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Great Expectations (Dickens, Charles)

- Your Highlight at location 2400-2400 | Added on Tuesday, 7 June 2016 08:04:16

Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the
blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.
Third class in Indian railways (Mahatma Gandhi)
- Your Highlight at location 53-53 | Added on Wednesday, 8 June 2016 23:54:18

describe them without committing a breach of the laws of decent speech.

Great Expectations (Dickens, Charles)
- Your Highlight at location 5526-5533 | Added on Sunday, 12 June 2016 22:25:54

It matters not what stranded ships repairing in dry docks I lost myself among, what
old hulls of ships in course of being knocked to pieces, what ooze and slime and
other dregs of tide, what yards of ship-builders and ship-breakers, what rusty
anchors blindly biting into the ground, though for years off duty, what mountainous
country of accumulated casks and timber, how many ropewalks that were not the Old
Green Copper. After several times falling short of my destination and as often
overshooting it, I came unexpectedly round a corner, upon Mill Pond Bank. It was a
fresh kind of place, all circumstances considered, where the wind from the river
had room to turn itself round; and there were two or three trees in it, and there
was the stump of a ruined windmill, and there was the Old Green Copper Ropewalk,—
whose long and narrow vista I could trace in the moonlight, along a series of
wooden frames set in the ground, that looked like superannuated haymaking-rakes
which had grown old and lost most of their teeth.
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald, F. Scott)
- Your Highlight at location 628-629 | Added on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 15:38:21

It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that
you may come across four or five times in life.
The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald, F. Scott)
- Your Highlight at location 2416-2418 | Added on Friday, 17 June 2016 21:35:33

Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes
before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster,
stretch out our arms farther…. And one fine morning—— So we beat on, boats against
the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Ghost Stories of Shimla Hills (Chaudhry, Minakshi)
- Your Highlight at location 54-54 | Added on Tuesday, 28 June 2016 03:07:01

Little Women (Alcott, Louisa May)
- Your Highlight on page 216 | location 2404-2404 | Added on Saturday, 2 July 2016

mud pies, as Hannah called her little clay models of birds, fruit, and faces.
The Complete Sherlock Holmes: All 56 Stories & 4 Novels (Global Classics) (Doyle,
Arthur Conan)
- Your Highlight at location 960-961 | Added on Monday, 26 December 2016 14:48:31

working through generations, and leading to the most outré

Catcher_In_The_Rye_-_J_D_Salinger (
- Your Highlight at location 542-542 | Added on Tuesday, 10 January 2017 07:02:13

I'm a pacifist,
Salems Lot (Stephen King)
- Your Highlight at location 231-232 | Added on Monday, 13 March 2017 18:33:40

'Of such inconsequential beginnings dynasties are begun,'

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 1499-1500 | Added on Saturday, 6 May 2017 16:47:45

"Architects are servants, not leaders. They are not to assert their little egos,
but to express the soul of their country and the rhythm of their time.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 1548-1548 | Added on Saturday, 6 May 2017 16:52:39

"Architecture is not a business, not a career, but a crusade and a consecration to

a joy that justifies the existence of the earth."
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 1548-1548 | Added on Saturday, 6 May 2017 16:55:17

"Architecture is not a business, not a career, but a crusade and a consecration to

a joy that justifies the existence of the earth."
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 2809-2809 | Added on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 10:44:25

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 2821-2822 | Added on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 10:45:49

own virtue. She spoke evenly, without inflection.

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 3424-3425 | Added on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 23:25:38

it seemed that the house was not a barrier against the sunlight, but a bowl to
gather it, to concentrate it into brighter radiance than that of the air outside.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 4749-4749 | Added on Saturday, 13 May 2017 15:52:56

'Ellsworth' is the monument to my parents' peculiar taste in nomenclature."

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 4810-4810 | Added on Saturday, 13 May 2017 17:55:24

formation as delicate as the work of a jeweler;

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 4810-4812 | Added on Saturday, 13 May 2017 17:55:46

an incredible variety of shapes, each separate unit unrepeated, but leading

inevitably to the next one and to the whole; so that the future inhabitants were to
have, not a square cage out of a square pile of cages, but each a single house held
to the other houses like a single crystal to the side of a rock.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 660-660 | Added on Sunday, 14 May 2017 10:17:38

"I feel infinite."

