max-P-4 = Max Load Allowed per Rafter (MPa)
Max-r-span-4 = Rafter Design Length (mm)
Mmax-rft-4 = Maximum Bending Moment for the Dead Load Only (
Mmax-rft-4 = Maximum Bending Moment (
N-rft-4 = Actual Number of Rafters
N_braces = Recommended Number of Braces
P-ext-2-4 = Vacuum Limited by Rafter Type (kPa)
R-4 = Outer Radius (mm)
R-inner-4 = Inner Radius (mm)
Sd-DL-rft-4 = Rafter Allowable Stress for Dead Load Only Case (MPa)
Sd-rft-4 = Rafter Allowable Stress (MPa)

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Sx-rft-Req-4 = Minimum Required Elastic Section Modulus (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-4-1 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for the Dead Load and Live Load Case (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-4-2 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Case (cm^3)
TL = Total Top Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
Theta = Slope Angle (deg)
W-DL-rft-4 = Rafter Design Dead (rafter weight + top dead load) (N/mm)
W-Max-rft-4 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (N/mm)
W-rft-4 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
b = Braces Positions (mm)
div = Deflection Limit Divisor (mm)

CA-rft = 1.6 mm
Ma-rft = A36
N-rft-4 = 136
R-4 = 42,672 mm
R-inner-4 = 31,238.101 mm
TL = 0.002 MPa
Theta = 3.576 deg
b = [5,724.798 ] mm
div = 200 mm

Max-r-span-4 = (R-4 - R-inner-4) / COS(Theta)

Max-r-span-4 = (42,672 - 31,238.1011) / COS(3.5763)
Max-r-span-4 = 11,456.209 mm

Average-r-s-inner-4 = (2 * pi * R-inner-4) / N-rft-4

Average-r-s-inner-4 = (2 * pi * 31,238.1011) / 136
Average-r-s-inner-4 = 1,443.197 mm

Average-r-s-shell-4 = (2 * pi * R-4) / N-rft-4

Average-r-s-shell-4 = (2 * pi * 42,672) / 136
Average-r-s-shell-4 = 1,971.442 mm

Average-p-width-4 = (Average-r-s-inner-4 + Average-r-s-shell-4) / 2

Average-p-width-4 = (1,443.1969 + 1,971.4418) / 2
Average-p-width-4 = 1,707.319 mm

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Radial Bay 3 Rafter I-Beam Size W12X40 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 59.527 41.526 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 7,548.372 5,265.836 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 130.302 130.302 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 49.276 49.276 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 127,783,047.659 92,951,721.651 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 18,355,805.869 13,216,299.968 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 843,933.796 620,461.622 mm^3

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Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 180,257.704 131,860.676 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X
Zx 934,062.648 671,485.835 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y
Zy 275,302.675 199,912.286 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 386,691,647,817.738 278,528,503,966.309 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 377,105.672 149,483.473 mm^4
Centroid X Coords cx 101.727 100.127 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 151.13 149.53 mm
Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 101.727 100.127 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 151.13 149.53 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 203.454 200.254 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 13.081 9.881 mm
I-Beam Depth d 302.26 299.06 mm
I-Beam Web Thickness tw 7.493 4.293 mm

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360

Lp = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding per AISC-360 F2-5
Lr = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional
buckling per AISC-360 F2-6 (mm)
M = Lateral torsional buckling per AISC-360 F2-2 (
Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
Mpa = Allowable Flexural Strength Assuming the Member is Braced (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web
bf = Flange width (mm)
c = Coefficient per AISC-360 F2-8a
h = Web height (mm)
ho = Distance between the flange centroids (mm)
rts = Effective radius of gyration per AISC-360 F2-7 (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 100.127 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 279.298 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

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Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))
Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :

(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw

==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 671,485.8348
Mp = 167,871,458.695

Unbraced length (Lb) = 5,731.411 mm

Lp = 1.76 * ry-corr * SQRT((E / Sy))

Lp = 1.76 * 49.276 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Lp = 2,446.835 mm

ho = d-corr - tf-corr
ho = 299.06 - 9.881
ho = 289.179 mm


rts = SQRT((SQRT((Iy-corr * cw-corr)) / Sx-corr))

rts = SQRT((SQRT((13,216,299.9683 * 278,528,503,966.3092)) / 620,461.6225))
rts = 55.608 mm

Lr = 1.95 * rts * (E / (0.7 * Sy)) * SQRT((((j-corr * c) / (Sx-corr * ho)) + SQRT(((((j-corr *

c) / (Sx-corr * ho))^2) + (6.76 * (((0.7 * Sy) / E)^2))))))
Lr = 1.95 * 55.608 * (199,000 / (0.7 * 250.0)) * SQRT((((149,483.4734 * 1) /
(620,461.6225 * 289.179)) + SQRT(((((149,483.4734 * 1) / (620,461.6225 * 289.179))^2)
+ (6.76 * (((0.7 * 250.0) / 199,000)^2))))))
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Lr = 7,047.518 mm

(Lp < Lb) AND (Lb <= Lr)

M = Cb * (Mp - ((Mp - (0.7 * Sy * Sx-corr)) * ((Lb - Lp) / (Lr - Lp))))

M = 1 * (167,871,458.6952 - ((167,871,458.6952 - (0.7 * 250.0 * 620,461.6225)) *
((5,731.4113 - 2,446.8348) / (7,047.5182 - 2,446.8348))))
M = 125,541,931.023

Mpa = Mp / 1.67
Mpa = 167,871,458.6952 / 1.67
Mpa = 100,521,831.554

Mn = MIN(Mp , M) = 125,541,931.023

Ma = Mn / 1.67
Ma = 125,541,931.0231 / 1.67
Ma = 75,174,808.996

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load and Live Load Design
W-rft-4 = (TL * Average-p-width-4) + W
W-rft-4 = (0.0019 * 1,707.3193) + 0.5838
W-rft-4 = 3.752 N/mm

Mmax-rft-4 = (W-rft-4 * (Max-r-span-4^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-4 = (3.7523 * (11,456.209^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-4 = 61,558,432.136

Sd-rft-4 = Mpa / Sx-corr

Sd-rft-4 = 100,521,831.554 / 620,461.6225
Sd-rft-4 = 162.011 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-4-1 = (Mmax-rft-4 / Sd-rft-4) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-4-1 = (61,558,432.1357 / 162.0114) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-4-1 = 379.964 cm^3

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Design Case
W-DL-rft-4 = (DL * Average-p-width-4) + W
W-DL-rft-4 = (0.0009 * 1,707.3193) + 0.5838
W-DL-rft-4 = 2.045 N/mm

N_braces = CEILING((Max-r-span-4 / Lr)) - 1

N_braces = CEILING((11,456.209 / 7,047.5182)) - 1
N_braces = 1

Mmax-rft-4 = (W-DL-rft-4 * (Max-r-span-4^2)) / 8

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Mmax-rft-4 = (2.045 * (11,456.209^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-4 = 33,548,850.081

Sd-DL-rft-4 = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-DL-rft-4 = 75,174,808.9959 / 620,461.6225
Sd-DL-rft-4 = 121.159 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-4-2 = (Mmax-rft-4 / Sd-DL-rft-4) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-4-2 = (33,548,850.0805 / 121.1595) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-4-2 = 276.898 cm^3

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Minimum Required Section Modulus

Sx-rft-Req-4 = MAX(Sx-rft-Req-4-1 , Sx-rft-Req-4-2)
Sx-rft-Req-4 = MAX(379.9637 , 276.8983)
Sx-rft-Req-4 = 379.964 cm^3

Sx-corr >= Sx-rft-Req-4 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Max-r-span-4 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Max-r-span-4/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

Max-r-span-4 = 11,456.209 mm
rx-corr = 130.302 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

Max-r-span-4/rx-corr = Max-r-span-4 / rx-corr

Max-r-span-4/rx-corr = 11,456.209 / 130.302
Max-r-span-4/rx-corr = 87.92

r-req = Max-r-span-4 / max-ratio

r-req = 11,456.209 / 300
r-req = 38.187 mm

Max-r-span-4/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

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tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Max-r-span-4 / div

delta_max = 11,456.209 / 200
delta_max = 57.281 mm

delta = (5 * W-rft-4 * (Max-r-span-4^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

delta = (5 * 3.7523 * (11,456.209^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 92,951,721.6508)
delta = 45.498 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Rafter Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-rft-4 = (Sx-corr * Sd-rft-4 * 8) / (Max-r-span-4^2)
W-Max-rft-4 = (620,461.6225 * 162.0114 * 8) / (11,456.209^2)
W-Max-rft-4 = 6.127 N/mm

Max-P-4 = (W-Max-rft-4 - W) / Average-p-width-4

Max-P-4 = (6.1273 - 0.5838) / 1,707.3193
Max-P-4 = 0.003 MPa

P-ext-2-4 = (Max-P-4 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-2-4 = (3.2469 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-2-4 = -1.991 kPa

Radial Bay 3 Girder Design

Average-p-width-4 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-p-width-prev-4 = Average plate width previous (mm)
C1-4 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-4 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-grd = Girder Corrosion Allowance (mm)
F-Max-girder-4 = Maximum Allowable Rafters Load (N)
Girder-Length-4 = Girder Length (mm)
Ma-grd = Girder Material
Max-P-girder-4 = Maximum Allowable Roof Load (MPa)
Mmax-girder-4 = Maximum moment bending (
N-col-4 = Actual Number of columns
N-grd-4 = Actual Number of girders
N-rft-4 = Number of Rafters
P-ext-3-4 = Vacuum Limited by Girder Type (kPa)

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Rafter-Weight-4 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-4 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sd-girder = Girder Allowable Stress (MPa)
Sx-girder-Req'd-4 = Required elastic section modulus about the x axis (cm^3)
W-DL-girder-4 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-girder-4 = Maximum Allowable Girder Load Based on Girder Size (N/mm)
W-girder-4 = Total Load Including Weight of Girder (N/mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)
radial-distance-4 = Radial Distance (mm)
radial-distance-previous-4 = Radial Distance Previous Bay (mm)

Average-p-width-4 = 1,707.319 mm
Average-p-width-prev-4 = 1,717.045 mm
CA-grd = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-4 = 11,557.439 mm
Ma-grd = A36
N-col-4 = 17
N-grd-4 = 17
N-rft-4 = 136
Rafter-Weight-4 = 0.06 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-4 = 0.06 kg/mm
div = 200 mm
radial-distance-4 = 32,004 mm
radial-distance-previous-4 = 21,336 mm

Radial Bay 3 Girder Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Radial Bay 3 Girder I-Beam Size W18X97 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 144.352 118.589 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 18,387.06 15,105.458 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 198.628 198.628 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 67.31 67.31 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 728,404,994.8 610,016,691.856 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 83,662,516.546 69,104,651.057 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 3,080,768.032 2,597,642.837 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 591,573.01 494,244.797 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X
Zx 3,457,670.504 2,879,740.025 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y
Zy 906,204.639 752,557.337 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 4,242,866,691,333.515 3,506,308,003,180.648 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 2,439,116.154 1,442,697.122 mm^4
Centroid X Coords cx 140.97 139.37 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 236.22 234.62 mm

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Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 140.97 139.37 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 236.22 234.62 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 281.94 278.74 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 22.098 18.898 mm
I-Beam Depth d 472.44 469.24 mm
I-Beam Web Thickness tw 13.589 10.389 mm

Radial Bay 3 Girder Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360

Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web
bf = Flange width (mm)
h = Web height (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 139.37 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 431.444 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :

(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw
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==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 2,879,740.0246
Mp = 719,935,006.149

Mn = Mp
Mn = 719,935,006.1491
Mn = 719,935,006.149

Ma = Mn / 1.67
Ma = 719,935,006.1491 / 1.67
Ma = 431,098,806.077

Radial Bay 3 Girder Load

C1-4 = ((radial-distance-4 - radial-distance-previous-4) / 2) * (N-rft-3 / N-grd-4)
C1-4 = ((32,004 - 21,336) / 2) * (96 / 17)
C1-4 = 30,121.412 mm

C2-4 = ((radial-distance-next - radial-distance-4) / 2) * (N-rft-4 / N-grd-4)

C2-4 = ((42,672 - 32,004) / 2) * (136 / 17)
C2-4 = 42,672 mm

W-girder-4 = (((W-rafter-previous-4 * C1-4) + (W-rafter-4 * C2-4)) / Girder-Length-4) +

W-girder-4 = (((3.7703 * 30,121.4118) + (3.7523 * 42,672)) / 11,557.4391) + 1.4156
W-girder-4 = 25.096 N/mm

W-DL-girder-4 = (((W-DL-rafter-previous-4 * C1-4) + (W-DL-rafter-4 * C2-4)) / Girder-

Length-4) + W
W-DL-girder-4 = (((2.0533 * 30,121.4118) + (2.045 * 42,672)) / 11,557.4391) + 1.4156
W-DL-girder-4 = 14.317 N/mm

Radial Bay 3 Girder Required Section Modulus

Mmax-girder-4 = (W-girder-4 * (Girder-Length-4^2)) / 8
Mmax-girder-4 = (25.096 * (11,557.4391^2)) / 8
Mmax-girder-4 = 419,023,642.893

Sd-girder = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-girder = 431,098,806.0773 / 2,597,642.8365
Sd-girder = 165.958 MPa

Sx-girder-Req'd-4 = (Mmax-girder-4 / Sd-girder) / 1000

Sx-girder-Req'd-4 = (419,023,642.893 / 165.9577) / 1000
Sx-girder-Req'd-4 = 2,524.882 cm^3

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Sx-corr >= Sx-girder-Req'd-4 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Girder Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Girder-Length-4 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Girder-Length-4/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

Girder-Length-4 = 11,557.439 mm
rx-corr = 198.628 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

Girder-Length-4/rx-corr = Girder-Length-4 / rx-corr

Girder-Length-4/rx-corr = 11,557.4391 / 198.628
Girder-Length-4/rx-corr = 58.186

r-req = Girder-Length-4 / max-ratio

r-req = 11,557.4391 / 300
r-req = 38.525 mm

Girder-Length-4/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Girder Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Girder Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Girder-Length-4 / div

delta_max = 11,557.4391 / 200
delta_max = 57.787 mm

delta = (5 * W-girder-4 * (Girder-Length-4^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

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delta = (5 * 25.096 * (11,557.4391^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 610,016,691.8564)
delta = 48.028 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Girder Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-girder-4 = (Sx-corr * Sd-girder * 8) / (Girder-Length-4^2)
W-Max-girder-4 = (2,597,642.8365 * 165.9577 * 8) / (11,557.4391^2)
W-Max-girder-4 = 25.819 N/mm

F-Max-girder-4 = (W-Max-girder-4 - W) * Girder-Length-4

F-Max-girder-4 = (25.8192 - 1.4156) * 11,557.4391
F-Max-girder-4 = 282,043.568 N

Radial Bay 3 Girder Solve for Max-P:

Max-P-girder-4 = (F-Max-girder-4 - (Rafter-Weight-prev-4 * C1-4) - (Rafter-Weight-4 *

C2-4)) / ((Average-p-width-prev-4 * C1-4) + (Average-p-width-4 * C2-4))
Max-P-girder-4 = (282,043.5675 - (0.5838 * 30,121.4118) - (0.5838 * 42,672)) /
((1,717.0448 * 30,121.4118) + (1,707.3193 * 42,672))
Max-P-girder-4 = 0.002 MPa

P-ext-3-4 = (Max-P-girder-4 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-3-4 = (1.9229 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-3-4 = -0.667 kPa

Radial Bay 3 Column Design

A-req-4 = Required Cross Sectional Area Of Column (mm^2)
Average-p-width-4 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-4 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-4 = Average rafter spacing on shell (mm)
C1-4 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-4 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-col = Column Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Girder-Length-4 = Girder Length (mm)
Girder-Weight-4 = Girder Weight (kg/mm)
L-col = Column design length (m)
Ma-col = Column Material
Max-P-column-4 = Maximum Load allowed per Column (MPa)
N-rft-4 = Actual number of rafters
P-c-4 = Column Total Load (N)
P-ext-4-4 = Vacuum Limited by Column Type (kPa)
R-4 = Outer radius (mm)
R-inner-4 = Inner radius (mm)
Rafter-L-4 = Rafter Length (mm)
Rafter-Weight-4 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-4 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sca = Allowable Compressive Stress (MPa)
W-DL-col-top = Dead Load on Column (N)
W-DL-girder-4 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Rafters and Roof Dead Loads (N/mm)

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W-DL-rafter-4 = Rafter Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-column-4 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (N)
W-col = Column Weight (N)
W-col-top = Load on Column (N)
W-girder-4 = Girder Total Weight Including Rafters and Roof Loads (N/mm)
W-rafter-4 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
radial-distance-4 = Radial Distance (mm)

Average-p-width-4 = 1,707.319 mm
Average-r-s-inner-4 = 1,443.197 mm
Average-r-s-shell-4 = 1,971.442 mm
C1-4 = 30,121.412 mm
C2-4 = 42,672 mm
CA-col = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-4 = 11,557.439 mm
Girder-Weight-4 = 0.144 kg/mm
L-col = 14.611 m
Ma-col = A106-B
N-rft-4 = 136
R-4 = 42,672 mm
R-inner-4 = 31,238.101 mm
Rafter-Weight-4 = 0.06 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-4 = 0.06 kg/mm
W-DL-girder-4 = 14.317 N/mm
W-DL-rafter-4 = 2.045 N/mm
W-girder-4 = 25.096 N/mm
W-rafter-4 = 3.752 N/mm
radial-distance-4 = 32,004 mm

Radial Bay 3 Column Material Properties

Material = A106-B
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 415 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 240 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 201,000 MPa

Radial Bay 3 Column Pipe Size 10 SCH XS Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 81.531 60.988 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 10,387.503 7,770.18 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 92.157 92.109 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 92.157 92.109 mm
Pipe Thickness t-pipe 12.7 11.1 mm
Pipe Inner Diameter ID-pipe 247.65 247.65 mm
Pipe Outer Diameter OD-pipe 273.05 269.85 mm

Radial Bay 3 Column Allowable Compressive Strength per AISC-360

Fe = Elastic Buckling Stress per AISC-360 E3-4 (MPa)
Pa = Allowable Compressive Strength (N)
Pn = Nominal compressive strength per AISC-360 E3-1 (N)

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Radius of gyration :
(rx-corr = ry-corr) AND (L-col = L-col)

Fe = ((pi^2) * E) / (((K * L-col) / ry-corr)^2)

Fe = ((pi^2) * 201,000) / (((1 * 14,610.95) / 92.1089)^2)
Fe = 78.839 MPa

As per AISC-360 table B4.1a Pipe width to thickness ratio :

(OD-pipe-corr / t-pipe-corr) <= (0.11 * (E / Sy)) ==> Pipe is not slender

Fcr = Critical stress per AISC-360 E3-3 (MPa)

(Sy / Fe) <= 2.25

Fcr = 0.877 * Fe
Fcr = 0.877 * 78.8392
Fcr = 69.142 MPa

Pn = Fcr * A-corr
Pn = 69.1419 * 7,770.1796
Pn = 537,245.257 N

Pa = Pn / 1.67
Pa = 537,245.2574 / 1.67
Pa = 321,703.747 N

Radial Bay 3 Column Load

Rafter-L-4 = (R-4 - R-inner-4) / COS(Theta)
Rafter-L-4 = (42,672 - 31,238.1011) / COS(3.5763)
Rafter-L-4 = 11,456.209 mm

W-col = W * L-col
W-col = 799.5453 * 14.611
W-col = 11,682.116 N

W-col-top = W-girder-4 * Girder-Length-4

W-col-top = 25.096 * 11,557.4391
W-col-top = 290,046.013 N

W-DL-col-top = W-DL-girder-4 * Girder-Length-4

W-DL-col-top = 14.3173 * 11,557.4391
W-DL-col-top = 165,471.469 N

P-c-4 = W-col-top + W-col

P-c-4 = 290,046.0131 + 11,682.1162
P-c-4 = 301,728.129 N

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Radial Bay 3 Column Required Cross Sectional Area
Sca = Pa / A-corr
Sca = 321,703.747 / 7,770.1796
Sca = 41.402 MPa

A-req-4 = P-c-4 / Sca

A-req-4 = 301,728.1293 / 41.4024
A-req-4 = 7,287.704 mm^2

A-corr >= A-req-4 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Column Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 6 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

t-pipe >= t-min ==> PASS

t-pipe-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Column Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

L-col = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
L-col/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

L-col = 14,610.95 mm
rx-corr = 92.109 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 180

L-col/rx-corr = L-col / rx-corr

L-col/rx-corr = 14,610.95 / 92.1089
L-col/rx-corr = 158.627

r-req = L-col / max-ratio

r-req = 14,610.95 / 180
r-req = 81.172 mm

L-col/rx-corr <= 180 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Column Base Plate Design

B = Base Plate Length in the X direction (mm)
CA = Base Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma = Material
N = Base Plate Length in the Y direction (mm)
P-c-4 = Total Column Load (N)
fcp = Soil Bearing Capacity (kPa)
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l = Critical Base Plate Cantilever Dimension (mm)
m = Cantilever Distance in the Y Direction (mm)
n = Cantilever Distance in the X Direction (mm)
np = Yield-Line Theory Cantilever Distance (mm)
tp = Base Plate Thickness (mm)
tp-design = Plate Required Thickness per AISC 13th Edition Part 14 (mm)
tp-req = Plate Required Thickness (mm)
x-length = Column Length in the X direction (mm)
y-length = Column Length in the Y direction (mm)

B = 401 mm
CA = 1.6 mm
Ma = A36
N = 401 mm
P-c-4 = 301,728.129 N
fcp = 145 kPa
tp = 19.75 mm
x-length = 273.05 mm
y-length = 273.05 mm

Note: Base plate is designed with the assumption that it is on a slab foundation or concrete

m = (N - (0.95 * y-length)) / 2
m = (401 - (0.95 * 273.05)) / 2
m = 70.801 mm

n = (B - (0.8 * x-length)) / 2
n = (401 - (0.8 * 273.05)) / 2
n = 91.28 mm

np = SQRT((x-length * y-length)) / 4
np = SQRT((273.05 * 273.05)) / 4
np = 68.263 mm

l = MAX(m , n , np)
l = MAX(70.8013 , 91.28 , 68.2625)
l = 91.28 mm

tp-design = (l * SQRT(((3.33 * P-c-4) / (Sy * B * N)))) + CA

tp-design = (91.28 * SQRT(((3.33 * 301,728.1293) / (250.0 * 401 * 401)))) + 1.6
tp-design = 16.031 mm

As per API-650, Minimum Allowable Thickness (tp-erection) = 12 mm

tp-req = MAX(tp-erection , tp-design)

tp-req = MAX(12 , 16.0308)
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tp-req = 16.031 mm

tp >= tp-req ==> PASS

Radial Bay 3 Column Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-column-4 = (Sca * A-corr) - W
W-Max-column-4 = (41.4024 * 7,770.1796) - 799.5453
W-Max-column-4 = 320,904.202 N

Max-P-column-4 = (W-Max-column-4 - (Girder-Weight-4 * Girder-Length-4) - (Rafter-

Weight-prev-4 * C1-4) - (Rafter-Weight-4 * C2-4)) / ((C1-4 * Average-r-s-inner-4) + (C2-
4 * Average-r-s-shell-4))
Max-P-column-4 = (320,904.2017 - (0.1444 * 11,557.4391) - (0.0595 * 30,121.4118) -
(0.0595 * 42,672)) / ((30,121.4118 * 1,443.1969) + (42,672 * 1,971.4418))
Max-P-column-4 = 0.002 MPa

P-ext-4-4 = (Max-P-column-4 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-4-4 = (2.468 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-4-4 = -1.212 kPa

Radial Bay 2
Radial Bay 2 Rafters Spacing and Quantity
DL = Dead load (kPa)
Fp = Pressure Combination Factor
Fy-roof = Roof Yield Strength (MPa)
Lr = Roof Live Load (kPa)
N-min-3 = Rafters Quantity Required
N-rft-3 = Actual Number of Rafters
P-ext-1-3 = Maximum External Pressure (kPa)
P-max-3 = Maximun Roof Load Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (MPa)
R-3 = Rafters Outer Radius (mm)
S = Ground Snow Load (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Snow Load (kPa)
TL = Roof Total Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
l = Rafters Maximum Spacing per API-650 (mm)
l-actual-3 = Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)
roof-ca = Roof Corrosion Allowance (mm)
t-actual = Roof Actual Thickness (mm)
t-calc-3 = Roof Required Thickness Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)

DL = 0.856 kPa
Fp = 0.4
Fy-roof = 260.0 MPa
Lr = 1.0 kPa
N-rft-3 = 96
R-3 = 32,081 mm
S = 0.0 kPa
Sb = 0.0 kPa
TL = 0.002 MPa
roof-ca = 3.2 mm
t-actual = 11.11 mm

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l = (t-actual - roof-ca) * SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))
l = (11.11 - 3.2) * SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))
l = 3,626.08 (Set to 2,100 mm since it cannot be greater than 2,100)

N-min-3 = CEILING(((2 * pi * R-3) / l))

N-min-3 = CEILING(((2 * pi * 32,081) / 2,100))
N-min-3 = 96

N-recommended-3 must be a multiple of 12, therefore N-recommended-3 = 96.

N-rft-3 >= N-min-3 ==> PASS

l-actual-3 = (2 * pi * R-3) / N-rft-3

l-actual-3 = (2 * pi * 32,081) / 96
l-actual-3 = 2,099.697 mm

t-calc-3 = (l-actual-3 / SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))) + roof-ca

t-calc-3 = (2,099.6965 / SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))) + 3.2
t-calc-3 = 7.78 mm

Radial Bay 2 Maximum Allowable External Pressure Based on Rafters Actual Spacing
P-max-3 = (1.5 * Fy-roof) / ((l-actual-3 / (t-actual - roof-ca))^2)
P-max-3 = (1.5 * 260.0) / ((2,099.6965 / (11.11 - 3.2))^2)
P-max-3 = 0.006 MPa

P-ext-1-3 = (P-max-3 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-1-3 = (5.5348 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-1-3 = -4.279 kPa

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Design

Average-p-width-3 = Average Plate Width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-3 = Average Rafter Spacing on Inner Side (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-3 = Average Rafter Spacing on Outer Side (mm)
CA-rft = Rafter Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma-rft = Rafter Material
Max-P-3 = Max Load Allowed per Rafter (MPa)
Max-r-span-3 = Rafter Design Length (mm)
Mmax-rft-3 = Maximum Bending Moment for the Dead Load Only (
Mmax-rft-3 = Maximum Bending Moment (
N-rft-3 = Actual Number of Rafters
N_braces = Recommended Number of Braces
P-ext-2-3 = Vacuum Limited by Rafter Type (kPa)
R-3 = Outer Radius (mm)
R-inner-3 = Inner Radius (mm)
Sd-DL-rft-3 = Rafter Allowable Stress for Dead Load Only Case (MPa)
Sd-rft-3 = Rafter Allowable Stress (MPa)
Sx-rft-Req-3 = Minimum Required Elastic Section Modulus (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-3-1 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for the Dead Load and Live Load Case (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-3-2 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Case (cm^3)
TL = Total Top Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
Theta = Slope Angle (deg)
W-DL-rft-3 = Rafter Design Dead (rafter weight + top dead load) (N/mm)
W-Max-rft-3 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (N/mm)
W-rft-3 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
b = Braces Positions (mm)

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div = Deflection Limit Divisor (mm)

CA-rft = 1.6 mm
Ma-rft = A36
N-rft-3 = 96
R-3 = 32,081 mm
R-inner-3 = 20,388.023 mm
TL = 0.002 MPa
Theta = 3.576 deg
b = [5,859.844 ] mm
div = 200 mm

Max-r-span-3 = (R-3 - R-inner-3) / COS(Theta)

Max-r-span-3 = (32,081 - 20,388.0234) / COS(3.5763)
Max-r-span-3 = 11,715.792 mm

Average-r-s-inner-3 = (2 * pi * R-inner-3) / N-rft-3

Average-r-s-inner-3 = (2 * pi * 20,388.0234) / 96
Average-r-s-inner-3 = 1,334.393 mm

Average-r-s-shell-3 = (2 * pi * R-3) / N-rft-3

Average-r-s-shell-3 = (2 * pi * 32,081) / 96
Average-r-s-shell-3 = 2,099.697 mm

Average-p-width-3 = (Average-r-s-inner-3 + Average-r-s-shell-3) / 2

Average-p-width-3 = (1,334.393 + 2,099.6965) / 2
Average-p-width-3 = 1,717.045 mm

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Radial Bay 2 Rafter I-Beam Size W12X40 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 59.527 41.526 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 7,548.372 5,265.836 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 130.302 130.302 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 49.276 49.276 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 127,783,047.659 92,951,721.651 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 18,355,805.869 13,216,299.968 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 843,933.796 620,461.622 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 180,257.704 131,860.676 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X
Zx 934,062.648 671,485.835 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y
Zy 275,302.675 199,912.286 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 386,691,647,817.738 278,528,503,966.309 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 377,105.672 149,483.473 mm^4

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Centroid X Coords cx 101.727 100.127 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 151.13 149.53 mm
Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 101.727 100.127 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 151.13 149.53 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 203.454 200.254 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 13.081 9.881 mm
I-Beam Depth d 302.26 299.06 mm
I-Beam Web Thickness tw 7.493 4.293 mm

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360

Lp = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding per AISC-360 F2-5
Lr = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional
buckling per AISC-360 F2-6 (mm)
M = Lateral torsional buckling per AISC-360 F2-2 (
Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
Mpa = Allowable Flexural Strength Assuming the Member is Braced (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web
bf = Flange width (mm)
c = Coefficient per AISC-360 F2-8a
h = Web height (mm)
ho = Distance between the flange centroids (mm)
rts = Effective radius of gyration per AISC-360 F2-7 (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 100.127 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 279.298 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

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Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))
Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :

(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw

==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 671,485.8348
Mp = 167,871,458.695

Unbraced length (Lb) = 5,859.844 mm

Lp = 1.76 * ry-corr * SQRT((E / Sy))

Lp = 1.76 * 49.276 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Lp = 2,446.835 mm

ho = d-corr - tf-corr
ho = 299.06 - 9.881
ho = 289.179 mm


rts = SQRT((SQRT((Iy-corr * cw-corr)) / Sx-corr))

rts = SQRT((SQRT((13,216,299.9683 * 278,528,503,966.3092)) / 620,461.6225))
rts = 55.608 mm

Lr = 1.95 * rts * (E / (0.7 * Sy)) * SQRT((((j-corr * c) / (Sx-corr * ho)) + SQRT(((((j-corr *

c) / (Sx-corr * ho))^2) + (6.76 * (((0.7 * Sy) / E)^2))))))
Lr = 1.95 * 55.608 * (199,000 / (0.7 * 250.0)) * SQRT((((149,483.4734 * 1) /
(620,461.6225 * 289.179)) + SQRT(((((149,483.4734 * 1) / (620,461.6225 * 289.179))^2)
+ (6.76 * (((0.7 * 250.0) / 199,000)^2))))))
Lr = 7,047.518 mm

(Lp < Lb) AND (Lb <= Lr)

M = Cb * (Mp - ((Mp - (0.7 * Sy * Sx-corr)) * ((Lb - Lp) / (Lr - Lp))))

M = 1 * (167,871,458.6952 - ((167,871,458.6952 - (0.7 * 250.0 * 620,461.6225)) *
((5,859.8436 - 2,446.8348) / (7,047.5182 - 2,446.8348))))
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M = 123,886,777.055

Mpa = Mp / 1.67
Mpa = 167,871,458.6952 / 1.67
Mpa = 100,521,831.554

Mn = MIN(Mp , M) = 123,886,777.055

Ma = Mn / 1.67
Ma = 123,886,777.0549 / 1.67
Ma = 74,183,698.835

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load and Live Load Design
W-rft-3 = (TL * Average-p-width-3) + W
W-rft-3 = (0.0019 * 1,717.0448) + 0.5838
W-rft-3 = 3.77 N/mm

Mmax-rft-3 = (W-rft-3 * (Max-r-span-3^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-3 = (3.7703 * (11,715.7922^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-3 = 64,689,383.625

Sd-rft-3 = Mpa / Sx-corr

Sd-rft-3 = 100,521,831.554 / 620,461.6225
Sd-rft-3 = 162.011 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-3-1 = (Mmax-rft-3 / Sd-rft-3) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-3-1 = (64,689,383.6254 / 162.0114) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-3-1 = 399.289 cm^3

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Design Case
W-DL-rft-3 = (DL * Average-p-width-3) + W
W-DL-rft-3 = (0.0009 * 1,717.0448) + 0.5838
W-DL-rft-3 = 2.053 N/mm

N_braces = CEILING((Max-r-span-3 / Lr)) - 1

N_braces = CEILING((11,715.7922 / 7,047.5182)) - 1
N_braces = 1

Mmax-rft-3 = (W-DL-rft-3 * (Max-r-span-3^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-3 = (2.0533 * (11,715.7922^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-3 = 35,229,233.836

Sd-DL-rft-3 = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-DL-rft-3 = 74,183,698.8353 / 620,461.6225
Sd-DL-rft-3 = 119.562 MPa

