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Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Badhani (Pathankot)

Assignment No.– 1
Subject Name: Operating System Lab [Subject code: BTCS-404 - 18]

Date of Issue: 27-Feb-2020 Date of Submission:05-March- 2020 Date of Return: 05-March-2020

Note: Mode of Submission: Online (Hand Written & Roll No Must be on Every Page.)

Que. 1. What is Shell?

Que. 2. Explain the Basic of Shell programming?

Que. 3. Explain Types of shell?

Que. 4. Explain the Following Commands of Shell Programming in bash Shell,

a) Conditional & looping statement,

b) Case statements,

c) Parameter passing and arguments,

d) Shell variables,

e) Shell keywords,

f) Creating shell programs for automate system tasks,

g) Report printing.

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