The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1184-1185 | Added on Sunday, 14 May 2017 11:27:26

A Separate Peace.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1817-1827 | Added on Sunday, 14 May 2017 12:48:30

I guess what I'm saying is that this all feels very familiar. But it's not mine to
be familiar about. I just know that another kid has felt this. This one time when
it's peaceful outside, and you're seeing things move, and you don't want to, and
everyone is asleep. And all the books you've read have been read by other people.
And all the songs you've loved have been heard by other people. And that girl
that's pretty to you is pretty to other people. And you know that if you looked at
these facts when you were happy, you would feel great because you are describing
"unity." It's like when you are excited about a girl and you see a couple holding
hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and
they make you so mad. And all you want is to always feel happy for them because you
know that if you do, then it means that you're happy, too.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1817-1827 | Added on Sunday, 14 May 2017 12:48:47

I guess what I'm saying is that this all feels very familiar. But it's not mine to
be familiar about. I just know that another kid has felt this. This one time when
it's peaceful outside, and you're seeing things move, and you don't want to, and
everyone is asleep. And all the books you've read have been read by other people.
And all the songs you've loved have been heard by other people. And that girl
that's pretty to you is pretty to other people. And you know that if you looked at
these facts when you were happy, you would feel great because you are describing
"unity." It's like when you are excited about a girl and you see a couple holding
hands, and you feel so happy for them. And other times you see the same couple, and
they make you so mad. And all you want is to always feel happy for them because you
know that if you do, then it means that you're happy, too.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2014-2015 | Added on Sunday, 14 May 2017 14:15:53

Naked Lunch.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 5272-5273 | Added on Tuesday, 16 May 2017 08:02:37

present. He wore them with the careless impertinence

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6061-6061 | Added on Thursday, 18 May 2017 20:20:17

clarity: 'nothing' is superior to 'something.'

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6061-6064 | Added on Thursday, 18 May 2017 20:20:32

clarity: 'nothing' is superior to 'something.' Thus it is clear that the architect

is more than a bricklayer--since the fact of bricks is a secondary illusion anyway.
The architect is a metaphysical priest dealing in basic essentials, who has the
courage to face the primal conception of reality as nonreality--since there is
nothing and he creates nothingness. If this sounds like a contradiction, it is not
a proof of bad logic, but of a higher logic, the dialectics of all life and art.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6061-6064 | Added on Thursday, 18 May 2017 20:20:59

clarity: 'nothing' is superior to 'something.' Thus it is clear that the architect

is more than a bricklayer--since the fact of bricks is a secondary illusion anyway.
The architect is a metaphysical priest dealing in basic essentials, who has the
courage to face the primal conception of reality as nonreality--since there is
nothing and he creates nothingness. If this sounds like a contradiction, it is not
a proof of bad logic, but of a higher logic, the dialectics of all life and art.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6281-6281 | Added on Friday, 19 May 2017 10:07:33

Cover (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2027-2027 | Added on Sunday, 21 May 2017 07:55:49

Cover (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2798-2799 | Added on Sunday, 21 May 2017 11:32:46

here? With no mask? This place has a ton of asbestos.”

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6427-6430 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 22:49:45

Once, she took the Staten Island ferry at two o'clock in the morning; she rode to
the island, standing alone at the rail of an empty deck. She watched the city
moving away from her. In the vast emptiness of sky and ocean, the city was only a
small, jagged solid. It seemed condensed, pressed tight together, not a place of
streets and separate buildings, but a single sculptured form. A
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6430-6431 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 22:50:12

form of irregular steps that rose and dropped without ordered continuity, long
ascensions and sudden drops, like the graph of a stubborn struggle. But it went on
mounting--toward a few points, toward the triumphant masts of skyscrapers raised
out of the struggle.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6430-6431 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 22:54:47

form of irregular steps that rose and dropped without ordered continuity, long
ascensions and sudden drops, like the graph of a stubborn struggle. But it went on
mounting--toward a few points, toward the triumphant masts of skyscrapers raised
out of the struggle.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6427-6430 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 22:54:57

Once, she took the Staten Island ferry at two o'clock in the morning; she rode to
the island, standing alone at the rail of an empty deck. She watched the city
moving away from her. In the vast emptiness of sky and ocean, the city was only a
small, jagged solid. It seemed condensed, pressed tight together, not a place of
streets and separate buildings, but a single sculptured form. A
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6430-6431 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 23:27:05

form of irregular steps that rose and dropped without ordered continuity, long
ascensions and sudden drops, like the graph of a stubborn struggle. But it went on
mounting--toward a few points, toward the triumphant masts of skyscrapers raised
out of the struggle.
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6427-6430 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 23:27:15

Once, she took the Staten Island ferry at two o'clock in the morning; she rode to
the island, standing alone at the rail of an empty deck. She watched the city
moving away from her. In the vast emptiness of sky and ocean, the city was only a
small, jagged solid. It seemed condensed, pressed tight together, not a place of
streets and separate buildings, but a single sculptured form. A
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 6427-6430 | Added on Monday, 22 May 2017 23:27:16

Once, she took the Staten Island ferry at two o'clock in the morning; she rode to
the island, standing alone at the rail of an empty deck. She watched the city
moving away from her. In the vast emptiness of sky and ocean, the city was only a
small, jagged solid. It seemed condensed, pressed tight together, not a place of
streets and separate buildings, but a single sculptured form. A
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 7990-7991 | Added on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 22:29:47

implication that 'a crowd' is a term of opprobrium.

