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In the majestic city of buildings of New York, lived Kate Cooper a beautiful, single

woman, tall, thin with straight brown hair, brown eyes, attractive and very elegant that

her only focus was her work. Kate lived in an apartment in New York City. Miss

Cooper worked for a very prestigious company in marketing; that with his

professionalism has excelled with successes in his work. Miss Cooper was responsible

for the finances of the company in which Mr. Carter the owner of the company had full

confidence. Kate was one of those who thought she did not need a partner to be happy;

since her only happiness was to go to the gym, work, and go out with Sara her secretary

and best friend. Kate said that she would never fall in love with another man if it was

someone who worked with her in the same company. However, Kate with her beauty

dazzled in the corridors of the company leaving many men drowned this was how many

co-workers wanted to conquer with different details and invitations. For Kate, they were

simply the typical men in search of a new conquest to the list. Since his only focus was

his work and he did not like to mix the professional with the personal.

Monday arrived and for Kate, they were not so good since his alarm clock did not ring

that morning and he had a meeting in an hour with the executives. Kate started looking

for clothes for the meeting while the minutes ran she went into despair. The minutes

passed and Kate left her apartment like crazy to the garage to take the car worried about

the traffic that could be found on the way to the company. Arriving 20 minutes before

the meeting begins, Kate parks her car and takes the elevator, ignoring a handsome and

presentable man who also in a hurry took the elevator, entering both of them. While

Sean was fixing his tie and Kate's black dress tight to the body, neither of them noticed

that they were going to the same floor. Leaving at the same time as the elevator they

stumble both being Sean amazed by the beautiful woman whom he apologized. Kate
was leaving the elevator very fast; she was heading towards her office trying to disguise

the handsome man who caught her attention. Sean was a very handsome and intelligent

man who lived in England. He was the godson of Mr. Carter who had made the

invitation to visit the company for a job proposal.

During the meeting, Mr. Carter proposes to Sean that will take care of a new advertising

project of the company and that Sean has been internationally highlighted with

successful projects he has had previously. Although Mr. Carter explained the following

points of the meeting; Sean did not stop seeing Kate because she was very serious and

that made her look elegant and attractive. Ending the meeting Sean thanks Mr. Carter

for the opportunity he was giving him. Then, Mr. Carter explained Sean that all budget

and changes of the new advertising had to let Kate know who was the right hand of Mr.

Carter and trusted her fully also it was she decided whether to approve or not. Sean

immediately went to Kate's office knocking on the door to enter. Miss. Cooper with a

voice of authority answered '' forward '' Sean introduces himself to Kate and at the same

time loses himself in her brown eyes without being able to conceal; Kate asks him

something happens and Sean answered apology you are very beautiful. Kate, not even

smiling, answered Thank you and offered him a seat. Kate and Sean finished their

conversation making everything clear about the new project. Leaving Sean from Kate's

office, Lucy appeared very excited and happy to learn that Sean worked at the company.

Kate and Sean finished their conversation making everything clear about the new

project. Leaving Sean from Kate's office, Lucy appeared very excited and happy to

learn that Sean worked at the company.

Lucy was a beautiful young woman, thin and with short straight hair who was the

daughter of Mr. Carter, her only occupations were going to university, going out with

her friends, going shopping and partying, sometimes visiting her father. Lucy had
known Sean since she was a child with the difference that Sean was eight years older

than her. Sean always saw her as a younger sister while Lucy did not. Lucy was excited

every time Sean visited New York. And always looked for reasons to leave but Sean did

not like it because she flirted with him so he avoided going out with her or made

excuses to not feel bad. Passed out the day, Sean worked on the new project, he couldn't

concentrate thinking on Kate, so he invited her out and Kate rejected him. Sean so many

rejections of Kate was nothing, he started to bring coffee, flowers, and desserts maybe

Kate accepted an invitation. The days passed and Sean showed Kate how much he

cared. However, Kate loved all the details and attention that Sean gave her but for not

showing Sean how much he liked, she rejected every invitation. Suddenly, Sean was

going to Kate's office with a beautiful detail for Kate when Lucy witnessed it happen.

Lucy got mad and looked for a way to meet Sean.

Lucy watched every turn that Sean made in the building when he headed back to the

coffee area and Lucy took advantage of being alone with him. Be uncomfortably

greeting trying to avoid it was served the coffee as fast as he could to get out of there

but it was impossible, Lucy approached him and unexpectedly gave him a kiss at that

moment Kate entered the coffee area and watched Lucy and Sean kiss. Kate left the area

and went to his office at that moment Kate thought he could not feel love for a

man. Soon Sean was explaining to Kate how things had been but she did not believe

him and made it clear that the relationship between partners was never going to happen

to avoid the details and the apologies. They spent days and weeks Sean no longer found

the way to let Kate know that she was the only woman he liked and was completely in

love. Because of what happened with Lucy, Sean decided to talk to Mr. Carter, Lucy's

father, and explain the reasons for the resignation. Mr. Carter very sorry for the

immaturity that his daughter Lucy had done.

For that reason, Sean decided to return to England to be able to forget Kate. Days

passed and Kate noticed that Sean was not going to the company started contacting him

but it was impossible until one day she decided to ask Mr. Carter for Sean and the boss

explained everything to Kate. Without thinking that afternoon Kate took a flight to

England to see Sean. And for him, was a surprise to see Kate at the door of the

apartment where he lived. Until that day both apologized and decided to start together.

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