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Sx-rft-Req-3-2 = (Mmax-rft-3 / Sd-DL-rft-3) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-3-2 = (35,229,233.8365 / 119.5621) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-3-2 = 294.652 cm^3

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Minimum Required Section Modulus

Sx-rft-Req-3 = MAX(Sx-rft-Req-3-1 , Sx-rft-Req-3-2)
Sx-rft-Req-3 = MAX(399.2892 , 294.6522)
Sx-rft-Req-3 = 399.289 cm^3

Sx-corr >= Sx-rft-Req-3 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Max-r-span-3 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Max-r-span-3/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

Max-r-span-3 = 11,715.792 mm
rx-corr = 130.302 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

Max-r-span-3/rx-corr = Max-r-span-3 / rx-corr

Max-r-span-3/rx-corr = 11,715.7922 / 130.302
Max-r-span-3/rx-corr = 89.913

r-req = Max-r-span-3 / max-ratio

r-req = 11,715.7922 / 300
r-req = 39.053 mm

Max-r-span-3/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
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div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Max-r-span-3 / div

delta_max = 11,715.7922 / 200
delta_max = 58.579 mm

delta = (5 * W-rft-3 * (Max-r-span-3^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

delta = (5 * 3.7703 * (11,715.7922^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 92,951,721.6508)
delta = 50.003 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Rafter Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-rft-3 = (Sx-corr * Sd-rft-3 * 8) / (Max-r-span-3^2)
W-Max-rft-3 = (620,461.6225 * 162.0114 * 8) / (11,715.7922^2)
W-Max-rft-3 = 5.859 N/mm

Max-P-3 = (W-Max-rft-3 - W) / Average-p-width-3

Max-P-3 = (5.8588 - 0.5838) / 1,717.0448
Max-P-3 = 0.003 MPa

P-ext-2-3 = (Max-P-3 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-2-3 = (3.0722 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-2-3 = -1.816 kPa

Radial Bay 2 Girder Design

Average-p-width-3 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-p-width-prev-3 = Average plate width previous (mm)
C1-3 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-3 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-grd = Girder Corrosion Allowance (mm)
F-Max-girder-3 = Maximum Allowable Rafters Load (N)
Girder-Length-3 = Girder Length (mm)
Ma-grd = Girder Material
Max-P-girder-3 = Maximum Allowable Roof Load (MPa)
Mmax-girder-3 = Maximum moment bending (
N-col-3 = Actual Number of columns
N-grd-3 = Actual Number of girders
N-rft-3 = Number of Rafters
P-ext-3-3 = Vacuum Limited by Girder Type (kPa)
Rafter-Weight-3 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-3 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sd-girder = Girder Allowable Stress (MPa)
Sx-girder-Req'd-3 = Required elastic section modulus about the x axis (cm^3)
W-DL-girder-3 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-girder-3 = Maximum Allowable Girder Load Based on Girder Size (N/mm)
W-girder-3 = Total Load Including Weight of Girder (N/mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

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radial-distance-3 = Radial Distance (mm)
radial-distance-previous-3 = Radial Distance Previous Bay (mm)

Average-p-width-3 = 1,717.045 mm
Average-p-width-prev-3 = 1,448.502 mm
CA-grd = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-3 = 10,840.326 mm
Ma-grd = A36
N-col-3 = 12
N-grd-3 = 12
N-rft-3 = 96
Rafter-Weight-3 = 0.06 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-3 = 0.06 kg/mm
div = 200 mm
radial-distance-3 = 21,336 mm
radial-distance-previous-3 = 10,668 mm

Radial Bay 2 Girder Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Radial Bay 2 Girder I-Beam Size W18X86 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 127.982 102.379 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 16,322.548 13,057.224 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 197.358 197.358 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 66.802 66.802 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 636,834,081.168 520,668,543.739 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 72,840,499.48 58,845,654.461 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 2,720,252.624 2,239,381.62 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 517,831.222 423,142.955 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X
Zx 3,047,993.904 2,476,308.413 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y
Zy 793,133.898 644,103.729 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 3,652,087,784,945.304 2,951,717,370,372.595 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 1,706,548.845 938,335.0 mm^4
Centroid X Coords cx 140.97 139.37 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 233.68 232.08 mm
Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 140.97 139.37 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 233.68 232.08 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 281.94 278.74 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 19.558 16.358 mm
I-Beam Depth d 467.36 464.16 mm
I-Beam Web Thickness tw 12.192 8.992 mm

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Radial Bay 2 Girder Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360
Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web
bf = Flange width (mm)
h = Web height (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 139.37 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 431.444 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :

(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw

==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 2,476,308.4127
Mp = 619,077,103.172

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Mn = Mp
Mn = 619,077,103.1718
Mn = 619,077,103.172

Ma = Mn / 1.67
Ma = 619,077,103.1718 / 1.67
Ma = 370,704,852.199

Radial Bay 2 Girder Load

C1-3 = ((radial-distance-3 - radial-distance-previous-3) / 2) * (N-rft-2 / N-grd-3)
C1-3 = ((21,336 - 10,668) / 2) * (66 / 12)
C1-3 = 29,337 mm

C2-3 = ((radial-distance-next - radial-distance-3) / 2) * (N-rft-3 / N-grd-3)

C2-3 = ((32,004 - 21,336) / 2) * (96 / 12)
C2-3 = 42,672 mm

W-girder-3 = (((W-rafter-previous-3 * C1-3) + (W-rafter-3 * C2-3)) / Girder-Length-3) +

W-girder-3 = (((3.272 * 29,337) + (3.7703 * 42,672)) / 10,840.3263) + 1.2551
W-girder-3 = 24.952 N/mm

W-DL-girder-3 = (((W-DL-rafter-previous-3 * C1-3) + (W-DL-rafter-3 * C2-3)) / Girder-

Length-3) + W
W-DL-girder-3 = (((1.8235 * 29,337) + (2.0533 * 42,672)) / 10,840.3263) + 1.2551
W-DL-girder-3 = 14.272 N/mm

Radial Bay 2 Girder Required Section Modulus

Mmax-girder-3 = (W-girder-3 * (Girder-Length-3^2)) / 8
Mmax-girder-3 = (24.9515 * (10,840.3263^2)) / 8
Mmax-girder-3 = 366,514,828.144

Sd-girder = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-girder = 370,704,852.1987 / 2,239,381.6196
Sd-girder = 165.539 MPa

Sx-girder-Req'd-3 = (Mmax-girder-3 / Sd-girder) / 1000

Sx-girder-Req'd-3 = (366,514,828.144 / 165.5389) / 1000
Sx-girder-Req'd-3 = 2,214.07 cm^3

Sx-corr >= Sx-girder-Req'd-3 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Girder Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Girder-Length-3 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Girder-Length-3/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)
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Girder-Length-3 = 10,840.326 mm
rx-corr = 197.358 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

Girder-Length-3/rx-corr = Girder-Length-3 / rx-corr

Girder-Length-3/rx-corr = 10,840.3263 / 197.358
Girder-Length-3/rx-corr = 54.927

r-req = Girder-Length-3 / max-ratio

r-req = 10,840.3263 / 300
r-req = 36.134 mm

Girder-Length-3/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Girder Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Girder Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Girder-Length-3 / div

delta_max = 10,840.3263 / 200
delta_max = 54.202 mm

delta = (5 * W-girder-3 * (Girder-Length-3^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

delta = (5 * 24.9515 * (10,840.3263^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 520,668,543.7388)
delta = 43.3 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Girder Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-girder-3 = (Sx-corr * Sd-girder * 8) / (Girder-Length-3^2)
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W-Max-girder-3 = (2,239,381.6196 * 165.5389 * 8) / (10,840.3263^2)
W-Max-girder-3 = 25.237 N/mm

F-Max-girder-3 = (W-Max-girder-3 - W) * Girder-Length-3

F-Max-girder-3 = (25.2368 - 1.2551) * 10,840.3263
F-Max-girder-3 = 259,969.251 N

Radial Bay 2 Girder Solve for Max-P:

Max-P-girder-3 = (F-Max-girder-3 - (Rafter-Weight-prev-3 * C1-3) - (Rafter-Weight-3 *

C2-3)) / ((Average-p-width-prev-3 * C1-3) + (Average-p-width-3 * C2-3))
Max-P-girder-3 = (259,969.2512 - (0.5838 * 29,337) - (0.5838 * 42,672)) / ((1,448.5022 *
29,337) + (1,717.0448 * 42,672))
Max-P-girder-3 = 0.002 MPa

P-ext-3-3 = (Max-P-girder-3 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-3-3 = (1.8826 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-3-3 = -0.627 kPa

Radial Bay 2 Column Design

A-req-3 = Required Cross Sectional Area Of Column (mm^2)
Average-p-width-3 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-3 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-3 = Average rafter spacing on shell (mm)
C1-3 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-3 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-col = Column Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Girder-Length-3 = Girder Length (mm)
Girder-Weight-3 = Girder Weight (kg/mm)
L-col = Column design length (m)
Ma-col = Column Material
Max-P-column-3 = Maximum Load allowed per Column (MPa)
N-rft-3 = Actual number of rafters
P-c-3 = Column Total Load (N)
P-ext-4-3 = Vacuum Limited by Column Type (kPa)
R-3 = Outer radius (mm)
R-inner-3 = Inner radius (mm)
Rafter-L-3 = Rafter Length (mm)
Rafter-Weight-3 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-3 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sca = Allowable Compressive Stress (MPa)
W-DL-col-top = Dead Load on Column (N)
W-DL-girder-3 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Rafters and Roof Dead Loads (N/mm)
W-DL-rafter-3 = Rafter Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-column-3 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (N)
W-col = Column Weight (N)
W-col-top = Load on Column (N)
W-girder-3 = Girder Total Weight Including Rafters and Roof Loads (N/mm)
W-rafter-3 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
radial-distance-3 = Radial Distance (mm)

Average-p-width-3 = 1,717.045 mm

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Average-r-s-inner-3 = 1,334.393 mm
Average-r-s-shell-3 = 2,099.697 mm
C1-3 = 29,337 mm
C2-3 = 42,672 mm
CA-col = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-3 = 10,840.326 mm
Girder-Weight-3 = 0.128 kg/mm
L-col = 15.372 m
Ma-col = A106-B
N-rft-3 = 96
R-3 = 32,081 mm
R-inner-3 = 20,388.023 mm
Rafter-Weight-3 = 0.06 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-3 = 0.06 kg/mm
W-DL-girder-3 = 14.272 N/mm
W-DL-rafter-3 = 2.053 N/mm
W-girder-3 = 24.952 N/mm
W-rafter-3 = 3.77 N/mm
radial-distance-3 = 21,336 mm

Radial Bay 2 Column Material Properties

Material = A106-B
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 415 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 240 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 201,000 MPa

Radial Bay 2 Column Pipe Size 10 SCH XS Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 81.531 60.988 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 10,387.503 7,770.18 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 92.157 92.109 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 92.157 92.109 mm
Pipe Thickness t-pipe 12.7 11.1 mm
Pipe Inner Diameter ID-pipe 247.65 247.65 mm
Pipe Outer Diameter OD-pipe 273.05 269.85 mm

Radial Bay 2 Column Allowable Compressive Strength per AISC-360

Fe = Elastic Buckling Stress per AISC-360 E3-4 (MPa)
Pa = Allowable Compressive Strength (N)
Pn = Nominal compressive strength per AISC-360 E3-1 (N)

Radius of gyration :
(rx-corr = ry-corr) AND (L-col = L-col)

Fe = ((pi^2) * E) / (((K * L-col) / ry-corr)^2)

Fe = ((pi^2) * 201,000) / (((1 * 15,371.68) / 92.1089)^2)
Fe = 71.229 MPa

As per AISC-360 table B4.1a Pipe width to thickness ratio :

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(OD-pipe-corr / t-pipe-corr) <= (0.11 * (E / Sy)) ==> Pipe is not slender

Fcr = Critical stress per AISC-360 E3-3 (MPa)

(Sy / Fe) <= 2.25

Fcr = 0.877 * Fe
Fcr = 0.877 * 71.2289
Fcr = 62.468 MPa

Pn = Fcr * A-corr
Pn = 62.4677 * 7,770.1796
Pn = 485,385.535 N

Pa = Pn / 1.67
Pa = 485,385.5348 / 1.67
Pa = 290,650.021 N

Radial Bay 2 Column Load

Rafter-L-3 = (R-3 - R-inner-3) / COS(Theta)
Rafter-L-3 = (32,081 - 20,388.0234) / COS(3.5763)
Rafter-L-3 = 11,715.792 mm

W-col = W * L-col
W-col = 799.5453 * 15.3717
W-col = 12,290.354 N

W-col-top = W-girder-3 * Girder-Length-3

W-col-top = 24.9515 * 10,840.3263
W-col-top = 270,482.506 N

W-DL-col-top = W-DL-girder-3 * Girder-Length-3

W-DL-col-top = 14.2725 * 10,840.3263
W-DL-col-top = 154,718.063 N

P-c-3 = W-col-top + W-col

P-c-3 = 270,482.5063 + 12,290.3543
P-c-3 = 282,772.861 N

Radial Bay 2 Column Required Cross Sectional Area

Sca = Pa / A-corr
Sca = 290,650.0209 / 7,770.1796
Sca = 37.406 MPa

A-req-3 = P-c-3 / Sca

A-req-3 = 282,772.8606 / 37.4058
A-req-3 = 7,559.593 mm^2
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A-corr >= A-req-3 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Column Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 6 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

t-pipe >= t-min ==> PASS

t-pipe-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Column Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

L-col = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
L-col/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

L-col = 15,371.68 mm
rx-corr = 92.109 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 180

L-col/rx-corr = L-col / rx-corr

L-col/rx-corr = 15,371.68 / 92.1089
L-col/rx-corr = 166.886

r-req = L-col / max-ratio

r-req = 15,371.68 / 180
r-req = 85.398 mm

L-col/rx-corr <= 180 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Column Base Plate Design

B = Base Plate Length in the X direction (mm)
CA = Base Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma = Material
N = Base Plate Length in the Y direction (mm)
P-c-3 = Total Column Load (N)
fcp = Soil Bearing Capacity (kPa)
l = Critical Base Plate Cantilever Dimension (mm)
m = Cantilever Distance in the Y Direction (mm)
n = Cantilever Distance in the X Direction (mm)
np = Yield-Line Theory Cantilever Distance (mm)
tp = Base Plate Thickness (mm)
tp-design = Plate Required Thickness per AISC 13th Edition Part 14 (mm)
tp-req = Plate Required Thickness (mm)
x-length = Column Length in the X direction (mm)
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y-length = Column Length in the Y direction (mm)

B = 401 mm
CA = 1.6 mm
Ma = A36
N = 401 mm
P-c-3 = 282,772.861 N
fcp = 145 kPa
tp = 17.75 mm
x-length = 273.05 mm
y-length = 273.05 mm

Note: Base plate is designed with the assumption that it is on a slab foundation or concrete

m = (N - (0.95 * y-length)) / 2
m = (401 - (0.95 * 273.05)) / 2
m = 70.801 mm

n = (B - (0.8 * x-length)) / 2
n = (401 - (0.8 * 273.05)) / 2
n = 91.28 mm

np = SQRT((x-length * y-length)) / 4
np = SQRT((273.05 * 273.05)) / 4
np = 68.263 mm

l = MAX(m , n , np)
l = MAX(70.8013 , 91.28 , 68.2625)
l = 91.28 mm

tp-design = (l * SQRT(((3.33 * P-c-3) / (Sy * B * N)))) + CA

tp-design = (91.28 * SQRT(((3.33 * 282,772.8606) / (250.0 * 401 * 401)))) + 1.6
tp-design = 15.57 mm

As per API-650, Minimum Allowable Thickness (tp-erection) = 12 mm

tp-req = MAX(tp-erection , tp-design)

tp-req = MAX(12 , 15.5702)
tp-req = 15.57 mm

tp >= tp-req ==> PASS

Radial Bay 2 Column Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-column-3 = (Sca * A-corr) - W
W-Max-column-3 = (37.4058 * 7,770.1796) - 799.5453
W-Max-column-3 = 289,850.476 N
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Max-P-column-3 = (W-Max-column-3 - (Girder-Weight-3 * Girder-Length-3) - (Rafter-
Weight-prev-3 * C1-3) - (Rafter-Weight-3 * C2-3)) / ((C1-3 * Average-r-s-inner-3) + (C2-
3 * Average-r-s-shell-3))
Max-P-column-3 = (289,850.4756 - (0.128 * 10,840.3263) - (0.0595 * 29,337) - (0.0595 *
42,672)) / ((29,337 * 1,334.393) + (42,672 * 2,099.6965))
Max-P-column-3 = 0.002 MPa

P-ext-4-3 = (Max-P-column-3 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-4-3 = (2.2073 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-4-3 = -0.951 kPa

Radial Bay 1
Radial Bay 1 Rafters Spacing and Quantity
DL = Dead load (kPa)
Fp = Pressure Combination Factor
Fy-roof = Roof Yield Strength (MPa)
Lr = Roof Live Load (kPa)
N-min-2 = Rafters Quantity Required
N-rft-2 = Actual Number of Rafters
P-ext-1-2 = Maximum External Pressure (kPa)
P-max-2 = Maximun Roof Load Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (MPa)
R-2 = Rafters Outer Radius (mm)
S = Ground Snow Load (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Snow Load (kPa)
TL = Roof Total Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
l = Rafters Maximum Spacing per API-650 (mm)
l-actual-2 = Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)
roof-ca = Roof Corrosion Allowance (mm)
t-actual = Roof Actual Thickness (mm)
t-calc-2 = Roof Required Thickness Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)

DL = 0.856 kPa
Fp = 0.4
Fy-roof = 260.0 MPa
Lr = 1.0 kPa
N-rft-2 = 66
R-2 = 21,413 mm
S = 0.0 kPa
Sb = 0.0 kPa
TL = 0.002 MPa
roof-ca = 3.2 mm
t-actual = 11.11 mm

l = (t-actual - roof-ca) * SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))

l = (11.11 - 3.2) * SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))
l = 3,626.08 (Set to 2,100 mm since it cannot be greater than 2,100)

N-min-2 = CEILING(((2 * pi * R-2) / l))

N-min-2 = CEILING(((2 * pi * 21,413) / 2,100))
N-min-2 = 65

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N-recommended-2 must be a multiple of 6, therefore N-recommended-2 = 66.

N-rft-2 >= N-min-2 ==> PASS

l-actual-2 = (2 * pi * R-2) / N-rft-2

l-actual-2 = (2 * pi * 21,413) / 66
l-actual-2 = 2,038.513 mm

t-calc-2 = (l-actual-2 / SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))) + roof-ca

t-calc-2 = (2,038.5128 / SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))) + 3.2
t-calc-2 = 7.647 mm

Radial Bay 1 Maximum Allowable External Pressure Based on Rafters Actual Spacing
P-max-2 = (1.5 * Fy-roof) / ((l-actual-2 / (t-actual - roof-ca))^2)
P-max-2 = (1.5 * 260.0) / ((2,038.5128 / (11.11 - 3.2))^2)
P-max-2 = 0.006 MPa

P-ext-1-2 = (P-max-2 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-1-2 = (5.8721 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-1-2 = -4.616 kPa

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Design

Average-p-width-2 = Average Plate Width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-2 = Average Rafter Spacing on Inner Side (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-2 = Average Rafter Spacing on Outer Side (mm)
CA-rft = Rafter Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma-rft = Rafter Material
Max-P-2 = Max Load Allowed per Rafter (MPa)
Max-r-span-2 = Rafter Design Length (mm)
Mmax-rft-2 = Maximum Bending Moment for the Dead Load Only (
Mmax-rft-2 = Maximum Bending Moment (
N-rft-2 = Actual Number of Rafters
N_braces = Recommended Number of Braces
P-ext-2-2 = Vacuum Limited by Rafter Type (kPa)
R-2 = Outer Radius (mm)
R-inner-2 = Inner Radius (mm)
Sd-DL-rft-2 = Rafter Allowable Stress for Dead Load Only Case (MPa)
Sd-rft-2 = Rafter Allowable Stress (MPa)
Sx-rft-Req-2 = Minimum Required Elastic Section Modulus (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-2-1 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for the Dead Load and Live Load Case (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-2-2 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Case (cm^3)
TL = Total Top Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
Theta = Slope Angle (deg)
W-DL-rft-2 = Rafter Design Dead (rafter weight + top dead load) (N/mm)
W-Max-rft-2 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (N/mm)
W-rft-2 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
b = Braces Positions (mm)
div = Deflection Limit Divisor (mm)

CA-rft = 1.6 mm
Ma-rft = A36
N-rft-2 = 66
R-2 = 21,413 mm
R-inner-2 = 9,017.789 mm
TL = 0.002 MPa
Theta = 3.576 deg

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b = [6,212.332 ] mm
div = 200 mm

Max-r-span-2 = (R-2 - R-inner-2) / COS(Theta)

Max-r-span-2 = (21,413 - 9,017.789) / COS(3.5763)
Max-r-span-2 = 12,419.397 mm

Average-r-s-inner-2 = (2 * pi * R-inner-2) / N-rft-2

Average-r-s-inner-2 = (2 * pi * 9,017.789) / 66
Average-r-s-inner-2 = 858.492 mm

Average-r-s-shell-2 = (2 * pi * R-2) / N-rft-2

Average-r-s-shell-2 = (2 * pi * 21,413) / 66
Average-r-s-shell-2 = 2,038.513 mm

Average-p-width-2 = (Average-r-s-inner-2 + Average-r-s-shell-2) / 2

Average-p-width-2 = (858.4915 + 2,038.5128) / 2
Average-p-width-2 = 1,448.502 mm

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Radial Bay 1 Rafter I-Beam Size W12X40 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 59.527 41.526 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 7,548.372 5,265.836 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 130.302 130.302 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 49.276 49.276 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 127,783,047.659 92,951,721.651 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 18,355,805.869 13,216,299.968 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 843,933.796 620,461.622 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 180,257.704 131,860.676 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X
Zx 934,062.648 671,485.835 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y
Zy 275,302.675 199,912.286 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 386,691,647,817.738 278,528,503,966.309 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 377,105.672 149,483.473 mm^4
Centroid X Coords cx 101.727 100.127 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 151.13 149.53 mm
Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 101.727 100.127 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 151.13 149.53 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 203.454 200.254 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 13.081 9.881 mm
I-Beam Depth d 302.26 299.06 mm

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I-Beam Web Thickness tw 7.493 4.293 mm

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360

Lp = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding per AISC-360 F2-5
Lr = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional
buckling per AISC-360 F2-6 (mm)
M = Lateral torsional buckling per AISC-360 F2-2 (
Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
Mpa = Allowable Flexural Strength Assuming the Member is Braced (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web
bf = Flange width (mm)
c = Coefficient per AISC-360 F2-8a
h = Web height (mm)
ho = Distance between the flange centroids (mm)
rts = Effective radius of gyration per AISC-360 F2-7 (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 100.127 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 279.298 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

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As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :
(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw

==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 671,485.8348
Mp = 167,871,458.695

Unbraced length (Lb) = 6,212.332 mm

Lp = 1.76 * ry-corr * SQRT((E / Sy))

Lp = 1.76 * 49.276 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Lp = 2,446.835 mm

ho = d-corr - tf-corr
ho = 299.06 - 9.881
ho = 289.179 mm


rts = SQRT((SQRT((Iy-corr * cw-corr)) / Sx-corr))

rts = SQRT((SQRT((13,216,299.9683 * 278,528,503,966.3092)) / 620,461.6225))
rts = 55.608 mm

Lr = 1.95 * rts * (E / (0.7 * Sy)) * SQRT((((j-corr * c) / (Sx-corr * ho)) + SQRT(((((j-corr *

c) / (Sx-corr * ho))^2) + (6.76 * (((0.7 * Sy) / E)^2))))))
Lr = 1.95 * 55.608 * (199,000 / (0.7 * 250.0)) * SQRT((((149,483.4734 * 1) /
(620,461.6225 * 289.179)) + SQRT(((((149,483.4734 * 1) / (620,461.6225 * 289.179))^2)
+ (6.76 * (((0.7 * 250.0) / 199,000)^2))))))
Lr = 7,047.518 mm

(Lp < Lb) AND (Lb <= Lr)

M = Cb * (Mp - ((Mp - (0.7 * Sy * Sx-corr)) * ((Lb - Lp) / (Lr - Lp))))

M = 1 * (167,871,458.6952 - ((167,871,458.6952 - (0.7 * 250.0 * 620,461.6225)) *
((6,212.3324 - 2,446.8348) / (7,047.5182 - 2,446.8348))))
M = 119,344,126.605

Mpa = Mp / 1.67
Mpa = 167,871,458.6952 / 1.67
Mpa = 100,521,831.554

Mn = MIN(Mp , M) = 119,344,126.605

Ma = Mn / 1.67
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Ma = 119,344,126.6047 / 1.67
Ma = 71,463,548.865

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load and Live Load Design
W-rft-2 = (TL * Average-p-width-2) + W
W-rft-2 = (0.0019 * 1,448.5022) + 0.5838
W-rft-2 = 3.272 N/mm

Mmax-rft-2 = (W-rft-2 * (Max-r-span-2^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-2 = (3.272 * (12,419.3968^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-2 = 63,083,932.044

Sd-rft-2 = Mpa / Sx-corr

Sd-rft-2 = 100,521,831.554 / 620,461.6225
Sd-rft-2 = 162.011 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-2-1 = (Mmax-rft-2 / Sd-rft-2) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-2-1 = (63,083,932.0443 / 162.0114) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-2-1 = 389.38 cm^3

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Design Case
W-DL-rft-2 = (DL * Average-p-width-2) + W
W-DL-rft-2 = (0.0009 * 1,448.5022) + 0.5838
W-DL-rft-2 = 1.823 N/mm

N_braces = CEILING((Max-r-span-2 / Lr)) - 1

N_braces = CEILING((12,419.3968 / 7,047.5182)) - 1
N_braces = 1

Mmax-rft-2 = (W-DL-rft-2 * (Max-r-span-2^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-2 = (1.8235 * (12,419.3968^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-2 = 35,156,553.704

Sd-DL-rft-2 = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-DL-rft-2 = 71,463,548.8651 / 620,461.6225
Sd-DL-rft-2 = 115.178 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-2-2 = (Mmax-rft-2 / Sd-DL-rft-2) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-2-2 = (35,156,553.7039 / 115.178) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-2-2 = 305.237 cm^3

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Minimum Required Section Modulus

Sx-rft-Req-2 = MAX(Sx-rft-Req-2-1 , Sx-rft-Req-2-2)
Sx-rft-Req-2 = MAX(389.3797 , 305.2366)
Sx-rft-Req-2 = 389.38 cm^3

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Sx-corr >= Sx-rft-Req-2 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Max-r-span-2 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Max-r-span-2/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

Max-r-span-2 = 12,419.397 mm
rx-corr = 130.302 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

Max-r-span-2/rx-corr = Max-r-span-2 / rx-corr

Max-r-span-2/rx-corr = 12,419.3968 / 130.302
Max-r-span-2/rx-corr = 95.312

r-req = Max-r-span-2 / max-ratio

r-req = 12,419.3968 / 300
r-req = 41.398 mm

Max-r-span-2/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Max-r-span-2 / div

delta_max = 12,419.3968 / 200
delta_max = 62.097 mm

delta = (5 * W-rft-2 * (Max-r-span-2^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

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delta = (5 * 3.272 * (12,419.3968^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 92,951,721.6508)
delta = 54.795 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Rafter Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-rft-2 = (Sx-corr * Sd-rft-2 * 8) / (Max-r-span-2^2)
W-Max-rft-2 = (620,461.6225 * 162.0114 * 8) / (12,419.3968^2)
W-Max-rft-2 = 5.214 N/mm

Max-P-2 = (W-Max-rft-2 - W) / Average-p-width-2

Max-P-2 = (5.2137 - 0.5838) / 1,448.5022
Max-P-2 = 0.003 MPa

P-ext-2-2 = (Max-P-2 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-2-2 = (3.1964 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-2-2 = -1.941 kPa

Radial Bay 1 Girder Design

Average-p-width-2 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-p-width-prev-2 = Average plate width previous (mm)
C1-2 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-2 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-grd = Girder Corrosion Allowance (mm)
F-Max-girder-2 = Maximum Allowable Rafters Load (N)
Girder-Length-2 = Girder Length (mm)
Ma-grd = Girder Material
Max-P-girder-2 = Maximum Allowable Roof Load (MPa)
Mmax-girder-2 = Maximum moment bending (
N-col-2 = Actual Number of columns
N-grd-2 = Actual Number of girders
N-rft-2 = Number of Rafters
P-ext-3-2 = Vacuum Limited by Girder Type (kPa)
Rafter-Weight-2 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-2 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sd-girder = Girder Allowable Stress (MPa)
Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = Required elastic section modulus about the x axis (cm^3)
W-DL-girder-2 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-girder-2 = Maximum Allowable Girder Load Based on Girder Size (N/mm)
W-girder-2 = Total Load Including Weight of Girder (N/mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)
radial-distance-2 = Radial Distance (mm)
radial-distance-previous-2 = Radial Distance Previous Bay (mm)

Average-p-width-2 = 1,448.502 mm
Average-p-width-prev-2 = 1,030.049 mm
CA-grd = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-2 = 10,463.0 mm
Ma-grd = A36
N-col-2 = 6
N-grd-2 = 6
N-rft-2 = 66

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Rafter-Weight-2 = 0.06 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-2 = 0.045 kg/mm
div = 200 mm
radial-distance-2 = 10,668 mm
radial-distance-previous-2 = 0.0 mm

Radial Bay 1 Girder Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Radial Bay 1 Girder I-Beam Size W18X86 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 127.982 102.379 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 16,322.548 13,057.224 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 197.358 197.358 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 66.802 66.802 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 636,834,081.168 520,668,543.739 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 72,840,499.48 58,845,654.461 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 2,720,252.624 2,239,381.62 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 517,831.222 423,142.955 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X
Zx 3,047,993.904 2,476,308.413 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y
Zy 793,133.898 644,103.729 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 3,652,087,784,945.304 2,951,717,370,372.595 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 1,706,548.845 938,335.0 mm^4
Centroid X Coords cx 140.97 139.37 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 233.68 232.08 mm
Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 140.97 139.37 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 233.68 232.08 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 281.94 278.74 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 19.558 16.358 mm
I-Beam Depth d 467.36 464.16 mm
I-Beam Web Thickness tw 12.192 8.992 mm

Radial Bay 1 Girder Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360

Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web

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bf = Flange width (mm)
h = Web height (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 139.37 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 431.444 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :

(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw

==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 2,476,308.4127
Mp = 619,077,103.172

Mn = Mp
Mn = 619,077,103.1718
Mn = 619,077,103.172

Ma = Mn / 1.67
Ma = 619,077,103.1718 / 1.67
Ma = 370,704,852.199

Radial Bay 1 Girder Load

C1-2 = ((radial-distance-2 - radial-distance-previous-2) / 2) * (N-rft-1 / N-grd-2)
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C1-2 = ((10,668 - 0.0) / 2) * (36 / 6)
C1-2 = 32,004 mm

C2-2 = ((radial-distance-next - radial-distance-2) / 2) * (N-rft-2 / N-grd-2)

C2-2 = ((21,336 - 10,668) / 2) * (66 / 6)
C2-2 = 58,674 mm

W-girder-2 = (((W-rafter-previous-2 * C1-2) + (W-rafter-2 * C2-2)) / Girder-Length-2) +

W-girder-2 = (((2.3494 * 32,004) + (3.272 * 58,674)) / 10,463.0) + 1.2551
W-girder-2 = 26.787 N/mm

W-DL-girder-2 = (((W-DL-rafter-previous-2 * C1-2) + (W-DL-rafter-2 * C2-2)) / Girder-

Length-2) + W
W-DL-girder-2 = (((1.3194 * 32,004) + (1.8235 * 58,674)) / 10,463.0) + 1.2551
W-DL-girder-2 = 15.515 N/mm

Radial Bay 1 Girder Required Section Modulus

Mmax-girder-2 = (W-girder-2 * (Girder-Length-2^2)) / 8
Mmax-girder-2 = (26.7874 * (10,463.0^2)) / 8
Mmax-girder-2 = 366,636,654.017

Sd-girder = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-girder = 370,704,852.1987 / 2,239,381.6196
Sd-girder = 165.539 MPa

Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = (Mmax-girder-2 / Sd-girder) / 1000

Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = (366,636,654.0174 / 165.5389) / 1000
Sx-girder-Req'd-2 = 2,214.806 cm^3

Sx-corr >= Sx-girder-Req'd-2 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Girder Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Girder-Length-2 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Girder-Length-2/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

Girder-Length-2 = 10,463.0 mm
rx-corr = 197.358 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

Girder-Length-2/rx-corr = Girder-Length-2 / rx-corr

Girder-Length-2/rx-corr = 10,463.0 / 197.358
Girder-Length-2/rx-corr = 53.02

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r-req = Girder-Length-2 / max-ratio
r-req = 10,463.0 / 300
r-req = 34.88 mm