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 8148-8148 | Added on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 22:46:28

he lay in bed with a woman. "We are fornicating

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 8596-8596 | Added on Wednesday, 24 May 2017 22:28:42

He was shrewd, competent and unscrupulous

The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand)
- Your Highlight at location 11802-11803 | Added on Monday, 29 May 2017 10:26:19

sternly, "for comparing yourself to a man as contemptible

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Bookmark at location 840 | Added on Thursday, 8 June 2017 09:35:40
A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Bookmark at location 840 | Added on Thursday, 8 June 2017 09:35:47

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 915-916 | Added on Thursday, 8 June 2017 20:38:38

voice. “Father took the king down to the crypts

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 3296-3296 | Added on Wednesday, 14 June 2017 08:45:00

“Follow me, and try to look a shade more lecherous

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 4415-4415 | Added on Thursday, 15 June 2017 15:25:33

told him, grinning. The world was full of cravens

Märchen für Kinder (German Edition) (Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian))
- Ihre Markierung auf Seite 150 | bei Position 2299-2299 | Hinzugefügt am Freitag,
16. Juni 2017 12:04:53

hübsche Häuser und am Fenster eines derselben

Märchen für Kinder (German Edition) (Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian))
- Ihre Markierung auf Seite 150 | bei Position 2295-2295 | Hinzugefügt am Freitag,
16. Juni 2017 12:05:22

jedem Fenster war in den Balken ein fratzenhaftes

Märchen für Kinder (German Edition) (Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian))
- Your Highlight on page 2 | location 72-72 | Added on Friday, 16 June 2017

wären. „Das ist eine schöne Blume!“

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 11086-11087 | Added on Sunday, 25 June 2017 12:18:17

remembering how he’d found him, that day in

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 11086-11087 | Added on Sunday, 25 June 2017 13:57:39

remembering how he’d found him, that day in

A Game of Thrones (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 11086-11087 | Added on Sunday, 25 June 2017 13:57:41

remembering how he’d found him, that day in

A Clash of Kings (George R.R. Martin)
- Your Highlight at location 3460-3460 | Added on Friday, 30 June 2017 10:59:27

east.” The distant white wal s promised rest and safety, a chance to
The Critique of Pure Reason (Kant, Immanuel)
- Your Highlight at location 452-453 | Added on Saturday, 15 July 2017 11:31:10

Knowledge of this kind is called a priori, in contradistinction to empirical

knowledge, which has its sources a posteriori, that is, in experience.
The Critique of Pure Reason (Kant, Immanuel)
- Your Highlight at location 452-453 | Added on Saturday, 15 July 2017 11:31:35

Knowledge of this kind is called a priori, in contradistinction to empirical

knowledge, which has its sources a posteriori, that is, in experience.
To Kill A Mockingbird (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 109-109 | Added on Sunday, 26 November 2017 18:13:41

misunderstanding arising from the alleged wrongful detention

To Kill A Mockingbird (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2761-2761 | Added on Thursday, 14 December 2017

wondering what idiocy I had committed. Entailments

To Kill A Mockingbird (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 4144-4144 | Added on Sunday, 17 December 2017 17:00:55

Jean Louise,” she said, “Where are your britches

To Kill A Mockingbird (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 4144-4144 | Added on Sunday, 17 December 2017 17:01:04

Jean Louise,” she said, “Where are your britches

Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1476-1477 | Added on Sunday, 24 December 2017 15:13:27

And, as though this were his natural position of

The Republic (AmazonClassics Edition) (Plato,)
- Your Highlight on page 261 | location 3884-3885 | Added on Sunday, 31 December
2017 21:27:29

For certainly old age has a great sense of calm and freedom; when the passions
relax their hold, then, as Sophocles says, we are freed from the grasp not of one
mad master only, but of many.
The Republic (AmazonClassics Edition) (Plato,)
- Your Highlight on page 261 | location 3884-3888 | Added on Sunday, 31 December
2017 21:27:38

For certainly old age has a great sense of calm and freedom; when the passions
relax their hold, then, as Sophocles says, we are freed from the grasp not of one
mad master only, but of many. The truth is, Socrates, that these regrets, and also
the complaints about relations, are to be attributed to the same cause, which is
not old age, but men’s characters and tempers; for he who is of a calm and happy
nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite
disposition youth and age are equally a burden. I listened in admiration, and
The Republic (AmazonClassics Edition) (Plato,)
- Your Highlight on page 261 | location 3884-3887 | Added on Sunday, 31 December
2017 21:27:41

