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on track to 2040

Preparing the Australian rail supply industry for challenges and growth

on track to 2040
The Australian rail industry has been These initiatives include: This roadmap has brought industry It gives rail manufacturers a common
a vital part of our manufacturing sector stakeholders, government and academia reference point by which to understand
for over a century. together to deliver a vision for the Australian their opportunities and challenges and
Supplier Continuous rail manufacturing sector’s future. ensures unified communication across
The landscape in which our rail industry Improvement Program (SCIP) the industry and with governments.
operates has changed significantly over This project has involved engagement
recent times. We cannot secure the future by more than 210 representatives from I congratulate the industry on its support
Demand forecasting
of the Australian rail industry by persisting 110 organisations. It will position the and engagement during the roadmap’s
with the status quo. The emergence of for rolling stock Australian rail supply sector well to preparation and encourage you to embrace
low cost competitors has meant that continue to grow to 2040 and beyond. it so we can harness these opportunities
the industry needs now, more than ever, Harmonisation of targeted to innovate and to grow the Australian
On Track to 2040 presents a unified
to collaborate and build a new vision rolling stock specifications rail manufacturing industry.
view of the industry’s technology and
for the future. The industry also needs
manufacturing capabilities but also the
to invest in new technologies, new Rail statistics development opportunities these present.
capabilities, improved productivity
and skills. This project is symbolic of the industry’s
Capability promotion
determination to achieve a consensus
In 2009 a strategic plan for the Australian and business matching on a vision – it outlines directions
rail industry was developed with the goal
for future opportunities and pathways.
of developing the industry into a strong, Bruce Griffiths
Increasing international Importantly it sets out necessary
globally competitive industry. To that end, Rail Supplier Advocate
the industry has been actively engaged in business opportunities short-term decisions that will lay the
foundations for long-term sustainability.
seven key initiatives to address challenges
the industry faces, drive competitiveness Technology roadmap
and maximise opportunities.

on track to 2040
AC Alternating Current DSDIP The Queensland Department HMI Human Machine Interface
ADB Asian Development Bank of State Development, HPC High Powered Computing
Infrastructure and Planning.
ARA Australasian Railway ICN Industry Capability Network
Association DFSS Design for Six Sigma
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
CAD Computer-Aided Design DIISRTE The Commonwealth
Department of Industry, NTCS National Train
CAM Computer-Aided Innovation, Science, Communications System
Manufacturing Research and Tertiary RBI Risk Based Inspection
CBTC Communications-Based Education
RISSB The Rail Industry Safety
Train Control DSTO The Defence Science and and Standards Board
COAG The Council of Australian Technology Organisation
RISEG Railway Industry Small
Governments ECP Electronically Controlled Enterprise Group
CRC Cooperative Research Pneumatic
SCIP Supplier Continuous
Centre EMMMv The Exploration, Mining, Improvement Program
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific Metals and Minerals Vertical
SCOR Supply Chain Operations
and Industrial Research FEA Finite Element Analysis Reference
FMEA Failure Mode and Effect SCOTI Standing Committee on
DBI The Victorian Department of Analysis Transport and Infrastructure
Business and Innovation
GUI Graphical User Interface
DC Direct Current

Executive Summary 4 Governance 22 High performance materials Power and Propulsion 66
Standardisation and Regulation 24 for heavy haul 44 Energy regeneration 68
Summary of Findings 7 Advanced manufacturing 46
Funding 26 Advanced braking systems 70
Introduction 8 Collaboration 28 Advanced materials for lightweighting 48 Energy use management tools 72
Research 30 Simulation for materials and Electric motors and systems 74
Vision 11 manufacturing 50
Policy 32 Emissions reduction technologies 76
Local and Global Trends 12 Monitoring and Management 52 Gaseous fuels 78
Supporting Technological Priorities 34
International opportunities 15 Automated health monitoring for
infrastructure 54 Appendix A – Opportunities 80
Import replacement 15 Priority Opportunities 35
Automated control and operations 56 Evaluated opportunities 80
Evaluation criteria 35
Preparing for Challenges and Growth 16 Advanced asset management systems 58 Further Opportunities 81
The prioritisation process 36
What is a roadmap? 16 Safety threat detection, intervention 60
Three priority areas 36 Appendix B – Stakeholder Participation 82
On Track to 2040 Roadmap 18 Advanced data analysis and Participation 82
Priority opportunities 20 Materials and Manufacturing 38 information systems 62
Feedback 82
Advanced design 40 Advanced operations
Implementation 21 management systems 64 Participating organisations 83
Low cost manufacturing systems 42
World’s Best Practice 21

Executive Summary

The Australian rail supply industry is a large one, ranging from small enterprises through to large multinationals.
It is a vital manufacturing sector, providing more than 15,000 skilled, high paying jobs in urban and regional
Australia. The Rail Industry Development Strategy identifies seven initiatives to raise the competitiveness of
Australian rail suppliers, promote industry capabilities and maximise opportunities. In developing this strategy,
it was recognised that the industry needed to drive the development of a united context in which to discuss the
opportunities and challenges presented by the next 30 years. The On Track to 2040 roadmapping process was
developed to address that need.

Vision Supported by targeted interviews and

research, more than 40 industry leaders
This roadmap represents a collective developed an industry vision in response The industry vision begins:
view of the industry as articulated by to national and global trends and drivers
more than 210 participants from more The Australian Rail Supply Sector
in areas including increasing competition,
than 110 organisations. The project has growing levels of urban congestion, will be innovative and cohesive,
been championed by the Rail Supplier higher fuel costs and skills shortages. having developed a strong sense
Advocate and is funded by state and The Australian industry must respond of industry. This united industry
federal governments in partnership with to these global market trends while will be capable of embracing
industry. Developed over ten months, On addressing domestic challenges including
Track to 2040 defined an industry vision, change, enabling it to respond
lumpy procurement cycles, inadequate
identified 18 priority opportunities among infrastructure and a lack of industry to international trends and
80 promising applications of local capability recognition, if it is to realise the achieve profitable growth on
and technology, and presents 22 strategic opportunities of the future. a local and global scale.
recommendations that will support the
industry in achieving its goals. By developing an understanding of
current and developing Australian
capabilities, and aligning these with
local and international markets,
participants identified the opportunities
and strategic objectives that prepare
the rail supply sector for challenges
and growth over coming decades.

4 On Track to 2040
How can Australia ensure its rail suppliers are prepared to capture growth opportunities?

Challenges: Australian rail manufacturers are Opportunities for Growth Internationally, many of the same trends
The Current Context experiencing unprecedented volatility due and drivers are stimulating interest in the
to trends in the global economy, especially By adopting and implementing the industry rail sector. This presents opportunities
To realise future opportunities, and in manufacturing industries. This dynamic vision and embracing change, rail suppliers for the Australian industry to contribute
the industry vision, requires more than external environment presents significant will be able to position themselves to capture to the development of international rail
technology development. The Australian rail challenges. Globalisation and the dominant growth opportunities. There is increasing projects, particularly in the Asian region.
industry has a long history characterised position of China in the Asia-Pacific region demand for urban and regional services due Strong demand for Australian capabilities
by diverse standards and requirements are now recognised facts of business, and to demographic shifts. Larger projects in is recognised around services such as
split across state, market segment and increasing demand for Australian natural the passenger sector, such as high-speed design, planning and project management;
customer boundaries. This has resulted in resources continue to place price pressures rail operations to link Eastern capitals, are civil works such as construction, tunnelling
a fragmented industry and small disparate on locally manufactured goods. Challenges also on the horizon. In the freight sector, the and infrastructure; and products such
markets. Despite this fragmentation, freight, further extend into market areas, where energy and carbon efficiency advantages as signalling and air conditioning. The
passenger and heavy haul operations are operators face the need to evolve service of rail over competing transport modes are opportunities are large, growing and
today supported by a manufacturing and offerings, increase capacity and improve being recognised, and there is continued achievable throughout an innovative
maintenance sector of more than 330 performance to meet the growing needs strong demand from the resource sector as collavorative approach.
organisations. Further, the country boasts of end users. Volatility, coupled with a mining companies look for step-changes
some world-leading rail technologies and historically slow rate of innovation in the in productivity and have funds to support
systems. Examples include: heavy rail sector, represent a need for action to ensure innovation.
operations in the resource sector, and the rail supply industry is best equipped to
the world’s largest urban tram network meet future challenges.
in Melbourne.

How can the rail manufacturing sector adapt to meet these future challenges?

On Track to 2040 5
Outcomes Within each of these opportunity areas, Governance Future steps and
six high priorities were identified and Structures and approaches that build collaboration
The On Track to 2040 process identified 80 detailed roadmaps developed. These momentum to promote, implement
opportunities for technological development roadmaps show a potential path from the and maintain the roadmap. This report consists of two sections. The
(see Appendix A for a complete list). Industry current industry capabilities to filling the first presents an overall strategic view of
stakeholders further prioritised the key future market needs. Policy the rail supply industry including the vision,
opportunities that were most attractive and identification of broad opportunity areas
Achieving these opportunities requires Integrated support action from state
best satisfied the vision. This highlighted and resulting implementation plans and
more than just technology development. and commonwealth governments.
three broad areas of opportunity: recommendations. The second describes the
A key outcome is the further identification technology opportunities for the Australian
of strategic implementation priorities for all Research
Materials and Manufacturing rail supply industry. Through detailed
industry stakeholders. By linking strategic Strategies that directly enable the opportunity roadmaps stakeholders defined
Opportunities were identified for innovation
and technological objectives the roadmap development of new technology. a path that builds on the current industry
in manufacturing processes that reduce
represents a coherent strategy to realise capabilities to satisfy market needs.
production costs, and new high performance
the opportunities presented. A strong, Funding
materials to reduce weight and increase Each implementation plan and opportunity
innovative industry will require action Identification and allocation of
payloads in the heavy haul sector. roadmap that forms the project outcomes
by all industry stakeholders across six appropriate resources.
implementation areas. was developed by participants to highlight
Monitoring and Management
Collaboration the steps required to support the industry
Opportunities identified included improved vision, realise the priority opportunities
operational, maintenance and safety Efforts between stakeholders to achieve
and prepare the Australian rail supply
systems, representing the potential to common, pre-competitive goals.
sector for challenges and growth. These
more effectively and efficiently use current led to the development of 22 strategic
infrastructure, while enhancing safety. Standardisation and Regulation
recommendations – priority actions
Mechanisms to facilitate unified identified by stakeholders. By embracing the
Power and Propulsion specifications and safety standards across strategic and technology priorities identified
Opportunities identified respond to drivers states and markets. in the roadmap, the industry can set itself on
such as the increasing cost of fuel and Development of this roadmap as a course toward achieving its vision, becoming
increasing attention on emissions reduction. collaborative strategy document is an more collaborative, cohesive and competitive
implementation step in itself, representing to 2040 and beyond.
the initial realisation of vision objectives for
a more cohesive and collaborative industry.

6 On Track to 2040
Summary of Findings

The following list summarises recommended implementation actions and priority technology opportunities. By taking these actions,
the Australian rail supply industry will take the first steps toward realising the identified opportunities and set course toward achieving its vision.

Strategic Technological
Across the six implementation priority areas, Collaboration Six opportunities were identified in each of Monitoring and Management
22 recommendations for stakeholder action • Develop business case for change the technological priority areas for a total • Automated health monitoring for
were identified: of 18 potential applications of Australian smarter infrastructure
• Establish test and development facility expertise:
Governance • Facilitate data access • Automated control and operations
• Establish steering committee • Open software architecture Materials and Manufacturing • Advanced asset management systems
• Appoint industry champion • Advanced design • Safety threat detection, intervention
Research • Low cost manufacturing systems • Advanced data analysis and information
• Promote roadmap and outcomes
• Establish manufacturers research body • High performance materials for systems
Regulation and Standardisation • Align research funding to roadmap heavy haul • Advanced operations management
• Define and catalogue national standards • Investigate technologies in allied • Advanced manufacturing
industries Power and Propulsion
• Establish a single safety and • Advanced materials for lightweighting
standards body • Benchmark rail against similar industries • Energy regeneration
• Simulation for materials and
• Target funding toward standardisation manufacturing • Advanced braking systems
Policy • Energy use management tools
Funding • Define national rail policy agenda • Electric motors and systems
• Map available funding sources • Establish rail development agency • Emissions reduction technologies
• Consolidate funding • Provide incentive for strategic rail R&D • Gaseous fuels
• Prioritise funding toward roadmap • Prioritise rail relevant engineering
• Define and establish efficiency targets

On Track to 2040 7

Preparing for challenges and growth

The On Track to 2040 project has developed a roadmap to drive the Scope and scale
Australian rail supply sector toward its vision of a strong, cohesive, of the industry
innovative and globally competitive industry. The Australian rail industry provides
passenger, freight and heavy haul services
This roadmap has been the product of • The Australasian Railway Association across the country. Today these three
extensive industry participation with more (ARA) on behalf of industry, with the sectors are supported by a manufacturing
than 210 representatives from over 110 strong support of: and maintenance sector made up of more
stakeholder organisations involved in – Bombardier Transportation Australia, than 330 organisations. A 2011 survey2
process. It forms one of seven initiatives in measured the extent and economic impact
– Downer EDI Rail, and of the rail supply sector, finding a strong
the Rail Industry Development Strategy as
championed by the Rail Supplier Advocate.1 – United Group Limited. industry with revenues of $4.26 billion,
employing 15,000 workers and adding
The project is funded in partnership by: Developed over ten months, On Track to
$1.6 billion to the Australian economy each
2040 defined an industry vision, identified
• The Commonwealth Department year. The rail supply industry provides high
18 priority opportunities among 80
of Industry, Innovation, Science and paying, skilled jobs with approximately 13%
promising applications of local capability
Research, and Tertiary Education of firms headquartered in regional centres.
and technology, and presents 22 strategic
(DIISRTE); recommendations that will support the Over the last 30 years, freight and passenger
• The Victorian Department of Business industry in achieving its goals. sectors have fared differently. The passenger
and Industry (DBI); sector has shown only modest growth when
• Queensland Department of State compared to the increasing use of road
Development, Infrastructure and and air transport. More recently however,
Planning (DSDIP); competing modes have shown a levelling
(in annual passenger-kilometre terms) in
• New South Wales Department of
the Australian marketplace, while the rate of
Trade and Investment, Regional
adoption of rail has increased more sharply.
Infrastructure and Services; and

1 Department of Industry Innovation Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Industry Development Strategy, January 2012.
2 Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, A Profile of the Railway Manufacturing Industry in Australia, 2011.

