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(N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)

Ph No: 9701000415, 9010201350
#101, B-Block, Balaji Towers, Beside Prime Hospital,Behind Maitrivanam,


Target Web Application Development using Mean Full Stack

o Web Application Development using Mean Full stack above Node

o IDE: Visual Studio Code
o Programming language: Javascript
o OOPs implementation: TypeScript
o Data base:Mongo DB and/or MySql
o Web API Development: ExpressJS

Understand UI Technologies (MEAN Fullstack)

 Introduction
 Available JavaScript frameworks
 Understand Web Application
 Client Side and Server Side Web Applications

HTML5 Concepts
 Understand HTML
 HTML Tags

CSS3 Concepts
 Understand CSS
 Apply styles
 Classes, division tags, etc.,

N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Introduction to Angular
o Difference between AngularJs1.x and Angular
o Understand difference between other Web technologies like JSP, ASP.NET,
PHP with Angular

IDE for UI Technologies

o Available Software to develop UI Frontend Web Applications

o Atom, sublime, eclipse, etc.,
o Visual Studio Code
o Installation, using Visual Studio code


o NodeJs importance
o Introduction, installation


o Node Package Manager

o Introduction, importance
o Using npm

ES6(ECMA Script 2015)

o Introduction, History, Standards

o Available Software for ECMA script

o Introduction and importance of Java script
o Data types,console.log() global object
o control structures (if, switch, loops)

Javascript objects

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o String object
o Array object (collections)
o Math Object

Javascript functions
o Understand functions
o FE, IIFE, Callback, Closures, etc.,


o Understand JSON
o Create json objects and iterate
o Json objects collection

OOPs using Type script


o OOPs concepts
o OOPs features

o Introduction to typescript
o Installation, Syntax, Keywords

OOPs using Typescript

o classes, object, enum, etc.,
o Inheritance, interface
o Module, etc.,

o Singleton pattern,
o DI (Dependency Injection )etc.,


N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Client Server Architecture
o Understand Architecture
o Different client
o Different servers

Multithreaded model
o Multithreaded model commonly used in .NET and
o Java Architectures

Single threaded Model

o Single threaded model used in NodeJS
o Ajax, Asynchronous calls, call back functions help in NodeJS

Angular 6/7/8
o Understand Angular
o Introduction, Architecture

Angular CLI
o Introduction, Installation of Angular4
o Create angular Project using commands
o Angular CLI commands

Angular Project File structure

o Create Angular Project
o Understand Angular Project File Structure

Angular Modules
o Understand Module,

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o Understand AngularModule
o Syntax to create a module
o Understand parts of Angular module
o Angular module meta data, Feature module

Angular component
o Understand Angular component
o Syntax to create a components
o Structure of Angular Component
o Meta data using @component decorator
o Nesting components

o Understand decorator
o Import decorators
o Properties inside decorator

UI Page/ View
o Understand template, templateUrl
o Display data in template

Data Binding Interpolations

o Interpolation
o Binding expression {{}}, event binding, class binding, property binding
o Understand how to pass data from controller to view and view to controller

Event Binding
o Understand events:
o (click), (dblclick), (mouseover), etc.,

Property binding
o Binding javascript properties using angular
o CSS style binding

N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Data binding

o Two way data binding [(ngModel)]

o Understand Directives and pipes
o Structural directives—ng-if, else, ng-for
o Attribute directives—built in
o Attribute directives—custom
o Using directive values

o Working with events in directives
o Angular pipes—built in
o Angular pipes—custom

o Introduction
o Basic program using NodeJS
o Importing modules

http module

o Understand client server architecture

o http module in node.js
o create client and server based programs
o http serve plain text
o http serve json data
o http serve html content
o http serve html file
o http post operations

Asynchronous programming

o Understand asynchronous

N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

o Asynchronous vs mutlithreading
o Callback in javascript
o Lambda expression
o Node.js file system (IO operations)
o Node.js file system using asyncrhnous

ExpressJs module

o Understand Express
o Understand RESTful services, Web API
o Create RESTful service (WEB API)
o Implement GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations

Other modules
o nodemon
o http-server
o body-parser
o cookie-parser

o Understand EJS
o Create html in ejs and program the UI
o Carry data from express to ejs file
o Perform post operations


o Implement CRUD operations on MongoDB

o Implement CRUD operations on MySql


N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

o Understand MongoDB
o Difference between Sql and NoSql
o Installation of MongoDB
o Installation, start server and client

o Create MongoDB collection
o Perform crud operations into it
o Implement CRUD operations

Web Services

o Understand service
o Types of Services
o Difference between SOAP based and RESTful services

Consume Web Services http service

o Create RESTful web service using NodeJs
o Consume Web Service using Angular2
o Perform CRUD operations on Database table

Advanced concepts


o Understanding routing and navigations

o Route module
o Navigation


o Single Page Application


o Introduction to testing in Angular Application Example

N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

 Additional benefits from NBITS
o Course Material
o Sample resumes and Fine tuning of Resume
o Interview Questions
o Mock Interviews by Real time Consultants
o Certification Questions
o Job Assistance

N Benchmark IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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