For certainly old age has a great sense of calm and freedom; when the passions
relax their hold, then, as Sophocles says, we are freed from the grasp not of one
mad master only, but of many. The truth is, Socrates, that these regrets, and also
the complaints about relations, are to be attributed to the same cause, which is
not old age, but men’s characters and tempers; for he who is of a calm and happy
nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite
disposition youth and age are
The Republic (AmazonClassics Edition) (Plato,)
- Your Highlight on page 261 | location 3884-3887 | Added on Sunday, 31 December
2017 21:27:44

For certainly old age has a great sense of calm and freedom; when the passions
relax their hold, then, as Sophocles says, we are freed from the grasp not of one
mad master only, but of many. The truth is, Socrates, that these regrets, and also
the complaints about relations, are to be attributed to the same cause, which is
not old age, but men’s characters and tempers; for he who is of a calm and happy
nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite
The Republic (AmazonClassics Edition) (Plato,)
- Your Highlight on page 261 | location 3884-3887 | Added on Sunday, 31 December
2017 21:27:49

For certainly old age has a great sense of calm and freedom; when the passions
relax their hold, then, as Sophocles says, we are freed from the grasp not of one
mad master only, but of many. The truth is, Socrates, that these regrets, and also
the complaints about relations, are to be attributed to the same cause, which is
not old age, but men’s characters and tempers; for he who is of a calm and happy
nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite
disposition youth and age are equally a burden.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Your Highlight at location 959-960 | Added on Thursday, 4 January 2018 01:20:35

since no records will remain of their phone

100 Greatest Poems (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 84-86 | Added on Thursday, 4 January 2018 20:53:11

Thus let me live, unheard, unknown; Thus unlamented let me die; Steal from the
world, and not a stone Tell where I lie.
Microsoft Word - HELLER__JOSEPH___CATCH_22_V.TXt (da buddha)
- Your Highlight at location 169-169 | Added on Friday, 26 January 2018 20:26:45

The colonel was gorgeous. He had a cavernous

Microsoft Word - HELLER__JOSEPH___CATCH_22_V.TXt (da buddha)
- Your Note at location 843 | Added on Sunday, 28 January 2018 19:16:08

Microsoft Word - HELLER__JOSEPH___CATCH_22_V.TXt (da buddha)
- Your Highlight at location 843-843 | Added on Sunday, 28 January 2018 19:16:08
The God Father (Mario Puzo)
- Your Highlight at location 2981-2982 | Added on Wednesday, 7 March 2018 09:04:19

decode the notations on the slips. It was very important that he do so. The
envelopes were the betting slips that his raiding parties had
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Your Highlight at location 6008-6009 | Added on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 13:04:31

rst truly global empires and knitted together the rst global trade network.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Your Highlight at location 6060-6061 | Added on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 13:08:02

38. Zheng He’s flagship next to that of Columbus.

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Bookmark at location 90 | Added on Sunday, 24 June 2018 22:42:07

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Bookmark at location 90 | Added on Sunday, 24 June 2018 22:42:19

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 111-111 | Added on Monday, 25 June 2018 23:39:36

‘Scotland is more like Spain than Bengal is like the Punjab.’

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 271-273 | Added on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 13:01:16

The difficulty is that in the Indian academy the past is defined as a single,
immovable date: 15 August 1947. Thus, when the clock struck midnight and India
became independent, history ended, and political science and sociology began.
India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Bookmark at location 1610 | Added on Thursday, 28 June 2018 15:14:08

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 3301-3302 | Added on Monday, 2 July 2018 11:15:54

majority. Four compact states would replace the melange

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 5571-5571 | Added on Sunday, 8 July 2018 20:56:36

the free market, a scholar of art history, a noted bon

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 5571-5571 | Added on Sunday, 8 July 2018 20:56:41
free market, a scholar of art history, a noted bon vivant
India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 7803-7804 | Added on Monday, 16 July 2018 19:30:22

redeem the unfulfilled promises of the freedom

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 7840-7841 | Added on Monday, 16 July 2018 19:34:05

aspersions on his probity or character. That she

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 8727-8727 | Added on Friday, 20 July 2018 13:16:01

a possible comeback. So, while Chavan prevaricated,

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 11209-11210 | Added on Wednesday, 1 August 2018

The law-makers of India are, more often than not, its most regular lawbreakers. The
decline of Parliament, and of reasoned
India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 11221-11221 | Added on Wednesday, 1 August 2018

India is no longer a constitutional democracy but a populist

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 11221-11221 | Added on Wednesday, 1 August 2018

India is no longer a constitutional democracy but a populist one.

Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 115-117 | Added on Friday, 3 August 2018 07:44:28

I would’ve told her that Davis and I never talked much, or even looked at each
other, but it didn’t matter, because we were looking at the same sky together,
which is maybe more intimate than eye contact anyway. Anybody can look at you. It’s
quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 603-604 | Added on Friday, 3 August 2018 22:54:48

“I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I
am, the more I will respect myself.”
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 615-616 | Added on Friday, 3 August 2018 22:56:12

You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough.”

Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 626-627 | Added on Friday, 3 August 2018 22:58:58

The Greeks didn’t even have a word for blue. The color didn’t exist to them.
Couldn’t see it without a word for it.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 636-636 | Added on Friday, 3 August 2018 23:00:20

“Sleep tight, ya morons.” —J. D. SALINGER

Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Bookmark at location 26 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 14:31:45

Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Bookmark at location 1065 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 14:32:20

Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 838-839 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 14:42:17

Me: I like being outside at night. It gives me this weird feeling, like I’m
homesick but not for home. It’s kind of a good feeling, though.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1226-1227 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 18:03:04

I felt like I could remember—him pushing me on the swing, his hand as big as my
back, the certainty that swinging away from him also meant swinging back to him.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1241-1241 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 18:04:49

My favorite pictures of my dad are the few where he’s out of focus—because that’s
how people are, really,
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1732-1733 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 20:43:48

“But your thoughts are you. I think therefore I am, right?” “No, not really.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1733-1734 | Added on Sunday, 5 August 2018 20:44:00

A fuller formation of Descartes’s philosophy would be Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo

sum. ‘I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am.’
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1849-1850 | Added on Monday, 6 August 2018 13:54:51

hasn’t helped him so far. I mean, who brings pot to school when they’re thirteen?
It’s like he wants to get in trouble.” “I’m sorry,” I said.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1929-1931 | Added on Monday, 6 August 2018 14:13:11

The worst part of being truly alone is you think about all the times you wished
that everyone would just leave you be. Then they do, and you are left being, and
you turn out to be terrible company.
Turtles All the Way Down (John Green)
- Your Highlight at location 1963-1964 | Added on Monday, 6 August 2018 14:16:40

You don’t know a father’s weight Until it’s lifted.

India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 12086-12088 | Added on Tuesday, 7 August 2018 11:42:01

Few people contemplating Indira Gandhi’s funeral in 1984 would have predicted that
ten years later India would remain a unity but the Soviet Union would be a memory.
Robin Jeffret,
India After Gandhi By Ramchandra Guha (Mrinmoy Ghosh)
- Your Highlight at location 12507-12509 | Added on Thursday, 9 August 2018

India is regarded warily in the West because she is against the concept of
Imperialism and because she ‘invented’ the ‘Third World’. India is looked on with
suspicion in the ‘Third World’ because of her (subversive) sentiments for
democracy, human rights, etc.; the
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 215-217 | Added on Monday, 13 August 2018 12:27:13

are not me, it's true, but it is also true that my mind and your mind have the same
substance. I am like the sky and the earth. When you let go of everything, you
become others. That is abandoning the ego. Don't get it wrong. That is the koan of
Master Dogen's mushrooms. Karma Question
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 215-217 | Added on Monday, 13 August 2018 15:21:32

decide by myself. I must do what I do myself. Others are not me, it's true, but it
is also true that my mind and your mind have the same substance. I am like the sky
and the earth. When you let go of everything, you become others. That is abandoning
the ego. Don't get it wrong. That is the koan of Master Dogen's mushrooms. Karma
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 286-287 | Added on Monday, 13 August 2018 15:28:59

What creates profound, true love - love without object and without desire for
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 286-287 | Added on Monday, 13 August 2018 15:29:03

What creates profound, true love - love without object and without desire for
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 286-287 | Added on Monday, 13 August 2018 15:30:10

What creates profound, true love - love without object and without desire for
profit, universal and eternal - is understanding the nature of the ego. Then
suffering is pointless.
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 1225-1228 | Added on Wednesday, 15 August 2018
The only knowledge most people have of Zen is through books or the martial arts or
ikebana (flower arranging) or chado (the tea ceremony). These things are all part
of Zen, just as every phenomenon is part of Zen, even toilet paper is Zen. But if
you don't have the experience of zazen you will understand nothing of Zen, because
zazen contains the spirit of Zen. Without that the rest have nothing to do with
Zen. The essence of Buddhism is in the practice of zazen.
A List of Questions and Answers by Deshimaru Roshi (Jason Espada)
- Your Highlight at location 1225-1228 | Added on Wednesday, 15 August 2018