8 On Track to 2040
In the case of freight transport, Australia’s An international perspective Figure 1 Australian domestic passenger travel by mode of transport.
Source: BITRE Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook, 20113
use of bulk freight in resource and In 2010 the Worldwatch institute 300 Buses
agriculture areas has kept total amount 60

Billion passenger kilometres

Billion passenger kilometres

assessed that the total number of train Rail
of freight transport (measured in tonne- sets is to rise by 70%, to 3,725 by 20158. Air
kilometres) in relative balance with road This significant growth in the rail sector
freight over time. The long-term trend will include projects in Asia, Europe, (non-business use
200 of light commercial
continues to be for rapid increase in North Africa, the Middle East, South
vehicles, motor cycles, etc)
this sector. America, Russia and the USA. Within
30 150 Passenger cars
A recent ARA report4 shows that population the Asian region, the Asian Development (right axis)

growth alone represents an annual need Bank (ADB) has identified opportunities 100
for 250 passenger cars for the next 30 for projects in the areas of sustainable
years. Urbanisation and congestion factors transport development, intelligent 50
influencing choice of transport mode transport systems and new fuel and
could double this need – metropolitan vehicle technologies9. Studies have 0
rail investment has been highlighted as identified that, within the Asia region,
transport systems improvements have

government priority5.







































not been keeping pace with demand




















Bigger projects are also looming, with despite considerable investment.
Department of Transport scoping studies for The ADB is currently supporting rail
Australian high-speed rail projects totalling projects in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Figure 2 Australian domestic freight transport by mode.
Source: BITRE Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook, 20113
more than $60 billion6. In the freight sector, Kazakhstan and India.
the energy and carbon efficiency advantages 150

Billion tonne kilometres

of rail over competing modes yield Rail
opportunities to capitalise on environmental Coastal shipping
concerns and a carbon restricted economy.7 150

Additionally, there is continued strong

demand from the resource sector as mining 100
companies demand improved productivity
and have funds to support innovation.

3 Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, Yearbook 2011 – Australian Infrastructure Statistics, 2011.
4 The Australasian Railway Association, Submission to the Prime Minister Taskforce on Manufacturing: Consultation Issues Paper, February, 2012. 0
5 The Treasury, Australia to 2050: future challenges, 2010.
6 AECOM Australia Pty Ltd, High Speed Rail Study – Phase 1, 2011.







































7 The Australasian Railway Association, The True Value of Rail, 2011.



















8 Michael Renner and Gary Gardner, Global Competitiveness in the Rail and Transit Industry, September, 2010.
9 Asian Development Bank, Sustainable Transport Initiative, Operational Plan, July, 2010.

On Track to 2040 9
On Track to 2040
The 10-month process uses international
best-practice strategic roadmapping
techniques to understand where the
industry is now, develop a vision for where
stakeholders see the industry in 2040, and
articulate a coordinated plan to see the
vision achieved.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Establishing an Applying Australian Opportunity Strategy and
Industry Vision Capability and Technology Evaluation Implementation

See the See See See

Vision Appendix A – Opportunities Priority Opportunites Implementation
[page 11] [page 80] [page 35] [page 21]

Vision Priority Areas Capabilities, Technologies, Opportunities Enablers Implementation Roadmap Report &
Established Identified Opportunities Assessed Prioritised Identified Strategy Set Industry Briefings

Figure 3 The On Track to 2040 roadmapping process involved four phases over approximately 10 months.
Project objectives and deliverables are shown in the grey bar.

10 On Track to 2040
Establishing a clear vision for the industry is the In 2040, the Australian Rail Supply Sector will be innovative and cohesive,
first step in developing a roadmap. By understanding
where industry stakeholders aspire to drive the
having developed a strong sense of industry. This united industry will be
industry by 2040, a strategic path between the capable of embracing change, enabling it to respond to international
industry’s current state and this vision – a roadmap trends and achieve profitable growth on a local and global scale.
– can be defined. In August 2011, a Vision Workshop
was convened with representatives spanning public The sector will have developed effective and integrated national and
and private operators; Tier 1, 2, and 3 suppliers;
state and federal governments; industry bodies; international supply chains linked to a globally competitive manufacturing
and researchers. Participants in the workshop base. Australian suppliers will achieve recognition as innovative developers
identified and prioritised key themes in areas
that include innovation, sense of industry, global
and integrators of technology and intellectual property, collaborating with
recognition and building on competitive advantage. partners inside and outside the supply sector to develop scalable solutions.
In connecting these themes, participants By leveraging the networks of international partners, Australian suppliers
described a vision.
will gain access to new markets that build on local competitive advantages.
The Vision (right) highlights opportunities for the
Australian rail supply industry to deliver more Investing in opportunities with global scale that are driven by customer
effective, more efficient, higher quality service to
its direct customers, and the broader rail market.
needs and provide world-class standards of safety, reliability, performance
These three areas of effectiveness, efficiency and and efficiency, Australian suppliers can deliver leading technologies to the
quality provided a focus for following stages of world. The supply sector, collaborating with the wider industry to address
the roadmap project.
global drivers and market trends, will help rail become the transport mode
of choice, providing strong integration to the broader transport sector. This
thriving, profitable, vibrant supply industry will attract a growing, adaptable,
skilled workforce and will be the first choice for customers and operators.

On Track to 2040 11
Local and Global Trends

Establishing the realistic and informed vision described in the previous section requires insight into the context
in which the Australian rail supply industry operates. It was therefore necessary to understand global trends
and drivers that impact society in general, the industry, and its customers specifically.

Input data was gathered through a

combination of methods, with workshop External Trends Procurement Plans Stakeholder
participants analysing and prioritising this and Drivers and Life Cycles Trends and Drivers
input based on their industry knowledge and
experience. Input data sources included: These are the major Australia’s rail industry is These are the internal
global factors of unique. While relatively needs of members of
• A review of existing available information influence for society small, historical divisions the rail supply chain,
and international roadmaps and, as a consequence, across state borders have which includes other
the rail sector. caused fragmentation and tangentially related
• Interviews with senior representatives of little collaboration across service and support
all key stakeholder groups Key theme areas include: sectors. Procurement is providers.
• Direct interaction with the industry at • Social volatile, having three types
of customers with very Stakeholders include:
events and training sessions • Technological different procurement • Tier 1 Suppliers
• Pre-workshop surveys to gain participant • Political and legal approaches. Direct
customers include: • Tier 2, and 3 Suppliers
perspectives • Economic
• Researchers
Through this process of gathering additional • Environmental • Public Operators
• Service Providers
detail and perspectives of the industry • Regulatory • Private Operators
• Governments
stakeholders to augment academic • Infrastructure Providers
• Industry Bodies
research inputs, trends and drivers having
the greatest relevance and impact on the
Australian rail industry were identified.
Figure 4 Classification of trends and drivers
Trends and drivers were collected in three
key areas shown in Figure 4.

12 On Track to 2040
2011 2020 2030 2040+

Current Short Medium Long

External Rise of China Increasing demand for public transport High speed rail in Australia
trends and
drivers Large global demand for iron ore Increasing demand for freight and bulk transport Separate freight and passenger operations
Social Energy efficiency advantage over other modes Increasing cost of fuel and energy Carbon restricted economy
Environmental Increasing global competition Increasing focus on lifecycle costs Infrastructure investment
Historic underinvestment in rail vs road Increasing urban congestion

Incompatibility between aged infrastructure and modern rolling stock

Seven different regulatory/economic frameworks Total interoperability and standardisation

Minimum local content mandates from state governments Strength of road transport lobby vs weak rail lobby

Skills shortages Improving manufacturing productivity

Procurement Inability to predict demand for rail projects in Australia Integrated approach for planning & investment Increasing need for integrated transport planning
plans and
life cycles Barriers limit small suppliers involvement in tendering Need for large infrastructure investment

Industry Conserve, risk averse, resistant to innovation Increased focus on improved productivity
trends and
drivers Better materials becoming available – lightweight composites, smart materials, etc
T2, T3 Suppliers Lack of industry recognition by itself, government
Industry bodies Comparative small size of Australian rail market Australian suppliers face strong global competition Global companies seek innovation, partnerships

Diminishing apprenticeships/training for trade skills development in Australia

Inadequate infrastructure

Figure 5 the top Trends and Drivers selected by rail industry stakeholder are shown in three layers: external, internal and procurement plans.
The results of a prioritisation exercise can also be seen with those selected by more than 25% of participants shown in bold type.

On Track to 2040 13
To understand the most relevant factors, A broad initial search for potential
participants were asked to select drivers opportunities to address these trends and Effective Operations Quality Service Efficient Systems
having impact on their own organisation, drivers was conducted as part of the Vision
their segment of the supply sector, or on Workshop. Participants examined the There is a recognised Operators, passengers, Improved cost efficiencies
the industry more broadly. Three levels potential for opportunities from a market need to deliver improved freight consignees and have a direct impact on
of priority were determined based on the pull perspective by looking toward areas through-life performance other members of the profitability, while
to direct customers and supply chain continue environmental pressures
total votes allocated by participants to each of need. By categorising the opportunities end users including: to demand more drive a need to reduce
trend or driver: Important (those receiving identified, eight market need areas across responsiveness and impact including:
votes from multiple participants); Key (those three market priorities were identified. • Increased capacity safety outcomes including:
• Improved reliability • Reduced cost
receiving votes from more than 10% of Participants were also asked to identify
• Customer information • Lower emissions
participants across multiple stakeholder factors that would allow us to determine
• Product delivery • Limited external
groups); and Priority (those selected by more whether a potential opportunity in any of
than 25% of participants). While only Key and these areas would help the industry satisfy • Increased safety impact
Priority trends are described in this report, its vision. These factors formed an evaluation
a complete list was published in the vision framework discussed in detail on page 35.
report.10 Figure 6 Three areas of market need identified by industry leaders.
These areas of need (shown in Figure 6)
Having this knowledge of the trends and shaped the search for potential
drivers most relevant to the industry allowed opportunities. Later stages of the On Track
participants to shape their vision for the to 2040 process involved examinations of
future of the Australian rail supply sector. the technologies and capabilities required
By ensuring the opportunities that eventuate to realise opportunities, and any barriers
from the process meet these trends and or gaps to be overcome.
drivers, and satisfy the industry vision, the
strongest link can be assured with the wider
needs of local and international markets.
This connection between market, industry
vision and technology strategy ensures
the rail industry is best prepared to deal
with future challenges and achieve growth
through upcoming opportunities.

10 ANU Edge, On Track to 2040 – Vision, August 2011.

14 On Track to 2040
International opportunities Import replacement Supply Chain Collaboration New Technology Development
There is an opportunity for Australian As the rail industry is developing, consumers
The Australian rail supply sector has The Australian rail industry operates in a suppliers to provide internationally and operators are demanding new
the opportunity to leverage local skills project driven market place with uneven competitive products into the domestic technology development and this must be
and knowledge to provide products and demand cycles and requirements that are market through increased collaboration. integrated into contracts. To ensure that the
services into international markets. There developing over time. At the same time the These opportunities have been identified Australian supply sector can compete within
is a demand in the Asian region for the industry is facing increasing competition in the following areas: the international market place, opportunities
development of large-scale infrastructure. from international suppliers. for Australian suppliers have been identified
This work has included significant rail • Coordinated approaches to resources in the following areas:
Over the past decade, successful import development projects
projects in developing nations. Some
replacement and local content projects • Signalling and control solutions
immediate opportunities have been • Development of integrated subsystems
have provided significant contributions to
identified by Austrade11 and others: packages for supply to prime contractors • Smart design to increase the life
the Australian rail supply sector. Some
• Malaysia ($12 b.) examples of these include the Adelaide • Early supplier involvement freight of rolling stock and networks
• Vietnam ($7.7 b.) Electric Multiple Unit and, the Vlocity Diesel route upgrades (eg: Melbourne to • Renewable energy use for smart
Multiple Unit trains and Electric Multiple Hastings route) detection equipment and outstations
• Indonesia ($2.8 b.) 12,13
Unit trains for Perth with around 70% • Regenerative braking for currently
• Cambodia ($140 m.)14 local content. Locally realised benefits Asset Utilisation Opportunities non-regenerative tram and trains
• Philippines ($4.7 b.)15 extend to investment in production process There is also a growing demand for systems
• Thailand ($7.9 b.) development and tooling, and large increased effectiveness in the utilisation of • Emissions reducing technology
opportunities for Tier 2 and 3 suppliers. current assets. This presents an opportunity
Strategic efforts to identify and expand Through careful planning and targeted for Australian supplier to provide solutions • Passenger information systems
international opportunities have also been product development, the Australian Rail through products and services in this area
made. Recent Supplier Advocate initiatives supply sector has the capabilities to provide that include:
have included: competitive import replacements.
• Asset management including: Inspection
• Industry Mission to China and Opportunities identified through the technologies, data evaluation and Risk
Hong Kong 2012 On Track to 2040 process have the Based Inspection (RBI) technologies as
• Austrade Rail Mission to Hong Kong 2011 potential to replace future imports. used in other industries.
Import replacement can be encouraged • Smart planning of national freight
• Australian Mission to InnoTrans, Berlin
and supported by: corridor updates including: planning
These projects show the level of growth and construction of passing loops and
• Supply chain collaboration,
in rail infrastructure in the Asian region. improved intermodal terminals.
Such projects in developing nations will • Asset utilisation, or
• Use of smart technologies for grade
need expertise and experience in provision • New technology development.
of rail services and products. Australian
rail suppliers will have opportunities to
access these markets, leveraging their
local capabilities and experiences. 

13 The Jakarta Post, 01/12/2011

11 Austrade, ASEAN Rail and Mass Transit Opportunities, 2010. 14 Asian Development Bank – Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Project
12 The Jakarta Post, 27/07/2010 15 Bloomberg News, 24/04/2012

On Track to 2040 15
Preparing for Challenges and Growth

What is a roadmap? Trends and Drivers Opportunities

These have been described in the By understanding the factors of influence,
Where are we now? The roadmap provides structured approach preceding section of the report, but the industry can then examine potential
to presenting the complex interconnections represent the evolution of factors in the solutions to pressing problems that
in the industry over time. It aims to answer internal and external environment that represent opportunities to grow existing
the key questions and develop the key impact the industry. Such factors include business, expand into new areas, or
understandings described above. To achieve social, political and economic considerations change direction to mitigate threats.
Where do we want to be? this the roadmap works to construct in the wider community, and how these To become more than just an application
layer-by-layer, a picture of the industry, translate to needs in the market and of technology, an opportunity must build
its positioning in the wider community and within the industry itself. on existing technical capacity and give
its evolution toward strategic goals over strategic consideration to overcoming
time. Each layer examines a manageable any gaps and barriers.
How can we get there? portion of the overall roadmap.

Current 2012 Short 2020 Medium 2030 Long 2040+



Trends and Drivers What external factors influence the Australian rail industry and how are these evolving?
Opportunities What domestic and international opportunities do these trends and drivers present?

What competitive What additional capability and

Technologies and advantages can the technology needs to be developed?
industry exploit to What are the gaps and barriers that
help realise these will prevent opportunities from
opportunities? being realised?

Enabling Actions What’s being done? How can gaps and barriers be addressed to achieve opportunities?

Figure 7 Schematic representation of a strategic roadmap. The process of developing a roadmap seeks to answer three key questions:
where are we now? where do we want to be? how can we get there?

16 On Track to 2040
Correlation Direct Correlation Indirect Correlation Resource Allocation

Effective Operations Quality Service Efficient Systems

Enhanced Improved Customer Product Increased Reduced Lower Limited

Capacity Reliability Information Delivery Safety Cost Emissions External Impact
Materials and 39%

Monitoring and
Management 36%
Power and

Figure 8 Strength of correlation between market and technological priority areas and resource allocation as a percentage of industry investment focus on each technological area.