Girder-Length-2/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Girder Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Girder Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Girder-Length-2 / div

delta_max = 10,463.0 / 200
delta_max = 52.32 mm

delta = (5 * W-girder-2 * (Girder-Length-2^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

delta = (5 * 26.7874 * (10,463.0^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 520,668,543.7388)
delta = 40.359 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Girder Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-girder-2 = (Sx-corr * Sd-girder * 8) / (Girder-Length-2^2)
W-Max-girder-2 = (2,239,381.6196 * 165.5389 * 8) / (10,463.0^2)
W-Max-girder-2 = 27.085 N/mm

F-Max-girder-2 = (W-Max-girder-2 - W) * Girder-Length-2

F-Max-girder-2 = (27.0846 - 1.2551) * 10,463.0
F-Max-girder-2 = 270,280.383 N

Radial Bay 1 Girder Solve for Max-P:

Max-P-girder-2 = (F-Max-girder-2 - (Rafter-Weight-prev-2 * C1-2) - (Rafter-Weight-2 *

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C2-2)) / ((Average-p-width-prev-2 * C1-2) + (Average-p-width-2 * C2-2))
Max-P-girder-2 = (270,280.3828 - (0.4378 * 32,004) - (0.5838 * 58,674)) / ((1,030.0493 *
32,004) + (1,448.5022 * 58,674))
Max-P-girder-2 = 0.002 MPa

P-ext-3-2 = (Max-P-girder-2 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-3-2 = (1.8822 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-3-2 = -0.626 kPa

Radial Bay 1 Column Design

A-req-2 = Required Cross Sectional Area Of Column (mm^2)
Average-p-width-2 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-2 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-2 = Average rafter spacing on shell (mm)
C1-2 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-2 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-col = Column Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Girder-Length-2 = Girder Length (mm)
Girder-Weight-2 = Girder Weight (kg/mm)
L-col = Column design length (m)
Ma-col = Column Material
Max-P-column-2 = Maximum Load allowed per Column (MPa)
N-rft-2 = Actual number of rafters
P-c-2 = Column Total Load (N)
P-ext-4-2 = Vacuum Limited by Column Type (kPa)
R-2 = Outer radius (mm)
R-inner-2 = Inner radius (mm)
Rafter-L-2 = Rafter Length (mm)
Rafter-Weight-2 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-2 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sca = Allowable Compressive Stress (MPa)
W-DL-col-top = Dead Load on Column (N)
W-DL-girder-2 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Rafters and Roof Dead Loads (N/mm)
W-DL-rafter-2 = Rafter Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-column-2 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (N)
W-col = Column Weight (N)
W-col-top = Load on Column (N)
W-girder-2 = Girder Total Weight Including Rafters and Roof Loads (N/mm)
W-rafter-2 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
radial-distance-2 = Radial Distance (mm)

Average-p-width-2 = 1,448.502 mm
Average-r-s-inner-2 = 858.492 mm
Average-r-s-shell-2 = 2,038.513 mm
C1-2 = 32,004 mm
C2-2 = 58,674 mm
CA-col = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-2 = 10,463.0 mm
Girder-Weight-2 = 0.128 kg/mm
L-col = 16.127 m
Ma-col = A106-B
N-rft-2 = 66
R-2 = 21,413 mm
R-inner-2 = 9,017.789 mm

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Rafter-Weight-2 = 0.06 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-2 = 0.045 kg/mm
W-DL-girder-2 = 15.515 N/mm
W-DL-rafter-2 = 1.823 N/mm
W-girder-2 = 26.787 N/mm
W-rafter-2 = 3.272 N/mm
radial-distance-2 = 10,668 mm

Radial Bay 1 Column Material Properties

Material = A106-B
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 415 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 240 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 201,000 MPa

Radial Bay 1 Column Pipe Size 12 SCH XS Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 97.439 72.888 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 12,414.333 9,286.312 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 110.1 110.059 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 110.1 110.059 mm
Pipe Thickness t-pipe 12.7 11.1 mm
Pipe Inner Diameter ID-pipe 298.45 298.45 mm
Pipe Outer Diameter OD-pipe 323.85 320.65 mm

Radial Bay 1 Column Allowable Compressive Strength per AISC-360

Fe = Elastic Buckling Stress per AISC-360 E3-4 (MPa)
Pa = Allowable Compressive Strength (N)
Pn = Nominal compressive strength per AISC-360 E3-1 (N)

Radius of gyration :
(rx-corr = ry-corr) AND (L-col = L-col)

Fe = ((pi^2) * E) / (((K * L-col) / ry-corr)^2)

Fe = ((pi^2) * 201,000) / (((1 * 16,127.33) / 110.0594)^2)
Fe = 92.39 MPa

As per AISC-360 table B4.1a Pipe width to thickness ratio :

(OD-pipe-corr / t-pipe-corr) <= (0.11 * (E / Sy)) ==> Pipe is not slender

Fcr = Critical stress per AISC-360 E3-3 (MPa)

(Sy / Fe) <= 2.25

Fcr = 0.877 * Fe
Fcr = 0.877 * 92.39
Fcr = 81.026 MPa

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Pn = Fcr * A-corr
Pn = 81.0261 * 9,286.3123
Pn = 752,433.317 N

Pa = Pn / 1.67
Pa = 752,433.3166 / 1.67
Pa = 450,558.872 N

Radial Bay 1 Column Load

Rafter-L-2 = (R-2 - R-inner-2) / COS(Theta)
Rafter-L-2 = (21,413 - 9,017.789) / COS(3.5763)
Rafter-L-2 = 12,419.397 mm

W-col = W * L-col
W-col = 955.5541 * 16.1273
W-col = 15,410.537 N

W-col-top = W-girder-2 * Girder-Length-2

W-col-top = 26.7874 * 10,463.0
W-col-top = 280,303.252 N

W-DL-col-top = W-DL-girder-2 * Girder-Length-2

W-DL-col-top = 15.5149 * 10,463.0
W-DL-col-top = 162,348.14 N

P-c-2 = W-col-top + W-col

P-c-2 = 280,303.2523 + 15,410.5366
P-c-2 = 295,713.789 N

Radial Bay 1 Column Required Cross Sectional Area

Sca = Pa / A-corr
Sca = 450,558.8722 / 9,286.3123
Sca = 48.519 MPa

A-req-2 = P-c-2 / Sca

A-req-2 = 295,713.7889 / 48.5186
A-req-2 = 6,094.854 mm^2

A-corr >= A-req-2 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Column Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 6 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

t-pipe >= t-min ==> PASS

t-pipe-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

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Radial Bay 1 Column Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)
L-col = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
L-col/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

L-col = 16,127.33 mm
rx-corr = 110.059 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 180

L-col/rx-corr = L-col / rx-corr

L-col/rx-corr = 16,127.33 / 110.0594
L-col/rx-corr = 146.533

r-req = L-col / max-ratio

r-req = 16,127.33 / 180
r-req = 89.596 mm

L-col/rx-corr <= 180 ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Column Base Plate Design

B = Base Plate Length in the X direction (mm)
CA = Base Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma = Material
N = Base Plate Length in the Y direction (mm)
P-c-2 = Total Column Load (N)
fcp = Soil Bearing Capacity (kPa)
l = Critical Base Plate Cantilever Dimension (mm)
m = Cantilever Distance in the Y Direction (mm)
n = Cantilever Distance in the X Direction (mm)
np = Yield-Line Theory Cantilever Distance (mm)
tp = Base Plate Thickness (mm)
tp-design = Plate Required Thickness per AISC 13th Edition Part 14 (mm)
tp-req = Plate Required Thickness (mm)
x-length = Column Length in the X direction (mm)
y-length = Column Length in the Y direction (mm)

B = 451 mm
CA = 1.6 mm
Ma = A36
N = 451 mm
P-c-2 = 295,713.789 N
fcp = 145 kPa
tp = 16.0 mm
x-length = 323.85 mm
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y-length = 323.85 mm

Note: Base plate is designed with the assumption that it is on a slab foundation or concrete

m = (N - (0.95 * y-length)) / 2
m = (451 - (0.95 * 323.85)) / 2
m = 71.671 mm

n = (B - (0.8 * x-length)) / 2
n = (451 - (0.8 * 323.85)) / 2
n = 95.96 mm

np = SQRT((x-length * y-length)) / 4
np = SQRT((323.85 * 323.85)) / 4
np = 80.962 mm

l = MAX(m , n , np)
l = MAX(71.6713 , 95.96 , 80.9625)
l = 95.96 mm

tp-design = (l * SQRT(((3.33 * P-c-2) / (Sy * B * N)))) + CA

tp-design = (95.96 * SQRT(((3.33 * 295,713.7889) / (250.0 * 451 * 451)))) + 1.6
tp-design = 14.954 mm

As per API-650, Minimum Allowable Thickness (tp-erection) = 12 mm

tp-req = MAX(tp-erection , tp-design)

tp-req = MAX(12 , 14.9537)
tp-req = 14.954 mm

tp >= tp-req ==> PASS

Radial Bay 1 Column Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-column-2 = (Sca * A-corr) - W
W-Max-column-2 = (48.5186 * 9,286.3123) - 955.5541
W-Max-column-2 = 449,603.318 N

Max-P-column-2 = (W-Max-column-2 - (Girder-Weight-2 * Girder-Length-2) - (Rafter-

Weight-prev-2 * C1-2) - (Rafter-Weight-2 * C2-2)) / ((C1-2 * Average-r-s-inner-2) + (C2-
2 * Average-r-s-shell-2))
Max-P-column-2 = (449,603.3181 - (0.128 * 10,463.0) - (0.0446 * 32,004) - (0.0595 *
58,674)) / ((32,004 * 858.4915) + (58,674 * 2,038.5128))
Max-P-column-2 = 0.003 MPa

P-ext-4-2 = (Max-P-column-2 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-4-2 = (3.0142 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
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P-ext-4-2 = -1.758 kPa

Radial Bay 0 (Center Bay)

Center Bay Rafters Spacing and Quantity
DL = Dead load (kPa)
Fp = Pressure Combination Factor
Fy-roof = Roof Yield Strength (MPa)
Lr = Roof Live Load (kPa)
N-min-1 = Rafters Quantity Required
N-rft-1 = Actual Number of Rafters
P-ext-1-1 = Maximum External Pressure (kPa)
P-max-1 = Maximun Roof Load Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (MPa)
R-1 = Rafters Outer Radius (mm)
S = Ground Snow Load (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Snow Load (kPa)
TL = Roof Total Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
l = Rafters Maximum Spacing per API-650 (mm)
l-actual-1 = Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)
roof-ca = Roof Corrosion Allowance (mm)
t-actual = Roof Actual Thickness (mm)
t-calc-1 = Roof Required Thickness Based on Rafters Actual Spacing (mm)

DL = 0.856 kPa
Fp = 0.4
Fy-roof = 260.0 MPa
Lr = 1.0 kPa
N-rft-1 = 36
R-1 = 10,748 mm
S = 0.0 kPa
Sb = 0.0 kPa
TL = 0.002 MPa
roof-ca = 3.2 mm
t-actual = 11.11 mm

l = (t-actual - roof-ca) * SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))

l = (11.11 - 3.2) * SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))
l = 3,626.08 (Set to 2,100 mm since it cannot be greater than 2,100)

N-min-1 = CEILING(((2 * pi * R-1) / l))

N-min-1 = CEILING(((2 * pi * 10,748) / 2,100))
N-min-1 = 33

N-recommended-1 must be a multiple of 6, therefore N-recommended-1 = 36.

N-rft-1 >= N-min-1 ==> PASS

l-actual-1 = (2 * pi * R-1) / N-rft-1

l-actual-1 = (2 * pi * 10,748) / 36
l-actual-1 = 1,875.88 mm

t-calc-1 = (l-actual-1 / SQRT(((1.5 * Fy-roof) / TL))) + roof-ca

t-calc-1 = (1,875.8799 / SQRT(((1.5 * 260.0) / 0.0019))) + 3.2
t-calc-1 = 7.292 mm

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Center Bay Maximum Allowable External Pressure Based on Rafters Actual Spacing
P-max-1 = (1.5 * Fy-roof) / ((l-actual-1 / (t-actual - roof-ca))^2)
P-max-1 = (1.5 * 260.0) / ((1,875.8799 / (11.11 - 3.2))^2)
P-max-1 = 0.007 MPa

P-ext-1-1 = (P-max-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-1-1 = (6.9344 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-1-1 = -5.679 kPa

Center Bay Rafter Design

Average-p-width-1 = Average Plate Width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-1 = Average Rafter Spacing on Inner Side (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-1 = Average Rafter Spacing on Outer Side (mm)
CA-rft = Rafter Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma-rft = Rafter Material
Max-P-1 = Max Load Allowed per Rafter (MPa)
Max-r-span-1 = Rafter Design Length (mm)
Mmax-rft-1 = Maximum Bending Moment for the Dead Load Only (
Mmax-rft-1 = Maximum Bending Moment (
N-rft-1 = Actual Number of Rafters
N_braces = Recommended Number of Braces
P-ext-2-1 = Vacuum Limited by Rafter Type (kPa)
R-1 = Outer Radius (mm)
R-inner-1 = Inner Radius (mm)
Sd-DL-rft-1 = Rafter Allowable Stress for Dead Load Only Case (MPa)
Sd-rft-1 = Rafter Allowable Stress (MPa)
Sx-rft-Req-1 = Minimum Required Elastic Section Modulus (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for the Dead Load and Live Load Case (cm^3)
Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = Required Elastic Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Case (cm^3)
TL = Total Top Load (Dead + Live) (MPa)
Theta = Slope Angle (deg)
W-DL-rft-1 = Rafter Design Dead (rafter weight + top dead load) (N/mm)
W-Max-rft-1 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (N/mm)
W-rft-1 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
b = Braces Positions (mm)
div = Deflection Limit Divisor (mm)

CA-rft = 1.6 mm
Ma-rft = A36
N-rft-1 = 36
R-1 = 10,748 mm
R-inner-1 = 1,055.495 mm
TL = 0.002 MPa
Theta = 3.576 deg
b = [4,965.339 ] mm
div = 200 mm

Max-r-span-1 = (R-1 - R-inner-1) / COS(Theta)

Max-r-span-1 = (10,748 - 1,055.495) / COS(3.5763)
Max-r-span-1 = 9,711.417 mm

Average-r-s-inner-1 = (2 * pi * R-inner-1) / N-rft-1

Average-r-s-inner-1 = (2 * pi * 1,055.495) / 36
Average-r-s-inner-1 = 184.219 mm

Average-r-s-shell-1 = (2 * pi * R-1) / N-rft-1

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Average-r-s-shell-1 = (2 * pi * 10,748) / 36
Average-r-s-shell-1 = 1,875.88 mm

Average-p-width-1 = (Average-r-s-inner-1 + Average-r-s-shell-1) / 2

Average-p-width-1 = (184.2186 + 1,875.8799) / 2
Average-p-width-1 = 1,030.049 mm

Center Bay Rafter Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 199,000 MPa

Center Bay Rafter I-Beam Size W10X30 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 44.645 30.732 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 5,703.214 3,925.891 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 111.252 111.252 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 34.798 34.798 mm
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 70,759,342.352 50,921,884.639 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 6,951,064.808 4,896,301.181 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 530,940.874 386,731.223 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 94,225.618 67,843.249 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About X Axis Zx 599,766.542 426,122.07 mm^3
Plastic Section Modulus About Y Axis Zy 144,861.646 103,067.442 mm^3
Warping Constant cw 111,173,848,747.6 78,382,465,454.398 mm^6
Torsional Constant j 258,895.947 99,550.211 mm^4
Centroid X Coords cx 73.787 72.187 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 133.35 131.75 mm
Centroid to Edge Max x Distance ex 73.787 72.187 mm
Centroid to Edge Max y Distance ey 133.35 131.75 mm
I-Beam Flange Width wf 147.574 144.374 mm
I-Beam Flange Thickness tf 12.954 9.754 mm
I-Beam Depth d 266.7 263.5 mm
I-Beam Web Thickness tw 7.62 4.42 mm

Center Bay Rafter Allowable Flexural Strength per AISC-360

Lp = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding per AISC-360 F2-5
Lr = Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional
buckling per AISC-360 F2-6 (mm)
M = Lateral torsional buckling per AISC-360 F2-2 (
Ma = Allowable Flexural Strength (
Mn = Nominal flexural strength per AISC-360 F2 (
Mp = Yielding per AISC-360 F2-1 (
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Mpa = Allowable Flexural Strength Assuming the Member is Braced (
Ypf = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact flange
Ypw = Limiting slenderness parameter for compact web
Yrf = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact flange
Yrw = Limiting slenderness parameter for noncompact web
bf = Flange width (mm)
c = Coefficient per AISC-360 F2-8a
h = Web height (mm)
ho = Distance between the flange centroids (mm)
rts = Effective radius of gyration per AISC-360 F2-7 (mm)

bf = wf-corr / 2 = 72.187 mm

h = d-corr - (2 * tf-corr) = 243.992 mm

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypf = 0.38 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypf = 10.721

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrf = 1 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrf = 28.213

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Ypw = 3.76 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Ypw = 106.083

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((E / Sy))

Yrw = 5.7 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Yrw = 160.817

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Flange width to thickness ratio check :

(bf / tf-corr) <= Ypf

==> Flange is compact

As per AISC-360 table B4.1b Web height to thickness ratio check :

(h / tw-corr) <= Ypw

==> Web is compact

Mp = Sy * Zx-corr
Mp = 250.0 * 426,122.0701
Mp = 106,530,517.534

Unbraced length (Lb) = 4,965.339 mm

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Lp = 1.76 * ry-corr * SQRT((E / Sy))
Lp = 1.76 * 34.798 * SQRT((199,000 / 250.0))
Lp = 1,727.919 mm

ho = d-corr - tf-corr
ho = 263.5 - 9.754
ho = 253.746 mm


rts = SQRT((SQRT((Iy-corr * cw-corr)) / Sx-corr))

rts = SQRT((SQRT((4,896,301.1807 * 78,382,465,454.3984)) / 386,731.2234))
rts = 40.024 mm

Lr = 1.95 * rts * (E / (0.7 * Sy)) * SQRT((((j-corr * c) / (Sx-corr * ho)) + SQRT(((((j-corr *

c) / (Sx-corr * ho))^2) + (6.76 * (((0.7 * Sy) / E)^2))))))
Lr = 1.95 * 40.0237 * (199,000 / (0.7 * 250.0)) * SQRT((((99,550.2111 * 1) /
(386,731.2234 * 253.746)) + SQRT(((((99,550.2111 * 1) / (386,731.2234 * 253.746))^2) +
(6.76 * (((0.7 * 250.0) / 199,000)^2))))))
Lr = 5,262.366 mm

(Lp < Lb) AND (Lb <= Lr)

M = Cb * (Mp - ((Mp - (0.7 * Sy * Sx-corr)) * ((Lb - Lp) / (Lr - Lp))))

M = 1 * (106,530,517.5336 - ((106,530,517.5336 - (0.7 * 250.0 * 386,731.2234)) *
((4,965.3392 - 1,727.9194) / (5,262.3664 - 1,727.9194))))
M = 70,943,047.652

Mpa = Mp / 1.67
Mpa = 106,530,517.5336 / 1.67
Mpa = 63,790,729.062

Mn = MIN(Mp , M) = 70,943,047.652

Ma = Mn / 1.67
Ma = 70,943,047.6524 / 1.67
Ma = 42,480,866.858

Center Bay Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load and Live Load Design
W-rft-1 = (TL * Average-p-width-1) + W
W-rft-1 = (0.0019 * 1,030.0493) + 0.4378
W-rft-1 = 2.349 N/mm

Mmax-rft-1 = (W-rft-1 * (Max-r-span-1^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-1 = (2.3494 * (9,711.4173^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-1 = 27,697,361.015
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Sd-rft-1 = Mpa / Sx-corr
Sd-rft-1 = 63,790,729.062 / 386,731.2234
Sd-rft-1 = 164.948 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = (Mmax-rft-1 / Sd-rft-1) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = (27,697,361.0151 / 164.9485) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-1-1 = 167.915 cm^3

Center Bay Rafter Required Section Modulus for Dead Load Only Design Case
W-DL-rft-1 = (DL * Average-p-width-1) + W
W-DL-rft-1 = (0.0009 * 1,030.0493) + 0.4378
W-DL-rft-1 = 1.319 N/mm

N_braces = CEILING((Max-r-span-1 / Lr)) - 1

N_braces = CEILING((9,711.4173 / 5,262.3664)) - 1
N_braces = 1

Mmax-rft-1 = (W-DL-rft-1 * (Max-r-span-1^2)) / 8

Mmax-rft-1 = (1.3194 * (9,711.4173^2)) / 8
Mmax-rft-1 = 15,554,158.652

Sd-DL-rft-1 = Ma / Sx-corr
Sd-DL-rft-1 = 42,480,866.8577 / 386,731.2234
Sd-DL-rft-1 = 109.846 MPa

Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = (Mmax-rft-1 / Sd-DL-rft-1) / 1000

Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = (15,554,158.652 / 109.846) / 1000
Sx-rft-Req-1-2 = 141.6 cm^3

Center Bay Rafter Minimum Required Section Modulus

Sx-rft-Req-1 = MAX(Sx-rft-Req-1-1 , Sx-rft-Req-1-2)
Sx-rft-Req-1 = MAX(167.9152 , 141.5997)
Sx-rft-Req-1 = 167.915 cm^3

Sx-corr >= Sx-rft-Req-1 ==> PASS

Center Bay Rafter Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)

Max-r-span-1 = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
Max-r-span-1/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

Max-r-span-1 = 9,711.417 mm
rx-corr = 111.252 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 300

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Max-r-span-1/rx-corr = Max-r-span-1 / rx-corr
Max-r-span-1/rx-corr = 9,711.4173 / 111.252
Max-r-span-1/rx-corr = 87.292

r-req = Max-r-span-1 / max-ratio

r-req = 9,711.4173 / 300
r-req = 32.371 mm

Max-r-span-1/rx-corr <= 300 ==> PASS

Center Bay Rafter Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 4.3 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

tf >= t-min ==> PASS

tf-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

tw >= t-min ==> PASS

tw-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

Center Bay Rafter Deflection

delta = Beam Uniform Load Deflection (mm)
delta_max = Maximum Allowable Deflection (mm)
div = Deflection limit divisor (mm)

div = 200 mm

delta_max = Max-r-span-1 / div

delta_max = 9,711.4173 / 200
delta_max = 48.557 mm

delta = (5 * W-rft-1 * (Max-r-span-1^4)) / (384 * E * Ix-corr)

delta = (5 * 2.3494 * (9,711.4173^4)) / (384 * 199,000 * 50,921,884.639)
delta = 26.852 mm

delta <= delta_max ==> PASS

Center Bay Rafter Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-rft-1 = (Sx-corr * Sd-rft-1 * 8) / (Max-r-span-1^2)
W-Max-rft-1 = (386,731.2234 * 164.9485 * 8) / (9,711.4173^2)
W-Max-rft-1 = 5.411 N/mm

Max-P-1 = (W-Max-rft-1 - W) / Average-p-width-1

Max-P-1 = (5.4111 - 0.4378) / 1,030.0493
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Max-P-1 = 0.005 MPa

P-ext-2-1 = (Max-P-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-2-1 = (4.8282 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-2-1 = -3.572 kPa

Center Bay Girder Design

Not required for center column

Center Bay Column Design

A-req-1 = Required Cross Sectional Area Of Column (mm^2)
Average-p-width-1 = Average plate width (mm)
Average-r-s-inner-1 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (mm)
Average-r-s-shell-1 = Average rafter spacing on shell (mm)
C1-1 = Total Inner Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
C2-1 = Total Outer Rafters Length Supported by Girder (mm)
CA-col = Column Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Girder-Length-1 = Girder Length (mm)
Girder-Weight-1 = Girder Weight (kg/mm)
L-col = Column design length (m)
Ma-col = Column Material
Max-P-column-1 = Maximum Load allowed per Column (MPa)
N-rft-1 = Actual number of rafters
P-c-1 = Column Total Load (N)
P-ext-4-1 = Vacuum Limited by Column Type (kPa)
R-1 = Outer radius (mm)
R-inner-1 = Inner radius (mm)
Rafter-L-1 = Rafter Length (mm)
Rafter-Weight-1 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length (kg/mm)
Rafter-Weight-prev-1 = Rafter Weight per Linear Length previous (kg/mm)
Sca = Allowable Compressive Stress (MPa)
W-DL-col-top = Dead Load on Column (N)
W-DL-girder-1 = Girder Dead Load Weight Including Rafters and Roof Dead Loads (N/mm)
W-DL-rafter-1 = Rafter Dead Load Weight Including Roof Dead Load (N/mm)
W-Max-column-1 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (N)
W-col = Column Weight (N)
W-col-top = Load on Column (N)
W-girder-1 = Girder Total Weight Including Rafters and Roof Loads (N/mm)
W-rafter-1 = Rafter Design Load (rafter weight + top load) (N/mm)
radial-distance-1 = Radial Distance (mm)

Average-p-width-1 = 1,030.049 mm
Average-r-s-inner-1 = 184.219 mm
Average-r-s-shell-1 = 1,875.88 mm
C1-1 = 0 mm
C2-1 = 0 mm
CA-col = 1.6 mm
Girder-Length-1 = 0 mm
Girder-Weight-1 = nil
L-col = 16.619 m
Ma-col = A106-B
N-rft-1 = 36
R-1 = 10,748 mm
R-inner-1 = 1,055.495 mm

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Rafter-Weight-1 = 0.045 kg/mm
Rafter-Weight-prev-1 = nil
W-DL-girder-1 = 0 N/mm
W-DL-rafter-1 = 1.319 N/mm
W-girder-1 = 0 N/mm
W-rafter-1 = 2.349 N/mm
radial-distance-1 = 0.0 mm

Center Bay Column Material Properties

Material = A106-B
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 415 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 240 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity at Design Temperature (E) = 201,000 MPa

Center Bay Column Pipe Size 14 SCH 80 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 158.09 131.535 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 20,141.622 16,758.253 mm^2
Radius of Gyration About X Axis rx 119.179 119.12 mm
Radius of Gyration About Y Axis ry 119.179 119.12 mm
Pipe Thickness t-pipe 19.05 17.45 mm
Pipe Inner Diameter ID-pipe 317.5 317.5 mm
Pipe Outer Diameter OD-pipe 355.6 352.4 mm

Center Bay Column Allowable Compressive Strength per AISC-360

Fe = Elastic Buckling Stress per AISC-360 E3-4 (MPa)
Pa = Allowable Compressive Strength (N)
Pn = Nominal compressive strength per AISC-360 E3-1 (N)

Radius of gyration :
(rx-corr = ry-corr) AND (L-col = L-col)

Fe = ((pi^2) * E) / (((K * L-col) / ry-corr)^2)

Fe = ((pi^2) * 201,000) / (((1 * 16,618.9499) / 119.1203)^2)
Fe = 101.92 MPa

As per AISC-360 table B4.1a Pipe width to thickness ratio :

(OD-pipe-corr / t-pipe-corr) <= (0.11 * (E / Sy)) ==> Pipe is not slender

Fcr = Critical stress per AISC-360 E3-3 (MPa)

(Sy / Fe) <= 2.25

Fcr = 0.877 * Fe
Fcr = 0.877 * 101.9201
Fcr = 89.384 MPa

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Pn = Fcr * A-corr
Pn = 89.384 * 16,758.2527
Pn = 1,497,919.134 N

Pa = Pn / 1.67
Pa = 1,497,919.1338 / 1.67
Pa = 896,957.565 N

Center Bay Column Load

Rafter-L-1 = (R-1 - R-inner-1) / COS(Theta)
Rafter-L-1 = (10,748 - 1,055.495) / COS(3.5763)
Rafter-L-1 = 9,711.417 mm

W-col = W * L-col
W-col = 1,550.3378 * 16.6189
W-col = 25,764.986 N

W-col-top = (Rafter-L-1 * W-rafter-1 * N-rft-1) / 2

W-col-top = (9,711.4173 * 2.3494 * 36) / 2
W-col-top = 410,693.916 N

W-DL-col-top = (Rafter-L-1 * W-DL-rafter-1 * N-rft-1) / 2

W-DL-col-top = (9,711.4173 * 1.3194 * 36) / 2
W-DL-col-top = 230,635.631 N

P-c-1 = W-col-top + W-col

P-c-1 = 410,693.9164 + 25,764.9864
P-c-1 = 436,458.903 N

Center Bay Column Required Cross Sectional Area

Sca = Pa / A-corr
Sca = 896,957.5651 / 16,758.2527
Sca = 53.523 MPa

A-req-1 = P-c-1 / Sca

A-req-1 = 436,458.9028 / 53.5233
A-req-1 = 8,154.554 mm^2

A-corr >= A-req-1 ==> PASS

Center Bay Column Minimum Required Thickness

As per API-650, Minimum Nominal Thickness (t-min) = 6 mm
As per API-650, Minimum Corroded Thickness (t-min-corr) = 2.4 mm

t-pipe >= t-min ==> PASS

t-pipe-corr >= t-min-corr ==> PASS

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Center Bay Column Required Radius of Gyration (Slenderness Check)
L-col = Member Unbraced Length (mm)
L-col/rx-corr = Slenderness Ratio
r-req = Required Radius of Gyration (mm)
rx-corr = Governing Radius of Gyration (mm)

L-col = 16,618.95 mm
rx-corr = 119.12 mm

As per API-650, Max Slenderness Ratio (max-ratio) = 180

L-col/rx-corr = L-col / rx-corr

L-col/rx-corr = 16,618.9499 / 119.1203
L-col/rx-corr = 139.514

r-req = L-col / max-ratio

r-req = 16,618.9499 / 180
r-req = 92.327 mm

L-col/rx-corr <= 180 ==> PASS

Center Bay Column Top Plate Design

CA = Top Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Fa = Top Plate Allowable Stress (MPa)
Fb = Top Plate Stress per Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 2 Part I Table 1-1A (MPa)
Ma = Material
W-col-top = Column Load (N)
a = Top Plate Radius (mm)
r0 = Column Radius (mm)
t = Top Plate Thickness (mm)
v = Poisson's Ratio

CA = 1.6 mm
Ma = A36
W-col-top = 410,693.916 N
a = 1,135.495 mm
r0 = 177.8 mm
t = 10 mm
v = 0.3

NOTE: No credit is taken for the circular plate support.

