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Name : Priska Tania Tumanggor

Class : BING 6A

Npm : 171220072

Individual Task.

Please, read and answer the questions carefully.

1. Mention the three code of ethics that are arranged by The National

Association of the Deaf (NAD) and the Registry of Interpreters for the

deaf, Inc. (RID).

2. Based on your opinion, Why does a professional must comply with an

agreement with a client, especially in terms of time?

3. A professional interpreter or translator will reject work whose contents

violate the laws and regulations. Explain and give an example of the


4. State your opinion about an interpreter who must maintain



1. The three code of ethics that are arranged by The National

Association of the Deaf (NAD) and the Registry of Interpreters for the

deaf, Inc. (RID)is :

-Interpreter adhere to standards of confidential communication.

- Interpreter prosses the professional skills and knowledge required for the specific

interpreting situation.
- Interpreter conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the specific interpreting


2. Because by keeping the agreement with the client you appear to be a

responsible professional, abiding by rules that utilize the maximum. And

perform highly ethical work and produce quality work. Because a

professional must be on time, that is where he will be regarded as a person

who respects time or anyone anyone anyone can save time and also show

his or her responsibility toward the client or the job itself.

3. An interpreter ora professional translator would insist on rejecting a job

that violates laws and regulations, as it would not be suited to the level of

ability and would place its own translator in a conflict situation. Unless by

order or authority of the proper party and the interpreter is given immunity.

His case example is a collision of interest situation; The "clash of interests"

situation was that of a translator who did the judicial work of a legal case on

the part of the legal case being the translator's brother. So in this case the

interpreter rightly refuses.

4.In my opinion, an interpreter who must remain impartial is good because it

must have action or nature of neutrality and a professional attitude and

respect in a cultural way. The interpreter should also not allow himself to be

used as an investigator to handle a case. The intercessors must not 'take

sides' or consider themselves in harmony with the prosecutor or the defense.

If the counter interpreter then there would be suspicion on each side if each

other kept secrets.

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