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Raymond Mendoza


CASE 3. Fina’s Xerox: Right or Wrong

Guide Question
If you were consulted by Fina what would you advise her? Why?

I would advise her that, do not take the offer. If we speak profit it will be a better opportunity to a
much higher profit, but ethically it is not right to produce a copy of a book without the authority of the
author. Because there is a law, Intellectual property right and copyright of the author are some of the
case that she might violate if she goes into that deal. The principal might told her to reproduce the
book but the principal is not the author of the book. So it is not ethically correct. Unless otherwise the
principal is the author of the book and the deals that he or she offers to Fina is to be the printing press.

Case 4. Petra’s Cosmetics: I’ll walk alone

Guide Question
D you think Pedro’s personality will not be a hindrance to his dream of being a successful

Yes, it will not be a hindrance for his success. Someone’s personality or sexual preference is not the
basis of his or her success. Each of us is entitled of our own dream and vocation. Success doesn’t rely
on your personality or sexual preference but it is depend on your commitment, hard work,
perseverance and intelligence. Even Pedro’s ancestor is known for being a manly soldier or personnel
it doesn’t required him to follow their footstep. Every person is born uniquely. Each of us are born with
own identity, someone’s success doesn’t rely on other’s success. Our success rely on ourselves!

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