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa

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Fa = 0.75 * Sy
Fa = 0.75 * 250.0
Fa = 187.5 MPa

Fb = 1.43 * (LOG((a / r0), 10) + 0.334 + (0.06 * ((r0 / a)^2))) * (W-col-top / ((t - CA)^2))
Fb = 1.43 * (LOG((1,135.495 / 177.8), 10) + 0.334 + (0.06 * ((177.8 / 1,135.495)^2))) *
(410,693.9164 / ((10 - 1.6)^2))
Fb = 9,494.597 MPa

Center Bay Column Base Plate Design

B = Base Plate Length in the X direction (mm)
CA = Base Plate Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Ma = Material
N = Base Plate Length in the Y direction (mm)
P-c-1 = Total Column Load (N)
fcp = Soil Bearing Capacity (kPa)
l = Critical Base Plate Cantilever Dimension (mm)
m = Cantilever Distance in the Y Direction (mm)
n = Cantilever Distance in the X Direction (mm)
np = Yield-Line Theory Cantilever Distance (mm)
tp = Base Plate Thickness (mm)
tp-design = Plate Required Thickness per AISC 13th Edition Part 14 (mm)
tp-req = Plate Required Thickness (mm)
x-length = Column Length in the X direction (mm)
y-length = Column Length in the Y direction (mm)

B = 483 mm
CA = 1.6 mm
Ma = A36
N = 483 mm
P-c-1 = 436,458.903 N
fcp = 145 kPa
tp = 21.625 mm
x-length = 355.6 mm
y-length = 355.6 mm

Note: Base plate is designed with the assumption that it is on a slab foundation or concrete

m = (N - (0.95 * y-length)) / 2
m = (483 - (0.95 * 355.6)) / 2
m = 72.59 mm

n = (B - (0.8 * x-length)) / 2
n = (483 - (0.8 * 355.6)) / 2
n = 99.26 mm

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np = SQRT((x-length * y-length)) / 4
np = SQRT((355.6 * 355.6)) / 4
np = 88.9 mm

l = MAX(m , n , np)
l = MAX(72.59 , 99.26 , 88.9)
l = 99.26 mm

tp-design = (l * SQRT(((3.33 * P-c-1) / (Sy * B * N)))) + CA

tp-design = (99.26 * SQRT(((3.33 * 436,458.9028) / (250.0 * 483 * 483)))) + 1.6
tp-design = 17.269 mm

As per API-650, Minimum Allowable Thickness (tp-erection) = 12 mm

tp-req = MAX(tp-erection , tp-design)

tp-req = MAX(12 , 17.2693)
tp-req = 17.269 mm

tp >= tp-req ==> PASS

Center Bay Column Maximum Allowable External Pressure

W-Max-column-1 = (Sca * A-corr) - W
W-Max-column-1 = (53.5233 * 16,758.2527) - 1,550.3378
W-Max-column-1 = 895,407.227 N

Max-P-column-1 = ((W-Max-column-1 / ((Rafter-L-1 * N-rft-1) / 2)) - Rafter-Weight-1) /

Max-P-column-1 = ((895,407.2273 / ((9,711.4173 * 36) / 2)) - 0.0446) / 1,030.0493
Max-P-column-1 = 0.005 MPa

P-ext-4-1 = (Max-P-column-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))) * -1

P-ext-4-1 = (4.9295 - 0.8558 - (0.4 * MAX(0.0 , 1.0))) * -1
P-ext-4-1 = -3.674 kPa

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Top Member Detail B Design Back
DLR = Nominal Weight of Roof Plates and Attached Structural (N)
DLS = Nominal Weight of Shell Plates and Framing (N)

DLS = Ws-pl + W_framing

DLS = 7,662,885.3344 + 627,883.6402
DLS = 8,290,768.975 N

DLR = Wr-pl + W_structural

DLR = 4,908,238.1011 + 5,147.3916
DLR = 4,913,385.493 N

Material Properties
Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 250.0 MPa

Compression Ring Detail b Properties

A_detail = Detail Total Area (mm^2)
A_roof = Contributing Roof Area (mm^2)
A_shell = Contributing Shell Area (mm^2)
I_shell = Contributing Shell Moment Of Inertia (mm^4)
R2 = Length of Normal to Head (mm)
Wc = Maximum Width of Participating Shell per API-650 Figure F-2 (mm)
Wh = Maximum Width of Participating Head per API-650 Figure F-2 (mm)

R2 = (ID / 2) / SIN(theta)
R2 = (85,344.0 / 2) / SIN(3.5763)
R2 = 684,084.2 mm

Wh = 0.3 * SQRT((R2 * (th - CA)))

Wh = 0.3 * SQRT((684,084.2003 * (11.11 - 3.2)))
Wh = 697.854 (Set to 300 mm since it cannot be greater than 300)

Wc = 0.6 * SQRT(((ID / 2) * (tc - CA_shell)))

Wc = 0.6 * SQRT(((85,344.0 / 2) * (12.7 - 3.2)))
Wc = 382.019 mm

Angle Size L8X6X1 Section Properties

Description Variable New Corroded Unit
Weight W 65.777 48.249 kg/m
Cross Sectional Area A 8,451.596 6,199.525 mm^2
Moment Of Inertia About X Axis Ix 33,673,122.331 23,768,154.869 mm^4
Moment Of Inertia About Y Axis Iy 16,149,779.313 11,178,179.904 mm^4
Section Modulus About X Axis Sx 247,444.666 177,966.823 mm^3
Section Modulus About Y Axis Sy 146,172.611 103,541.911 mm^3
Centroid X Coords cx 41.91 41.91 mm
Centroid Y Coords cy 67.31 67.31 mm

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Angle Long Leg Length L1-angle 203.2 196.8 mm
Angle Short Leg Length L2-angle 152.4 146.0 mm
Angle Thickness t-angle 25.4 19.0 mm

I_shell = ((Wc - h) * ((tc - CA_shell)^3)) / 12

I_shell = ((382.0186 - 12.7) * ((12.7 - 3.2)^3)) / 12
I_shell = 26,387.047 mm^4

A_shell = (Wc - h) * (tc - CA_shell)

A_shell = (382.0186 - 12.7) * (12.7 - 3.2)
A_shell = 3,508.527 mm^2

A_roof = Wh * (th - CA)

A_roof = 300 * (11.11 - 3.2)
A_roof = 2,373 mm^2

A_detail = A_shell + A_roof + A-corr

A_detail = 3,508.5271 + 2,373 + 6,199.5246
A_detail = 12,081.052 mm^2

Stiffener and Shell Combined Section Properties

Description Variable Equation Value Unit
Shell centroid d_shell (tc - CA_shell) / 2 4.75 mm
Stiffener centroid d_stiff cx + (tc - CA_shell) 51.41 mm
moment of inertia of first
I_1 Iy-corr + (A-corr * (d_stiff^2)) 27,563,449.688 mm^4
moment of inertia of
I_2 I_shell + (A_shell * (d_shell^2)) 105,548.189 mm^4
second body
Total area A_sum A-corr + A_shell 9,708.052 mm^2
Sum of moments of
I_sum I_1 + I_2 27,668,997.877 mm^4
((d_stiff * A-corr) + (d_shell *
Combined centroid c_combined 34.547 mm
A_shell)) / (A-corr + A_shell)
Combined moment of I_sum - (A_sum *
I_combined 16,082,553.619 mm^4
inertia (c_combined^2))
Distance from neutral
e1 c_combined 34.547 mm
axis to edge 1 (inside)
Distance from neutral
e2 ((tc - CA_shell) + L2-angle) - e1 127.353 mm
axis to edge 2 (outside)
Combined stiffener shell
S I_combined / MAX(e1 , e2) 126,283.171 mm^3
section modulus

Erection Requirement
As per API-650, Minimum Size of Top Corner Ring (Size-min) = L80x80x10
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Minimum Section Modulus per Erection Requirement (Sx-min) = 15.4 cm^3

Sx >= Sx-min ==> PASS

Internal Pressure - Appendix F Requirements

A_actual = Area resisting compressive force (mm^2)
D = Tank nominal diameter (m)
DLR = Nominal weight of roof plates and attached structural (N)
DLS = Nominal weight of shell plates and framing (N)
Fp = Internal Pressure Combination Factor
Fy = Minimum specified yield-strength of the materials in the roof-to-shell junction (MPa)
ID = Tank inside diameter (m)
MDL = Moment About the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Shell
and Roof Structural Supported by the Shell that is not Attached to the Roof Plate (N.m)
MDLR = Moment About the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Roof
Plate Plus any Structural Components Attached to the Roof (N.m)
MF = Moment About the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from Liquid Weight (N.m)
Mw = Wind Moment From Horizontal Plus Vertical Wind Pressures (N.m)
Mws = Wind Moment From Horizontal Wind Pressure (N.m)
Net_uplift = Net uplift due to internal pressure (N)
P = Design pressure (kPa)
P_uplift = Uplift due to internal pressure per API-650 F.1.2 (N)
W_add_DL = Additional dead load weight (N)
W_framing = Weight of framing supported by the shell and roof (N)
W_structural = Weight of roof attached structural (N)
W_total = Weight of roof shell and attached-framing (N)
Wr-pl = Roof plates weight (N)
Ws-pl = Shell plates weight (N)
theta = Angle between the roof and a horizontal plane at the roof-to-shell junction (deg)

A_actual = 12,081.052 mm^2

D = 85.382 m
DLR = 4,913,385.493 N
DLS = 8,290,768.975 N
Fp = 0.4
Fy = 250.0 MPa
ID = 85.344 m
MDL = 353,941,632.833 N.m
MDLR = 209,757,585.736 N.m
MF = 237,184,822.635 N.m
Mw = 149,593,385.243 N.m
Mws = 3,680,418.41 N.m
P = 0.981 kPa
W_add_DL = 0.0 N
W_framing = 627,883.64 N
W_structural = 5,147.392 N
Wr-pl = 4,908,238.101 N
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Ws-pl = 7,662,885.334 N
theta = 3.576 deg

P_uplift = P * pi * ((ID^2) / 4)
P_uplift = 980.7 * pi * ((85.344^2) / 4)
P_uplift = 5,610,118.628 N

W_total = Wr-pl + Ws-pl + W_framing + W_structural + W_add_DL

W_total = 4,908,238.1011 + 7,662,885.3344 + 627,883.6402 + 5,147.3916 + 0.0
W_total = 13,204,154.467 N

Net_uplift = MAX((P_uplift - W_total) , 0)

Net_uplift = MAX((5,610,118.6282 - 13,204,154.4672) , 0)
Net_uplift = 0 N

Wr-pl < P_uplift <= W_total , Tank design should meet F.2 to F.7 requirements.

P_max_internal = Maximum allowable internal pressure (kPa)

P_F41 = Maximum design pressure per API 650 F.4.1 (kPa)

P_max = Maximum design pressure (kPa)
Pf = Failure pressure per API 650 F.7 (kPa)

P_F41 = ((A_actual * Fy * TAN(theta)) / (200 * (D^2))) + ((0.00127 * DLR) / (D^2))

P_F41 = ((12,081.0517 * 250.0 * TAN(3.5763)) / (200 * (85.3821^2))) + ((0.00127 *
4,913,385.4926) / (85.3821^2))
P_F41 = 0.985 kPa

Pf = (1.6 * P_F41) - ((0.000746 * DLR) / (D^2))

Pf = (1.6 * 0.9854) - ((0.000746 * 4,913,385.4926) / (85.3821^2))
Pf = 1.074 kPa

P_max = P_F41
P_max = 0.9854
P_max = 0.985 kPa

P <= P_max ==> Design internal pressure is less than maximum allowable pressure per
API-650 F.4

A_F51 = Required area per API 650 F.5.1 (mm^2)

A_F51 = ((200 * (D^2)) * (P - ((0.00127 * DLR) / (D^2)))) / (Fy * TAN(theta))

A_F51 = ((200 * (85.3821^2)) * (0.9807 - ((0.00127 * 4,913,385.4926) / (85.3821^2)))) /
(250.0 * TAN(3.5763))
A_F51 = 11,640.377 mm^2

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A_actual >= A_F51 ==> PASS

As per API-650 5.2.1 c), Maximum design internal pressure (P_std) = 18 kPa

P_max_internal = MIN(P_std , P_max)

P_max_internal = MIN(18 , 0.9854)
P_max_internal = 0.985 kPa

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Shell Design Back
Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Av = Vertical ground acceleration coefficient description
CG-shell = Shell center of gravity (m)
D = Tank Nominal Diameter per API-650 Note 1 (m)
Hs = Shell height (m)
Lmax = Max Liquid Level (m)
P = Design Internal Pressure (kPa)
Pv = Design External Pressure (kPa)
SG = Product Design Specific Gravity
SGt = Hydrotest Specific Gravity
V = Wind velocity (km/hr)
W-ins = Shell Insulation Weight (kg)
W-shell = Shell Nominal Weight (kg)
W-shell-corr = Shell Corroded Weight (kg)
ds-ins = Insulation Density (kg/m^3)
h-min = Minimum Shell Course Height per API-650 (mm)
ts-ins = Insulation Thickness (mm)

Ac = 0.025
Ai = 0.025
Av = 0.047
D = 85.382 m
Hs = 14.63 m
Lmax = 13.167 m
P = 0.981 kPa
Pv = 0.0 kPa
SG = 1
SGt = 1
V = 130.0 km/hr
ds-ins = 130 kg/m^3
h-min = 1,800 mm
ts-ins = 0 mm

API-650 Design Method: Variable Design Point (VDP)

Course # 1 (bottom course) Design
CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm)
D1 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m)
H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
H-max = Maximum Allowable Liquid Level (Note: calculation is done by iteration through liquid
levels) (m)
H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m)
Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid
Level (kPa)
W-1 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-1-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
h1 = Course Height (m)

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loc = Course Location (m)
t = Installed Thickness (mm)
t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm)
t1d = Course Design Thickness per API-650 (mm)
t1pd = Bottom Course Design Thickness per API-650 (mm)
t1pt = Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm)
t1t = Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm)
tpd = Course Preliminary Design Thickness per API-650 (mm)
tpt = Course Preliminary Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
H = 13.167 m
JE = 1
Ma = A516-70
h1 = 2.438 m
loc = 0 m
t = 38.1 mm

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-1) = 1.219 m

D1 = ID + t
D1 = 85.344 + 0.0381
D1 = 85.382 m

W-1 = pi * D1 * t * h1 * d
W-1 = pi * 85.3821 * 0.0381 * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-1 = 195,372.167 kg

W-1-corr = pi * D1 * (t - CA) * h1 * d
W-1-corr = pi * 85.3821 * (0.0381 - 0.0032) * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-1-corr = 178,962.956 kg

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 195.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = 8.66 °C

Thickness Required by Erection

As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 10 mm

Thickness Required by Design

H' = H
H' = 13.167
H' = 13.167 m

t1pd = ((1.06 - (((0.0696 * D) / H') * SQRT(((H' * SG) / (JE * Sd))))) * ((4.9 * H' * D * SG) / (JE * Sd)))
+ CA
t1pd = ((1.06 - (((0.0696 * 85.3821) / 13.167) * SQRT(((13.167 * 1) / (1 * 173.0))))) * ((4.9 * 13.167 *
85.3821 * 1) / (1 * 173.0))) + 3.2
t1pd = 32.988 mm

tpd = ((4.9 * D * (H' - 0.3) * SG) / (JE * Sd)) + CA

tpd = ((4.9 * 85.3821 * (13.167 - 0.3) * 1) / (1 * 173.0)) + 3.2

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tpd = 34.317 mm

t1d = MIN(tpd , t1pd)

t1d = MIN(34.3167 , 32.9881)
t1d = 32.988 mm

Hydrostatic Test Required Thickness

Ht' = H
Ht' = 13.167
Ht' = 13.167 m

t1pt = (1.06 - (((0.0696 * D) / Ht') * SQRT(((Ht' * SGt) / (JE * St))))) * ((4.9 * Ht' * D * SGt) / (JE * St))
t1pt = (1.06 - (((0.0696 * 85.3821) / 13.167) * SQRT(((13.167 * 1) / (1 * 195.0))))) * ((4.9 * 13.167 *
85.3821 * 1) / (1 * 195.0))
t1pt = 26.632 mm

tpt = (4.9 * D * (Ht' - 0.3) * SGt) / (JE * St)

tpt = (4.9 * 85.3821 * (13.167 - 0.3) * 1) / (1 * 195.0)
tpt = 27.606 mm

t1t = MIN(tpt , t1pt)

t1t = MIN(27.6061 , 26.6317)
t1t = 26.632 mm

Seismic Design Required Thickness

Fy_scaled = Scaled Component Yield Strength per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Membrane_Stress = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API 650 Section
E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd_scaled = Scaled Design Stress per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

Distance from Liquid Surface to Analysis Point (Y) = 13.167 m

Ni = 8.48 * Ai * SG * D * Lmax * ((Y / Lmax) - (0.5 * ((Y / Lmax)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))

Ni = 8.48 * 0.025 * 1 * 85.3821 * 13.167 * ((13.167 / 13.167) - (0.5 * ((13.167 / 13.167)^2))) *
TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))
Ni = 119.165 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.025 * 1 * (85.3821^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (13.167 - 13.167)) / 85.3821))) / COSH(((3.68
* 13.167) / 85.3821))
Nc = 289.315 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (13.167 - 0) * 85.3821 * 1
Nh = 5,508.708 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = (5,508.7079 + SQRT(((119.1648^2) + (289.3151^2) + (((0.0467 * 5,508.7079) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((38.1 - 3.2) , 0.0001)

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S_T+ = 167.281 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T- = (5,508.7079 - SQRT(((119.1648^2) + (289.3151^2) + (((0.0467 * 5,508.7079) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((38.1 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 148.405 MPa

Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * Sd
Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * 173.0
Sd_scaled = 230.667 MPa

Fy_scaled = 0.9 * Sy * JE
Fy_scaled = 0.9 * 260.0 * 1
Fy_scaled = 234.0 MPa

Membrane_Stress = MIN(Sd_scaled , Fy_scaled)

Membrane_Stress = MIN(230.6667 , 234.0)
Membrane_Stress = 230.667 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (t - CA)) / Membrane_Stress) + CA

ts = ((167.2805 * (38.1 - 3.2)) / 230.6667) + 3.2
ts = 28.51 mm

Minimum Required Thickness

t-min = MAX(t-erec , t1d , t1t , ts)
t-min = MAX(10 , 32.9881 , 26.6317 , 28.5096)
t-min = 32.988 mm

Rating of Installed Thickness

H-max = H-max
H-max = 15.28
H-max = 15.28 m

H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = MAX(15.28 , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = 15.28 m

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0)

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((15.28 - (13.167 + 0)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.9807) , 0)
Pi-max-@-H = 21.688 kPa

Course # 2 Design
CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm)
D2 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m)
H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
H-max = Maximum Allowable Liquid Level (Note: calculation is done by iteration through liquid
levels) (m)
H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m)
Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid
Level (kPa)
W-2 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-2-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)

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h2 = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)
rd = Second Course Design Thickness Ratio per API-650
rt = Second Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness Ratio per API-650
t = Installed Thickness (mm)
t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm)
t2 = Minimum Design Corroded Thickness of the Second Shell Course per API-650 (mm)
t2a = Corroded Thickness of the Second Shell Course as Calculated for an Upper Shell Course per
API-650 (mm)
t2d = Second Course Design Thickness per API-650 (mm)
t2t = Second Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness per API-650 (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
H = 10.729 m
JE = 1
Ma = A516-70
h2 = 2.438 m
loc = 2.438 m
t = 38.1 mm

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-2) = 3.658 m

D2 = ID + t
D2 = 85.344 + 0.0381
D2 = 85.382 m

W-2 = pi * D2 * t * h2 * d
W-2 = pi * 85.3821 * 0.0381 * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-2 = 195,372.167 kg

W-2-corr = pi * D2 * (t - CA) * h2 * d
W-2-corr = pi * 85.3821 * (0.0381 - 0.0032) * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-2-corr = 178,962.956 kg

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 195.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = 8.66 °C

Thickness Required by Erection

As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 10 mm

Thickness Required by Design

H' = H
H' = 10.7286
H' = 10.729 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min tdx - ca (mm)

1 25.220 34.900 1.384 0.172 1222.834 1843.386 1265.901 1222.834 22.988
2 22.988 34.900 1.518 0.222 1367.879 2386.194 1208.593 1208.593 23.023

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3 23.023 34.900 1.516 0.222 1365.528 2377.433 1209.498 1209.498 23.020
4 23.020 34.900 1.516 0.222 1365.677 2377.990 1209.441 1209.441 23.021

As per API-650, Course Design Thickness (tdx) = 26.221 mm

rd = h1 / (((D / 2) * (t1d - CA))^0.5)

rd = 2,438.4 / (((85,382.1 / 2) * (32.9881 - 3.2))^0.5)
rd = 2.162

t2a = tdx - CA
t2a = 26.2205 - 3.2
t2a = 23.021 mm

t2 = t2a + (((t1d - CA1) - t2a) * (2.1 - (rd / 1.25)))

t2 = 23.0205 + (((32.9881 - 3.2) - 23.0205) * (2.1 - (2.1623 / 1.25)))
t2 = 25.526 mm

t2d = t2 + CA
t2d = 25.5256 + 3.2
t2d = 28.726 mm

Hydrostatic Test Required Thickness

Ht' = H
Ht' = 10.7286
Ht' = 10.729 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min ttx (mm)

1 22.375 26.632 1.190 0.090 906.220 968.884 1192.355 906.220 21.074
2 21.074 26.632 1.264 0.122 999.074 1314.012 1157.180 999.074 20.875
3 20.875 26.632 1.276 0.128 1013.965 1369.113 1151.697 1013.965 20.843
4 20.843 26.632 1.278 0.128 1016.370 1378.007 1150.815 1016.370 20.838

As per API-650, Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness (ttx) = 20.838 mm

rt = h1 / (((D / 2) * t1t)^0.5)
rt = 2,438.4 / (((85,382.1 / 2) * 26.6317)^0.5)
rt = 2.287

t2t = ttx + ((t1t - ttx) * (2.1 - (rt / 1.25)))

t2t = 20.8376 + ((26.6317 - 20.8376) * (2.1 - (2.2868 / 1.25)))
t2t = 22.405 mm

Seismic Design Required Thickness

Fy_scaled = Scaled Component Yield Strength per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Membrane_Stress = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API 650 Section
E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd_scaled = Scaled Design Stress per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

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Distance from Liquid Surface to Analysis Point (Y) = 10.729 m

Ni = 8.48 * Ai * SG * D * Lmax * ((Y / Lmax) - (0.5 * ((Y / Lmax)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))

Ni = 8.48 * 0.025 * 1 * 85.3821 * 13.167 * ((10.7286 / 13.167) - (0.5 * ((10.7286 / 13.167)^2))) *
TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))
Ni = 115.078 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.025 * 1 * (85.3821^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (13.167 - 10.7286)) / 85.3821))) /
COSH(((3.68 * 13.167) / 85.3821))
Nc = 290.914 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (10.7286 - 0) * 85.3821 * 1
Nh = 4,488.549 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = (4,488.549 + SQRT(((115.078^2) + (290.9144^2) + (((0.0467 * 4,488.549) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((38.1 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = 137.892 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T- = (4,488.549 - SQRT(((115.078^2) + (290.9144^2) + (((0.0467 * 4,488.549) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((38.1 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 119.331 MPa

Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * Sd
Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * 173.0
Sd_scaled = 230.667 MPa

Fy_scaled = 0.9 * Sy * JE
Fy_scaled = 0.9 * 260.0 * 1
Fy_scaled = 234.0 MPa

Membrane_Stress = MIN(Sd_scaled , Fy_scaled)

Membrane_Stress = MIN(230.6667 , 234.0)
Membrane_Stress = 230.667 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (t - CA)) / Membrane_Stress) + CA

ts = ((137.8922 * (38.1 - 3.2)) / 230.6667) + 3.2
ts = 24.063 mm

Minimum Required Thickness

t-min = MAX(t-erec , t2d , t2t , ts)
t-min = MAX(10 , 28.7256 , 22.405 , 24.0632)
t-min = 28.726 mm

Rating of Installed Thickness

H-max = H-max
H-max = 16.26
H-max = 16.26 m

H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0)

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H-max-@-Pi = MAX(16.26 , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = 16.26 m

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0)

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((16.26 - (10.7286 + 2.4384)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.9807) , 0)
Pi-max-@-H = 31.292 kPa

Course # 3 Design
CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm)
D3 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m)
H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
H-max = Maximum Allowable Liquid Level (Note: calculation is done by iteration through liquid
levels) (m)
H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m)
Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid
Level (kPa)
W-3 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-3-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
h3 = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)
t = Installed Thickness (mm)
t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
H = 8.29 m
JE = 1
Ma = A516-70
h3 = 2.438 m
loc = 4.877 m
t = 25.4 mm

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-3) = 6.096 m

D3 = ID + t
D3 = 85.344 + 0.0254
D3 = 85.369 m

W-3 = pi * D3 * t * h3 * d
W-3 = pi * 85.3694 * 0.0254 * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-3 = 130,228.738 kg

W-3-corr = pi * D3 * (t - CA) * h3 * d
W-3-corr = pi * 85.3694 * (0.0254 - 0.0032) * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-3-corr = 113,821.968 kg

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 195.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -0.31 °C

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Thickness Required by Erection
As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 10 mm

Thickness Required by Design

H' = H
H' = 8.2902
H' = 8.29 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min tdx - ca (mm)

1 19.323 25.526 1.321 0.147 942.686 1214.540 1108.066 942.686 17.769
2 17.769 25.526 1.437 0.192 1041.259 1593.672 1062.568 1041.259 17.530
3 17.530 25.526 1.456 0.200 1057.258 1654.843 1055.417 1055.417 17.496
4 17.496 25.526 1.459 0.201 1059.576 1663.696 1054.385 1054.385 17.499

As per API-650, Course Design Thickness (tdx) = 20.699 mm

Ht' = H
Ht' = 8.2902
Ht' = 8.29 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min ttx (mm)

1 17.143 22.405 1.307 0.141 895.090 1166.392 1043.689 895.090 15.866
2 15.866 22.405 1.412 0.183 987.164 1516.026 1004.072 987.164 15.669
3 15.669 22.405 1.430 0.190 1002.184 1572.761 997.801 997.801 15.646
4 15.646 22.405 1.432 0.191 1003.933 1579.362 997.074 997.074 15.647

As per API-650, Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness (ttx) = 15.647 mm

Seismic Design Required Thickness

Fy_scaled = Scaled Component Yield Strength per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Membrane_Stress = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API 650 Section
E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd_scaled = Scaled Design Stress per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

Distance from Liquid Surface to Analysis Point (Y) = 8.29 m

Ni = 8.48 * Ai * SG * D * Lmax * ((Y / Lmax) - (0.5 * ((Y / Lmax)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))

Ni = 8.48 * 0.025 * 1 * 85.3821 * 13.167 * ((8.2902 / 13.167) - (0.5 * ((8.2902 / 13.167)^2))) *
TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))
Ni = 102.818 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.025 * 1 * (85.3821^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (13.167 - 8.2902)) / 85.3821))) / COSH(((3.68
* 13.167) / 85.3821))

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Nc = 295.73 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (8.2902 - 0) * 85.3821 * 1
Nh = 3,468.39 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = (3,468.39 + SQRT(((102.8176^2) + (295.7297^2) + (((0.0467 * 3,468.39) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((25.4 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = 170.636 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T- = (3,468.39 - SQRT(((102.8176^2) + (295.7297^2) + (((0.0467 * 3,468.39) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((25.4 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 141.832 MPa

Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * Sd
Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * 173.0
Sd_scaled = 230.667 MPa

Fy_scaled = 0.9 * Sy * JE
Fy_scaled = 0.9 * 260.0 * 1
Fy_scaled = 234.0 MPa

Membrane_Stress = MIN(Sd_scaled , Fy_scaled)

Membrane_Stress = MIN(230.6667 , 234.0)
Membrane_Stress = 230.667 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (t - CA)) / Membrane_Stress) + CA

ts = ((170.6359 * (25.4 - 3.2)) / 230.6667) + 3.2
ts = 19.622 mm

Minimum Required Thickness

t-min = MAX(t-erec , tdx , ttx , ts)
t-min = MAX(10 , 20.6986 , 15.6474 , 19.6225)
t-min = 20.699 mm

Rating of Installed Thickness

H-max = H-max
H-max = 15.24
H-max = 15.24 m

H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = MAX(15.24 , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = 15.24 m

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0)

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((15.24 - (8.2902 + 4.8768)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.9807) , 0)
Pi-max-@-H = 21.296 kPa

Course # 4 Design
CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm)
D4 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)

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H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m)
H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
H-max = Maximum Allowable Liquid Level (Note: calculation is done by iteration through liquid
levels) (m)
H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m)
Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid
Level (kPa)
W-4 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-4-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
h4 = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)
t = Installed Thickness (mm)
t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
H = 5.852 m
JE = 1
Ma = A516-70
h4 = 2.438 m
loc = 7.315 m
t = 22.2 mm

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-4) = 8.534 m

D4 = ID + t
D4 = 85.344 + 0.0222
D4 = 85.366 m

W-4 = pi * D4 * t * h4 * d
W-4 = pi * 85.3662 * 0.0222 * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-4 = 113,817.701 kg

W-4-corr = pi * D4 * (t - CA) * h4 * d
W-4-corr = pi * 85.3662 * (0.0222 - 0.0032) * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-4-corr = 97,411.546 kg

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 195.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -2.56 °C

Thickness Required by Erection

As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 10 mm

Thickness Required by Design

H' = H
H' = 5.8518
H' = 5.852 m

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Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min tdx - ca (mm)
1 13.426 17.499 1.303 0.139 722.461 814.501 923.642 722.461 12.404
2 12.404 17.499 1.411 0.182 785.288 1066.832 887.805 785.288 12.253
3 12.253 17.499 1.428 0.189 795.167 1106.224 882.351 795.167 12.229
4 12.229 17.499 1.431 0.190 796.733 1112.463 881.490 796.733 12.225

As per API-650, Course Design Thickness (tdx) = 15.425 mm

Ht' = H
Ht' = 5.8518
Ht' = 5.852 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min ttx (mm)

1 11.911 15.647 1.314 0.143 703.653 839.572 869.980 703.653 11.045
2 11.045 15.647 1.417 0.185 764.590 1080.349 837.757 764.590 10.915
3 10.915 15.647 1.434 0.191 774.283 1118.411 832.784 774.283 10.894
4 10.894 15.647 1.436 0.192 775.838 1124.508 831.990 775.838 10.890

As per API-650, Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness (ttx) = 10.89 mm

Seismic Design Required Thickness

Fy_scaled = Scaled Component Yield Strength per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Membrane_Stress = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API 650 Section
E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd_scaled = Scaled Design Stress per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

Distance from Liquid Surface to Analysis Point (Y) = 5.852 m

Ni = 8.48 * Ai * SG * D * Lmax * ((Y / Lmax) - (0.5 * ((Y / Lmax)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))

Ni = 8.48 * 0.025 * 1 * 85.3821 * 13.167 * ((5.8518 / 13.167) - (0.5 * ((5.8518 / 13.167)^2))) *
TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))
Ni = 82.384 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.025 * 1 * (85.3821^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (13.167 - 5.8518)) / 85.3821))) / COSH(((3.68
* 13.167) / 85.3821))
Nc = 303.815 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (5.8518 - 0) * 85.3821 * 1
Nh = 2,448.231 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)

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S_T+ = (2,448.231 + SQRT(((82.3835^2) + (303.8145^2) + (((0.0467 * 2,448.231) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((22.2 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = 145.596 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T- = (2,448.231 - SQRT(((82.3835^2) + (303.8145^2) + (((0.0467 * 2,448.231) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((22.2 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 112.113 MPa

Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * Sd
Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * 173.0
Sd_scaled = 230.667 MPa

Fy_scaled = 0.9 * Sy * JE
Fy_scaled = 0.9 * 260.0 * 1
Fy_scaled = 234.0 MPa

Membrane_Stress = MIN(Sd_scaled , Fy_scaled)

Membrane_Stress = MIN(230.6667 , 234.0)
Membrane_Stress = 230.667 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (t - CA)) / Membrane_Stress) + CA

ts = ((145.5959 * (22.2 - 3.2)) / 230.6667) + 3.2
ts = 15.193 mm

Minimum Required Thickness

t-min = MAX(t-erec , tdx , ttx , ts)
t-min = MAX(10 , 15.4249 , 10.8905 , 15.1927)
t-min = 15.425 mm

Rating of Installed Thickness

H-max = H-max
H-max = 16.06
H-max = 16.06 m

H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = MAX(16.06 , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = 16.06 m

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0)

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((16.06 - (5.8518 + 7.3152)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.9807) , 0)
Pi-max-@-H = 29.332 kPa

Course # 5 Design
CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm)
D5 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m)
H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
H-max = Maximum Allowable Liquid Level (Note: calculation is done by iteration through liquid
levels) (m)
H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m)
Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid
Level (kPa)

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W-5 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-5-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
h5 = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)
t = Installed Thickness (mm)
t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
H = 3.413 m
JE = 1
Ma = A516-70
h5 = 2.438 m
loc = 9.754 m
t = 15.9 mm

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-5) = 10.973 m

D5 = ID + t
D5 = 85.344 + 0.0159
D5 = 85.36 m

W-5 = pi * D5 * t * h5 * d
W-5 = pi * 85.3599 * 0.0159 * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-5 = 81,512.067 kg

W-5-corr = pi * D5 * (t - CA) * h5 * d
W-5-corr = pi * 85.3599 * (0.0159 - 0.0032) * 2.4384 * 7,840
W-5-corr = 65,107.123 kg

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 195.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -7.01 °C

Thickness Required by Erection

As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 10 mm

Thickness Required by Design

H' = H
H' = 3.4134
H' = 3.413 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min tdx - ca (mm)

1 7.529 12.225 1.624 0.259 628.679 883.876 691.678 628.679 6.734
2 6.734 12.225 1.815 0.319 675.278 1088.134 654.150 654.150 6.673
3 6.673 12.225 1.832 0.324 679.090 1104.730 651.152 651.152 6.680
4 6.680 12.225 1.830 0.323 678.639 1102.771 651.505 651.505 6.679

As per API-650, Course Design Thickness (tdx) = 9.879 mm

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Ht' = H
Ht' = 3.4134
Ht' = 3.413 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min ttx (mm)

1 6.680 10.890 1.630 0.261 611.027 891.502 651.493 611.027 6.012
2 6.012 10.890 1.811 0.318 655.981 1084.166 618.095 618.095 5.997
3 5.997 10.890 1.816 0.319 657.052 1088.733 617.315 617.315 5.999
4 5.999 10.890 1.815 0.319 656.934 1088.229 617.401 617.401 5.999

As per API-650, Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness (ttx) = 5.999 mm

Seismic Design Required Thickness

Fy_scaled = Scaled Component Yield Strength per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Membrane_Stress = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API 650 Section
E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd_scaled = Scaled Design Stress per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

Distance from Liquid Surface to Analysis Point (Y) = 3.413 m

Ni = 8.48 * Ai * SG * D * Lmax * ((Y / Lmax) - (0.5 * ((Y / Lmax)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))

Ni = 8.48 * 0.025 * 1 * 85.3821 * 13.167 * ((3.4134 / 13.167) - (0.5 * ((3.4134 / 13.167)^2))) *
TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))
Ni = 53.776 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.025 * 1 * (85.3821^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (13.167 - 3.4134)) / 85.3821))) / COSH(((3.68
* 13.167) / 85.3821))
Nc = 315.258 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (3.4134 - 0) * 85.3821 * 1
Nh = 1,428.072 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = (1,428.072 + SQRT(((53.7759^2) + (315.2581^2) + (((0.0467 * 1,428.072) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((15.9 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = 137.716 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T- = (1,428.072 - SQRT(((53.7759^2) + (315.2581^2) + (((0.0467 * 1,428.072) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((15.9 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 87.177 MPa

Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * Sd
Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * 173.0

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Sd_scaled = 230.667 MPa

Fy_scaled = 0.9 * Sy * JE
Fy_scaled = 0.9 * 260.0 * 1
Fy_scaled = 234.0 MPa

Membrane_Stress = MIN(Sd_scaled , Fy_scaled)

Membrane_Stress = MIN(230.6667 , 234.0)
Membrane_Stress = 230.667 MPa

ts = ((S_T+ * (t - CA)) / Membrane_Stress) + CA

ts = ((137.7161 * (15.9 - 3.2)) / 230.6667) + 3.2
ts = 10.782 mm

Minimum Required Thickness

t-min = MAX(t-erec , tdx , ttx , ts)
t-min = MAX(10 , 9.8792 , 5.9988 , 10.7823)
t-min = 10.782 mm

Rating of Installed Thickness

H-max = H-max
H-max = 15.84
H-max = 15.84 m

H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = MAX(15.84 , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = 15.84 m

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0)

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((15.84 - (3.4134 + 9.7536)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.9807) , 0)
Pi-max-@-H = 27.176 kPa

Course # 6 Design
CA = Corrosion allowance per API-650 5.3.2 (mm)
D6 = Shell Course Centerline Diameter (m)
H = Design Liquid Level per API-650 (m)
H' = Effective Design Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
H-max = Maximum Allowable Liquid Level (Note: calculation is done by iteration through liquid
levels) (m)
H-max-@-Pi = Maximum Liquid Level for the Installed Thickness @ Design Internal Pressure (m)
Ht' = Effective Hydrostatic Test Liquid Level per API-650 F.2 (m)
JE = Joint efficiency
Ma = Course Material
Pi-max-@-H = Maximum Allowable Internal Pressure for the Installed Thickness @ Design Liquid
Level (kPa)
W-6 = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
W-6-corr = Shell Course Nominal Weight (kg)
h6 = Course Height (m)
loc = Course Location (m)
t = Installed Thickness (mm)
t-min = Minimum Required Thickness (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
H = 0.975 m
JE = 1
Ma = A516-70

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h6 = 2.438 m
loc = 12.192 m
t = 12.7 mm

Shell Course Center of Gravity (CG-6) = 13.411 m

D6 = ID + t
D6 = 85.344 + 0.0127
D6 = 85.357 m

W-6 = pi * D6 * t * h6 * d
W-6 = pi * 85.3567 * 0.0127 * 2.438 * 7,840
W-6 = 65,094.002 kg

W-6-corr = pi * D6 * (t - CA) * h6 * d
W-6-corr = pi * 85.3567 * (0.0127 - 0.0032) * 2.438 * 7,840
W-6-corr = 48,692.364 kg

Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St) = 195.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible) = -9.27 °C

Thickness Required by Erection

As per API-650, Thickness Required by Erection (t-erec) = 10 mm

Thickness Required by Design

H' = H
H' = 0.975
H' = 0.975 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min tdx - ca (mm)

1 1.632 6.679 4.092 0.674 371.366 657.297 322.061 322.061 1.579
2 1.579 6.679 4.230 0.685 372.056 667.745 316.755 316.755 1.592
3 1.592 6.679 4.196 0.682 371.892 665.227 318.039 318.039 1.589
4 1.589 6.679 4.204 0.683 371.932 665.836 317.729 317.729 1.590

As per API-650, Course Design Thickness (tdx) = 4.79 mm

Ht' = H
Ht' = 0.975
Ht' = 0.975 m

Trial # tu (mm) tL (mm) K C x1 x2 x3 x min ttx (mm)

1 1.448 5.999 4.142 0.678 363.256 661.190 303.350 303.350 1.441
2 1.441 5.999 4.163 0.680 363.380 662.757 302.596 302.596 1.443
3 1.443 5.999 4.158 0.679 363.352 662.404 302.766 302.766 1.442

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4 1.442 5.999 4.159 0.679 363.359 662.484 302.728 302.728 1.442

As per API-650, Course Hydrostatic Test Thickness (ttx) = 1.442 mm

Seismic Design Required Thickness

Fy_scaled = Scaled Component Yield Strength per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Membrane_Stress = Maximum Allowable Hoop Tension Membrane Stress per API 650 Section
E.6.2.4 (MPa)
Nc = Convective Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Nh = Product Hydrostatic Membrane Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 and Section (N/mm)
Ni = Impulsive Hoop Membrane Unit Force per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (N/mm)
Sd_scaled = Scaled Design Stress per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (MPa)
ts = Seismic Minimum Thickness per API 650 Section E.6.2.4 (mm)

Distance from Liquid Surface to Analysis Point (Y) = 0.975 m

Ni = 8.48 * Ai * SG * D * Lmax * ((Y / Lmax) - (0.5 * ((Y / Lmax)^2))) * TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))

Ni = 8.48 * 0.025 * 1 * 85.3821 * 13.167 * ((0.975 / 13.167) - (0.5 * ((0.975 / 13.167)^2))) *
TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))
Ni = 16.995 N/mm

Nc = (1.85 * Ac * SG * (D^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (Lmax - Y)) / D))) / COSH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D))

Nc = (1.85 * 0.025 * 1 * (85.3821^2) * COSH(((3.68 * (13.167 - 0.975)) / 85.3821))) / COSH(((3.68 *
13.167) / 85.3821))
Nc = 330.187 N/mm

Nh = 4.9 * (Y - H_offset) * D * SG
Nh = 4.9 * (0.975 - 0) * 85.3821 * 1
Nh = 407.913 N/mm

S_T+ = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)
S_T- = Total Combined Hoop Stress per API 650 Section E.6.1.4 (MPa)

S_T+ = (Nh + SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = (407.913 + SQRT(((16.9946^2) + (330.1869^2) + (((0.0467 * 407.913) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((12.7 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T+ = 77.75 MPa

S_T- = (Nh - SQRT(((Ni^2) + (Nc^2) + (((Av * Nh) / 2.5)^2)))) / MAX((t - CA) , 0.0001)
S_T- = (407.913 - SQRT(((16.9946^2) + (330.1869^2) + (((0.0467 * 407.913) / 2.5)^2)))) /
MAX((12.7 - 3.2) , 0.0001)
S_T- = 8.126 MPa

Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * Sd
Sd_scaled = (4 / 3) * 173.0
Sd_scaled = 230.667 MPa

Fy_scaled = 0.9 * Sy * JE
Fy_scaled = 0.9 * 260.0 * 1
Fy_scaled = 234.0 MPa

Membrane_Stress = MIN(Sd_scaled , Fy_scaled)

Membrane_Stress = MIN(230.6667 , 234.0)
Membrane_Stress = 230.667 MPa

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ts = ((S_T+ * (t - CA)) / Membrane_Stress) + CA
ts = ((77.75 * (12.7 - 3.2)) / 230.6667) + 3.2
ts = 6.402 mm

Minimum Required Thickness

t-min = MAX(t-erec , tdx , ttx , ts)
t-min = MAX(10 , 4.7895 , 1.4424 , 6.4021)
t-min = 10 mm

Rating of Installed Thickness

H-max = H-max
H-max = 16.87
H-max = 16.87 m

H-max-@-Pi = MAX(H-max , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = MAX(16.87 , 0)
H-max-@-Pi = 16.87 m

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((H-max - (H + loc)) * (9.8 * SG)) + P) , 0)

Pi-max-@-H = MAX((((16.87 - (0.975 + 12.192)) * (9.8 * 1)) + 0.9807) , 0)
Pi-max-@-H = 37.27 kPa

Shell Design Summary Results

W-ins = ts-ins * ds-ins * pi * (OD + ts-ins) * Hs
W-ins = 0.0 * 130 * pi * (85.4202 + 0.0) * 14.63
W-ins = 0.0 kg

W-shell-corr = W-1-corr + W-2-corr + W-3-corr + W-4-corr + W-5-corr + W-6-corr

W-shell-corr = 178,962.9559 + 178,962.9559 + 113,821.9675 + 97,411.5459 + 65,107.1228 +
W-shell-corr = 682,958.912 kg

W-shell = W-1 + W-2 + W-3 + W-4 + W-5 + W-6

W-shell = 195,372.1667 + 195,372.1667 + 130,228.7376 + 113,817.701 + 81,512.0671 +
W-shell = 781,396.841 kg

CG-shell = ((CG-1 * W-1) + (CG-2 * W-2) + (CG-3 * W-3) + (CG-4 * W-4) + (CG-5 * W-5) + (CG-6 *
W-6)) / W-shell
CG-shell = ((1.2192 * 195,372.1667) + (3.6576 * 195,372.1667) + (6.096 * 130,228.7376) + (8.5344
* 113,817.701) + (10.9728 * 81,512.0671) + (13.411 * 65,094.0022)) / 781,396.8414
CG-shell = 5.74 m

API-650 Shell Design Summary

Course Height (m) Material CA (mm) JE Sy (mpa) Sut (mpa) Sd (mpa) St (mpa) t-erec (mm)
6 2.438 A516-70 3.2 1 260.0 485.0 173.0 195.0 10
5 2.438 A516-70 3.2 1 260.0 485.0 173.0 195.0 10
4 2.438 A516-70 3.2 1 260.0 485.0 173.0 195.0 10
3 2.438 A516-70 3.2 1 260.0 485.0 173.0 195.0 10
2 2.438 A516-70 3.2 1 260.0 485.0 173.0 195.0 10
1 2.438 A516-70 3.2 1 260.0 485.0 173.0 195.0 10

API-650 Shell Design Summary (continued)

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t-design t-test t-seismic t-ext t-min t-installed H-max- Pi-max-@-
Course Status
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) @-Pi (m) H (kPa)
6 4.79 1.442 6.402 N/A 10 12.7 PASS 16.87 37.27
5 9.879 5.999 10.782 N/A 10.782 15.9 PASS 15.84 27.176
4 15.425 10.89 15.193 N/A 15.425 22.2 PASS 16.06 29.332
3 20.699 15.647 19.622 N/A 20.699 25.4 PASS 15.24 21.296
2 28.726 22.405 24.063 N/A 28.726 38.1 PASS 16.26 31.292
1 32.988 26.632 28.51 N/A 32.988 38.1 PASS 15.28 21.688

Intermediate Stiffeners Design

Stiffeners Design For Wind Loading
D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m)
H1 = Maximum Unstiffened Transformed Shell Height per API-650 (m)
N = Actual Wind Girders Quantity
Ns = Required Number of Girders per API 650 and
V = Wind velocity (km/hr)
ts_min = Thickness of the Thinnest Shell Course

D = 85.382 m
V = 130.0 km/hr

Shell Courses Heights (W) = [2.438 2.438 2.438 2.438 2.438 2.438 ] m

ts_min = MIN(ts_1 , ts_2 , ts_3 , ts_4 , ts_5 , ts_6)

ts_min = MIN(38.1 , 38.1 , 25.4 , 22.2 , 15.9 , 12.7)
ts_min = 12.7

Stiffeners Required Quantity

HTS = Height of Transformed Shell per API 650 (m)

Transformed shell courses heights

Variable Equation Value Unit
Wtr_1 W_1 * SQRT(((ts_min / ts_1)^5)) 0.156 m
Wtr_2 W_2 * SQRT(((ts_min / ts_2)^5)) 0.156 m
Wtr_3 W_3 * SQRT(((ts_min / ts_3)^5)) 0.431 m
Wtr_4 W_4 * SQRT(((ts_min / ts_4)^5)) 0.604 m
Wtr_5 W_5 * SQRT(((ts_min / ts_5)^5)) 1.390 m
Wtr_6 W_6 * SQRT(((ts_min / ts_6)^5)) 2.438 m

HTS = Wtr_1 + Wtr_2 + Wtr_3 + Wtr_4 + Wtr_5 + Wtr_6

HTS = 0.1564 + 0.1564 + 0.4311 + 0.6036 + 1.3903 + 2.438
HTS = 5.176 m

H1 = 9.47 * ts_min * SQRT(((ts_min / D)^3)) * ((190 / V)^2)

H1 = 9.47 * 12.7 * SQRT(((12.7 / 85.3821)^3)) * ((190 / 130.0)^2)

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H1 = 14.738 m

Ns = CEILING(((HTS / H1) - 1))

Ns = CEILING(((5.1758 / 14.7377) - 1))
Ns = 0

N >= Ns ==> PASS

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Flat Bottom: non Annular Plate Design

Bottom Type = Cone Up

Bottom Support Type = Continuously Supported on Foundation

A-btm = Bottom Surface Area (m^2)

CA = Corrosion allowance (mm)
CA_1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm)
E = Joint efficiency
Ma-bottom = Material
Ma_1 = Bottom Shell Course Material
OD-btm = Bottom Outer Diameter (m)
S = Bottom Shell Course Maximum Stress (MPa)
S1 = Bottom Shell Course Product Stress per API-650 Table 5.1a Note b (MPa)
S2 = Bottom Shell Course Hydrostatic Stress per API-650 Table 5.1a Note b (MPa)
Sd_1 = Bottom Shell Course Allowable Design Stress (MPa)
St_1 = Bottom Shell Course Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (MPa)
Theta = Slope Angle (deg)
Wb-pl = Bottom Plates Weight (kg)
Wb-pl-corr = Bottom Corroded Plates Weight (kg)
outside_projection = Outside Projection (Chime Distance) (mm)
slope = Cone slope (rise/run)
tb = Installed Thickness (mm)
tb-req = Bottom Required Thickness (mm)
td_1 = Bottom Shell Course Design Thickness (mm)
ts_1 = Bottom Shell Course Nominal Thickness (mm)
tt_1 = Bottom Shell Course Hydrotest Thickness (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
CA_1 = 3.2 mm
E = 0.35
Ma-bottom = A516-70
Ma_1 = A516-70
Sd_1 = 173.0 MPa
St_1 = 195.0 MPa
outside_projection = 50 mm
slope = 0.008
tb = 9.525 mm
td_1 = 32.988 mm
ts_1 = 38.1 mm
tt_1 = 26.632 mm

Bottom Plates Material Properties

Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-btm) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-btm) = 260.0 MPa
Density (d-btm) = 7,840 kg/m^3
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-btm) = -11.51 °C

Calculation of Hydrostatic Test Stress & Product Stress per API-650 Section 5.5.1
S1 = ((td_1 - CA_1) / (ts_1 - CA_1)) * Sd_1
S1 = ((32.9881 - 3.2) / (38.1 - 3.2)) * 173.0
S1 = 147.66 MPa

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As per API-650 5.5.1, first shell course material, A516-70, is in Group IV and the stress is less than
or equal to 160; therefore, butt welded annular plates are not required

S2 = (tt_1 / ts_1) * St_1

S2 = (26.6317 / 38.1) * 195.0
S2 = 136.304 MPa

As per API-650 5.5.1, first shell course material, A516-70, is in Group IV and the stress is less than
or equal to 171; therefore, butt welded annular plates are not required

S = MAX(S1 , S2)
S = MAX(147.66 , 136.304)
S = 147.66 MPa

Bottom Weight
OD-btm = OD + (outside_projection * 2)
OD-btm = 85.4202 + (0.05 * 2)
OD-btm = 85.52 m

Theta = ARCTAN(slope)
Theta = ARCTAN(0.0083)
Theta = 0.477 deg

A-btm = (pi * ((OD-btm / 2)^2)) / COS(Theta)

A-btm = (pi * ((85.5202 / 2)^2)) / COS(0.4775)
A-btm = 5,744.37 m^2

Wb-pl = A-btm * tb * d-btm

Wb-pl = 5,744,369,613.6765 * 9.525 * 7.840000000000001E-6
Wb-pl = 428,966.545 kg

Wb-pl-corr = A-btm * (tb - CA) * d-btm

Wb-pl-corr = 5,744,369,613.6765 * (9.525 - 3.2) * 7.840000000000001E-6
Wb-pl-corr = 284,851.8 kg

Bottom Design due to External Pressure

P-btm = Downward Pressure (kPa)

Liquid Height to Pressure Conversion Factor (f) = 9.806

P-btm = (d-btm * 9.80665 * (tb - CA) * (1 / 1.0E6)) + (Lmin * f * SG)

P-btm = (7,840 * 9.80665 * (9.525 - 3.2) * (1 / 1.0E6)) + (2.926 * 9.8057 * 1)
P-btm = 29.178 kPa

P-btm >= Pv ==> There is no uplift due to external pressure

Bottom Required Thickness

As per API-650 5.4.1, Required Thickness by Erection (tb-erec) = 9.2 mm

tb-req = tb-erec
tb-req = 9.2
tb-req = 9.2 mm

tb >= tb-req ==> PASS

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Bottom Outside Projection
As per API-650 5.4.2, Minimum Required Outside Projection (chime) = 50 mm

outside_projection >= chime ==> PASS

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Wind Moment (Per API-650 Section
5.11) Back
Wind Pressures per API-650 & ASCE7-05
I = Wind Importance Factor
PWR = Roof Design Wind Pressure per API-650 5.2.1.k (kPa)
PWS = Shell Design Wind Pressure per API-650 5.2.1.k (kPa)
V = Design Wind Velocity (3-sec gust) (kph)
Vs = Adjusted Design Wind Velocity (kph)

V = 130.0 kph

Wind Velocity per API-650 and ASCE7-05

Vs = V * SQRT(I)
Vs = 130.0 * SQRT(1)
Vs = 130.0 kph

Roof Wind Pressure

PWR = 1.44 * ((Vs / 190)^2)
PWR = 1.44 * ((130.0 / 190)^2)
PWR = 0.674 kPa

Shell Wind Pressure

PWS = 0.86 * ((Vs / 190)^2)
PWS = 0.86 * ((130.0 / 190)^2)
PWS = 0.403 kPa

Wind Overturning and Sliding Stability

Ah-roof = Roof Horizontal Projected Area (m^2)
Ah-total = Roof Horizontal Projected Area Including Insulation (m^2)
As = Shell Total Vertical Projected Area (m^2)
Av-roof = Roof Vertical Projected Area (m^2)
CA-1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm)
CA-btm = Corrosion Allowance of Bottom Plates Under the Shell (mm)
CG-roof = Roof Center of Gravity (m)
COF = Maximum Allowable Sliding Friction Coefficient
D-outer = Tank Max Outer Diameter (m)
DLR = Nominal Weight of Roof Plates and Attached Structural (N)
DLS = Nominal Weight of Shell Plates and Framing (N)
F-friction = Friction Force (N)
F-wind = Sliding Force (N)
Fby = Yield Strength of Bottom Plates Under the Shell (MPa)
MDL = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Shell (N.m)
MDLR = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from the Nominal Weight of the Roof Plate Plus
any Attached Structural (N.m)
MF = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint From Liquid Weight (N.m)
MPi = Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint From Design Internal Pressure per API-650 (N.m)

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MWR = Roof Wind Overturning Moment per API-650 (N.m)
MWS = Shell Wind Overturning Moment per API-650 (N.m)
Mw = Overturning Moment About the Shell-To-Bottom Joint from Wind Pressures per API-650 (N.m)
Rh = Roof Horizontal Radius (m)
W-struct = Roof New Structure Weight (N)
W-struct-corr = Roof Corroded Structure Weight (N)
Wb-pl-corr = Bottom Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Wr-pl = Roof New Plates Weight (N)
Wr-pl-corr = Roof Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Ws-framing = Shell New Framing Weight (N)
Ws-framing-corr = Shell Corroded Framing Weight (N)
Ws-pl = Shell New Plates Weight (N)
Ws-pl-corr = Shell Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Wss-corr = Roof Corroded Structure Weight Supported by Shell (N)
Xs = Moment Arm of Wind Force on Shell (m)
Xw = Moment Arm of Wind Force on Roof (m)
t-ins = Roof Insulation Thickness (mm)
tb = Thickness of Bottom Plates Under the Shell (mm)
ts-1 = Bottom Shell Course Nominal Thickness (mm)
ts-ins = Shell Insulation Thickness (mm)
wL = Tank Content Resisting Weight per API-650 (N/m)
wind-uplift = Wind Uplift per API-650 5.2.1.k (kPa)

Ah-roof = 5,734.932 m^2

Av-roof = 114.093 m^2
CA-1 = 3.2 mm
CA-btm = 3.2 mm
CG-roof = 0.89 m
COF = 0.4
DLR = 4,913,385.493 N
DLS = 8,290,768.975 N
Fby = 260.0 MPa
Rh = 42.726 m
W-struct = 3,201,835.088 N
W-struct-corr = 2,438,855.705 N
Wb-pl-corr = 2,793,441.908 N
Wr-pl = 4,908,238.101 N
Wr-pl-corr = 3,494,524.157 N
Ws-framing = 174,272.244 N
Ws-framing-corr = 127,834.443 N
Ws-pl = 7,662,885.334 N
Ws-pl-corr = 6,697,539.012 N
Wss-corr = 316,444.803 N
t-ins = 0 mm
tb = 9.525 mm
ts-1 = 38.1 mm
ts-ins = 0 mm

Design Uplift Pressure per API-650 5.2.1.k

The wind uplift is limited to the case where the roof to shell junction will fail and overturning is not

wind-uplift = MIN(PWR , ((1.6 * P_F41 ) - P))

wind-uplift = MIN(0.6741 , ((1.6 * 0.9854) - 0.9807))
wind-uplift = 0.596 kPa

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Overturning Moments
Xw = D / 2
Xw = 85.3821 / 2
Xw = 42.691 m

Ah-total = pi * ((Rh + ts-ins)^2)

Ah-total = pi * ((42.7257 + 0.0)^2)
Ah-total = 5,734.932 m^2

MPi = P * Ah-roof * Xw
MPi = 980.7 * 5,734.9316 * 42.6911
MPi = 240,105,029.879 N.m

MWR = wind-uplift * Ah-total * Xw

MWR = 595.976 * 5,734.9316 * 42.6911
MWR = 145,912,966.833 N.m

D-outer = OD + (2 * (ts-ins / 1000))

D-outer = 85.4202 + (2 * (0 / 1000))
D-outer = 85.42 m

As = D-outer * Hs
As = 85.4202 * 14.63
As = 1,249.698 m^2

Xs = Hs / 2
Xs = 14.63 / 2
Xs = 7.315 m

MWS = PWS * As * Xs
MWS = 402.6039 * 1,249.6975 * 7.315
MWS = 3,680,418.41 N.m

Mw = MWR + MWS
Mw = 145,912,966.833 + 3,680,418.4103
Mw = 149,593,385.243 N.m

Resistance to Overturning per API-650 5.11.2

MDL = (D / 2) * DLS
MDL = (85.3821 / 2) * 8,290,768.9746
MDL = 353,941,632.833 N.m

MDLR = (D / 2) * DLR
MDLR = (85.3821 / 2) * 4,913,385.4926
MDLR = 209,757,585.736 N.m

wL = MIN((70.4 * Lmax * D) , (59 * (tb-req - CA-btm) * SQRT((Fby * Lmax))))

wL = MIN((70.4 * 13.167 * 85.3821) , (59 * (9.2 - 3.2) * SQRT((260.0 * 13.167))))
wL = 20,712.54 N/m

MF = (D / 2) * wL * pi * D
MF = (85.3821 / 2) * 20,712.5397 * pi * 85.3821
MF = 237,184,822.635 N.m

An unanchored tank with supported cone roof must meet with the criteria from API-650

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Criteria for supported cone roofs meeting the requirements of API-650 5.10.4
(MWS + (Fp * MPi)) < ((MDL / 1.5) + MDLR)
(3,680,418.4103 + (0.4 * 240,105,029.8795)) < ((353,941,632.8327 / 1.5) + 209,757,585.7355)
99,722,430.3621 < 445,718,674.2907 ==> Tank is stable

Resistance to Sliding per API-650 5.11.4

F-wind = PWS * As
F-wind = 402.6039 * 1,249.6975
F-wind = 503,133.07 N

F-friction = COF * (Wr-pl-corr + W-struct-corr + Ws-pl-corr + Ws-framing-corr + Wb-pl-corr)

F-friction = 0.4 * (3,494,524.1566 + 2,438,855.7052 + 6,697,539.0123 + 127,834.4432 +
F-friction = 6,220,878.09 N

F-friction >= F-wind ==> Tank is stable

Anchorage Requirement
Tank anchorage due to wind is not required per API-650 5.11

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Seismic Design Back
Site Ground Motion Design
Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.4.6.2
Ac-min = Adjusted Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height
Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height per API 650 Sections E.7.2
Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Sections E.4.6.2
Anchorage_System = Anchorage System
Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient
Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient per API 650 Section E.6.1.3 and E.2.2
D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m)
I = Importance Factor
K = Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient
Ks = Sloshing Coefficient per API 650 Section E.4.5.2
Lmax = Maximum Design Product Level (m)
Q = MCE to Design Level Scale Factor
Rwc = Convective Force Reduction Factor
Rwi = Impulsive Force Reduction Factor
SD1 = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at a Period of 1 Second per API 650 Sections
SDS = Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Period per API 650 Sections E.4.6.1
SUG = Seismic Use Group
Sac = Convective Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at Any Period
Sai = Impulsive Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter at Any Period
Seismic_Site_Class = Seismic Site Class
TL = Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion (sec)
Tc = Convective Natural Period per API 650 Section E.4.5.2 (sec)

Af = 0.05
Av = 0.047
D = 85.382 m
I = 1.0
K = 1.5
Lmax = 13.167 m
Rwc = 2
Rwi = 4
Sac = 0.5
Sai = 0.1
Seismic_Site_Class = SEISMIC-SITE-CLASS-D
TL = 4 sec

Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * Lmax) / D)))

Ks = 0.578 / SQRT(TANH(((3.68 * 13.167) / 85.3821)))
Ks = 0.807

Tc = 1.8 * Ks * SQRT(D)
Tc = 1.8 * 0.8066 * SQRT(85.3821)
Tc = 13.415 sec

Ai = Q * (I / Rwi) * Sai

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Ai = 1 * (1.0 / 4) * 0.1
Ai = 0.025

Ac = Q * K * (I / Rwc) * Sac
Ac = 1 * 1.5 * (1.0 / 2) * 0.5
Ac = 0.375

Ac-min = MIN(Ac , Ai)

Ac-min = MIN(0.375 , 0.025)
Ac-min = 0.025

SDS = Ai * (Rwi / I)
SDS = 0.025 * (4 / 1.0)
SDS = 0.1

SD1 = (Ac / K) * ((Tc^2) / TL) * (Rwc / I)

SD1 = (0.025 / 1.5) * ((13.4154^2) / 4) * (2 / 1.0)
SD1 = 1.5

Av = (2 / 3) * 0.7 * SDS
Av = (2 / 3) * 0.7 * 0.1
Av = 0.047

Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient Specified by user (Av) = 0.047

Af = K * SD1 * I * (4 / (Tc^2))
Af = 1.5 * 1.4998 * 1.0 * (4 / (13.4154^2))
Af = 0.05

Seismic Design
A = Roof Surface Area (m^2)
Ac = Convective Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Af = Acceleration Coefficient for Sloshing Wave Height
Ah-rs = Roof Horizontal Projected Area Supported by The Shell (m^2)
Ai = Impulsive Design Response Spectrum Acceleration Coefficient
Anchorage_System = Anchorage System
Arss = Roof Area Supported by The Shell (m^2)
Av = Vertical Ground Acceleration Coefficient
CA = Bottom Corrosion Allowance (mm)
D = Nominal Tank Diameter (m)
DELTAs = Sloshing Wave Height Above Product Design Height per API 650 Section E.7.2 (m)
Event_Type = Event Type
Fc = Allowable Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section E. (MPa)
Freeboard = Actual Freeboard (m)
Freeboard_recommended = Minimum Recommended Freeboard per API-650 Table E.7 (m)
Fy = Yield Strength (MPa)
Ge = Effective Specific Gravity per API 650 Section E.2.2
Hrcg = Top of Shell to Roof and roof appurtenances Center of Gravity (m)
Hs = Shell height (m)
I = Importance Factor
J = Anchorage Ratio per API 650 Section E.
K = Spectral Acceleration Adjustment Coefficient
Ks = Sloshing Coefficient
Lmax = Maximum Design Product Level (m)
MU = Friction Coefficient
Min_Anchor_Quantity = Minimum Anchor Quantity

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Min_Anchor_Spacing = Minimum Anchor Spacing (m)
Mrw = Ringwall Overturning Moment per API 650 Section E.6.1.5 (N.m)
Ms = Slab Overturning Moment per API 650 Section E.6.1.5 (N.m)
Overturn_Stability_Ratio = Overturning Stability Ratio per API 650 Section E.6.2.3
P = Design Pressure (MPa)
Q = MCE to Design Level Scale Factor
SG = Specific Gravity
SUG = Seismic Use Group
Sb = Roof Balanced Snow Load (Pa)
Sc = Self Anchored Maximum Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section E.
Sc = Mechanically Anchored Maximum Longitudinal Shell Compression Stress per API 650 Section
E. (MPa)
Seismic_Site_Class = Seismic Site Class
TL = Regional Dependent Transistion Period for Longer Period Ground Motion (sec)
Tc = Convective Natural Period (sec)
V = Total Design Base Shear per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N)
Vc = Design Base Shear for Convective Component per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N)
Vi = Design Base Shear for Impulsive Component per API 650 Section E.6.1 (N)
Vmax = Local Shear Transfer per API 650 Section E.7.7 (N/m)
Vs = Self Anchored Sliding Resistance Maximum Allowable Base Shear per API 650 Section E.7.6
W-struct = Roof Structure Weight (kg)
WT = Total Weight of Tank Shell, Roof, Framing, Knuckles, Product, Bottom, Attachments,
Appurtenances, Participating Balanced Snow Load (N)
Wb-attachments = Bottom Attachments Weight (kg)
Wb-pl = Bottom Plates Weight (kg)
Wc = Convective Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N)
Weff = Total Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N)
Wf = Tank Bottom Total Weight (N)
Wfd = Tank Foundation Weight (N)
Wg = Soil Weight (N)
Wi = Impulsive Effective Weight per API 650 Section E.6.1.1 (N)
Wp = Tank Contents Total Weight (N)
Wr = Total Weight of Fixed Tank Roof including Framing, Knuckles, any Permanent Attachments
and 10 % of the Roof Balanced Design Snow Load (N)
Wr-DL-add = Roof Additional Dead Weight (kg)
Wr-attachments = Roof Attachments Weight (kg)
Wr-ins = Roof Insulation Weight (kg)
Wr-pl = Roof Plates Nominal Weight (kg)
Wrs = Roof Load Acting on The Tank Shell Including 10 % of the Roof Balanced Design Snow Load
Ws = Total Weight of Tank Shell and Appurtenances (N)
Ws-attachments = Shell Attachments Weight (kg)
Ws-framing = Shell Framing Weight (kg)
Ws-ins = Shell Insulation Weight (kg)
Ws-pl = Shell Plates Nominal Weight (kg)
Wss = Roof Structure Weight Supported by The Tank Shell (kg)
Xc = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of convective lateral force for computing
ringwall overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)
Xcs = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of convective lateral force for computing
slab overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)
Xi = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of impulsive lateral force for computing
ringwall overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)
Xis = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of action of impulsive lateral force for computing
slab overturning moment per API 650 Section E. (m)

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Xnr = Center of Action Bottom of Tank to Roof Insulation Center of Gravity Height (m)
Xns = Center of Action Bottom of Tank to Shell Insulation Center of Gravity Height (m)
Xr = Height from tank shell bottom to the center of gravity of roof and roof appurtenances per API
650 Section E.6.1.2 (m)
Xs = Height from tank shell bottom to shell's center of gravity (m)
ca1 = Bottom Shell Course Corrosion Allowance (mm)
hs = Additional Shell Height Required Above Sloshing Height (mm)
t_bottom = Bottom Plate Thickness (mm)
ta = Thickness, excluding corrosion allowance, of the bottom annulus under the shell required to
provide the resisting force for self anchorage per API-650 E.2.2 (mm)
tb-corr = Bottom Plates Corroded Thickness (mm)
ts1 = Bottom Shell Course Thickness (mm)
ts1_c = Shell Course 1 Corroded Thickness (mm)
wa = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift per API 650 Section E. (N/m)
wa_max = Self Anchored Force Resisting Uplift Max Limit per API 650 Section E. (N/m)
wint = Calculated Design Uplift Due to Product Pressure (N/m)
wrs = Specified Tank Roof Load Acting on Tank Shell (N/m)
wt = Tank and Roof Weight Acting at base of Shell per API 650 Section E. (N/m)

A = 5,746.122 m^2
Ac = 0.025
Af = 0.05
Ah-rs = 1,442.323 m^2
Ai = 0.025
Arss = 1,445.137 m^2
Av = 0.047
CA = 3.2 mm
D = 85.382 m
Fy = 260.0 MPa
Hrcg = 0.89 m
Hs = 14.63 m
I = 1.0
K = 1.5
Ks = 0.807
Lmax = 13.167 m
MU = 0.4
Min_Anchor_Quantity = 6
Min_Anchor_Spacing = 3 m
P = 0.0009807 MPa
SG = 1
Sb = 0.0 Pa
Seismic_Site_Class = SEISMIC-SITE-CLASS-D
TL = 4 sec
Tc = 13.415 sec
W-struct = 326,496.315 kg
Wb-attachments = 480.893 kg
Wb-pl = 428,966.545 kg
Wfd = 0 N
Wg = 0 N
Wp = 738,657,957.026 N
Wr-DL-add = 0.0 kg
Wr-attachments = 524.888 kg

