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Romance, Sales Detectives and Operation Money Suck

Joe Polish Scores an Outrageous In-Depth Interview With Publicity-Shy Master

Copywriter John Carlton

Tape One of Two

JOE: hello friends and clients, this is Joe Polish President of Piranha Marketing.
Welcome to another edition of the Joe Polish Superstar Audio Tape Series. What you’re
about to hear is a very special interview that I’m doing with Mr. John Carlton. John is a
world class copywriter and someone that has made millions of dollars for his clients but
is not someone that is on the book, market or the seminar circuit. Uh, he’s not somebody
that goes out and tries to become famous. He’s actually one of those people that you’ll
rarely ever get the opportunity to hear his advice. And I’m now gonna present that to you
on this special uh two part tape series. Now I want to give you a little bit of background
on, on who John is just so you’ll know how powerful the information that John is going
to share on this interview actually can be for you. Gary Halbert, who many of you may
know if you study marketing and who’s one of the most well known copywriters in the
world has this to say about uh, John Carlton. When asked who is John Carlton, Gary says,
“Nobody ever asks me who the best copywriter is anymore because everybody knows the
answer. It’s me. The question I am now most often asked is who is the second best
copywriter? And although there are a handful of world class contenders, I have to give
the nod to John Carlton. Here’s why. John is a master of what I call muscle writing. He
can write a brilliant ad on any subject no matter how complex, technical or difficult and
make it easy to understand as well as writing it in such a way that it’s as impossible to
stop reading as a Damon Runyan or Micky Spillane novel. John is the all time champ, a
hard boiled, get the job done, grab them by the throat and force them to order copy.” And
that quote was by Gary Halbert uh who’s the world’s best copywriter in September of
1998. Now here’s the story on John Carlton. Like most of the best writers in advertising,
John is a complex man, he loathes publicity and limelight like I mentioned earlier yet
performs on stage as a lead guitarist for local bar bands as a hobby. He tried on many
different lifestyles growing up and was lucky enough to catch the heyday of Beatlemania,
the emerging pop-culture of television, hippydom, the sexual revolution, Watergate, the
rise of Silicon Valley, Los Angles style decadence during the ‘80’s and most importantly
the radical changes in advertising that came with computers, cable television, video and
the absorption of junk mail into everyday life. John’s involvement with these events is
critical to understanding the depth of his experience and knowledge as it relates to
advertising and marketing. He took a degree in Psychology from UC Davis, a passion for
history, a wicked sense of humor and a youth spent on the edge of Bohemia and
combined it with a powerful writing talent and a feel for what makes people tick. To raise
the ceiling on what it takes to be called good on today’s mean streets of marketing. John
scrambled from a loving working class home in tiny Cucamonga, California – yes it’s a
real town. He was the first of his tribe to attend college and has lived all over the country
working variously as a cartoonist, fisherman, dish washer, novelist and executive. He
says he is proud of his white trash roots. We were the people you cherished as friends and
neighbors John says. His assault on the advertising world started with an old school

education in direct mail. Typing on an ancient IBM Selectric, crating production work
with hot wax and exacto blading galleys of cold type, coaxing colors from layers of ruby
******. Now nearly everything he knew become obsolete as technology exploded.
However, unlike most copywriters but very much like the best writers, John stayed
emersed in educating himself. He’s read thousands of books about writing and
advertising. And personally he’s seeked out the great men of the industry. He went from
being the high paid, hot shot freelancer who LA agencies snuck in the back door to write
their pieces they couldn’t get their staff to pull off, to working on the inside with
marketing wizards like Jay Abraham and established copywriters like Jim Rutz. Around
1988, Gary Halbert invited John to handle the big desk chores at his Hollywood office on
Sunset Boulevard. And during their long friendship John has accompanied Gary on
marketing adventures that have changed the nature of advertising forever. Now this is
what John has to say, “The real test of your marketing prowess,” John says, “is not your
ability to sell refrigerators to Eskimos but your ability to win over a hostile crowd before
they can lynch you.” His education with Gary Halbert included convincing famous
celebrities to humiliate themselves on camera for obscure ads telling rooms full of
millionaire executives that their ideas sucked, and making them like it, saving
corporations from bankruptcy with campaigns that they had to whip up overnight and
then con them into doing because it ran against every grain of their world knowledge.
Putting on lavish seminars where people happily paid ten thousand dollars just to glean a
few nuggets of advice while Gary and John ranted and babbled and goofed off without a
plan. To be enslaved to insane deadlines. John’s never missed a hard deadline in his
career. In reinventing modern advertising for the age of cable and the Internet. John says
we were among the very first to do infomercials, to advertise on the net and to make
videos a marketing industry. He’s had fun, had brushes with death, helped small men
accumulate fortunes and watch helplessly as rich corporations came tumbling down from
their own idiocy. There’s no better way to learn how the world works than to roll up your
sleeves and get filthy with experience like this. He’s been stupid, smart, lucky, well off,
broke, mocked, loved and hated. And he’s learned something from every damn minute of
it. He can identify and relate to every type of customer you’ll ever see and he can sell to
them. In 21 years of a prolific career, John has had a hand in selling nearly every product
or service used by human beings including an unlikely sex manual from the conservative
Rodeo Press. John’s sales letter has been the control for three years despite constant
attempts by other top writers to better. A financial doomsday newsletter from the right
wing, John’s Package of Paranoia mailed successfully for seven years. Dozens of how to
fight videos from real life street fighters and Navy Seals earning millions from a
miniscule niche market. Driving for longer distant advice from a one-legged golfer with
ads that shocked the staid golf magazines plus reams of ads and letters from shrinks,
people looking for mates, new computer products, chiropractors, diets, precious metals,
fund raisers and personal letters that have motivated people to change their lives. When
Johns ads, which often fill three pages of copy, run in magazines the entire look of the
publication quickly changes as other advertisers slowly catch on to his hard hitting style
of raking in profits. His direct mail letters have long been used all over the world as study
guides for other writers. In fact, many copywriters secretly come to John for marketing
advise and help with their projects. He has a soft spot for helping people because no one
helped him when he was struggling in the early years. It’s amazing how people can so

readily crush someone’s dreams he said. The lesson is don’t look for anyone to cheer
your success until after you’ve arrived. Trust only those who believed in you when things
were tough. They are the gems who will brighten your life. College educated, street
trained, honed by years of intense work in the trenches, John Carlton is quietly earned his
place as one of the best copywriters on the planet. While his demand for privacy keeps
him out to the limelight, in 1998 alone, he turned down over 300,000 dollars worth of
jobs from well-known marketers. He prefers to work with a handful of private clients and
cherishes his laziness, though on occasion he will take on new work. His fees have
caused uninitiated clients to choke but the results his pieces get him, create a multi
millions of dollars in profits. Now join me and Mr. John Carlton for a exclusive interview
of a brilliant man that has never been interviewed on tape like this before. So get ready to
take a lot of notes. You’re gonna want a lot of information. Hello John, thanks for being
on the line today. It’s a real pleasure to uh be doing an interview with you. Uh can you
hear me okay?

JOHN: Yeah Joe I can hear you fine.

JOE: Good, you’re in Nevada, I’m in Arizona, we’re gonna be chatting on the phone for
a few minutes here and we’re gonna talk about how to make more money, increase sales,
copywriting and all those things that you’re quite an expert at.

JOHN: Everything close to my heart, yes.

JOE: Good, uh before I start I want to, I want to tell the listeners that the term Operation
Money Suck, which most of my Piranha clients are very familiar with cause I use it in my
seminars, I write about it all the time. I think it’s a great way to look at how you spend
your time and what you focus on. I first heard that, uh that term from John and I heard it
when I was listening to a Dan Kennedy tape, which was a tape of uh, John speaking at a
Dan Kennedy seminar a few years back. And since I’ve used it so much and I think it’s
such an important philosophy I’d like to ask you uh, to elaborate on it just quickly,
y’know maybe give a short answer on what your philosophy is on uh, Operation Money
Suck and where you came up with the term. Could you do that and then we’ll get into the
uh marketing questions?

JOHN: Sure no problem. First of all, I didn’t know Dan was recording that seminar. I
wonder if I’m supposed to get some royalties or something from that?

JOE: Well you should, it’s pretty good.

JOHN: It’s about eight years old. Just kidding’ Dan. Uh, Operation Money Suck was a, is
an interesting concept. I spent some time in the corporate world before I went freelance.
So I was working a lot of corporate offices and when then when I did go to freelancing I
started working with ad agencies. A number of different businesses, entrepreneurs, things
like that. And the one thing that anyone who’s been in the corporate womb notices is that
there’s just lots of wasted time. Uh, mostly in meetings, aimless side projects, uh studies.
A lot of stuff meant to just take up people’s eight hours a day while they’re there. And

uh, one day when uh I was working with Gary Halbert we um, sat down in the morning in
his office uh, try to figure out what we’re gonna do during the day and there was a ton of
unfinished details happening, I think taxes were due, there were meetings with printers
over some uh, screwed projects uh, a problem with the computer, and a lot of these things
seemed like urgent fires that needed to be addressed by someone with the ability to sign a
check y’know say yes or no, that kind of thing. But uh, Gary insisted that uh, no that uh
we would have a very, very long meeting, which took the entire day and all we talked
about was bringing more money in. And in the back of my head, I kept thinking well
who’s taking care of those fires? And, and then gradually I began to understand that
really we were doing what we were supposed to be doing. The best thing that we could be
doing at that point, at any point really, was figuring out how to bring the cash in. Cash
will solve problems that not having cash creates. Uh, and amazingly enough of course,
more than half of those little fires that we had in the morning that seemed so important
either went out by themselves or were taken care of by the staff that just finally out of
frustration made a decision one way or another. And I realize that uh, offices can run by
themselves. That a lot of problems you think are very, very important at the time, really
aren’t that important when you consider how important it is to keep the business alive.
And a lot of times the people who are really the only ones with the capabilities and the
understanding to bring the cash in, which is what you’re in business for, often spend the
majority of their time dealing with things that they could either delegate, ignore or put off
until they’re taken care of their number one uh job which is bringing in money. So the
whole idea of Operation Money Suck is kinda like a war term. It’s like um, it’s like
y’know landing on the beach at Normandy. Once you land on the beach at Normandy,
your job is to, is to survive, get past the gunfire and take out the, y’know take out the
machine gun. It isn’t to uh y’know count bullets, or to make sure that everybody landed
safely or anything. Even though those seem like very, very important things to do at the
time. You have one job to do and you should stay focused on that.

JOE: Actually that’s very good, I mean I love what you said about uh, y’know having
cash will solve problems that not having cash creates.

JOHN: Yes.

JOE: Very true. And so good, thank you very much for that definition. I appreciate it.

JOHN: Okay.

JOE: Okay let’s get into the um, marketing questions uh because y’know you are great at
this stuff and so, there’s a lot of things that I’d like to, like to speak with you with and
we’ll cover as many things as we can in the time we have available. Uh one of the first
things I want to talk to you about is how do you research a product or a service before
you write copy about it? Um, y’know what is the procedure that you go through? I know
you’ve done all kinds of promotions and campaigns you’ve created for all kinds of
various different products or services. So y’know how do you go about it? What’s your
operation mode?

JOHN: The way I like to think of myself is as a sales detective rather than a, a
copywriter. Because what I do is I often go through the same stuff that everybody else
went through but I’m looking for things that kind of leap out at me. Little hot buttons
that, that I can then exploit for um, ***** or for sales value or for driving the benefits of
the product or service home. Right now uh I have a guy that does uh initial interviews for
me. He will call the, I have a client where we do a lot of videos. Uh we’ll do instructional
videos for golf say, we get a golf pro and then he does a video and then I have to make an
ad that will then sell this very high priced video to a golf audience. So I will have an
associate of mine make the first calls to the guy who did the um, the golf pro, in this

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And also uh make the calls to people that he’s given names for who will give
testimonials about how good he is. So I get a package of information along with the
finished tape and in, in that information is an interview with the main guy and all these
testimonials. This is however just raw material for me cause I look this over and I look
for little hot points. And then I call the guy and I interview and I am always kind of
jockeying and listening for all these little hot buttons that like I say just, just amazingly
seem to elude a lot of other people. One of my favorite examples, is a golf product again
that we did. A guy, a pretty basic guy had a good swing and he didn’t really make it on
the PGA tour, he was getting up in age and uh really was trying to make ends meet by uh
just teaching people these golf secrets. But he was very good and he was discovered by
my client and they did a video on him. And in talking to this guy, who was normal in, in
all respects he told the story about how he came to his unique teaching method of golf. Of
how to hit longer, straighter with, with more accuracy. Turns out he was watching a one-
legged golfer one day, many, many years ago y’know bounce up to the tee and just
launch the straightest and longest drive he’d ever seen. And he couldn’t believe that the
guy could keep his balance. And he had this epiphany watching this guy and realized that
what he was doing standing on one leg was the key to a two legged golfer uh to also have
that same kind of balance and accuracy and distance. So although no one else talked
about this one legged guy and he kind of uh dismissed it as a, as we talked about for just
a few seconds really, just enough for him to tell me the story. It became the thrust of the,
of the ad. And the headline was, amazing secret discovered by one-legged golfer. Add 50
yards to your drives, eliminates hooks and slices and can slash up to ten strokes from
your game almost overnight. And that ad has been running in Golf Digest and Golf
Magazine and various other golf publications and also being mailed for five or six years

JOE: Yeah, probably still pulling in a ton of dough.