Technologies and Capabilities The On Track to 2040 Technical priority areas Additionally, industry leaders were asked
Current technical capacity is assessed Roadmap to rate the relative importance of each
by the size and competitiveness of the Importantly, On Track to 2040 provides area by determining the percentage of
capability and technology currently in This entire report should be viewed as the strategic direction for the rail supply future industry focus and investment that
use in the industry. Some can be directly On Track to 2040 Roadmap, with the graphic industry. With this aim in mind the should be applied to each Priority Area. This
translated into realising an opportunity, presented on the following page serving as a opportunities, capabilities and technologies allocation (as shown in the Figure 8), should
while others will need gaps and barriers top-level summary and a guide to the more in the roadmap have been broken down be considered while examining the detailed
addressed before success can be achieved. detailed information presented in other across three technical priority areas that information presented later in this report.
sections of the report. encompass all of the priority opportunities
Enabling Actions that were identified in the process. Each of
these technical areas, and the opportunities
Finally, enabling actions can be defined to
they contain, have the potential to impact
build on support mechanisms and actions
the market need areas defined by the vision
already existing in the industry. These will
group (presented in the previous section).
be the steps taken to cause opportunities
For this reason, each Priority Area has been
to be exploited by overcoming barriers and
evaluated against the need areas and the
addressing gaps.
correlation is shown in the Figure 8.

Figure 9 Shown on the next page, The On Track to 2040 Roadmap provides an overview of internal and external trends and divers; opportunities these represent for the Australian rail industry;
capabilities and technologies that could be leveraged to support these opportunities; and enabling actions to address any gaps and barriers.

On Track to 2040 17

Current Short 2020

Short term trends and drivers: Australian suppliers are facing increasing and
strong global competition from countries such as China. Inadequate infrastructure
Trends and Drivers and historic underinvestment present opportunities to improve performance and
capacity, while new materials with improved performance characteristics are
increasing available design options.

Advanced design 2020

Current capabilities
and technologies Exploit new approaches and
Materials and computational methods to improve
In the short term, only capability Manufacturing commercial outcomes of R&D
currently existing in the sector can be
used to realise the identified opportunities
due to lead times in the development of new
technical or operational capacity. Capacity Automated health 2016 Automated control 2020
will be built on these existing capabilities in monitoring for infrastructure and operations
Opportunities the manufacturing and supply base. Monitoring and Remote, built-in health data Operator-less trains and
Over time, complementary capabilities Management monitoring systems to allow predictive operational systems
available in other industries will be adapted for maintenance of fixed assets
rail applications, while other novel capabilities
are developed based on the outcomes of Energy regeneration 2018 Energy use 2020
research programs currently under way. Power and Recovery of waste heat and kinetic management tools
More information about the technology and
Propulsion energy for reuse on-board or in Approaches and software to intelligently
capability development is presented in the trackside applications minimise energy consumption in driven
detailed sections for each opportunity. and driverless trains

Existing support Immediate actions

Existing industry bodies and funding sources The momentum of the roadmap needs to maintained. This requires effective
Enabling Actions should be coordinated and leveraged to communication amongst stakeholders, establishment of governance structures,
support the recommended implementation focus of research funding and industry collaboration to support the initial
actions identified within the roadmap. implementation of the roadmap.

18 On Track to 2040
Medium 2030 Long 2040

Medium term trends and drivers: Continued increases in the cost of energy, coupled with recognition of rail’s efficiency Long term trends and drivers: Integrated approaches to transport planning
advantages over other modes. In the freight sector, demand for Australian resources remain a driving factor. Growth in will see large infrastructure investment, particularly in areas like high speed rail
passenger will be driven by increasing urbanisation and congestion concerns. More broadly, continued global competition and segregation of passenger and freight. Interoperability and standardisation
and skills shortages will require renewed focus on productivity improvement. To enable continued growth, global companies will be commonplace, while the carbon restricted economy will drive continued
will increasingly seek innovation from partners. focus on efficiency and low-emission fuels or energy sources.

Low cost 2022 High performance 2025 Advanced manufacturing 2030 Advanced materials for 2032 Simulation for materials 2040
manufacturing systems materials for heavy haul Develop processes that increase lightweighting and manufacturing
Improved processes to ensure Solutions to overcome physical competitiveness and drive technology New substances that reduce weight Accurate techniques for digital
competitiveness with low limitations and allow capacity development in the supply sector without sacrificing cost or performance verification of new designs, materials
manufacturing volumes improvements up to 45T axle loads and methods before manufacture

Advanced asset 2020 Safety threat detection, 2025 Advanced data analysis 2030 Advanced operations 2030
management systems intervention and information systems management systems
Predictive maintenance (based on data) Standardisation of data measurement, Algorithms and processing Tools and approaches to use available
to drive increased asset utilisation and delivery and processing to improve methodologies to intelligently data to improve and automate
longer lifecycles safety outcomes manage and interpret available data operational performance

Advanced braking systems 2025 Gaseous fuels 2025 Electric motors and systems 2030 Emission Reduction 2035
Rollout and retrofit of electronically Development and implementation Retrofit installation of AC traction Technologies
controlled pneumatic (ECP) and of LPG or LNG locomotives and and high-efficiency power electronic Alternative and renewable fuels,
regenerative braking systems supporting infrastructure systems for locomotives and system to reduce non-carbon

Ongoing priority actions

In the medium term actions are required to support a national approach to rail. This includes the establishment of standards
and regulations, appropriate policy conditions and support to foster research and collaboration to see the development of a
vibrant, innovative and cohesive rail supply industry supplying products to domestic and international markets.

On Track to 2040 19
Figure 10 Strength of correlation between market priority areas and opportunities. Strong Correlation Moderate Correlation

Priority opportunities Materials and Manufacturing Effective Quality Efficient

Materials and Manufacturing
Operations Service Systems
This area covers all types of material, Opportunities
Eighteen priority opportunities, as

and design for lightweighting, improved






presented in the three opportunity areas


performance and cost reduction. Also


of the roadmap on the previous page included are manufacturing process
were highlighted by participants as improvements, particularly cost effective, Advanced design 40
critical for more detailed analysis. short run solutions. Low cost manufacturing systems 42
These are a subset of the 80 opportunities
identified but not prioritised, that are High performance materials for heavy haul 44
shown in Appendix A on page 80. Advanced manufacturing 46
The results of this analysis are presented
in later sections. It is also important to Advanced, lightweight materials 48
consider how these priority opportunities Simulation for materials and manufacturing 50
link to the market needs defined by
participants while establishing the vision.
Monitoring and Management Effective Quality Efficient
Figure10 provides a quick reference Operations Service Systems Monitoring and Management
allowing correlation between priority This area covers all aspects of Opportunities


management and safety systems:



opportunities and the market needs





they impact. sensors (on-board and off); remote

telemetry and communications; data
management; analysis; systems design Automated health monitoring for infrastructure 54
and integration; and safety solutions. Low cost manufacturing systems 56
Advanced asset management systems 58
Safety threat detection, intervention 60
Advanced data analysis and information systems 62
Advanced operations management systems 64

Power and Propulsion Effective Quality Efficient

Operations Service Systems Power and Propulsion
This area covers all elements of fuel Opportunities




and energy delivery, storage, management





and regeneration; as well as braking

systems, emissions reduction technology
and general equipment efficiency. Energy regeneration 68
Advanced braking systems 70
Energy use management tools 72
Electric motors and systems 74
Emissions reduction technologies 76
Gaseous fuels 78

20 On Track to 2040

Roadmapping is an exercise that has been undertaken in a range of different industries around the world. Assessment of roadmapping has shown
that the delivery of the roadmap is only one step in successfully realising benefits for the industry. These assessments have also shown that the benefits
to the industry are not only the strategic direction provided by the roadmap but far broader.

This section addresses the steps that During the development of a first industry The final phase sees the development of an
industry leaders have defined to sustain roadmap, success can be measured through industry-sustained roadmapping culture.
and realise the benefits of the roadmap. the level of stakeholder involvement in the By making strategic planning part of the
These enabling actions, and the associated process. The second phase, implementation industry culture stakeholders will see the
recommendations, are in response to of the first roadmap, should see changes addition of new participants to the process,
world’s best practice in roadmapping and within the industry, including: monitoring of outcomes and the iteration
subsequent implementation. of the first roadmap in response to industry
• Strategic alliances;
change and development.
• New projects and resources;
World’s Best Practice Research has shown that successful
• New participants;
implementation of a roadmap requires
To fully realise the benefits of a roadmap • Linkages and references to the roadmap; action in a range of different areas including
requires movement from a one-time activity
• Changes in R&D directions and policies; industry governance, policy, research
to the establishment of a roadmapping
• Increased number and type of and collaboration. Each of these areas
culture. Successful roadmapping is seen
technological solutions; and are addressed in detail in the following
as a three-stage process in Figure 11.
sections and include priority actions
• Products developed and identified through On Track to 2040 that will
commercialisation activity. initiate and sustain a successful long-term
roadmapping culture.

1 First industry
roadmap 2 Implementation of
the first roadmap 3 Industry generation of future,
self-sustaining iterations

Development of a formal It is expected that once industry members Industry adoption of roadmapping
roadmap, a document that have begun to work with a roadmap, as the standard approach to conducting
reflects the commitment, participants will undertake subsequent research and development.
decisions and direction of iterations as they learn more and as As a result, the roadmapping becomes
the industry. solutions to identified critical technologies self-sustaining within the industry.
are developed and implemented.

Figure 11 Best practice in roadmap implementation16.

16 Industry Canada, Evaluating Technology Roadmaps – A Framework for Monitoring and Measuring Results, 2007.

On Track to 2040 21
Governance Objectives Recommendations
Participants identified an industry-led By examining enablers across all
International experience has shown that the governance structure as an initial need. sections of the roadmaps, the following
most successful roadmapping exercises Such a structure should be established to recommendations regarding governance
maintain the momentum generated by the lead efforts in the area of rail manufacturing are suggested.
roadmapping exercise itself and translate strategy, including: harmonisation of
this momentum into an industry-driven The industry should:
standards, innovation, pre-competitive
self-sustaining culture of industry strategic collaboration and roadmap implementation.
planning. Maintaining cross-stakeholder Recommendation G1:
A body should be established with strong
participation through a coordinated support from all stakeholders – industry, Fund an industry steering committee to
governance system is a key element of this policy-makers, state governments, unions, facilitate collaboration, drive roadmap
objective. Eventually, success depends on national and industry bodies, and research implementation and the communication
transfer of ownership and responsibility to organisations. Clear definition of terms of of progress to government.
industry representatives, while retaining reference, objectives and membership
involvement from other stakeholders. Recommendation G2:
of the group were indicated as priority
As industry trends, capabilities and needs actions, with initial suggestions including: Identify and appoint a rail supply industry
evolve, the roadmap should be updated champion to provide industry leadership
periodically, with future iterations • Stakeholder representatives: with a mandate to drive policy and facilitate
dependent on the pace of change CEOs of Primes (ARA manufacturers collaboration.
observed in the industry. group); RISSB; RISEG; and the
Rail Supplier Advocate. Recommendation G3:
Critically, effective champions with
seniority and influence within government • Strong interfaces in their areas of Promote the outcomes of the roadmap
and industry must support the roadmap expertise are needed with: ICN, RISSB, and publicise them throughout supplier,
through coordinated communication. the CRC for Rail Innovation, State operator and state and federal networks.
Wide distribution and promotion of initial Governments, and the Commonwealth.
outcomes (at trade shows, meetings, events, • Key objectives: Establish the body and
seminars, conferences, etc.) should be terms of reference (1 year); A roadmap
supported through ongoing dissemination for cost-effective procurement (1 year);
of success stories, promotion of the Drive harmonised standards (1-3 years);
roadmap among companies as a tool to Establish Australian Design Rules for
guide strategic technology planning, and rail (5-10 years).
continuous feedback opportunities.

22 On Track to 2040
NOW 2020 2030 2040

Special purpose Collaborate with

Industry Resources from
Capability Commonwealth vehicle to states
Network (ICN) government engage with


Union links State industry Coordinated
focus/attention departments procurement
on rail


Supplier Common state/


Manufacturer’s Advocate commonwealth
group product approval


Harmonised Australian design

standards that pre-competitive rules for rail
exist overseas collaborative
research group


Industry lead
& Regulation by RISSB

Funding Grants and

matched funding

Collaboration Benchmarking
similar industries

Research Research
through research
group (after CRC)

Policy Coordinated
and standards

On Track to 2040 23
Standardisation Objectives Recommendations
and Regulation A national regulator comes into place By examining enablers across all
in January 2013 and should seek input sections of the roadmaps, the following
This area is an industry specific from all industry bodies (including recommendations regarding standardisation
implementation area that was apparent international bodies in target markets or are suggested.
through all stages of the On Track to 2040 with complementary expertise). This will
process as a source of concern and need The industry should:
allow the identification and prioritisation
amongst participants. While not a feature of standardisation gaps within the first
of all strategic roadmapping activities, Recommendation S1:
year. Over the 5 following years, and with
the volume of enabling actions and needs the support of industry, federal and state Through research and collaboration identify
identified in the area of standardisation has governments, and the public, standards can the benefits of standardisation and where
caused it to be separated here. be integrated in a number of key areas, such appropriate define and catalogue national
as: risk management; asset management; industry standards in the areas of: data
operations and maintenance; and product and communication, product approval and
specification. validation, bidding processes, safety, wayside
energy storage, inter-modal cargo handling,
In the next 8-10 year timeframe, electronic systems, and risk management.
an enforceable set of nation-wide,
performance-based standards can be Recommendation S2:
established based on internationally relevant Coordinate a national body in which there is
benchmarks with the strong support of representation from industry, research, and
national bodies including the ARA, RISSB federal and state government to oversee the
and research organisations. Beyond definition and enforcement of future national
technology standardisation, work toward rail standards.
harmonisation of procurement specifications
and processes has already commenced. Recommendation S3:
Provide funding to support standardisation
within the industry.

