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The Goshorns Step by Step

March 2020

When we left the states the corona virus was

going strong in China and there were just a couple
cases on the west coast and other parts of the world.
A week after we arrived in Peru it was spreading
rapidly in Europe, Asia and there were many more
cases in the states. Peru then implemented a
mandatory 14 day quarantine to anyone flying in from
the states and band many flights from around the It’s never this empty.
world. Not long after this Peru closed its borders and
airports. No coming or going. They also put into effect
their Bible study at the prison, also with a huge
no travel in country. No one is permitted to drive and
turnout. Needless to say, all programs have been
you can only leave the house alone to find food or
postponed until the travel ban is lifted.
medicine. If you are caught outside the house
between 8pm and 5am you will be arrested. I received At our Saturday program, Julio and Elena
permission to drive between these time in order to came after the kids had left. They wanted us to
help. I ventured out a few times to get supplies pray for Elena. Since we’ve known them she has
without too much hassle. I tried to take some food to had many medical issues. You might remember
a Peruvian teammate but the military wouldn’t let me them from stories in the past. They do not have
pass. We started worrying more and more about much food and their living conditions are
teammates and families of our programs. More on unimaginable. They live and sleep with the sheep
this on the next page. I know everyone is being and when Jennifer saw this she cried. The
effected by this virus in some way. We’ll continue to community ignores them, they are basically
lift you all up in prayer. outcast. I am in this community often and when I
would see them I would stop and talk. So this past
In our only free week after returning we were
Saturday Julio said something that I never thought
able to have a meeting with the orphanage about
of. He said that I’m the only one who will talk to
Margarita and her sister. Documents from the courts
him and that when I stop just to say “hi” he feels
were not finished so another meeting was scheduled
important. I have to admit that many times I don’t
but needless to say it has been postponed. We had
want to because of time, but I do. Please take time
our kids programs and the kids were so excited as
to let people know you care because it matters.
were the moms. We were also invited for the fourth
The Lord is working all the time and using us even
year in a row to participate in the women's day
when we don’t know it.
celebration at the prison. Jennifer and her team had

We humbly thank you for your continued prayers and

financial support. If you haven’t yet, we ask that you would
prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry in
Peru. Without more financial partners this ministry can not
continue to grow. We love you all and thank you for being
part of God’s work in Peru.
Special Delivery
Many people in the states and around the world are being effected by this virus in one way or another. We
started to worry about Peruvian teammates and people in our programs. On Day 1 of the quarantine we went to
visit Salvador and his neighbors Julio and Elena. We brought both families some food. They were grateful. Day 3 of
the quarantine we were at a commercial grocery store when we were able to contact the sisters from one of our
programs. They were hesitant to say anything but finally told me that they had no food and their parents were
looking in the farming area for food. I nearly had a meltdown in the produce section. We delivered them food and
as we were filling the kitchen table with groceries I could see the emotion in their faces. Day 4, we again went to buy
food, we have to go every day because there is a limit as to how much you can buy at one time. This time, as we
were on the road leading to the area where the children from our programs live, we were stopped by the police and
military. Tim approached the police and told them that we have programs in the community and showed them our
documentation. He explained that there are many families without food and unable to buy any. They told us that we
could deliver food as long as we had on masks and surgical gloves. On this day we were trying to get to Steb and
Estrella’s home but were stopped by about 8 men from the community all wearing masks and gloves. They would
not let us pass even though we told them we were just delivering food for the family at the top of the hill. We
moved on to Milagros’ home. She lives with her parents, 2 siblings and her
aunt and 2 little cousins. When we pulled up, Tim went around the house to
see if they were home, and they were all sitting on two benches just looking
at each other. When he saw them and told them we had food Milagros
jumped up and started clapping. They were facing more than just their
usual hunger pains. I brought the bag into the kitchen to unload and saw
that all they had was a handful of potatoes in the corner on the floor. This is
where most families keep there potatoes. We asked if there was anyway to
contact Steb’s family and she told us his dad was just down the road.
Happily, we were able to give him the groceries. Then we went on the
home of Rut and Ester. These girls are always so hungry each week at the
feeding program. We knocked at the door and their cousin tentatively
opened it. We told them we had food and everyone came to the door; there were 8 people. Their Mom was
motioning to us to enter but you could just see the fear in their eyes. The people here are terrified of this virus. In
the kitchen as we unloaded the food I could only see a few potatoes and half a bottle of oil. The kitchens here have
no cabinets or refrigerators. Everything is either on the table, floor or open shelf. Therefore, we could see
everything they had or didn’t have. Although, this family in particular, was so fearful of exposure to the virus, Mom
gave me a big hug when we left. So for a couple days now we’ve been buying and delivering food to the families.
We are so thankful that we are able to provide a few meals for these precious families. The Lord has truly blessed us
personally and through your donations with the ability to do this small act of kindness. The families we visit are so
grateful that they are being thought of and not forgotten during this uncertain time. They are worthy of our
generosity because they are children of God. They are you and me, just living in different circumstances. We will
continue to do this as long as we’re permitted and we have the resources. We have already went through our
budget for March, April and part of May but it is necessary. We know things are difficult worldwide, but, if you are
able, please consider a donation to this ministry. You can give directly to TMS and in the memo line put Goshorn
special project # 5/540 and mail to TMS Global, PO Box 936559 Atlanta GA. 31193-6559. You can also go online at
Every little bit you give will go a long way. We’re not sure how long these restrictions will be in place, but we are
sure of God’s provisions and we want others to be sure also. This is not about what we’re doing, this is about being
the church. This is about showing others what the church is about and hopefully they will want to be part of God’s
We thank you for making it possible for us to serve. We are so humbled with all your prayer and generous
financial support. We’re so proud to serve with all of you in Peru.
1 John 3:17-18
“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the
love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in
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P r aye r Re q u e s t s a n d P r a i s e s
 Prayers for continued physical,  Prayers for the Bible studies and
emotional and spiritual protection. feeding programs . James 2:26
 Prayers for additional financial and  Prayers for the team coming in June. “As the body without the spirit is
prayer support.  Pray for Gianfranco & that he will dead, so faith without deeds is
 Prayers for travel mercies in Peru. someday hear. dead”.
 Praises for our Peruvian team and
 Prayers for Jennifer’s mom Joan as
the opportunity to serve in Peru.
she battles cancer.
 We are thankful for the support of
 Prayers for parenting from a the body of Christ.
distance. And safety for our children  Thankful for new partners. We’ve had some
in the U.S.
 Thankful we can provide food for
 Prayers for Zumilinda, Luzmilda and families in need during this crisis
drop off in support.
their family. We’ve had deaths, loss
 Prayers for those in the healthcare
of jobs and other life
events that are
God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we uncontrollable. Please
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of God’s word without your prayers and consider joining us
financial support. Please consider partnering with us to further serving step by step in
God’s Kingdom in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
TMS Global
PO Box 936559
Atlanta, Ga. 31193-6559 USA
Designate gifts to: “Goshorn Support 5/540”
Or online at: and go to “give to a missionary”
and use our name.
Or visit our website at:
Email: Normal site on the streets.
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

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