JOHN: It still pulls, they have to watch it. They can only run it about three to four times a
year. They used to run it back to back in, in the uh, in some of the golf magazines. But
they, they just pull it out. They, it doesn’t even have time to gather dust before they pull it
out and run it again. And it’s, yeah it’s still pulling very, very well. And has created a
minor sub industry for this guy who now makes his money off of these ads rather than uh

y’know teaching uh, y’know willy nilly as he did before. That’s my best example of
finding a little tidbit that most people overlook and had to do detective work. And if I
didn’t know that I could create a story out of this and that this would, this would be an
attention grabbing devise from my experience in, in advertising, um, I might have just
glossed over just like everybody else did.

JOE: Yeah and so what you’re basically saying is that research is a very important
prerequisite even if you’re a killer copywriter cause if you don’t really research it and
find those gems then it doesn’t matter how good you are at writing copy you still may
leave a very important ingredient out.

JOHN: We call it either breaking the code or breaking the back of the product. One of the
things that I do uh and a lot of writers, I think Gary Halbert does it too, is I, I call it
circling the desk. Now I ask for certain amount of time to write a piece. Anywhere from a
week to three weeks to a month. And 90 percent of that time I will not touch pencil to
paper or tap the keyboard at all or even turn on the computer. That time is gearing up, I
call it circling the desk cause it’s kinda like a dog walking around in a circle before he
finally settles down to go to sleep. And I will turn, I will often turn the computer on and,
and put all my stuff there but I’m gelling, I’m, I’m getting this information and just
letting it get in my head. Sometimes I’ll sit down for five minutes and just look over a
few of the benefits and notes and then go off and do something else and let it sit for a
while and come back. And the more time I have the more I let this process go. So even
though I sometimes take a month to write the piece, I’m always spending two or three
days actually doing the word smithing and y’know the other four and a half weeks is
spent trying to break the code. Get that real severe, intense hot button that succinctly
defines the whole thing and brings it all home.

JOE: Yeah and y’know what, what you just said there and for people listening, that’s why
expensive world class copywriters like John is, charge the types of fees that they do.
Because they’re doing so much more than just writing a letter. And I think it’s crucial
that people understand that. Y’know and they hear things like 15, 20, 30, 40,000 dollars
to write a sales letter uh y’know large retainers and things. Y’know some people are like
well I would never pay that much to write a letter. They just don’t realize everything that
goes into it.

JOHN: Yeah yeah, here’s, here’s another example. I have a few pieces here. I had a uh,
very hard sell, it was a newsletter from a guy in Arizona, interestingly enough who um,
was doing a financial newsletter and he was just ignored by the financial world. Yet he,
his accomplishments were very, very big. And he just, in a number of packages he just
couldn’t get his message across. And after spending a lot of time with him, I finally came
up with a headline for the piece. And this is the headline, mysterious Arizona quote
Human Computer unquote humiliates Wallstreet quote experts unquote for 21st
consecutive year. And, and the key words in the headline is like mysterious. That, that
creates some, some curiosity there. Why is this guy mysterious? You have to read to find
out. The human computer makes the story. The story’s already going. Why is this guy
mysterious? What is he, y’know what’s the human computer got to do with it? And the

fact that he was humiliating Wallstreet experts really taps into our fear of, of the experts
on Wallstreet. Y’know are they telling us the truth? Can we trust them? Y’know probably
not. And this guy really did. He’s been beating, beating up on Wallstreet experts for 21
years and, and only a few people knew about him. So that’s just another example of, of
trying to tie in talking to the guy and getting down to those, to those hot buttons and
bringing them uh, uh, making them uh, manifest in a succinct way that, that drives the
point home very, very quickly.

JOE: Right, right. Great. Okay, how do you come up with a product or services like main
benefit what many of us call a unique selling proposition to differentiate it from y'know
different products or services?

JOHN: That’s a good question, uh the answer unfortunately is, is pretty simple. It’s just
you dig. It’s, it’s always there. Again the, the example of the one legged golfer is there.
You can take two Cadillac dealers in the same town. They both have the same product,
but there’s only so much they can do with the price. So how do you differentiate Cadillac
dealer one from Cadillac dealer two? Uh, there are ways to do it. A savvy marketer
wouldn’t even think about it. He’d sit down, you pick something, either service or
location or y’know freebies you give out or some, or, or maybe you go the goofy route
and he’s the guy that always has the circus elephants there y’know or some reason.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: A lot of these things work. But the thing that makes you unique isn’t necessarily
that your product does something different, it’s how you approach the whole bag. It’s
who you are. There’s was like famous guy in New York, I can’t remember his name
exactly, but he was the crazy, crazy Eddie I think and he sold stereo equipment. And uh
his commercials were famous cause he really tried to be crazy on t.v. And he got this
reputation as, as crazy Eddie and people went there and they didn’t know if they were
getting a better bargain or not, he, he said that you were getting a better bargain, it was
because he was crazy. And, and it was a very believable, quaint, kind of lovable uh
message that he was giving. And the guy lasted for a very, very long time against, uh
y’know against Circuit City and all these major uh corporations that were trying to
y’know, trying to uh carve him up.

JOE: Right. And of course with a lot of my clients, I mean half of the differentiation is
just merely educating the client because even if you have Cadillac A, Cadillac B. if
Cadillac B owner goes through the whole process of actually explaining all the things that
they’re gonna get when they own a Cadillac and the other guy doesn’t, that alone is
gonna create a certain amount of uniqueness to it.

JOHN: If the other guy was silly enough not to say anything, you would swamp him.
That’s the old story of, of the first beer…

JOE: Yeah, the Schlitz, Schlitz beer story.

JOHN: The Schlitz one. Where the guy just said yeah, it’s brewed y’know in oak casks
and aged a certain way. And he made it sound very exotic and, and desirable and the fact
that it was the same thing all the other brewers were doing was just not mentioned. And
so people thought oh, I like Schlitz. It’s, they take care in their brewing. Y’know it’s okay
they can talk about it. It gives them something to talk about. Joe this may be a good time
to bring up my basic philosophy of marketing which is uh a way that I explain marketing
to clients is I try to make them relate it to romance. You have a relationship with your
customer so it’s easy to bring your needs as, as a businessman home if you just compare
every situation and every need you have into a kind of a romantic sequence like you are
wooing the, the customer. Y’know a over weight, bald, ugly guy with no wealth must
market himself differently than Leonardo DeCaprio if he wants to find romance. So
you’re talking about the same more or less, target audience. Let’s say they both go into a
reception or a, an, an art gallery and there’s the same audience there but they’re gonna
have to market themselves differently to get what, what they want. Uh it can be done.
And, and this isn’t by the way about making your product or your service sexy. That’s,
that’s not what I’m talking about. I try to get my clients to think about themselves the
wooer and their customer as the wooee. And, and so they, they have to make their
products fit with the situation. Um, some, sometimes you, you maybe, you just want the
equivalent of friendship, which would be like a 20 dollar buy. Let’s say your product
costs 19.95. Then you’re going to approach that in a way as if you were approaching
someone to be your friend more or less. Because 20 bucks between friends isn’t that bad.
So you don’t have to hit them over the head to bring them into your fold. Sometimes you
want the whole shebang. If you’re asking 99 bucks for a product you’re, it’s going to be
equivalent of going steady. You’ve got to get them to trust you enough, to know enough
about you to believe what you’re saying enough that’s, the equivalent of someone
agreeing to y’know go out with you exclusively.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And when you’re talking about something up in the 5,000 dollar package, say
seminars are very expensive y’know tape series or something like that, that’s more or less
the equivalent of marriage. You’ve got to have their absolute trust and they, they have to
have absolute no question in their mind that this is the right thing to do. Because if they
have questions that’s gonna be a major objection, it means they’re not going to whip out
their, their checkbook.

JOE: Right. Yep, I 100 percent agree with everything that you’re saying. Good, good.

JOHN: Well I’m glad you agree.

JOE: Yes, thank you. Now you’ve done a lot of really expensive seminars and

JOHN: Yeah.

JOE: Have you ever gone to like a cold list, and I might be jumping ahead a little bit, but
if I am just tell me. Have you ever gone to like a cold list that you’ve not ever sold
anything to before? And extracted upwards of y’know 10,000 dollars from, from people?
And when I say extracted I don’t mean that in like a bad way. I mean I know that the
seminars that you’ve done with Gary and everything, the information’s worth many,
many times more than what I personally think was charged for. But uh still,

JOHN: The simple answer to that is no. It’s very tough to go to a cold list and get that
kind of stuff. It’s almost like answering a personals ad in the paper and expecting her to
commit to a marriage, y’know sight unseen.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: I mean we tried it, believe me we tried going to cold lists. The only way to do that
I believe is to establish a relationship first and, and if you’re thinking that you’re gonna
be doing say 5,000 dollar, 10,000 dollar seminars, let’s say seminars is the product that
you have. And you’re gonna have to go to cold lists. Let’s say you have a house list or
some certain lists that you can go to and know who you are. You can get endorsed
mailings. And then, but you know that after the first seminar you’re gonna have to go to
cold lists to continue filling out your audience. My recommendation would be to start a
relationship now. Find some product for 20 dollars or less that you can go to them first
and establish yourself with them.

JOE: Yep.

JOHN: So that when you ask them for the 5,000 or 10,000 dollar y’know ticket to the
seminar they aren’t replying to a stranger. And you want them to be in the position where
this is the fourth or fifth letter they’ve received from you and it’s not oh God, here’s
another sales letter from Joe, but rather hey what’s Joe up to?

JOE: Right. It’s a great analogy too your whole romance thing because what you said,
y’know your only alternative in many cases if you’re going to really go for either a quick
sell or a very high priced sell or something that normally requires a lot of rapport building
with people that you can, if there is a way to shortcut it do endorsed mailings. But really
what you’re doing, that’s just like a friend that knows you very well and somebody else
very well that trusts them introducing the both of you so you can go out together.

JOHN: We used to call that third party endorsement.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Or bird-dogging. Uh, um, the best way would be to get truthful, uh I had a, a
woman friend who used to go into uh, bars – this is years ago – and uh hunt down women
that she liked and she, and passed her muster and she would go up and introduce herself
and then introduce them to me. And uh boy what a gem she was. And uh that just took all
the nonsense out of it and women tend to trust other women, they, there’s no competition

there and then I wasn’t being introduced as a y’know as a potential guy that was gonna
hit on her but rather as a friend of this, of this intermediary and she got to say a few
things about me beforehand like y’know John’s a great guy, y’know he’s sincere and
friendly and he’s, and he’s got a few bucks y’know something like that.

JOE: That’s good.

JOHN: And it works wonderfully. So that’s, that’s the endorsed mailing. If you’ve gotta
go up cold to somebody wouldn’t it be great if, when you walked into the place a
bartender or again we’re talking about bars as the example, wouldn’t it be great if
somebody recognized you there and said to whoever your potential customer was gonna
be, hey that’s Joe Polish. He’s pretty well known y’know in business, he’s, he’s known as
a really straight shooter and a good guy.

JOE: Yeah.

JOHN: Or wouldn’t it be great if they recognized you as you came in and say hey I read
an article about Joe just yesterday, it was in the paper y’know. I’d like to meet him,
something like that.

JOE: It makes the point very clearly, that’s very good thanks. Okay well how, how do
you come up with the hook or the theme that makes it interesting for a prospect to uh
y’know respond, or in this case read a sales letter?

JOHN: Sure I understand. That’s a, that’s a casual question, but it’s really the main point
of, of copywriting. This is what separates the men from the boys in copywriting. I ago for
the jugular. You want to shock, astound, titillate. Here’s a, a headline I have here that I
did for Rodeo Press which is a very conservative, staid kind of uptight company which
publishes Prevention Magazine and Men’s Health and things. And it’s really tough, they
have a big bank of lawyers and accountants in there and they’re really afraid of shocking
everybody. They would rather lose a sale than shock somebody. And they had a book, uh
a, a for men only book which was essentially a sex guide. It was a sex manual. But it was
a kind that you wouldn’t mind your kid finding in your room. In other words it was a
pretty straight-ahead, educational book for men about sex. And the headline I had was,
the astonishing sex secrets of the most satisfied, most knowledgeable and most respected
lovers in the world. And then the subhead is learn to enjoy the best sex of your life at any
age. With the amazing secrets and discoveries in this just released for men only book that
is dramatically changing men’s, parentheses and women’s parentheses lives, literally over
night. And then it goes into dear friend. It took a month to get that headline through the
lawyers who were just freaked out about this. Y’know they, they would’ve, would’ve
preferred that I didn’t use the word sex at all, that the idea of these guys as being satisfied
or respected lovers. It just went against the grain of their knowledge. But I stood firm,
made them do it and this letter’s been mailing as a control for three years.

JOE: There you go.

JOHN: And, what that is, is the headline goes straight for the, the jugular. I dare any man
to read just the headline, falling out of this envelope and not be tempted not to go and
find out some more. Anybody I’ve shown this to has asked to see the book.

JOE: Yeah, yeah. No, that, that’s a killer headline. So basically your, your advice is go
for the jugular. Now there’s a lot of people, and I disagree with this. You take like my
carpet cleaners.

JOHN: Um hum.

JOE: Where I love using dust mites as, in a lot of ways an educational tool because
people are not aware of em. But a lot of people perceive it as scare tactics which uh, in a
lot of ways it is.

JOHN: You’re talking about the blow up picture of the little,

JOE: Yeah,

JOHN: I love that.

JOE: Y’know big dust mite and a little baby, who’s crawling on who? Y’know that really
grabs people by the throat. Now I, I occasionally will get into some people’s arguments
uh these morality arguments about it’s wrong to use uh, scare tactics in advertising which
I think is nonsense. What do you feel about that?

