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 Quality of Sound in Music

At the end of the 40-minute period, the pupils must be able to:
1. recognize the source of sounds
2. identifies the source of sounds: wind, wave, swaying of the trees, animal sounds,
sounds produced by machines, transportation through body movements
3. work cooperatively with a group
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide
 Song- “Tong Tong Tong Pakitong-Kitong”
Values Integration:
 Attentive listening
 Cooperation
Learning Development:
 Start the class with a prayer.
 To welcome the class to the first session, let them sing the song “Kamusta Ka?”
 Let the pupils place their palm in their heart to feel its beat. Ask the pupils what
do they feel if they have seen a crab.
 Introduce the song “Tong Tong Tong Pakitong-Kitong”
 The pupils will sing the song together with the teacher by
walking/tapping/clapping/playing instruments.
 The class will be divided into groups.
 The descriptive words in the song will be changed to other descriptive words.
 The group will perform the song based the descriptive words they have chosen by
walking/tapping/ clapping/playing instruments.
Generalization will be done by means of giving examples of objects with steady beats by
the pupils.
By means of a game, the pupils will pick a picture inside a mystery box. A ball will be
passed around while the music is playing. When the music stops, the pupil holding the ball will
pick a picture in a mystery box and identify if the object in the picture whether it maintains the
steady beats or not.

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