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Quality, cost, delivery:

measuring business

Published by the Department of Trade and Industry. www.dti.gov.uk

© Crown Copyright. URN 04/814; 03/05
To stay ahead of the market, it’s crucial to monitor your company’s
performance, however big or small your business is. Once you’ve
The DTI drives our ambition of gauged how well you are doing, you can start improving the way
‘prosperity for all’ by working to
create the best environment for
you do things – and boost your profits.
business success in the UK.
We help people and companies
This brochure is for: Companies that want to take a fresh look at
become more productive by their business processes, with the goal of increasing profitability
promoting enterprise, innovation
and creativity.
and delivering exceptional customer service. Companies outside
manufacturing can adapt the principles to their industry.
We champion UK business at home
and abroad. We invest heavily in It covers: The key roles of quality, cost and delivery (QCD). This
world-class science and technology.
We protect the rights of working
approach puts your whole business under the microscope and aims
people and consumers. And we to raise standards in seven key areas: quality of finished products;
stand up for fair and open markets
in the UK, Europe and the world.
on-time delivery; staff productivity; stock levels; efficiency of
equipment; added value and floor space utilisation.

Read the steps that are relevant to 12 Step 5: Overall Equipment
your business. Effectiveness – are you using your
02 What is QCD? equipment to maximum capacity?

04 Step 1: Not Right First Time – does 14 Step 6: Value Added Per Person –
your company end up with a high level is each team member adding value
of defective products/waste? to products?

06 Step 2: Delivery Schedule Achievement 16 Step 7: Floor Space Utilisation – are

– would you like to deliver to you making best use of your premises?
Achieving best practice in your business is a key
theme within DTI’s approach to business support, customers on time, every time? 18 Case studies – read how other
providing ideas and insights into how to improve companies are reducing waste and
performance across your business. By showing 08 Step 3: People Productivity – would
what works in other businesses, we can help you you like to raise staff productivity? cutting costs
see which approaches can help you, and then 24 Further help and advice
support you in implementation. This brochure 10 Step 4: Stock Turns – do you need to
focuses on these solutions. tighten stock control?
What is QCD?
The QCD approach has been HOW CAN MY COMPANY BENEFIT
widely adopted by many The benefits of the Quality, Cost, Delivery
approach include:
sectors in manufacturing,
from textiles to chemicals. Using QCD can clarify your priorities for
improving your production process or
service delivery – whichever sector you
It was originally developed for the car operate in.
industry to help British companies evolve
into world-class operations. The organisation SIMPLICITY
that created QCD is the Industry Forum of The measures give you the big picture,
the Society of Motor Manufacturers simplifying even a complex production
and Traders (SMMT). process and identifying a straightforward
route for improvements.
If you are in the service industries, you can
adapt the principles of QCD to your sector to FEEDBACK
measure how efficiently you work and bring You can use the tools to assess the results
about business improvements. of any changes you make to your production
process or service delivery. QCD provides
rapid feedback – it gives you the facts and
figures you need to make meaningful

QCD tells you how well you are currently
doing, to help you decide which part of your
business or production process to improve.
The data gives you a standard to set targets
for the future. Once you’ve decided which
activities to improve, you will need to review
them, to establish why you do things in a
certain way.


Using the techniques to monitor your
performance and set goals will noticeably
improve efficiency. It can bring rapid
improvement and increased profits.

The case studies in this booklet show how

QCD has helped businesses tighten up their
operation and improve their bottom line.

02 03
Step 1

Not Right First Time
Not Right First Time (NRFT) looks at the quality of your COLLECT DATA ACT

