WEBFOCUS - ReportCaster End User's Manual

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ReportCaster End User’s Manual

Version 5 Release 3

EDA, EDA/SQL, FIDEL, FOCCALC, FOCUS, FOCUS Fusion, FOCUS Vision, Hospital-Trac, Information Builders, the Information Builders logo,
Parlay, PC/FOCUS, SmartMart, SmartMode, SNAPpack, TableTalk, WALDO, Web390, WebFOCUS and WorldMART are registered trademarks,
and iWay and iWay Software are trademarks of Information Builders, Inc.

Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their trademarks. In most, if not
all cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks by their respective companies. It is not this publisher’s
intent to use any of these names generically. The reader is therefore cautioned to investigate all claimed trademark rights before using any
of these names other than to refer to the product described.

Copyright © 2004, by Information Builders, Inc and iWay Software. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. This manual, or parts thereof, may
not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Information Builders, Inc.
This documentation describes how a Managed Reporting Analytical User or a Business
Intelligence Dashboard user can create and distribute a schedule for Standard Reports or
their own My Reports. It is intended for users who want to schedule reports and distribute
those reports to specified recipients.

How This Manual Is Organized

This manual includes the following chapters:

Chapter/Appendix Contents
1 Introducing Describes how to access and use the ReportCaster
ReportCaster Scheduling Wizard, and the ReportCaster HTML User
2 Creating and Discusses how to create, edit, and delete a Distribution
Maintaining a List. It also describes ReportCaster’s burst feature.
Distribution List
3 Creating a Schedule Describes how to schedule a report using the Scheduling
4 Maintaining a Discusses how to edit the properties of a schedule, delete
Schedule a schedule, or run a log report to obtain information
about a schedule.
5 Report Library Describes the Report Library, an optional storage and
retrieval facility for ReportCaster output. Provides
information about creating and maintaining Library
Access Lists, and viewing Library Content.
A ReportCaster Provides descriptions, suggested uses, and considerations
Formats about each ReportCaster output format.
B Tips and Techniques Provides tips and techniques for developing WebFOCUS
for Coding a reports that meet the requirements for scheduling and
ReportCaster Report distribution using ReportCaster.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual iii

Documentation Conventions

Documentation Conventions
The following conventions apply throughout this manual:

Convention Description
THIS TYPEFACE or Denotes syntax that you must enter exactly as shown.
this typeface

this typeface Represents a placeholder (or variable) in syntax for a value that
you or the system must supply.
underscore Indicates a default setting.
this typeface Represents a placeholder (or variable) in a text paragraph, a
cross-reference, or an important term.
this typeface Highlights a file name or command in a text paragraph that
must be lowercase.
this typeface Indicates a button, menu item, or dialog box option you can
click or select.
Key + Key Indicates keys that you must press simultaneously.
{ } Indicates two or three choices; type one of them, not the
[ ] Indicates a group of optional parameters. None are required,
but you may select one of them. Type only the parameter in
the brackets, not the brackets.
| Separates mutually exclusive choices in syntax. Type one of
them, not the symbol.
... Indicates that you can enter a parameter multiple times. Type
only the parameter, not the ellipsis points (…).
. Indicates that there are (or could be) intervening or additional
. commands.

In this manual, the term Internet refers to corporate intranets as well as the Internet.

iv Information Builders

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Customer Support
Do you have questions about ReportCaster?
Call Information Builders Customer Support Services (CSS) at (800) 736-6130 or
(212) 736-6130. Customer Support Consultants are available Monday through Friday
between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. EST to address all your WebFOCUS ReportCaster questions.
Information Builders consultants can also give you general guidance regarding product
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(xxxx.xx) when you call.
You can also access support services electronically, 24 hours a day, with InfoResponse
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section of www.informationbuilders.com also provides usage techniques, diagnostic tips,
and answers to frequently asked questions.
To learn about the full range of available support services, ask your Information Builders
representative about InfoResponse Online, or call (800) 969-INFO.

Information You Should Have

To help our consultants answer your questions most effectively, be ready to provide the
following information when you call:
• Your six-digit site code number (xxxx.xx).
• Your WebFOCUS configuration:
• The front-end you are using, including vendor and release.
• The communications protocol (for example, TCP/IP or HLLAPI), including vendor
and release.
• The software release.
• The server you are accessing, including release (for example, 5.3).

ReportCaster End User’s Manual v

User Feedback

• The stored procedure (preferably with line numbers) or FOCUS commands being used
in server access.
• The name of the Master File and Access File.
• The exact nature of the problem:
• Are the results or the format incorrect? Are the text or calculations missing or
• The error message and return code, if applicable.
• Is this related to any other problem?
• Has the procedure or query ever worked in its present form? Has it been changed
recently? How often does the problem occur?
• What release of the operating system are you using? Has it, WebFOCUS, your security
system, communications protocol, or front-end software changed?
• Is this problem reproducible? If so, how?
• Have you tried to reproduce your problem in the simplest form possible? For example,
if you are having problems joining two data sources, have you tried executing a query
containing the code to access a single data source?
• Do you have a trace file?
• How is the problem affecting your business? Is it halting development or production?
Do you just have questions about functionality or documentation?

User Feedback
In an effort to produce effective documentation, the Documentation Services staff
welcomes any opinion you can offer regarding this manual. Please use the Reader
Comments form at the end of this manual to relay suggestions for improving the
publication or to alert us to corrections. You can also use the Documentation Feedback
form on our Web site, http://www.informationbuilders.com.
Thank you, in advance, for your comments.

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Interested in training? Information Builders Education Department offers a wide variety of
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speak to an Education Representative.

vi Information Builders
1. Introducing ReportCaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1
Accessing and Using the Scheduling Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2
Accessing and Using the ReportCaster HTML User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-3
2. Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
Accessing the Distribution List Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
Creating a Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2
Editing a Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6
Deleting a Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7
Bursting a Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7
3. Creating a Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
Schedule Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2
Report Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5
Bursting Guidelines and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-8
Distribution Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9
Distributing a Report Using E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-9
Distributing a Report to a Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Distributing a Report to Managed Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Distributing a Report to the Report Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Priority and Notification Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
4. Maintaining a Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1
Accessing the Schedule Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
Editing a Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
Deleting a Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
Viewing a Log Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
Purging the Log File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Troubleshooting ReportCaster Log Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Checking the Status of a Scheduled Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Creating, Updating, and Deleting an Execution ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
5. Report Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
Creating and Maintaining a Library Access List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
Viewing Library Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6
Viewing Content in the Report Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-7
PDF Drill Through Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

ReportCaster End User’s Manual vii


A. ReportCaster Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
B. Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-1
Editing WebFOCUS Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-2
Using an Ampersand or a Single Quotation Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-2
HTML and Drill-Down Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-4
Using -HTMLFORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-5
Distributing a TOC Report Using ReportCaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-7
Data Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-9
Using the GRAPH FILE Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10
Distributing a Graphic in a PDF Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12
Financial Modeling Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-12
Using the &&KILL_RPC Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-14
Limitations for Using WebFOCUS Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-15
Known Issues When Using WebFOCUS Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-15

viii Information Builders

Introducing ReportCaster

Topics: Managed Reporting Analytical Users can schedule and

distribute Standard Reports or their own My Reports using
• Accessing and Using the the Scheduling Wizard, which may be accessed from the
Scheduling Wizard Business Intelligence Dashboard and Managed Reporting
• Accessing and Using the Domains environments. Reports can be distributed using
ReportCaster HTML User Interface e-mail, to a printer, as a report in a Managed Reporting
folder, or to the Report Library. In addition, if you are a
Managed Reporting Analytical User with Advanced
privileges, you may schedule Managed Reporting Custom
When scheduling a report, you must select whether to
distribute using a distribution list, distribution file name, or
to a single address. You can distribute an entire report, or
you can break a report into sections using ReportCaster’s
burst feature. When you burst a report, you send only the
relevant report sections to the users you specify.
ReportCaster enables you to determine the recipients of
each scheduled report, the format for the report output,
and when the report will be sent. ReportCaster gives you
the ability to schedule and distribute reports at any time.
The ReportCaster HTML User Interface enables Managed
Reporting Analytical Users to create and maintain
Distribution Lists and Access Lists, edit and delete
schedules, run log reports, and purge the log file.
Additionally, you can check the status of scheduled jobs
that are in the ReportCaster Distribution Server queue, and
create, update, and delete an Execution ID, which is a valid
user ID that is used to run a schedule on a specified server.
Note: Managed Reporting Developers and Administrators
can be configured to access the Scheduling Wizard and
HTML User Interface rather than the ReportCaster
Development and Administration Interface. For details, see
the ReportCaster Development and Administration manual.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 1-1

Accessing and Using the Scheduling Wizard

Accessing and Using the Scheduling Wizard

As a Managed Reporting Analytical User with schedule capability, you can schedule
Standard Reports or your own My Reports using the ReportCaster Scheduling Wizard,
which may be accessed from the Business Intelligence Dashboard and Managed Reporting
Domains environments. If you do not have the schedule capability, contact your Managed
Reporting Administrator to request this capability.
• To create a new schedule from Managed Reporting, right-click a Standard Report or My
Report and select Schedule from the drop-down menu.
• To create a new schedule from the Dashboard, click a Standard Report or My Report
and select Schedule from the drop-down menu:

This opens the Scheduling Wizard, which guides you through the necessary steps for
creating a schedule. For more information about the Scheduling Wizard, see Chapter 3,
Creating a Schedule.
Note: Reporting Objects that have the “Show as Standard Report” or “Show Only as
Standard Report” property selected appear as Standard Reports. However, these Reporting
Objects cannot be scheduled by ReportCaster.

1-2 Information Builders

Introducing ReportCaster

Accessing and Using the ReportCaster HTML User Interface

As a Managed Reporting Analytical User, you must create a schedule using the Scheduling
Wizard. However, all additional ReportCaster functionality is accomplished using the
ReportCaster HTML User Interface.
Note: Managed Reporting Developers and Administrators can also be configured to access
the Scheduling Wizard and HTML User Interface. For details, see Configuring Access to the
ReportCaster User Interfaces in the Accessing ReportCaster and Enabling User Capabilities
chapter in the ReportCaster Development and Administration manual.
You can access the ReportCaster HTML User Interface in one of the following ways:

• From the Managed Reporting Domains environment, click the Clock icon on the
• From the Business Intelligence Dashboard, select ReportCaster from the Tools link in the
banner. You can also add the interface to a Dashboard Content page.
• From a separate browser window, type the following URL:

Is the host name of the ReportCaster Distribution Server.
Is the context root for the ReportCaster Web application in your Application Server
configuration. By default, rcaster is the default value.
The ReportCaster HTML User Interface opens, displaying all schedules that you have
created using the Scheduling Wizard:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 1-3

Accessing and Using the ReportCaster HTML User Interface

From this interface, you may perform the following functions:

• Create and maintain a Distribution List that you can then assign to scheduled reports.
For more information, see Chapter 2, Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List.
• Create and maintain a Library Access List that you can then assign to scheduled reports
that are distributed to the Report Library. For more information about Access Lists and
viewing content in the Report Library, see Chapter 5, Report Library.
• Edit or delete schedules that you have created using the Scheduling Wizard. You can
also run a log report to obtain information about a schedule, and purge the log file to
conserve space. For more information, see Chapter 4, Maintaining a Schedule.
• Check the status of a scheduled job. For more information, see Checking the Status of a
Scheduled Job in Chapter 4, Maintaining a Schedule.
• Create, update, and delete an Execution ID. For more information, see Creating,
Updating, and Deleting an Execution ID in Chapter 4, Maintaining a Schedule.
• Open the online Help file.
• Close the ReportCaster HTML User Interface.
• Although ReportCaster End Users can only view and perform actions on their own
objects (Schedules, Distribution Lists, Log Files, Access Lists, and Execution IDs),
ReportCaster Administrators can view and perform actions on all user’s objects.
• ReportCaster Administrators can customize which languages are available on the
ReportCaster HTML End User logon page by using the Dynamic Language Switch
setting in the ReportCaster Server Configuration tool. For more information, see
Customizing the Dynamic Language Switch in the ReportCaster Server Configuration
chapter in the ReportCaster Development and Administration manual.