JOHN: I feel you have to judge your audience. Uh each audience is different. I would not
go overboard to the Rodeo audience. In other words I, I fought to get what I wanted but
this is not an R rated piece for this sex book by any, by any stretch of the imagination.
However every point I bring up, logically the next step in the readers head is an R rated
thing but it, he, he has to complete the thought. In other words, all the bullets are succinct
and to the point but they lead you to continue thinking about it. So I, I let the person go
wherever he’s going to go so if he has a block to going to where he needs to go, then he’ll
go up to a gauzy point, y’know a hazy point and not go any further. It’s a fine line you
have to walk about shocking, astounding and titillating. One of the old classic mistakes in
advertising and you’ll see this. I’ll bet if you pick up a local newspaper you’ll see this in
the classifieds and people do it all the time. You’ll be going through the classifieds and
suddenly in big 36 point bold Helvetica is the word sex with an exclamation mark, S E X.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And below that immediately starts copy which is now that I’ve got your attention
let me tell you about y’know this, this wonderful insurance opportunity or something.

JOE: Yeah, which is stupid.

JOHN: That’s a huge mistake. That’s a huge mistake to make cause you, you piss the
reader off. The only response y0ou’re gonna get is the one like aw shucks, y’know this
isn’t about sex and they move on y’know. Unless, if you’re gonna talk about insurance
you have to reach a benefit that has to do with insurance.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Now would you shock somebody into buying insurance? I used a headline in a
self defense product, uh one of my clients also videotapes Navy Seals and uh, uh street
fighters and actually a Russian Secret Service guy who defected to uh Canada, y’know
we did some tapes of their self defense strategies and tactics. Y’know where they teach
people how to hit and deflect blows and what to do in a situation where you’re jumped by
three y’know attackers or something like that. And one of the headlines I used, I’m not
sure I have it right here, but it was um, you would’ve opened the letter and it was
personalized so the letter to you would’ve said Joe Polish and family attacked and
severely hurt by thugs in, in theatre parking lot. And then I went on to say dear friend,
y’know this headline, don’t laugh this headline really could come true y’know. And then
I quoted some statistics by the FBI that shows that one in three people in the United
States will know someone or be attacked themselves or something like that.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: That letter went out and generated a lot of response and the response was pretty
evenly split. Half the people called and bought…



JOHN: Half the people called and bought and half the people called and, and told these
people to never, ever mail them again. They were outraged. Now some of the people
were confused. And, and they didn’t understand that it was a personalized headline so
they thought that everybody was getting the Joe Polish headline. So they were
embarrassed that their name was used in a headline. And once we got that straightened
out we got some people back into the fold. Other people were just outraged. The message
was too close to home. Whether or not I need to hear this, they were saying, I resent the
fact that you have brought it home in such a vivid way.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: I don’t want to think about me and my family being attacked. And so they got a
lot of negative response but they also sold a ton of product. And they decided a year later
that it was worth mailing again. So they did it but they knew the risk and they lost a few
people again, but they also sold a lot. So it was a calculated risk.

JOE: How do you actually, would you suggest that somebody makes that decision? When
they know that they may have a promotion that works so effectively but at the same time
they know they’re gonna burn some people?

JOHN: Interesting you bring that up. One of the techniques I use with my clients, I call it
Lipstick on the Collar. And sometimes I’ll get a call on the phone and one of my clients
is just in an absolute panic and he says John we’ve got a lipstick on the collar problem.
What that means is imagine coming home to your wife one night and you’ve got another
woman’s lipstick on your collar. That’s a big problem. And you gotta really, you gotta
really have your chops together to get out of that problem. And this was one of those
problems. They were getting a lot of calls and everything, and so what I did was to stop
the bleeding the first time we wrote an apology letter. And the apology letter says
recently I sent you a headline that said Joe Polish and family attacked. My secretary’s just
informed me that you called and, and were upset about this and I deeply regret this and
we just groveled and pleaded for forgiveness and tried to do kissy, kissy and make up and
offered them a free product or maybe it was 50 percent off the next product or something.
Somehow we made, we tried to make it up to them. And that brought a lot of people back
into the fold. They wound up not losing a, a great number of people. They were able to
bring them back with these techniques. The second time they mailed a year later was sent
out a small cover letter before this which told a little store. And it says dear friend, I sent
this letter out last year and caught absolute hell for it. A lot of people were upset,
however I still feel the message is so important, and this is the way the client felt by the
way. I still feel the message is so important that even if I lose a few people it’s impor, it’s
important enough to get out. And what, what it was it was talking about self-defense
strategies for a man with a family. Y’know how to be aware when you’re walking
through a parking lot uh, say from a movie theatre at night, or y’know how to make sure
your house is defensible from, from entry from by burglars and things like that. Simple
stuff but stuff that the FBI showed almost everyone ignores in America.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So we used two different techniques. One was y’know there’s an old, I think it’s a
Chinese saying it’s it is much better to act and ask for forgiveness than to ask for

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And so the first one was, we went ahead and sent it out uh, not knowing we’re
going to get this kind of response but they, they did. And then we tried to make it up to
them afterwards with an apology letter which also by the way brought in more business.

JOE: Yeah, that’s what I would think.

JOHN: Cause not only did the people wind up buying the first product but they also,
through the freebie, the freebie I think we gave them was an introduction to another

product and that sold a lot. So it, it actually came out very, very well marketing wise.
And the second time we just sort of apologized as we were doing it.

JOE: Wow that’s very interesting, very interesting. Good that was a great example. Um,
how do you, how do you create a killer offer?

JOHN: You have to work with the client on this. Uh, the Rodeo offer is one of the best
I’ve seen. All Rodeo does is books. And they have a standard offer. You get the book free
for three months. At the end of three months you will be billed if you don’t want to pay
for the book simply send it back and write cancel on, on the, on the order. So you can,
and, and I, I said in my piece, I was the first writer to do this too. I said in, in essence you
can rip us off. You can, even if you like the book, even if you read it and photocopied it
and had all your friends read it and stuff and you like it, you can still send it back.
Y’know but we trust you. We, we, we believe so strongly in this product that we believe
that you’ll do the same thing. Now I’ve used that rip us off tactic several times as, as part
of a guarantee. And I, I’m probably using it too much at the point cause I’m so in love
with it. But it’s the whole concept of a guarantee. A lot of people don’t realize what the
guarantee means. It’ means you have a full month or three months or a year, whatever the
guarantee is to look this over, try it, use it, beat it up, uh I often use in my copy y’know
send it back to us in any condition for any reason, or for no reason at all. And, and I
remove all ideas in their head of well gosh I gotta think of a reason to send it back or do
something like that. No, you remove all of that. So the guarantee has to be rock solid.
You can still set a time limit on it but make it enough down the line where they’re very
relaxed not a ten day guarantee or something. Three months would be the minimum I
would say. And I would like to say a year and sometimes I say y’know take however long
you want. I’ve done that a few times. Clients typically get nervous about that. So you
need to, to take away all the objections for doing it. In other words you’re really not
paying for it. We’re holding your, we’re holding your 35 bucks essentially in escrow.
And, and all you gotta do is snap your fingers for no, and, and just say you want it back.
You don’t have to give a reason and all you gotta do is send the product back and send it
back in any condition at all. I don’t care if you use this book or this video and it, and it’s
beat and we can’t use it again or, or you’ve marked it up, I don’t care. It’s,
it’s up to you. We trust you, you’re in the drivers seat. So you remove all the objections
to shelling out the money, cause in their minds if they can y’know, y’know I can get my
money back. And, and I still get to look at the spark. I get to satisfy the curiosity in my
heart that this reading this sales piece has created. Um,

JOE: Right. Now how many, how many books a year do they sell? Do you have any

JOHN: Oh Rodeo, the biggest in the country.

JOE: Millions of books?

JOHN: Yeah.

JOE: Yeah.

JOHN: Um the now, that, that’s as far as taking away the um taking away the objections.
Next pile on the freebies. Uh Jay Abraham’s a master of this. He would, he would sell a
uh, seminar for 5,000 bucks and then he would start piling on the freebies, with
transcripts and, and cassette tape products, and books and, and uh compilations of other
peoples works. And it wouldn’t be all Jays. In fact he would go out of his way to have,
like you might get a, a Gary Halbert thing. You might get a, a report that I had done
before. And, and uh transcripts from a seminar of a competing marketer or something.
And he would say how much people, he would stop and say how much people paid for
each and every product and, and, and pump it up. And, and at the end when you add it up,
all the freebies and he would do this for you in the copy, you realize that you’re getting
more free and you can keep this even if you cancel out of the seminar later. You’re
getting more than you’re paying for the seminar. So if you’re paying 5,000 for the
seminar, you’re getting 10,000 dollars worth of free material. And he just piles it on and
piles it on and piles it on. And each freebie is something that you desperately want.
Y’know it, it’s a little sales piece for every, every single um, um item.

JOE: Right. Now how do you, how do you translate that though. I, I know most people
that are savvy marketers can easily see the application. But to a person that doesn’t do
seminars to a person that doesn’t sell books they’re in the service business they sell cars
y'know. What, how do they make that transition into creating the offer?

JOHN: Um, I’ve never thought of this but uh, bring it back to uh the y’know the easy
thing to do is go back to the romance thing. You can take this analogy too far of course
and it only goes y’know, it’s only valid for certain amount, but let’s say you’re desperate
and this is the woman of your dreams and you should treat every client that way. By the
way not to, to be non-sexist, y’know it can go both ways. It could be a woman with a man
of, of her dreams. But let’s say you’re desperate for this person and so you start piling it
on. You, you give them a free, I mean you, you give them presents.

JOE: Yes, good way to look at it. Yeah, presents.

JOHN: And, and what kind of presents do you give them? Now, now men, I mean there’s
been a thousand sitcoms on this, on this very subject. Men don’t know how to give
presents. They typically give roses, y’know. And uh or candy or something like that. The
best kind of present you can give a woman and vise versa, but, but women do this more
readily than men do, is to really get to know the person and give them something that,
that satisfies the desires in their heart. Let’s say, let’s say the client loves dogs. Then you
give them a, a cute photo or a calendar of dogs playing poker or something. Just
something that will delight them. Y’know something, let’s say the person’s a golfer. Then
you send them free, free rack of golf balls. Um, sleeves of title less golf balls. Uh, for a
car thing, I mean if, if you’re trying to guess what the person wants well that’s kind of
tough isn’t it? You should be in a position to, to gather information about your clients so
you know a little bit about what their likes are. All you need to know is what two or three
lists their on and you can get an idea of what they’ve been ordering. Or if, if you gotta do

them on a service thing, let’s say it is a car dealer. A few pointed questions will find out.
Y’know do you have any hobbies? What, what do you do in your spare time? You got a
kid in little league, y’know something like this and you can find some stuff out. So rather
than the generic candies and flower and, and flowers, you can give them something much
more related to what they’re interested in. Let’s say you have a car dealership and you’re
selling those vans that’s uh, that the soccer mom’s as they put it, were, were buying up. It
was the uh, sports utility vehicles I think.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Well, y’know it’s not hard just to, to get a few ideas on how to appeal to soccer
moms, I mean make it easy for them to come in so there’s maybe there’s some child care
while they’re looking at the cars y’know the kids are playing something or there’s a
clown there taking care of the kids. That’s a little gift right there.

JOE: Exactly.

JOHN: Take them, take them out to lunch and, and feel confident that their kid is taken
care of for an hour while they’re out relaxing and then don’t even talk about cars. Or give
them presents like um, offer them uh, offer to relieve them while picking up the kids from
soccer y’know for two weeks or something. Y’know so you got a guy running around
town picking up everybody’s kid and taking them to the soccer match. I mean y’know,
that’s, I’m, I’m talking off the top of my head but bring them home.

JOE: Well no actually, those are, those are brilliant examples. I mean it’s, it’s so
simplistic too. It just requires you to think about it. I mean like for my, for my carpet
cleaning clients. I have a friend by the name of Don Aslett, he’s a very successful
contracting company. Makes millions of dollars a year.

JOHN: Uh huh.

JOE: Has a couple thousand employees, y’know has a huge company. And, and one thing
he does part time uh on the side is he writes books. He’s written many best sellers. Uh,
he’s, he does videos, he has these buckets of different chemicals of all household
chemicals and things. And an idea I came up with recently, he was uh, speaking at one of
my marketing boot camps. Um, and he, he has a video called Clean In A Minute. And it’s
uh, a video on how to do housecleaning. And everyone that would hire a professional
carpet cleaner is interested to a certain degree in the subject of keeping their home
looking good.

JOHN: Exactly.

JOE: And what I’m working with now is cleaners that are taking his videos and using
them as bonuses and I can get these videos from Don in, in bulk at relatively a low cost
where it makes it affordable. And so y’know my cleaner clients can just have an
invitation uh, to have somebody to come over and do what we call a carpet audit, which

is basically giving you a price and putting on a show in the home. And just for inviting
them over they get a free video on how to keep their house clean. Even if they don’t hire
the cleaner or not. And that’s just one of those added on bonuses that would be interested
to anyone that would ever call up a cleaner because it teaches them how to keep the rest
of their house clean, not just the carpets. And that’s something that costs almost nothing
compared to what it can do in terms of bumping up your response and satisfying the
client and being different than what anyone else does that’s in that business.

