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Practice Questions

1. Before designing a strength and conditioning program for an athlete, what step
should the strength and conditioning professional take to get useful information
about the athlete and his or her sport?
a. Create a long-term plan.
b. Begin selecting exercises.
c. Perform a needs analysis.
d. Determine the athlete’s rate of perceived exertion.
2. Which of the following shows the correct dynamic correspondence and
training volume?
a. 120 to 140 repetitions of lower-body plyometrics for a beginner basketball
b. 80 to 100 repetitions of upper-body plyometrics for a beginner baseball
c. 100 to 120 repetitions of lower-body plyometrics for an advanced
volleyball player
d. 80 to 100 repetitions of upper-body plyometrics for an intermediate soccer
3. After completing a needs analysis, a strength and conditioning professional
determines that an athlete needs improved range of motion for sprinting. Which
training method would be best for reaching this goal?
a. Mobility training
b. Tactical metabolic training
c. Pace/tempo training
d. Repetition training
4. An athlete is performing three sets of chest presses with six repetitions per set.
Using the two-for-two rule, how should the athlete increase his or her training
a. By performing eight repetitions on the third set for the next two training
b. By performing five sets of six repetitions for the next two sessions
c. By adding two additional training sessions every two weeks
d. By performing the eccentric and concentric phases of the chest press for
two seconds each
5. Which of the following factors would NOT affect an athlete’s ability to
increase his or her training load?
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a. Lack of sleep
b. Poor diet
c. Training too often
d. Focusing on core exercises
6. Which physiological adaptation is expected after an athlete has participated in
an aerobic-training program?
a. Heart rate reserve decreases and resting-heart rate increases
b. Heart rate reserve increases and resting-heart rate decreases
c. Heart rate reserve increases and resting-heart rate increases
d. Heart rate reserve decreases and resting-heart rate decreases
7. Which of the following statements about rest periods is false?
a. Longer rest periods promote nervous-system recovery
b. Longer rest periods promote muscular-system recovery
c. Longer rest periods promote cardiovascular conditioning
d. Shorter rest periods promote cardiovascular conditioning
8. Which of the following is the method for organizing the strength and
conditioning program and preplanning an athlete’s training load and volume to
improve his or her physical ability over a certain amount of time?
a. Training macrocycle
b. Mesocycle
c. Preparatory phase
d. Periodization
9. Which of the following statements about kinetic chain movements is true?
a. Pull-ups are a closed kinetic chain movement.
b. Hamstring curls are a closed kinetic chain movement.
c. Lunges are an open kinetic chain movement.
d. Leg extensions are a closed kinetic chain movement.
10. What is an example of an appropriate indication for an injured athlete?
a. A volleyball player with a rotator-cuff injury does shoulder presses.
b. A basketball player with a sprained knee does leg extensions.
c. A tennis player with an elbow injury does squats.
d. A golfer with lower-back pain does back extensions.
11. Which of the following injury-analysis definitions is correct?
a. A dislocation occurs when a joint is partially displaced from its articulation
surface while a subluxation occurs when a joint is completely displaced from
its articulation surface.
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b. Macrotrauma to joint ligaments is called a strain, while macrotrauma to
muscle tissue is a sprain.
c. When tissues are overburdened and their health is negatively affected, a
macrotrauma occurs and when tissues have been overtrained or have not had
time to recover, a microtrauma occurs.
d. Tendinosis occurs when a tendon becomes acutely inflamed after a joint is
overused, experiences excess force, or is overtrained.