1-4 Information Builders

Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List

Topics: When creating a schedule, you can distribute report output

to a single recipient or several recipients. If you are creating
• Accessing the Distribution List
a schedule to be distributed to several recipients, you may
want to create a Distribution List consisting of multiple
• Creating a Distribution List recipients. The Distribution List may then be assigned to
any schedule.
• Editing a Distribution List
If the entire report is not relevant to those receiving it, you
• Deleting a Distribution List
can specify sections of the report to be sent using the burst
• Bursting a Report option. Each person on your Distribution List can receive
different sections of the report depending on the
individual burst values you specify.
If you are distributing to the Report Library, you must
create an Access List instead of a Distribution List. For more
information, see Chapter 5, Report Library.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 2-1

Accessing the Distribution List Interface

Accessing the Distribution List Interface

From the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, click the Distribution List link. All Distribution
Lists that you have access to (public lists and your own private lists) appear:

From the Distribution List window, you can:

• Create a new Distribution List. For more information, see Creating a Distribution List on
page 2-2.
• Edit the properties of a Distribution List. For more information, see Editing a Distribution
List on page 2-6.
• Delete a Distribution List. For more information, see Deleting a Distribution List on
page 2-7.
• Refresh the window so that it contains the latest Distribution List information.
• Open the online Help file.

Creating a Distribution List

How to:
Create a Distribution List
Considerations When Creating a Printer Distribution List

When you create a Distribution List, you specify the name of the Distribution List, the
distribution method (e-mail or printer), the destinations to which the report will be
distributed, the optional burst values, and whether public or private access will be applied.

2-2 Information Builders

Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List

Procedure: How to Create a Distribution List

1. From the Distribution List window, click the New icon . The following window

• Distribution List. Specify a name for your Distribution List (for example, Sales
• Access. Select Public (default) or Private from the drop-down list. Only the owner
and ReportCaster Administrators can view a Private Distribution List, whereas every
ReportCaster user can view a Public Distribution List.
• Distribution Method. Select Email (default) or Printer from the drop-down list.
• Burst Value. If you are bursting a report, specify individual sort values in the Burst
Value field. The burst value is case sensitive and may be a maximum of 75
The burst value for a tabular report will be the first BY field, which is the primary
sort field. The burst value for a graph report will be the second BY field. The burst
value specified must exist in the data source that the scheduled job reports
For more information about bursting a report, see Bursting a Report on page 2-7.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 2-3

Creating a Distribution List

2. Destination. Specify the destinations to which the report will be distributed.

• If you selected Email as the distribution method, type the e-mail addresses of the
recipients (for example, chuck_hill@ibi.com). Be careful typing this information
because there is no edit checking.
You can specify multiple e-mail addresses within a single Destination line. If you
separate each e-mail address by a comma, the e-mail addresses will appear in the
To: line of a single e-mail when the scheduled output is distributed.
You may specify a maximum of 75 characters within a single Destination line.
• If you selected Printer as the distribution method, specify the printer server
locations and names to which you want to distribute the report. Each printer
location and name you specify must be accessible by the ReportCaster Distribution
• If you specified burst values, be sure to match the specified e-mail or printer
destinations with the appropriate burst values.
• The maximum number of e-mail addresses or printers you can specify in a
Distribution List is 9999.
• If you are specifying more than ten e-mail addresses or printers in your Distribution
List, click the Insert icon to insert additional rows.
• For more information about creating an e-mail Distribution List, see Considerations
When Creating a Printer Distribution List on page 2-5.
• For more information about creating a printer Distribution List, see Considerations
When Creating a Printer Distribution List on page 2-5.
3. Click Save to save the Distribution List.

2-4 Information Builders

Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List

Reference: Considerations When Creating a Printer Distribution List

When printing on Windows and UNIX, ReportCaster uses the lp protocol, which runs on top
of TCP/IP to communicate to printers. For printing on z/OS, ReportCaster uses the lpr UNIX
command, which has special options on the mainframe for sysout dest and class.
Note: To verify that you can connect to your printer, ping the printerserver/printername. If
you are unsuccessful, try connecting to the printer’s IP address. If you are successful, you
can use the printer’s IP address when creating a schedule. If you do not want to use the
printer’s IP address, contact your system administrator to update the DNS host name of the
When creating a printer Distribution List, be aware of the following additional platform-
specific considerations:
Information Builders recommends using the PS or DOC format, instead of the WP format,
when printing from a Windows machine.
Contact your UNIX Administrator for a list of defined printers. An administrator can
generate a list of defined printers by using the following UNIX command:
lpstat -t

The printer should be a SYSOUT class (such as A) that has been routed to a printer. For
example, you can indicate that scheduled report output be distributed to a specific
network printer by typing the following printer identification.

Is the SYSOUT class to be assigned to a network printer.
Is the printer location and name.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 2-5

Editing a Distribution List

Editing a Distribution List

From the Distribution List window in the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, you can edit
your own previously created Distribution Lists at any time by performing the following
1. Select the Distribution List you want to edit (for example, Sales Team):

2. Click the Open icon . The properties of the selected Distribution List appear:

3. You can perform the following functions:

• Copy the Distribution List. This is accomplished by changing the name of the
Distribution List. The original Distribution List will remain unaltered.
• Change the values of already existing entries. For example, you can make the
Distribution List Private instead of Public, or you can change the destinations.
• Insert additional Burst values and Destinations by clicking the Insert icon. A new
row appears where your cursor is positioned, enabling you to insert additional
• Delete Burst Values and Destinations by selecting the row and clicking the Delete
4. Once you have made the necessary changes to your Distribution List, click the Save
icon to save the changes.

2-6 Information Builders

Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List

Deleting a Distribution List

From the Distribution List window in the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, you can delete
your own Distribution Lists at any time by performing the following steps:
1. Select the Distribution List you want to delete (for example, Sales Team):

2. Click the Delete icon . A message appears asking for confirmation that you want to
delete the list. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the Distribution List.

Bursting a Report
Bursting a Sales Report

Instead of distributing an entire report, you can use ReportCaster’s burst feature to break a
report into sections to be distributed separately. Bursting enables you to target relevant
sections of a report to individual users. Each report section is saved as a separate file.
If you are distributing a burst tabular report, the burst value is determined by the first BY
field. If you are distributing a burst graph report, the burst value is determined by the
second BY field. The burst value is automatically determined by the internal matrix, which is
a memory area that stores each database field value and calculates values referenced by
the TABLE or GRAPH request.
You can send several report sections to one recipient by specifying that recipient’s
destination (e-mail address or printer) for each section you want to send. You can send
several report sections to one destination, or you can send one report section to several
destinations. The burst values you specify in the Distribution List must exist in the data
source you are reporting against.
Note: If you want to burst a report, you must select the Enable Report Bursting check box
when you create the schedule. The burst values specified in the Burst Value column in the
Distribution List window are ignored unless the schedule specifies to burst the report. For
more information, see Chapter 3, Creating a Schedule.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 2-7

Bursting a Report

Example: Bursting a Sales Report

This sample window shows how to specify burst values when creating a Distribution List.
Using the sales report’s primary sort field values (Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest),
each representative’s e-mail address is associated with the relevant report data.
Since Adam Abernathy needs only the data for the Northeast branch, the sort value
Northeast is listed in the Burst Value column opposite his e-mail address.
However, Chuck Hill works in both the Northeast and Southeast regions. Since he requires
data for both regions, his e-mail address is listed twice, with a burst value for each region
opposite his address.

2-8 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Topics: As a Managed Reporting Analytical User, you can schedule

Standard Reports or your own My Reports using the
• Schedule Options
ReportCaster Scheduling Wizard, which may be accessed
• Report Information from the Business Intelligence Dashboard and Managed
Reporting Domains environments. To create a schedule
• Distribution Options
from Managed Reporting, right-click a Standard Report or
• Priority and Notification Options My Report and select Schedule from the drop-down menu.
To create a schedule from the Business Intelligence
Dashboard, click a Standard Report or My Report and select
Schedule from the drop-down menu. This opens the
Scheduling Wizard, which includes the following windows:
Schedule. Specify when and how often to run the
schedule. For more information, see Schedule Options on
page 3-2.
Report Information. Select the report format, whether or
not to burst the report, and the Execution ID and password.
For more information, see Report Information on page 3-5.
Distribution. Select whether to distribute the report as an
e-mail message, to a printer, as a report in a Managed
Reporting folder, or to the Report Library. You must also
select whether to distribute the report using a Distribution
List, distribution file name, or a single location. For more
information, see Distribution Options on page 3-9.
Settings. Specify the priority level of the schedule and
select notification options. For more information, see
Priority and Notification Options on page 3-24.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-1

Schedule Options

Schedule Options
When you access the ReportCaster Scheduling Wizard, the Schedule window is the first to

3-2 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Enter the following schedule information:

1. Description. Type a descriptive name for the schedule. This name will identify the
schedule. After the schedule runs, the description appears in your list of schedules.
2. Schedule Job. From the drop-down list, select how frequently you want the schedule
to run. Possible values are:
• once. If you want to run the schedule only once. By default, the schedule will
execute immediately. Modify the Start Date or Start Time if you do not want the
schedule to run immediately.
• hours. If you want to run the schedule every n hours. Select a range between 1 and
24 hours, and check the days of the week on which you want to run the schedule.
For example, the following schedule will run every 3 hours on Monday and Friday:

• days. If you want to run the schedule every n days. The following schedule will run
every 5 days:

• weeks. If you want to run the schedule every n weeks. Select how often you want
to run the schedule (for example, every 2 weeks), and check the days of the week
on which you want to run it. The following schedule will run every two weeks on
both Monday and Friday:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-3

Schedule Options

• months. If you want to run the schedule every n months. Select how often you
want to run the schedule (for example, every 3 months), and click the days of the
month on which you want to run it. The following schedule will run every three
months on the 9th and the 23rd:

You can also click the Last Day of Month option at the end of the calendar to run the
schedule on the last day of the month.
• years. If you want to run the schedule every n years. The following schedule will
run every 2 years:

3. Start Date. Using the drop-down lists, specify the date on which you want the
schedule to begin. The current date is the default Start Date.
4. Start Time. Using the drop-down lists, specify the time you want the schedule to
begin. The current time is the default Start Time. The start time applies only to the Start
Date and does not apply to any date thereafter. If you select a time that is after the
current time, the scheduled job will not run until the next instance of the Start Time
that fits within the schedule’s specifications.
5. End Date. Using the drop-down lists, specify the date on which you want the schedule
to end. December 31, 2021 is the default End Date.
6. End Time. Using the drop-down lists, specify the time you want the schedule to end.
12:59 A.M is the default End Time.
7. Enabled (Scheduled jobs run at specified time). Uncheck the Enabled check box if
you want the schedule to be inactive.
8. Delete job if it is not scheduled to run again. Check this option if you want the
schedule to run once and not be stored in the ReportCaster Repository.
9. Click Next on the bottom of the Schedule window to continue to the Report
Information window.

3-4 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Report Information
In this section:
Bursting Guidelines and Limitations

Once you have specified scheduling options, you must specify the Report Information:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-5

Report Information

1. Report Format. Select the report format from the drop-down list. HTML is the default
There are limitations on which formats are valid for certain options. Not all formats are
supported for bursting or for printing. If your report contains a format statement (for
example, FORMAT PDF), be sure to select the same report format in ReportCaster. The
report format specified in this field overrides the format statement in the procedure.
If a TABLE request containing a non-styled format type (for example, ALPHA, COMMA,
DOC, EXCEL, EXL97, TABT, WK1, WP, or XML) is scheduled for distribution as a styled
format type (for example, EXL2K, EXL2K FORMULA, HTML, PDF, or PS), the report is not
created by the WebFOCUS Reporting Server and the ReportCaster log report contains a
"No destination found for this distribution" message. Use a non-styled report format
when scheduling the procedure, or change the TABLE request to a styled format type.
For detailed information about each format, see Appendix A, ReportCaster Formats.
2. Enable Report Bursting. If you want to burst the report, select the Enable Report
Bursting check box. The burst feature enables you to break a report into sections and
distribute the sections separately. Burst values may be specified in a Distribution List or
distribution file. For more information about bursting, see Bursting Guidelines and
Limitations on page 3-8, and Bursting a Report in Chapter 2, Creating and Maintaining a
Distribution List.