products or services – how often do they meet the • Measure the amount you waste – not
just waste materials, but wasted time
• Put in place improvement activities.
• Set goals – short term and long term.
customer’s specification? and effort.
• Make staff responsible for improvement.
• Do you have the right data to identify
problems in the production cycle or the
You can put NRFT into figures, by measuring MEASURING NOT RIGHT FIRST TIME general workflow?
the number of ‘defective parts per million’. There are two points at which you can MONITOR
• Consider getting external help and advice,
Take the number of defective products and measure NRFT – before it reaches the
for example from Business Link (or its • Monitor improvement activities.
divide it by the total quantity of products customer (internally) and after it reaches
equivalent in Scotland, Wales and Northern
you supplied. Multiply this by 106 to get the customer (externally). • Take measurements to make sure
Ireland), consultants or industry bodies.
the number of parts per million – the they’re working.
standard way that industry looks at the If a company produces two defective • Set new goals for continuous
number of defects. components in every thousand, this improvement.
translates into 2,000 parts per million. COMMUNICATE
Companies in service industries need to look
at factors such as the number of customer See the working example below. • Once you’ve identified where the problem
complaints, the number of returns or lies, communicate this to all relevant staff
cancelled contracts. Once you know this figure, you can set – you need everyone to understand the
targets for improvement – you should aim importance of getting it right first time and See the case study on NRFT on page 18.
for below 100 parts per million, which is the the effect on the bottom line.
industry best practice.

Regardless of which industry you are in, ANALYSE

getting things right first time and every time,
leads to a lower defect rate, improving • Brainstorm a solution. Ask yourselves
quality and customer satisfaction. why you carry out activities in a certain
way. Is it simply because you’ve always
done it that way?
Working example:
• Consider an alternative way of
doing things.
NOT RIGHT FIRST TIME = (2/1000) X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 2,000 DEFECTIVE PARTS PER MILLION.

Step 2

Delivery Schedule Checklist

Achievement MEASURE

• Collect data to measure the ratio of correct


• Explain to staff the effect on the bottom

to incorrect deliveries. line of bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
Delivery Schedule Achievement looks at how well a
supplier delivers what the customer needs, when they ANALYSE TEST

need it. • Use brainstorming to identify bottlenecks • Test new ways of working.
and inefficiencies that are affecting • Refine them with feedback.
• Formalise them in company policy.
The goal is 100% on-time delivery of the • Incorrect deliveries include late and early • Ask staff to come up with solutions, not
correct goods or services. Businesses need to deliveries. just problems.
achieve this in a cost-effective way, without • Incorrect deliveries include deliveries of
resorting to expensive special deliveries or the wrong quantity (too many, too few,
overtime payments. Neither should you incur and parts that are not right for the job).
increased costs for stock, scrap or reworking
• If a delivery is both ‘not on time’ and
to meet a deadline. If you do end up with
‘incorrect quantity’, count it only once.
extra costs, it shows you are not in control of
your processes.
Once you’ve measured your performance,
MEASURING DELIVERY SCHEDULE you need to look at ways of improving it.
In one week, a company makes 100
deliveries. Of those deliveries, five are late
and three are of incorrect quantities.
To measure how well you’re delivering what
the customer needs, you need to work out
the ratio of correct to incorrect deliveries.

See the working example below.

Working example:
x 100 = 92%

06 07
Step 3

People Productivity Checklist

People Productivity (PP) looks at how long it takes (in MEASURE

staff hours) to produce a good quality product or deliver • Get staff to record cycle times to provide a
benchmark for improvement.
a satisfactory service – a necessary measurement for • Use a camcorder to capture the way staff
currently do things.
every business.

To measure it, you need to take the number You may need to reassess the way people • Watch the video to spot wasteful actions.
of good units and divide it by the total work, making sure that every action counts; • Use brainstorming techniques to
number of direct operator hours (direct reducing wasteful work; avoiding question the traditional way of doing
operators are staff who are vital to the overproduction and standardising the way things and identify new ways of working
production process). This will give you a things are done. If staff have spare time to reduce waste.
measurement of the number of units per whilst an automated process completes, look
employee per hour. Units could be physical at ways of using this time productively.
products, the number of sales or the number TEST
There are three kinds of work: • Test new ways of working e.g. build a
Measuring PP helps you focus on a major • Work which adds value in line with the mock-up of a production cell.
product cost – staff salaries. Once you know customer’s requirement
how long it takes to produce each product or • Pilot new practices with one team, and
• Work which does not add value, but is make modifications according to staff
carry out a service, you can look at ways of necessary
making staff more productive. feedback.
• Work which is wasteful and counter-
See the working example below, where a
mobile phone factory has 30 staff making IMPLEMENT MONITOR
60 phones an hour.
A high value for PP can only be obtained • Roll out new ways of working across • Monitor the financial results of new
To improve PP, you have two options. You when: the factory. ways of working and other improvement
can either increase the number of good units • most of your employees’ work is adding • Set targets for speeding up cycle times, activities.
each member of staff makes (or the number value to the process and make staff responsible for hitting • Use questionnaires to get feedback
of sales they make, etc) or reduce the • non-value added work is reduced to targets. from staff.
amount of time they need to make each unit. a minimum • Use the information to constantly improve,
This could reduce your overtime bill, making • waste is eliminated. and communicate successes to staff.
your company more profitable.