24 On Track to 2040
NOW 2020 2030 2040


Many different Standard bidding Integrated approach to Enforcement of
bidding processes process management operations standards
and maintenance

Standardisation Gap analysis Benchmark National product

of management standards approval
& Regulation

Draft standards
(or not?)
International Define new standard
standards and framework including Performance
practices terminology based standards

Rail operators to One national

define areas for body

Funding Industry and

funding for

Collaboration Industry, state


driving and international
standardisation stakeholder

Research Collaborative Statistical analysis,


Federal, state Economic predictive modelling from
and research analysis to research to CSIRO – standard trigger
body’s CRC quantify benefits underpin new levels for condition and
standards asset monitoring

Policy National regulator


for safety, life,

operations and

On Track to 2040 25
Funding Objectives Recommendations
Participants indicated an immediate need By examining enablers across all
Funding is a very public signal of intent, but to understand available sources of funding sections of the roadmaps, the following
should not be viewed as the sole domain and to quantify the need for funding to recommendations regarding funding
of the public sector. Mechanisms can support On Track to 2040 opportunities. By are suggested.
be implemented to align funding across communicating the Technology Roadmap
sectors: industry, research and government. The industry, along with funding providers,
broadly in the industry, stakeholders can
As stakeholders begin to see funding and should:
begin to understand their needs, however
investment decisions linked to roadmap there is inadequate centralised knowledge
opportunities and recommendations, Recommendation F1:
about existing funding options. It was
interest and participation levels will proposed that a national body be resourced Create, maintain and publicise a map of
increase. appropriately to undertake a study of accessible funding sources relevant to the
available funding sources and link these to rail industry in order to improve the visibility
Funding actions should be aligned with
specific strategic needs. This would allow and funding outcomes.
the roadmap priorities to ensure other
implementation areas are taken forward. targeted, effective collaboration and lobbying
Recommendation F2:
Potential mechanisms to achieve this based on a clear understanding of available
outcome have been implemented overseas funds, the needs of industry participants With active engagement of all stakeholders,
and include using the roadmap alignment and a coordinated plan. aggregate and consolidate funding sources
as a decision criterion in tender processes, to improve accessibility and minimise
Beyond existing traditional sources of duplication.
and encouraging companies and consortia funding, participants indicated a need
to develop their own aligned roadmaps. for new collaboration models to provide Recommendation F3:
mechanisms for realising the opportunities Prioritise technologies identified in
at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels. the On Track to 2040 roadmap when
considering where to invest or offer funding.
Such concerns include funding toward: the
continuation of Australian manufacturing,
the increase of productivity, the calculation
of costing new products or processes, the
building of demonstration models for new
technologies, research and development,
the writing of software for energy and
asset management as well as automation,
improvements to infrastructure, and the
productisation of new rail technologies.

26 On Track to 2040
NOW 2020 2030 2040

Governance Industry

& Regulation

Create map of
potential funding
sources and

Continually keep Aggregation/

map updated consolidation of
funding sources

Lobbying by the Coordinated

ARA lobbying

Communicate Target areas of

roadmap to focus within
government government

Joint industry/
funding for

Collaboration ARA to ensure



Research Collaborative
suggested by

Policy Standard
business case
approach for
getting funding

On Track to 2040 27
Collaboration Objectives Recommendations
Workshop attendees determined that By examining enablers across all
International best-practice in the first target for collaboration should sections of the roadmaps, the following
implementation suggests that a key be the establishment of an appropriate, recommendations regarding collaboration
collaborative objective is the work of industry-led governance body to drive are suggested.
industry associations to promote the use rail manufacturing strategy. This could
of the roadmap as a tool for companies The industry as a whole should collaborate
only be achieved with all stakeholders
to guide strategic technology investment in such a way as to:
working toward agreement on either a
and business planning. It is important new or existing body, that can be endorsed
that initial implementation activities focus Recommendation C1:
and supported industry-wide. Further,
on knowledge transfer across industrial within the first 6 months, appropriate Undertake market research and develop
boundaries and science base disciplines by roles for all stakeholders (government, a business case for all the priority
prioritising collaborative projects (domestic operators researchers, industry bodies, opportunities in order to fully understand the
and international). manufacturers, suppliers, service providers feasibility and profitability (“bang for buck”)
and the public) should be agreed to define of medium and long-term opportunities.
Measures of participation in the roadmap
across the industry are recognised as the the makeup of the representative body
Recommendation C2:
most important metrics for success and described in the Governance section.
future sustainability. These metrics include Establish an appropriate national facility for
Participants also proposed that collaboration the development, testing and demonstration
resulting decisions, actions, communication, facilitators be appointed to forge links
consensus, and collaboration. Through of new rail technology.
between customers, manufacturers and
strong encouragement and participation researchers. With the support of the Recommendation C3:
from industrial leaders to set the right steering committee, these facilitators would
direction, the industry can seek the most Provide access, via a nationally agreed
define metrics and KPIs, evaluate potential framework, to currently captured data such
immediate successes to build and sustain opportunities and make appropriate
momentum. as temporary speed restrictions and route
collaborative or funding links between information for the development of effective
stakeholders. monitoring and management systems.

Recommendation C4:
Establish a software platform based on open
architecture for the integration of rail to
allow computerised monitoring and control.

28 On Track to 2040
NOW 2020 2030 2040

Governance Appoint

& Regulation

Funding Targeted Ongoing funding

roadmap funding

Define support Quick wins

roles, structures,

Stakeholders: Identify and


Evaluate “Bang Medium/long

DISSRTE, CRC, focus for Buck” term
ARA, COAG, opportunity opportunities

(SCOTI), ICN priorities

Identify and Paid facilitators Define measures KPIs Identify enabling

engage other of success actions
stakeholders (rail,
other industries)

Industry Link operators/ Identify industry

endorsement funders to standards


Internal and Ongoing

external communication

Research Link Industry and Collaborative

research research

Policy “The Plan”

(roadmap) to be

On Track to 2040 29
Research Objectives Recommendations
A new research program is required that By examining enablers across all
On Track to 2040 provides a framework interfaces with all stakeholders and is sections of the roadmaps, the following
that can be used to guide research direction specifically focused on an innovation agenda recommendations regarding research
and funding. It highlights relationships for manufacturing. The current CRC for are suggested.
amongst different research activities, Rail Innovation will finish in 2014, meaning
allowing opportunity for coordination of The industry should:
timing is critical if the momentum of the
research program objectives. Further, the roadmap and the knowledge embedded
roadmap provides a common reference Recommendation R1:
in existing researcher skill base is to be
point for communication of the sector’s maintained. Participants described a need Establish a research body, through
research objectives to potential partners for a new collaborative research entity the CRC scheme or an alternative, with
and customers, and its research needs to (possibly a new CRC or an entity based joint government and industry funding
potential supporters. on another collaboration model) to be to facilitate and promote rail supplier
established in 2013. technology development.

To achieve research goals, strong links to Recommendation R2:

the governance body will ensure support Research grant schemes in rail
and alignment of objectives. Specifically, technology should be aligned with the
potential support areas identified included: technologies identified in the On Track to
expanded partnerships (internal and 2040 roadmap including: advanced design,
with other industries); national research high-performance materials for heavy haul,
programs, international collaboration and advanced manufacturing, gaseous and
benchmarking; incentives (such as tax cuts); alternative fuels, advanced braking systems,
support from operators; support form large asset management, energy networks and
manufacturers; and standardisation. storage, simulation for manufacturing, risk
assessment, automation, and retrofitting.

Recommendation R3:
Investigate existing technologies from other
industries, including areas such as batteries,
super-capacitors, simulation and analysis,
low cost manufacturing processes and non-
destructive testing to identify the value and
applicability of these technologies to rail.

Recommendation R4:
Establish benchmarks against similar
industries to drive competitiveness and
efficiency in the rail supply sector.

30 On Track to 2040
NOW 2020 2030 2040


Standardisation Data
& Regulation


research grant
New research
Collaboration On-track trials

Adoption of
with industry automated
partners and systems

On Track to 2040 Condition Live monitoring Comprehensive Automation

roadmap results monitoring/ data systems
asset monitoring

High Australian test


Rail research
groups in performance track (like Transport
universities materials for Training Centre for
heavy haul road freight)


The CRC for Rail New research Lower failures

Innovation program and lower risk

Existing industry Advanced Improved

partnerships manufacturing reliability/ lower

New emerging Advanced design


Market and


R&D taxation

On Track to 2040 31
Policy Objectives Recommendations
Participants presented their key objective in By examining enablers across all
Governments have a cross-sectoral position this area and expressed a need, by 2015, to sections of the roadmaps, the following
allowing influence and coordination to have an integrated national transport policy recommendations regarding policy
support the implementation of industry- covering all modes. Strong support form all are suggested.
level strategic programs. It is important that stakeholders was highlighted as critical to
outcomes and objectives are communicated Policy makers should:
the achievement of such policy, with a strong
widely throughout government departments, industry champion having responsibility and
using the roadmap as a key tool to promote Recommendation P1:
accountability to drive the process indicated
“joined up government”. Through effective as particularly important. This champion Define a national bipartisan rail industry
policy, governments are able to link to would be closely tied to the governance policy agenda through state collaboration to
otherwise disjointed objectives, including: group and its interfaces with other position rail as being in the national interest
regulation; skills and training; incentives stakeholder groups like CSIRO, ARA, ICN, in order for the industry to access more
and penalties; and standards. universities, federal and state governments, commonwealth resources.
industry bodies and unions.
Recommendation P2:
To achieve this goal, participants indicated Establish a national rail development agency
policy formation and implementation to be to promote and define a national approach
needed across a number of relevant matters, to rail policy and promote rail within the
including: research, safety, environment, national transport agenda.
procurement, innovation, interoperability,
supply chain integration, skills formation and Recommendation P3:
training. Establish a rail policy to provide incentives
for strategic development and to support rail
technology R&D.

Recommendation P4:
Prioritise engineering education and expand
accreditation to include the fields such as
systems engineering and simulation in the
rail context.

Recommendation P5:
Work with operators to define network
energy efficiency targets in order to
encourage energy regeneration and other
energy efficiency technologies.

32 On Track to 2040
NOW 2020 2030 2040


COAG process

Standardisation Single rail safety

& Regulation


Industry Technology Industry
stakeholders roadmap champion


Integrated national
transport policy National rail
Standardisation development

Supply chain integration
National product
Skills and training validation
Governing body

On Track to 2040 33
Supporting technological priorities

Standardisation & Regulation



Both major sections of this report, Materials and Manufacturing Page
taken together, should be viewed Advanced Design 40
as the roadmap. The strategic
Low cost manufacturing systems 42
implementation plans and priorities
High performance materials for heavy haul 44
described in the preceding
section enable the technological Advanced manufacturing 46

opportunities described in later Advanced materials for lightweighting 48

sections of the report. Simulation for materials and manufacturing 50

Monitoring and Management Page

When reviewing the detailed priority
opportunities in the next section, it is useful Automated health monitoring for smarter infrastructure 54
to consider the linkages shown in the figure Automated control & operations 56
on the following page. These describe the
Advanced asset management systems 58
relationships between opportunity areas,
the specific opportunities they encompass Safety threat detection, intervention 60
and implementation areas. Advanced data analysis and information systems 62
Figure 12 summarises the impact of action Advanced operations management systems 64
in the implementation areas for each
opportunity and priority. Some opportunities Power and Propulsion Page
benefit more from particular implementation Energy regeneration 68
areas than others, or require concentration
of strategic effort. Advanced braking systems 70
Energy use management tools 72
By using the chart in both directions, it
is possible to find priority opportunities Electric motors and systems 74
that derive the most benefit from a Emissions reduction technologies 76
specific implementation area, or those
Gaseous fuels 78
implementation areas that provide the
most benefit to a specific opportunity. Above Average Average

Figure 12 Linkages between strategic implementation areas and technological priority opportunities.
Relative numbers of enabling actions are shown.

34 On Track to 2040
Priority Opportunities

While there are many underlying themes apparent in the vision developed by the industry, a number of specific
areas for further study in the development of the industry strategic technology direction were also identified.

To aid this process, participants at the Vision

Workshop were asked to define potential Attractiveness criteria
Applications – products or services building
on available technology and capability – that
Triple bottom line Cohesiveness
respond to the most important trends and
drivers to address the vision. Further input Does the opportunity promote profitability, social and Will the application require close collaboration between
from participants was used to enhance and environmental needs to establish rail as the preferred Australian rail manufacturers to build a sense of industry?
expand this list of potential opportunities, transport mode?
with input collected through background
research, open surveys, interviews with Innovation International Relevance
key stakeholders and pre-workshop
submissions from participants. Is the opportunity itself innovative, or does it require Will the opportunity have potential overseas markets
new technology solutions to be found in other industries to help achieve international relevance and attract
or developed through research? global partners?
Evaluation criteria
An evaluation framework enabled a Figure 13 Opportunity attractiveness evaluation criteria descriptions. Details of the evaluation framework are available in the Vision report17.
more objective consideration of potential
opportunities for the Australian rail
supply industry. The development of Fit with capability criteria
these criteria was guided by industry
leaders who identified key indicators
that signal a strong opportunity. Size Competitiveness
For a technology application to be identified What is the scale of required capability that is currently How do companies providing required capabilities in
as an Opportunity, there are two high available in Australia to support the development and Australia compare to international competitors in areas
level measures that must be assessed: reaslisation of the opportunity? like cost, quality, and responsiveness?
Attractiveness and Fit With Capability.
A highly attractive opportunity might have Uniqueness National Advantage
a large market and address compelling
needs, while strong fit with capability Does the underlying capability required to deliver Are underlying capabilities supported by their relevance
could be indicated by large, internationally the opportunity provide Australia with a competitive, to other areas of strength in Australia, like: the resource
defensible niche that leverages research capability sector, agriculture, or financial services?
competitive activity already taking place and can be exploited internationally?
in the sector.

Figure 14 Fit with capability evaluation criteria descriptions. Details of the evaluation framework are available in the Vision report17.

17 ANU Edge, On Track to 2040 – Vision, August, 2011.

On Track to 2040 35
The prioritisation process Three priority areas
Materials and Monitoring and Power &
Three key market need themes can be seen As the project continued, participants work Manufacturing Management Propulsion
in the vision: effective operations, efficient focused around the three priority areas:
systems and quality service. These were Materials and Manufacturing; Monitoring Advanced design Automated health Energy regeneration
used, in combination with the evaluation and Management; and Power and monitoring for smarter
Low cost manufacturing infrastructure Advanced braking systems
criteria described above, to conduct a wide Propulsion. Workshop attendees continued systems
search into potential opportunities for the to inform their decisions based on the Automated control Energy use
High performance and operations management tools
Australian rail supply industry. More than evaluation criteria measured earlier in the materials for heavy haul
300 suggestions were received through process. As more stakeholders provided Advanced asset Electric motors
surveys and interviews, and these were input to define a potential path toward Advanced manufacturing management systems and systems
distilled into a list of the top 80 unique achieving the industry vision, 18 Priority Advanced materials for Emissions reduction
Safety threat detection,
opportunities (without compromising Opportunities were selected for detailed lightweighting intervention technologies
confidentiality by identifying proprietary roadmapping and prioritisation. These, in
Simulation for materials Advanced data analysis Gaseous fuels
commercial technologies). Importantly, turn, informed the implementation process. and manufacturing
the 80 good opportunities presented in and information systems
For completeness, capability and
Appendix A, and the top 18 selected for Advanced operations
attractiveness scores were calculated for
detailed planning, should not be viewed management systems
each of the final Priority Opportunities and
as the only opportunities. They should
these were plotted amongst the other top 40
be looked at as a number of the most
and top 80 opportunities. As can be seen in
promising opportunities, as defined by
Figure 16, participant selections are clearly Figure 15 The 18 Priority Opportunities shown in the three Priority Areas.
at least two industry stakeholders (to
amongst the strongest opportunities.
preserve anonymity and confidentiality).
The opportunities were reclassified along
technical boundaries to define three Priority
Areas where technical experts could make
deeper assessments of the relative impact
of opportunities on the evaluation criteria.
Through the process, as more information
was gained and more stakeholders became
involved, the names and definitions of the
opportunities evolved, but the top 80 have
been preserved for reference in Appendix A –

36 On Track to 2040
Materials and Manufacturing Monitoring and Management Power and Propulsion


4 5 4
2 1
2 3 2
5 1 5
Opportunity attractiveness

Opportunity attractiveness
Opportunity attractiveness

&"!# 1
6 3



Fit with$"!#
!"!# Australian
&"!# '"!# ("!# Fit with Australian capability Fit with Australian capability

1 Advanced design 1 Automated health monitoring for infrastructure 1 Energy regeneration

2 Low cost manufacturing systems 2 Automated control and operations 2 Advanced braking systems
3 High performance materials for heavy haul 3 Advanced asset management systems 3 Energy use management tools
4 Advanced manufacturing 4 Safety threat detection, intervention 4 Electric motors and systems
5 Advanced materials for lightweighting 5 Advanced data analysis and information systems 5 Emmissions reduction technologies
6 Simulation of materials and manufacturing 6 Advanced operations management systems 6 Gaseous fuels
Other top 40 Other top 40 Other top 40
Other top 80 Other top 80 Other top 80

Figure 16 Opportunities for the Three Priority Areas.