3-6 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

3. Execution ID. Specify an Execution ID that is authorized to execute procedures on the

server running the report.
• If the Execution ID field is grayed out, it means that a default Execution ID and
password have been specified within the ReportCaster configuration file.
• If the Execution ID field is not grayed out, and you will be using an Execution ID that
you previously used for a schedule, select the 'Choose Security Information' action
button. Next, select the Execution ID (for example, rcuser) from the drop-down list:

• If the Execution ID field is not grayed out, and you will be using a new Execution ID,
select the 'Enter the Execution Id and Password that will be used to connect to the
WebFOCUS Reporting Server' action button. Next, type the Execution ID and
password in the appropriate text boxes.
Note: The Execution ID is added to the ReportCaster Repository and is viewable in
the ReportCaster HTML User Interface.
4. Click Next on the bottom of the Report Information window to continue to the
Distribution window. For more information, see Distribution Options on page 3-9.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-7

Report Information

Bursting Guidelines and Limitations

Bursting enables you to target relevant sections of a report to individual users. Each section
is saved as a separate file. If you are distributing a burst tabular report, the burst value is
determined by the first BY field. If you are distributing a burst graph report, the burst value
is determined by the second BY field. The burst value is automatically determined by the
WebFOCUS Reporting Server’s internal matrix. The internal matrix is a memory area that
stores each database field value and calculates values referenced by the TABLE or GRAPH
The following are guidelines and limitations that apply to ReportCaster’s burst feature:
• Case. Burst values are case sensitive.
and SVG support bursting. Each burst section of the report will be named
burstvalue.format (for example, Northeast.pdf ).
• ACROSS command. This command is not evaluated as a primary sort field. To burst a
report, you must also include a BY field. Bursting will occur on the BY field.
• FML reports. Bursting an FML report is supported only if the request has a BY field.
• Compound Reports. Cannot be burst.
• TABLEF. No internal sort processing is performed. The specification of a BY field
requires that the data already be sorted in the data source.
• ON TABLE SUBHEAD/ON TABLE SUBFOOT. Creates a SUBHEAD for only the first page
of the report, and a SUBFOOT for only the last page of the report. When bursting a
report, the SUBHEAD and SUBFOOT should occur for each sort break. Therefore, specify
the primary sort field in place of TABLE in the ON command. For example:
ON primarysortfield SUBHEAD

3-8 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Distribution Options
The Distribution window enables you to select how you want to distribute scheduled
report output. You can distribute the report using one of the following methods:
• Email. See Distributing a Report Using E-mail on page 3-9.
• Printer. See Distributing a Report to a Printer on page 3-17.
• Managed Reporting. See Distributing a Report to Managed Reporting on page 3-18.
• Library. See Distributing a Report to the Report Library on page 3-20.

Distributing a Report Using E-mail

How to:
Distribute a Report Using E-mail
Distributing a Report to a Fax Machine Using E-mail
Considerations When Distributing a Report Using Email

You can distribute a report as an e-mail attachment or inline within the body of an e-mail
message. Distributing a report as an inline e-mail message is particularly useful when the
report is distributed to mobile devices, fax machines, or through e-mail systems that do not
support attachments. For more information about distributing a report to a fax machine,
see Distributing a Report to a Fax Machine Using E-mail on page 3-13.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-9

Distribution Options

Procedure: How to Distribute a Report Using E-mail

1. On the Distribution window, select Email from the Distribute Reports by drop-down
list. The following options appear:

3-10 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

2. Mail Information. Select Single Address, Distribution File, or Distribution List from the
drop-down list.
• Single Address. In the accompanying text box, type the e-mail address of the
single recipient. ReportCaster cannot validate the e-mail address. An incorrect or
unresolved address may not be noted in the log file. This is dependent upon the
SMTP mail server’s ability to validate the e-mail address. The SMTP mail server will
return undeliverable e-mail messages to the reply address you specify for the
schedule. The burst option is not supported with this distribution option. The
maximum length of this field is 65 characters.
Tip: You can specify multiple e-mail addresses within a Single Address:
• If you separate each e-mail address by a comma, the e-mail addresses will
appear in the To: line of a single e-mail when the scheduled output is
• If you separate each e-mail address by a semicolon, the e-mail addresses will
appear in the To: line of separate e-mails when the scheduled output is
Additionally, you can use group mail lists (defined on your mail server) with the
Single Address option. Group mail lists enable you to distribute a report or
notification to multiple recipients without having to maintain multiple e-mail
addresses in the ReportCaster Repository. The format of the group mail list is
dependent upon the mail server being used. For example, if you are using a
Microsoft Exchange Server and your group mail list is defined as #group1, you
would enter group1@listdomain in the Single Address field. For more information,
see your mail server administrator.
• Distribution File. In the accompanying text box, type the full path and file name of
the Distribution File. The path and file name must be accessible to the ReportCaster
Distribution Server.
The external file must contain comma-delimited records, where the maximum
length is 75 characters. Records must end with a comma followed by a dollar sign
(,$). Each record must be entered on a separate line in the file.
To specify a record for a burst procedure, use the following format:
e-mail address, burst value,$
To specify a record for a non-burst procedure, use the following format:
e-mail address, ,$
Tip: You can create Distribution Files that are automatically deleted after a
schedule runs. For more information, contact your ReportCaster Administrator.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-11

Distribution Options

• Distribution List. The Single Address drop-down list appears:

From the Select Address drop-down list, select a Distribution List. Note that this
drop-down list displays all e-mail Distribution Lists that you are the owner of, and
all public e-mail Distribution Lists. For more information about creating a
Distribution List, see Chapter 2, Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List.
3. From. This can be any value (for example, the name of the person creating the
schedule). This is not required by ReportCaster, but may be required by your e-mail
4. Reply Address. Type a valid e-mail address. If recipients reply to the e-mail, their
messages will be sent to this address. If your e-mail system is unable to deliver the
content, the undeliverable output message is also returned to this address.
5. Subject. Type the text you want to appear in the message’s subject line. This
information is not required by ReportCaster, but may be needed by your e-mail system.
6. Save As Report Name. Type a name for the report to be distributed. For example, you
might call this report salary. If you selected HTML as the format, this report will be
distributed as salary.htm. If the report is burst, it will be distributed as
7. Specify whether you want to distribute the report as an e-mail attachment, or inline
within the body of an e-mail message:
• If you want to distribute the report inline within the body of an e-mail message,
select the Select report as inline message option button.
• If you want to distribute the report as an e-mail attachment, select the Send report
as attachment option button. If you want to send an optional message within the
body of your e-mail, type the message in the Enter message for body of email box.
You may specify a maximum of 256 characters of text.
8. Click Next on the bottom of the Distribution window to continue to the Settings
window. For more information, see Priority and Notification Options on page 3-24.
Note: For information you should be aware of when creating a schedule using the e-mail
distribution method, see Considerations When Distributing a Report Using Email on
page 3-16.

3-12 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Example: Distributing a Report to a Fax Machine Using E-mail

To distribute an inline e-mail message to a fax machine, you must register your e-mail
address with a third-party e-mail distribution provider. The features offered by providers,
(such as supported area codes and file formats), in addition to requirements on the
structure of e-mail parameter values, may vary. It is important that you select a provider
whose features are compatible with ReportCaster.
The following example shows how to distribute a report directly to a fax machine. The
e-mail address, john_doe@ibi.com, was registered with the e-mail distribution provider
called emfax.com. During the processing of the request, ReportCaster generates the
scheduled report output and then distributes it using the e-mail address of emfax.com. The
reply address specified in ReportCaster is the registered e-mail address that will be
validated by emfax.com. If the e-mail address is valid, emfax.com will distribute the report to
the fax number 12129999999. The validation of the registered e-mail address is performed
by emfax.com, not by ReportCaster.
Note: The syntax used in this illustration is specific to this example. The required syntax for
your provider may be different.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-13

Distribution Options

1. On the Distribution window, select Email from the Distribute Reports by drop-down
list. The following options appear:

3-14 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

2. Mail Information. Select Single Address from the drop-down list.

In the accompanying text box, type the e-mail address to be used by the e-mail
provider according to their requirements. In this example, it is
phone-number@emfax.com or 12129999999@emfax.com (where emfax.com is the
name of your e-mail provider).
Note: You can also select a Distribution List or a Distribution File. However, be sure to use
the syntax required by your provider.
3. From. This can be any value (for example, the name of the person creating the
schedule). This is not required by ReportCaster, but may be required by your e-mail
system or by the e-mail provider.
4. Reply Address. Type your registered e-mail address. If your e-mail system is unable to
deliver the content, the undeliverable output message is returned to this address.
5. Subject. Type the text you want to appear in the message’s subject line. This
information is not required by ReportCaster, but may be needed by your e-mail system
or e-mail provider.
6. Save As Report Name. Type the name of the report to be distributed.
7. Select the Select report as inline message option button.
Note: You cannot distribute an e-mail attachment to a fax machine.
8. Click Next on the bottom of the Distribution window to continue to the Settings
window. For more information, see Priority and Notification Options on page 3-24.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-15

Distribution Options

Reference: Considerations When Distributing a Report Using Email

ReportCaster transfers e-mail asynchronously to your e-mail system. The delivery time
depends upon your e-mail system.
Exchange Mail Server Considerations:
• When distributing a report to an Exchange Server, attachment names have a .txt
extension added to WP and DOC format output. This occurs because WP and DOC
formats are not mapped to a standard MIME type. The Exchange Server interprets WP
and DOC output as a text/plain MIME type and adds the .txt extension to the end of the
file name. For example, hold.wp.txt or hold.doc.txt.
• Exchange Server individual recipient names (person@company.com) and Exchange
Server-defined distribution lists (list@company.com) can be specified in ReportCaster
Distribution Lists. However, Exchange Server user-defined distribution lists cannot be
referenced in a ReportCaster Distribution List. They are defined internally on the user’s
machine. The ReportCaster Distribution List is parsed by the Exchange Server and not
the user’s mail client. Since a ReportCaster Distribution List is parsed by the Exchange
Server, when an external server submits an Exchange Server distribution list, it must
contain the proper prefix and the proper domain (which is prefaced by an @ sign).
Consult your Exchange Server Administrator for these values.
CC:Mail Considerations:
• When you distribute ReportCaster generated e-mail attachments greater than 20K in
size to users of cc:Mail, cc:Mail renames the attachment textitm.txt, ignoring the file
name and extension supplied by the user. This change affects DOC, HTML, and WP
formats on UNIX and Windows platforms. However, despite the naming convention
issue, the attachments contain the correct output and can be viewed if the attachment
is saved to disk with the correct extension.

3-16 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Distributing a Report to a Printer

The following section describes how to schedule a report to a printer.
Procedure: How to Distribute a Report to a Printer
1. On the Distribution window, select Printer from the Distribute Reports by drop-down
list. The following option appears:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-17

Distribution Options

2. Distribution Information. Select Single Printer or Distribution List from the drop-down
• Single Printer. Type the name or IP address of the printer (for example,
printername). The printer must be on a mapped drive that is accessible to the
ReportCaster Distribution Server. The maximum length of this field is 95 characters.
• Distribution List. The Single Address drop-down list appears:

From the Select Address drop-down list, select a Distribution List. Note that this
drop-down list displays all e-mail Distribution Lists that you are the owner of, and
all public e-mail Distribution Lists. For more information about creating a
Distribution List, see Chapter 2, Creating and Maintaining a Distribution List.
Note: If the printer you specify is unrecognized, the “Cannot connect to specified
printer" message will be recorded in the log file when the ReportCaster Distribution
Server tries to distribute the report.
3. Click Next on the bottom of the Distribution window to continue to the Settings
window. For more information, see Priority and Notification Options on page 3-24.