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Wr-ins = 0.0 kg
Wr-pl = 500,500.997 kg
Ws-attachments = 20,310.33 kg
Ws-framing = 17,770.823 kg
Ws-ins = 0.0 kg
Ws-pl = 781,396.841 kg
Wss = 46,255.489 kg
Xnr = 15.52 m
Xns = 7.315 m
Xs = 5.74 m
ca1 = 3.2 mm
hs = 0 mm
t_bottom = 9.525 mm
ts1 = 38.1 mm

Wf = Wb-pl
Wf = 428,966.5453
Wf = 428,966.545 N

Wr = (Wr-pl + Wr-attachments + W-struct + Wr-DL-add) + (0.1 * Sb * Ah)

Wr = (4,908,238.1011 + 5,147.3916 + 3,201,835.0881 + 0.0) + (0.1 * 0.0 * 5,734.9316)
Wr = 8,115,220.581 N

Wrs = ((Wr-pl + Wr-attachments + Wr-DL-add) * (Arss / A)) + Wss + (0.1 * Sb * Ah-rs)

Wrs = ((4,908,238.1011 + 5,147.3916 + 0.0) * (1,445.1371 / 5,746.1218)) + 453,611.3958 + (0.1 *
0.0 * 1,442.3228)
Wrs = 1,689,317.101 N

Ws = Ws-pl + Ws-framing + Ws-attachments

Ws = 7,662,885.3344 + 174,272.2444 + 199,176.2971
Ws = 8,036,333.876 N

WT = Wr + Ws
WT = 8,115,220.5807 + 8,036,333.8759
WT = 16,151,554.457 N

Effective Weight of Product

Wi = (TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax))) / (0.866 * (D / Lmax))) * Wp
Wi = (TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167))) / (0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167))) * 738,657,957.0265
Wi = 131,532,774.174 N

Wc = 0.23 * (D / Lmax) * TANH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D)) * Wp

Wc = 0.23 * (85.3821 / 13.167) * TANH(((3.67 * 13.167) / 85.3821)) * 738,657,957.0265
Wc = 564,480,350.268 N

Weff = Wi + Wc
Weff = 131,532,774.1742 + 564,480,350.268
Weff = 696,013,124.442 N

Design Loads
Vi = Ai * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wi)
Vi = 0.025 * (8,036,333.8759 + 8,115,220.5807 + 428,966.5453 + 131,532,774.1742)
Vi = 3,702,832.379 N

Vc = Ac * Wc
Vc = 0.025 * 564,480,350.268

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Vc = 14,112,008.757 N

V = SQRT(((Vi^2) + (Vc^2)))
V = SQRT(((3,702,832.3794^2) + (14,112,008.7567^2)))
V = 14,589,714.143 N

Center of Action for Effective Lateral Forces

Xr = Hs + Hrcg
Xr = 14.63 + 0.8901
Xr = 15.52 m

Xi = 0.375 * Lmax
Xi = 0.375 * 13.167
Xi = 4.938 m

Xc = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D)) - 1) / (((3.67 * Lmax) / D) * SINH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D))))) *

Xc = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * 13.167) / 85.3821)) - 1) / (((3.67 * 13.167) / 85.3821) * SINH(((3.67 *
13.167) / 85.3821))))) * 13.167
Xc = 6.754 m

Xis = 0.375 * (1.0 + (1.333 * (((0.866 * (D / Lmax)) / TANH((0.866 * (D / Lmax)))) - 1.0))) * Lmax
Xis = 0.375 * (1.0 + (1.333 * (((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)) / TANH((0.866 * (85.3821 / 13.167)))) -
1.0))) * 13.167
Xis = 35.318 m

Xcs = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * Lmax) / D)) - 1.937) / (((3.67 * Lmax) / D) * SINH(((3.67 * Lmax) /
D))))) * Lmax
Xcs = (1.0 - ((COSH(((3.67 * 13.167) / 85.3821)) - 1.937) / (((3.67 * 13.167) / 85.3821) *
SINH(((3.67 * 13.167) / 85.3821))))) * 13.167
Xcs = 43.289 m

Overturning Moment
Mrw = SQRT((((Ai * ((Wi * Xi) + (Ws * Xs) + (Wr * Xr)))^2) + ((Ac * (Wc * Xc))^2)))
Mrw = SQRT((((0.025 * ((131,532,774.1742 * 4.9376) + (8,036,333.8759 * 5.7403) +
(8,115,220.5807 * 15.5201)))^2) + ((0.025 * (564,480,350.268 * 6.7538))^2)))
Mrw = 97,497,219.197 N.m

Ms = SQRT((((Ai * ((Wi * Xis) + (Ws * Xs) + (Wr * Xr)))^2) + ((Ac * (Wc * Xcs))^2)))
Ms = SQRT((((0.025 * ((131,532,774.1742 * 35.318) + (8,036,333.8759 * 5.7403) +
(8,115,220.5807 * 15.5201)))^2) + ((0.025 * (564,480,350.268 * 43.289))^2)))
Ms = 622,654,223.127 N.m

Resistance to Design Loads

Ge = SG * (1 - (0.4 * Av))
Ge = 1 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.0467))
Ge = 0.981

wrs = Wrs / (pi * D)

wrs = 1,689,317.1006 / (pi * 85.3821)
wrs = 6,297.881 N/m

wt = (Ws / (pi * D)) + wrs

wt = (8,036,333.8759 / (pi * 85.3821)) + 6,297.8813
wt = 36,257.844 N/m

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wint = P * 1000000 * ((pi * ((D^2) / 4)) / (pi * D))
wint = 0.001 * 1000000 * ((pi * ((85.3821^2) / 4)) / (pi * 85.3821))
wint = 20,933.556 N/m

Bottom Annular Plates Requirements

tb-corr = t_bottom - CA
tb-corr = 9.525 - 3.2
tb-corr = 6.325 mm

ts1_c = ts1 - ca1

ts1_c = 38.1 - 3.2
ts1_c = 34.9 mm

ta = MIN(tb-corr , ts1_c)
ta = MIN(6.325 , 34.9)
ta = 6.325 mm

wa_max = 201.1 * Lmax * D * Ge

wa_max = 201.1 * 13.167 * 85.3821 * 0.9813
wa_max = 221,858.662 N/m

wa = 99 * ta * SQRT((Fy * Lmax * Ge))

wa = 99 * 6.325 * SQRT((260.0 * 13.167 * 0.9813))
wa = 36,293.691 N/m

wa <= wa_max

Tank Stability
J = Mrw / ((D^2) * (((wt * (1 - (0.4 * Av))) + wa) - (Fp * wint)))
J = 97,497,219.197 / ((85.3821^2) * (((36,257.8439 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.0467))) + 36,293.6913) - (0.4 *
J = 0.211

J <= 1.54 ==> Tank is stable, anchoring is not required

Sc = ((wt * (1 + (0.4 * Av))) + ((1.273 * Mrw) / (D^2))) * (1 / (1000 * ts1_c))

Sc = ((36,257.8439 * (1 + (0.4 * 0.0467))) + ((1.273 * 97,497,219.197) / (85.3821^2))) * (1 / (1000 *
Sc = 1.546 MPa

Fc = 83 * (ts1_c / D)
Fc = 83 * (34.9 / 85.3821)
Fc = 33.926 MPa

Sc < Fc

(J <= 1.54) AND (V <= Vs) ==> Tank is stable, anchoring is not required

Sc = ((wt * (1 + (0.4 * Av))) + ((1.273 * Mrw) / (D^2))) * (1 / (1000 * ts1_c))

Sc = ((36,257.8439 * (1 + (0.4 * 0.0467))) + ((1.273 * 97,497,219.197) / (85.3821^2))) * (1 / (1000 *
Sc = 1.546 MPa

Sc < Fc

Overturn_Stability_Ratio = (0.5 * D * (Wp + Wf + WT + Wfd + Wg)) / Ms

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Overturn_Stability_Ratio = (0.5 * 85.3821 * (738,657,957.0265 + 428,966.5453 + 16,151,554.4566
+ 0 + 0)) / 622,654,223.1267
Overturn_Stability_Ratio = 51.781

Overturn_Stability_Ratio >= 2.0 ==> PASS

DELTAs = 0.42 * D * Af
DELTAs = 0.42 * 85.3821 * 0.05
DELTAs = 1.793 m

Freeboard = Hs - Lmax-operating
Freeboard = 14.63 - 13.167
Freeboard = 1.463 m [1,463.0 mm]

Freeboard_recommended = 0.7 * DELTAs

Freeboard_recommended = 0.7 * 1.793
Freeboard_recommended = 1.255 m [1,255.117 mm]

As per API-650 E.7.2 and Table E.7, freeboard is recommended but not required

Sliding Resistance
Vs = MU * (Ws + Wr + Wf + Wp) * (1.0 - (0.4 * Av))
Vs = 0.4 * (8,036,333.8759 + 8,115,220.5807 + 428,966.5453 + 738,657,957.0265) * (1.0 - (0.4 *
Vs = 296,452,249.303 N

V <= Vs

Local Shear Transfer

Vmax = (2 * V) / (pi * D)
Vmax = (2 * 14,589,714.1432) / (pi * 85.3821)
Vmax = 108,782.76 N/m

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Anchor Bolt Design Back
A-s = Installed Bolt Nominal Root Area (mm^2)
A-s-r = Anchor Required Root Area (mm^2)
Av = Seismic Vertical Earthquake Acceleration Coefficient (g)
Ca-anchor = Anchor Corrosion Allowance (mm)
D = Tank nominal diameter (m)
Dac = Bolt Circle Diameter (m)
Fp = Design Pressure Operating Ratio
Fty = Minimum Yield Strength of the Bottom Shell Course (MPa)
Fy = Anchor Yield Strength per API-650 Table 5.21a (MPa)
Hs = Tank Height (m)
MWS = Shell Wind Overturning Moment (N.m)
Ma-anchor = Anchor Material
Mrw = Seismic Overturning Moment (N.m)
N = Anchors Quantity
N-min = Minimum Required Number of Anchors per API-650 5.12.3
OD = Tank Outer diameter (m)
P = Internal Pressure (kPa)
P-attachment = Anchor Attachment Design Load per API-650 5.12.13 and Steel Plate Engineering
Data-Volume 2 Part V (N)
PWR = Roof Wind Pressure (kPa)
Pt = Test Pressure (kPa)
Sd = Allowable Anchor Stress per API-650 Table 5.21a (MPa)
Sd-shell = Allowable Shell Stress at Anchor Attachment per API-650 Table 5.21a (MPa)
Tb = Load per Anchor per API-650 5.12.2 (N)
U = Net Uplift Load per API-650 5.12.2 (N)
W1 = Corroded Weight of the Roof Plates Plus the Corroded Weight of the Shell and any Other
Corroded Permanent Attachments Acting on the Shell (N)
W2 = Corroded Weight of the Shell and any Corroded Permanent Attachments Acting on the Shell
Including the Portion of the Roof Plates and Framing Acting on The Shell (N)
W3 = Nominal Weight of the Roof Plates Plus the Nominal Weight of the Shell and any Other
Permanent Attachments Acting on the Shell (N)
Wr-pl = Roof Plates Nominal Weight (N)
Wr-pl-corr = Roof Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Wrs-pl-corr = Roof Plates Corroded Weight Acting on The Shell (N)
Ws-framing = Shell New Framing Weight (N)
Ws-framing-corr = Shell Corroded Framing Weight (N)
Ws-pl = Shell Plates Nominal Weight (N)
Ws-pl-corr = Shell Corroded Plates Weight (N)
Wss = Roof Structure Nominal Weight Acting on The Shell (N)
Wss-corr = Roof Structure Corroded Weight Acting on The Shell (N)
Y-bolt = Anchor Yield Load (N)
d = Anchor Bolt Diameter (mm)
d-req = Bolt Required Diameter per ANSI B1.1 (mm)
p = Bolt Thread Pitch (mm)
position_angles = Anchors Position Angles (deg)

Av = 0.047 g
Ca-anchor = 0 mm
D = 85.382 m
Dac = 85.624 m
Fp = 0.4
Fty = 260.0 MPa

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Hs = 14.63 m
MWS = 3,680,418.41 N.m
Ma-anchor = A36
Mrw = 97,497,219.197 N.m
N = 90
OD = 85.42 m
P = 0.981 kPa
PWR = 0.674 kPa
Pt = 1.226 kPa
Wr-pl = 4,908,238.101 N
Wr-pl-corr = 3,494,524.157 N
Wrs-pl-corr = 878,865.182 N
Ws-framing = 174,272.244 N
Ws-framing-corr = 127,834.443 N
Ws-pl = 7,662,885.334 N
Ws-pl-corr = 6,697,539.012 N
Wss = 453,611.396 N
Wss-corr = 316,444.803 N
d = 56 mm
p = 5.5 mm
position_angles = [2.5 6.5 10.5 14.5 18.5 22.5 26.5 30.5 34.5 38.5 42.5 46.5 50.5 54.5 58.5 62.5
66.5 70.5 74.5 78.5 82.5 86.5 90.5 94.5 98.5 102.5 106.5 110.5 114.5 118.5 122.5 126.5 130.5
134.5 138.5 142.5 146.5 150.5 154.5 158.5 162.5 166.5 170.5 174.5 178.5 182.5 186.5 190.5
194.5 198.5 202.5 206.5 210.5 214.5 218.5 222.5 226.5 230.5 234.5 238.5 242.5 246.5 250.5
254.5 258.5 262.5 266.5 270.5 274.5 278.5 282.5 286.5 290.5 294.5 298.5 302.5 306.5 310.5
314.5 318.5 322.5 326.5 330.5 334.5 338.5 342.5 346.5 350.5 354.5 358.5 ] deg

Anchors Spacing Requirements

Max Allowable Spacing Between Anchors at Shell Outer Diameter per API-650 5.12.3
Max Allowable Spacing (max_allowable_spacing) = 3 m
Actual Spacing (actual_spacing) = 2.982 m

actual_spacing <= max_allowable_spacing ==> PASS

N-min = CEILING(((pi * OD) / 3))

N-min = CEILING(((pi * 85.4202) / 3))
N-min = 90

N >= N-min ==> PASS

Anchors meet spacing requirements.

Anchors Average Spacing (half the span on each side of the anchor) at Bolt Circle
Anchors are equally spaced.
Average Spacing (average_spacing) = 2.99 m
Bolt loads will be based on equally spaced anchors.

Anchor Material Properties

Material = A36
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-anchor) = 400.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-anchor) = 250.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength at Ambient Temperature (Sy-ambient-anchor) = 250.0 MPa

Fy = MIN(Sy-anchor , 380)
Fy = MIN(250.0 , 380)
Fy = 250.0 MPa

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Uplift Load Cases per API-650 Table 5.21a
W1 = Ws-pl-corr + Ws-framing-corr + Wr-pl-corr
W1 = 6,697,539.0123 + 127,834.4432 + 3,494,524.1566
W1 = 10,319,897.612 N

W2 = Ws-pl-corr + Ws-framing-corr + Wrs-pl-corr + Wss-corr

W2 = 6,697,539.0123 + 127,834.4432 + 878,865.1821 + 316,444.8033
W2 = 8,020,683.441 N

W3 = Ws-pl + Ws-framing + Wr-pl + Wss

W3 = 7,662,885.3344 + 174,272.2444 + 4,908,238.1011 + 453,611.3958
W3 = 13,199,007.076 N

Uplift Case 1: Design Pressure Only

U = (P * (D^2) * 785) - W1
U = (0.9807 * (85.3821^2) * 785) - 10,319,897.6121
U = -4,707,615.462 (Set to 0 N since it cannot be less than 0)

Tb = U / N
Tb = 0 / 90
Tb = 0 N

Sd = (5 / 12) * Fy
Sd = (5 / 12) * 250.0
Sd = 104.167 MPa

A-s-r = Tb / Sd
A-s-r = 0 / 104.1667
A-s-r = 0.0 mm^2

P-attachment = 1.5 * Tb
P-attachment = 1.5 * 0
P-attachment = 0.0 N

Sd-shell = (2 / 3) * Fty
Sd-shell = (2 / 3) * 260.0
Sd-shell = 173.333 MPa

Uplift Case 2: Test Pressure Only

U = (Pt * (D^2) * 785) - W3
U = (1.2259 * (85.3821^2) * 785) - 13,199,007.0757
U = -6,183,654.388 (Set to 0 N since it cannot be less than 0)

Tb = U / N
Tb = 0 / 90
Tb = 0 N

Sd = (5 / 9) * Fy
Sd = (5 / 9) * 250.0
Sd = 138.889 MPa

A-s-r = Tb / Sd
A-s-r = 0 / 138.8889
A-s-r = 0.0 mm^2

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P-attachment = 1.5 * Tb
P-attachment = 1.5 * 0
P-attachment = 0.0 N

Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * Fty
Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * 260.0
Sd-shell = 216.667 MPa

Uplift Case 3: Wind Load Only

U = ((PWR * (D^2) * 785) + ((4 * MWS) / D)) - W2
U = ((0.6741 * (85.3821^2) * 785) + ((4 * 3,680,418.4103) / 85.3821)) - 8,020,683.4409
U = -3,990,412.555 (Set to 0 N since it cannot be less than 0)

Tb = U / N
Tb = 0 / 90
Tb = 0 N

Sd = 0.8 * Fy
Sd = 0.8 * 250.0
Sd = 200.0 MPa

A-s-r = Tb / Sd
A-s-r = 0 / 200.0
A-s-r = 0.0 mm^2

P-attachment = 1.5 * Tb
P-attachment = 1.5 * 0
P-attachment = 0.0 N

Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * Fty
Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * 260.0
Sd-shell = 216.667 MPa

Uplift Case 4: Seismic Load Only

U = ((4 * Mrw) / D) - (W2 * (1 - (0.4 * Av)))
U = ((4 * 97,497,219.197) / 85.3821) - (8,020,683.4409 * (1 - (0.4 * 0.0467)))
U = -3,303,285.22 (Set to 0 N since it cannot be less than 0)

Tb = U / N
Tb = 0 / 90
Tb = 0 N

Sd = 0.8 * Fy
Sd = 0.8 * 250.0
Sd = 200.0 MPa

A-s-r = Tb / Sd
A-s-r = 0 / 200.0
A-s-r = 0.0 mm^2

P-attachment = 3 * Tb
P-attachment = 3 * 0
P-attachment = 0 N

Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * Fty
Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * 260.0

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Sd-shell = 216.667 MPa

Uplift Case 5: Design Pressure + Wind Load

U = ((((Fp * P) + PWR) * (D^2) * 785) + ((4 * MWS) / D)) - W1
U = ((((0.4 * 0.9807) + 0.6741) * (85.3821^2) * 785) + ((4 * 3,680,418.4103) / 85.3821)) -
U = -4,044,713.866 (Set to 0 N since it cannot be less than 0)

Tb = U / N
Tb = 0 / 90
Tb = 0 N

Sd = (5 / 9) * Fy
Sd = (5 / 9) * 250.0
Sd = 138.889 MPa

A-s-r = Tb / Sd
A-s-r = 0 / 138.8889
A-s-r = 0.0 mm^2

P-attachment = 1.5 * Tb
P-attachment = 1.5 * 0
P-attachment = 0.0 N

Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * Fty
Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * 260.0
Sd-shell = 216.667 MPa

Uplift Case 6: Design Pressure + Seismic Load

U = ((Fp * P * (D^2) * 785) + ((4 * Mrw) / D)) - (W1 * (1 - (0.4 * Av)))
U = ((0.4 * 0.9807 * (85.3821^2) * 785) + ((4 * 97,497,219.197) / 85.3821)) - (10,319,897.6121 * (1 -
(0.4 * 0.0467)))
U = -3,314,637.211 (Set to 0 N since it cannot be less than 0)

Tb = U / N
Tb = 0 / 90
Tb = 0 N

Sd = 0.8 * Fy
Sd = 0.8 * 250.0
Sd = 200.0 MPa

A-s-r = Tb / Sd
A-s-r = 0 / 200.0
A-s-r = 0.0 mm^2

P-attachment = 3 * Tb
P-attachment = 3 * 0
P-attachment = 0 N

Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * Fty
Sd-shell = (5 / 6) * 260.0
Sd-shell = 216.667 MPa

Uplift Case 7: Frangibility Pressure

Not applicable. It is applied if the roof to shell joint is frangible.

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Summary of Uplift Cases

Load per Anchor Anchor Attachment Allowable Shell
Uplift Cases Anchor Allowable Required Design Load Stress at Anchor
(N) Stress (MPa) Area (mm^2) (N) Attachment (MPa)
0 0 104.167 0.0 0.0 173.333
0 0 138.889 0.0 0.0 216.667
Wind Load 0 0 200.0 0.0 0.0 216.667
0 0 200.0 0.0 0 216.667
Pressure + 0 0 138.889 0.0 0.0 216.667
Pressure + 0 0 200.0 0.0 0 216.667
• Governing Uplift Case = Design Pressure
• Anchor Bolt Minimum Required Area = 0.0 mm^2

Bolt Required Diameter per ANSI B1.1

No uplifts, anchoring is not required.

d-req = SQRT((A-s-r * (4 / pi))) + (1.22687 * p) + (Ca-anchor * 2)

d-req = SQRT((0.0 * (4 / pi))) + (1.22687 * 5.5) + (0 * 2)
d-req = 6.748 (Set to 25 mm since it cannot be less than 25)

d >= d-req ==> PASS

A-s = (pi / 4) * ((d - (1.22687 * p))^2)

A-s = (pi / 4) * ((56 - (1.22687 * 5.5))^2)
A-s = 1,905.204 mm^2

Y-bolt = A-s * Sy-ambient-anchor

Y-bolt = 1,905.2037 * 250.0
Y-bolt = 476,300.923 N

Anchorage Summary
Required Number of Anchors = 90
Actual Number of Anchors = 90
Bolt Hole Circle Radius = 42.812 m
Required Bolt Diameter (Exclusive of Corrosion) = 0 mm
Actual Bolt Diameter = 56 mm
Bolt Thread Pitch = 5.5 mm

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Anchor Chair Design Back
Anchor Chair Design per AISI Steel Plate Engineering Data-
Volume 2 Part V
Ca-chair = Chair Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Earthquakes-Considered = Earthquakes Considered
Ma-chair = Chair Material
R = Nominal Shell Radius (mm)
Ssw-chair = Chair Allowable Stress for Seismic or Wind Design per API-650 5.12.9 (MPa)
V = Wind Velocity (kph)
Y-bolt = Anchor Bolt Yield Load (N)
Z = Chair Reduction Factor
a = Top Plate Width Along Shell (mm)
b = Top Plate Length (mm)
bmin = Top Plate Minimum Length (mm)
c = Top Plate Thickness (mm)
c-corr = Top Plate Corroded Thickness (mm)
d = Anchor Bolt Diameter (mm)
e = Anchor Bolt Eccentricity (mm)
emin = Minimum Calculated Eccentricity (mm)
emin-btm = Minimum Eccentricity Based on Bolt Clearance From Bottom Plates per API-
650 Figure 5.28 (mm)
emin-req = Minimum Required Eccentricity (mm)
f = Top Plate Outside To Hole Edge Distance (mm)
fmin = Top Plate Outside to Hole Edge Minimum Distance (mm)
g = Vertical Plates Distance (mm)
gmin = Vertical Plates Minimum Distance (mm)
h = Chair Height (mm)
h-eff = Effective Chair Height (mm)
hmax = Chair Maximum Height (mm)
j = Vertical Plate Thickness (mm)
j-corr = Vertical Plate Corroded Thickness (mm)
jmin = Vertical Plate Minimum Thickness (mm)
k = Vertical Plates Average Width (mm)
m = Base or Bottom Plate Thickness (mm)
outside_projection = Bottom Outside Projection (mm)
t = Shell Thickness (mm)

Ca-chair = 0 mm
Earthquakes-Considered = SITE-SPECIFIC-SAI-AND-SAC
Ma-chair = A516-70
R = 42,691.05 mm
V = 130.0 kph
Y-bolt = 476,300.923 N
a = 254 mm

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b = 204 mm
c = 26 mm
d = 56 mm
e = 102 mm
f = 67.0 mm
g = 108 mm
h = 712 mm
j = 28.6 mm
k = 127.094 mm
m = 9.525 mm
outside_projection = 50 mm
t = 38.1 mm

No se pude mostrar la imagen vinculada. Puede que se haya movido, cambiado de nombre o eliminado el archivo. Compruebe que el vínculo señala al archivo y ubicaciones correctos.

Anchor Chair Material Properties

Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-chair) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-chair) = 260.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Design Stress (Sd-chair) = 173.0 MPa
As per API-650 Table 5-2 a, Allowable Hydrostatic Test Stress (St-chair) = 195.0 MPa

Ssw-chair = 1.33 * Sd-chair

Ssw-chair = 1.33 * 173.0
Ssw-chair = 230.09 MPa

Size Requirements
c-corr = c - (2 * Ca-chair)
c-corr = 26 - (2 * 0)
c-corr = 26 mm

j-corr = j - (2 * Ca-chair)
j-corr = 28.6 - (2 * 0)
j-corr = 28.6 mm

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Chair Minimum Height (hmin) = 305 mm

h >= hmin ==> PASS

hmax = 3 * a
hmax = 3 * 254
hmax = 762 mm

h-eff = MIN(hmax , h)
h-eff = MIN(762 , 712)
h-eff = 712 mm

emin = (0.886 * d) + 15
emin = (0.886 * 56) + 15
emin = 64.616 mm

emin-btm = (d / 2) + outside_projection + 10
emin-btm = (56 / 2) + 50 + 10
emin-btm = 88 mm

emin-req = MAX(emin , emin-btm)

emin-req = MAX(64.616 , 88)
emin-req = 88 mm

e >= emin-req ==> PASS

gmin = d + 26
gmin = 56 + 26
gmin = 82 mm

g >= gmin ==> PASS

fmin = (d / 2) + 4
fmin = (56 / 2) + 4
fmin = 32 mm

f >= fmin ==> PASS

jmin = MAX(13 , (0.04 * (h-eff - c-corr)) , ((P-design / (172.3689 * k)) + (2 * Ca-chair)))

jmin = MAX(13 , (0.04 * (712 - 26)) , ((0.0 / (172.3689 * 127.0944)) + (2 * 0)))
jmin = 27.44 mm

j >= jmin ==> PASS

bmin = emin + d + 7
bmin = 64.616 + 56 + 7
bmin = 127.616 mm

b >= bmin ==> PASS

Top Plate Minimum Required Thickness

Uplift Cases P-chair (N) P-design (N) Sd-chair (MPa) c-min (mm) Status

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Design Pressure 0.0 0.0 173.0 0.0 PASS
Test Pressure 0.0 0.0 195.0 0.0 PASS
Wind Load 0.0 0.0 230.09 0.0 PASS
Seismic Load 0 0 230.09 0.0 PASS
Design Pressure + Wind 0.0 0.0 230.09 0.0 PASS
Design Pressure + Seismic 0 0 230.09 0.0 PASS
• P-chair = Anchor Chair Uplift Load
• P-design = Anchor Chair Design Load = min(P-chair, Y-bolt)
• Sd-chair = Anchor Chair Allowable Stress
• c-min = Top Plate Minimum Required Thickness
• c-min = SQRT(((P-design / (Sd-chair * f)) * ((0.375 * g) - (0.22 * d)))) + (2 * Ca-chair)
• Governing Uplift Case = Design Pressure
• Governing Thickness (c-min) = 0.0 mm

Top Plate Stress

P-chair P-design S-top-plate Sd-chair Stress
Uplift Cases Status
(N) (N) (MPa) (MPa) Ratio
Design Pressure 0.0 0.0 0.0 173.0 0.0% PASS
Test Pressure 0.0 0.0 0.0 195.0 0.0% PASS
Wind Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 230.09 0.0% PASS
Seismic Load 0 0 0.0 230.09 0.0% PASS
Design Pressure +
0.0 0.0 0.0 230.09 0.0% PASS
Design Pressure +
0 0 0.0 230.09 0.0% PASS
• P-chair = Anchor Chair Uplift Load
• P-design = Anchor Chair Design Load = min(P-chair, Y-bolt)
• S-top-plate = Top Plate Stress
• S-top-plate = (P-design / (f * (c-corr^2))) * ((0.375 * g) - (0.22 * d))
• Sd-chair = Anchor Chair Allowable Stress
• Governing Uplift Case = Design Pressure
• Governing Stress (S-top-plate) = 0.0 MPa

Shell Stress at Anchor Attachment

Z = 26 / ((((0.177 * a * m) / SQRT((R * t))) * ((m / t)^2)) + 26)
Z = 26 / ((((0.177 * 254 * 9.525) / SQRT((42,691.05 * 38.1))) * ((9.525 / 38.1)^2)) + 26)
Z = 0.999

P-chair P-design S-shell Sd-shell Stress

Uplift Cases Status
(N) (N) (MPa) (MPa) Ratio
Design Pressure 0.0 0.0 0.0 173.333 0.0% PASS
Test Pressure 0.0 0.0 0.0 216.667 0.0% PASS

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Wind Load 0.0 0.0 0.0 216.667 0.0% PASS
Seismic Load 0 0 0.0 216.667 0.0% PASS
Design Pressure +
0.0 0.0 0.0 216.667 0.0% PASS
Design Pressure +
0 0 0.0 216.667 0.0% PASS
• P-chair = Anchor Chair Uplift Load
• P-design = Anchor Chair Design Load = min(P-chair, Y-bolt)
• S-shell = Shell Stress at Anchor Attachment
• S-shell = ((P-design * e) / (t^2)) * (((1.32 * Z) / (((1.43 * a * (h^2)) / (R * t)) + ((4 * a *
(h^2))^0.333))) + (0.031 / SQRT((R * t))))
• Sd-shell = Shell Allowable Stress at Anchor Attachment
• Governing Uplift Case = Design Pressure
• Governing Stress (S-shell) = 0.0 MPa
• Governing Allowable Stress (Sd-shell) = 173.333 MPa

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Appurtenances Design Back

Plan View

(mm) S
(mm) (mm)
WINGRAIL -- -- 20.5' 42595mm #
1524" BOTTOM
CARCAMO 01 -- -- 180' 38500mm #
K1 - Ø3"
INTERRUPTOR DE 180mm 0mm 23' 42000mm #
M2 - Ø24"
24" ROOF
ENTRADA 280mm 0mm 20.5' 41500mm #
V1 - Ø12" VENTEO
GOOSENECK 230mm 0mm 0' 0mm #

Elevation View

(mm) S
(mm) (mm)
A1 - Ø36"
ENTRADA DE 350mm 0mm 88.5' 1031mm #
A2 - Ø20" 20" SHELL
275mm 0mm 268.5' 634mm #
ANCLAS -- -- -- #
B1 - Ø42" SALIDA 42" SHELL
375mm 0mm 224.5' 1184mm #
D1 - Ø6" DREN 200mm 153mm 180' 306mm #
20" PIPE
E1 - Ø20" REBOSO 600mm 380mm 135' 12099mm #
EL1 - 38" x 48" 900x1200
ENTRADA DE SHELL CLEAN 191mm 0mm 330' 332mm #

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-- -- 315.37' -- #
HELICOIDAL 2ble -- -- 0' -- #
L1 - Ø2"
INTERRUPTOR DE 150mm 0mm 315' 2968mm #
L2 - Ø2"
INTERRUPTOR DE 150mm 0mm 315' 12186mm #
L3 - Ø2"
INTERRUPTOR DE 150mm 0mm 315' 3468mm #
L4 - Ø2"
INTERRUPTOR DE 150mm 0mm 315' 12686mm #
M1 - Ø24"
ENTRADA 248mm 0mm 45' 750mm W/ DAVIT #
PLACA DE DATOS STD API -- -- 332' 1010mm #

Roof Nozzle: K1 - Ø3" INTERRUPTOR DE


Repad Design
(Per API-650 and other references below)

NOZZLE Description : 3 in SCH 80 TYPE RFWN

Material: A106-B-SMLS-PIPE

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Roof Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON ROOF: Elevation = 14.6992 m

t-calc = 8.2 mm
t_cr = 7.91 mm (Roof t-act less C.A)
t_c = 11.11 mm
t_Basis = 8.2 mm
Repad Type: Circular

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Repad Size (Do): 228.6 mm

or API-650 FIG 5-20, TABLE 5-15 AND FOOTNOTE A OF TABLE 5-15)

Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 8.2 * 88.9
Required Area = 728.98 mm^2

Available Roof Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Roof Area = (11.11 - 8.2) * 88.9
Available Roof Area = 258.699 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - ca) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (7.62 - 3.2)) + 11.11] * (7.62 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 152.145 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Roof Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 728.98 - 258.699 - 152.145
A-rpr = 318.136 mm^2

Since Nozzle size <= NPS 6 (per API-650 Table 5-14 Note a), t_rpr = 0

No Reinforcement Pad required.