On Track to 2040 37
on track to 2040
1 Advanced design

2 Low cost manufacturing systems

3 High performance materials for heavy haul

4 Advanced manufacturing

5 Advanced materials for lightweighting

6 Simulation for materials and manufacturing

38 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

Materials and Manufacturing

A key priority area for the Australian rail Export opportunities

industry was identified around technology
for delivering advanced materials, design Australia’s world leading position in the
area of heavy haul provides strong export 39%
and manufacturing. This area covers
new materials, and design processes for potential for Australian suppliers in this area.
lightweighting, improved performance The demand for increased axle loads in the
and cost reduction. Also included are heavy haul sector provides the opportunity
manufacturing process improvements, potential for Australian suppliers to develop
particularly relating to cost effective, capabilities in materials and technology to
short run solutions. increase the capacity performance of heavy
rail, which could be exported to international
In particular, Australia’s position of markets. There is a potential global market Materials and manufacturing
leadership in the heavy haul sector was for competitive, high-quality short run Other priority areas
identified as an opportunity to leverage solutions. In particular there is demand
complementary Australian strengths as for retrofit products to extend the life of
a strategic advantage for the rail sector. ageing equipment. Figure 17
Resource allocation for the
Materials and Manufacturing area

On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 39

Advanced design

Exploit new approaches and computational methods

Assessment Impact
to improve commercial outcomes of R&D

Better designs can improve the performance New design methods exist as do commercial
characteristics of most components tools and models for affordability and 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
and processes. Specific potential design producibility modelling. The fundamental
improvements include improved slip aim of this roadmap is to produce a “toolbox”
resistance, acoustic isolation and extreme that contains software and techniques for Attractiveness
durability. Another example of advanced advanced design culminating in the idea
design is the modelling of the workings of of real-time telemetry with continuous Overall
the design before it is committed to allows feedback that allows highly accurate data for Investment priority
Triple bottom line
one to predict variable option costings and new designs to be modelled. Gaps appear
gives one more freedom to experiment around collaboration, as data from design Innovation
and innovate as well as meet cost targets, experiments would need to be shared
International relevance
improve longevity and increase efficiency. among all organisations to improve the
Design is a focus in sectors like sport, toolbox over time, and by extension improve Cohesiveness
automation and aerospace creating potential design standards in the industry.
to leverage the engineering and design
Advanced design received the largest Capability
capabilities from other manufacturing
investment priority, though not the highest
sectors to develop unique world class
impact or assessment score. The triple
solution for rail. The potential is large as Overall
bottom line and the size of Australia’s
design impacts every aspect of the rail Size
capability suggest a possible rationale
for the discrepancy. Competitiveness


National advantage Advanced design

Low High Other materials and manufacturing

Figure 18
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Design. Details of the assessment
methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were selected by workshop
participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on the industry and the
suggested proportion of investment resources in Materials and Manufacturing to be allocated
to the opportunity.

40 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

NOW 2020 2025

Advanced design 2032

Lean design affordability and Tools Affordability and producibility
Capabilities producibility exists at OEM Integrated design roadmapping program
Technologies simulation tool (monitors
total life cycle)
Gaps Failure Mode and Effect
Producibility and
Globally competitve design,
Analysis (FMEA) available and reliable
affordability modelling
Design for Six Sigma
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) On board telemetry – (DFSS) for rail
modelling feedback to design
Program roadmaps

Vehicle dynamic modelling Closed-loop feedback of

operations, maintenance,
fault data, etc.
Develop specific competency

in lean design
Generic engineering
Cost/time implication-free Understanding of benefits of Contractual requisite to feed



design on-board technology back performance across
(reliability, sustainability) OEMs/operators/maintainers

CRC for Rail Innovation Rail manufacturer’s CRC Program accreditation


Governance Include new skills in

accreditation of professional


Joint ARA/univeristy rail Invest in data acquisition

Collaboration design program systems



Clarify rules on where to Functionally define and

Standardisation innovate and where to standardise data acquisition

On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 41

Low cost manufacturing systems

Improved processes to ensure competitiveness

Assessment Impact
with low manufacturing volumes

Rail manufacturing is a low-margin, Participants proposed improved short

high-risk industry. Containing costs and run manufacturing as the mechanism to 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
maintaining flexibility is crucial because reduce cost. Many of the enablers in the
economic and operating conditions can roadmap are concerned with looking to
change dramatically over long product other Australian industries that are capable Attractiveness
lifecycles. This, coupled with increasing of short-run manufacturing, or short run
global competition, is adding significant rail methods from other countries, that Overall
pressure to local suppliers. To remain are suitable for Australia. This opportunity Investment priority
Triple bottom line
competitive, Tier 1 suppliers and their could be energised by new rail technologies
supply chain partners can deploy that could themselves be produced in a Innovation
cost-saving processes and technologies. low cost way.
International relevance
Relevant expertise and experience is
Low cost manufacturing obtained the equal
available in other manufacturing industries Cohesiveness 25%
highest impact score, and this is reflected in
(like automotive and defence), where the
a high investment priority. The relatively high
ability to gain competitive positioning has
assessment score is a compromise between Capability
been demonstrated.
a very high attractiveness, but lower existing
capability available in this area. Overall




National advantage Low cost manufacturing systems

Low High Other materials and manufacturing

Figure 19
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Low Cost Manufacturing Systems.
Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment
scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of
each opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources
in Materials and Manufacturing to be allocated to the opportunity.

42 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

NOW 2015 2017

Low cost manufacturing systems 2020

Existing manufacturing
Capabilities facilities and systems

Gaps Global rail manufacturing

Lean approaches (supplier New local technology Trial of new rail technologies Efficient set up small run
development, visual


solutions manufacturing
management, 5S)

Non-rail manufacturing
advances in other industries

Plastic injection capability

Collaborative rail industry

with strong leadership

New technology solutions for Trial of (non-rail) existing

rail manufacturing advances

Benchmark of other Research into the translation Pilot improvement programs

Research industries (local and global) of technologies from other
industries to rail

Establish and fund an Search other industries for low

Governance organising body cost manufacturing suitable
for Australian rail industry


Collation of manufacturing
Collaboration needs
Rail manufacturing industry


State and national rail National forward planning to Education, training and
Policy support body understand manufacturing implementation support

National product
Regulation specification

Understanding demand

On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 43

High performance materials for heavy haul

Solutions to overcome physical limitations and allow

Assessment Impact
capacity improvements up to 45T axle loads

Australia is one of the biggest exporters This opportunity requires new designs
of bulk commodities, such as iron ore informed by benchmarking the materials 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
and coal, making it a centre of heavy haul that exist outside rail and outside Australia.
railway expertise. There is a growing need Material limitations restrict the maximum
for the development of better materials carried load and so the roadmap suggests Attractiveness
that will improve the capacity of track a goal of a 45 tonne load on each axle to
and increase productivity (load capacity, increase heavy haulage. After improving Overall
speed, train length) and extend service knowledge and design, a concerted, Investment priority
Triple bottom line
life within the heavy haul sector. A broad collaborative effort to upgrade any
range of materials and applications are infrastructure is required. Innovation
possible across rolling stock, infrastructure,
This opportunity has a high assessment International relevance
materials handling and freight sectors.
Potential materials and design expertise
score owing to Australia’s global
competitiveness in heavy haul, and the
are available from related industries
natural advantage Australia holds in its bulk
and sectors.
commodities. However the opportunity has a Capability
weakness in cohesiveness which stems from
the fact that very few manufacturers are Overall
currently working with materials research,
or with each other to improve heavy haul Size
performance. Competitiveness


National advantage High performance materials for heavy haul

Low High Other materials and manufacturing

Figure 20
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for High Performance Materials for Heavy
Haul. Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment
scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each
opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Materials
and Manufacturing to be allocated to the opportunity.

44 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

NOW 2013 2019

High performance materials for heavy haul 2025

Axle load design for 45T axle Prototype 45T axle load
Capabilities load product
Commercial 45T axle in
Gaps Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
for materials research

Track inspection Simulation and verification of Detailed engineering design Testing analysis verifications

and certification of 45T axles


Maintenance practices Individual materials for 45T New materials designs, Manufacturing skills,

faclilites equipment and

axle load applications

processes and applications

Strong interest, support and Maintenance and through

life support

demand from existing Field trial monitoring for

validation and optimisation

Component management

Alternatives to steel
(composites, carbon fibre)
Benchmarking and reviewing
applications in other areas
New steel grades and

Research Rail CRC, industry and Research to improve track

university R&D and infrastructure design



Optimise locomotive Optimise port (and other) Push from ARA/ICN/CRC Track upgrade program Maintenance facilities
Collaboration capability material handling upgrade program




On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 45

Advanced manufacturing

Develop processes that increase competitiveness and

Assessment Impact
drive technology development in the supply sector

Advanced manufacturing processes are The first stages of this roadmap has much
central to the vision of having a competitive in common with the other Materials and 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
rail industry because they drive R&D, Manufacturing roadmaps, but extends short
generate leading edge technologies, improve run manufacturing to the manufacture of
workplace practices, and refine supply standard kits. Such kits would allow modular Attractiveness
chain management, skills development assembly of rail vehicles and quick “out of
and productivity. By integrating advanced the box” retrofit upgrades for fast affordable Overall
manufacturing techniques with new design manufacturing. These technological and Investment priority
Triple bottom line
systems, better cost, time, quality and engineering developments hinge on an
producibility outcomes can be ensured. industry-wide standardisation of materials Innovation
and products, which will require state
International relevance
government collaboration, investment 15%
and policy. Cohesiveness

Advanced Manufacturing was judged

to be very important in making Australia Capability
more relevant in the international
manufacturing industry. It has been Overall
judged attractive to the industry.



National advantage Advanced manufacturing

Low High Other materials and manufacturing

Figure 21
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Manufacturing. Details of the
assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were selected by
workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on the industry
and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Materials and Manufacturing to be
allocated to the opportunity.

46 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

NOW 2016 2020

Advanced manufacturing 2030

Short run manufacturing Standard kit manufacturing
Composites and lightweight New materials and Low cost materials Continuing Australian

economical for small batch

materials (e.g. aerospace, F1, production process manufacturing capability

Modelling software High Powered Computing Standard mounting design

(CAD, CAM) (HPC) for components to platforms

Standardised rail specific

components Modular component design Standardised modular

adaptable to vehicle

Low carbon designs assembly of rail vehicles

Nonstandard platforms
(short run, state by state)
Improved design including Conversion upgrade Standardised products


retrofit assemblies in a box identified

Rail manufacturer’s CRC Integrated suppliers


Research low carbon designs Design of new graphics
Research applications
Up-to-date education for
upcoming engineers
Research future Research into process and
opportunities and markets cost efficiencies
for manufacturing


Heavy capital investment


Partnership with technology



Collaboration Form an integrated group of

manufacturers State collaboration

Policies to reduce cost of


Document obsolete Develop standard material

Standardisation equipment catalogue

On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 47

Advanced materials for lightweighting

New substances that reduce weight without

Assessment Impact
sacrificing cost or performance

For every kilogram of weight removed from Lightweight materials already exist
a locomotive, there is the potential to add in other industries, the opportunity is 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
another kilogram of goods. It is possible around how they can be used in rail. This
to reduce vehicle body and chassis weight roadmap suggests that by improving design
through the use of alternate materials or simulation, material use and lifecycles Attractiveness
combinations of materials. This reduces the can be optimised. With existing materials
cost per tonne of transport and increases and new designs based on simulation, Overall
the overall efficiency. With advanced new products can be provided in the long Investment priority
Triple bottom line
materials, this can be achieved without term. There is also potential to produce
compromising other attributes such as environmentally responsible materials, and Innovation
safety, performance, recyclability, and cost. products designed for recycling. Recyclable
International relevance
In passenger rail the lower weight helps products not only improve the environmental 9%
to reduce fuel consumption. Rather than footprint, but can make manufacturing Cohesiveness
tweaking existing designs for improved more efficient.
performance, the introduction of lightweight
The Australian rail manufacturing Capability
materials fundamentally changes design
industry has research interests relevant
considerations and limitations, opening up
to lightweighting, but achieves lower size
many possibilities for improvement. Overall
scores. However the opportunity is attractive,
particularly because lightweight materials Size
are in demand internationally. Competitiveness


National advantage Advanced materials for lightweighting

Low High Other materials and manufacturing

Figure 22
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Materials for Lightweighting.
Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores
were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity
on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Materials and
Manufacturing to be allocated to the opportunity.

48 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

NOW 2013 2027

Advanced materials for lightweighting 2040

Improved injection moulding
Capabilities e.g Mucell technology

Gaps Polymers

Knitable carbon fibre Metallic & non-metallic

lightweighting products

Austempered Ductile Iron The ability to model the cost Material lifecycle New product that meets



(ADI) implications of changing optimisation customer demand

Plastic sleepers in Japan The ability to model final 100% recyclable products


cost of product

Heavy weight stainless steel Business case to make the

and mild steel capability in change

Magnesium and pressed steel

in auto industry, aluminium
in space industry

Cost and environment Application engineering for


impact modelling new materials

Determine customer Recyclability research

Research requirements (clear demand) program


Government incentives
Funding (R&D, funding, etc)

Collaborate with other Collaborate with other

Collaboration industry experience/ industry research groups
Realise benefit of whole life
cost improvement

Clarify energy and
sustainability policy



On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 49

Simulation for materials and manufacturing

Accurate techniques for digital verification of new

Assessment Impact
designs, materials and methods before manufacture

New designs, materials and manufacturing The simulation of materials and

methods can be improved and generated manufacturing is required by many of the 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
more effectively by simulating their opportunities that are a higher investment
performance computationally before time priority, including High Performance
and money goes into building and testing. Materials For Heavy Haul and the number Attractiveness
Such software and algorithms can reduce one opportunity Advanced Design. It was
the cost of manufacture by reducing the highlighted as a key priority even though Overall
need for prototypes, allowing designs much of the investment need is wrapped Investment priority
Triple bottom line
and materials to be tested virtually on a into achieving other goals.
computer and minimising investment risk. Innovation

The roadmap suggests utilising Australia’s International relevance 3%

existing software development capability
with research into new manufacturing
processes, material properties and
structural attributes of design. This new Capability
information would allow broader and more
accurate simulation, using Australia’s Overall
existing high powered computing capability.
There is also an insufficient and immature Size
skill base that needs to be addressed before Competitiveness
new simulation software can be developed,
and commercialised. Uniqueness

National advantage Simulation for materials and manufacturing

Low High Other materials and manufacturing

Figure 23
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Simulation for Materials and Manufacturing.
Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were
selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on
the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Materials and
Manufacturing to be allocated to the opportunity.

