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Dear Tram

I Want ask to you about SOP QA-50 “Quick Test for Feather Meal Adulterant”

1. Are the sample test need to be ground first or not?

2. I read in SOP if the test sample is negative / not adulterated with feather meal, it should not colour
change between the test sample + adding solution A and the test sample + adding solution A & B.
How are the colour change exactly for pure fish Meal after adding Solution A and Solution B? I had trial
this method for pure fish meal but the colour change is always from brown to black. Please see the
picture below.
a. Sample fish meal (unground) has taken from Surabaya Plant

Fish Meal + Solution A Fish Meal + Solution A + Solution B

b. Sample fish meal (ground) has taken from Serang Plant

Fish Meal + Solution A Fish Meal + Solution A + Solution B

c. For comparison, please see trial for feather meal (unground) too
3. How usually the range percentage of cysteine in fish meal? I doubt that fish meal maybe contain cystein

Please advice sir and Thanks for your assistance,

Best Regards
Septian Adetama

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