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Why The Earth is not Eudoxus and a geocentric of the universe

Aristotle and a finite,eternal,geocentric universe

the center of the

Aristarchus and the distance to the Sun and Moon
Ptolemy and epicycles
Copernicus and a heliocentric universe
Kepler’s law of planetary motion

Brahe’s Tychonic System

The Sun, Tycho made a model of the

planets, and universe where the Earth was at Aristotle believed the universe is
stars were then the center, where the sun and finite in space but exists eternally in
placed in giant moon revolved around the Earth, time.Aristotle believed that space is
transparent and where all the other planets Location fundamentally different from the
spheres revolved around the sun. Such Earth because he thought that
surrounding it a model is known as a type of objects in space are unchanging

geo-heliocentric system.

Brahe aristotle and move in perfect circles, which

he considered to be the perfect
shape. In contrast to this, the Earth

geocentric model is imperfect and constantly

Eudoxus’ Copernicus presented

model placed a of the universe. his idea as a

mathematical model. It
provided an easier
spherical Earth mathematical system for
at the centre of calculating where
planets would be, but it Johannes Kepler, first
the universe. was not to be taken
extended Aristotle’s
Models of the literally.
theory of spheres by

Aristarchus attempted to
Aristarchus universe Copernicus arguing that they are
separated by five
calculate the relative polyhedrons.
distance between the Earth
and the SunHe did this by
measuring the angle
between the Moon and the
Sun during a half moon and
using trigonometry Kepler also suggested
that the planets might
concluded that the
Ptolemy knew that the planets ptolemy Copernicus believed that the
Sun is about 20 times don’t appear to orbit in perfect planets only travel in perfect
produce musical
further away than the circles around the circles, and so his notes because they
Moon and must be Earth.Ptolemy suggested that heliocentric model needed a Relationships
about 20 times planets like Mars move in similar amount of epicycles to
can be described with
larger. circles as they orbit the Earth, explain their observed a frequency
where the circles are called motions.

Klus,H.(n.d).SiteMap. How We Came to Know the Cosmos. Retrieved


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