50 On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing

NOW 2016 2019

Simulation for materials and manufacturing 2022

Manufacturing process Rail specific simulation
Capabilities simulation software

Existing manufacturing and Application performance Virtual design validation Real world alignment Commercial engineering
engineering software requirements software

Existing High Powered Industry standards of design

Computing (HPC) principles

Software development Mature and sophisticated New manufacturing


capability skill base in simulation simulation processes

Existing material database Rapid virtual validation of Rapid validation of material


materials properties

Research Research into manufacturing Research into material Research into the relationships
processes properties between properties and
material structure

Governance Prioritise engineering higher


Government funding Industry funding


Create rail manufacturer’s Develop rail industry culture

Collaboration CRC of collaboration

Policy Industry roadmap Policy to increase funding

Develop code of practice



On Track to 2040 – Materials and Manufacturing 51

on track to 2040
1 Automated health monitoring for smarter infrastructure

2 Automated control and operations

3 Advanced asset management systems

4 Safety threat detection, intervention

5 Advanced data analysis and information systems

6 Advanced operations management systems

52 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

Monitoring and Management

A second key priority area for the Export opportunities These are highly exportable with
Australian rail industry was identified global demand for capability in:
around technology for delivering improved The area of monitoring and management 36%
responds to many global trends and • Passenger movement design
asset and operations management. This
area covers all aspects of management and drivers such as reducing emissions, energy • Asset management
safety systems: sensors (on-board and off); efficiency and increased capacity. These • Asset monitoring
remote telemetry and communications; drivers are important to local rail projects
• Infrastructure upgrades
data management; analysis; systems design but also present a large potential global
and integration; and safety solutions. market. The capabilities required to deliver • Optimised train operations
these projects include many knowledge • Level crossing upgrades
Opportunities in Monitoring and based and services capabilities.
Management have high cohesiveness • Grade separation
Monitoring and management
scores as the required interconnected • Demand management
Other priority areas
systems necessarily lead to an industry that
These export market demands increase
communicates and works well together.
the size of the opportunities for Australian
suppliers to provide products and services Figure 24
Resource allocation for the
into the Monitoring and Management area. Monitoring and Management area

On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 53

Automated health monitoring for infrastructure

Remote, built-in health data monitoring systems

Assessment Impact
to allow predictive maintenance of fixed assets

Predictive maintenance is often more The required sensors and power sources
cost efficient than fix-on-fail or planned already exist, as do examples of health 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
maintenance strategies. Daily inspection monitoring software. The gaps revolve
of some structural assets is required around system level design to link
to minimise risk, but frequent manual technologies together. Sensors need to be Attractiveness
inspection is expensive. By applying integrated with power supplies and be able
sensor and data analysis techniques to communicate in real time. In order to Overall
to infrastructure assets the industry communicate, protocols and trigger levels Investment priority
Triple bottom line
can conduct non-intrusive, automated (conditions at which automated systems
measurements to report faults and are told to act on a measurement) must be Innovation
asset condition, allowing preventative agreed industry-wide. The first gaps should
International relevance
maintenance or even automated self- be addressed by 2013, with automated
correction. Automated health monitoring health monitoring systems becoming Cohesiveness
streamlines operational systems by operational by 2016.
providing rail operations with information
This opportunity received the maximum Capability
such as scheduled and actual times, cargo,
impact score, and the highest investment
maintenance and downtime information;
priority in the priority area.
integrating all aspects of operational Overall
performance planning. Size


Automated health monitoring for
National advantage infrastructure
Low High Other monitoring and management

Figure 25
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Automated Health Monitoring for
Infrastructure. Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and
Investment scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential
impact of each opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment
resources in Monitoring and Management to be allocated to the opportunity.

54 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

NOW 2013 2015

Automated health monitoring for infrastructure 2016

Sensors Rail systems modelling
Thermal imaging
Technologies Vibration monitoring
Gaps Laser-based gauging 3D mapping and visualising of Real time maps of routes and

Video capture systems real time data infrastructure
3D modelling Asset database

Preventative/predictive and
non-intrusive sensors
Integrated sensor, power Asset analysis software

communication modules
3G/4G wireless internet

Primary and secondary
Cost effective remote power Operational technology
Power management - units package
integrated circuit
Energy harvesters;
Maintenance, data mining Protocols defined - agreed
peizo, solar, vibration,

and environment models state of assets

Neural network systems Asset data communication

and analysis centre

Health monitoring of Train health advisory systems


Survey historical records, cost Create predictive models for

Research up failure and breakdowns environment e.g. bridges,
tracks, tunnels


Identification of price-point
Funding for industry uptake
Commitment from major
stakeholders financially

Acceptance of world proven Data trigger levels agreed by

Collaboration technologies/systems stakeholders

Design specification at
product concept phase i.e.
data logging protocol
Installation of equipment on
operator’s existing fixed
Develop standards for: Install unattended equipment
Standardisation voltages, terminals, signals, on existing rollingstock

On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 55

Automated control and operations

Operator-less trains and operational systems

Assessment Impact

As more advanced detection and sensing The requisite data collection and
technology is incorporated in rail systems, communication systems exist, although
the automated control of all operational the communication protocols need to be 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
aspects can expand. Automation will researched and made compatible with open
increase staff productivity by reducing software architecture. Mining the collected
burdens on skilled workers, thus alleviating data, automating decisions and optimising
skill shortages in the industry. Automation the automation are all capabilities available Attractiveness
can also be beneficial in achieving goals now. Automated control systems would
for safety, customer satisfaction and amount to a completely new way to run a rail Investment priority
operational excellence such as minimal system and so retraining would be needed Triple bottom line
downtime, increased productivity, improved for the new skill sets. The roadmap proposes
services and reduced exposure to litigation. some integrated, automated rail systems
Automation may allow disparate systems by 2020. International relevance
to be integrated; improving headway, safety 25%
Automated control and operations had Cohesiveness
and reliability.
a high investment priority, but only a
Participants suggested that there is also moderate impact and overall assessment
the opportunity for the industry to lead score. The technology is very attractive, Capability
this technological innovation and develop but international competitive pressures
world’s best practice in automated signalling increase investment risk. Overall
and train control. Australia could develop Size
a position of global leadership with an
advanced technology platform to meet
global needs. Uniqueness

National advantage Automated control and operations

Low High Other monitoring and management

Figure 26
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Automated Control and Operations.
Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores
were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each
opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in
Monitoring and Management to be allocated to the opportunity.

56 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

NOW 2015 2018

Automated control and operations 2020

Data collection system Data mining Decision making tools Optimising automation Integrated rail systems
Data storage Data Demonstration project Roll out to other rail

Communications systems

Refinement programs

Integrated real video inputs

Defined operation processes Simulation tools, applications Simulation capability for all
and procedures operations

Research and simulation tools

Systems engineering Interoperability


skill set

Communication protocols Rail contextualisation


Systems engineering
Governance education


Network collaboration
Systems engineering
contracts & execution


Regulation Open architecture


On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 57

Advanced asset management systems

Predictive maintenance (based on data) to drive

Assessment Impact
increased asset utilisation and longer lifecycles

Asset management informs and automates Existing sensors can be utilised, when
decision making to enable maximal use of combined with standardised communication 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
high cost assets by reducing the impact and protocols. The necessary ingredients for
lost revenue of unavailable equipment. It communication protocols exist, but proposed
can also extend the lifecycle of parts with standards and an avenue through which Attractiveness
decision-making based on health, usage to agree on them is needed. By leveraging
and timing. These cost-reducing advantages technologies and systems from other Overall
also help to minimise environmental industries, data can be collected, prioritised Investment priority
Triple bottom line
and social impacts of rail by minimising and processed. The roadmap suggests a
waste. Complementary skills, technology, demonstration project to occur soon after Innovation
systems and processes are available in 2020, with the opportunity being realised
International relevance
the petrochemical, power generation, in 2025.
infrastructure, and resources sectors, Cohesiveness 21%
Most of the attractiveness of this opportunity
providing engineering validation of similar
comes from the cohesiveness it will
decision making processes. Balancing
provide the industry. Integrated asset Capability
the different operational and functional
management systems provide standardised
requirements is important to provide a
communication systems and predictable
solution with long-term viability. Overall
usage of parts. Such assumptions remove
many of the variables of doing business Size
and allow rail manufacturers to optimise Competitiveness
their processes.

National advantage Advanced asset management systems

Low High Other monitoring and management

Figure 27
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Asset Management Systems.
Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores
were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each
opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in
Monitoring and Management to be allocated to the opportunity.

58 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

NOW 2015 2020

Advanced asset management systems 2025

Asset management software Risk management and
Capabilities decision making technology

Gaps On board sensors and Non destructive testing Lifecycle prediction
computing technologies

Attended (non-remote) Agreed priority themes

monitoring of track
Unattended monitoring
at safety critical Demonstration project

Wayside monitoring of rolling Broader sensory detection
stock Priority themes in track

and freight

Networking platforms for Data collection, prioritisation

control applications

and simplification
(e.g. LonWorks)

Wagon communications Standardised communication

protocols protocols
(e.g. Zigbee)

Builder of specific train Standardised data and Data processing, decision

control and monitoring


equipment making and understanding of
systems data

Communication networks: Information and benchmarks

satellite, 3G, Wi-Fi, NTCS, from adjacent industries
radio etc.

Preview existing, current and

emerging non destructive Research and testing to
Research technologies deliver demonstration project
Benchmark adjacent

Agreement on funding for Identify seed funding

Funding identified areas

Agreement on standard back Agreement on priority areas Identify champions

Collaboration end protocols

Operator consensus and

Policy agreement on approach and


Agreement on standard Standard on and off train

Standardisation passenger and freight communication for asset
communications management

On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 59

Safety threat detection, intervention

Standardisation of data measurement, delivery

Assessment Impact
and processing to improve safety outcomes

Early and accurate detection of all forms Currently there exist many types of
of safety threats (to property, life, business monitoring solutions, on board and 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
operation, fire, gas, security, and system trackside. The information from these
malfunctions), combined with real-time sensors needs to be standardised, which
assessment and evaluation prevents service includes decisions regarding standard Attractiveness
interruption and loss. Despite current trigger levels to dictate when the automated
trackside monitoring, critical events still systems intervene. More advanced software Overall
occur. Longer, faster trains pose particular and robust decision making systems will Investment priority
Triple bottom line
problems in being able to quickly identify appear as a matter of course, but new
and react to critical failures. Technology standards, and the collaboration to ensure Innovation
implementation across the entire rail the data is well integrated (required for a
International relevance
system, including real-time, train-fitted fully developed threat intervention system)
systems, will eliminate many risks. This will not occur without leadership and Cohesiveness
advanced risk management and appraisal coordinated action. The ultimate goal is
platform presents a high tech, low labour to have open-source architecture in 2020
intensity opportunity to meet global rail in order to enable low cost, extremely Capability
industry needs. efficient and innovative threat detection
and intervention system. Overall

This opportunity had a higher impact score Size

than the other Monitoring and Management Competitiveness
opportunities, but had a markedly smaller
investment priority than the previous Uniqueness
opportunities. There is no intrinsic advantage National advantage Safety threat detection, intervention
to following this opportunity in Australia Low High Other monitoring and management
when compared to other countries, but the
competitiveness and uniqueness scores
Figure 28
indicate Australia already has strengths Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Safety Treat Detection, Intervention.
in this area and the high international Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment
relevance score indicates a strong global scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of
each opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources
demand for safety threat reduction in Monitoring and Management to be allocated to the opportunity.

60 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

NOW 2015 2018

Safety threat detection, intervention 2020

Early warning sensors Intelligent, predictive
detection systems
Capabilities Existing video analysis
Data analysis software Cheaper, more robust,
features and software
Technologies reliable, maintainable
Gaps Existing monitoring solutions
Incident prevention systems
Sensors with predictive
maintenance data for better
Environmental (intrusion, safety OH&S, asset management
Predictive modelling Standard open architecture
Trackside injury prevention, etc.) for level crossing, safety
Speed Non-intrusive sensors where and maintenance systems
Sound applicable
Rain Data-mining supporting
predictive analysis
Hazardous gas Built in sensors that are
Smoke and fire adaptive to the situation and
Robust, secure, open source

FireGrid multi-
environmental, safety sensor
Continuously developing fusion (European experience) Data fusion (reducing)
IT and communications requirements
(3G, IP networks, etc.) systems
Video analytics to service
common rail systems and
network management Connectivity sensors: power, Predictive behavioural
General capability within rail Updated industry standards interconnection, wireless models
industry Renew sensing technology to
enable early, reliable, real
time detection Decision making protocols

Existing standards and metrics
Industry codes or design Risk-based data fusion

guidelines algorithms

Standards covering new Better intergration of data Acceptance of a single, open



installations and systems software architecture

Research Research RISSB standards CRC collaboration

(safety, asset management)
Open product specifications Research and validation Develop cost-effective
and “integrated” software


Funding Government funding for

Australia-based R&D

CSIRO/DSTO collaboration

Common operator platform

Collaboration National standards for threat
threshold, escalation criteria for risk, asset, operations
Sharing of information
management Industry focus group shared
development, agreed
Policy Integration of various
Govenment safety directives and
regulations to encourage a
prevention = protection concept

Regulation Standard management, risk

management, operations,
Holistic view of anomaly
emergency response

Standardise sensor data

Standardisation communication protocol

On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 61

Advanced data analysis and information systems

Algorithms and processing methodologies to

Assessment Impact
intelligently manage and interpret available data

Data, such as fuel consumption and As in many of the Monitoring and

operational performance, are available Management opportunities, much of 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
at the moment, but are not efficiently and the required technology exists. Data is
consistently utilised. After data collection already collected (or the collection is
the information can be correlated, analysed, currently feasible) and networks exist for Attractiveness
manipulated and communicated to increase communication. Tools for the analysis of the
rail operation efficiency, as well as stored data and the optimisation of the operations Overall
for future reference. Additionally, there is are currently being developed and will Investment priority
Triple bottom line
opportunity to provide better information to be available in the near future. However,
commuters and the public in the passenger the opportunity requires the detailed Innovation
sector and customers in the freight sector. understanding of data requirements as
International relevance
By effectively managing data, improvements well as legal, regulatory and privacy issues. 9%
can be made to the operation of the rail The industry must also standardise their Cohesiveness
system, including downtime analysis and the systems to make data compatible, leading to
effectiveness of maintenance procedures. seamless data communication and analysis.
This leads to increasing asset performance Capability
This opportunity was one of the most
and a more globally competitive Australian
attractive across all priority areas, this is
rail network. Overall
driven by not only by a strong international
demand for such systems, but by the Size
opportunity’s tendency to improve Competitiveness
cohesiveness within the rail industry.

National advantage Advanced data analysis and information systems

Low High Other monitoring and management

Figure 29
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Data Analysis and Information
Systems. Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment
scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each
opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in
Monitoring and Management to be allocated to the opportunity.