Distributing a Report to Managed Reporting

How to:
Distribute a Report to Managed Reporting
Considerations When Distributing a Report to Managed Reporting

Tip: Information Builders recommends distributing report output to the Report Library
rather than to Managed Reporting. The Report Library includes secure access to library
content, the ability to save multiple versions of the same report output, and the ability to
set an expiration date or keep a specified number of versions.
When you select the Managed Reporting distribution method, the report is distributed to
Managed Reporting as a My Report. Therefore, you cannot distribute Standard Reports
back to Managed Reporting. The report is available to other users who have access to the
Domain. The report is stored in the user’s directory in the Managed Reporting Repository.

3-18 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Procedure: How to Distribute a Report to Managed Reporting

1. On the Distribution window, select Managed Reporting from the Distribute Reports by
drop-down list. The following option appears:

2. Folder Name. Type the job description of the scheduled report. This description must
not exceed 90 characters.
3. Click Next on the bottom of the Distribution window to continue to the Settings
window. For more information, see Priority and Notification Options on page 3-24.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-19

Distribution Options

Reference: Considerations When Distributing a Report to Managed Reporting

When distributing a report to Managed Reporting, consider the following:
• Analytical Users cannot distribute Standard Reports back to Managed Reporting.
• Multiple Managed Reporting reports are distributed to the same folder if they both run
at the same time. Information Builders recommends assigning each Managed
Reporting report a different start time.
• The PostScript (PS) format is not supported for this distribution method.
• When ReportCaster is configured with a WebFOCUS Client on a z/OS UNIX Web server
and a WebFOCUS Reporting Server on z/OS, Managed Reporting distribution is not
supported for EXCEL or WK1 format. This limitation is due to an EBCDIC to ASCII
translation problem. This problem does not occur when the WebFOCUS Client is
installed on UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, Sun) or Windows platforms. Information Builders
recommends using the EXL2K format instead.
• When distributing a report to Managed Reporting with a format of COMMA, the
following information must be added to the /client53/wfs/etc/mime.wfs file to open
the output in Excel:
<ADDTYPE> .csv application/vnd.ms-excel binary yes yes no yes no

• When distributing a report to Managed Reporting, you can only drill-down to another
report if it is a procedure on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. There is currently no
support for drill-down functionality to Managed Reporting procedures.

Distributing a Report to the Report Library

How to:
Distribute a Report to the Report Library

When you create a schedule, you can specify to distribute report output to the Report
Library, an optional storage and retrieval facility. When distributing a report to the Report
Library, you can send an e-mail informing users of its availability and providing the link to
the content in the library.
The Report Library includes secure access to library content, the ability to save multiple
versions of the same report output, and the ability to set an expiration date or keep a
specified number of versions. The Report Library is only available to ReportCaster users
who have been granted library privileges.
For more information about the Report Library, see Chapter 5, Report Library.

3-20 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

Procedure: How to Distribute a Report to the Report Library

1. On the Distribution window, select Library from the Distribute Reports by drop-down
list. The following options appear:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-21

Distribution Options

2. Email for Library. Select the Send email after saving report to library check box to send
an e-mail message to users with access rights to the content in the Report Library. Any
user with access to this report will receive this e-mail message, which contains the URL
address needed to access the scheduled report output.
Selecting the Send email after saving report to library check box activates the following
• From (optional). This can be any value (for example, the name of the person
creating the schedule). This is not required by ReportCaster, but may be required
by your e-mail system.
• Reply Address (required). The sender’s e-mail address. If report recipients reply to
the notification, their messages will be sent to this address. If your e-mail system is
unable to deliver a report, the undeliverable report message is also returned to this
• Subject (optional). Type the text you want to display in the subject line of the
e-mail message.
• Enter message for body of email (optional). Type an e-mail message in the text
box. You can overwrite the default message.
3. Access Options. Select one of the following option buttons to specify which users can
view the report in the library. Depending on what you previously specified, these users
may also receive an e-mail notification when the report is distributed to the library.
• Owner. Only the Owner of the schedule has access to the report in the library. This
is the default value.
• Public. All users with access to the Report Library can view the report in the library.
• Access List. Only the users or groups defined in the Access List can view the report.
For more information about creating a Library Access List, see Creating and
Maintaining a Library Access List in Chapter 5, Report Library.

3-22 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

4. Expiration of Reports in the Library. Select one of the following option buttons:
• Never Expire. The report will remain in the Report Library until it is manually
deleted by the owner or ReportCaster Administrator.
• Expire after. If you select this option button, specify a number and then select one
of the following options:
version(s). The Report Library will store the number of versions specified.
day(s). The Report Library will store the report for the number of day(s) specified.
week(s). The Report Library will store the report for the number of week(s)
month(s). The Report Library will store the report for the number of month(s)
year(s). The Report Library will store the report for the number of year(s) specified.
Note: ReportCaster automatically purges expired reports at 2:00 A.M. each day.
5. Click Next on the bottom of the Distribution window to continue to the Settings
window. For more information, see Priority and Notification Options on page 3-24.
Note: When distributing a report to the Report Library, you can only drill-down to another
report if it is a procedure on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. There is currently no support
for drill-down functionality to Managed Reporting procedures.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-23

Priority and Notification Options

Priority and Notification Options

Once you have specified the distribution options, the Settings window is where you specify
the priority level of the schedule and select notification options:

3-24 Information Builders

Creating a Schedule

1. Priority Level for the Job. Indicate the priority for running the job. 1 is the highest
priority, and 5 is the lowest priority. 3 is the default priority. The ReportCaster
Distribution Server queue sorts scheduled jobs by priority and then by time.
2. Notification will be sent out. Send notification of the schedule’s status to a specified
e-mail address by selecting one of the following options:
• On Error. This is the default value. The specified users are notified when errors are
encountered while running the schedule. Information Builders recommends using
the On Error notification option.
• Always. The specified user is always notified when the schedule runs.
• Never. ReportCaster does not send notification of the schedule’s status under any
circumstances. If you select Never, you may proceed to step 7.
3. Reply Address. Type the sender's e-mail address. If report recipients reply to the
report's sender, their messages will be sent to this address. If your e-mail system is
unable to deliver a report, the undeliverable report message is also returned to this
4. Subject. Type the text you want to display in the message’s subject line. There is a limit
of 255 alphanumeric characters.
5. Brief Notification. Type the e-mail address to which you want a brief notification sent.
A brief notification sends the ID and job description of a schedule, as well as messages
about the schedule (such as “Completed Successfully”). Note that there is no syntax
error checking for this field.
Tip: Information Builders recommends using the Brief Notification option when you
are sending notification to devices that have limited memory, such as pagers and cell
phones. If you want to notify multiple recipients, you can use group mail lists defined
on your mail server provided that you append an @ sign followed by a valid domain.
6. Full Notification. Type the e-mail address to which you want a full notification sent. A
full notification sends a complete Job Process Log Report as an e-mail attachment.
Note that there is no syntax error checking for this field.
Tip: If you want to notify multiple recipients, you can use group mail lists defined on
your mail server provided that you append an @ sign followed by a valid domain.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 3-25

Priority and Notification Options

7. Click Save. The Created New Schedule Successfully message appears.

You can also select the following buttons:
• Back. Takes you back to the previous window.
• Run. Runs and distributes the report immediately but does not save the schedule.
This is useful for test purposes. If the report runs successfully, you will receive a
confirmation message.
• Cancel. Cancels the schedule request.
• Help. Opens the online Help file.
8. Click Close to complete the schedule and exit the Scheduling Wizard.

3-26 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Topics: As a Managed Reporting Analytical User, you can schedule

Standard Reports or your own My Reports using the
• Accessing the Schedule Interface
ReportCaster Scheduling Wizard, which may be accessed
• Editing a Schedule from the Business Intelligence Dashboard and Managed
Reporting Domains environments (for details, see Chapter
• Deleting a Schedule
3, Creating a Schedule).
• Viewing a Log Report
Once you have created the schedule, you can access the
• Purging the Log File ReportCaster HTML User Interface to edit the properties of
• Checking the Status of a Scheduled the schedule, delete the schedule, or run a log report to
Job obtain information about the schedule. Additionally, you
can purge log records to conserve space in the log file,
• Creating, Updating, and Deleting an check the status of your scheduled jobs that are in the
Execution ID ReportCaster Distribution Server queue, and create,
update, and delete your Execution IDs, which are valid user
IDs that you can use to run schedules on a specified server.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-1

Accessing the Schedule Interface
Once you have created a schedule using the Scheduling Wizard, you can perform various
maintenance functions on the schedule. From the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, click
the Schedule link. The Schedule window appears displaying all schedules that you have

The Schedule window contains icons that enable you to:

• Open the Scheduling Wizard to edit the properties of a selected schedule. For more
information, see Editing a Schedule on page 4-3.
• View a log report for a selected schedule. For more information, see Viewing a Log
Report on page 4-6.
• Delete a selected schedule. For more information, see Deleting a Schedule on page 4-5.
• Purge log file information for a selected schedule or for all schedules in your list. For
more information, see Purging the Log File on page 4-12.
• Refresh the current schedule list with any newly created schedules.
• Open the online Help documentation.
Note: If you attempt to access a schedule that was created using the Java Web-Start
(JWS)-based ReportCaster Development and Administration Interface, you will receive a
message informing you that the schedule cannot be opened. Use the JWS tool instead of
the ReportCaster HTML User Interface.

4-2 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Editing a Schedule
From the Schedule window in the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, you can edit your own
previously created schedules at any time by performing the following steps:
1. Select the schedule you want to edit (for example, Sales):

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-3

2. Click the Open icon or double-click the schedule. The Schedule window opens and
displays all previously entered information for the schedule:

3. Make the changes to the schedule. For more information about navigating through the
Scheduling Wizard, see Chapter 3, Creating a Schedule.
4. Click Save.

4-4 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

• If you selected once for the run interval, the schedule will run immediately unless you
change the Start Time to a time later than the current time. All other run intervals will
run at the schedule’s “next run time”.
• If you want your schedule to run immediately, click Run. A new schedule ID is created
for the job. Be advised that this will result in multiple entries in the Report Library for
scheduled output distributed to the library.

Deleting a Schedule
From the Schedule window in the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, you can delete your
own schedules at any time by performing the following steps:
1. Select the schedule you want to delete (for example, Sales):

2. Click the Delete icon . A message appears asking for confirmation that you want to
delete the selected schedule.
3. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the schedule.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-5

Viewing a Log Report
How to:
View a Log Report
Reading a Log Report
&ECHO and -TYPE Support In Log Reports
Considerations When Viewing a Log Report

Information about the date, time, execution status, and recipients of a distributed report
job can be accessed using the Log icon. The Log icon enables you to run a log report that
contains information about a distributed job, such as whether or not the job executed
successfully, when the report output was distributed, in what format the report output was
sent, and the method of distribution. Log reports are stylized HTML format, and appear in a
separate browser window. You can search, print, or save the log report.

4-6 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Procedure: How to View a Log Report

From the Schedule window in the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, you can view a log
report for a schedule by performing the following steps:
1. Select the schedule for which you want to view the log report (for example, Sales):

2. Click the Log icon . The ReportCaster - Web Page Dialog dialog box opens with the
Selected Schedule check box active and checked, and the Last Executed option button

To switch from the schedule you selected to viewing information about all of your
schedules, uncheck the Selected Schedule check box. If you want to change your
selection criteria, click Cancel and reselect another schedule from the list.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-7

3. Select one of the following option buttons:
• Last Executed. Produces a log report containing the most currently run process for
the selected schedule or for all schedules (if you did not select a schedule). This is
the default.
• All Executed. Produces a log report containing all run processes for the selected
schedule or for all schedules (if you did not select a schedule).
• Date Executed. Activates the Start Date and Start Time fields.
If you have selected the Date Executed option, proceed to step 4. Otherwise, proceed
to step 6.
4. In the Start Date field, specify the date on which you want the log report to begin. The
report will display all processes for the selected schedule (or schedules) that were run
on or after the specified Start Date. You can select a Start Date from the pop-up
calendar, or you can accept the default Start Date, which is the current date.
5. In the Start Time field, specify a start time for the Start Date by using the drop-down
lists. 1:00 A.M is the default value for the Start Time field.
6. Click OK to view the log report.

