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Why Should We Choose Christian

Education For Our Children?

1. Can my child get a quality education at students for a job. Others equip
a Christian School? students for life. Only a Christian
education has the potential to do both,
It’s true that, generally speaking, because only a Christian education is
students at Christian schools out-perform grounded in the knowledge of our
their public school peers. Reliable Creator, who grants wisdom and
statistics bear that out. But that doesn’t understanding to anyone who seeks
mean every child in a Christian school Him first.
will excel. The important thing for you as
a parent to remember is that attending 3. What if we can’t afford Christian
a Christian school in no way prohibits education?
your children from getting a quality
education. In many cases, it will This is a very real problem, and one
enhance their experience, because in of the most common parental
addition to solid academic training, objections. Christian schools cost
they’ll be continually reminded of the money. A lot of money. However,
spiritual foundation upon which all before we get too carried away with
intellectual pursuits are built. As the fiscal concerns, we need to ask
Apostle Paul writes, “in (Christ) are ourselves an important question: Do we
hidden all the treasures of wisdom and have a moral obligation to give our
knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). children a Christian education? If so,
then God will do for us what He does
2. What is a Christian Education? anytime He gives us a command. He’ll
give us the means to obey it.
A Christian education is one in which Statements like “God will make a
the infallible truths of Scripture reign way” or “If He’s called you, He’ll equip
paramount. They form the foundation you” may sound a little trite. However,
upon which all academic pursuits are they happen to be true. If you have a
built, and for that reason, students are biblical mandate to provide your
often better able to reach their full children with a Christian education –
educational potential. and “Again, the kingdom of heaven is
God expects children to be taught like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and
the truth in every subject. That requires upon finding one pearl of great value,
educators to approach their craft – and he went and sold all that he had, and
their lives - from a biblical worldview. bought it.” (Matthew 13:45-46) all of us
Otherwise, teachers are wholly have to make that determination for
incapable of instilling or reinforcing that ourselves – God won’t let a little thing
worldview in the lives of their students. like insufficient funds stop you from
Students need a challenging, obeying Him. Not if you’re committed
comprehensive academic curriculum to hearing and obeying His will in the
built on a foundation of biblical matter.
absolutes. Some institutions prepare

Challenging Our Students To Grow In Knowing, Loving and Serving God and Others. II Peter 3:18
He may give you a raise. He may and on your gates, so that
show you how to cut a few corners. But your days and the days of
one way or another, He will make a way your children may be many in
– because if educating your children in the land that the LORD swore
a Christian setting is a genuine to give your forefathers …”
responsibility, the financial cost (Deuteronomy 11:18-21).
becomes a genuine need. And God Here we see God instructing His
has promised to supply all your needs people how to live as they prepare to
according to His riches in glory by Christ go into the Promised Land. Critical to
Jesus (Philippians 4:19). the life and health of His people is :Train
At the end of the day, God may ask a child in the way he should go, and
you to take a step of faith. Then when he is old he will not turn from it.”
another. Then another. Pretty soon, (Proverbs 22:6) the teaching of the
you’ll be walking in a promise that’s Word of God by parents on a daily basis
been repeated so often it’s become the in every situation.
quintessential Christian cliché. When Here’s the problem. Public schools
God calls us to a task, He equips us to are not allowed to teach the book
fulfill it. The Red Sea was no match for upon which you, as a Christian, have
Him. The red in your checkbook won’t based your life. The question is not,
be, either. “Should I consider Christian education?”
but rather, “Why should I consider
4. What does God tell us to do with anything else?”
our children? The education of children and youth
must be based on God’s Word as
The first part of this answer has to do absolute truth. If the school your
with your role as parent. You are the children attend adopts any other
God-appointed leader of your children, approach, it is competing directly
it should come as no surprise that the against your training at home, and
overwhelming task of raising and ultimately, against the training God
educating them is in your hands. The wants you to give them.
Apostle Paul put it this way: “Fathers, do
not exasperate your children; instead, 5. I went to public school and I turned out
bring them up in the training and okay. Can't my children do the same?
instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).
The question is, what are you The short answer is yes. Just like you
supposed to teach them? And God has did, your kids can turn out okay. Maybe
a great deal to say about that. In even better than okay. But our arrival at
Deuteronomy 11, for example, He says a place called “okay” does not
the education of children is a 24-hour-a- necessarily mean that all our choices
day, 7-day-a-week process that must along the way were the right ones, or
take place from birth through maturity. that our educational experience was
“Fix these words of mine in the best one.
your hearts and minds ... . The real questions are these: Are you
Teach them to your children, the same person today that you would
talking about them when you have been had you attended Christian
sit at home and when you school? And what about the journey
walk along the road, when that brought you here? Might it have
you lie down and when you been a little more joyful, a little less
get up. Write them on the troublesome? Is it possible that God
doorframes of your houses

