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Begin, began, begun,beginning,comenzar Think thought pensar hold sostener

Find, found, found, finding, encontrar Let permitir throw arrojar

Teach, taught, taught, teaching, enseñar Put poner take tomar
Write, wrote, written, writing, escribir Lend prestar bring traer
Win, won, won, winning, ganar Steal robar wear usar
Keep, kept, kept, keeping, mantener Shake agitar sell vender
Speak, spoke, spoken, speaking, mhablar Leave salir see ver
Do, did, done, doing, hacer Sit sentarce fly volar
Hurt, hurt, hurt hurting, herir Feel sentir come venir
Go, went, gone, going, ir Dream soñar
Read, read, read, reading, leer Order ordenar stop detener
Become,became,become, becoming, llegar Stay permanecer belong pertenecer
Send, sent, sent, sending, enviar Plant plantar ask preguntar
Drive, drove, driven, driving, manejar Try tartar climb trepar
Swim, swam, swum, swimming, nadar Drees vestir turn voltear
Hear, heard, heard, hearing, oir Plan planear end terminar
Forget, forgot, forgotten, forgetting, olvidar I think I’ll buy a car.
Pay, pald, pald, paying, pagar I’m going to buy a car with my savings.
Stand, stood, stood, standing, estar de pie I’m going to talk to him about this issue.
Hit, hit, hit, hitting, golpear I think I am going to study now.

p sin plu S tercera Sujeto + “will” + verbo principal.

1 I We persona en Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + “going to”
2 you you singular. + verbo principal.
3 He they She calls juan continuos
she Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + verbo+ing.
es Ies I was working very hard yesterday. ..
o, x, z, s, ss, sh, ch Try- tries Simple past
she goes to the John studies I painted my house last weekend
park english

p sin plu S tercera

1 I We persona en
2 you you singular.
3 He they She calls juan
es Ies
o, x, z, s, ss, sh, ch Try- tries
she goes to the John studies
park english

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