The only knowledge most people have of Zen is through books or the martial arts or
ikebana (flower arranging) or chado (the tea ceremony). These things are all part
of Zen, just as every phenomenon is part of Zen, even toilet paper is Zen. But if
you don't have the experience of zazen you will understand nothing of Zen, because
zazen contains the spirit of Zen. Without that the rest have nothing to do with
Zen. The essence of Buddhism is in the practice of zazen.
1984 (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 453-454 | Added on Saturday, 18 August 2018 00:07:41

enjoyment which was considered proper during the Physical

Unknown (HP)
- Your Highlight at location 1703-1708 | Added on Friday, 24 August 2018 15:00:40

Man is not placed on the earth merely to be happy; nor is he placed here merely to
be honest, he is here to accomplish great things through society, to arrive at
nobleness, and to outgrow the vulgarity in which the existence of almost all
individuals drags on. Renan6
Unknown (HP)
- Your Highlight at location 1703-1708 | Added on Friday, 24 August 2018 15:00:55

Man is not placed on the earth merely to be happy; nor is he placed here merely to
be honest, he is here to accomplish great things through society, to arrive at
nobleness, and to outgrow the vulgarity in which the existence of almost all
individuals drags on. Renan6
Unknown (HP)
- Your Highlight at location 1779-1781 | Added on Friday, 24 August 2018 17:40:39

You certainly won’t forget her and her death, but keep it to yourself. This is one
of those things that, little by little, makes us ‘sorrowful, yet alway
rejoicing’;10 and that we must become.
Unknown (HP)
- Your Highlight at location 2265-2272 | Added on Friday, 24 August 2018 18:09:46

My dear Theo, Feeling, even a fine feeling, for the beauties of nature isn’t the
same as religious feeling, although I believe that the two are closely connected.
The same is true of a feeling for art. Don’t give in to that too much either.1 Hold
fast especially to your love for the firm and for your work and to respect for Mr
Tersteeg. Later on you’ll see, better than now, that he deserves it. You don’t have
to take it to extremes, though.
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 241-242 | Added on Saturday, 25 August 2018 09:01:05
‘to sacrifice all personal desires, to realize great things, to obtain nobleness of
mind, to surpass the vulgarity in which the existence of nearly all individuals is
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 358-358 | Added on Saturday, 25 August 2018 13:06:54

‘And in a picture I wish to say something that would console as music does.’
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 463-464 | Added on Saturday, 25 August 2018 13:19:37

very careful with him for he seems to be in a fit of contrariness.’

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 751-751 | Added on Sunday, 26 August 2018 08:09:04

‘to suffer without complaint is the only lesson we have to learn in this life.’
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 960-960 | Added on Sunday, 26 August 2018 08:40:46

admire as much as you can, most people do not admire enough.

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 966-967 | Added on Sunday, 26 August 2018 08:43:06

Try to walk as much as you can and keep your love for nature, for that is the true
way to learn to understand art more and more.
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 1016-1017 | Added on Sunday, 26 August 2018 12:40:02

Man is not on this earth only to be happy, he is not only there to be simply
honest, he is there to realize great things for humanity, to attain nobility and to
surpass the vulgarity in which the existence of almost all individuals drags on.’
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 1188-1190 | Added on Monday, 27 August 2018 11:10:39

And the sunset cast a ray of glittering light on the water. It was indeed a grand
and majestic sight, but still the simpler, more quiet things touch one so much more
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 382-384 | Added on Wednesday, 26 September 2018

As she breathes, the rounded peaks move up and down like the swell of waves,
somehow reminding me of rain falling softly on a broad stretch of sea. I'm the
lonely voyager standing on deck, and she's the sea.
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 977-977 | Added on Saturday, 29 September 2018

execution device wasn't some metaphor or allegory—it's

Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 1194-1195 | Added on Saturday, 29 September 2018

blood all over you? What the hell were you doing? But you don't remember a thing,
do you. No
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 2065-2066 | Added on Saturday, 29 September 2018

be happy to lick you somewhere, if you'd like." "No, there's no need to. Nakata's
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 2263-2263 | Added on Sunday, 30 September 2018

In dreams begin responsibilities.

Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 2270-2271 | Added on Sunday, 30 September 2018

"It doesn't matter whose dream it started out as, you have the same dream. So
you're responsible for whatever happens in the dream. That dream crept inside you,
right down the dark corridor of your soul."
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 2374-2375 | Added on Sunday, 30 September 2018

You're afraid of imagination. And even more afraid of dreams. Afraid of the
responsibility that begins in dreams.
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 2977-2978 | Added on Sunday, 30 September 2018

I try imagining myself in forty years, but it's like trying to picture what lies
beyond the universe.
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 4083-4083 | Added on Tuesday, 2 October 2018 00:42:48

a fifteen-year-old kid. Why is it that these days it's

Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 5157-5158 | Added on Tuesday, 2 October 2018 22:01:21

"Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So
anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It's like stepping
back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven't seen in a long time.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 896-898 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018 10:24:47

Some men are professional story collectors. I met one of them, a writer, greedily
gathering more and more stories, anecdotes, juicy bits. That way all you'll have is
a book full of jokes.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1134-1135 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Indifference is an unpleasant word, so perhaps one should say "detachment."

Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1198-1199 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

only real heaven, the sphere of God himself. But Buddhism

Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1198-1199 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

the only real heaven, the sphere of God himself. But

Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1198-1203 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

But Buddhism doesn't attach itself to any theory, not even to the doctrine of the
Godlike self. Everything, you will find, is illusion, temporary, beyond our reach,
and that includes the divine self. Nothing exists, nothing has ever existed, and
nothing will ever exist. But when one starts thinking logically, and every time you
try to think you are using logic, we think of 'this' or 'that', and when we think
of 'nothing' we immediately oppose it, contrast it with 'something.' Then we
imagine an emptiness, and we get stuck in this emptiness.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1276-1277 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Zen is free; Zen training is not. The training is bound to time and place, and tied
up with customs and tradition.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 1712-1714 | Added on Wednesday, 3 October 2018

A good Buddhist, according to the books I had read, is no missionary, but tolerates
the thoughts, decisions, way of life, of others. Toleration leads to friendship.
Friendship always wins. There has never been a Buddhist war.
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 6579-6581 | Added on Thursday, 4 October 2018 12:36:40

Freedom and the emancipation of the ego were synonymous. And art, music in
particular, was at the forefront of all this. Those who came after Beethoven and
lived under his shadow, so to speak—Berlioz, Wagner, Liszt, Schumann—all lived
eccentric, stormy lives. Eccentricity was seen as almost the ideal lifestyle. The
age of Romanticism, they called it.
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 7047-7048 | Added on Thursday, 4 October 2018 17:16:50

A bit of shape and form has disappeared from the world, increasing the amount of
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 8000-8004 | Added on Friday, 5 October 2018 21:08:24

"What is it?" "It's not something you can get across in words. The real response is
something words can't express." "There you go," Sada replies. "Exactly. If you
can't get it across in words then it's better not to try." "Even to yourself?" I
ask. "Yeah, even to yourself," Sada says. "Better not to try to explain it, even to
Kafka on the Shore (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 8084-8088 | Added on Friday, 5 October 2018 21:16:05

"Every one of us is losing something precious to us," he says after the phone stops
ringing. "Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back
again. That's part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads—at least
that's where I imagine it—there's a little room where we store those memories. A
room like the stacks in this library. And to understand the workings of our own
heart we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off
every once in a while, let in fresh air, change the water in the flower vases. In
other words, you'll live forever in your own private library."
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2206-2207 | Added on Saturday, 6 October 2018 08:47:04

his first satori experience consisted of recognizing all people as himself.

Everybody he met had his own face."
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2336-2338 | Added on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 11:24:42

"I wouldn't know, Han-san" I said. "Yesterday we were all invisible. People made
out of transparent clear glass. I didn't see you. That's the way it is in Japan,
isn't it?"
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2550-2551 | Added on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 11:49:04

Haven't you ever considered the possibility that time doesn't exist? That there is
nothing but 'now'? 'Now' you can do something. 'Now' is eternity.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 2943-2947 | Added on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 16:40:14

brushing my hair and shaving carefully, and I had been aware that I had been doing
all this to make an impression. Everything had been done consciously: I had been
proud of my awareness, aware of my pride, and proud of that awareness again. It
went on like this: how clever I am that I know I am so stupid, how stupid I am to
think that I am clever, and how clever I am that I am aware of my stupidity, etc.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 3165-3168 | Added on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 16:54:24

dangling my legs into the empty sky. The merest self-inflicted push and whoops,
China gone and the 700 million Chinese too. But how about my soul? Buddha had
always refused to answer the question. Soul or no soul, life after death or no life
after death, an empty question. Walk the eightfold path and the question will drop
away by itself, later, now, it doesn't matter.
Janwillem van de Wetering, Janwillem van de Wetering-The Empty Mirror Experiences
in a Japanese Zen Monastery-Ballantine Books (1987) (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 3178-3179 | Added on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 16:55:16

Not only has one to do one's best, one must, while doing one's best, remain
detached from whatever one is trying to achieve.
The Lowland (Lahiri, Jhumpa)
- Your Highlight at location 1881-1882 | Added on Thursday, 18 October 2018

She knew that the word providence meant foresight, the future beheld before it was
The Lowland (Lahiri, Jhumpa)
- Your Highlight at location 2263-2263 | Added on Thursday, 18 October 2018

She bore his weight when he collapsed on top of her, when he had nothing more to
The Lowland (Lahiri, Jhumpa)
- Your Highlight at location 2301-2303 | Added on Thursday, 18 October 2018

In Hindu philosophy the three tenses—past, present, future—were said to exist

simultaneously in God. God was timeless, but time was personified as the god of
The Lowland (Lahiri, Jhumpa)
- Your Highlight at location 4931-4931 | Added on Monday, 22 October 2018 12:28:03

constructed from narrow bricks, sections of filigree

The Lowland (Lahiri, Jhumpa)
- Your Highlight at location 4931-4931 | Added on Monday, 22 October 2018 12:28:12

constructed from narrow bricks, sections of filigree missing.