Working example:


08 09
Step 4

Stock Turns Checklist

Stock Turns (ST) looks at the ratio of raw materials to work- MEASURE MONITOR

in-progress and finished goods. The more quickly you • Work out your ST ratio, to see if your
cycle from raw materials to sales invoice
• Take measurements to monitor the effect
of any improvements you make.
convert raw materials into finished articles and sell them, is quick or slow.

the more quickly they bring in valuable sales revenue.

It also frees up valuable storage space for the next job.
• Get staff together to brainstorm ways of
eliminating bottlenecks and driving faster
Your ST ratio will reveal how effectively you To work out your ST ratio, you need to know
are using company funds and how much the annual sales turnover of a product line
control you have over your production and the amount of stock you hold. IMPLEMENT
process. If you have tight control over your
manufacturing processes, you only need to In the working example below, annual • Consider implementing just-in-time
keep small quantities of raw materials and product sales are £20,000 and the value of manufacturing to minimise the amount of
work in progress. As your company becomes current stock is £5,000. Current stock stock you hold. For this, you need to
more efficient, you may find you can includes work in progress, finished goods cultivate close relationships with suppliers.
respond faster to customer demands and and raw materials.
• Consider investing in new systems such as
work to tighter schedules.
supply chain management or enterprise
The higher the number the better. A high
resource planning (ERP) software that
You may want to look at moving to just-in- stock turn means that you are working your
helps automate planning, forecasting and
time manufacturing, where you keep the money hard. A low figure means your money
financial accounting.
minimum amount of raw materials, work in is tied up in stock, and you therefore have
progress and finished products. You rely on less funds to invest in other parts of the
suppliers to provide materials as and when business. The more stock you keep, the For more information on just-in-time and
needed, and deliver goods to customers only higher the risk of it becoming obsolete or supply chains, visit the Achieving best See the case study on Stock Turns
when needed. damaged. practice in your business web presence at on page 20.
MEASURING STOCK TURNS In process manufacturing, the industry
There are three streams of stock to measure: average for stock turns is 12-15. In retail,
• incoming materials from suppliers where goods are perishable or go out of
• work in progress flowing through fashion quickly, the average is higher.
the factory
• finished goods that are ready for delivery
to the customer.

Working example:
= 4

10 11
Step 5

Overall Equipment Checklist

Effectiveness MEASURE

• Ask staff to record cycle times, downtime

and output data.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) tells you how well • Use the information to identify variations
in cycle times, patterns in downtime and
your business is using its equipment and staff. quality issues.

MEASURING OVERALL EQUIPMENT Including these three figures in the equation
EFFECTIVENESS below will give you the overall equipment • Assemble staff from across the business
There are three key points to look at: effectiveness, expressed as a percentage. and conduct a problem-solving session.
availability, performance and quality. The higher the percentage, the better.
• Ask staff to identify bottlenecks, causes
of downtime and factors that influence
1 To work out availability for a machine,
you need to look at the amount of
unplanned downtime. If you plan to run
See the working example below.