JOHN: Exactly. And it doesn’t have to be a video. It could be a written report. It’s, these,
these types of freebies, it should be noted, are what I call information intensive products.
Which means that it’s not the presentation, it’s the information. Uh I, I liken it again to
romance. If you’re, if you’re talking to Claudia Shiffer and she scrawls her home number
down in lipstick on a, on a torn bar napkin, that’s a valuable piece of uh, information
right there. And you don’t care that it’s written in smeary lipstick y’know on a torn piece
of paper.

JOE: Yes.

JOHN: On, on the other hand if um somebody you’re not interested in gives you a very
nice uh business card, y’know lacquered and raised uh, uh thermal lettering and stuff like
that, what, it makes no difference. The information isn’t valuable to you.

JOE: Right. I love your analogies, they’re, they’re very funny and they’re very accurate.

JOHN: Oh one, one last thing on that um, on the killer offer. The other thing I’ve been
doing a lot is trying to drive home the fact, first I have to work with the client. And, and
make sure that we make it a bargain. And then I drive home the fact that you’re getting a
bargain. And one of the things that people really want is a deal that no one else gets. They
want a, the, the best thing that can happen to most people in the country is to walk out
and, and, and wash your new Lexus car or something and your neighbor has the identical
Lexus next door and during the conversation you find out he paid ten grand more than
you did for the car. That, that just raised everybody’s spirits. They feel smart, they feel on
the inside, they feel like they’ve gotten a bargain and they’re happy for the rest of the
day. So before they buy let them know they’re getting a bargain no one else is getting. Uh
if you work with the client you can talk about, if, if they’re on a special house list you,
you tell them, you can’t even tell your friends about this deal. On, this letter has been
coded and the people on the phone will ask you for this code. And no one who doesn’t
have the code is gonna get on. This code is just for your name too. Y’know, so and, and
you say I have one of these products, if you’re talking about products, I have one of these
products in my house right now with your name on it. Or excuse me in my office. I’m
looking at it as I’m writing this letter. But if you don‘t call within 11 days it goes back to
the warehouse with your name off and someone else will get it, y’know, at full price. And
you can get it right now for half price or something like that. So you really drive home
the point that they’re getting something no one else gets or few other people are getting
and, and it’s a short time offer. So you put a, the, the bring it home you gotta do it now.
Now, with rug cleaners or with um, other people, that of course can backfire for you. So

you have to create different reasons to act now. Such as see I just had a um, a something
in the mail from a guy to clean my heater and he was giving special half off rates for
having your heater cleaned in the summer, which is of course something I’m sure you’re,
you’re aware of. Um it’s just smart, I mean he doesn’t usually have any business in the
summer now he’s created cash flow and a very large business clientele who are getting a
bargain by just agreeing with him that yeah, why not do it now. We’re gonna live here in
the winter y’know and all these things. And it’s, it’s a pretty good small little sales letter.

JOE: Exactly.

JOHN: And he says by September first this deal is off, y’know it’s no longer summer. So
y’know this is only good ‘til Labor Day so you gotta do it right now. So, y’know he gives
that little spur. So you can create a deadline out of thin air. You just have to have a good
reason for it.

JOE: Right, right. Excellent. Well you, you had mentioned a couple of really killer
headlines and you’re, you’re very good at it. Um do you follow like David Olgivie’s
advice on spending 90 percent of your time writing the headlines?

JOHN: I used to. But not any more. I, I’d done it so much that often I write it last or I’ll
write it during the piece or something or it just comes to me. Because generally I have
about, I, I never counted, I’m saying somewhere between five and a dozen templates, uh
boiler plates in my head which I will just, I can fit the concepts into. And I, I generally, I
don’t know if you noticed in, in my headlines that I read, but if you went back and
counted, there’d be three benefits in every headline.

JOE: Hmm.

JOHN: And, and so what I do is, it’s a rhythm I’ve got. It’s, it’s, I have a, it fits a rhythm
in my head. So the headlines kind of dance when you, when you read them. And, and
they go into three parts. And it’s just, I always give, it was I think for the golf thing, it
was uh, uh eliminate slices, add 50 yards to your drive and give you pin-point accuracy.
For the sex one it was uh the most satisfied, most knowledgeable, most respected lovers
in, in the world. So for, for some reason I settled on years ago the idea of the three ideas
somehow covers enough that you can close in it. You can make a triangle with three, with
two you only got a line. With three you can actually surround the client y’know and
cover all those different points of, of objections.

JOE: Interesting. Uh do you, do you ever put a limit on the amount of uh words you
would put in a headline? Can you ever overdo it in too many words?

JOHN: You can overdo it. I would, I would suggest to beginners to overdo it rather than
under do it. What, what I generally do is write a headline and write what I need to write.
And then start carving it down. Always keeping in mind that rhythmic almost music that,
that it has to fit into. And that usually means that you want to get into three lines in a
letter. I’ve uh, I’m a little upset if my headlines go to four lines, although I’ve done it

quite often. Here’s, here’s one I did for a chiropractor. It winded up as four lines. Who
else wants to learn the secrets of earning an extra 96,485 dollars as a chiropractor this
year? While working just 24 hours a week or less, with minimum stress and zero debt. So
that’s, that’s the three items. Earn more, work less and have uh less, less stress.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And also zero debt is actually four. But anyway and it ran to four, four lines in the
headline. And I tried to carve that down and knock things off and do it. And finally I said
y’know to heck with it. Once in a while I’ll just go to four lines. What that generally
means is you’re taking up a lot of space especially, this ran in a publication so it takes up
space and uh it seems a little daunting. So I generally keep them to two or three lines.
And of course sometimes I’ve had uh one-line headlines. I’ve had one-word headlines.
I’ve had two, y’know two or three word headlines. But generally I like to make it a
sentence and I like to deliver information and I like to deliver the information in a way
like I’m surrounding the client with uh benefits and blocking his egress by canceling out
his immediate objections.

JOE: Right, okay, well I want to actually talk to you about the, y’know your process of
going through it. But I want to ask you a, another question first. Um, what, what I do, I
collect tons of sales letters. I, I’ve huge files of, of sales letters and ads and I call it a
swipe file. And what I wanted to ask you is y’know when you create these promotions
and you write these letters are you creating things from scratch every time you create a
promotion or a sales letter or are you maintaining a some sort of a swipe file and if so,
what do you keep in your, your swipe file or your reference file or whatever you want to
call it?

JOHN: Okay, I have two answers for that. I think a swipe file is a great idea. I don’t have
one now. Uh, I sit down, it’s just me and the computer and my notes. But remember I’ve
been doing this for over 20 years.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So a lot of this stuff’s in my head. And like I still work off of boilerplates. I find
myself, especially when I’m going to a new audience. It’s easy for me to go do an
audience who’s never seen my writing before because I can pull out all the tricks that I
know work. And one of the ways I work, I use this if then opening sentences. Y’know if,
if you’ve ever wanted to be richer than, than uh than God himself, then this is gonna be a
very important letter for you to read, some, something along that line. Y’know the if then
idea. And then go to here’s the story. And, and I often use sub-heads throughout the
piece, such as here’s how to order, here’s what you need, here’s what you need to do
right now. Here’s what you’re going to go learn when you order this product, or when
y’know you get this.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And so I just make these little lead in lines that just help me and, and it’s
boilerplates, so I just go okay now here’s the paragraph of how to order. Here’s the
paragraph of, of here, here’s what you get. Y’know here’s the paragraph of, of here’s the
story on the guy, y’know here’s the background. Here’s why essentially.

JOE: That’s great advice. I mean that’s uh simple but uh, very useful.

JOHN: Yeah, and when, when I sit down to write now after all these years, I will sit
down and write a letter and quit and I’m at eight pages. And it’s just, y’know I can’t
explain how that happens except that my mind is just so used to this that I know when
I’ve said enough about a, a subject and, and regardless of what the subject is you say so
much about the story, so much about the guy behind the product, and then you get into
the product. You say so much about the product and then you say so much about uh
countering all the objections you need to, you need to uh counter, and then talk so much
about the uh bargain and the uh guarantee and then the instructions on how to order. And
I just invariably come out at the same length almost every time, which is the classic eight,
eight page letter.

JOE: Well, y’know hey it’s nothing that 20 years of practice won’t at least give you a
little bit of assistance with huh?

JOHN: Well, let, let me, let me uh go back to a swipe file. Again I think it’s an excellent
idea. And my swipe file is now in my head. But I kept a thick swipe file when I first
began. What I did, I knew a guy who was on every list in, in the country. And he used to
have this big bin in his office and I would just go in there and he’d let me rifle through it.
And I’d pull all the one, all the packages that I thought were interesting. I’d go home and
I created a verb file, as I called it. And what I did was I just started writing down all the
cool verbs, action verbs that guys were using. So instead of this is the best offer you’re
gonna have, y’know this is the most outrageous offer ever, ever, created in y’know God’s
green earth or something. I’d take out these phrases that guys would use. And it started
pumping my vocabulary up so words like mystery, words like uh devastation, y’know
um, um so I could make my, my pieces where I was trying to make people kind of afraid
so they would buy this financial newsletter. I knew how to drive it home in a way.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And uh I had just mounds and mounds of this. And uh I would keep uh copies of
um, of uh of mooch letters which was y’know, you’re typically dealing with people who
are only interested in the freebies. So you have to sneak the sale in. I kept copies of mark
letters. Marks being uh y’know people who were easy sales that’s usually the house list
of the hottest customers.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And then just um uh, try to build up the outrageous reaches of every emotion, uh
guilt, outrage, fear, greed, suspicion, um because these are the emotions that become

objections. A guy may feel guilty that he’s gonna buy this Corvette. Well how do you
overcome that guilt? Well there’s ways to do it. A guy made um, uh y’know you, you
may overcome the guilt by appealing to his greed or his, people are suspicious of admen.
How do you overcome the idea of them being, just being suspicious from the fact that
you’re a letter in their hand suddenly they’re reading? How do you overcome that? Well,
y’know it’s pretty simple. You say y’know I’m not a, y’know I’m not a professional
businessman. I’m, I’m really just a guy like you y’know and uh y’know I get really upset
when I read letters with offers like this that don’t come out to be true. So I’m, I, I have
vowed to treat you like I want people to treat me. And that’s why I’ve made this big
generous guarantee and that’s why the offer is so outrageously low, etcetera, etcetera.

JOE: Very good, great. Oh man, I love, I love this type of stuff. Uh so what would you
say to um, what would you say to like someone just starting out in the marketing
business, just starting to write copy? Is there any suggestions that you have on what they
should collect? If there’s any magazines they should read? If there’s any junk mail lists
they should get on?

JOHN: Well don’t you have, you have a pretty good uh file that you send out, don’t you?

JOE: Oh yeah, absolutely.

JOHN: So I think collecting your letter’s is a good way to start. Um, if you can get into
uh I think you have some deals with Gary Halbert, he’s certainly got a lot of collections.
A lot of my letters are in other people’s collections and I use them, sometimes as
templates or a study guide. Halbert’s great idea was to take really, really good letters and
ads that you knew were good and you know they’re good because they pull. If, if you’re
absolutely beginning and you have no idea how to reach anybody to know what, what a
good ad is, look through six months issues of, of a magazine and take out every ad that’s
run, actually you should go for a year. And take out every ad that’s run frequently. Cause
uh it takes three months to place an ad in a magazine, so um, by six months or nine
months they should know if they’re pulling. And they certainly wouldn’t go in again
unless they were making a profit.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So if you can get, even a year and a half’s worth of uh magazines, say year and a
half of Mademoiselle or year and a half of uh Sports Fishing, um and just get the ads that
you recognize, ear mark them, tear them out. And because they’ve been running so often
uh you know that they’re good ads. Copy them by hand, this is a Halbert technique, so
you’re not just reading and trying to, but you’re viscerally putting it in your muscle
memory. What verbs they’re using, how they’ve constructed their sentences. How’ve
they made the story wind together. How, how they put it together. And that’s a really
good way to work. And as you come across a line or a phrase or a word or a verb that
strikes you as something you want to know, just make a little note of it. And, and have a
little, start your little swipe file with just pieces of paper or y’know little stick it notes or
something with hot little things on there. And when you first start out, I would suggest

that you, that your office be covered in these little sticky notes and stuff. Or if you,
y’know if you want to put them up with uh a bulletin board. I, I had a huge bulletin board
in my office that I would just, I would just tack up stuff until it got too full, then I’d just
take it all down, put it in a bankers box, put it somewhere and then start over again. And
just start putting stuff up there. I’ve kind of gotten away from that but y’know I’ve a
quote from Cynthia Heimel on my computer right now. It’s just something that reminds
me, it brings me, it grounds me, it brings me back home. And her quote is when in doubt
make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly
creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. Y’know I just love that. That
drives home. That, that’s a problem that I have is, is being a little worried about, a little
too worried about what people will think when in fact I really don’t care what people
think. Well, y’know what most people think.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And uh it, it’s a little reminder. And, and y’know your office should be a place
where the creative juices can run unfettered and, and willy nilly and free and go to
outrageous places.

JOE: Yeah well, and also if you’re not willing to, to tap into that then you’re gonna be
creating a bunch of mediocre stuff anyway.

JOHN: That’s right.

JOE: ***** from the marketing department and pretty much every other area of your life
if you’re not willing to do that.

JOHN: Joe you’ve sat in with meetings with uh Halbert and me in the same meeting. Um,
and so you know uh, when, when we’re in Denver uh last year, it gets really wild. And a
lot of the ideas and concepts we come up could never be used. They’re either impractical,
they’re gonna, they’re gonna cause too many problems or whatever. But you gotta go
through the wild stuff to get to the stuff that will, that really breaks boundaries down.
The, the kind of cutting edge stuff that doesn’t just pop into your head. Oh there’s a
cutting edge idea, I’ll use that. No you usually get that through a round about series of
impossible ideas and then finally you start to hone it down and realize y’know this one
may work.

