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Name : Nur Fitri Krisdiyanti

NIM : 1811010053

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Spontaneous Human Combustion tells the story of someone who burns without any
external cause or body burn by the body itself. Many scientists have investigated about this
case, and from the data available their bodies were found on fire but the surrounding places
are intact. One case, on December 5, 1966, was the death of Dr. J. Irving Bentley who was
found burning in his home. Because of the same number of cases, many people conclude that
it's real. Many scientists are not sure about that, because according to them something can be
burned there must be 3 factors, namely very high heat, a source of fuel, and oxygen in the air.
Because humans contain lots of water, it is very difficult to catch fire, but some argue that fat is
the source of fuel. Then, the BBC TV "Q.E.D" tried to do an experiment by wrapping a pig in a
blanket and it worked, burning within a few hours. There is also an expert Brian Ford has a
theory that in a condition called ketosis the human body produces a small amount of
flammable acetone (nail polish remover) if someone drinks it can produce a small spark that
causes the body to burn. There are scientists who agree and disagree, many people also think
that the theory is irrational. And until now it is still a mystery that is hard to miss.

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