Shell Nozzle: A1 - Ø36" ENTRADA DE


Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 36 in SCH THK-0.875 TYPE RFWN
Material: A106-B

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 1 : Elevation = 1.031 m

t-calc = 32.988 mm
t_cr = 29.788 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 29.788 mm
Repad Type: Dog House
Repad Size (Do): 1850 mm

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Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 29.788 * 914.4
Required Area = 27238 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 29.788) * 914.4
Available Shell Area = 4674.367 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (22.23 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (22.23 - 3.2) * MIN((124.105/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 3031.206 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 27238 - 4674.367 - 3031.206
A-rpr = 19533 mm^2

t_rpr = (A_rpr / (repad-min-OD - D)) + repad_CA

t_rpr = (19533 / (1,850 - 914.4)) + 3.2
t_rpr = 24.077 mm

Reinforcement Pad is required.

Based on Shell Nozzle Size of 36"
Repad Size (Do) Must be 1850 mm

External Piping Loads Design

Beta = Characteristic parameter (1/mm)
D-repad = Repad Outside Diameter (mm)
DT = Normal Design Temperature Minus Installation Temperature (°C)
Do = Nozzle Outside Diameter (mm)
E = Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
F-max = maximum radial thrust for longitudinal moment (ML) and circumferential moment (MC) are
equal 0 (N)
FR = Radial Thrust Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion (N)
Fp = Pressure end load on the opening for the pressure resulting from the design product head at
the elevation of the opening centerline (N)
G = Design Specific Gravity
H = Maximum Liquid Level (mm)
KC = Circumferential load stiffness coefficient (
KL = Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient (
KR = Radial load stiffness coefficient (N/mm)
L = Nozzle Elevation (mm)
L/2a = Opening elevation to opening diameter ratio
Lamda = Lambda
MC = Circumferential Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening
Connetion (
MC-max = Maximum circumferential moment for radial thrust (FR) and longitudinal moment (ML)
are equal 0 (
ML = Longitudinal Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion

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ML-max = Maximum longitudinal moment for radial thrust (FR) and circumferential moment (MC)
are equal 0 (
P = Design product head at the elevation of the opening centerline (Pa)
R = Nominal Tank Radius (mm)
R/t = Tank radius to thickness ratio
T = Design Temperature (°C)
Theta = Unrestrained shell rotation resulting from product head per API-650 P.2.5.2 (rad)
Theta-C = Shell rotation in the horizontal plane at the opening connection resulting from the
circumferential moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
Theta-L = Shell rotation in the vertical plane at the opening connection resulting from the
longitudinal moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
W = Unrestrained radial growth of ghell per API-650 P.2.5.1 (mm)
WR = Resultant radial deflection at the opening connection per API-650 P.2.6 (mm)
Xa = Elevation to top of nozzle opening (mm)
Xb = Elevation to bottom of nozzle opening (mm)
Xc = Elevation to nozzle opening centerline (mm)
a/R = Opening radius to tank radius ratio
c1 = Boundary c1 should pass by this ordinate
c2 = Boundary c2 should pass by this abscissa
c3 = Boundary c3 should pass by this ordinate
d = Nozzle depth (mm)
h1 = First Shell Course Height (m)
qXa = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xa
qXb = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xb
qXc = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xc
t = Shell course thickness (mm)
t-repad = Repad Thickness (mm)
x-F = Radial thrust abscissa value
y-C = Circumferential moment ordinate value
y-L = Longitudinal moment ordinate value

D-repad = 1,850 mm
DT = 0 °C
Do = 914.4 mm
E = 199,000 MPa
FR = 0 N
H = 13,167 mm
L = 1,031 mm
MC = 0
ML = 0
R = 42,672 mm
T = 32.9 °C
h1 = 2.438 m
t = 38.1 mm
t-repad = 38.1 mm

d = 13,167 - 1,031
d = 12,136 mm

P = d * water-density * G * 9.80665
P = 12.136 * 998.86 * 1 * 9.80665
P = 118,877.829 Pa

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P.2.5 Shell Deflection and Rotation
R/t = R / t
R/t = 42,672 / 38.1
R/t = 1,120

a/R = (Do / 2) / R
a/R = (914.4 / 2) / 42,672
a/R = 0.011

L/2a = L / Do
L/2a = 1,031 / 914.4
L/2a = 1.128

As per API-650 Figure P.2a, Radial load stiffness coefficient graph value (KR/E(2a)) = 0.00027834

KR = KR/E(2a) * E * Do
KR = 0.0003 * 199,000 * 914.4
KR = 50,648.09 N/mm

As per API-650 Figure P.2b, Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient graph value (KL/E(2a)^3) =

KL = KL/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KL = 0.0004 * 199,000 * (914.4^3)
KL = 55,209,984,625.463

As per API-650 Figure P.2c, Circumferential load stiffness coefficient graph value (KC/E(2a)^3) =

KC = KC/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KC = 0.0005 * 199,000 * (914.4^3)
KC = 79,345,186,744.002

As per API-650 Table P.1.a, Thermal expansion coefficient (Alpha) = 1.2E-5

Beta = 1.285 / ((R * t)^0.5)

Beta = 1.285 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Beta = 0.001 1/mm

W = (((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * COS((Beta * L))) - (L / H))) +
(Alpha * R * DT)
W = (((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * 0.001 * 1,031)) *
COS((0.001 * 1,031))) - (1,031 / 13,167))) + (1.2E-5 * 42,672 * 0)
W = 23.004 mm

Theta = ((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * ((1 / H) - (Beta * (exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * (COS((Beta * L))
+ SIN((Beta * L)))))
Theta = ((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * ((1 / 13,167) - (0.001 * (exp (-1 *
0.001 * 1,031)) * (COS((0.001 * 1,031)) + SIN((0.001 * 1,031)))))
Theta = -0.013 rad

P.2.6 Determination of Loads on the Opening Connection

WR = ((FR / KR) - (L * TAN((ML / KL)))) + W
WR = ((0 / 50,648.0897) - (1,031 * TAN((0 / 55,209,984,625.4632)))) + 23.0039
WR = 23.004 mm

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Theta-L = ((ML / KL) - ARCTAN((FR / (L * KR)))) + Theta
Theta-L = ((0 / 55,209,984,625.4632) - ARCTAN((0 / (1,031 * 50,648.0897)))) + -0.0128
Theta-L = -0.013 rad

Theta-C = MC / KC
Theta-C = 0 / 79,345,186,744.0019
Theta-C = 0.0 rad

P.2.7.1 Construction of Nomograms

Xa = L + (Do / 2)
Xa = 1,031 + (914.4 / 2)
Xa = 1,488.2 mm

Xb = L - (Do / 2)
Xb = 1,031 - (914.4 / 2)
Xb = 573.8 mm

Xc = L
Xc = 1,031
Xc = 1,031 mm

qXa = Xa / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXa = 1,488.2 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXa = 1.167

qXb = Xb / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXb = 573.8 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXb = 0.45

qXc = Xc / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXc = 1,031 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXc = 0.809

Lamda = (Do / 2) / ((R * t)^0.5)

Lamda = (914.4 / 2) / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Lamda = 0.359

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YF) = 1.424 N

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YL) = 4.685
As per API-650 Figure P.4b, Coefficient (Yc) = 8.624

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXb)))

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.45)))
c1 = 0.662

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXa)))

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 1.1672)))
c2 = 0.125

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXc)))

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.8086)))
c3 = 0.394

Nomogram 1 c1 boundary : y = -x + 0.6625

Nomogram 1 c2 boundary : y = x - 0.1246
Nomogram 1 b1 boundary : y = x + 1

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Nomogram 1 b2 boundary : y = -x - 1
Nomogram 2 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 2 c3 boundary : y = -x + 0.3936

P.2.7.2 Determination of Allowable Loads

Fp = pi * ((Do / 2)^2) * P
Fp = pi * ((0.9144 / 2)^2) * 118,877.829
Fp = 78,066.225 N

x-F = (Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (FR / Fp)

x-F = (0.3586 / (2 * 1.4237)) * (0 / 78,066.2254)
x-F = 0.0

y-L = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (ML / Fp)

y-L = (0.3586 / ((914.4 / 2) * 4.685)) * (0 / 78,066.2254)
y-L = 0.0

y-C = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (MC / Fp)

y-C = (0.3586 / ((914.4 / 2) * 8.6235)) * (0 / 78,066.2254)
y-C = 0.0

Nomogram 1 check : Point (x-F , y-L) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1, b2 , c1 &
c2 ==> PASS
Nomogram 2 check : Point (x-F , y-C) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1 & c3 ==>

Piping Loads Summary

F-max = c2 / ((Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (1 / Fp))
F-max = 0.1246 / ((0.3586 / (2 * 1.4237)) * (1 / 78,066.2254))
F-max = 77,263.64 N

ML-max = c1 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (1 / Fp))

ML-max = 0.6625 / ((0.3586 / ((914.4 / 2) * 4.685)) * (1 / 78,066.2254))
ML-max = 308,949,478.511

MC-max = c3 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (1 / Fp))

MC-max = 0.3936 / ((0.3586 / ((914.4 / 2) * 8.6235)) * (1 / 78,066.2254))
MC-max = 337,828,342.334

Shell Nozzle: A2 - Ø20" RECIRCULACIÓN

Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 20 in SCH 30 TYPE RFWN
Material: A106-B-SMLS-PIPE

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

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MOUNTED ON SHELL 1 : Elevation = 0.634 m

t-calc = 32.988 mm
t_cr = 29.788 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 29.788 mm
Repad Type: Dog House
Repad Size (Do): 1055 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 29.788 * 508
Required Area = 15132 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 29.788) * 508
Available Shell Area = 2596.87 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (12.7 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (12.7 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 828.029 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 15132 - 2596.87 - 828.029
A-rpr = 11707 mm^2

t_rpr = (A_rpr / (repad-min-OD - D)) + repad_CA

t_rpr = (11707 / (1,055 - 508)) + 3.2
t_rpr = 24.603 mm

Reinforcement Pad is required.

Based on Shell Nozzle Size of 20"
Repad Size (Do) Must be 1055 mm

External Piping Loads Design

Beta = Characteristic parameter (1/mm)
D-repad = Repad Outside Diameter (mm)
DT = Normal Design Temperature Minus Installation Temperature (°C)
Do = Nozzle Outside Diameter (mm)
E = Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
F-max = maximum radial thrust for longitudinal moment (ML) and circumferential moment (MC) are
equal 0 (N)
FR = Radial Thrust Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion (N)
Fp = Pressure end load on the opening for the pressure resulting from the design product head at
the elevation of the opening centerline (N)
G = Design Specific Gravity
H = Maximum Liquid Level (mm)
KC = Circumferential load stiffness coefficient (
KL = Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient (

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KR = Radial load stiffness coefficient (N/mm)
L = Nozzle Elevation (mm)
L/2a = Opening elevation to opening diameter ratio
Lamda = Lambda
MC = Circumferential Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening
Connetion (
MC-max = Maximum circumferential moment for radial thrust (FR) and longitudinal moment (ML)
are equal 0 (
ML = Longitudinal Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion
ML-max = Maximum longitudinal moment for radial thrust (FR) and circumferential moment (MC)
are equal 0 (
P = Design product head at the elevation of the opening centerline (Pa)
R = Nominal Tank Radius (mm)
R/t = Tank radius to thickness ratio
T = Design Temperature (°C)
Theta = Unrestrained shell rotation resulting from product head per API-650 P.2.5.2 (rad)
Theta-C = Shell rotation in the horizontal plane at the opening connection resulting from the
circumferential moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
Theta-L = Shell rotation in the vertical plane at the opening connection resulting from the
longitudinal moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
W = Unrestrained radial growth of ghell per API-650 P.2.5.1 (mm)
WR = Resultant radial deflection at the opening connection per API-650 P.2.6 (mm)
Xa = Elevation to top of nozzle opening (mm)
Xb = Elevation to bottom of nozzle opening (mm)
Xc = Elevation to nozzle opening centerline (mm)
a/R = Opening radius to tank radius ratio
c1 = Boundary c1 should pass by this ordinate
c2 = Boundary c2 should pass by this abscissa
c3 = Boundary c3 should pass by this ordinate
d = Nozzle depth (mm)
h1 = First Shell Course Height (m)
qXa = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xa
qXb = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xb
qXc = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xc
t = Shell course thickness (mm)
t-repad = Repad Thickness (mm)
x-F = Radial thrust abscissa value
y-C = Circumferential moment ordinate value
y-L = Longitudinal moment ordinate value

D-repad = 1,055 mm
DT = 0 °C
Do = 508.0 mm
E = 199,000 MPa
FR = 0 N
H = 13,167 mm
L = 634 mm
MC = 0
ML = 0
R = 42,672 mm
T = 32.9 °C
h1 = 2.438 m
t = 38.1 mm
t-repad = 38.1 mm

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d = 13,167 - 634
d = 12,533 mm

P = d * water-density * G * 9.80665
P = 12.533 * 998.86 * 1 * 9.80665
P = 122,766.631 Pa

P.2.5 Shell Deflection and Rotation

R/t = R / t
R/t = 42,672 / 38.1
R/t = 1,120

a/R = (Do / 2) / R
a/R = (508.0 / 2) / 42,672
a/R = 0.006

L/2a = L / Do
L/2a = 634 / 508.0
L/2a = 1.248

As per API-650 Figure P.2a, Radial load stiffness coefficient graph value (KR/E(2a)) = 0.00058557

KR = KR/E(2a) * E * Do
KR = 0.0006 * 199,000 * 508.0
KR = 59,196.12 N/mm

As per API-650 Figure P.2b, Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient graph value (KL/E(2a)^3) =

KL = KL/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KL = 0.0007 * 199,000 * (508.0^3)
KL = 19,334,837,064.42

As per API-650 Figure P.2c, Circumferential load stiffness coefficient graph value (KC/E(2a)^3) =

KC = KC/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KC = 0.0017 * 199,000 * (508.0^3)
KC = 45,373,692,786.294

As per API-650 Table P.1.a, Thermal expansion coefficient (Alpha) = 1.2E-5

Beta = 1.285 / ((R * t)^0.5)

Beta = 1.285 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Beta = 0.001 1/mm

W = (((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * COS((Beta * L))) - (L / H))) +
(Alpha * R * DT)
W = (((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * 0.001 * 634)) *
COS((0.001 * 634))) - (634 / 13,167))) + (1.2E-5 * 42,672 * 0)
W = 16.367 mm

Theta = ((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * ((1 / H) - (Beta * (exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * (COS((Beta * L))
+ SIN((Beta * L)))))

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Theta = ((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * ((1 / 13,167) - (0.001 * (exp (-1 *
0.001 * 634)) * (COS((0.001 * 634)) + SIN((0.001 * 634)))))
Theta = -0.021 rad

P.2.6 Determination of Loads on the Opening Connection

WR = ((FR / KR) - (L * TAN((ML / KL)))) + W
WR = ((0 / 59,196.1196) - (634 * TAN((0 / 19,334,837,064.4202)))) + 16.3666
WR = 16.367 mm

Theta-L = ((ML / KL) - ARCTAN((FR / (L * KR)))) + Theta

Theta-L = ((0 / 19,334,837,064.4202) - ARCTAN((0 / (634 * 59,196.1196)))) + -0.0207
Theta-L = -0.021 rad

Theta-C = MC / KC
Theta-C = 0 / 45,373,692,786.2936
Theta-C = 0.0 rad

P.2.7.1 Construction of Nomograms

Xa = L + (Do / 2)
Xa = 634 + (508.0 / 2)
Xa = 888.0 mm

Xb = L - (Do / 2)
Xb = 634 - (508.0 / 2)
Xb = 380.0 mm

Xc = L
Xc = 634
Xc = 634 mm

qXa = Xa / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXa = 888.0 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXa = 0.696

qXb = Xb / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXb = 380.0 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXb = 0.298

qXc = Xc / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXc = 634 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXc = 0.497

Lamda = (Do / 2) / ((R * t)^0.5)

Lamda = (508.0 / 2) / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Lamda = 0.199

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YF) = 2.494 N

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YL) = 10.162
As per API-650 Figure P.4b, Coefficient (Yc) = 28.914

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXb)))

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.298)))
c1 = 0.776

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXa)))

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.6964)))

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c2 = 0.478

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXc)))

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.4972)))
c3 = 0.627

Nomogram 1 c1 boundary : y = -x + 0.7765

Nomogram 1 c2 boundary : y = x - 0.4777
Nomogram 1 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 1 b2 boundary : y = -x - 1
Nomogram 2 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 2 c3 boundary : y = -x + 0.6271

P.2.7.2 Determination of Allowable Loads

Fp = pi * ((Do / 2)^2) * P
Fp = pi * ((0.508 / 2)^2) * 122,766.6308
Fp = 24,882.708 N

x-F = (Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (FR / Fp)

x-F = (0.1992 / (2 * 2.4941)) * (0 / 24,882.708)
x-F = 0.0

y-L = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (ML / Fp)

y-L = (0.1992 / ((508.0 / 2) * 10.162)) * (0 / 24,882.708)
y-L = 0.0

y-C = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (MC / Fp)

y-C = (0.1992 / ((508.0 / 2) * 28.9137)) * (0 / 24,882.708)
y-C = 0.0

Nomogram 1 check : Point (x-F , y-L) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1, b2 , c1 &
c2 ==> PASS
Nomogram 2 check : Point (x-F , y-C) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1 & c3 ==>

Piping Loads Summary

F-max = c2 / ((Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (1 / Fp))
F-max = 0.4777 / ((0.1992 / (2 * 2.4941)) * (1 / 24,882.708))
F-max = 297,632.357 N

ML-max = c1 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (1 / Fp))

ML-max = 0.7765 / ((0.1992 / ((508.0 / 2) * 10.162)) * (1 / 24,882.708))
ML-max = 250,348,256.798

MC-max = c3 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (1 / Fp))

MC-max = 0.6271 / ((0.1992 / ((508.0 / 2) * 28.9137)) * (1 / 24,882.708))
MC-max = 575,251,526.437

Shell Nozzle: B1 - Ø42" SALIDA DE PRODUCTO

Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 42 in Neck Thickness 21 TYPE RFWN

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Material: A53-B

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 1 : Elevation = 1.184 m

t-calc = 32.988 mm
t_cr = 29.788 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 29.788 mm
Repad Type: Dog House
Repad Size (Do): 2155 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 29.788 * 1066.8
Required Area = 31778 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 29.788) * 1066.8
Available Shell Area = 5453.428 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (21 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (21 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2258.029 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 31778 - 5453.428 - 2258.029
A-rpr = 24066 mm^2

t_rpr = (A_rpr / (repad-min-OD - D)) + repad_CA

t_rpr = (24066 / (2,155 - 1066.8)) + 3.2
t_rpr = 25.316 mm

Reinforcement Pad is required.

Based on Shell Nozzle Size of 42"
Repad Size (Do) Must be 2155 mm

External Piping Loads Design

Beta = Characteristic parameter (1/mm)
D-repad = Repad Outside Diameter (mm)
DT = Normal Design Temperature Minus Installation Temperature (°C)
Do = Nozzle Outside Diameter (mm)
E = Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
F-max = maximum radial thrust for longitudinal moment (ML) and circumferential moment (MC) are

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equal 0 (N)
FR = Radial Thrust Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion (N)
Fp = Pressure end load on the opening for the pressure resulting from the design product head at
the elevation of the opening centerline (N)
G = Design Specific Gravity
H = Maximum Liquid Level (mm)
KC = Circumferential load stiffness coefficient (
KL = Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient (
KR = Radial load stiffness coefficient (N/mm)
L = Nozzle Elevation (mm)
L/2a = Opening elevation to opening diameter ratio
Lamda = Lambda
MC = Circumferential Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening
Connetion (
MC-max = Maximum circumferential moment for radial thrust (FR) and longitudinal moment (ML)
are equal 0 (
ML = Longitudinal Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion
ML-max = Maximum longitudinal moment for radial thrust (FR) and circumferential moment (MC)
are equal 0 (
P = Design product head at the elevation of the opening centerline (Pa)
R = Nominal Tank Radius (mm)
R/t = Tank radius to thickness ratio
T = Design Temperature (°C)
Theta = Unrestrained shell rotation resulting from product head per API-650 P.2.5.2 (rad)
Theta-C = Shell rotation in the horizontal plane at the opening connection resulting from the
circumferential moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
Theta-L = Shell rotation in the vertical plane at the opening connection resulting from the
longitudinal moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
W = Unrestrained radial growth of ghell per API-650 P.2.5.1 (mm)
WR = Resultant radial deflection at the opening connection per API-650 P.2.6 (mm)
Xa = Elevation to top of nozzle opening (mm)
Xb = Elevation to bottom of nozzle opening (mm)
Xc = Elevation to nozzle opening centerline (mm)
a/R = Opening radius to tank radius ratio
c1 = Boundary c1 should pass by this ordinate
c2 = Boundary c2 should pass by this abscissa
c3 = Boundary c3 should pass by this ordinate
d = Nozzle depth (mm)
h1 = First Shell Course Height (m)
qXa = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xa
qXb = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xb
qXc = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xc
t = Shell course thickness (mm)
t-repad = Repad Thickness (mm)
x-F = Radial thrust abscissa value
y-C = Circumferential moment ordinate value
y-L = Longitudinal moment ordinate value

D-repad = 2,155 mm
DT = 0 °C
Do = 1,066.8 mm
E = 199,000 MPa
FR = 0 N
H = 13,167 mm

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L = 1,184 mm
MC = 0
ML = 0
R = 42,672 mm
T = 32.9 °C
h1 = 2.438 m
t = 38.1 mm
t-repad = 38.1 mm

d = 13,167 - 1,184
d = 11,983 mm

P = d * water-density * G * 9.80665
P = 11.983 * 998.86 * 1 * 9.80665
P = 117,379.122 Pa

P.2.5 Shell Deflection and Rotation

R/t = R / t
R/t = 42,672 / 38.1
R/t = 1,120

a/R = (Do / 2) / R
a/R = (1,066.8 / 2) / 42,672
a/R = 0.012

L/2a = L / Do
L/2a = 1,184 / 1,066.8
L/2a = 1.11

As per API-650 Figure P.2a, Radial load stiffness coefficient graph value (KR/E(2a)) = 0.00021169

KR = KR/E(2a) * E * Do
KR = 0.0002 * 199,000 * 1,066.8
KR = 44,940.999 N/mm

As per API-650 Figure P.2b, Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient graph value (KL/E(2a)^3) =

KL = KL/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KL = 0.0003 * 199,000 * (1,066.8^3)
KL = 66,409,850,124.906

As per API-650 Figure P.2c, Circumferential load stiffness coefficient graph value (KC/E(2a)^3) =

KC = KC/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KC = 0.0003 * 199,000 * (1,066.8^3)
KC = 79,692,519,911.173

As per API-650 Table P.1.a, Thermal expansion coefficient (Alpha) = 1.2E-5

Beta = 1.285 / ((R * t)^0.5)

Beta = 1.285 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Beta = 0.001 1/mm

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W = (((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * COS((Beta * L))) - (L / H))) +
(Alpha * R * DT)
W = (((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * 0.001 * 1,184)) *
COS((0.001 * 1,184))) - (1,184 / 13,167))) + (1.2E-5 * 42,672 * 0)
W = 24.739 mm

Theta = ((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * ((1 / H) - (Beta * (exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * (COS((Beta * L))
+ SIN((Beta * L)))))
Theta = ((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * ((1 / 13,167) - (0.001 * (exp (-1 *
0.001 * 1,184)) * (COS((0.001 * 1,184)) + SIN((0.001 * 1,184)))))
Theta = -0.01 rad

P.2.6 Determination of Loads on the Opening Connection

WR = ((FR / KR) - (L * TAN((ML / KL)))) + W
WR = ((0 / 44,940.9991) - (1,184 * TAN((0 / 66,409,850,124.9057)))) + 24.7387
WR = 24.739 mm

Theta-L = ((ML / KL) - ARCTAN((FR / (L * KR)))) + Theta

Theta-L = ((0 / 66,409,850,124.9057) - ARCTAN((0 / (1,184 * 44,940.9991)))) + -0.0099
Theta-L = -0.01 rad

Theta-C = MC / KC
Theta-C = 0 / 79,692,519,911.1733
Theta-C = 0.0 rad

P.2.7.1 Construction of Nomograms

Xa = L + (Do / 2)
Xa = 1,184 + (1,066.8 / 2)
Xa = 1,717.4 mm

Xb = L - (Do / 2)
Xb = 1,184 - (1,066.8 / 2)
Xb = 650.6 mm

Xc = L
Xc = 1,184
Xc = 1,184 mm

qXa = Xa / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXa = 1,717.4 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXa = 1.347

qXb = Xb / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXb = 650.6 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXb = 0.51

qXc = Xc / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXc = 1,184 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXc = 0.929

Lamda = (Do / 2) / ((R * t)^0.5)

Lamda = (1,066.8 / 2) / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Lamda = 0.418

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YF) = 1.26 N

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YL) = 4.098

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As per API-650 Figure P.4b, Coefficient (Yc) = 6.22

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXb)))

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.5102)))
c1 = 0.617

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXa)))

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 1.3469)))
c2 = 0.1

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXc)))

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.9286)))
c3 = 0.304

Nomogram 1 c1 boundary : y = -x + 0.6173

Nomogram 1 c2 boundary : y = x - 0.1
Nomogram 1 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 1 b2 boundary : y = -x - 1
Nomogram 2 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 2 c3 boundary : y = -x + 0.3036

P.2.7.2 Determination of Allowable Loads

Fp = pi * ((Do / 2)^2) * P
Fp = pi * ((1.0668 / 2)^2) * 117,379.122
Fp = 104,917.215 N

x-F = (Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (FR / Fp)

x-F = (0.4183 / (2 * 1.2598)) * (0 / 104,917.2146)
x-F = 0.0

y-L = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (ML / Fp)

y-L = (0.4183 / ((1,066.8 / 2) * 4.0982)) * (0 / 104,917.2146)
y-L = 0.0

y-C = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (MC / Fp)

y-C = (0.4183 / ((1,066.8 / 2) * 6.2199)) * (0 / 104,917.2146)
y-C = 0.0

Nomogram 1 check : Point (x-F , y-L) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1, b2 , c1 &
c2 ==> PASS
Nomogram 2 check : Point (x-F , y-C) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1 & c3 ==>

Piping Loads Summary

F-max = c2 / ((Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (1 / Fp))
F-max = 0.1 / ((0.4183 / (2 * 1.2598)) * (1 / 104,917.2146))
F-max = 63,193.645 N

ML-max = c1 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (1 / Fp))

ML-max = 0.6173 / ((0.4183 / ((1,066.8 / 2) * 4.0982)) * (1 / 104,917.2146))
ML-max = 338,435,986.137

MC-max = c3 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (1 / Fp))

MC-max = 0.3036 / ((0.4183 / ((1,066.8 / 2) * 6.2199)) * (1 / 104,917.2146))
MC-max = 252,589,945.114

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Shell Nozzle: D1 - Ø6" DREN

Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 6 in SCH 80 TYPE RFWN
Material: A106-B-SMLS-PIPE

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 1 : Elevation = 0.306 m

t-calc = 32.988 mm
t_cr = 29.788 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 29.788 mm
Repad Type: Dog House
Repad Size (Do): 400 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 29.788 * 168.275
Required Area = 5012.584 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 29.788) * 168.275
Available Shell Area = 860.213 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (10.97 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (10.97 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 612.953 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 5012.584 - 860.213 - 612.953
A-rpr = 3539.417 mm^2

t_rpr = (A_rpr / (repad-min-OD - D)) + repad_CA

t_rpr = (3539.417 / (400 - 168.275)) + 3.2
t_rpr = 18.474 mm

Reinforcement Pad is required.

Based on Shell Nozzle Size of 6"
Repad Size (Do) Must be 400 mm

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External Piping Loads Design
Beta = Characteristic parameter (1/mm)
D-repad = Repad Outside Diameter (mm)
DT = Normal Design Temperature Minus Installation Temperature (°C)
Do = Nozzle Outside Diameter (mm)
E = Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
F-max = maximum radial thrust for longitudinal moment (ML) and circumferential moment (MC) are
equal 0 (N)
FR = Radial Thrust Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion (N)
Fp = Pressure end load on the opening for the pressure resulting from the design product head at
the elevation of the opening centerline (N)
G = Design Specific Gravity
H = Maximum Liquid Level (mm)
KC = Circumferential load stiffness coefficient (
KL = Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient (
KR = Radial load stiffness coefficient (N/mm)
L = Nozzle Elevation (mm)
L/2a = Opening elevation to opening diameter ratio
Lamda = Lambda
MC = Circumferential Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening
Connetion (
MC-max = Maximum circumferential moment for radial thrust (FR) and longitudinal moment (ML)
are equal 0 (
ML = Longitudinal Moment Applied to the Mid-surface of the Tank Shell at the Opening Connetion
ML-max = Maximum longitudinal moment for radial thrust (FR) and circumferential moment (MC)
are equal 0 (
P = Design product head at the elevation of the opening centerline (Pa)
R = Nominal Tank Radius (mm)
R/t = Tank radius to thickness ratio
T = Design Temperature (°C)
Theta = Unrestrained shell rotation resulting from product head per API-650 P.2.5.2 (rad)
Theta-C = Shell rotation in the horizontal plane at the opening connection resulting from the
circumferential moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
Theta-L = Shell rotation in the vertical plane at the opening connection resulting from the
longitudinal moment per API-650 P.2.6 (rad)
W = Unrestrained radial growth of ghell per API-650 P.2.5.1 (mm)
WR = Resultant radial deflection at the opening connection per API-650 P.2.6 (mm)
Xa = Elevation to top of nozzle opening (mm)
Xb = Elevation to bottom of nozzle opening (mm)
Xc = Elevation to nozzle opening centerline (mm)
a/R = Opening radius to tank radius ratio
c1 = Boundary c1 should pass by this ordinate
c2 = Boundary c2 should pass by this abscissa
c3 = Boundary c3 should pass by this ordinate
d = Nozzle depth (mm)
h1 = First Shell Course Height (m)
qXa = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xa
qXb = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xb
qXc = Nondimensional quantity derived from Xc
t = Shell course thickness (mm)
t-repad = Repad Thickness (mm)
x-F = Radial thrust abscissa value
y-C = Circumferential moment ordinate value

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y-L = Longitudinal moment ordinate value

D-repad = 400 mm
DT = 0 °C
Do = 168.275 mm
E = 199,000 MPa
FR = 0 N
H = 13,167 mm
L = 306 mm
MC = 0
ML = 0
R = 42,672 mm
T = 32.9 °C
h1 = 2.438 m
t = 38.1 mm
t-repad = 38.1 mm

d = 13,167 - 306
d = 12,861 mm

P = d * water-density * G * 9.80665
P = 12.861 * 998.86 * 1 * 9.80665
P = 125,979.545 Pa

P.2.5 Shell Deflection and Rotation

R/t = R / t
R/t = 42,672 / 38.1
R/t = 1,120

a/R = (Do / 2) / R
a/R = (168.275 / 2) / 42,672
a/R = 0.002

L/2a = L / Do
L/2a = 306 / 168.275
L/2a = 1.818

As per API-650 Figure P.2d, Radial load stiffness coefficient graph value (KR/E(2a)) = 0.00056613

KR = KR/E(2a) * E * Do
KR = 0.0006 * 199,000 * 168.275
KR = 18,957.874 N/mm

As per API-650 Figure P.2e, Longitudinal load stiffness coefficient graph value (KL/E(2a)^3) =

KL = KL/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)
KL = 0.0015 * 199,000 * (168.275^3)
KL = 1,439,265,970.56

As per API-650 Figure P.2f, Circumferential load stiffness coefficient graph value (KC/E(2a)^3) =

KC = KC/E(2a)^3 * E * (Do^3)

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KC = 0.0032 * 199,000 * (168.275^3)
KC = 2,993,657,097.483

As per API-650 Table P.1.a, Thermal expansion coefficient (Alpha) = 1.2E-5

Beta = 1.285 / ((R * t)^0.5)

Beta = 1.285 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Beta = 0.001 1/mm

W = (((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * COS((Beta * L))) - (L / H))) +
(Alpha * R * DT)
W = (((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * (1 - ((exp (-1 * 0.001 * 306)) *
COS((0.001 * 306))) - (306 / 13,167))) + (1.2E-5 * 42,672 * 0)
W = 8.577 mm

Theta = ((9.8E-6 * G * H * (R^2)) / (E * t)) * ((1 / H) - (Beta * (exp (-1 * Beta * L)) * (COS((Beta * L))
+ SIN((Beta * L)))))
Theta = ((9.8E-6 * 1 * 13,167 * (42,672^2)) / (199,000 * 38.1)) * ((1 / 13,167) - (0.001 * (exp (-1 *
0.001 * 306)) * (COS((0.001 * 306)) + SIN((0.001 * 306)))))
Theta = -0.026 rad

P.2.6 Determination of Loads on the Opening Connection

WR = ((FR / KR) - (L * TAN((ML / KL)))) + W
WR = ((0 / 18,957.8742) - (306 * TAN((0 / 1,439,265,970.56)))) + 8.5775
WR = 8.577 mm

Theta-L = ((ML / KL) - ARCTAN((FR / (L * KR)))) + Theta

Theta-L = ((0 / 1,439,265,970.56) - ARCTAN((0 / (306 * 18,957.8742)))) + -0.0265
Theta-L = -0.026 rad

Theta-C = MC / KC
Theta-C = 0 / 2,993,657,097.4827
Theta-C = 0.0 rad

P.2.7.1 Construction of Nomograms

Xa = L + (Do / 2)
Xa = 306 + (168.275 / 2)
Xa = 390.138 mm

Xb = L - (Do / 2)
Xb = 306 - (168.275 / 2)
Xb = 221.863 mm

Xc = L
Xc = 306
Xc = 306 mm

qXa = Xa / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXa = 390.1375 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXa = 0.306

qXb = Xb / ((R * t)^0.5)

qXb = 221.8625 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXb = 0.174

qXc = Xc / ((R * t)^0.5)

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qXc = 306 / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
qXc = 0.24

Lamda = (Do / 2) / ((R * t)^0.5)

Lamda = (168.275 / 2) / ((42,672 * 38.1)^0.5)
Lamda = 0.066

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YF) = 4.369 N

As per API-650 Figure P.4a, Coefficient (YL) = 19.551
As per API-650 Figure P.4b, Coefficient (Yc) = 205.756

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXb)))

c1 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.174)))
c1 = 0.869

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXa)))

c2 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.306)))
c2 = 0.771

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * qXc)))

c3 = MAX(0.1 , (1 - (0.75 * 0.24)))
c3 = 0.82

Nomogram 1 c1 boundary : y = -x + 0.8695

Nomogram 1 c2 boundary : y = x - 0.7705
Nomogram 1 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 1 b2 boundary : y = -x - 1
Nomogram 2 b1 boundary : y = x + 1
Nomogram 2 c3 boundary : y = -x + 0.82

P.2.7.2 Determination of Allowable Loads

Fp = pi * ((Do / 2)^2) * P
Fp = pi * ((0.1683 / 2)^2) * 125,979.5451
Fp = 2,801.748 N

x-F = (Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (FR / Fp)

x-F = (0.066 / (2 * 4.3686)) * (0 / 2,801.7483)
x-F = 0.0

y-L = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (ML / Fp)

y-L = (0.066 / ((168.275 / 2) * 19.551)) * (0 / 2,801.7483)
y-L = 0.0

y-C = (Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (MC / Fp)

y-C = (0.066 / ((168.275 / 2) * 205.7561)) * (0 / 2,801.7483)
y-C = 0.0

Nomogram 1 check : Point (x-F , y-L) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1, b2 , c1 &
c2 ==> PASS
Nomogram 2 check : Point (x-F , y-C) = (0.0 , 0.0) should lie within the boundaries of b1 & c3 ==>

Piping Loads Summary

F-max = c2 / ((Lamda / (2 * YF)) * (1 / Fp))
F-max = 0.7705 / ((0.066 / (2 * 4.3686)) * (1 / 2,801.7483))
F-max = 285,845.437 N

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ML-max = c1 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * YL)) * (1 / Fp))
ML-max = 0.8695 / ((0.066 / ((168.275 / 2) * 19.551)) * (1 / 2,801.7483))
ML-max = 60,729,903.611

MC-max = c3 / ((Lamda / ((Do / 2) * Yc)) * (1 / Fp))

MC-max = 0.82 / ((0.066 / ((168.275 / 2) * 205.7561)) * (1 / 2,801.7483))
MC-max = 602,746,884.422

Shell Nozzle: L1 - Ø2" INTERRUPTOR DE BAJO


Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 2 in SCH 80 TYPE RFWN
Material: A106-B-SMLS-PIPE

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 2 : Elevation = 2.968 m

t-calc = 28.726 mm
t_cr = 25.526 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 25.526 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 25.526 * 60.325
Required Area = 1539.832 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 25.526) * 60.325
Available Shell Area = 565.51 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (5.54 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (5.54 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 123.829 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 1539.832 - 565.51 - 123.829
A-rpr = 850.494 mm^2

Since Nozzle size <= NPS 2 (per API-650 Table 5.6 Note f), t_rpr = 0

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No Reinforcement Pad required.