4-8 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Example: Reading a Log Report

The log report displays information according to your specifications in a separate browser
window. One log record is produced for each scheduled job run in the specified time frame.
The log report appears similar to the following example:

A log report includes the following information:

• Job Description. Unique description that you supplied to identify the schedule.
• User. ReportCaster user ID, indicating the owner of the schedule.
• Procedure. Unique, ReportCaster-generated key that identifies a specific execution of
a scheduled job.
• Schedule ID. Unique, ReportCaster-generated key assigned to the job when it was
• Start Time. Date and time the job started running.
• End Time. Date and time the job finished running.
• Messages. These consist of:
• General information, such as the method of distribution for a particular job (for
example, e-mail distribution).
• Processing information, indicating that the request started, distribution was
successful, and the request was completed. Processing information also includes
reasons why a request failed, such as the unavailability of a data source.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-9

Reference: &ECHO and -TYPE Support In Log Reports
Values from &ECHO variables and –TYPE commands in WebFOCUS procedures appear in
log reports. The &ECHO variable displays command lines as they execute in order to test
and debug procedures. The -TYPE command enables you to comment and evaluate your
code for informational and debugging purposes. For example, this procedure:
-TYPE Country Sales and Growth
-TYPE Parameter RATE is passed into report to forecast potential sales growth
"Sales Growth Forecast using Rate: &RATE "
COMPUTE GROWTH/D12.2 = (SALES * &RATE)+ SALES; AS 'Sales, Forecast'
may produce the following log report when scheduled using ReportCaster:

4-10 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Reference: Considerations When Viewing a Log Report

When viewing a log report, be aware of the following considerations.
E-mail Addresses:
ReportCaster cannot validate e-mail addresses since e-mail validation is performed by the
mail server. The log report will include any e-mail addresses validated by the mail server
and returned to ReportCaster.
Burst Reports:
• If a valid burst value is omitted in a Distribution List, Distribution File, or Dynamic
Address List, ReportCaster treats the blank value as if it is a valid burst value, and no
entries indicating a blank burst value appear in the log file. This will significantly reduce
the size of the log file, particularly when the database contains many values for the
primary field and only a small subset of those values are burst.
• If a burst value is specified in a Distribution List, Distribution File, or Dynamic Address
List and it is not found in the database, the following message appears in the log file:
Burst Value: value is not in the database.

• When a report is successfully burst, the log file will include the following message for
each burst value:
FILE filename SUCCESSFULLY DISTRIBUTED TO destination FOR burst value.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-11

Purging the Log File
In this section:
Troubleshooting ReportCaster Log Reports

The log file accumulates information and can become difficult to navigate. Information
Builders recommends that you periodically purge log records to conserve space.
You can purge the log file in one of two ways:
1. Purge log file information for a specific schedule. Select a schedule and then click

the Purge Log icon . The Purge Log - Web Page Dialog dialog box opens with the
Selected Schedule check box active and checked, and the Delete Items through check
box inactive and unchecked.

To switch from purging the selected schedule to purging all schedules, uncheck the
Selected Schedule check box.

4-12 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

2. Purge log file information for all schedules. Without selecting a schedule, click the
Purge Log icon . The Purge Log - Web Page Dialog dialog box opens with the
Selected Schedule check box inactive and unchecked, and the Delete Items through
check box active and checked.

Selecting the Delete Items through check box activates the End Date field, where you can
specify the date through which you want to purge the log records. The current date is the
default value for the End Date . To change the End Date, click the calendar to the right of the
End Date field and select the End Date from the pop-up calendar:

Click OK to purge the log file, or click Cancel to cancel the purge request.
Note: To verify that the specified log files have been deleted, you may want to run a log
report again to note the new log output. The deletion of log files is immediate.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-13

Troubleshooting ReportCaster Log Reports
If you do not receive a log report because there is an insufficient amount of memory
available, this may be because the report is too large or you have too many windows open.
Information Builders recommends closing all windows and attempting to run the log
report again. If you are still unsuccessful, rerun a schedule that successfully created a log
report. If you are successful in running the log report, this confirms that the original log
report that did not run was too large to be processed. Contact your ReportCaster
Administrator to help you troubleshoot this issue.

Checking the Status of a Scheduled Job

From the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, click the Status menu option to generate a list
of your scheduled jobs that are in the ReportCaster Distribution Server queue:

The list includes schedule ID, schedule description, priority, start time, owner, and status
information. Sorting is available for each column by clicking on the column title (for
example, Schedule ID). The Status column will contain one of the following values:
• Run. The scheduled job is currently running.
• Queue. The scheduled job is waiting for a thread to become available to run the
Once you have generated a status list of scheduled jobs, you can:
• Select a scheduled job with a status of Queue and click the Remove icon. The schedule
will be removed from the queue if it is still in the queue, and the Status list will be
• Select a scheduled job with a status of Queue to enable the Update Priority button. In
the New Priority field, you can change the priority of the scheduled job using the
drop-down list. Click Update Priority to change the priority of the scheduled job if it is
still in the queue.
• Click the Refresh icon to refresh the current list of schedules with any new jobs that are
in the ReportCaster Distribution Server queue. You can automate this process by
selecting a value (for example, 10 Seconds) from the Auto Refresh drop-down list.
• Click the Help icon to open the online Help documentation.

4-14 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Creating, Updating, and Deleting an Execution ID

How to:
Generate a List of Execution IDs
Create a New Execution ID
Change an Execution ID and Password
Delete an Execution ID

An Execution ID is a valid user ID that is used to run a schedule on a specified server. When
an Execution ID is created, changed, or deleted on a server, it must also be created,
changed, or deleted in the ReportCaster Repository tables using ReportCaster. Similarly,
when the password for an Execution ID is changed on the server, the password for that
Execution ID must also be changed in the ReportCaster Repository tables. Exceptions are
when Execution credentials are Trusted.
Procedure: How to Generate a List of Execution IDs
From the ReportCaster HTML User Interface, click the Execution ID menu option to generate
a list of your Execution IDs defined to ReportCaster.

Note: Execution IDs display when the Run Id Type setting for that server is set to User. For
Trusted servers, only the Execution ID can be changed.
Once you have generated a list of Execution IDs, you can:
• Click the New icon to create a new Execution ID.
• Select an Execution ID and click the Open icon to optionally change the Execution ID
for a specific server, and/or change the password of the Execution ID.
• Select an Execution ID and click the Delete icon to delete the Execution ID from the
ReportCaster Repository tables.
• Click the Refresh icon to refresh the current list with any newly created Execution IDs.
• Click the Help icon to open the online Help documentation.
Note: When you create, change, or delete an Execution ID it updates the ReportCaster
Repository tables so that they are in sync with the specified server. However, the credentials
of the user ID on the server itself remain unchanged.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-15

Procedure: How to Create a New Execution ID
1. Click the Execution ID menu option.
2. Click the New icon. The ReportCaster -- Web Page Dialog dialog box opens:

3. Specify the following parameters:

a. Server Name: From the Server Name drop-down list, select the name of a
WebFOCUS Reporting Server that will be used to run schedules.
b. Execution ID: Enter a valid user ID for the server.
c. Password: Enter the password of the user ID. Note that you are not creating this
password on the specified server, but are entering the existing password into the
ReportCaster Repository.
d. Confirm Password: Reenter the password.
4. Click OK to create the Execution ID in the ReportCaster Repository table, or click Cancel
to cancel the request.

4-16 Information Builders

Maintaining a Schedule

Procedure: How to Change an Execution ID and Password

To change an Execution ID and/or password for a specific server, perform the following
1. Click the Execution ID menu option to generate a list of your Execution IDs.
2. Select the Execution ID whose properties you want to change (for example, caster). This
activates the Open icon, enabling you to change the Execution ID, the Execution ID’s
password, or both.
3. Click the Open icon. The ReportCaster -- Web Page Dialog dialog box opens:

4. Optionally, enter the following information:

a. Execution ID: Enter a value for the Execution ID. This should be an already existing
and valid Execution ID. This Execution ID will globally replace the old Execution ID
for all schedules on the specified server.
b. Password: Enter the password for the Execution ID. This password must match the
current password for this user ID on the server that appears in the Server Name
c. Confirm Password: Reenter the password.
Changing the password using ReportCaster does not change the password on the
specified server.
5. Click OK to change the Execution ID and/or password values in the ReportCaster
Repository tables. A message appears confirming that the values have been changed.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 4-17

Procedure: How to Delete an Execution ID
1. Click the Execution ID menu option to generate a list of your Execution IDs.
2. Select the Execution ID you want to delete (for example, caster).

3. Click the Delete icon. A message appears asking for confirmation that you want to
delete the selected Execution ID.
4. Click OK.
Once the Execution ID is deleted, a scheduled job that requires this Execution ID on the
specified server will not run unless the schedule is modified to use a valid Execution ID. If
you modify the Execution credentials for a single schedule that specifies the deleted
Execution ID, ReportCaster will make this modification for all schedules that specify the
deleted Execution ID.

4-18 Information Builders

Report Library

Topics: When you create a schedule (see Chapter 3, Creating a

Schedule), you can specify to distribute report output to the
• Creating and Maintaining a Library
Report Library, an optional storage and retrieval facility.
Access List
When distributing report output to the Report Library, you
• Viewing Library Content can send an e-mail informing recipients of its availability
and providing the link to the content in the library.
The Report Library includes secure access to library
content, the ability to save multiple versions of the same
output, and the ability to set an expiration date or keep a
specified number of versions. The Report Library is
available only to ReportCaster users who have been
granted access to the library.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 5-1

Creating and Maintaining a Library Access List

Creating and Maintaining a Library Access List

How to:
Create a New Library Access List
Edit and Delete a Library Access List

An Access List is similar to a Distribution List. Access Lists define the users and groups that
are allowed to view the output of specified schedules distributed to the Report Library.
Once the Access List is created, it can be used as often as needed. Each Access List is created
as a private list that is known only by ReportCaster Administrators and the user who created
Procedure: How to Create a New Library Access List
1. From the ReportCaster Analytical User Interface, click the Access List link. All Access Lists
that you have created appear:

5-2 Information Builders

Report Library

2. Click the New icon . The following window appears:

3. Type the following information:

a. List Name. The name of the Library Access List.
b. Description. A description that can be used to identify the list.
c. Burst Value. An optional burst value. This value is case sensitive.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 5-3

Creating and Maintaining a Library Access List

4. Add groups and users to the Access List.

To add groups to the Access List:
• In the Group List field, select the group or groups you want to add to the Access
List (for example, Analyticals), and then click Insert Group. This populates the Burst
Value (if applicable), Member, and Type fields at the bottom of the window. Note
that only groups that have been granted access to content in the Report Library
appear in the Group List. All members of the group will have access.
To add users to the Access List:
• In the Group List field, select the group from which you want to add users to the
Access List, and then click Get User. This populates the User List field with the users
from the specified group. In the User List field, select the user or users you want to
add to the Access List (for example, rcanalytical), and then click Insert User. This
populates the Burst Value (if applicable), Member, and Type fields at the bottom of
the window. On the Windows platform, you may add a maximum of 60 users.
Note: To delete a group or user from the Access List, select that group or user and then
click Delete the selected rows.
5. Click Save to save the Access List.

