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Educational Philosophy Emma Parsons 1

I have learned many different types of teaching styles as a student, through observation,

at work, and in a variety of ways. Through these experiences, my personal beliefs, and the

knowledge that I have gained through furthering my education, I have developed my own

educational philosophy. As a teacher I think an organized classroom, varied strategies for

engagement, building relationships with students, and a focus on students’ responsibility for their

own learning are key to a successful classroom.

I want to establish an organized and orderly classroom. I want the students to be able

focus on the material rather than be distracted by the classroom. I also feel that the more

organized the teacher is, the more likely they will be respected by the students. As a student, I

have seen teachers with very weak classroom management and the students run wild. This kind

of environment makes the teachers upset and makes it hard for the students to learn. I want to

have clear expectations for the students and a sense of mutual respect. However, I do not want to

be too strict where students are afraid to ask questions and have discussions. Along with the

classroom environment, I want to make sure that the students feel welcome. All students, no

matter their background or home life, should feel comfortable in the classroom. I want to make it

so each student is engaged and willing to participate in class.

I want the class to be structured around the students. I hope to be able to teach in a variety

of ways so that visual, audio, and hands-on learners can all understand. I would like to assign

more projects and papers rather than tests so students can focus more on their interests while still

covering class material. I am a conscientious and yet experimental educator. I want to focus on

students' individual growth and find a way that each student learns best. I know that each student

has individual needs and learning styles and the best way to reach the student is by getting to
Educational Philosophy Emma Parsons 2

know them. As a student, I know that I have a more open dialog with teachers who have made an

effort to get to know me. I am more likely to care and be successful in those classes in which the

teacher is engaged and interested in the students.

I want the students to be able to find a passion for learning and apply that to their lives.

Life is a series of events that we learn from. We have to use critical thinking throughout our lives

in order to solve problems and progress. I hope to be able to foster critical thinking in my

classroom. I want students to learn the curriculum but I believe that school can also be a place

where students learn much more. For example, presentations can give students confidence to

speak in front of their peers. Another skill that can be implemented into schools is time

management. This could be done by assigning a project at the beginning of the semester and

students would have to complete it by the end of the semester managing their time in class to

complete it. The classroom is a place for growth, safe from the harsher punishments of the real

world. I think it is important to take advantage of this opportunity so that students are able to

experiment and learn new things.

I have high expectations for my students and in turn, high expectations for myself as a

teacher. However, in the end it is up to the students to learn. I am a firm believer in what you

work for is what you will receive. I want my students to be responsible for recording instruction

from class, and seeking additional help when they need it. I want these students to progress and I

hope to encourage them along the way. I am willing to help each of the students through

challenges and inspire them to do and be better. I will give them quality feedback so that they

can know where they are succeeding and where they need to focus more of their energy. I will
Educational Philosophy Emma Parsons 3

focus on their individual achievements and needs. I hope to assist them on reaching their own

goals as well as the goals I set for them.

I am excited to become an educator and hope to positively influence my students. In

summary, my philosophy for education includes an organized classroom, strategies for

engagement, building relationships with students, and a focus on students’ responsibility for their

own learning. I want the students to succeed and grow as individuals in the classroom. I will

strive to be the best teacher I can for my students and will help them to grow academically and


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