12. Arrange the following three steps to reflect to process by which tissue
healing occurs:
I. Tissue repair
II. Inflammation
III. Tissue remodeling
a. I, II, III
b. II, I, III
c. II, III, I
d. III, II, I
13. An athlete wants to increase muscular hypertrophy for a bodybuilding
competition. How many repetitions and exercises should be assigned to optimize
success in the stated goal?
a. Six to twelve repetitions per set; three exercises per muscle group
b. Two to four repetitions per set; three exercises per muscle group
c. Fifteen repetitions per set; three exercises per muscle group
d. Six to twelve repetitions per set; one exercise per muscle group
14. Which of the following is true regarding muscle balance?
a. The strength in opposing muscle groups must be equalized.
b. The strength ratios in antagonist muscle groups must be improved.
c. Muscle balance is not an integral part of a strength-training program.
d. Even if an athlete has improper muscle balance, the body will maintain its
normal movement patterns during exercises.
15. Which type of exercises give muscle tissue the most stimulation and are
beneficial for limited training time and which type of exercises involve the core
muscles and should be the basis of training programs?
a. Multi-joint; Assistance
b. Structural; Primary
c. Primary; Assistance
d. Multi-joint; Structural

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16. An athlete has limited time to train. She wants to improve mental focus and
lose body fat. Which type of training would benefit her most?
a. Split-routine training
b. 1-RM
c. Circuit training
d. Percentage-based training
17. What type of training will help a soccer player to improve his speed and
a. Running up hills
b. Dragging sleds
c. Wearing a weighted vest
d. All of the above
18. An athlete would like to improve strength and power for a weightlifting
competition. In which order should she complete the following exercises?
I. Olympic lifts
II. Back extensions
III. Bicep curls
a. I, II, III
b. II, I, III
c. III, II, I
d. II, III, I
19. Which of the following agility-drill classifications is correctly matched with
its description?
a. Serial drills combine continuous and discrete drills and are sport-specific.
b. Discrete drills are continuous in nature and are useful for developing
running and jumping skills.
c. Continuous drills are helpful for developing specific movement patterns.
d. Continuous drills can make athletes stronger and more powerful.
20. How can a coach correct a sprinter who “bounces” when she runs?
a. The coach should help her to practice swinging her arms correctly during
short runs.
b. The coach should her increase her stride rate.
c. The coach should advise her to keep her head stable with her eyes focused
on a specific target.
d. The coach should advise her to keep her eyes focused on the ground.
21. How many repetitions and sets should be used when training an athlete for
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muscular endurance?
a. Six to twelve repetitions for three sets
b. Six to twelve repetitions for five sets
c. Twelve to fifteen repetitions for three sets
d. Two to six repetitions for five sets
22. Which of the following intensity and duration combinations is appropriate
for off-season athletes?
a. Low intensity and short duration
b. Low intensity and long duration
c. Moderate intensity and short duration
d. High intensity and short duration
23. What information should be given to a football player who wants to improve
his reaction time?
a. Reaction time depends on the muscular system, not the nervous system.
b. Improving reaction time will also improve performance in explosive
c. He can improve reaction time significantly by being trained to process
information at a faster rate.
d. He can only make small improvements in his reaction time.
24. After doing chest presses, an athlete complains of soreness, stiffness, and
lower performance. What advice could a strength and conditioning professional
give her?
a. “You have trained too hard and will not be able to increase your
performance beyond this point.”
b. “Keep training as hard as possible and eliminate your recovery time so that
your body will experience super-compensation more rapidly.”
c. “You are experiencing the first phase of GAS. If you give your body time
to recover, your symptoms will improve and you will eventually become
stronger and have more muscle mass.”
d. “You’re in the alarm phase of GAS. You should stop your training
immediately and see a physician.”
25. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate progression method for
promoting physiological adaptations in an athlete during the training phase?
a. Increasing training-load intensities to improve speed
b. Increasing training density
c. Increasing training volume
d. Changing the duration of rest between sets
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26. Which of the following approaches should be used to help an athlete recover
from previous training sessions and improve neural patterns while promoting
a. Linear periodization
b. Unloading/deloading week
c. Undulating/nonlinear periodization
d. Rehabilitation
27. Which of the following exercises would help an athlete restore
neuromuscular control after an injury?