5-4 Information Builders

Report Library

Procedure: How to Edit and Delete a Library Access List

From the Access List window in the ReportCaster Analytical User Interface, you can edit or
delete your own previously created Access Lists at any time by performing the following
1. Select the Access List you want to edit or delete (for example, Sales Team):

2. To edit the Access List, click the Open icon .

To delete the Access List, click the Delete icon .

3. If you are editing the Access List, make the necessary changes and save the list. Note
that if you rename the Access List, the original Access List will remain unaltered.
If you are deleting the Access List, a message appears asking for confirmation that you
want to delete the list. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the Access List.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 5-5

Viewing Library Content

Viewing Library Content

In this section:
Viewing Content in the Report Library
How to:
View Content in the Report Library

The Library Content interface is where you can view content in the Report Library to which
you have been granted access. You can access the Library Content interface in several ways:
• When you create a schedule to be distributed to the Report Library (for details, see
Chapter 3, Creating a Schedule), you can send an e-mail message to all recipients with
access rights to the content in the Report Library. This message contains the URL
needed to access the content. If you receive such an e-mail:
• Open the e-mail and click the link to the library content. The logon window opens.
• Type your ReportCaster user ID and password. After a successful logon, you are
sent directly to the specified output within the Library Content interface.
There is a link back to the Library Content interface that enables you to view
additional content to which you have access in the library.
• If you do not receive an e-mail notification, you can access the Library Content interface
from Managed Reporting or the Business Intelligence Dashboard as follows:
• From the Managed Reporting Domains environment, click the Report Library icon

on the toolbar.
• From the Business Intelligence Dashboard, select Library from the Tools link in the
banner. You can also add the interface to a Dashboard Content page.
• To access the Library Content interface directly from a browser, type the following URL

Is the host name of the ReportCaster Distribution Server.
Type your ReportCaster user ID and password. After a successful logon, you can view all
content to which you have access in the Report Library.

5-6 Information Builders

Report Library

• The Report Library option to change your ReportCaster user ID’s password should not
be used when ReportCaster is configured with Managed Reporting. This is because this
option only updates the password in the ReportCaster Repository and not the
Managed Reporting Repository. If this option is used, the user must also use the
Managed Reporting change password option to update the password in the Managed
Reporting Repository.
• Report Library content will not open when using Internet Explorer 6.0.3790.0 (version
of Internet Explorer that comes with Windows 2003 server) on a Windows 2003 server.
This issue only occurs when you are using the Windows 2003 server as an end user
viewing content in the Report Library. This issue does not occur when using Internet
Explorer 6.0 SP1 on a Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP machine accessing
the ReportCaster Web application on a Windows 2003 server.

Viewing Content in the Report Library

When you access the Library Content interface, the Report Library Summary window opens
displaying either or both of the following:
• Domains contains Managed Reporting Standard Reports and My Reports content.
• Categories contains WF Server Procedures, the contents of URLs, and files.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 5-7

Viewing Library Content

Procedure: How to View Content in the Report Library

1. Select Domains or Categories. If you select Domains, the available Domains appear:

Note: You cannot view a report in a Domain unless you are a member of the Domain
under which it appears.
2. Click a Domain or Category to view summary information about the folders within the
Domain or Category. For example, if you click the Sales Domain, the Sales By Region
folder appears in the tree structure on the left side of the window, and the Current
Version Summary of Sales report appears on the right side of the window:

5-8 Information Builders

Report Library

3. To view content in a specific Domain or Category folder, click the folder (for example,
Sales By Region) on the tree structure on the left side of the window. The Current
Version Summary of Sales By Region window appears with the following information:

• Last execution date/time. The date and time of the last schedule execution and
distribution. The date format is YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is the 4-digit year, MM is
the month, and DD is the day of the month. The time format is the format HHMM,
where HH is the hour and MM is the minute.
• Burst. Possible values are Yes (burst) and No (do not burst).
• Burst Value (optional). Only appears when Burst is Yes. Values for this field are
Non Burst (highlighted in red) or the burst value.
• Current version. The number of versions currently in the library. Click the version
(for example, 43) to view the latest output.
Note that ReportCaster does not renumber when versions are deleted. For
example, if you delete versions 1 through 43, the next report sent to the Report
Library will be version 44.
• Delete all (optional). Only appears if you are the owner of the schedule. If you
click the Delete All icon (which displays as a red X), a message appears asking for
confirmation that you want to delete all versions of the selected content. Click OK
to confirm the deletion, or click Cancel to cancel the request.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 5-9

Viewing Library Content

• All versions. Click View to view a summary of all output in the library. A window
appears specifying the version number, the size (in bytes), the format (for example,
HTML), the execution date and time, and the Delete icon (if you are the owner of
the schedule):

Click a specific version (for example, 43) to view its content:

PDF Drill Through Support

The PDF Drill Through feature enables Report Library users to move from a summary report
to a detail report, both of which are packaged together in a single PDF compound report.
Drill Through functionality is similar to Drill Down functionality except Drill Through reports
are static. A PDF document is produced that contains the summary report plus a detail
report, with the detail report containing all the detail data for all the line items in the
summary report. Clicking a Drill Through hyperlink navigates internally within the PDF file;
no additional reports are run. The PDF file can be distributed to the library using
ReportCaster, and when opened with Acrobat Reader, retains its full Drill Through

5-10 Information Builders

Report Library

For more information about the PDF Drill Through feature, see Creating a Drill Through PDF
Compound Report in the WebFOCUS Reporting Language Enhancements chapter in the
WebFOCUS New Features manual.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual 5-11

Viewing Library Content

5-12 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Topic: Using ReportCaster, you can distribute scheduled output in

the following formats:
• ReportCaster Formats for
Scheduled Output • ALPHA
• EXCL97
• PS
• WK1
• WP
For information about how these formats relate to
ReportCaster, see ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled
Output on page A-2.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-1

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

When you create a schedule, you specify the format for the scheduled output. The
following table describes the different types of available ReportCaster formats:

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

ALPHA Saves scheduled For display in a When created as a HOLD file, a
output as fixed- text document; corresponding Master File is
format character for further created.
data. reporting in
Bursting is not supported.
WebFOCUS; as a
transaction file
for modifying a
data source.

A-2 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

COMMA Saves scheduled For further This format type does not
output as a processing in a create a Master File.
variable-length database
Bursting is not supported.
text file in comma- application. This
delimited format format type can Cannot be opened in the
with character be imported into Report Library. However, you
values enclosed in applications such can open COMMA reports in
double quotation as Excel or Lotus. Lotus 1-2-3 by right-clicking the
marks. All blanks report and saving it as a
within fields are COMMA file outside of the
retained. library.
This format is Smart date fields and dates
required by certain formatted as I or P fields with
software packages date format options are treated
such as Microsoft as numeric and are not
Access. enclosed in double quotation
marks in the output file. Dates
formatted as alphanumeric
fields with date format options
are treated as alphanumeric
and enclosed in double
quotation marks.
Continental decimal notation
supported. A comma within a
number is interpreted as two
separate columns by a
destination application such as
Microsoft Access.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-3

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

DOC Scheduled output Word Processing Does not retain most
opens as a plain- applications, formatting. Does not support
text word printing hyperlinks or alerts.
processing unformatted
Can be distributed as an e-mail
document. Text reports, e-mail,
attachment or as an inline
can be opened by Report Library.
e-mail message.
any word
processing Bursting is supported.
Must be using Microsoft Office
Retains ASCII form
2000 at a minimum release level
feed characters to
of 9.0.3821 SR-1 in order to
correctly page
open in the Report Library.
EXCEL For Excel 2000 and E-mail, Library Any version of Microsoft Excel
(XLS) earlier, scheduled must be installed. Cannot use
output opens as a the print distribution method.
Microsoft Excel Does not support bursting
spreadsheet file. reports or alerts. Does not
retain headings, footings,
subheads, or subfoots. The
format is binary.
Must be using Microsoft Office
2000 at a minimum release level
of 9.0.3821 SR-1 in order to
open in the Report Library.
When ReportCaster distributes
EXCEL reports created with a
TABLE request containing BY
HIGHEST primarysortfield
syntax, the report contains
page breaks on each primary
sort field value.

A-4 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

EXCL97 Scheduled output E-mail, Library Microsoft Excel 97 or higher
(XLS) opens as an must be installed.
Bursting is supported.
spreadsheet file, an
HTML-based Must be using Microsoft Office
display format that 2000 at a minimum release level
supports report of 9.0.3821 SR-1 in order to
formatting and open in the Report Library.
EXL2K For Excel 2000 and E-mail, Library Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher
(XLS) higher, scheduled must be installed. The format is
output opens ASCII.
within Excel 2000.
All EXL2K output with an .xht
Supports most extension is dynamically
StyleSheet changed to .xls for e-mail or FTP
attributes, distribution. You must edit your
allowing for full Web server’s MIME table so that
report formatting. the .xls extension is
ascii/application data instead of
Bursting is supported.
Must be using Microsoft Office
2000 at a minimum release level
of 9.0.3821 SR-1 in order to
open in the Report Library.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-5

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

EXL2K For Excel 2000 and E-mail, Library Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher
FORMULA higher, scheduled must be installed. The format is
(XLS) output opens ASCII.
within Excel 2000.
All EXL2K output with an .xht
Contains Excel
extension is dynamically
formulas that
changed to .xls for e-mail or FTP
calculate and
distribution. You must edit your
display the results
Web server’s MIME table so that
of any type of
the .xls extension is
ascii/application data instead of
information (such
as column totals,
row totals, and Bursting is not supported.
Must be using Microsoft Office
2000 at a minimum release level
of 9.0.3821 SR-1 in order to
open in the Report Library.
EXL2K For Excel 2000 and E-mail, Library Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher
PIVOT higher, scheduled must be installed. The format is
output opens ASCII.
within Excel 2000.
All EXL2K output with an .xht
Used to analyze extension is dynamically
complex data changed to .xls for e-mail or FTP
much like the distribution. You must edit your
OLAP tool in Web server’s MIME table so that
WebFOCUS. It the .xls extension is
allows you to drag ascii/application data instead of
and drop data binary.
fields within a Bursting is supported.
providing different Must be using Microsoft Office
views of the data, 2000 at a minimum release level
of 9.0.3821 SR-1 in order to
such as sorting
open in the Report Library.
across rows or

A-6 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

GIF Scheduled output E-mail, Library Only works with procedures
opens as a graphic that contain GRAPH FILE syntax.
in GIF format.
Bursting is supported and is
performed on the second BY
field in the GRAPH FILE request.
Drill downs are not supported
since the GIF format creates a
static image.
To distribute a GIF report on
UNIX or z/OS, edit the schbkr
script file and add the following
code after the #!/bin/ksh line:
export DISPLAY
export TERM
Is the IP address of the
machine that is running the
Note: This step is only
necessary if you are distributing
a graph created by a
(WF Server Procedure, Standard
Report, My Report), and is not
necessary if you are distributing
a file.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-7

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

HTML Supports Report Library, Bursting is supported except for
(HTM) hyperlinks and e-mail for display FML reports.
other World Wide in a Web browser
Can be distributed as an e-mail
Web features.
attachment or as an inline
Retains StyleSheet
e-mail message.
JPG Scheduled output E-mail, Library Only files can be distributed
opens as a graphic using this format. However, you
in JPG format. can embed a JPG in a PDF
report and then distribute the
PDF report using ReportCaster.

