Is 107 Fundamentals of Business and Management

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Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga Peninsula Region

Pagadian City

This course focuses on the concepts, theories and principles of Business Management.
At the end of the course the students should be able to:

 Identify and explain the business management theories, concepts, and principles;

 Develop students’ skills in interpreting and integrating these theories and concepts into real


 Enhance the students’ analytical abilities towards issues and problems affecting business

organization and enable them to offer solutions/options;

 Employ the critical role of Information Technology in a business; and

 Demonstrate methods for how to plan, incorporate innovation and build strategies for

business and management with the help of Information Technology.


EXAMINATIONS . . . . . 30%
QUIZZES . . . . . . . 15%
REPORTING . . . . . . . 25%

1 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC
Week Subject Matter Learning Objectives Activities/Methodologies Materials Needed

A. Orientation, Setting Objectives,

Requirements, Surfacing and
Leveling of Expectations for the
Subject To discuss and level off
Week 1
with the students’ course
B. The Management Concepts &
Processes requirements.
 Lecture
 Overhead projector  Recitation
 The Organization  Discussions
Facilitate the identification  Board marker  Sharing of ideas
 The Manager  Slide presentations
and discussion of the basic
 The Management Process
concepts of management
 Functions of Management
and organization.
Week 2  Managerial Roles and Activities
 Essential Managerial Skills
 Working Today: Challenges
Week 3 C. Evolution of Management Thought To increase/provide  Lecture  Overhead projector  Recitation
 Classical Management knowledge of the students  Discussions  Board marker  Sharing of ideas
 Approaches on the topics through the  Slide presentations  Quiz
 Behavioral Management identification and  Small Group Tasks  Group Outputs

 Approaches discussion of the basic

 Modern Management concepts of management

 Foundations on the context of historical


2 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC
D. External Environment and
To increase/provide  Overhead projector
Organizational Culture  Lecture
knowledge of the students  Board marker
 The General Macro-Environment  Discussions  Recitation
on the topics through the  Paper
o Economic Conditions  Slide presentations  Sharing of ideas
Week 4 identification and  Pentelpens
o Legal Political conditions  Small Group Tasks  Quiz/Long Exam
discussion of the  Reading
o Socio-Cultural Conditions  AVP  Group Outputs
organizational Materials/Handout/
o Technological Conditions  Sharing of Ideas
environment. Reference
o Natural Environments
To increase/provide
knowledge of the students
 Overhead projector
 The Tasks/Specific Environment by identifying and
o Stakeholders  Lecture  Board marker
articulating the concepts of  Recitation
o Competitive Advantage  Discussions  Paper
o Uncertainty, complexity & stakeholders and  Sharing of ideas
Week 5  Slide presentations  Pentelpens
change organizational  Quiz/Long Exam
 Environment and Innovation  Small Group Tasks  Reading
o Types of Innovation environments and the  Group Outputs
 AVP Materials/Handout/
o Innovation Process concepts of innovations;
identify and explain the
concepts of sustainability.
Week 6  Environment and Sustainability To increase/provide  Lecture  Overhead projector  Recitation
o Sustainable Development
knowledge of the students  Discussions  Board marker  Sharing of ideas
o Sustainable Business
o Sustainability Goals, by identifying and  Slide presentations  Paper  Quiz
Measurement and Reporting articulating the concepts of  Small Group Tasks  Pentelpens  Group Outputs
o Human Sustainability
 Cultural Diversity and sustainability and cultural  Case Analysis  Reading
International Management diversity and international  AVP Materials/Handout/
o International Management
3 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC
o Challenges facing the Global
Managerial Worker
o Methods and Entry to the
World Markets
management in the
o Success Factors in the Global
o Market .c`ontext of business  Sharing of Ideas Reference
o The scope, competitive
advantage, potential problems
of Managing Diversity
o Organizational Practices to
Encourage Diversity
Week 7 E. Fundamentals of Planning To increase/provide  Lecture  Overhead projector  Recitation
 Why and How Managers Plan
knowledge of the students  Discussions  Board marker  Sharing of ideas
o Importance of Planning
o The Planning Process on concepts and processes  Slide presentations  Paper  Quiz/Long Exam
o Benefits of Planning of Planning  Small Group Tasks  Pentelpens  Group Outputs
o Planning and Time
o Management  Case Analysis  Reading  Simulation
 Types of plans To develop skills and right  AVP Materials/Handout/
 Planning Tools and techniques
 Implementing Plans attitudes in the preparation  Sharing of Ideas/Reporting Reference
o Goal Setting of planning
o Goal alignment
o Participation and involvement
 Strategic Planning and To increase/provide
knowledge of the students
o Strategic Management
o Essentials of Strategic on concepts and processes
of decision making
o Corporate Level Strategy
o Business-Level Strategy To develop skills and right
 Strategy Implementation attitudes for decision
 Concepts of Communication making
 Concepts of Decision Making

4 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC
o Concepts of decision making
o Decision Making Process
o Programmed and Non-Program
o Bounded Rationality and
o Influences in Decision Making
o Group Solving Problem and
Decision Making
o Creativity, Innovations in
Managerial Work
o Issues in Managerial
o Decision Making