Ways to improve OEE include eliminating

cycle times.

a machine for 100 hours a week, but it’s down time to improve the production flow
only up and running for 50 hours, and boosting quality by reducing rework PRIORITISE
availability is 50% (50 hours divided by and scrap.
100 hours). • Decide which problems are the main cause
Improving OEE could help your company of downtime, and which solutions will
bring the most benefit to the business.
2 Performance compares the actual
output with the ideal output. If a
process is supposed to take five
take on more customer orders, without
needing to invest in more machinery or staff.

minutes, but instead takes ten minutes, ACT

then performance is running at 50%
(5 minutes divided by 10 minutes). • Set goals for efficiency improvements and
make staff responsible for achieving them.

3 To work out quality, you need to compare

the number of good parts produced
with the total. If a company makes 40
• Get staff to make regular measurements to
check goals are reached.

components per hour and only 20 are of

saleable standard, this means quality is
running at 50% (20 saleable components To find out about tools and techniques
divided by 40 components). for analysing performance and
brainstorming problems and solutions,
see www.dti.gov.uk/bestpractice/

Working example:

OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS = (50/100) X (5/10) X (20/40) X100/1 = 12.5%

12 13
Step 6

Value Added Per Person Checklist

Value Added Per Person (VAPP) shows how well people are MEASURE IMPLEMENT

used to transform raw materials into the finished product. • Ask staff to fill in time sheets to show how
long they take to complete each cycle.
• Make sure all staff are on board.
• Communicate the reasons for new ways of
To calculate VAPP, you need to know the price tag of the • Use a camcorder to record how staff carry working – the effect on the bottom line.
out their jobs.
finished product and the cost of the raw materials. You also
need to know the number of direct employees – those who ANALYSE
• Be open to feedback.
are vital to the production process. • Analyse product cycles. Look at operator • Take measurements to assess how
downtime – whilst operators are waiting effective new ways of working are, and
for a machine to complete a task, can you continuously improve performance.
get them to do another? Analyse the video
to spot wasteful activities, for example
MEASURING VALUE ADDED PER PERSON The higher the VAPP, the better. A high unnecessary movements.
In the working example below, a company VAPP means you are making the most of
makes video recorders that sell at £60, the staff time, minimising waiting time and
components cost £10 and 20 staff are needed making every action count. If you analyse
to assemble the products. the way staff work, you may be able to TEST
combine certain tasks, or use time that staff
would normally spend waiting for an • Test new ways of working before you
automatic process to finish. change the shopfloor layout – build a
mock-up of a cell and carry out a
• Make modifications according to staff
Working example: feedback.
60 – 10
= £2.50 per person

14 15
Step 7

Floor Space Utilisation Checklist

Floor Space Utilisation (FSU) measures the sales revenue ANALYSE TEST

generated per square metre of factory or office floor. • Look at the layout and the way people
work. Can you bring two processes closer,
• If practical, test a new layout beforehand –
mock up a production cell and check the
Factory or office floor space is an expensive fixed cost. to link or merge them and save space? new layout works.
• Look at what’s vital to the production
In manufacturing, it’s reflected as a proportion of the price process and what you can get rid of or
move elsewhere. MONITOR
of each finished product. • Use external expertise to help you see the
big picture. • Take measurements to monitor the effect
of improvements on the business – and
keep on improving.
You can use FSU to look at the revenue for an In manufacturing, one way of reducing floor
individual area or for the whole factory or space is to implement lean manufacturing,
office floor space. In order to increase the where you keep stocks of raw materials to a To read more about just-in-time
• Get staff together from the different
revenue per square metre, you need to minimum, and rely on suppliers to deliver manufacturing, visit http://www.dti.gov.uk/
business areas to generate ideas for
reduce the amount of floor space you use. materials as and when needed. bestpractice/assets/jit.pdf. For more
This means rethinking layout and, for information on FSU, see case study
example, eliminating inventory to reduce MEASURING FLOOR SPACE UTILISATION • Can you introduce just-in-time
on page 22.
storage areas. If you reduce the amount of In the working example below, a company manufacturing to reduce the need for
space you use, you may be able to expand owns 2,000m2 factory space. The sales stocks, work in progress and finished
without the expense of acquiring or leasing turnover is £10,000 a month. Divide the product?
new buildings. turnover by the amount of space to work
out floor space utilisation.