A-8 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

PDF Appearance of the E-mail, Library Does not support hyperlinks in
scheduled output e-mail attachments. Recipient
is preserved in an must have an Adobe Acrobat
electronic application to view.
document when
The OS/390 UNIX platform
printed using
requires the Web server
Adobe Acrobat.
configuration file to have the
Retains all relevant
MIME setting for PDF set to
binary in mime.wfs.
Bursting is supported.
When ReportCaster distributes
PDF reports created with a
TABLE request containing BY
HIGHEST primarysortfield
syntax, the report contains
page breaks on each primary
sort field value.
When distributing a PDF report
to a Managed Reporting
Repository on z/OS, the PDF
report cannot be viewed in
Managed Reporting. As a
workaround, save the PDF file
to your local machine and then
view the PDF using Adobe
Acrobat. This limitation is due to
z/OS being an EBCDIC-based
platform and PDF being an
ASCII-based format.
The PDF Drill Through feature is
supported. For more
information about this feature,
see the Creating Reports With
WebFOCUS Language manual.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-9

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

PNG Scheduled output E-mail, Library Only works with procedures
opens as a that contain GRAPH FILE syntax.
graphical image.
Bursting is supported and is
These graphs are
performed on the second BY
bitmapped and
field in the GRAPH FILE request.
can support 16
million colors. In Drill downs are not supported,
addition, PNG as this format creates a static
graphs have image.
compression (data
is decompressed
100% back to the
Therefore, saving,
altering, and
resaving a PNG
does not degrade
its overall quality.
For these reasons,
PNG graphs are
superior to GIF
PS Appearance of the Printing Does not support hyperlinks.
scheduled output Printers must support
is preserved in an PostScript. Recipient must have
electronic an application (for example,
document when GhostView) that supports
printed using PostScript.
PostScript. Retains
Distribution to Managed
all relevant
Reporting is not supported.
formatting. Bursting is supported.

A-10 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

SVG Scheduled output E-mail, Library Recipient must have an SVG
opens as a viewer, such as Adobe SVG
graphical image. Viewer for Windows. To
This file format, download Adobe SVG Viewer
based on for Windows, go to
Extensible Markup http://www.adobe.com/
Language (XML), support/downloads/
presents powerful, product.jsp?product=
interactive 46&platform=windows.
graphical images.
Only works with procedures
that contain GRAPH FILE syntax.
Bursting is supported and is
performed on the second BY
field in the GRAPH FILE request.
Drill downs are not supported,
as this format creates a static
TABT Scheduled output E-mail, Library Bursting is not supported.
(TAB) opens in tab-
delimited format,
including column
headings in the
first row.
This format is
required by certain
software packages
such as Microsoft

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-11

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

WK1 Scheduled output e-mail In the mime.wfs configuration
opens within Lotus file:
1-2-3, Excel.
• Specify no in the Redirect
column to launch
Lotus 1-2-3.
• Specify yes in the Redirect
column to launch Excel.
• The format is binary.
Cannot use the print
distribution method. Does not
support bursting reports or
alerts. Does not retain headings,
footings, subheads, or subfoots.
Cannot be opened in the
Report Library. However, you
can open WK1 reports in Lotus
1-2-3 by right-clicking the
report and saving it as a WK1
file outside of the library.
Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel must be
installed. Internet Explorer 5.5
or higher is the preferred
WP Scheduled output Word processing Does not retain page breaks or
opens as a plain- applications, most formatting. Does not
text word printing support hyperlinks, bursting, or
processing unformatted alerts.
document in the reports, e-mail,
Can be distributed as an e-mail
Web browser. Text Report Library.
attachment or as an inline
can be opened by
e-mail message.
any word

A-12 Information Builders

ReportCaster Formats

Format Description Suggested Uses Considerations

XML Scheduled output Describing and Bursting is not supported.
opens in XML exchanging data
format, a markup for applications
language that is on different
derived from the systems.
Markup Language

ReportCaster End User’s Manual A-13

ReportCaster Formats for Scheduled Output

A-14 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Topics: This appendix provides tips and techniques that will enable
you to review existing WebFOCUS reports and develop
• Editing WebFOCUS Procedures
new reports that meet the requirements for scheduling and
• Using an Ampersand or a Single distribution using ReportCaster.
Quotation Mark
Among the coding techniques discussed are best practices
• HTML and Drill-Down Reports for coding reports that will be distributed as HTML and
graphical output, and examples for using WebFOCUS
commands such as -HTMLFORM and GRAPH FILE.
• Distributing a TOC Report Using Additionally, information is included about distributing
ReportCaster drill-down reports, creating Financial Modeling Language
• Data Visualization (FML) reports for ReportCaster distribution, and using the
&&KILL_RPC flag in a pre-processing procedure to stop
• Using the GRAPH FILE Command ReportCaster processing. Limitations and known issues
• Distributing a Graphic in a PDF when coding WebFOCUS reports are also included.
Report For more information about coding WebFOCUS reports,
• Financial Modeling Language see the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.

• Using the &&KILL_RPC Flag

• Limitations for Using WebFOCUS
• Known Issues When Using
WebFOCUS Commands

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-1

Editing WebFOCUS Procedures

Editing WebFOCUS Procedures

When editing WebFOCUS procedures to be scheduled using ReportCaster, Information
Builders recommends using Notepad instead of WordPad. This is because WordPad places
blank spaces at the end of lines that WebFOCUS cannot parse properly. This is most likely to
happen when using the cut and paste technique.

Using an Ampersand or a Single Quotation Mark

How to:
Use CTRAN to Translate One Character to Another
Using CTRAN to Change a Single Quotation Mark to a Double Quotation Mark

In ReportCaster, the following fields allow the use of an ampersand (&) and a single
quotation mark (‘):
• Job description.
• Mail subject.
• Company.
• FTP (scheduled from Managed Reporting) report name.
• Managed Reporting folder name.
• Notify subject.
The technique for Using an Ampersand (&)—Place a concatenation sign after the & and
before the next character in the string. For example:
The technique for Using a Single quotation mark (')—When a value contains a ', use two
single quotation marks (for example, O"Brien). Within a quoted string, two single quotation
marks (") are interpreted as one single quotation mark.
Note: Although Information Builders recommends using this technique, you can also use
the CTRAN subroutine to change one character to another.

B-2 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Syntax: How to Use CTRAN to Translate One Character to Another

CTRAN (inlen, infield, decfrm, decto, output)

Is the integer that specifies the length in characters of the input string.
Is the alphanumeric input string.
Is the decimal value of the character to be translated.
Is the decimal value of the character to be used as a substitute for decfrm.
Is the resulting alphanumeric output string.
To use this subroutine, you need to know the decimal value of the characters in internal
machine representation. Printable EBCDIC or ASCII characters and their decimal values are
listed in character charts.
Example: Using CTRAN to Change a Single Quotation Mark to a Double Quotation Mark
You can use the following code to change a single quotation mark to a double quotation
ALT_MOD/A20 = CTRAN(20, MODEL, 39, 34, ALT_MOD);

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-3

HTML and Drill-Down Reports

HTML and Drill-Down Reports

When distributing an HTML or drill-down report, you must use the BASEURL command in
the scheduled procedure to set a fully qualified URL. A fully qualified URL is needed so that
the user viewing the report will have access to the URL on the Web server where the
WebFOCUS Client is installed. This will enable the user to run the HTML or drill-down report,
view images (.gifs or .jpegs), resolve hyperlinks, and apply external Cascading Style Sheets
Note: External Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files must be fully qualified and accessible to
the user receiving the report.
To run a drill-down report, a user must be able to access the Web server and the WebFOCUS
Reporting Server. If the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is running in secured mode, the user
must have a valid Execution ID and password to run the report. If the user does not have a
valid user ID and password, an authentication message appears.
Do not use localhost as the host name when performing drill-downs. When the report gets
sent to the user’s machine, localhost refers to the machine the user is on. To be able to run
the drill-down request, the request must be sent to the host name of the Web server where
the WebFOCUS Client is installed.

B-4 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

In the deployment environment, the -HTMLFORM command enhances the functionality of
your Web page by enabling you to include HTML commands in your procedures. You can
use all standard HTML elements in your Web page, including character styling, hyperlinks,
graphic images, tables, forms, and frames. The content must be self-contained in a single
answer set.
Example: Using -HTMLFORM to Save Two Tabular Reports in an HTML Form
PRODCAT AS 'Product Category'
" "
" "
BY PRODCAT AS 'Category'
" "
" "

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-5


The following HTML form can be distributed by ReportCaster:

B-6 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Distributing a TOC Report Using ReportCaster

How to:
Distribute a TOC Report Using ReportCaster

You can enhance navigation within a large HTML report by adding a dynamic HTML-based
Table of Contents (TOC). To take advantage of this feature, the report must contain at least
one vertical sort (BY) field. If you include more than one sort field in a report, the hierarchy
is determined by the order in which the sort fields are specified in the request. To add a TOC
for a lower-level sort field, you must also add a TOC for its parent.
The TOC displays, as hyperlinks, all values of the first (highest-level) vertical sort field, as well
as the values of any lower level BY fields that you designate for inclusion. Unless otherwise
specified in the request, a new page begins when the highest-level sort field changes.
• The size of a TOC-enabled report is limited to the memory available on the WebFOCUS
• Bursting a TOC-enabled report using ReportCaster is not supported.
• The controlling multiple reports feature, documented in Controlling Multiple Reports in
the Enhancing the User Interface chapter in the WebFOCUS Developing Reporting
Applications manual, is not supported by ReportCaster.
Syntax: How to Distribute a TOC Report Using ReportCaster
To distribute a TOC report using ReportCaster, add the following code:
SET BASEURL=http://hostname/

Is the host name of the Web server on which the WebFOCUS Client is installed.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-7

Distributing a TOC Report Using ReportCaster

For example:
SET BASEURL=http://hostname/
"Sales Report"
" "
The following HTML TOC output can be distributed by ReportCaster:

B-8 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Data Visualization
How to:
Use Data Visualization on a Web Server Without WebFOCUS

To make your HTML reports more powerful, you can insert visual representations of
selected data directly into the report output. These visual representations are in the form of
vertical or horizontal bar graphs that make relationships and trends among data more
obvious. Data visualization graphs can be used with a Managed Reporting report or WF
Server Procedure.
For example, the following code retrieves information from the CENTHR data source:
SET BASEURL=http://hostname:port/
hostname:port is the host name (or IP address) and port number of the Web server on which
the WebFOCUS Client is installed. If the port number is 80 (the default), you may omit the
colon and port number. For example,
If the port number is not 80, use a colon as a delimiter and then specify the port number.
For example,
The resulting output, which can be distributed by ReportCaster, displays in graph format:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-9

Using the GRAPH FILE Command

Procedure: How to Use Data Visualization on a Web Server Without WebFOCUS

To use data visualization files on a Web server without WebFOCUS installed on it, you must:
1. Create a Web server alias for /ibi_html on the Web server. For more information about
creating the WebFOCUS /ibi_html alias, see the WebFOCUS and ReportCaster Installation
and Configuration manual for your platform.
2. Create the vis subdirectory under the /ibi_html directory.
3. Copy the GIF files from the Web server on which WebFOCUS is installed into your
outside/vis/ directory (where outside is the name of the Web server on which
WebFOCUS is not installed).
4. Execute "SET BASEURL=http://outside/" in the procedure that produces the report you
want to distribute.
• SET BASEURL will also work against a server outside the firewall that has a full
WebFOCUS installation.
• BASEURL must point to the top-level Web server URL, since the HTML generated using
data visualization refers to the GIF files using URLs that start with /ibi_html.

Using the GRAPH FILE Command

Creating a Report That Displays Output as a Pie Graph

Most TABLE requests can be converted into GRAPH requests by simply replacing the TABLE
FILE command with the GRAPH FILE command. The only limitations are those inherent in
the nature of the graphic format. When a TABLE request is converted in this manner, the
various phrases that make up the body of the request determine the format and layout of
the graph. The type of graph produced by a GRAPH FILE request depends on the display
command used (SUM or PRINT), and the sort phrase(s) used (ACROSS or BY).
The internal graph engine used by WebFOCUS has been integrated into the ReportCaster
Distribution Server. This means that when the data for the GRAPH FILE request is sent back
to the ReportCaster Distribution Server, it will create and distribute the graph. When using
the GRAPH FILE command, you must include SET GRAPHEDIT=SERVER syntax to return data
to the ReportCaster Distribution Server. Bursting is supported and is performed on the
second BY field in the GRAPH FILE request.