Shell Nozzle: L3 - Ø2" INTERRUPTOR DE BAJO


Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 2 in SCH 80 TYPE RFWN
Material: A106-B-SMLS-PIPE

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 2 : Elevation = 3.468 m

t-calc = 28.726 mm
t_cr = 25.526 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 25.526 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 25.526 * 60.325
Required Area = 1539.832 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 25.526) * 60.325
Available Shell Area = 565.51 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (5.54 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (5.54 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 123.829 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 1539.832 - 565.51 - 123.829
A-rpr = 850.494 mm^2

Since Nozzle size <= NPS 2 (per API-650 Table 5.6 Note f), t_rpr = 0

No Reinforcement Pad required.

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Shell Nozzle: L2 - Ø2" INTERRUPTOR DE ALTO

Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 2 in SCH 80 TYPE RFWN
Material: A106-B-SMLS-PIPE

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 5 : Elevation = 12.1855 m

t-calc = 10.782 mm
t_cr = 7.582 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 12.7 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 7.582 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 7.582 * 60.325
Required Area = 457.405 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (12.7 - 7.582) * 60.325
Available Shell Area = 308.723 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (5.54 - 3.2)) + 12.7] * (5.54 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 61.719 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 457.405 - 308.723 - 61.719
A-rpr = 86.964 mm^2

Since Nozzle size <= NPS 2 (per API-650 Table 5.6 Note f), t_rpr = 0

No Reinforcement Pad required.

Shell Nozzle: L4 - Ø2" INTERRUPTOR DE ALTO

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Repad Design
NOZZLE Description : 2 in SCH 80 TYPE RFWN
Material: A53-B

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 6 : Elevation = 12.6855 m

t-calc = 6.402 mm
t_cr = 3.202 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 9.5 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 3.202 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 3.202 * 60.325
Required Area = 193.168 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (9.5 - 3.202) * 60.325
Available Shell Area = 379.919 mm^2

Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (5.54 - 3.2)) + 9.5] * (5.54 - 3.2) * MIN((103.421/173) 1)
Available Nozzle Neck Area = 52.766 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Nozzle Neck Area)
A-rpr = 193.168 - 379.919 - 52.766
A-rpr = -239.516 mm^2

Since Nozzle size <= NPS 2 (per API-650 Table 5.6 Note f), t_rpr = 0

No Reinforcement Pad required.

Shell Manway: M1 - Ø24" ENTRADA HOMBRE

Repad Design

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MANWAY Description : 24 in Neck Thickness 12.7
Material: A516-70

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

t_n = (Thickness of Neck)
Sd_n = (Stress of Neck Material)
Sd_s = (Stress of Shell Course Material)
CA = (Corrosion Allowance of Neck)

MOUNTED ON SHELL 1 : Elevation = 0.75 m

t-calc = 32.988 mm
t_cr = 29.788 mm (Course t-calc less C.A)
t_c = 34.9 mm (Course t less C.A.)
t_Basis = 29.788 mm
Repad Type: Dog House
Repad Size (Do): 1257.3 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 29.788 * 635
Required Area = 18915 mm^2

Available Shell Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Shell Area = (34.9 - 29.788) * 635
Available Shell Area = 3246.088 mm^2

Available Manway Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - CA) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Manway Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (12.7 - 3.2)) + 34.9] * (12.7 - 3.2) * MIN((173/173) 1)
Available Manway Neck Area = 1385.1 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Shell Area - Available Manway Neck Area)
A-rpr = 18915 - 3246.088 - 1385.1
A-rpr = 14284 mm^2

t_rpr = (A_rpr / (repad-min-OD - D)) + repad_CA

t_rpr = (14284 / (1,257.3 - 635)) + 3.2
t_rpr = 26.154 mm

Reinforcement Pad is required.

Based on Shell Manway Size of 24"
Repad Size (Do) Must be 1257.3 mm

Cover Plate and Bolting Flange Design

CA-cover = Cover Plate and Bolting Flange Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Lmax = Design Liquid Level (m)
Ma-cover = Cover Plate Material
Ma-flange = Bolting Flange Material
SG = Product Specific Gravity
Sd = Allowable Stress per API-650 (MPa)

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d-cover = Bolt Circle Diameter (mm)
t-cover = Cover Plate Thickness (mm)
t-flange = Bolting Flange Thickness (mm)
tc-design = Cover Plate Required Thickness per API-650 (mm)
tc-req = Cover Plate Minimum Required Thickness (mm)
tf-design = Cover Plate Required Thickness per API-650 (mm)
tf-req = Bolting Flange Minimum Required Thickness (mm)

CA-cover = 3.2 mm
Lmax = 13.167 m
Ma-cover = A516-70
Ma-flange = A516-70
SG = 1
d-cover = 768.35 mm
t-cover = 19.05 mm
t-flange = 19.05 mm

Water Density (Y) = 0.01 MPa/m

As per API-650, Coefficient For Circular Plate (C) = 0.3

Cover Plate Material Properties and Required Thickness

Material = A516-70
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-cover) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-cover) = -4.79 °C

Sd = MIN(Sy-cover , 205) / 2 = 102.5 MPa

As per API-650, Cover Plate Erection Thickness (tc-erec) = 8 mm

tc-design = (d-cover * SQRT(((C * Y * Lmax * MAX(SG , 1)) / Sd))) + CA-cover

tc-design = (768.35 * SQRT(((0.3 * 0.0098 * 13.167 * MAX(1 , 1)) / 102.5))) + 3.2
tc-design = 18.139 mm

tc-req = MAX(tc-erec , tc-design)

tc-req = MAX(8 , 18.1395)
tc-req = 18.139 mm

t-cover >= tc-req ==> PASS

Bolting Flange Material Properties and Required Thickness

Material = A516-70
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-flange) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-flange) = -4.79 °C

As per API-650, Bolting Flange Erection Thickness (tf-erec) = 6 mm

tf-design = tc-design - 3
tf-design = 18.1395 - 3
tf-design = 15.139 mm

tf-req = MAX(tf-erec , tf-design)

tf-req = MAX(6 , 15.1395)
tf-req = 15.139 mm

t-flange >= tf-req ==> PASS

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Shell Clean Out: EL1 - 38" x 48" ENTRADA DE
A-design = Cleanout Assembly Available Area for the Design Condition per API-650 (mm^2)
A-neck = Cleanout Neck Available Area per API-650 (mm^2)
A-repad = Cleanout Repad Available Area per API-650 (mm^2)
A-test = Cleanout Assembly Available Area for the Hydrostatic Test per API-650 (mm^2)
Acsd = Required Cross Sectional Area for the Design Condition per API-650 (mm^2)
Acst = Required Cross Sectional Area for the Hydrostatic Test per API-650 (mm^2)
As-design = Cleanout Assembly Shell Plate Available Area for the Design Condition per API-650 (mm^2)
As-test = Cleanout Assembly Shell Plate Available Area for the Hydrostatic Test per API-650 (mm^2)
CA = Corrosion Allowance (mm)
D = Tank Nominal Diameter (m)
L = Cleanout Repad Height from Bottom Plate (mm)
L-eff = Cleanout Repad Effective Height per API-650 (mm)
L-max = Repad Maximum Height per API-650 (mm)
L-min = Repad Minimum Height per API-650 (mm)
Lmax = Maximum Design Liquid Level (m)
Ma-bottom = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Material
Ma-neck = Cleanout Neck Material
Ma-plate = Cleanout Assembly Shell Plate Material
Ma-repad = Cleanout Repad Material
SG = Product Specific Gravity
SGt = Hydrotest Liquid Specific Gravity
Sd = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Allowable Stress per API-650 (MPa)
Sut1 = Bottom Course Tensile Strength (MPa)
Sy = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Yield Strength per API-650 (MPa)
Sy1 = Bottom Course Yield Strength (MPa)
Yd = Y value for determning the Area Coefficient for the Design Condition per API-650 Figure 5.11
Yt = Y value for determning the Area Coefficient for the Hydrostatic Test per API-650 Figure 5.11
b = Cleanout Opening Horizontal Clear Width (mm)
h = Cleanout Opening Vertical Clear Height (mm)
hs1 = Bottom Course Height (m)
t-neck = Cleanout Neck Thickness (mm)
t-repad = Cleanout Repad Thickness (mm)
t-repad-req = Repad Required Thickness (mm)
t1d = Bottom Course Calculated Design Thickness (mm)
t1t = Bottom Course Calculated Hydrotest Thickness (mm)
tb = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Thickness (mm)
tbr = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Required Thickness per API-650 (mm)
ts = Cleanout Assembly Shell Plate Thickness (mm)
ts1 = Bottom Course Installed Thickness (mm)
wb = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Centerline Width (mm)
wb-req = Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Required Centerline Width per API-650 (mm)

CA = 3.2 mm
D = 85.382 m
L = 1,372 mm
Lmax = 13.167 m
Ma-bottom = A516-70
Ma-neck = A516-70

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Ma-plate = A516-70
Ma-repad = A516-70
SG = 1
SGt = 1
Sut1 = 485.0 MPa
Sy1 = 260.0 MPa
b = 1,219 mm
h = 914.0 mm
hs1 = 2.438 m
t-neck = 38.1 mm
t-repad = 38.1 mm
t1d = 32.988 mm
t1t = 26.632 mm
tb = 31.75 mm
ts = 38.1 mm
ts1 = 38.1 mm
wb = 423.003 mm

- Cleanout details shall be as shown in API-650 Figure 5.12, Figure 5.13, and Tables 5.9a through
- As per API-650, the reinforced opening shall be completely preassembled into a shell
plate, and the completed unit, including the shell plate at the cleanout fitting, shall be thermally
stress-relieved as described in API-650 5.7.4
- The notch toughness of the bolting flange and the cover plate shall be based on the governing
thickness as defined in using Table 4.3a, Table 4.3b, and Figure 4.1.

Material Properties
Cleanout Shell Plate Material Properties
Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-shell-plate) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-shell-plate) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-shell-plate) = 8.66 °C

Cleanout Neck Material Properties

Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-neck) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-neck) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-neck) = 8.66 °C

Cleanout Bottom Reinforcing Plate Material Properties

Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-bottom) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-bottom) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-bottom) = 4.18 °C

Cleanout Repad Material Properties

Material = A516-70
Minimum Tensile Strength (Sut-repad) = 485.0 MPa
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-repad) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-repad) = 8.66 °C

Size Requirements
As per API-650, Maximum Cleanout Height for Material Group IV (h-max) = 914 mm
As per API-650, Maximum Cleanout Width (b-max) = 1,219 mm

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L-min = h + 150
L-min = 914.0 + 150
L-min = 1,064 mm

L-max = hs1 - 375

L-max = 2,438.4 - 375
L-max = 2,063.4 mm

Reinforcement Requirements
Design Condition
Yd = ((((Lmax + 8.8) * D) + 71.5) / (1.408 * h)) * (((123 * t1d) / (4.9 * D * (Lmax - 0.3)))^0.5)
Yd = ((((13.167 + 8.8) * 85.3821) + 71.5) / (1.408 * 914.0)) * (((123 * 32.9881) / (4.9 * 85.3821 *
(13.167 - 0.3)))^0.5)
Yd = 1.314

As per API-650 Figure 5.11, Area Coefficient for the Design Condition (K1d) = 1

Acsd = (K1d * h * t1d) / 2

Acsd = (1 * 914.0 * 32.9881) / 2
Acsd = 15,075.539 mm^2

L-eff = MIN(L , (1.5 * h)) - h - t-neck

L-eff = MIN(1,372 , (1.5 * 914.0)) - 914.0 - 38.1
L-eff = 418.9 mm

A-repad = L-eff * t-repad

A-repad = 418.9 * 38.1
A-repad = 15,960.09 mm^2

A-neck = 2 * t-repad * t-neck

A-neck = 2 * 38.1 * 38.1
A-neck = 2,903.22 mm^2

As-design = (1.5 * h) * (ts1 - t1d)

As-design = (1.5 * 914.0) * (38.1 - 32.9881)
As-design = 7,008.483 mm^2

A-design = A-repad + A-neck + As-design

A-design = 15,960.09 + 2,903.22 + 7,008.4829
A-design = 25,871.793 mm^2

A-design >= Acsd ==> PASS

Hydrostatic Test Condition

Yt = ((((Lmax + 8.8) * D) + 71.5) / (1.408 * h)) * (((123 * t1t) / (4.9 * D * (Lmax - 0.3)))^0.5)
Yt = ((((13.167 + 8.8) * 85.3821) + 71.5) / (1.408 * 914.0)) * (((123 * 26.6317) / (4.9 * 85.3821 *
(13.167 - 0.3)))^0.5)
Yt = 1.18

As per API-650 Figure 5.11, Area Coefficient for the Hydrostatic Test (K1t) = 1

Acst = (K1t * h * t1t) / 2

Acst = (1 * 914.0 * 26.6317) / 2
Acst = 12,170.688 mm^2

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As-test = (1.5 * h) * (ts1 - t1t)
As-test = (1.5 * 914.0) * (38.1 - 26.6317)
As-test = 15,723.036 mm^2

A-test = A-repad + A-neck + As-test

A-test = 15,960.09 + 2,903.22 + 15,723.0361
A-test = 34,586.346 mm^2

A-test >= Acst ==> PASS

t-repad-req = MAX((Acsd - A-neck - As-design) , (Acst - A-neck - As-test) , 0) / L-eff

t-repad-req = MAX((15,075.539 - 2,903.22 - 7,008.4829) , (12,170.688 - 2,903.22 - 15,723.0361) ,
0) / 418.9
t-repad-req = 12.327 mm

As per API-650, repad thickness shall not be less than the cleanout assembly shell plate
thickness (38.1mm).

Bottom Reinforcing Plate Requirements

wb-req = 250 + ts + t-repad
wb-req = 250 + 38.1 + 38.1
wb-req = 326.2 mm

wb >= wb-req ==> PASS

Water Density (Y) = 0.01 MPa/m

Sy = MIN(Sy-bottom , 205)
Sy = MIN(260.0 , 205)
Sy = 205 MPa

Sd = MIN(145 , (0.7 * Sy))

Sd = MIN(145 , (0.7 * 205))
Sd = 143.5 MPa

tbr = ((0.0004027 * (h^2)) / Sd) + (b * SQRT(((0.5 * Y * Lmax * MAX(SG , 1)) / Sd))) + CA

tbr = ((0.0004027 * (914.0^2)) / 143.5) + (1,219 * SQRT(((0.5 * 0.0098 * 13.167 * MAX(1 , 1)) /
143.5))) + 3.2
tbr = 31.405 mm

tb >= tbr ==> PASS

Cover Plate and Bolting Flange Design

C = Coefficient Based on Cover Plate Shape per API-650
CA-cover = Cover Plate and Bolting Flange Corrosion Allowance (mm)
Lmax = Design Liquid Level (m)
Ma-cover = Cover Plate Material
Ma-flange = Bolting Flange Material
SG = Product Specific Gravity
b = Horizontal Opening Width (mm)
h = Vertical Opening Height (mm)
ratio = Height to Width Ratio per API-650
t-cover = Cover Plate Thickness (mm)
t-flange = Bolting Flange Thickness (mm)
tc-design = Cover Plate Required Thickness per API-650 (mm)

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tc-req = Cover Plate Minimum Required Thickness (mm)
tf-design = Cover Plate Required Thickness per API-650 (mm)
tf-req = Bolting Flange Minimum Required Thickness (mm)

CA-cover = 3.2 mm
Lmax = 13.167 m
Ma-cover = A516-70
Ma-flange = A105
SG = 1
b = 1,219 mm
h = 914.0 mm
t-cover = 25.4 mm
t-flange = 25.4 mm

Water Density (Y) = 0.01 MPa/m

ratio = h / b
ratio = 914.0 / 1,219
ratio = 0.75

C = 1 / (1.34 * (1 + (1.61 * (ratio^3))))

C = 1 / (1.34 * (1 + (1.61 * (0.7498^3))))
C = 0.445

Cover Plate Material Properties and Required Thickness

Material = A516-70
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-cover) = 260.0 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-cover) = -0.31 °C

Sd = 145 = 145 MPa

As per API-650, Cover Plate Erection Thickness (tc-erec) = 10 mm

tc-design = ((h + 150) * SQRT(((C * Y * Lmax * MAX(SG , 1)) / Sd))) + CA-cover

tc-design = ((914.0 + 150) * SQRT(((0.4446 * 0.0098 * 13.167 * MAX(1 , 1)) / 145))) + 3.2
tc-design = 24.374 mm

tc-req = MAX(tc-erec , tc-design)

tc-req = MAX(10 , 24.3739)
tc-req = 24.374 mm

t-cover >= tc-req ==> PASS

Bolting Flange Material Properties and Required Thickness

Material = A105
Minimum Yield Strength (Sy-flange) = 205 MPa
Permissible Design Metal Temperature (MDMT-permissible-flange) = -3.2 °C

As per API-650, Bolting Flange Erection Thickness (tf-erec) = 10 mm

tf-design = tc-design
tf-design = 24.3739
tf-design = 24.374 mm

tf-req = MAX(tf-erec , tf-design)

tf-req = MAX(10 , 24.3739)

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tf-req = 24.374 mm

t-flange >= tf-req ==> PASS

Roof Manway: M2 - Ø24" ENTRADA HOMBRE

Repad Design
(Per API-650 Section 5.8.4 and other references below)
MANWAY Description : 24 in Neck Thickness 7.94
Material: A516-70

t_rpr = (Repad Required Thickness)

MOUNTED ON ROOF: Elevation = 14.7304 m

t-calc = 8.2 mm
t_cr = 7.91 mm (Roof t-act less C.A)
t_c = 11.11 mm
t_Basis = 8.2 mm
Repad Type: Circular
Repad Size (Do): 1169 mm


Required Area = t_Basis * D

Required Area = 8.2 * 625.48
Required Area = 5128.936 mm^2

Available Roof Area = (t_c - t_Basis) * D

Available Roof Area = (11.11 - 8.2) * 625.48
Available Roof Area = 1820.147 mm^2

Available Manway Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (t_n - CA)) + t_c] * (t_n - ca) * MIN((Sd_n/Sd_s) 1)
Available Manway Neck Area = 2 * [(4 * (7.94 - 3.2)) + 11.11] * (7.94 - 3.2) * MIN((173/173) 1)
Available Manway Neck Area = 285.064 mm^2

A-rpr = (Required Area - Available Roof Area - Available Manway Neck Area)
A-rpr = 5128.936 - 1820.147 - 285.064
A-rpr = 3023.726 mm^2

t_rpr = (A_rpr / (repad-min-OD - D)) + repad_CA

t_rpr = (3023.726 / (1,169 - 625.48)) + 3.2
t_rpr = 8.763 mm

Reinforcement Pad is required.

Based on Roof Manway Size of 24"
Repad Size (OD) Must be 1150 mm

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Normal and Emergency Venting (API-
2000 7th Edition) Back
Normal Venting
T-operating = Product storage temperature (°C)
VIT = Required in-breathing flow rate due to thermal effects per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
VOT = Required out-breathing flow rate due to thermal effects per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
Vi = Total required in-breathing volumetric flow rate (m^3/hr)
Vip = Required in-breathing flow rate due to liquid movement per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
Vo = Total required out-breathing volumetric flow rate (m^3/hr)
Vop = Required out-breathing flow rate due to liquid movement per API-2000 (m^3/hr)
Vpe = Maximum emptying rate (m^3/hr)
Vpf = Maximum filling rate (m^3/hr)
Vtk = Tank capacity (m^3)
insulation_type = Insulation type
latitude = Latitude zone
vapor_pressure_type = Vapor pressure type

T-operating = 50 °C
Vpe = 22.71 m^3/hr
Vpf = 22.71 m^3/hr
Vtk = 88,796.047 m^3
insulation_type = NO-INSULATION
latitude = BETWEEN-42-AND-58
vapor_pressure_type = HEXANE-OR-SIMILAR

Vip = Vpe
Vip = 22.71
Vip = 22.71 m^3/hr

As per API-2000 Table-2, C factor (C) = 5

VIT = C * (Vtk^0.7) * 1
VIT = 5 * (88,796.0474^0.7) * 1
VIT = 14,549.416 m^3/hr

Vi = Vip + VIT
Vi = 22.71 + 14,549.4156
Vi = 14,572.126 m^3/hr

Vop = Vpf
Vop = 22.71
Vop = 22.71 m^3/hr

As per API-2000 Table-1, Y factor (Y) = 0.25

VOT = Y * (Vtk^0.9) * 1
VOT = 0.25 * (88,796.0474^0.9) * 1
VOT = 7,103.858 m^3/hr

Vo = Vop + VOT

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Vo = 22.71 + 7,103.8581
Vo = 7,126.568 m^3/hr

Emergency Venting
ATWS = Wetted surface area (m^2)
D = Tank diameter (m)
F = Environmental factor per API-2000
Hs = Tank height (m)
P = Design pressure (kPa)
insulation_type = Insulation type
q = Required emergency venting capacity per API-2000 Table 5 and (m^3/hr)
vapor_pressure_type = Vapor pressure type

D = 85.382 m
Hs = 14.63 m
P = 0.981 kPa
insulation_type = NO-INSULATION
vapor_pressure_type = HEXANE-OR-SIMILAR

As per API-2000 Table 9, Environmental factor for insulation (F_ins) = 1.0

As per API-2000 Table 9, Environmental factor for drainage (F_drain) = 1.0

F = MIN(F_ins , F_drain)
F = MIN(1.0 , 1.0)
F = 1.0

ATWS = pi * D * MIN(Hs , 9.14)

ATWS = pi * 85.3821 * MIN(14.63 , 9.14)
ATWS = 2,451.675 m^2

q = 19910 * F
q = 19910 * 1.0
q = 19,910 m^3/hr

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Capacities and Weights Back
Capacity to Top of Shell (to Tank Height) : 522,161 BBLS
Capacity to Design Liquid Level : 469,515 BBLS
Capacity to Maximum Liquid Level : 469,515 BBLS
Working Capacity (to Normal Working Level) : 398,443 BBLS
Net working Capacity (Working Capacity - Min Capacity) : 297,449 BBLS
Minimum Capacity (to Min Liq Level) : 100,993 BBLS

New Condition New Condition Corroded Corroded

(N) (Kg) (N) (Kg)
SHELL 7,662,886 781,397 6,697,540 682,959
ROOF 4,908,246 500,502 3,494,530 356,343
RAFTERS 2,194,182 223,745 1,529,266 155,942
GIRDERS 520,198 53,046 422,134 43,046
FRAMING 0 0 0 0
COLUMNS 464,310 47,347 464,310 47,347
TRUSS 0 0 0 0
15,759 1,607 15,759 1,607
BOTTOM 4,206,586 428,953 2,793,350 284,843
STAIRWAYS 27,498 2,804 27,498 2,804
STIFFENERS 173,000 17,642 127,835 13,036
ANCHOR CHAIRS 43,111 4,396 43,111 4,396
APPURTENANCES 86,714 8,843 86,714 8,843
TOTAL 20,302,490 2,070,282 15,702,047 1,601,166

Weight of Tank, Empty : 20,302,490 N

Weight of Tank, Full of Product (Design SG = 1) : 758,960,442.49 N
Weight of Tank, Full of Product (Operating SG = 1) : 758,960,442.49 N
Weight of Tank, Full of Water : 758,960,447.026 N
Net Working Weight, Full of Product (Design SG = 1) : 594,814,234.353 N
Net Working Weight, Full of Product (Operating SG = 1) : 594,814,234.353 N
Net Working Weight Full of Water : 594,814,234.353 N

Foundation Area Req'd : 5,744.17 m^2

Foundation Loading, Empty : 3,534.451 N/m^2
Foundation Loading, Full of Product Design : 132,127.081 N/m^2
Foundation Loading, Full of Water : 132,127.082 N/m^2

Roof : 5,746.121 m^2
Shell : 3,922.538 m^2
Bottom : 5,744.17 m^2

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Internal Pressure Moment : 239,394,982.103 N-m
Wind Moment : 149,524,991.436 N-m
Seismic Moment (Ringwall) : 97,497,219.197 N-m
Seismic Moment (Slab) : 622,654,223.126 N-m



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Reactions on Foundation Back
Arsc = Area of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Columns (per column) (m^2)
Arss = Area of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Shell (m^2)
Wc = Columns Weights (N)
Wrsc = Dead Load on Columns (N)
Wrss = Weight of Tank Roof Supported by the Tank Shell (kg)
Ws = Weight of the Tank Shell and Shell Appurtenances (kg)
Wss = Roof Structure Weight Supported by The Tank Shell (kg)
d-water = Water Density (kg/m^3)
yb = Bottom Plate Density (kg/m^3)

Arsc = [89.383 119.178 119.178 126.32 ] m^2

Arss = 1,445.137 m^2
Wc = [25,764.986 15,410.537 12,290.354 11,682.116 ] N
Wrsc = [230,635.631 162,348.14 154,718.063 165,471.469 ] N
Wss = 46,255.489 kg
d-water = 1,000 kg/m^3
yb = 7,840 kg/m^3

Wrss = ((Wr-pl + Wr-ins + Wr-attachments) * (Arss / A)) + Wss

Wrss = ((500,500.9969 + 0.0 + 524.8879) * (1,445.1371 / 5,746.1218)) + 46,255.4895
Wrss = 172,262.404 kg

Ws = Ws-pl + Ws-ins + Ws-attachments + Ws-framing

Ws = 781,396.8414 + 0.0 + 20,310.3299 + 17,770.8233
Ws = 819,477.995 kg

Unfactored (Working Stress) Downward Reactions on Foundations

Load Case Location Equation Value Unit
Dead Load Shell (Ws + Wrss) / (pi * D) 36,257.844 N/m
Dead Load Center Column Wc-0 + Wrsc-0 256,400.617 N
Radial Bay 1
Dead Load Wc-1 + Wrsc-1 177,758.676 N
Radial Bay 2
Dead Load Wc-2 + Wrsc-2 167,008.418 N
Radial Bay 3
Dead Load Wc-3 + Wrsc-3 177,153.586 N
Dead Load Bottom tb * yb * 9.806649999999999E-6 0.732 kPa
Internal Pressure Bottom P 0.981 kPa
Vacuum Shell (Pv * Arss) / (pi * D) 0.0 N/m
Vacuum Center Column Pv * Arsc-0 0.0 N
Radial Bay 1
Vacuum Pv * Arsc-1 0.0 N
Radial Bay 2
Vacuum Pv * Arsc-2 0.0 N
Radial Bay 3
Vacuum Pv * Arsc-3 0.0 N
Hydrostatic Test Bottom Lmax * d-water * (9.80665 / 1000) 129.124 kPa

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Minimum Roof Live
Shell (Lr * Arss) / (pi * D) 5,387.563 N/m
Minimum Roof Live
Center Column Lr * Arsc-0 89,383.199 N
Minimum Roof Live Radial Bay 1
Lr * Arsc-1 119,177.599 N
Load Column
Minimum Roof Live Radial Bay 2
Lr * Arsc-2 119,177.599 N
Load Column
Minimum Roof Live Radial Bay 3
Lr * Arsc-3 126,319.509 N
Load Column
((4 * (Mrw / D)) + (0.4 * (Ws + Wrss) *
Seismic Shell 17,705.494 N/m
Av)) / (pi * D)
Seismic Bottom (32 * Ms) / (pi * (D^3) * 1000) 10.189 kPa
Snow Shell (S * Arss) / (pi * D) 0.0 N/m
Snow Center Column S * Arsc-0 0.0 N
Radial Bay 1
Snow S * Arsc-1 0.0 N
Radial Bay 2
Snow S * Arsc-2 0.0 N
Radial Bay 3
Snow S * Arsc-3 0.0 N
Stored Liquid Bottom SG * Lmax * d-water * (9.80665 / 1000) 129.124 kPa
Pressure Test Bottom Pt 1.226 kPa
Wind Shell (2 * (Hs^2) * PWS) / (pi * D) 642.51 N/m
• Seismic bottom reaction varies linearly from 32*Ms/(PI*D^3) at the tank shell to zero at the
center of the tank

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MAWP & MAWV Summary Back
MAWP = Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MAWV = Maximum Allowable Working Vacuum

MAWP and MAWV reversed calculations are not part of the standard API-650. User must validate
these values in a new design. Under these conditions additional appendices may apply.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

MAWP = 18 kPa or 1,835.658 mmh2o (per API-650 App. F.1.3 & F.7)
MAWP = N/A (due to shell)
MAWP = 2.855 kPa or 291.156 mmh2o (due to roof)
MAWP = 0.985 kPa or 100.451 mmh2o (due to top member)
MAWP = 0.985 kPa or 100.494 mmh2o (per API-650 App. F.4 & F.5)
TANK MAWP = 0.985 kPa or 100.494 mmh2o

Maximum Allowable Working Vacuum

MAWV = -6.9 kPa or -703.669 mmh2o (per API-650 V.1)

MAWV = N/A (due to shell) (API-650 App.V not applicable)
MAWV = N/A (due to roof)
MAWV = -0.626 kPa or -63.878 mmh2o (due to structure)
TANK MAWV = -0.626 kPa or -63.878 mmh2o

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