JOE: Yes, I agree. Y’know Halbert’s uh, Gary, Gary’s always talking about y’know the
uh, the fatigue issue of when you get uh really fatigued. A lot of the times that’s when the
best stuff comes out because then you’re forced into actually having to y’know really

JOHN: That’s true. I also use uh David Ogilvies technique of sleeping on it. One of my
tricks to working and working well when I’m writing is to get every trace of sleep out of
my body. I can’t sit down and be the least bit tired and write well. Uh I don’t know how
many there writers share this but I have a feeling that it’s a lot. So if I have any kind of

sleep in me at all, I go and take a nap. But I also sometimes take kind of power thinking
naps. I will load my brain with stuff, read everything I can, and before I sit down and
start writing, I’ll go take a nap. And it may be a long nap, I may be asleep for an hour,
two hours or something. I wake up and I’ve got every trace of sleep outta me and my
brain has been functioning so often I will wake up and I have to have a piece of paper and
pencil very close to, to where I’m sleeping, where it’s on the couch or in my bedroom.
And um, y’know I often just wake up in the middle, and just write down, I scribble down
ideas very, very uh fast and then go back to sleep and wake up. And some of them will be
absolute nonsense. But others will be the germ of what I needed.

JOE: Right, wow.

JOHN: Uh using the power of, of your own conscience which is a very irrational tool.
And it’s, a lot of people don’t like to use things that are irrational or illogical. But, but
you’re dealing, when you’re creating stuff out of thin air, which is what you do when you
create marketing campaigns and, and invent products and, and write ads, you’re creating
things out of thin air. You’re dealing in the world of irrational and the illogical. And
you’re bringing it home and making those things logical and rational.

JOE: Yeah exactly.

JOHN: You want a bridge between the collective unconscious and the um, and, and the
here and now.

JOE: How long do you, did it take you to actually get really good at what you’re doing to
the point to getting excellent, to being world class copywriter? I mean what,

JOHN: Well I took such a round about way of doing it, uh I lucked out by, by discovering
the library so when I went on my own I just went, I took a speed reading course. Went to
the library and read everything on the racks on, I think it was the 900 Dewey Decimal
System. Everything from 900 to a 999 or something, which was advertising, writing,
sales, copywriting, uh just that whole section. And I just took every book down and went
through them and read them and re-read the good ones and discovered by accident the
same books that the, the greats already knew about, Jay Abraham and Gary Halbert were
reading the same, came up with the same list of top books that I did. And so I would have
these books next to me and use them as reference and just y’know use them as a crutch a
lot. And, and I went along but I was still working in the corporate world so I was working
in, for advertising agencies when I first went out who had regular clients like y’know uh,
MetLife and um y’know Cadillac or something. Which won’t let you be very creative. I
mean they have, they don’t do very good direct response mailing, they do more general
awareness they call it, uh advertising.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And you can’t be very creative, they’re very afraid of it. So I had to, I was stifled
for a long time. But I would say just to answer your question shortly rather than the long
way I took, I’d say about five years.

JOE: Five years?

JOHN: Yeah.

JOE: Good, good.


858-0008 OR FAX 602-858-0004. AS JOE POLISH WOULD SAY, EAT YOUR




JOE: John, what order do you create a sales letter in? I mean do you start with the bullets,
the offer, the order form, y’know etcetera? I mean, well, how do you go about writing
sales letters?

JOHN: I get asked that a lot. Uh, each copywriter’s a little different. And it actually
depends, and I know you hate to hear answers like that, but sometimes if I’m having
trouble with it, if it’s a new product and I’m unfamiliar with it, I’m having a little trouble
and I need to get going, say the deadlines’ coming up. Um, I will do all the easy parts
first. Sometimes I’ll start with the p.s. I’ll go to the order copy and write the uh, uh
guarantee copy and y’know work from the back up almost. And then go and spot things.
Like I know the bio of the guy so I’ll write y’know, y’know Joe’s an interesting guy.
Y’know he was born in blah, blah, blah and do that copy and then, then do the bullets uh
for me, uh I, I deal with a lot of products and not services so much. But also for services
you would have bullets which would be the benefits, y’know the features and the benefits
of, of your product or service. And those are sometimes good to do first or early on
because that helps you focus on what the product is. And often if you haven’t got that one
big major hot button benefit that’s gonna appear in the headline and be the, the grabber
that pulls you in, you will find it when you’re doing the bullets.

JOE: Okay so you prefer doing the bullets then first?

JOHN: Often I will, but often I’m working with clients now that I’m familiar with the
stuff. And I use similar uh boilerplate letters. I train people in a, in a house list to read my
letters. In other words, I try to make it so that when they open the envelope and they see
it’s a letter, they feel comfortable cause they, they, it’s almost like a newsletter. My sales
letters go out so often for these clients, it’s like a monthly or a, or a bi-monthly newsletter
that they’re getting and they know whether or not they buy it they’re gonna get an
entertaining story, they’re gonna learn something and it’s, it’s gonna be a fun read.

JOE: Yeah,

JOHN: So I can often start with, write the headline and just go to dear friend and just
write the letter all the way through. Abut that’s because I’m very, very familiar with the
audience and with the, with the products. However, if I am dealing with difficult
products, I almost always write the bullets first cause like I say, that’s the heart of the

JOE: Now, talking about y’know these particular clients that you mail frequently, and
I’m gonna ask you actually a question about y’know frequency of mailings but,

JOHN: Sure.

JOE: What’s your feelings on recycling a lot of the same stuff just twisting it, tweaking it
and changing it around in different ways?

JOHN: Do it until the audience tells you, you shouldn’t do it anymore. Uh I, I don’t know
if you get the comedy channel uh on, on Win Ben Stein’s Money. Have you ever seen
that program?

JOE: Actually no I have not.

JOHN: Well it, it’s pretty funny. What it is, is it’s uh, it’s a unique twist, in other words it
really is Ben Stein’s money that you’re trying for and it’s kind of Jeopardy type program.
The reason I’m bringing it up is they explain the rules to the game over and over and over
again in every show. And it’s really getting annoying to the point that I used to enjoy
watching it and I’m not watching it anymore because it’s so annoying when they stop and
explain what the rules are over and over again. It’s a very simple show. But they’re still
trying to get audience shares so they know they’ve got a lot of people coming on and if
you don’t understand what they’re doing, you’re not catching the gist of the whole thing,
and, and what the real fun is being on the inside, knowing what’s going on.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So, it, there’s a fine line you have to walk. I am, I’ve constantly used the same
copy for my order copy, y’know here’s how to order. And they often will be just pretty
much the same copy as the last 15 letters you’ve received. And the guarantee may even
be similar although I do try to mix it up a little bit. And, and a lot of other points may be

similar too. Y’know you, you have to approach a sales letter as a greased slide. In other
words, you want the, you want the person to get on the, on the slide at dear friend or at
the headline and not have a chance to come off until they’re at the very end and it’s time
to get out your wallet and, and pick up the phone and order.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So if, you, you don’t want any sidelines, y’know it has to be a smooth ride all the
way down. So, so all your copy has to be keeping them going. Y’know, I, your, your
people probably know what the bucket brigade is. That’s a uh series of uh standard
opening lines for new paragraphs. Like you’d say, what’s more y’know, and here’s
something else you need to know and, and y’know not only that but, and, and we call it
the bucket brigade cause it’s like y’know those guys used to stand there with the buckets
filling it and throwing it on a fire. Y’know you have to, you have to keep them coming
down the line. And you can’t give them a chance to, to leave for any reason.

JOE: Right. Great analogy. Um, now you talked earlier about your, your circling the
desk. Uh y’know the procedure that you go through to write ads and sales letters. I, I like
that. Could you elaborate on that a little bit?

JOHN: It’s my own way of, of doing it um, I can’t, it’s very difficult to write, it’s al, but
it’s a mistake to wait for inspiration. So especially, that’s why writers need deadlines. If
um, if you sit down and you say I’m gonna write a great sales letter and have it, y’know
and have a great product and you don’t give yourself a deadline um you’re gonna fall into
a trap that even professional writers fall into, which is you just ain’t gonna get it done.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Uh deadlines are one of the greatest inventions made for, uh actually getting stuff
done. Now there are two headline, there are two deadlines usually. One is a soft deadline
and that’s where you want the stuff ready so that it can go through the channels it needs
to go through, get okayed by lawyers, by people who need to see it, and test their quotes
and things like that. And then there’s the hard deadline which is the absolute drop dead
day that the copy has to get in to be able to make the publication of the, of the uh, of the,
of the uh magazine or the uh, or make the mailing drop day y’know say you’re, you’re
fighting some reason to, to get out of the certain date.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So when I talk about circling the desk, it’s, it’s gearing up, it’s forcing inspiration
onto myself. Uh it’s very difficult. One of the hardest things to do, in fact, I, I use an
analogy about writing that if you can’t get me wrong, I love my job and I love writing but
sitting down to write a sales letter when you’re not in the mood is a little bit like putting
on full uh, scuba diving equipment and lowering yourself into a vat of, of sewage, raw
sewage knowing there’s a pearl on the bottom and you gotta swim blindly to the bottom,
find the pearl and bring it up. Now to the people outside, y'know it’s like you put on your

stuff, you go under and you find this pearl and you bring it up and you’re sitting there
gasping outside, covered in muck. And you give them the pearl and they go great God,
y’know we had no idea how to get this pearl off the bottom of that, of that, of that barrel.
And, and now, y’know it was so easy for you, would you go into this other barrel over
here and do it, y’know and you gotta get off and do it again y’know and it’s just, it’s very
hard to do. So by, by circling the desk, by getting this I have a routine that works for me.
And the routine is once I get into this, actually I have a writing clothes I used to wear. I, I
still do occasionally. I had a little writing hat. When I put that hat on I’m a writer. I, I
can’t do the dishes, I’m not answering the phone, I’m not going to go out for a walk, I’m
writing. And, and I don’t do that so much any more cause I’ve found other ways but
that’s what it is. It’s getting yourself, forcing that inspiration on you. Or forcing that,
y’know it really is true that work is uh, creative work is 99 percent perspiration, one
percent inspiration. It’s, the inspiration is wildly overrated. But you do need to be in the
right mood. You can’t be, you, I, I can’t write about a product and hate it. I gotta fall in
love with this product and love it enough that that love comes through to, to the reader.
And sometimes that’s hard to do. Sometimes you don’t love uh, the car you’re selling or
y’know you, you’re not in love with rug cleaning equipment. So you gotta, you gotta sit
down and really kind of force yourself to do that. But you gotta do it.

JOE: So true, so true.

JOHN: It may be kinda like attending your daughter’s um, recital in the third grade. I
mean maybe you’re putting off big things you gotta do and major things, and you’re
really, you’re gonna be up all night working because you do it. But y’know what you
gotta do it. And you gotta, and you can’t let her, let on to her that, y’know that you’d
rather not be there. Because y’know?

JOE: Yeah, I gotcha. Well now, y’know it’s really interesting what you just said which is
very good, love the writers hat idea. That’s uh, I’m actually gonna create my own little
system just based on that. My head’s swimming with, with ideas. I mean stuff like that is
so important just to y’know put yourself in that mode. Um, y’know I was uh I was
speaking with my friend Bill Phillips who you, you’ve gotta admire for his success at an
early age.

JOHN: Oh yeah.

JOE: I mean 33 year, I mean 33 years old when I believe he told me this.

JOHN: A gutsy writer. Very gutsy writer.

JOE: Yeah, y’know he’s a great writer. Writes, I mean an enormous amount of copy.
Very good copy and y’know he’s built a, a company that’s doing over a hundred million
dollars a year, y’know he’s the president of uh experimental and applied science and I
asked him uh one day when I was up in Colorado meeting with him, what um, what does
he feel is his best time management thing that’s he’s ever learned? And he said uh,
deadlines. He said putting himself under deadlines is probably y’know the one main thing

that has helped him uh accomplish as much as he has uh y’know since he actually uh
started in business. And uh,

JOHN: Y’know paying, you have a deadline every month to pay your electric bill so the
lights don’t go off. And you just have in your head you gotta pay it by the end of the
month or by the 15th or something like that.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: But a lot of people don’t give themselves that same kind of thing with writing a
piece. Uh sometimes when you’re starting out it’s better to give yourself a certain
deadlines, by this, by this day I will interviewed the guy and had the interview
transcribed. Uh by this day I will have read this particular book or this information or
something. By this day I’m gonna do, and make yourself little, little deadlines to hit so
that, so that you know then at the end of when you’ve got everything together and
everything’s ready for you to sit down and start writing, you’ve got a week or two weeks
or two days or whatever it’s gonna take you to be able to do it.

