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Practical Exam Questions(GAD)

Practical 1:

Q.1(i)Illustrate the use of just in time compiler in

ii)Define user defined namespaces and write procedure

iii) Write different system requirement for installation of

Q.2.Implement the program to generate result of any arithmetic operation using


Practical 2:

Q.1Write the difference between MsgBox() and ErrorProvider Control

Q.2 Write a program using InputBox(),MsgBox() and perform various arithmetic


Q.3 Write a program using if-else statements for the following output.

Result Percentage Criteria

Fail Per<40
Pass Class Per>40 AND per <60
First Class Per > 60 And per <75
Distinction Per > 75

Practical 3:

Q.1 Implement a program for finding greatest among three numbers using if-else

Q.2 Develop a program for performing arithmetic operation using select case.

Practical 4:

Q.1 Implement a program using if-else statement to find the number is even or

Q.2(i) Differentiate between Do & do while loop statements in VB.Net.

(ii) Give the syntax of while and Do loop statements in

Q.3 Write a program using while statements to print the prime numbers between 1-

Practical 5:

Q.1 Write a program using while statements to print even-odd numbers between 1-

Q.2 Write a program using For Next loop statements to find the Armstrong
numbers between 1 to 500(153 is Armstrong number 13+33+53=153)

Q.3 Wite syntax for For loop in VB.Net

Practical 6:

Q.1 Write a code to generate the button at runtime in VB.Net.

Q.2 Write a program to perform the arithmetic operation using controls labels,
button and textbox.

Q.3 Write a program to change the background color of the form when user clicks
on different button.

Practical 7:

Q.1 Differentiate between Radio button and Checkbox Control.

Q.2 Write a program using radio button to change the bulb state ON/OFF (Use two

Q.3 Write a program to change the fore color of the text in Label (Using radio

Practical 8:

Q.1 Write a program to select multiple subjects using list box control

Q.2 Differentiate between listbox and combobox.

Q.3 Implement a program for students registration which will allow the students to
register for multiple subjects for single semester using List and Combo box.
Practical 9:

Q.1 Differentiate between Form and Panel control in

Q.2 Write a program using picture box control to load an image at run time.

Q.3 Write a program to demonstrate the use of Panel Control in

Practical 10:

Q.1 Write a program for timer control.

Q.2 Write a program to display the traffic signal using timer control.

Q.3 Write a program to demonstrate the use of Tab control in VB.Net.

Practical 11:

Q.1 . Write a program code perform the date validation using Error Provider

Q.2 Write a program using ErrorProvider for username and password


Q. Write a program using ErrorProvider control to validate the Name, Date, E-mail
and phone number in GUI application.

Practical 12:

Q.1 Write a program to identify maximum number using parameterizes function.

Q.2 Implement a program using recursion using function.

Q.3 Write a program to find factorial number using function(GUI application).

Practical 13:

Q.1 Write a program to identify Volume of Box class ,with three data members,
length, breadth and height.

Q.2 Implement a program to accept values from combobox and display average of
this in message box using a class.
Practical 14:

Q.1 Implement a program to display any message at run time. (Using a


Q.2 Implement a program to calculate area of circle using parametrized


Practical 15:

Q.1 Implement a program for inheritance where Student is child class and Faculty
is Base class (Take appropriate variable in Base and Child class).

Practical 16:

Q.1 Implement windows application for employee details using overriding


Q.2 Implement a windows application for show string concatenation using

overload method

Practical 17:

Q.1 Write a program for student registration using exception handling

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