Working example:
= £5 per m2

16 17
Case studies “Getting outside advice helped us challenge and re-examine our
accepted performance norms,” he says. “Having implemented
the necessary changes, we’ve lifted our capability.”

Innovia Fil
of the UC s (formerly part
practice The team identified where the biggest gains Shop floor staff now understand the effect
in: QCD
could be made and where they should target of waste on the bottom line, as they have
Sector: M
their efforts. Two relatively simple changes carried out teamwork exercises where they
Size of fi significantly reduced waste. Deciding on talk to the company accountants and work
rm: 850
employe standard settings for machines made it out what the figures are themselves, rather
: Cumbria easier to plan customer orders, and than just being told by management.
Website: minimise the amount of finished product
w ww.film
up.com that got thrown away. And getting two The exercises have led to a change in
departments to liaise more closely meant attitude. Staff are now proactive, spotting
customer orders were fed through promptly problems before they arise. “We did team
and the sheet of film was cut to the right exercises to build staff confidence so they
size, so less of the finished product got feel they can make suggestions for
thrown away. improvement. It’s about making shopfloor
staff see that they can make a difference.
Innovia’s team used problem-solving Nine times out of ten, they think it’s up to the
techniques to get this result. “Staff have to management to make a suggestion on
learn how to measure and analyse data. improvement. Our teamwork exercises
They learn tools and techniques, such as encourage good ideas,” says Richard. An
Innovia Films used Not Right First Time (NRFT) measurement brainstorming and cause and effect added benefit is increased job satisfaction –
diagrams,” says Richard Story, Works staff feel empowered.
to dramatically cut waste in its production process. Manager, “We put most staff through the
master class and they get an NCVQ in THE LAST WORD
business improvement techniques.” The business’s waste reduction programme
has delivered continuous improvement over
Video has proved an ideal tool for analysing the last two years, and has been introduced
the way things are done. “We can go to a second plant in Bridgewater, Somerset.
OBJECTIVES The first step was to find out where the through it second by second looking at every The company has reduced the amount of
Innovia’s factory in Cumbria makes plastic waste was occurring and the reasons for it. action, and look at what could be done material being thrown away by 2% a month,
film for packaging and labels – it produces The manufacturing team realised they didn’t differently,” says Richard. saving several hundred thousand pounds.
brands such as Cellophane and Propafilm™. have enough detail to pinpoint this and
The raw material is wood pulp, which comes needed outside help.
out at the other end as finished reels of
cellophane film. Innovia contacted PICME, a government-
funded organisation dedicated to improving
Production methods haven’t changed since process manufacturing. The organisation’s
the 1930s, and the company was concerned engineers worked with Innovia staff to
that a certain level of waste had become an gather data and analyse it according to the
accepted part of the process. NRFT method of measuring.

18 19
RESULTS or achieve faster cycle times. Chris, however,
The pull system has helped increase stock believes it’s key to step back and see where
turns, increase value added activity and you can achieve the most gains. He says:
eliminate waste from the production cycle. “The truth is that the pure injection
Tool changeover time is now 46% quicker, a moulding element is only a very small part
far more efficient use of equipment. of what lean manufacturing is about. The
tougher solutions of organisational and
Cashflow has improved. Managing director cultural change are those that provide the
Chris Nunn feels lean manufacturing is of biggest benefits.”