JOE: Then, now how, how long of streaks do you actually sit down and write? Does it
vary? I mean is there any,

JOHN: It varies with the writers. I used to pull, in fact when I was uh freelancing, one of
the reasons I got a name in, and this is a funny story. One of the reasons I got a name for
myself in LA, being the freelancer they literally snuck in the back door to do the jobs
their own staff couldn’t handle, was um, when I went up for my first jobs, I went, I would
go out in four in the afternoon and go to these agencies and they’d, I’d sit down with the
VP of marketing and, and maybe the uh, the uh head copywriter or something and they’d
tell, they’d spread out all this material for me and they go, and we need a piece to go out.
And they look at me and say, how, how soon can you get this to us? Y’know cause we’re
really under the gun. And I said I don’t know, how, tomorrow morning? And they kinda
look at each other and they go okay. And I’d go home and I’d work all night long and I’d
just short cut everything and I’d show up bright and bushy tailed at ten o’clock the next
morning, not having slept a wink with my finished copy. And these people were
astounded because the, all the other writers were asking for a month. Y’know regardless
of what they wanted. And, and so I got this, this reputation as being this guy who could
turn this stuff around overnight. Well once I caught on, I started asking for a week or two
weeks, which to me was a huge luxury. But still half or a fourth of the time that other
writers were asking for. So it, it’s an individual type thing. Once I learned to pace myself,
I generally don’t get much done after two or three hours of writing a day.

JOE: Okay. So you just get to the point where you’re pretty fatigued at that point?

JOHN: If you’re writing an eight-page letter, I give myself four days. Two, two pages a

JOE: Okay.

JOHN: And often that’s more than I need. But that’s what I,

JOE: Well y’know this is great information to know. I mean I’m sure these are questions
that people have probably been curious about but would never think uh to ask or would
never come across someone like yourself that they could ask, so.

JOHN: Guys like uh Asimov and Stephen King, they write every day of the year. Stephen
King takes his birthday off. That’s it. But he gets up, he works from like eight to eleven I
think or something and that’s it.

JOE: Really, wow.

JOHN: And the rest of the day he goes and does everything. Abut he writes everyday and
it is everyday from eight to eleven.

JOE: Lessons to be learned, discipline.

JOHN: Yeah.

JOE: Um now how often should you mail a winning letter once you got one?

JOHN: Um, ‘til sales flatten out is, is the right answer. Um, with the same audience, in
other words if, if you mail a letter and you get a good response you mail it again and you
can pretty much expect to get half of that response again.

JOE: Um hum.

JOHN: So let’s say you get four times ad cost the first time you mail, the second time
you’re gonna double. And the third time you mail you’re gonna come out about even.
Now, these are all very general. But that’s to the same audience. So do it until you get
down to breaking even.

JOE: And if that means 25 letters sent uh 25 sequences that’s what you do?

JOHN: I’ve had letters I’ve been mailing, unchanged for five and six years at a time.

JOE: Really? To the same audience?

JOHN: Uh, more or less. The, when we say the same audience, we’re talking about a
house list. Say a letter to a house list.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And what that, that, what they do is generally they’ll mail to the whole list but
they’re mailing because they just put on a thousand new, new people,

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Y’know on their hot list. But the other people will get it too.

JOE: And so now, when you say house list, cause I, a lot of people understand what that
is but a lot of listeners may not understand what a hot list. A house list, could you just
briefly explain that?

JOHN: Well, let’s say that you’ve got a, well in, in your business your house list would
be your customers. Anybody that buys from you goes on the house list.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: That’s a name that you have their name, their address everything. You don’t have
to go anywhere else but your own computer or your own file to, to mail them again.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: That’s your house list. If anybody’s who’s bought from you or, and then, then
there can be sub categories. Let’s say you do lead generations, so you’ve got categories to
your list. You’ve got people who have people who have called and asked for information
but never ordered. You have people that have ordered one time and then kinda
disappeared into the ether and you have people who have ordered multiple times. And
then you have your hot list, which is people who buy everything you send out. And that’s
you, that’s your most prized list. That’s the list you want to set aside, put a little gold star
on and occasionally send little letters just to them, offer them deals that no one gets. And
sometimes send them free stuff. This something Jay Abraham taught me. Every once in a
while, he would just send a free, free special report or a free, um tape cassette or
something that he would normally have tried to sell for 99 dollars. But he sends it out for
free. And he says I just wanted to send you a gift. Maybe he’ll, he’ll do it around
Christmas, maybe he’ll do it for the heck of it. But he’ll tell a little story and what that
does is that builds good, good rapport between him and his people. Cause it’s absolutely
free. There are no strings, there’s no nothing. It’s a little gift, he says I was thinking about
you, y’know, I was thinking about how nobody ever y’know I bought a Cadillac and I
never heard from the guy afterwards y’know kind of thing. And I just like to, I just like to
say hi and I thought, and I knew you’d be very interested in this. And it’s, it’s not fluff.
He sends out some really juicy stuff.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And that can keep the loyalty very, very high on your list.

JOE: Y’know absolutely. I mean I do that uh, I do that quite a bit. I mean recently I, I
sent, and I still do. I send out Bill Phillips uh video to my clients and y’know it’s a just
my way of showing them that I appreciate them and it’s also a subject that I think a lot of

people uh find very interesting and, and in my opinion should be interested in. And uh I,
it’s a good way to do business. Y’know just shows that you care about your clients and
because of that it leads to many sales.

JOHN: Well, again think about it in terms of romance. Um, if all you did was wait for
Christmas, birthdays and Valentines Day to give your, your, your loved one a present, uh
they’d get a little bored with you. If however you show up every once in a while with uh,
guess what hon, I got tickets to Hawaii y’know or something like that, I mean, you’re just
gonna cement yourself in their heart.

JOE: Right. Now uh how, how long should you wait between mailing the first letter to
mailing the second letter?

JOHN: This is guesswork. Uh I generally say about three weeks.

JOE: Three weeks okay. Um,

JOHN: If you mail every 21 days you’re at the point where you’re not being an
annoyance, and you’re giving them enough time to have bought the first time or not.

JOE: Okay, yeah I mean I varied it everywhere, anywhere from uh y’know seven days to
uh thirty days is, is basically um the way that I do my sequence letters.

JOHN: Uh huh.

JOE: Normally my actual date is uh, I agree with what you’re saying. It’s uh, it’s, it’s a
good formula. Um, I normally do fifteen, fourteen, fifteen days between letter number
one and letter number two, things like that.

JOHN: The numbers will answer this. You, it, you’re gonna have to operate off of other
people’s hunches and what other people have learned until you get your own data.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And once, once you’ve been in business for a year, you’re gonna have enough
data, you’re gonna know how often you can do it because your, the numbers will tell the

JOE: Right. Y’know uh like Gary says, Gary Halbert y’know this is a business of
arithmetic. Uh now speaking of Gary, what is the most valuable copywriting advise
you’ve every gotten from Gary Halbert, since you and him are good buddies?

JOHN: That’s easy, yeah, it’s uh, yeah I’ve known Gary for a long time. Um he uh came
up with uh, uh a concept called star story solution. Uh that’s the easiest way to write a
letter. You need a star, which would be, it’s not uh it’s not the uh, uh a simple way to
clean your rug but it’s y’know my, my name is Joe Polish. I mean you, you can be the

star of your piece. Or I might write and I say there’s a guy living in Arizona named Joe
Polish who you may not know about him but he’s actually y’know, y’know he’s a, he’s a
guru for these reasons or something. So you create a star. Now that star can be a
celebrity, hi my name is Don Drysdale um, uh y’know I used to pitch for the Los Angles
Dodgers and I have a message that I think would be very important to you, something
like that. The story is to me the most important thing. You don’t just come out and say
I’ve got a Cadillac to sell you but you say an interesting thing happened to me when I
was getting off the plane from Asia last week. Y’know I ran into a guy, blah, blah, blah.
Until you weave a story.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And then of course the solution means that you are addressing this. The whole
lead in to the story is you’re driving home the point that you’re gonna need what I have.
Now you may have a problem that I can solve, which is the solution, or you may have a
need that I can fill, or you may not even know you have this problem yet, but I’m gonna
make it well known to you by the time you’re finished reading this letter and I’m gonna
tell you how to, how to fix it.

JOE: Very good. It’s uh I love it.

JOHN: Actually, I, I, a couple of times I’ve had to break things in the letter and then offer
them a way to fix it. In other words, one of the hardest things to do is to write the people
who are perfectly satisfied and don’t need another of your damn widgets and you gotta,
you gotta put a little fear into them. I, y’know I know you got, you’ve got a car and it’s
running fine and everything. But did you know that every car made before 1975, and I
know from my records that I know yours is 1974 or something, that these cars are
collapsing because of the smog requirements or something y’know and y’know whatever.

JOE: Yes exactly. Uh what’s the worst advise you ever got from Gary? No I’m kidding.
You probably don’t want to hear that.

JOHN: Well you know um, another piece of advice I got from Gary, which I think is
worth passing on, is to put empathy in, into your, into your writing. Empathy is different
from sympathy. It’s not sympathizing with your, with your audience. It’s walking in his
moccasins for a mile and I, I learned this by writing diet pieces. I mean a male writing a
piece that is primarily going to a female audience. There’s gotta be a crossover there and,
and it’s a learning process for men to understand how to really get into someone’s head
and, and talk in a way that they understand especially about sensitive subjects. You can’t
just say hi, do you have a problem y’know being overweight? I have a solution for you.
My name is Dr. Smith. You can’t do that. You have to talk on a level that they
understand. And, and that was one of the hardest things for me to do, to get from that ice
cold corporate writing to a very warm, generous human being so that you, when, when
you hold the letter that I write there is no question in your mind that this has come from a,
from a person who sat down and wrote it themselves.

JOE: Right. Okay, now how long does it take you to normally write a letter or a package
if it’s brand new to you?

JOHN: Well, again it’s, it’s yeah, it depends on how new it is. Um places like Rodeo
which are y’know big mailers, one of the biggest mailers in the country. Uh it can take a
month because if you want perfect copy, and, it’s gotta go through 17 layers of lawyers
and editors and bosses and whatever before it gets there. So if there’s a, if there’s a
comma missing or a um, or a word out of place or, or a sentence, a single sentence that,
that is kind of nonsensical or y’know was, was misplaced or something, they’re gonna
find it and it’s gonna come back to me. So I have to get it as perfect as possible. Uh for
y’know a month of editing and going back and forth that’s not unusual for a big project
like that. For a client who is less of a stickler for that and by the way having mistakes in
your letter is not a problem. It humanizes you. People expect to, to see some mistakes
sometimes and they will, if, if you’re doing your job right, they will gladly forgive you
for using the wrong word or leaving out a word or something in a sentence and, and help
you out on that. That, that does not hurt you. In fact some of the early guys, back when
uh letters were sent out from typewriters before computers took over, they would
purposely choose typewriter fonts that like the E or the O was filled in or one letter was
y’know, y’know the bottom part of the E was chopped off cause that made it seem more
like it was coming from a homemade typewriter.

JOE: Right. Now how, now how often do you do things like that?

JOHN: Not so much anymore. And I don’t purposely make mistakes anymore because
they, cause even Rodeo and other people, they, they’ll screw it up for you some point
down the line. I, I don’t think I’ve had a piece go out absolutely perfect in, in ten years.
Just something goes wrong, used to upset me greatly but I’ve learned to slack off quite a
bit, but.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: The answer to your question is anywhere from uh one evening to write a letter,
depending on the subject to a month.

JOE: Okay. Well there you go, it’s a broad answer. Yeah, but again it all depends. Uh
now you’ve kind of touched on the subject of, of guarantees and y’know really powerful
uh offers. Now I want to elaborate on that a bit. How do you create credibility and
overcome skepticism, I mean that y’know people are so skeptical these days, even if you
use testimonials on products that come with a 100 percent money back guarantee,
prospects sometimes, y’know they even want to call and talk to the people that gave them
the testimonials, uh cause they still don’t believe you. How do you deal with that? How
do you overcome that, that skepticism?

JOHN: First of all I’d like to approach the idea of people being called on testimonial, in
my experience they don’t. Um there are a few isolated examples but I’ve, the best
testimonial you can give is, is uh I love this product I think everybody should have one.

Signed Joe Polish uh, 1925 Elm Street, Phoenix, Arizona uh, uh 602 y’know blah, blah,
blah. That would be the best one you could give. Because there’s no question that you’re
a real person, and you’re really there.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Now most people don’t want to give out their phone numbers, in fact I, I dare you
to find somebody who will do that so you have to go backwards from there. So what’s the
best thing you can do? Full name, occupation, city, that’s usually what it comes down to.
And I have found that, in my experience no one’s been called. I take that back, one or
two people have been called on their testimonials.

JOE: For the products that I sell, I have a lot of, of people that want to call my clients and
everything. It’s much less now than what it used to be because I’m pretty y’know well
known in, in the markets that I’m in.

JOHN: There’s, there’s ways you can get around that. Uh you can actually tell people
please, please don’t call, we, we have, we have uh um, actually I’ve, I’ve done um uh
notary republics.

JOE: Okay, so you notarize statements and things like that?