a. Doing bodyweight squats on a flat surface
b. Jumping on a flat surface
c. Doing push-ups on a flat surface
d. Jumping on a trampoline
28. Which of the following movement combinations would be most appropriate
for a complex-training model?
a. Bench press at 80% to 90% for two to three reps; plyometric push-ups for
three to five reps
b. Chest press at 50% to 60% for fifteen to twenty reps; bodyweight sit-ups
for twenty-five reps
c. Back squats at 70% for twelve to fifteen reps; maximum-height box jumps
for six to eight reps
d. Leg press at 70% for twelve to fifteen reps; bodyweight calf raises for
twenty-five reps
29. Which of the following statements is true about recovery time and training
frequency for endurance athletes?
a. Athletes training at a low intensity need the same number of training
sessions but more recovery time than those training at a high intensity.
b. Athletes training at a high intensity need the same number of training
sessions but more recovery time than those training at a low intensity.
c. Both athletes participating in high-intensity training and those doing low-
intensity training need the same amount of recovery time.
d. Athletes who are doing high-intensity training sessions should get more
time to recover and should train less frequently than low-intensity athletes.
30. Interval training for aerobic athletes and anaerobic athletes is similar in
which way?
a. Intervals last the same amount of time for aerobic and anaerobic athletes.
b. Rest periods last the same amount of time for aerobic and anaerobic
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c. Both types of athletes are training at higher levels of intensity compared
with their VO2 max.
d. Both types of athletes use a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio.
31. Which group of athletes would derive the LEAST benefit from Fartlek
a. Powerlifters
b. Runners
c. Swimmers
d. Cyclists
32. What is the most important part of the stretch-shortening cycle response?
a. Eccentric phase
b. Concentric phase
c. Amortization phase
d. Series elastic component
33. When an athlete performs bicep curls, which of the following is true
regarding the phases of the stretch-shortening cycle?
a. When the athlete raises the weight, the biceps are in the eccentric phase.
b. The amortization phase is between the eccentric phase and the concentric
c. When the athlete lowers the weight, the biceps are in the concentric phase.
d. The athlete is in the amortization phase after he or she begins the bicep
34. What is true about muscle spindles?
a. They are the most important feature in the stretch-reflex response.
b. They are the primary baroreceptive structures in the muscle.
c. They are sensitive to concentric muscle action.
d. They are the secondary proprioceptive structures in the muscle.
35. In which phase of a sprint is it most important to have excellent mechanics
while moving at the highest possible velocity in the shortest time?
a. Flight phase
b. Propulsion phase
c. Recovery phase
d. Support phase
36. What is the Karvonen method?
a. When age is used to predict maximum heart rate
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b. When age is used to calculate target heart rate
c. When resting heart rate is used to predict maximum heart rate
d. When resting heart rate is used to calculate target heart rate
37. An athlete does one set of five repetitions of shoulder presses with 50 lb.
dumbbells. How can a coach calculate how much work he does during the set?
a. Work equals the amount of weight he lifted.
b. The coach can divide the weight he lifted by the number of repetitions.
c. The coach can multiply the weight he lifted by the number of repetitions.
d. The coach cannot calculate his work with this information.
38. Which of the following statements is true about fibrosis?
a. Fibrosis may cause some discomfort but will not affect an athlete’s
b. There is no link between fibrosis and aging.
c. Since fibrosis is associated with tissue regeneration, this condition has no
effect on the overall health of muscle tissue.
d. Fibrosis can affect an athlete’s movement patterns and lead to acute and
chronic injuries.
39. What is the difference between the repetition maximum and 1-RM test?
a. They are the same test.
b. The repetition maximum test can help identify an athlete’s weaknesses
when doing multiple repetitions that may not be identified during a single
c. The repetition maximum test requires calculating loading parameters for an
athlete when he or she is doing multiple repetitions while the 1-RM test does
not have this requirement.
d. The 1-RM test can be used to establish loading parameters for an athlete
while the repetition maximum test cannot be used to establish these

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