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Social psychology

“Does playing on computer

reduces the individual’s
focus on his/her study?”

Submitted by:
Rudyard von c. echeminada
Stephanie gayle evasco
Marion g. esplanada

Submitted to:
Prof. Mary Jane Bautista
“Social Psychology ”
I. Introduction
With this we will figure out if
playing on computer can really
affect the an individuals studies
This study focuses on how the
individual’s focus on study is
being affected by playing
computer games.

II. Significance
• We can be able to determine if
playing computer games could
reduce the focus of an individual
on his/her study.
• Be able to know the bad effects of
using computer so we can be able
to avoid them.
III. Setting of the Study

Knowing if playing computer games

affect the focus of an individual to
his/her study through observations
and interview with people addicted in
playing computer games.

• Name is not stated for confidentiality
• male
• 17 years of age
• addicted in playing computer games for
almost 3 years
Q1: “Do you play computer games?”
Ans: “Yes.”
Q2: “How long do you play in a day?”
Ans: ”About 3 hours a day.”
Q3: “Are there times that it affects you in your study?”
Ans: “Yes, I always forget to do my assignments because
I’m so excited to play on the computer”
Q4: “How would you compare your grades from the time
you were not yet addicted to the time that you are
already addicted?”
Ans: “My grades on the time that I’m not yet addicted
were far more better than now. I used to have no grades
below 85 but now below 80.”
Q5: “What are the factors that you can consider why you
can’t get those grades anymore?”
Ans: “I guess I lacked interest in my studies because its
now more on playing computer games”

The negative effects of violent computer games
on children
Computer games have a negative
impact on the development of
children, especially contributing to
aggressive and anti-social
behaviour. Playing computer games
has a greater negative effect
because it involves interactivity
which impacts on learning
processes of the child.
• The long term effects involve learning processes. The model puts
forward the idea that each encounter with violent media, is
essentially one more learning trial, since knowledge structures are
built on how humans perceive, interpret, judge and respond to
events based on interactions in the real (in the family or at school)
or perceived (the media) world.
-Daniela’s blog @
This is also one of the blogs in the internet that
answers how could an individual could possibly be
affecting the capability of an individual to learn. Anti-
social behaviour could also affect because going to
school for study requires an individual to be
interactive at his environment and to socialize to
others to be able to have a normal studying habits.
IV. Summary of the Findings
In the interview, the subject states that his
main problem why he has lack focus on his
study was because he’s interest was now more
on playing on computer. This means that
playing on computer has really an effect to
one’s study. With this, we could say that
playing on computer affects the focus of an
individual towards his studies.
On the blog the, since it’s says that
interaction is affected in exposure to these
media, the learning process is also affected
cause attainment of knowledge is being
affected, too. In this way, playing computer
games can affect not only the individuals focus
on study but also the capability of an individual
to learn.
• -Daniela’s blog @
• Internet

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