JOHN: Yeah, you, you say, y’know under each one, or just one line, my name is uh Mary
Smith I’m a notary republic uh, my number is y’know my state number is 065 blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah. And I, and I swear under perjury, under y’know sentence of death that
the following statements are true y’know blah, blah, blah. You can do things like that.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And then, and then just give the occupation, name and occupation and don’t give
the city or something so they can’t call them. Anyway that’s, that’s a very small problem,
the testimonials. I’m sorry that you’ve had it and it may be because you’re using the local
people or something, but,

JOE: No actually it’s, y’know it’s kinda funny is I have plenty of clients that are more
than happy to accept phone calls from prospects, I just uh for y’know just being
respectful to my own clients that love me, uh I try not to have other people call them.
And I try to everything uh that, that can be done within the consex, context of the copy in
order to sell without them thinking they need to check me out. Uh but I know a lot of
people uh y’know deal with the believability issue. They have great offers, they have,
have great products and services uh,

JOHN: Okay so you’re talking about, getting back to the skepticism. Uh the way you get
around the skepticism is in the story. The personality of the story. You have to get into
their shoes again. This is empathy. And you have to bring up every objection that they’re

gonna have. You gotta cover everyone. That’s why I frequently have had two and three
pages of bullets in my, y’know like half the letter is just bullets.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And, and I, I guess you’re, you’re gonna explain to people, or people know what
bullets are. But they’re little pieces of, of information features and benefits. And you
explain each little piece of, of what you’re gonna get. If it’s a service or if it’s a product.
Um you, the objections in peoples minds are, are, are y’know, there’s probably a certain
number, maybe there’s seven or a dozen but they’re pretty standard. It’s like I, I, y’know
it’s too much money, uh I, I, I y’know I don’t need this. Um, uh y’know I, I, I’m real bad
at making decisions and things like that. And you can overcome all of these with, with
guarantees with um, uh um, with making sure that the bargain meets their, it meets their
financial comfort zone. And uh and remove each and every objection. That’s what a good
salesman does, while getting into their shoes. And one of the things you can do is, is I’ve
used this a lot. You say look y’know I’m, I’m not some big time marketer. I’m just like
you. I hate being, y’know I hate those calls that come at, at dinner time at home and I
don’t understand how they, how they sell and I hate going to a store and ordering
something and they bring you to the back and having somebody scowl at me. Or I, and
I’ve been ripped off in my life. I’ve bought things that weren’t what they were advertised
blah, blah, blah. So I made a vow. I made a personal vow that I would never do this.
Y’know and, and, and, and tell them over and over again in the story bring it home,
you’re just like them. If, if for the rug cleaners, y’know are, are a good example. Talk
about your experience with, with rug cleaners before. The guy, y’know two dirty guys
showed up who, who didn’t, wouldn’t say boo to you. And y’know did a half-assed job.
And then, and then split and left some, some stuff for you to clean up. And it was, it was
y’know and, and so you knew what a bad job was. And you decided you’re gonna show
people what a good job was. And you’re gonna guarantee it, y’know, thinks like that.

JOE: Right, exactly. Very good. What about photographs? Using photographs now.

JOHN: Yeah I noticed you use that. I think photographs are good. I’ve never really
experienced very much in them because often by the time people are mailing my
packages, they’re often very thick and they’re worried about cost at that point. Uh black
and white photographs that can be slapped in there are good but I don’t have any personal
reason that has been proven to me that photographs increase the response.

JOE: Okay.

JOHN: Um, certainly if it’s relevant, if there’s, if a picture of the product helps then
that’s fine, put it in there. But be careful because a lot of times people aren’t buying the
product, they’re buying the benefit of having the product.



JOHN: People aren’t buying the product, they‘re buying the benefit of having the
product. If you’ve done your job well, they feel that they have completed everything they
need to do to get the benefits you’ve talked about, merely by picking up the phone and
ordering. I think I said this in the, in the Dan uh Kennedy uh, uh seminar that, that you
have the, that you got the Operation Money Suck quote from. Uh think of your customer
as a huge sloth like creatures y’know imbedded in the couch who can barely uh get up to,
to feed itself, and, and will not move for anything and you have to get this creature to
actually pick up the phone and dial 12 numbers and speak to somebody, get out their
wallet and, and read a number off of their credit card. That’s a huge effort to get people to

JOE: Right.

JOHN: It, it’s not easy. It’s never an easy sale. I mean all of us have had the experience
of going into a place finding this piece of stereo equipment or the baseball mit or the
whatever that you really wanted. You really, really want this but something about it
means you’re not gonna buy today. Either it’s a little bit more than you thought it was or,
or you happen to notice that there’s a tiny flaw or you just found out that you have to
have a certain kind of software that you don’t have. And suddenly there’s this objection
comes up in your mind and often the salesman doesn’t know why but you say y’know
what, I, I’ll be back. I gotta go talk with my wife or I gotta do this or that. And most
salesmen know when you walk out that door you ain’t coming back.

JOE: Right. There’s one other thing I want to mention on that. Bill Phillips, who sells
supplements. In his case y’know he uses before and after pictures,

JOHN: Oh yeah, excellent.

JOE: But what you just said, y’know people are more interested in the benefit than of the
product. And that’s a perfect example. Y’know he’s not up there flashing in a lot of his
sales letters, y’know a picture of the jug of uh vitamins or protein powder.

JOHN: Exactly.

JOE: He, he’s showing the picture, which in that case, you can’t do this for all businesses.
In, in the case of the fitness business you can use a lot of uh y’know actual pictures of the
results of people that are taking the supplements or following the exercise program or

JOHN: Joe I’ve had, I’ve had clients insist in putting a picture of the video or the book
and, and I used to argue with this all the time that Rodeo wanted to do that. They wanted
a picture of the book. I said the book is not a product, I mean it’s just, it’s just and it’d be
a mock up anyway. I mean this is just ridiculous. The book is not what they want. They
don’t want the book, they want the information in the book. Actually they don’t even
want the information in the book, they wa0nt to already have the information in the book.

Y’know if I could give them a pill that they take and they wake up in the morning and
have all the information already sucked into their brain, that’s what they would do. They
want the benefits of having this information.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: It just so happens it’s in a book.

JOE: Yeah, exactly.

JOHN: So how, how do you, how do you, how do you have a picture of, of a, of y’know
you with better sexual knowledge, it’s just, it’s a concept.

JOE: Right. Uh now what, what about uh envelopes? I mean talk about that. Hardly
anyone ever talks about the effectiveness of envelopes and how important do you feel
envelopes are?

JOHN: I feel that env, Halbert convinced me on this a long time ago. The best envelope
you can send out will look like, will, will stand out in your mailbox, cause it looks like
it’s a letter from Aunt Marge. If you could have a live stamp uh not, not an ******* but a
live stamp uh hopefully like a decorative stamp one of Queen Victoria or Elvis Presley or
something. And then a hand written um uh address and in the, and in the corner, in the re,
uh return box, it doesn’t have a name or maybe it has a name that they’re familiar with.
So what would be best to go to you would be um, um uh Aunt Jane um uh Polish up in
the corner and your name y’know Joe Polish all written out.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Now you can get fonts that look like handwriting and uh if you don’t have a name
in the return box that um, would, would make sense then just have the return address.
And that’s only to keep track of your nixes cause I also recommend that you mail first
class of course.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Until you are so confident that your third class mailing is going to work that
y’know because you just can’t trust numbers from third class mailings cause you don’t
get nixes back for one thing.

JOE: Yeah, exactly.

JOHN: So uh the best envelope that we’ve been sending out is been a typewritten
address, a live stamp and a typewritten return address only with no name. That’s pretty
much the standard and it’s a closed face, number 10 white envelope.

JOE: Okay. Well you also mentioned nixes and for anyone that doesn’t know what a nixe
is, that’s a, that’s when a bad letter, not bad letter but went to a address where the person
is either moved or it’s a bad address so they’re just not there and it comes back to you.
That’s what a nixe is.

JOHN: Every day of your life, seven percent of that house list that you’ve slaved so hard
to put together is just moving, dying, getting kicked out of their home or changing mail
boxes. And it’s, it’s a constant process. So the nixes that you get back are very, very
informative. Those names, if it comes back saying undeliverable you recheck the address.
If it comes back to uh y’know party no longer lives there, you scratch them off, off the

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And um, y’know so it’s, it’s very crucial information for keeping your uh, your
list from getting what’s called dirty in the business. A dirty list is full of uh old names.
And names get old after three months.

JOE: Yeah, now do you have any uh suggestions on how people aside from just mailing
them and keeping them corrected can like uh y’know do merges against any data base out
there that ********

JOHN: I’m not the guy to talk to about that stuff. Uh my advice for everything about lists
and keeping lists uh clean and getting the right list is to find a list broker. A professional
that you trust. Um, you may have to go through a few and I would suggest actually
having multiple ones and have them work against each other. It’s kinda like finding
somebody’s gonna find you a house.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: If you stick with one broker eh, maybe, maybe they come through maybe they
don’t. Get a couple of brokers working against each other and know that they’re working
against each other and they’re gonna go out of their way to bring you what you want.
But, but my, my advise is to get a pro um don’t trust them completely. Stay on top of
them and double their stuff. And test, test the, the heck out of everything out of
everything you’ve got. Don’t get a list of a hundred thousand names that somebody
swore to was the hot list of, of uh, whatever list you wanted to go to and mail them all.
Mail 5,000 I mean y’know mail them first class. They’ll get delivered in three days and if
they’re, if it’s, if you’ve written the right stuff they’ll be phoning right away and you’ll
know by the phone calls whether it’s good or not. And then roll out.

JOE: Okay, now since we’re talking about lists, some copywriters say copy’s the most
important part of a promotion. How do you feel the copy compares to the uh quality or
the list?

JOHN: No contest. Fabulous copy to the wrong list will fail. And sorry ass copy to a hot
list will pull something. If you’re trying to sell Cadillac’s and uh uh, a better one would
be if, if you’re writing a republican fund raising letter and you accidentally mail it to a
democratic list, uh it really doesn’t matter how good your copy is, does it?

JOE: Right, great example.

JOHN: Uh however if you are writing uh y’know you have to get something out really
fast and all, all you’ve got is, is just a please send money, we really, really need it signed
Mr. Republican fund raiser and you send it out, you’re gonna get some response from,
from the list.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So the list is mega, mega, mega important.

JOE: Okay. Now what steps do you go through to decide what list to mail to and how do
you find those lists?

JOHN: Um, generally the clients do that uh for me. Again my, if I had to do it, I would
just get in bed with a professional. I think a, having a good list broker is like having a
good mechanic for your car.

JOE: Um hum.

JOHN: Um if, y’know I don’t care how good you were at old cars now, you can’t get into
the engines now. They’re, they’re sealed. I mean they’re run with computers. And if, and
the, the mechanic you use has become almost a friend of the family. You, you can’t just
go out and start grabbing guys off the street and having them look at your car anymore.
They have to be knowledgeable about the kind of car that they have. And they have to
know the inside tricks and they have to, they have to devote time to understanding the car
you have. I, I go to a mechanic that only works on Fords and Chevy’s. He won’t do any
foreign cars, he doesn’t want to get into that. He, he’s not, not kidding anybody that he,
that he would know what to do with a Mercedes engine. But you bring him any kind of
Ford or Chevy engine and he’s gonna do the best work um, that, that anybody can do. I’m
rea, and I found this guy through referrals from other people.

JOE: Yeah, well no, that’s good advise. Good advise. Alright now what are the most
variables to test when you’re trying to improve results to an ad or, or a sales letter?

JOHN: I would say the offer first of all um, sometimes a few bucks uh off, uh the price or
a uh or half off the price. I mean maybe you just wildly over estimated what your stuff
was worth. Or just tack on a few extra freebies or make a more generous guarantee uh
will change things. Uh just y’know if, if something really bombed, say you charged 59
bucks for something. Well maybe 59 bucks is just a little above people’s comfort level,
bring it down to 49 bucks or 39 bucks or find, find some way to do that. Uh max out the,

the guarantee. Say y’know what, I’m gonna send you a, y’know five free reports y’know
and you can keep all five of these reports y’know and just send the product back. Or if, if
you have to just say y’know what you can keep the product and just call me and ask for a
refund. I’ve never gotten anybody to go with that one but um, I think that’s an excellent
guarantee y’know I’m gonna trust you 110 percent just on your word alone. If you, all
you gotta do is call me and say y’know what the product wasn’t what I thought it was
gonna be, I want my money back and I’ll send it back to you.

JOE: That’s, that’s,

JOHN: And you can have the rest of your life to do it.

JOE: Right. That’s a great one.

JOHN: Uh by the way I don’t know if people talk about guarantees but the longer the
guarantee the less people will take it up, will, will take you up on it. That’s very hard to
convince clients of. I get most of my clients out to three months but when I start saying
two years or three years or the lifetime y’know of your product you have, y’know if, if
you find five years down the road that you’re little um, your little video, you decide it’s
not worth anything you can send for your money back. Y’know pe, people forget or, or
people have other things going on in their lives and stuff. The longer the guarantee the
more comfortable they are in making the purchase and the less likely they are to take you
up on your guarantee.

JOE: Right. I agree, good advice. Okay now um what do you do when your response
rates starts going down or your ad or your letter starts getting tired?

JOHN: That’s what we talked about in Denver when Halbert and I were back there with

JOE: Uh huh, basically the first thing you do is, it’s a new letter. There’s always a new
angle. Um I, have you ever gone to the old style carnivals where they have barkers? You
know what a barker is?

JOE: Yeah, yep.

JOHN: It’s the guy says come on in see the little lady dance, or see the amazing thin man
or y’know the uh, y’know the uh whatever. See, see the guy with the poodle head.
Sometimes all you need is a new barker. You need somebody to go out there, the old
barker ain't doing it so you bring out a new barker. Go back and take a good look at the
same product without changing the product, take a different look at how you’re selling it.
A different idea of how it may fit into people’s lives. A different way that the benefits
may be described. So, say you’ve been selling Cadillac’s um as a luxury automobile to
impress your neighbors with y’know and show people you’ve arrived. Well maybe that’s
not working so come back and, and actually take what you’re doing now with a new
lower end Caddy, the Caddy that zigs. They’re talking about y’know what um, this isn’t

the top, y’know this isn’t the car to show you’ve arrived. This is just a solid car that’s
gonna last for 35 years and, and actually when you compare it to other cars of similar
value, like y’know Jaguars or Mercedes Benz or whatever, there, there’s much more
value in this. So not only are you getting this recognition value with the car, but it’s just a
solid car that’s gonna last forever. And actually if I was selling Cadillac’s I’d tell the
story about Keys Cruisers down in the Florida Keys one thing we noticed was that a lot
of the old cars, the old bangers that people were driving around were Cadillac’s. And it’s
because Cadillac’s last forever. Y’know you don’t need great gas mileage down in the
Florida Keys, you just need a car that’s gonna survive y’know a lot of harsh weather and
sun and things like that. If you get a Cadillac you don’t have to take care of it and it will
just last forever and ever and ever.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: And, and if you gave me enough room to tell that story and talk about it, I could
get, I could drive home the idea of the absolute, incredible value and the good resale
value of, of a good Cadillac. It’s an excellent car.