arley Plumbing and Drainage great benefit to the company as it releases

cash for investment. He says: “Most people THE LAST WORD
M typically think of investment only in capital The improvement activities have led to a
Best practice in: QC
D terms – plant and machinery. But the truth is positive change in company culture. “Most
that a pound invested in stock is the same of this work is about relationships between
Sector: Manufactu pound that could be invested in machinery people, departments and job functions. A
ployees or plant. Investment in machinery and plant number of pleasing side benefits have arisen
Size of firm: 550 em
Uddingston can generally provide a return. Money tied from this recent work: departments are much
tio n: Le nh am in Kent, Bedford and
Loca up in stock cannot.” more aware of each other’s role now, and a
near Glasgow questioning attitude in our people is now
y.co.uk Chris believes the move to lean present, together with a desire for change,”
Website: www.marle
manufacturing will help the company says Chris.
compete in the marketplace. He says: “As
the market changes, with a smaller number He adds: “These early achievements are
of ever bigger buyers, it becomes ever more about starting the business off in a new
competitive for suppliers and increasingly direction, and we plan to provide a system of
difficult to pass costs on.” training and mentoring that will spread the
Marley Plumbing and Drainage used Stock Turns and practice throughout the business. I am
When profits are under pressure, the first hoping that within a couple of years we shall
Overall Equipment Effectiveness to cut costs and reaction can be to look for technical have captured most of the quick wins
solutions – to try to produce better products immediately available to us.”
strengthen its market position.

OBJECTIVES In addition, the company was aiming for “The truth is that the pure injection moulding element is
Marley Plumbing and Drainage more effective use of machinery. The goal
manufactures plastics components for the was to speed up changeovers on the only a very small part of what lean manufacturing is about.
building trade. Unlike many other companies injection moulding production line,
in its sector, Marley produces and sells its improving Overall Equipment Effectiveness. The tougher solutions of organisational and cultural change
product on the open market, rather than
acting as a subcontractor for a client order. SOLUTION are those that provide the biggest benefits.”
The company’s approach brings with it risks Marley got outside help from manufacturing
– if the company holds too much stock and industry body PICME. An external team CHRIS NUNN – MANAGING DIRECTOR
inventory, it means cash is tied up and is worked with staff from across the business
unavailable for investment in other areas. to analyse current practice and brainstorm
Marley’s goal was to change to a ‘pull
system’, where customer demand drives Using historical and current data, Marley
production. It stops overproduction as the predicted the likely demand for its products,
company only makes what the customer so that shop floor staff could start
needs. This approach is known as lean manufacturing products in line with
manufacturing – where everyone in the customer demand and introduce lean
supply chain delivers just in time. It reduces manufacturing.
uncertainty in the supply chain and reduces
the need for expensive buffer stocks.

20 21
“Many of the initial 25 improvement suggestions surprised
me. To be honest I would have personally overlooked some in
the course of everyday work. All these initial proposals had to
Daniels Healthca show some kind of material benefit – and all of them were
Best practice in approved on the basis that they did.”
Sector: Manufac
Size of firm: 52
Location: Kidlin
gton, Oxfordsh
ire and Tring,
Website: www.d
an iels.co.uk
The team focused on the company’s two One key lesson learned is that staff produce
largest moulding machines. New bin better solutions if management are not
collectors were designed and built, and involved. Shaun says: “Many of the initial
colour coding was introduced for machinery, 25 improvement suggestions surprised me.
materials, packaging and ancillary I would have personally overlooked some in
equipment. Colour coding helps staff keep the course of everyday work. All these initial
everything in its rightful place – with a proposals had to show some kind of material
knock-on effect of better use of space. benefit – and all of them were approved on
Daniels Healthcare used Floor Space Utilisation (FSU) to the basis that they did.”
The issue was not just about space. Any
reorganise its factory layout and avoid a costly move. reorganisation of shop floor layout would Outside help is key. “The outside facilitators
affect the way people worked, so all staff are needed to remind our people about their
would need to get on board. The company successes, to recall where they’ve come
realised it needed to communicate effectively from and to orientate them with tools and
and win staff over. encouragement for the bigger improvement
Daniels Healthcare makes specialist SOLUTION picture ahead,” says Shaun.
containers for waste disposal in hospitals The company set up a manufacturing RESULTS
and clinics. The company has two sites, a improvement team to look at the flow of Staff are now much more aware of how the THE LAST WORD
manufacturing plant in Kidlington, materials on the shop floor. The team found business works and how they impact upon it The improvements to the shop floor layout
Oxfordshire and a head office in Tring, it was key to take time out from day-to-day on a daily basis. They also accept the have encouraged the company to look at the
Hertfordshire. issues and get outside help. A workshop importance of clear communication. “The way it organises other parts of the business.
with manufacturing industry body PICME team have learnt a lot about the power of Shaun says: “This is not just about
OBJECTIVES helped them see the big picture. Quality communication, in particular learning that it manufacturing. It can as much be applied to
Due to increasing customer demand, the Director, Salvatore Picillo explains: “The needs to take place and that people need to the flow of orders, invoices, and other
company needed to expand but had run out master class gave our team the time and be won over. Much as we might want them information as it can materials and
of space on its existing manufacturing site. space to look at our concerns head-on and to, commitment and enthusiasm don’t come machinery. At the end of the day it means
The company was keen to make more of its chart the full scale of activity around our 15 automatically,” says Shaun. doing a job of work the way you want to do
existing space to avoid a costly expansion. moulding machines.” it. The side benefits include saving your time
Operations Director Shaun Hazlett says: Running improvement activities has given and saving the everyday frustrations that
“We had very pressing issues of space First, the team went back to basics – they staff more confidence. Staff feel empowered come from an inappropriate system.”
management, workflow and work cleared the shop floor and cleaned, to get a when they see their suggestions move from
organisation to resolve. These concerns were better idea of where the problems were. brainstorm to reality. Shaun said: “Our
people intensive, affecting nearly all on the After decluttering, the team put back only improvement team is now its own authority,
shop floor.” items vital to production. The goal was to independent and empowered to change the
organise the space more effectively. working environment.”