62 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

NOW 2020 2025

Advanced data analysis and information systems 2030

Database technology Database storage Predictive tool for
Capabilities optimisation/streamlining maintenance options and
profile analysis
Gaps 2G/3G basic fixed network National Broadband Network Future protocol to carry Real time supply chain
(NBN) with 100% coverage multiple data types optimisers
4G, WiMAX, 5G

Operational interfaces
(operators, customers)
Data collection, fusion and
Data collection tools,
Tools to provide options
based on historical and real
time data
Merging audio and video data
received from sensors
Behaviour monitoring and
suggestion tools

Understanding of data Known data gaps Neural networks



Privacy, legal, regulatory and Interoperable and


commercial issues standardised systems

Audit of data currently Define data frequency needs

Research collected and interdepedencies



Create open source data Commitment to open source,

Collaboration structures open markets


Review and compare legal,

Regulation regulatory and privacy issues


On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 63

Advanced operations management systems

Tools and approaches to use available data to

Assessment Impact
improve and automate operational performance

Operations management allows streamlined There is significant expertise available

operational systems by providing operators in adjacent industries like shipping and 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
with information such as schedule cargo, airlines and also within the rail industry
maintenance and downtime information itself, specifically in heavy haul. All required
to integrate all aspects of operational technology currently exists. The major Attractiveness
performance planning. For example: missing element is a strategic, coordinated
maintenance, mine, port and supply chain development plan, the importance of which Overall
performance measures can be linked to is highlighted by a large number of enablers Investment priority
Triple bottom line
prevent unnecessary operation interruption. supporting the realisation of the opportunity.
Along with sensor data, advanced Innovation
Advanced operations management
monitoring systems and early safety threat
received lower capability and attractiveness International relevance 4%
detection, there is an opportunity to lead the
scores. The exception is cohesiveness as
technological development and deployment Cohesiveness
the opportunity will necessarily require
of global best-practice operational systems.
collaboration. Some aspects, like automated
passenger operations and autonomous Capability
freight loading, require a strategic and
coordinated development plan. Overall




National advantage Advanced operations management systems

Low High Other monitoring and management

Figure 30
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Operations Management
Systems. Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment
scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each
opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in
Monitoring and Management to be allocated to the opportunity.

64 On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management

NOW 2020 2025

Advanced operations management systems 2030

Capabilities Available technology Automated freight Integration with automated

operations asset systems
Rail downtime models
Technologies On-board HMI, GUI, Mobile maintenance and Demonstration pilot
Gaps alarm board management integration
(iPad or similar)
GPS location tracking
Auto generation of work Trip optimisation
plans from analysis systems

Related systems expertise Standard data interfaces Advanced management of

assets for improved
Supply chain reference reliability
models (SCOR, EMMMv)
Airline, ship standard
inferfaces Strategic, coordinated Rail business Information and integration

Systems simulation, development plan reference model model
Heavy freight expertise
Dynamic scheduling
Fleet management

Standardised alarm trigger Air traffic control methods, Real time, automated car Automated passenger

levels management, modelling load manager and tracker operations

Rail information integration

model developed and
Benchmark the methods of Targeted research and
Research other industries and sectors technology development
in this area
Research with international
society of automation

Governance National agenda and Create pilot program and

leadership to define a achieve stakeholder buy-in
compelling strategic rail policy

Government and operator Passenger rail optimisation

Funding strategic investment to and planning systems to be
implement launched

Collaboration Address union fears, mitigate


Establish and agree desired Collaboration between 3rd

benefits party providers and rail Pull together interested Engagement and
operators stakeholders and create plan participation
to trial
Strategic policy incentives Federal and state strategic
plan to cooperate


Develop a rail standards

Regulation development group
Agreement for alarm trigger
levels on recorded data
Rail business reference Standard rail architecture and
Standardisation model developed and intermodal cargo handling

On Track to 2040 – Monitoring and Management 65

on track to 2040
1 Energy regeneration

2 Advanced braking systems

3 Energy use management tools

4 Electric motors and systems

5 Emissions reduction technologies

6 Gaseous fuels

66 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

Power and Propulsion

The third priority area for the Australian rail The project has identified some indigenous
industry was identified around technology for Australian capabilities in area of alternative 25%
delivering more efficient and effective power fuels and energy capture and storage.
and propulsion systems. This area covers These high technology capabilities are
all elements of fuel and energy delivery, able to provide solutions to the global rail
storage, management and regeneration; industry in reducing energy consumption
as well as braking systems, emissions and fuel costs. This can be achieved through
reduction technology and general the leveraging of Australian research and
equipment efficiency. development expertise.
With increasing demand for improved fuel
efficiencies and alternative energy sources, Power and propulsion
there is a global market for products
Other priority areas
and services in the area of Power and
Propulsion. These services look to reduce
the energy foot print of the transportation Figure 31
and reduce the associated running costs. Resource allocation for the
Power and Propulsion area

On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 67

Energy regeneration

Recovery of waste heat and kinetic energy for

Assessment Impact
reuse on-board or in trackside applications

Energy is wasted in the form of heat The software aspects of this opportunity
when a train slows down, but this energy already exist. Energy regeneration 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
can be reclaimed and stored (either on- technology also exists and is being
board or wayside) and used to reduce the used internationally. There is still some
energy required to accelerate again. This development of energy storage to be Attractiveness
regenerative braking and energy storage undertaken. With a better understanding
covers one type of energy recovery, but of the economic options, and the energy Overall
utilisation of heat from exhaust, engine needs, some funding will enable the Investment priority
Triple bottom line
and other sources provides other efficiency installation of regenerative technologies and
gains. By replacing the current resistive the development of required management Innovation
locomotive brakes with regenerative ones software.
International relevance
(perhaps beginning with electrified urban
Energy regeneration has a high
systems), energy can be driven back into the Cohesiveness
attractiveness from international demand
locomotive or the supply grid. This reduces
and the collaboration that would result
power consumption, improving voltage
from implementation. This opportunity Capability
stability and reducing substation and cabling
is the highest investment priority within
requirements – secondary benefits that
Power and Propulsion.
lower infrastructure costs. Overall




National advantage Energy regeneration

Low High Other power and propulsion

Figure 32
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Energy Regeneration. Details of the
assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were selected
by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on the
industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Power and Propulsion to be
allocated to the opportunity.

68 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

NOW 2014 2016

Energy regeneration 2018

Management software
Capabilities On board train monitoring in Smart train use and Software to
real time
Technologies network use to enable optimised

Full network, real time, high manage peak demand freight movement Efficient network

volume and high speed data
communications Train movement Software to
Network safety power software to manage manage and heal
peak demand faults

On board power electronics Control for power capture Energy storage for high

and delivery power capture and recovery

Prototype long-life 10,000 Production of 10,000 Farad

Farad supercapacitors supercapacitors

Existing energy storage Advanced storage

technologies (e.g. Lithium ion technologies

Regenerative braking
adopted on low voltage DC

Regenerative braking in trial

phase on AC networks

Advanced battery research Synchronise single phase AC

Research and development network power electronics

Define energy market Acquire radio spectrum for

Governance structure, economically rail networks if viable
assess options
Introduce metering on trains
and trackside storage to
realise savings
Funding Identify and attract funding
Funding for development,
communications and
Joint projects with Brisbane,
Perth and Melbourne

Collaboration with operators’

Use price signals to

Policy implement solutions


Define systems specifications Define rail network and

Standardisation e.g. on board, off board efficiency targets
energy, power metering, etc.

On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 69

Advanced braking systems

Rollout and retrofit of electronically controlled pneumatic

Assessment Impact
(ECP) and regenerative braking systems

Electronically Controlled Pneumatic A cost effective ECP conversion solution is

braking systems result in the synchronised expected to be available so that conversion 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
braking of wagons, reducing the in-train of existing fleets can occur soon after 2015.
forces, which improve lifespan and reduce Backed by a business case and low cost
the energy required to brake. Intelligent sensor solutions, ECP park brakes will Attractiveness
computer systems could also improve ensure advanced braking systems achieving
braking, and even allow individual control of their promised benefits by 2017. The Overall
each axle to minimise slip, increasing brake roadmap displays a parallel path requiring Investment priority
Triple bottom line
efficiency and lifetime. Improved braking client confidence for the rollout before a
technology also increases the safety of rail demonstration is made in partnership with Innovation
lines. Specifically, operational experience an Australian operator soon after 2017.
International relevance
shows advanced braking systems leading ECP braking systems can be combined
to decreases in fuel consumption (over with energy regeneration braking for Cohesiveness 22%
5%), and reduced brake wear (over 20%), added impact.
with wheel flats almost eliminated. Other
This opportunity received the highest score Capability
positives include greater wagon availability
for capability among priority opportunities.
and increased wagon life. Modern braking
Though the size of the relevant Australian
systems are also designed to be lighter, Overall
industry is relatively small, the companies
reducing the train’s mass. Size
in Australia are highly competitive. This
indicates much potential for growth. Competitiveness


National advantage Advanced braking systems

Low High Other power and propulsion

Figure 33
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Advanced Braking Systems. Details of the
assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were selected
by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on the
industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Power and Propulsion to be
allocated to the opportunity.

70 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

NOW 2015 2017

Advanced braking systems 2025

Cost effective ECP conversion Advanced ECP braking
Capabilities for current fleets systems

Gaps Cost effective ECP conversion Existing systems converted Regenerative braking

for old locomotives to ECP
Current Electronically WSP individual axle control
Controlled Pneumatic (ECP)
brakes Applications in heavy haul
Wagon conversion ECP brakes installed across

Remote controlled park
Overseas standards for WSP Wagon ECP controller for Improved battery memory

systems park brakes

Wheel Slide Protection (WSP) Individual sensors Locomotives enabled for Reduction in battery weight

hardware park brake control

Friction characteristic real Low cost sensor solutions Advanced control

time detection algorithms Accreditation and approval

Light rail wayside energy
storage units
Client confidence in Demonstration of product Demonstration by Australian


technology operator
Catenary free technology

Working European braking Research in the adhesion ECP algorithm research and Develop advanced R&D with suppliers
Research systems field development regenerative braking control

Standards and industry

Governance requirements

Formulate business case for Business/safety case for ECP

Funding operators park brakes

Collaboration with operator

Collaboration on potential locations


Regulation New operating rules for ECP

Standardisation Standards for ECP training,

operations and maintenance

On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 71

Energy use management tools

Approaches and software to intelligently minimise

Assessment Impact
energy consumption in driven and driverless trains

Energy management tools can be added to This roadmap, like advanced braking
new and existing trains to tell the driver how systems, considers energy regeneration as 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
to best use fuel and reduce in-train forces. a parallel development to capitalise on the
This has potential to reduce energy use and opportunities’ similar requirements, while
carbon emissions by over 20%. Additionally, achieving additive payoffs. With industry Attractiveness
energy management will make the trip cooperation including the sharing of route
smoother, which improves reliability and part data and of necessary infrastructure, Overall
lifespan. Automated approaches to energy electronic versions of the routes can be Investment priority
Triple bottom line
use management have a demonstrated combined with existing Australian energy
history of efficiency improvement in management solutions to produce a trial. Innovation
electricity-intensive industries like smelting From this trial the industry can undergo a
International relevance
and refining. The technologies required for risk assessment and, after acceptance or
this opportunity could be further developed mitigation of the risks, energy management Cohesiveness
to support complete train automation, and software can be in widespread operation
have a strong export potential as there is by 2020.
likely to be an increasing market around the Capability
Energy use management tools has the
world for these systems.
highest impact score in this priority area. Overall
This is related to its widespread potential
benefits. Size



National advantage Energy use management tools

Low High Other power and propulsion

Figure 34
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Energy Use Management Tools. Details
of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were
selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity
on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Power and Propulsion
to be allocated to the opportunity.

72 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

NOW 2013 2018

Energy use management tools 2020

Batteries and supercapacitors Long life supercapacitors Locomotive batteries and On board control and Enabling technologies in


for automotive supercapacitors protection place

Technologies Batteries and

supercapacitors on
Energy management
integrated with brake energy
Gaps Long life batteries Wayside infrastructure and board rolling stock

Batteries and
supercapacitors on
Accurate electronic version wayside
of route data and temporary Automatic, driverless

speed restrictions for faster,
lower cost rollout of heavy haul trains
Existing Australian energy solutions
management solutions

Network integration to
optimise both energy
schedules and network

Overseas technology Electronic control of Acceptance or mitigation of


temporary speed restrictions all risks

Accurate route data (track

Access to rolling stock to alignments, elevations, Acceptance of automation

infrastructure, junctions,

prove technology on
passenger trains track side features, speed

Risk assessment and trials



Strategic funds

Government trials to prove Universal access to electronic Rail owners to release Negotiations with unions
Collaboration technology on passenger feed of temporary speed accurate route data
trains restrictions

Mandates to reduce energy
consumption and emissions
for all rail and also improve
on-time arrivals for passenger
Regulation rail

Train and infrastructure

Standardisation specific system standards

On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 73

Electric motors and systems

Retrofit installation of AC traction and high-efficiency

Assessment Impact
power electronic systems for locomotives

Electric motors remove the need for fuel, It is currently possible to build a prototype
but take their power from the external AC locomotive retrofit, though a full 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
power distribution network. Alternatively demonstration capable of starting a rollout
they can be combined with conventional requires improved high powered inverters
engines to create hybrid locomotives. As and supercapacitor storage systems or Attractiveness
electric systems, these motors are easily batteries. With these technological advances
combined with energy monitoring and it should be possible to fit electric motors Overall
regeneration opportunities. Although trains or hybrid systems to existing stock with the Investment priority
Triple bottom line
that are partially or fully electrified exist, support of operators with co-investments
there are improvements that can be made. by industry and governments. A large-scale Innovation
Hybridisation also has been instigated manufacturing base of electric machines
International relevance
in other industries and the lessons from could be developed to provide motors to 12%
these can be applied to rail. The system Australia and the world. Cohesiveness
around the electric motor is also of great
Electric motors and systems have great
importance. The entire electric powertrain
potential to promote innovation in the Capability
can be made more efficient by moving from
Australian rail supply industry. The
DC to AC traction while reducing the weight
opportunity achieved the strongest overall
and size of power electronic equipment. Overall
assessment score, being the single most
Electrification is an emerging opportunity in Size
attractive with strong existing and emerging
other industries as well, representing large
Australian capability. The high scores for Competitiveness
potential secondary markets for improved
competitiveness, uniqueness and national
electrification technology. Uniqueness
advantage indicate strong potential for
growth. National advantage Electric motors and systems

Low High Other power and propulsion

Figure 35
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Electric Motors and Systems.
Details of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment
scores were selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of
each opportunity on the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources
in Power and Propulsion to be allocated to the opportunity.