Challenging Our Students To Grow In Knowing, Loving and Serving God and Others. II Peter 3:18
could have used you for His glory even talking about. Can fifth-graders, or
more than He already has? even junior high students, effectively
These are questions only you can explain the Gospel? And what about
answer, and if you haven’t already, why high school upperclassmen? Are they,
not do it right now? Give this issue an on average, capable of defending their
honest, thoughtful look, and then ask faith to the degree to which they can
God what His will is regarding your be genuine salt and light to their non-
children’s education. Christian peers?
In the vast majority of cases the
6. Why should I send my child to a school answer is no. Simply put, most kids are
that's nowhere near my house when the not mature enough for the job,
public school is right across the street? emotionally or spiritually. They are still at
a time in life when they need to receive
Across the street or across town, salt and light, not provide it.
they’re still in a school for six to eight And in those rare cases in which a
hours a day that is not allowed to teach young person might be up to the task,
God’s relevance. placing your child in public school for
If the issue is safety, you’ll find that that reason would put him or her under
Christian schools are much less tremendous pressure. Sending a child
dangerous, no matter how far away into an environment that is not Christian
they are from home. But if it’s simply a in philosophy sends the message to your
matter of location, you might be letting child that God can be separated from
the school’s proximity cloud your certain areas of their life. It’s a
judgment. When it comes to your dangerous experiment, one that could
decision-making pecking order, have lasting repercussions.
obedience should always precede
convenience. 8. If I put my children in Christian school,
will I be sheltering them from the real
7. Many of my friends say they want their world?
kids to be salt and light in the public
schools. Shouldn't we do that? There’s no denying it. You’ll be
sheltering them from part of secular
Many Christian parents share this society. But even Christian adults have
sentiment. And it’s a noble one, too. been instructed to keep the world at
Every one of us should strive to be salt arm’s length – to be in it but not of it.
and light wherever we find ourselves. How much more should we endeavor to
But we have to be mindful that young protect our children, most of whom are
children (before high school) are nowhere near ready to withstand the
generally not equipped to defend their more sophisticated worldly
faith and influence others. Even with temptations?
high schoolers, it is the unusually well- But make no mistake. We haven’t
grounded student who can impact bought into the common
others for the Kingdom. However, even misconception that Christian schools
with the strongest testimony, we would shield children from every temptation
not recommend that "salt and light" be and all exposure to sin. This is not only
the primary reason for sending your untrue, it’s impossible. Christian schools
child to a public school. have the same type of kids non-
No matter how well-grounded your Christian schools have. Sinners. They’re
children are, it’s highly unlikely they can all prone to offensive behaviors such as
be the kind of salt and light Jesus was selfishness, anger, and malicious talk.

Challenging Our Students To Grow In Knowing, Loving and Serving God and Others. II Peter 3:18
And no matter where your children schools. If your kids are good enough,
attend class, they can hardly escape the scouts will find them.
the worldly influences found in movies,
books and television. 10. Will Attending Christian School Make My
The difference in the Christian school Children Christians?
is that it can apply the Bible to every
instance of sinful thought or action, and While there are no guarantees on
with God’s help, renew the mind of the this score – God has not promised that
child. By doing so, Christians schools everyone who hears the Gospel will
have a better chance of helping embrace it – it is true that faith in Christ
parents produce adults who have been “comes by hearing, and hearing by the
trained in the fine art of godly living and Word of God” (Romans 10:17). Because
thinking. And when they finally enter Christian schools share God’s Word with
the “real” real world, they’ll be much their students daily, your children will
more equipped to handle it. have more opportunities to accept
Christ than they would in any other
9. My child wants to play sports, and the educational setting.
local Christian school has a weak Of course, whether your children
athletic program. What should I do? come to faith in Christ during their
school days or not, one thing is clear.
Let’s clear one troublesome hurdle Their time in Christian school will give
right from the start. Not once does them a better understanding of the
Scripture even hint that athletic Bible, and should they eventually
competition is sinful or immoral. You accept Christ, they will be better able to
and your children are no more defend and share their faith with others.
prohibited from playing sports than you
are from eating a hamburger. In fact,
the Bible encourages healthy
Unfortunately, too many Christians United Christian Schools
presume that once the lawfulness of an represent six Christian schools in
activity has been established, they are Southwest Minnesota;
free to pursue it the same way the world Chandler, Edgerton, Hills, Leota,
does. Many Christian parents place Worthington & Southwest MN Christian
their children in secular schools solely High School.
because of the athletic program. For
them, the pursuit of sports has taken United Christian Schools
precedence over the pursuit of wisdom. 550 Elizabeth St W
This is an anti-biblical mindset. Edgerton, MN 56128
While we sympathize with parents 507.442.4471
who want their children to have every
opportunity to succeed in athletics, the
truth of the matter is that they can
participate in sports without attending
public schools. Many Christian schools
offer sports programs. And for those of Source:
you who have particularly gifted
children, it may help you to know that
college and professional sports rosters
are dotted with graduates of Christian

Challenging Our Students To Grow In Knowing, Loving and Serving God and Others. II Peter 3:18

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