B-10 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Example: Creating a Report That Displays Output as a Pie Graph

You can use Graph Assistant to create a report that displays output as a pie graph:
The following pie graph output can be distributed by ReportCaster:

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-11

Distributing a Graphic in a PDF Report

Distributing a Graphic in a PDF Report

You can distribute a graphic in a PDF report using ReportCaster by performing the
following steps:
1. Windows: Perform manual configurations based on your WebFOCUS environment.
UNIX: Export the DISPLAY and IBIJAVAPATH variables.
OS/390: This feature is not supported on OS/390 platforms.
For more information about these steps, see the WebFOCUS and ReportCaster
Installation and Configuration manual for your platform.
2. Create the GIF file (in a temporary directory on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server) and
then insert the GIF file in the header or body of a PDF report. For more information, see
the Creating a Graph chapter in the Creating Reports With WebFOCUS Language manual.
3. After the GIF image is created and embedded into a PDF report, and you have saved
the PDF report as a Managed Reporting Standard Report, you can distribute it using
ReportCaster. Be sure to use the PDF report format when creating the schedule.

Financial Modeling Language

Using the POST Command in an FML Request
Using the PICKUP Command in an FML Request

The Financial Modeling Language (FML) is used for creating, calculating, and presenting
financially oriented data such as balance sheets, consolidations, or budgets. These reports
are distinguished from other reports because calculations are inter-row as well as inter-
The following guidelines must be followed when scheduling Financial Modeling Language
(FML) reports that use the POST and PICKUP commands. Separate the POST and PICKUP
steps into two procedures:
• POST is required to save the results of the FML report. The POST command should be
used within a pre-processing step. The ON TABLE HOLD syntax must be included in a
POSTed report to not generate a report during pre-processing execution. This
procedure must reside on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
• PICKUP is required to retrieve POSTed data. It is the procedure to schedule. This
procedure may reside on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server, in a Managed Reporting
Repository, or in a local application.
Note: Bursting an FML report is not supported since there is no BY field.

B-12 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Example: Using the POST Command in an FML Request

The following code creates an FML report and POSTs two tag rows to the LEDGEOUT
workfile. This procedure must reside on the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.
LAST_YR/I5C=.87 * CUR_YR - 142;



Example: Using the PICKUP Command in an FML Request

The following code retrieves the POSTed data from the LEDGEOUT workfile and uses it in
the RECAP calculation. The output from this procedure will be distributed by ReportCaster.
LAST_YR/I5C=.87 * CUR_YR - 142;



ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-13

Using the &&KILL_RPC Flag

Using the &&KILL_RPC Flag

The &&KILL_RPC flag is a ReportCaster amper variable that you can use in a pre-processing
procedure when you want to stop ReportCaster processing and not execute the scheduled
procedure based on a condition. The condition may be the existence of a data extract, or a
restriction on the days that schedules are allowed to run. The code to evaluate the condition
can be a combination of Dialogue Manager and FOCUS supported by the WebFOCUS
Reporting Server. The &&KILL_RPC amper variable must be set using Dialogue Manager.
The following sample code has been set up to run as a pre-processing procedure. It will
stop a request if today’s date is in a list of holiday days.
-* The assumption here is that the dates in the data file are in
-* ascending order
-SET &&KILL_RPC = ’N’;
-*set PREV_DATE to some value that will cause the first IF to continue
-* the loop
-SET &PREV_DATE = 00000101;
The following information displays in the Job Process Log Report. Note the “Executing pre-
execution RPC 1” and “User termination via KILL_RPC flag” entries.

B-14 Information Builders

Tips and Techniques for Coding a ReportCaster Report

Limitations for Using WebFOCUS Features

Due to ReportCaster’s complex internal processing, there are limitations for using
WebFOCUS features. The following features are not supported in scheduled procedures:
• PCSEND - WebFOCUS reporting feature to store report sections in different files.
• Multiple TABLE or GRAPH requests with HTML format. Internally, these are multiple
HTML documents. Only the result of the first TABLE or GRAPH request (without a HOLD
or SAVE command) will be distributed. In order to distribute a graph, you must use the
GIF, JPG, PNG, or SVG format.
• MORE - This command is used to concatenate data sources.
The following WebFOCUS features are not available with ReportCaster because they require
distribution of multiple files, or integration with Web server components:
• OLAP - Only entire reports or burst report sections are distributed. OLAP capability
requires authentication and connection to the WebFOCUS components on the Web
• On-demand Paging - Only entire reports or burst report sections are distributed.
WebFOCUS Web Viewer is not available when distributing reports using ReportCaster.
On-demand Paging is available when the report is sent to the user through the
WebFOCUS Client on the Web server. In this case, the report output is cached, and the
first page of the report is sent to the user's browser along with WebFOCUS Web Viewer.

Known Issues When Using WebFOCUS Commands

This table describes known issues when using the following commands in procedures
scheduled using ReportCaster.

Command Known Issue Solution

&DATE The following message displays in the Use the &YYMD amper
log file when you have a pre- variable instead of &DATE.
execution procedure that attempts to
SET the EDAPATH and perform a
computation on a field that originated
from &DATE:
No report for ReportCaster to

ON TABLE Is ignored when used with ACROSS Do not use this syntax
SUMMARIZE and COMPUTE in a TABLE request with with multiple verbs.
multiple verbs.

ReportCaster End User’s Manual B-15

Command Known Issue Solution
TABLE In SQL Server, do not use a field Change the database field
named USER. USER is a reserved word. name to USERID.
TABLE and MAINTAIN commands fail if
a field name of USER is referenced.
FORMAT YYM Do not display values on MVS. Set DATEDISPLAY=ON.
unless ON TABLE NOTOTAL is used. when using the SUBTOTAL
Therefore, when it is used with burst command.
values it distributes the GRAND TOTAL
for the last burst value.
-INCLUDE Cannot create report output that Use with procedures that
would result in more than one report HOLD or SAVE output. You
to distribute, as ReportCaster can only can use StyleSheet (.sty),
accept a single answer set. Cascading StyleSheet
(.css), or GIF (.gif ) files with
Use the compound report
-EXIT These commands should not be used Use Dialogue Manager
within a procedure you schedule, commands to branch to a
since they will terminate the internal label located at the end of
session that is executing the your procedure. This will
scheduled job. When the internal enable you to implement
session is terminated during the your application logic,
execution of a scheduled job, the and permit ReportCaster
report output may be successfully to both run any post-
distributed. However, the log processing procedures
information for the execution of the specified and process the
schedule cannot be processed. log information.

Note: For more information about these commands, see the Creating Reports With
WebFOCUS Language manual.

B-16 Information Builders

&&KILL_RPC flag B-14 D
Symbols data visualization B-9
without WebFOCUS B-10
&&KILL_RPC flag B-14
Dialogue Manager B-14
display formats A-2
Access Lists 1-1, 5-2
creating 5-2 displaying report output B-11
deleting 5-5 distributing gif images in a PDF report B-12
editing 5-5
distributing graphics B-12
ALPHA format A-2
distributing reports 1-1, 3-9
amper variables B-14 by e-mail 3-9 to 3-10, 3-13 to 3-14, 5-1
ampersands B-2 by fax 3-13
editing WebFOCUS procedures with B-2 to Managed Reporting 3-18 to 3-19
to printers 2-5, 3-17
Analytical Users 1-1 to the Report Library 3-20
B distribution file names 3-11, 3-14, 3-17

burst values 2-3, 2-7 distribution lists 1-1, 2-1 to 2-2

creating 2-2, 2-5
bursting reports 2-1, 2-6 to 2-8, 3-8, B-10 deleting 2-7
C editing 2-6, 4-5, 4-7
distribution methods 1-2
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) B-4
distribution options 3-9
cc mail considerations 3-16
Distribution Server B-10
changing passwords 4-18
Distribution tab 3-9
coding requirements 3-11
DOC format A-4
COMMA format A-3
Drill Through feature 5-10
creating Execution IDs 4-16 to 4-17
drill-down reports B-4
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) B-4
dynamic tables of contents B-7
CTRAN subroutine B-3

ReportCaster End User’s Manual I-1


E GRAPH FILE command B-10

editing WebFOCUS procedures B-2 GRAPH requests B-10

with a single quotation mark B-2 group folders 1-3
with an ampersand B-2
e-mail 3-9, 3-13, 3-16
inline reports 3-13 Help option 1-3
e-mail attachments 3-14 HTML format A-8
EXCEL 2K format A-5 HTML reports B-4, B-7
adding dynamic tables of contents B-7
EXCEL 97 format A-5
HTML tables of contents B-7
EXCEL format A-4
HTML User Interface 1-1, 1-3, 4-1
Exchange Mail Server considerations 3-16
-HTMLFORM command B-5
Execution ID 3-7
saving reports with B-6
Execution IDs 4-15
creating 4-15 to 4-17
deleting 4-15, 4-18 inline e-mail reports 3-13
updating 4-15
EXL2K FORMULA format A-6
external distribution file names 3-14, 3-17 Job Process Log Report B-14

F Job Process Log Reports 4-6

reading 4-9
faxing reports 3-13 viewing 4-6 to 4-7, 4-11
Financial Modeling Language (FML) B-12 JPG format A-8
PICKUP command B-12
POST command B-12
FML (Financial Modeling Language) B-12 Library Access Lists 1-1, 5-2
PICKUP command B-12 creating 5-2
POST command B-12 deleting 5-5
editing 5-5
format of scheduled output in ReportCaster A-2
Library Content interface 5-6 to 5-7
log file messages 4-9
GIF format A-7 Log File option 1-3, 4-6
gif images in a PDF report B-12 log files 4-9
Graph Assistant B-11 messages 4-9
purging 4-12

I-2 Information Builders


log reports 4-6, 4-9, B-14 R

reading 4-9
viewing 4-6 to 4-7, 4-11 Report Caster Scheduling Wizard 1-1 to 1-3, 3-1 to
report formats A-1 to A-2
Managed Reporting 3-18 to 3-19
Report Information window 3-5
My Reports 1-1 to 1-2
Report Library 3-20, 5-1
N Access Lists for 5-2
viewing content in 5-6 to 5-8
navigating sort groups B-7
ReportCaster Console options 4-14 to 4-15
notification options 3-24 Execution ID 4-15
Status 4-14
ReportCaster Distribution Server B-10
changing 4-18 ReportCaster HTML User Interface 1-1, 1-3, 4-1

PDF Drill Through 5-10 reports 2-1, 3-1

bursting 2-7 to 2-8, 3-8
PDF format A-9 distributing 2-7, 3-9, 3-17 to 3-18
PDF reports B-12 scheduling 3-1
tracking 4-6
PICKUP command B-12
in FML requests B-13 S
pie graphs B-11 schedules 1-2 to 1-3
PNG format A-10 creating 1-3, 3-1 to 3-2
deleting 1-3, 4-5
POST command B-12 editing 1-3, 4-2 to 4-3
printers 2-5 purging 4-12
distributing reports to 2-5, 3-17 Scheduling Wizard 1-1 to 1-3, 3-1 to 3-2
PS (PostScript) format A-10 Settings window 3-24
single quotation marks B-2
changing to double quotation marks B-3
editing WebFOCUS procedures with B-2
sort groups B-7
sort phrases B-10
Status option in ReportCaster 4-14
SVG format A-11

ReportCaster End User’s Manual I-3


TABLE requests B-10
tables of contents (TOCs) B-7
distributing with ReportCaster B-8
TABT format A-11
TOCs (tables of contents) B-7
distributing with ReportCaster B-8
WK1 format A-12
WP format A-12
XML format A-13
z/OS UNIX system 2-5, 3-19

I-4 Information Builders

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Information Builders, Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121-2898 (212) 736-4433
ReportCaster End User’s Manual DN4500591.0904
Version 5 Release 3
Reader Comments

Information Builders, Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121-2898 (212) 736-4433
ReportCaster End User’s Manual DN4500591.0904
Version 5 Release 3

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