74 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

NOW 2014 2018

Electric motors and systems 2030

Mechanical design of electric R&D on FEA of electric Selection of electric machine Build electric machine Large scale local

machines machines types type (permanent magnet prototype manafacturers of motors
Gaps 2D & 3D finite element Locomotive assembly shop Demonstration system
analysis technique for motor

Systems integration in
existing stock

Inverter manufacture High power inverter and High power inverter High power inverter High power inverter


prototyping demonstration production

control development

Supercapacitor technology Defined modular Integrated supercapacitor Prototype supercapacitor Supercapacitor storage Supercapacitor storage




storage system with cell storage system system demonstration system production

supercapacitor cell and cell
management parameters management

Lead acid battery Lithium ion cell and module Lithium ion storage system Lithium ion storage system Lithium ion storage system



prototype demonstration production
development i.e. battery
management development

Availability of critical Customers



Research existing Business case development Supporting development: Supporting development:

Research technologies in other regenerative braking energy storage and supply
industries and overseas

Governance Partnership: operators,

OEM’s, suppliers, research,
governments drive project
Co-invest by industry
governments (state and
R&D funding

Industry investment Government policy in

investment and market
Secure supply of rare earth
Collaboration between
Collaboration operators and industry

Secure supply of electrical

Government, private and
Policy operator strategy and policy



On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 75

Emissions reduction technologies

Alternative and renewable fuels, and systems

Assessment Impact
to reduce non-carbon emissions

Changing the fuel type for locomotives, There are many types of power sources
or improving efficiency, is not the only way that can reduce harmful emissions. Their 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
to reduce emissions. There are non-CO2 appropriateness in the rail sector is yet to be
emissions that are not reduced by simple determined. These power sources need to be
fuel efficiency measures. For example, researched and this relies on benchmarking Attractiveness
diesel particulate filters and catalytic international technologies and research
converters are used to reduce other harmful funding and collaboration. With investigation Overall
emissions. Increasing social and regulatory into all possibilities, and opportunities Investment priority
Triple bottom line
pressures to reduce all type of emissions for combinations of many in the form of
overseas are likely to arrive in Australia. hybrids, low emission energy solutions can Innovation
Some rail networks may be further required be created. This roadmap overlaps with
International relevance
to reduce noise, which could be done many of the Monitoring and Management 11%
with new materials or electric motors. At opportunities that suggest the sharing of Cohesiveness
the same time, strengthening European data for trip optimisation and improved
regulations are creating international efficiency. With additional low emissions
demand of low emission technologies. improvements to the combustion engine, Capability
the emissions reduction opportunity could
be realised by 2035. Overall

The Australian industry is highly competitive, Size

owing to strong export results and Competitiveness
innovation investments in this area among
Australian companies. This is echoed by Uniqueness
high uniqueness, and leads to the highest National advantage Emissions reduction technologies
capability score achieved of all the priority Low High Other power and propulsion
opportunities. This strong capability is
similar to Electric Motors and Systems and
Figure 36
Gaseous Fuels, but in contrast Emissions Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Energy Reduction Technologies. Details
Reductions Technologies has a higher of the assessment methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were
impact rating. selected by workshop participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on
the industry and the suggested proportion of investment resources in Power and Propulsion to
be allocated to the opportunity.

76 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

NOW 2015 2025

Emissions reduction technologies 2035

Material construction using Particulate filtration
rare earth metals
Capabilities Combustion improvement Energy storage systems
Technologies Biomass production from Biomass for rail Delivery and injection

Gaps systems

Hydrogen combustion, fuel Hydrogen for rail

cell technology
Hydrogen production

Solar energy Solar for rail

Hybrid technologies Low emission energy

Existing gaseous fuel Gaseous fuels for rail


Supercapacitors Advanced supercapacitor Enhanced energy storage On board storage Advanced regeneration


storage solutions (lighter, longer life) technology

Existing battery technology Wayside storage

Regenerative braking

Trip optimisation technology Improved systems efficiencies

Data sharing technology Real time data sharing Emissions reduction


capability knowledge bank

Research fuel types Develop data sharing and Energy storage systems
Research fusion methodology integration

Define business case and Benchmark international

Governance scale of benefit technologies, research

Research funding

Collaboration/partnerships to Agree on a national Agree on an implementation

Collaboration develop technolgy and framework for sharing data plan for the rail industry


Federal emissions standards



On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 77

Gaseous fuels

Development and implementation of LPG or LNG

Assessment Impact
locomotives and supporting infrastructure

Natural gas is cheap and abundant in The roadmap for gaseous fuels requires
Australia and some supply infrastructure an understanding of the infrastructure and 1 2 3 4 5 Negative Low Moderate High
currently exists (though some infrastructure energy requirements of such an opportunity.
limitations still need to be addressed). Then a clear policy is needed from the
As a solution unique to the Australian government to ensure industry buy-in. With Attractiveness
environment, it has the multiplicative effect this an LNG pilot can be demonstrated. At
of stimulating local industry through new the same time engaging with a major gas Overall
technologies, while providing a global partner could result in productised gas Investment priority
Triple bottom line
technology for an export market. Much of systems and storage that the rail industry,
the required technology for rail applications and the country as a whole, can market Innovation
already exists and the move to gaseous fuels overseas for a broader benefit.
International relevance
will lower the industry’s carbon footprint
Gaseous fuels has the highest natural
and reduce fuel cost. Concern over the Cohesiveness
advantage score as the country has a
impending energy security issues around
strong gas industry and large reserves.
oil-based fuels accelerates the drive for
Attractiveness is also relatively high, but Capability
alternatives. Building on abundant gas
the opportunity has limited applicability to
reserves, new technologies will be developed
suburban passenger rail networks.
that could be sold, along with the gaseous Overall
fuel itself, to the global rail market. Size



National advantage Gaseous fuels

Low High Other power and propulsion

Figure 37
Assessment, Impact and Investment priority scores for Gaseous Fuels. Details of the assessment
methodology are available on Page 35. Impact and Investment scores were selected by workshop
participants to show the relative potential impact of each opportunity on the industry and
the suggested proportion of investment resources in Power and Propulsion to be allocated
to the opportunity.

78 On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion

NOW 2015 2020

Gaseous fuels 2025

Product specifications for Identify/target best ROI from Technologies and models that Demonstration and backup Government/state initiative Reduced risk aversion of


LNG locomotives other industries (mining, etc) fit specifications model developed industry

Gaps Optimal success story Productised LNG systems


articulated and storage

Government energy policy Strategic industry group First mover, gaseous fuels Successful LNG only pilot


pressuring industry to unite “champion” with required

Locomotive conversion from Triplet of fuel sources (LNG,

diesel to spark ignition spark ingition, diesel)

Comprehensive study of A locked up domestic gas Diesel as a backup


infrastructure and energy energy supply


LNG support infrastructure Local supply of gaseous fuels

R&D into full system impact:
logistics, safety,
Research for standards Research knock control, infrastructure
Research including conversion and turbocharging variable
storage technology, etc
Stimulate adacemic interest
for rail research
Position energy and rail as in
Governance the national interest

Government funding or Introduce tax breaks or

Funding private equity access fuel cost subsidies

Get industry buy-in to Engage major LNG partner

Collaboration become strategic unified

Develop clearly articulated Lock up energy supply Continued policy support

Policy bipartisan policy

Decide targets for emissions

Regulation reduction and local use of

Develop common regulation Standardise production

Standardisation state to state state to state

On Track to 2040 – Power and Propulsion 79

Appendix A – Opportunities

The following lists of opportunities were

highlighted by survey respondents and 1 Improved equipment efficiency 21 Total quality management systems
interviewed organisations. These surveys
2 Heavy Haul 22 Lightweight rolling stock
and interviews measured data and scored
each opportunity against attractiveness and 3 Safety threat detection, intervention 23 Automated health monitoring for equipment
capability measures (as described on page 4 Supply of systems, clustering 24 Enhanced signalling systems
35), before a final review by industry experts
in a workshop determined the opportunities 5 Fuel efficiency solutions 25 Extension of asset life
to undergo detailed roadmapping. 6 Gaseous fuels 26 Telecommunications and information convergence
7 Low cost crossing protection 27 Passenger safety information systems
Evaluated opportunities
8 Energy storage and regeneration 28 Moving maintenance personnel from danger
This list contains the 40 opportunities 9 Material substitution 29 Innovative, multimodal transport
selected by participants for further
consideration in Phase 3 of the project. 10 Design for asset management 30 Alternative (and renewable) fuels
These opportunities were selected 11 Data analysis and information management 31 Lean and visual management
by examining initial capability and
12 Lightweight components 32 Improved passenger information systems
attractiveness assessment scores for all
80 opportunities shown in this section. 13 Low cost, short run manufacturing 33 Fully automated rail systems
Later, in the workshops, participants were 14 Standardisation of infrastructure 34 Grid stabilisation
asked to compare the opportunities through
an objective ranking process against the 15 Energy storage, regeneration 35 Standardisation of cable specification
evaluation criteria to determine the order 16 Smarter infrastructure 36 Aesthetic enhancements for urban rail
of priority shown at right.
17 Renewable energy solutions 37 Intermodal integration
Throughout the process, participants
18 Integrated supply chain 38 Cloud computing
considered this sample of 40 opportunities.
The definitions and descriptions of these 19 CCTV for passenger protection 39 High speed rail
opportunities evolved as more information 20 Advanced systems for asset management 40 High performance computing
became available and more participants
became involved. This evolution resulted
in the 18 priority opportunities detailed
Figure 38 Top 40 opportunities selected for evaluation by participants.
in the report.

80 On Track to 2040 – Appendix A

Further opportunities
1 Sustainable transport systems 21 Communication based train control (CBTC)
Another 40 Opportunities were presented
2 Smart grid 22 Autonomous track condition monitoring
to participants in Phase 3, but these
opportunities were not selected for 3 Video processing (existing cameras) 23 Project management automation
prioritisation through the objective sorting
4 Systems design, construction 24 Underground urban rail system
process. Therefore, the opportunities have
been listed here in order of their overall 5 Remote telemetry and monitoring 25 Advanced risk assessment
initial assessment scores as determined 6 Material substitution (environmental) 26 Emergency response/recovery solutions
through survey and interview data.
7 Efficient tunnelling solutions 27 Contactless third rail
It is important to remember that these
8 Materials for increased load capability 28 Heat energy recovery
opportunities are still important. Hundreds
of potential opportunities were suggested 9 Energy management tools 29 Automated intermodal transfers
through surveys and workshops. Of these, 10 Improved, smart operations management 30 Packaged signalling and control solutions
more than 160 unique opportunities were
evaluated – each of these having been 11 Driverless trains 31 Innovative loading systems
highlighted as an important opportunity for 12 Systems design and integration 32 Improved tribology
at least two stakeholders. While not every
opportunity could be practically examined 13 Step-change in train control systems 33 Improved technical support services
in detail by participants, they have been 14 Advanced emergency information systems 34 Improved approaches to condition assessment
recorded here for reference as roadmap
15 Improved efficiency electricity distribution 35 Safety-integrated design and management
implementation is undertaken.
16 Local, shared test/development facilities 36 Design for maintenance
17 Aesthetic infrastructure 37 Data connectivity solutions
18 Evacuation solutions 38 Safer substation power switching
19 Congestion and incident monitoring 39 Maintenance automation
20 Train and station security 40 Electrification

Figure 39 40 further opportunities identified through the process.

On Track to 2040 – Appendix A 81

Appendix B – Stakeholder Participation

The uptake and ultimate success of Participation Feedback

any industry collaboration and strategy
exercise is determined, in large part, More than 210 participants from Feedback was collected at all stages of
by broad participation and input by over 110 organisations contributed the process, asking participants to rate
stakeholders. The On Track to 2040 in excess of 2200 hours of direct process performance against criteria such
roadmap has involved many organisations engagement through surveys, as make-up of participants, opportunity
and individuals representing a broad interviews and workshops to the for contribution, and process design. The
cross-section of industry; from rail development of this roadmap. amalgamated feedback data shows very
manufacturers themselves and their A breakdown of participants is good overall satisfaction, with participants
customers (governments and operators); shown here: generally feeling their contribution and
to service providers; researchers and project outcomes were worthwhile.
non-rail organisations with allied
expertise and interest.

Tier 1 supplier [35%] Exellent [27%]

Component manufacturers [20%] Very good [70%]

Service providers [7%] Good [2%]

Operators [8%] Satisfactory [<1%]

Other stakeholders* [20%] Poor [<1%]

Research institutions [7%]

Non-rail organisations [3%]

Figure 40 Figure 41
Breakdown of representative hours by Summary of feedback received through
stakeholder group. *Other stakeholders all stages of the On Track to 2040
includes: governments, industry bodies, roadmapping process.
unions and support agencies.

82 On Track to 2040 – Appendix B

Participating organisations
Opportunity for input into the roadmap was provided through interviews, surveys and workshops. Through these avenues, the following
organisations provided vital insights, to help the industry understand its current strengths and prepare for future challenges and growth.

A&G Price Automotive Components Cummins South Pacific ITL Engineering Pacific National TasRail
ABB Australia Department of Business Knorr-Bremse Pandrol Australia Thales
B&W group and Innovation, VICtoria Australia
AbiGroup Parsons Brinckerhoff TrakBlaze
Baker & Provan Department of Laing O’Rourke
Australian Industry Position Partners Transport for NSW
State Development,
Group (AIG) Balfour Beatty Lean design Australia
Infrastructure and QR National TTG Transportation
Ajilon Australia Bombardier Planning, Queensland Liberty Oil Technology
Queensland Rail
Alstom Department of Planning, Lockheed Martin Ultimate Transportation
Australia (BT) Regupol
Transport and (Australia)
Ansaldo STS Logica
Bradken Infrastructure, Rio Tinto
Unipart Rail
ARM Group Australia South Australia Mackay Industries
Broens Rail Industry Safety
United Group Limited
Australian Staging Downer EDI Rail Magic Mobility and Standards Board
CAF Rail Australia (UGL)
and Rigging (ASR) (RISSB)
Drivetrain Power Maxwell Engineering
Cap – XX University of South
Atlas Rail and Propulsion Rocla
McConaghy Australia Australia
Catten Industries
Aurecon DTI Group Rollingstock
Metro Trains University of
Central Queensland Diagnostics
Austbreck Electro-Motive Diesel Melbourne (MTM) Wollongong
University (CQU)
(EMD) Sandvik
Austrade (australian New Macey Victorian Partnership
Chess Industries
Trade Comission) Faiveley Transport Schaffler for Advanced Computing
New South Wales
CMI Forge
Austrak GE Transportation Department of Trade Sharp business VIPAC
Commonwealth (Australia & NZ) and Investment, solutions
Australasian Railway Wabtec Australia
Government, Department Regional Infrastructure
Association (ARA) GHD Siemens
of Industry, Innovation, and Services WesTrac
Australian Science, Research and Glasshape The Sigma Rail
Nine Sigma Public Transport
Manufacturing Tertiary Education
Huber and Suhner Southport Engineering Authority of Western
Workers Union (AMWU) (DIISRTE) OEM Technology
(Australia) Australia (PTA)
Solutions Strategic Connections
Australian Rail Commonwealth
Industry Capability Group Wilson Transformer
Technology (ART) Government, Depratment Ogis Engineering
Network (ICN) Company
of Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport
Australian Rail Track Olex Cables
Transport (DIT) Intercast & Forge Solutions Worley Parsons
Corporation (ARTC)
CRC for Rail Innovation Invensys Swinburne University Wothington Industries
Australian Railway
Orbital Corporation of Technology
Industry Corporation CSIRO iOmniscient Xtralis

Figure 42 Participants in the On Track to 2040 roadmap (through workshops, interviews and surveys) listed alphabetically.

On Track to 2040 – Appendix B 83

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