F. The Fundamentals of Organizing

 Organizing as Management
Function To increase/provide
o Formal structure
knowledge of the students
o Informal structure  Overhead projector
 The Organizational Structure on the concepts and  Lecture
o Functional structure  Board marker  Recitation
frameworks of organizing  Discussions
o Divisional structure  Paper  Sharing of ideas
o Informal structure  Slide presentations
Week 8  Pentelpens  Quiz
 Horizontal organizational To increase knowledge of  Small Group Tasks
Structure  Reading  Group Outputs
o Team structure students by identifying and  AVP
o Network structure explaining the concepts  Sharing of Ideas/Reporting
o Boundary-less structure Reference
and frameworks in
 Organizational Designs
o Contingency organizational designs
o Mechanistic and organic
o Trends in organizational design
Week 9 G. Organizational Dynamics (Change) and To increase/provide  Lecture  Overhead projector  Recitation
knowledge of the students  Discussions  Board marker  Sharing of ideas
 Basic Concepts of HRM
o HRM planning on the topics HRM by  Slide presentations  Paper  Quiz
o HR Development
identifying and explaining  Small Group Tasks  Pentelpens  Group Outputs
5 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC
o Maintaining quality workforce  AVP  Reading
 Organizational Culture
the concepts of HRM.  Sharing of Ideas Materials/Handout/
 Organizational Change
 Simulation Reference
H. Leading as Function of Management
 Basic Concepts of Leaderships
o Leaderships and Behavior
o Contingency Approaches to
Leadership To increase/provide
 Fielders Leadership model
knowledge of the students
 Heresy-Blanchard  Reporting and class/group
Situational on the topics related to  Overhead projector  Feedback/group
 Path-Goal Model/Theory discussion
Leadership in the context  Case Materials assessment
 Leader-Member Exchange  Case analysis and sharing of
Week 10 Theory of management by  Reading  Class/group reaction
 Leader-Participation Model ideas/insights
identifying the theories and Materials/Handout/ and synthesis
o Personal Leadership  Simulation on the use of
Development concepts and the Reference  Quiz
 Charismatic and monitoring and control tools
personages that
 Emotional and Intelligence contributed such theories.
 Gender and Leadership
 Moral Leadership
 Druckers Model of
Week 11 I. Controlling To increase/provide  Reporting and class/group  Overhead projector  Feedback/group
 Basic Concepts of controlling knowledge of the students discussion  PowerPoint assessment
 Controlling and other on the topics related to
Management functions  Case analysis and sharing of Presentation  Class/group reaction
controlling in the context
 Types and strategies of Control
of management by ideas/insights  Reading and synthesis
 Steps in the control process
 Non-Budgetary Control identifying the theories, Materials/Handout/  Course paper and
Techniques concepts and the processes
Reference reaction papers
 Budget and Budgetary Control involved;
Techniques To enhance the skill of
 Managing Cash Flow and students in monitoring and
CostCutting evaluation in the context of
6 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC
 Non-Traditional Measures
ofFinancial Performance business operation and
 Information System and Control management.
 Characteristics of Effective Control
 Overhead projector  Feedback/group
To facilitate the  Reporting and class/group  PowerPoint assessment
articulation, critical analysis discussion Presentation  Class/group reaction
Week 12 J. Paper Reporting and Class Discussion of students on knowledge
learned and application of  Case analysis and sharing of  Reading and synthesis
skills developed. ideas/insights Materials/Handout/  Course paper and
Reference reaction papers
To contextualize and align
learnings of students in the  Overhead projector
 Feedback/group
context of theories and  PowerPoint
concepts of Business  Class discussion assessment
K. Wrap up, Summary and Synthesis, Presentation
Week 13 Management  Question and answers, group  Class/group reaction
Final Examination  Reading
analysis and synthesis and synthesis
To evaluate the learning Materials/Handout/
 Final Exam
and knowledge gained by Reference
the student

7 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC

1. Schermerhorn, John R. Jr. Introduction to Management, 12th Edition, John Willey & Sons
Singapore, Pte., Ltd., 2013
2. Robins, Stephen and Coulter M., Management, 11th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.,
publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake, Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
3. Dubrin, Andrew J., Fundamentals of Management, Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
Singapore, 2013
4. Hellriegel, D. S. Jackson and J. Slocum Jr. Management. 8th Edition. Person Educational
Limited. Essex, England.
5. Barney J.A. & Griffin R.W., The Management of Organizations: Strategy, Structure,
Behavior, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1992 (GCEB LIB)
6. Bateman T.S. and Snell S.A., Management Building Competitive Advantage, 1996,
McGraw –Hill Companies Inc.
7. Daft, Richard, L. 2010, New Era of Management, Philippines, ESP Printers
8. Dessler, Gary, 2001, Management Leading People and Organizations in the 21st
Century, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
9. Gomez-Mejia, L. R. D.B. Balkin and R.I. Cardy, 2005, Management: People, Performance,
Change, New York, McGrow Hill
10. Jones, H.R. and J.M. Goodman, 2006, Contemporary Management, New York: McGrawHill
11. Lewis, P.S. H.S. Goodman, P.M. Fandt, 2001, Management Challenges in the 21st Century,
USA: South Wesley College Publishing
12. Kepner, C.H. and B. B. Tregoe. 1981. The Rational Manager. The Systematic Approach
to Problem Solving and Decision Making. Latest Edition. Princeton, New, Jersey.
13. Kreitner, Robert. 2009. Management Principles. Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
14. Industrial Organization and Management by Riggs et al, International Student Edition,
Philippine Copyright by McGraw-Hill, Inc, Distributed by National Book Store, 1980
15. Management Theory and Practice by Carlos C. Lorenzana, Rex Printing Company Inc.
Quezon City, 1997

8 | Course Syllabus prepared for Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020, ZDSPGC

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