JOE: Yeah, excellent. How do you market in a uh recessionary economy?

JOHN: Uh, that’s pretty simple. You make a benefit out of it. Um, again without
referring to specific products or services but you can say it’s cheaper now because it’s a
recession and I’ve got a, y’know I’ve got a cut corners now so this is the cheapest you’ll
ever get this or get my services. Um, no one else has it, so this could be your secret
weapon so while everyone else is struggling with the recessionary economy you have this
secret weapon that will actually bring in more of those scarce dollars that are being spent.
Uh, for, say for the carpet cleaning business, y’know you talk about saving money by
extending the life of the rug. Um plus the fact that uh it’s a simple and cheap luxury uh
having a spotless house. It makes a statement. You can talk about y’know while other
people are cutting corners everywhere else and not washing their car or doing this or that,
without y’know, you, you can make a quiet statement about, about yourself uh that you,
y'know your house is gonna be clean no matter what. I mean your house is gonna be
clean right up to the point that it falls over from uh, from age and um, and uh y’know
weather beateness. Y’know I mean um you, um uh clean poor people can still walk with
pride and dirty folks of any class are still despised no matter how much money they have.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So even though things are tough and bad you can make a benefit out of anything.
That goes back to the lipstick on the collar thing. No matter how bad you think things are,
think it through and find a way to twist it around.

JOE: Yeah, like uh y’know what happens in, is what y’know has been found in, in many
recessions, is in certain entertainment businesses, their business goes up dramatically.

JOHN: Yeah ****** survive when things, things are bad, yeah.

JOE: Yeah and y’know and, and a lot of people think well y’know people wouldn’t spend
discretionary income if they’re y’know struggling. But if, if people are going through
hard times uh and, things are miserable in a lot of ways, they want to be entertained. So if
you can weave your promotions around things that y’know bring pleasure into people’s
lives, you can really turn that into a benefit and a bonus.

JOHN: Pleasure or, or a sense of, of, of well being. It’s a sense of just y’know you owe it
to yourself. It’s, a lot of times people will spend their last dollar on very, very odd things.
I remember, I was broke for a long time back when I was in college. And sometimes I’d
have two dollars a week of discretionary income and I’d go and I’d buy a used record.
And I’d go, and I’d, and I’d make it an all day affair and I’d go through bins and bins and
bins of, of, of used records and find one that I really wanted and I’d spend a lot of time,
and it was a great purchase and I’d y’know parlayed my two dollars and, and that record
would be with me. I still have them. I still have the whole collection of records I have
downstairs. They still bring me joy and pleasure. So it was, it was a very studied thing to
do but it was an odd thing to do. I mean you’d think I’d go out and y’know get an extra
meal or y’know I don’t know what, an article of clothing at the, at the Goodwill or
something. But no, I got that record.

JOE: Right, that’s good.

JOHN: And somebody who understood that about me, and I don’t think I was alone in
doing that, understood how important music was. And if they couldn’t gotten my name
and gotten me on some kind of list back when I started making money, which wasn’t
soon after that, I y’know I was only poor for a, for a while, uh a few years. Y’know I
retained that passion for music. And I, I’m a hot name to have as far as selling, selling
musical uh stuff.

JOE: Right, now um this is kind of an aside. I mean do you think that’s an important part
to you? I know you, know you play the guitar, like we mentioned in the beginning. Um, I
mean does that really in your mind help you?

JOHN: Oh as a writer, oh very, very definitely. You’ve gotta have outside interests. Uh
I’m sure you’ve talked at other points about the fact that you’ve gotta have something to
make your life complete. What, one of the most miserable discoveries I made in business
was the fact that I remember sitting down to business with some guy who had 17 auto
stores. Now this guy was overweight, uh he had a wife that despised him and kids that
never visited and uh, uh he was definitely of ill health and we’re sitting on the beach in
Miami beach, uh gorgeous, gorgeous weather, people walking by and we sat down to eat
and all this guy could talk about was opening his 18th auto parts store. And uh the guy
was dull, boring and had nothing going on. And he didn’t need the money, he didn’t need
the extra store but that, that was his life. He was wrapped up in this. And y’know the guy
was just deadly dull, I couldn’t wait to get outta there. On the other hand I’ve sat down
with guys who are struggling entrepreneurs and you’d think that their whole life is
focused on what they’re doing. And then we find common ground. Either they play an

instrument or, or have a passion about music or history or, or the theatre or something
like that. I mean y’know you start talking about things and y’know I’ve, I’ve made
friends, when I was a freelancer, this is a funny little aside. When I was a freelancer, I
used to make two friends immediately at the agencies or the clients that I had. And those
friends that I would make would be the receptionist and the person who cuts the checks.
So that when I called or I walked in the receptionist, it wasn’t like yes, may I help you. It
was like hi John, and she’d put me, and sometimes I’d call and she’d put me through to
the VP of marketing while he’s at a meeting. She’d interrupt with John’s on the phone,
John, oh and then, and so I got through when other people reached blocks. And I got to
know the person who cut the checks so sometimes I would get checks cut for me before
they were okayed.

JOE: That’s funny.

JOHN: So I made sure, I made sure I was taken care of on the front end and on the back

JOE: Yeah, very good. Well, y’know you’ve dealt with a lot of successful businesses, a
lot of successful business people. And you know you’ve worked with over the years,
multi-million dollar companies have been using your letters for years.

JOHN: Yes.

JOE: Um, y’know out of all these people that you’ve done work with, out of all this
exposure to various people and all the projects and things you’ve been a part of, uh what
do you feel’s the best lesson that you’ve ever learned about what it takes to be a true

JOHN: One would be uh, work smart. In the organizations I’ve been in uh the ones that
run the, the, the most smoothly, they don’t have to be big organizations, uh the smaller
the better. But you need someone to go out and lay on the barbed wire sometimes.
Y’know you need someone to take care of those owners details and keep the, keep the
machinery oiled and the, y’know the, the phones on and the electricity bill paid and
things. And you need someone with a passionate vision and you need someone with
talent. Often, often those people try to combine all that into the same person. That’s
where you get Operation Money Suck grinding to a halt. When you’re trying to take care
of too much.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Often the person with the passionate vision is the guy who just loves his product
and just wants to get his product out there. But he’s not necessarily the best guy to get the
message across. So you need, you need the, you need the person who is behind whatever
the product is. You need somebody with a talent to communicate with that and you need
somebody, as I call it lay themselves on the barbed wire, which is get in the trenches and
make sure everything works.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: So everybody’s there on time. Um, the second thing uh probably the best secret
about being a success is um, when you get bored or tired, it, it shows. Um you can have
your own personal collapse, just like Rome or General Motors did y’know back in the
’70’s, when the, when the foreign uh foreign auto industry just swamped them. Um, one
of the most difficult things to do actually for a professional athlete, for a professional
actor for anybody who’s a professional, and that’s what you are when, when you’re in
business is a professional. It’s to stay interested, is to keep that youthful enthusiasm going
when you’re doing something for the 150 thousandth time. Y’know find some way to, to
bring it fre, to make it fresh, to bring it back home. Um, it’s just tough. It’s hard to do.
You have to find a way to do it. Some people do it not by changing what they do
professionally, but by changing the rewards they get. So say if for every time I finish a
project I get to reward myself. And I get to go somewhere and I get to go play with
friends. Or, or I get to y’know travel to a new place or sometimes I’ll just y’know go
some place and be alone for a while. But I get a definite reward. So maybe I’m not
changing how I’m working or what I’m doing, I’m still writing ads for products that
maybe bore me, but I can do that because there’s something that, there’s a reward at, at
the other end.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: If you’re not enjoying your success, what the hell are you, what the hell are you
in business for? What is your purpose for doing this? I mean if, if all you’re doing is
keeping score or racking up possessions and money, uh that’s a very, very empty life.
The, the reason you’re in business is, is probably because you want to able to have some
control over your own life, the idea of setting your own hours and having your own
business is just the biggest thrill in the world. Uh but y’know to get, one of the reasons
you do that is to get more time for yourself. To get more time for, for reflection, to, to, to
lead the examined life, to, to allow love in your life. I can’t tell you how many
businessmen I’ve been with who just have no contact with their kids, no relationship with
their wives. Um everything is work, work, work. And the workaholics are just a sad
bunch of people. However, I also know other workaholics who just y’know, y’know
work hard, play hard. They take that workaholicism and take it into their private lives. So
they’re out scuba diving and they’re fanatic about scuba diving or they follow um, certain
bands. And they’re fanatic about these bands. Or they, they love racket ball and they get
fanatic, well that’s okay cause you can find other people that fit in with that. But, but
y’know get out of that box.

JOE: Yeah exactly. I mean, I y’know my experience uh and this is also speaking for
myself, uh y’know I’ve run into a lot of very wealthy, uh very financially successful
miserable human beings because they’re just so wrapped up in work and y’know me, I,
I’m an excessive worker. However I would do what I do even if I didn’t get paid for it
cause I like it so much and, and I like it so much sometimes I never stop doing it but I’ve
made great strides uh to bring as much uh y’know balance if you want to call it into uh,

into the work that I do to the point to now I’ve even got a coaching program where we
teach uh y’know other people how to get balanced in their lives and have a life. Because
in my opinion y’know people uh, y’know they’re not really doing this initially going into
entrepreneurship for uh money. They might think they are but y’know they’re, they’re,
they’re doing it for freedom. They’re doing it because they see the benefits of what the
money’s going to get them.

JOHN: Yes.

JOE: But if they don’t,

JOHN: Yeah, you will be profoundly disappointed if you think that a million dollars is
gonna change your life. It’s not.

JOE: Oh yeah.

JOHN: It may make it a lot worse. In fact I knew a shrink and his main clientele was
people who would suddenly come into sudden money then their lives were just horrible.

JOE: Yeah.

JOHN: And they just, they couldn’t figure out why it didn’t change.

JOE: Well, there’s, there’s therapies for actually people that win the lottery.

JOHN: Yeah, which, which they need very much. Y’know if, the, the joy you’re gonna
get out, out of your work and the pleasure you get from doing a good job and living a full
life is gonna be worth making five times much more money. I turned down five jobs for
every job that I accept. And I’m not accepting any jobs right now. At, at the moment I
have some exclu, clients who have me exclusively. And they’re quite happy with that and
I’m happy with that. And I could, I could easily quadruple my income tomorrow simply
by letting a few um, uh big clients know that I’m available. But I don’t want to do that.

JOE: Right.

JOHN: Because, because uh right now I’m, I’m very, I’m able to be lazy, I’m able to
work. So when I work the hours that I do work during the day, I don’t resent them. I’m
actually glad to do it and it shows in the work and um, y’know I’m making a lot less
money than I’d make, but I’m sure a lot happier.

JOE: Right. Well that’s good. Well we’re, we’re almost out of time here so what I want
to say, I mean with the last statement it doesn’t sound like you’re, you’re anyone that’s,
that’s in need of uh, of clients and I know that you’ve not even uh promoted yourself in
over ten years because of all the referrals that you get from uh just what you do. I mean
you are truly a world class copywriter and you’re very well known.

JOHN: Well Joe let, let me say, if somebody wants to reach me the best way to do it is
through my um, email. I, I don’t take phone calls, I don’t like having my phone number
out in the general public only because I’m a one man band here and I have to answer the
phone and, and uh it’s a hard way to business. Uh by my email address is That’s cucarifa. In case anyone’s curious, I grew up in Cucamonga.
And Cucarifa was graffiti that uh in the local uh, uh Spanish lingo meant Cucamonga
rules. So the next city over, Upland had Uplandrifa as it’s graffiti, so I just remembered
that from my youth.

JOE: That’s hilarious. Well, y’know this interview I, I think uh we answered questions
and I heard things in a way that I don’t think that I’ve ever had anyone describe in any
past interview, interviews that I’ve done, and I’ve interviewed some very good marketers
and business people.

JOHN: Yes.

JOE: And uh I, I’ve loved the analogies. This is uh I learned a lot from this interview. I
very much appreciate you taking the time to do this uh. Aside from y’know a few
seminars that you’ve ever done, I don’t know if anyone’s ever sat down and interviewed

JOHN: I don’t think, I don’t think I have. Oh it was a blast, I enjoyed doing it Joe.

JOE: Good thank you very much. And y’know you’re definitely a behind the scenes guy.
And I want to say to all the listeners out there um let me know what you thought of the
interview. If it was very insightful uh continue to let me know what types of interviews
that you’d like. I’ll continue to do them. Uh you can contact us at Piranha Marketing at
area code 602-858-0008 or you can fax us at 602-858-0004. Or of course you can look at
our Internet site at Until next time eat your competition alive. And
again John thank you very much.

JOHN: Thanks Joe.

JOE: Bye bye.


858-0008. OR FAX 602-858-0004. AS JOE POLISH WOULD SAY, EAT YOUR



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