22 23
Further help
and advice
Achieving best practice in your business is a Construction Equipment Association
key theme within DTI’s approach to business Tel: 01883 334 499
support, providing ideas and insights into Fax: 01883 334 490
how to improve performance across your E-mail: cea@admin.org.uk
business. By showing what works in other Website: www.coneq.org.uk
businesses, we can help you see which
approaches can help you, and then support MICE (Metals Industry Competitiveness
you in implementation. Enterprise)
Tel: 0114 244 6833
IN YOUR BUSINESS E-mail: enquiries@metalsindustry.co.uk
To access free information and publications Website: www.metalsindustry.co.uk
on best practice:
• visit our website at www.dti.gov.uk/ PICME (Purpose Industries for Manufacturing
bestpractice Excellence)
• call the DTI Publications Orderline on Tel: 01642 430021
0845 015 0010 or visit www.dti.gov.uk/ Fax: 01642 430025
publications E-mail: enquiries@picme.org
Website: www.picme.org
Shipbuilders & Shiprepairers Association
Tel: 01784 223 770
To get help bringing best practice to your
Fax: 01784 223 775
business, contact Business Link – the
E-mail: office@ssa.org.uk
national business advice service. Backed by
Website: www.ssa.org.uk
the DTI, Business Link is an easy-to-use
business support and information service,
SMMT Industry Forum
which can put you in touch with one of its
Tel: 0121 717 6600
network of experienced business advisers.
Fax: 0121 717 6699
• Visit the Business Link website at
E-mail: info@industryforum.co.uk
Web: www.industryforum.co.uk
• Call Business Link on 0845 600 9 006. Industry Forum (Textile and Clothing) GENERAL BUSINESS ADVICE
Tel: 020 7636 7788 You can also get a range of general business advice
Fax: 020 7636 4418 from the following organisations:
Industry specialists often run classes in E-mail: info@industryforum.net
Website: www.industryforum.net England
business improvement, to encourage staff to
think proactively on the shopfloor. • Call Business Link on 0845 600 9 006
UK Lean Aerospace Initiative • Visit the website at www.businesslink.gov.uk
Contact your own industry forum and find Tel: 07887 562 833 Scotland
out what training they offer for business Fax: 020 7227 1025 • Call Business Gateway on 0845 609 6611
improvement or achieving excellence in E-mail: karl.smith@sbac.co.uk • Visit the website at www.bgateway.com
business. Website: www.sbac.co.uk
• Call Business Eye/Llygad Busnes on
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Website: www.constructingexcellence.org.uk mind that prices quoted are indicative at the time it was published. • Visit the website at www.investni.com


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