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 1699-1702 | Added on Thursday, 25 October 2018

When one lives with others and is united by a feeling of affection, one is aware of
a reason for living, and one perceives that one is not quite worthless and
superfluous, but perhaps good for something, because we need each other, and make
the same journey as travelling-companions; but that feeling of proper self-esteem
also depends very much on our relations to others.
Who Will Cry When You Die?: Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
(Sharma, Robin)
- Your Highlight at location 171-171 | Added on Sunday, 18 November 2018 16:59:08

floating in a stream drifts according to the flow of the current

- Your Highlight on page 2-2 | Added on Friday, 30 November 2018 13:19:03

Abstract Design studio is characterised by a teaching model that is distinctly

suited for problemsolving.Correspondingly, literature, including information
produced by Australian faculties of architecture about their courses asserts that
design studio is modelled around problemsolving.However, my research into design
studio handouts found a common omission in posing a ‘problem’—a problem that would
justify a design solution and from which the ´significance´ of the task would
derive. I argue that a well-articulated design problem imbues the case with purpose
and significance. It also provides a benchmark against which the results can be
assessed and verified.Keywords: Architectural education; Problem-solving; Design
studio INTRODUCTION AND RESEARCH BACKGROUND Most literature, including recent
research and information produced by faculties of architecture in Australia,
asserts that the design studio is modelled around problem-solving (Ostwald &
Williams, 2008).However, an issue that permeates the findings in this paper is that
of posing a ‘problem’— a problem that requires a design solution. The interest in
reality in design studio (reality understood as the quotidian, or the commonplace)
and consequently for a design problem
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Joanne K. Rowling)
- Your Highlight at location 20-20 | Added on Tuesday, 4 December 2018 11:09:09

Grunnings, die Bohrmaschinen herstellte. Er war groß und bullig

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 2018-2019 | Added on Saturday, 8 December 2018

Theo, are you perhaps in love too? I wish you were, for believe me, even the little
miseries of it have their value . . .
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (Gawande, Atul)
- Your Highlight at location 229-231 | Added on Tuesday, 11 December 2018 16:45:06

prompted no family crisis meeting, no anguished debates over what to do with him.
It was clear that the family would ensure my grandfather could continue to live as
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (Gawande, Atul)
- Your Highlight at location 3022-3023 | Added on Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Courage is strength in the face of knowledge of what is to be feared or hoped.

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (Gawande, Atul)
- Your Highlight at location 3186-3187 | Added on Tuesday, 18 December 2018
We believe that, with help, the remembering self will later see matters differently
than the experiencing self
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 2044-2044 | Added on Thursday, 20 December 2018

I think that nothing awakens us to the reality of life so much as a true love . . .
Who Will Cry When You Die?: Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
(Sharma, Robin)
- Your Highlight at location 281-282 | Added on Thursday, 20 December 2018 01:25:47

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a
different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or
far away.”
L - Naipaul, V S - In A Free State (Shreevatsa R)
- Your Highlight at location 2435-2435 | Added on Monday, 31 December 2018 23:20:21

the only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves.'
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 183-184 | Added on Sunday, 27 January 2019 13:52:50

it was easier for Hitler to start World War II than it was for him to face a blank
square of canvas.
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 544-546 | Added on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 12:41:46

amateur. T h e professional has learned that success, like happiness, comes as a

by-product of work. T h e professional
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 567-569 | Added on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 12:51:07

Friends sometimes ask, "Don't you get lonely sitting by yourself all d a y ? " At
first it seemed odd to hear myself answer N o . Then I realized that I was not
alone; I was in the book; I was with the characters. I was with my Self.
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 598-603 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:03:49

h e p a r t w e create from c a n ' t b e t o u c h e d b y a n y t h i n g o u r p

a r e n t s d i d , o r s o c i e t y d i d . T h a t p a r t i s u n s u l l i e d
, u n c o r r u p t e d ; s o u n d p r o o f , w a t e r p r o o f , a n d T H E W
A R O F A R T b u l l e t p r o o f . I n fact, the m o r e t r o u b l e s w e ' v
e g o t , the better and richer that part becomes. T h e part that needs healing is
our personal life.
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 632-636 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:06:10
A n y s u p p o r t we get from p e r s o n s of flesh and b l o o d is like M o n
o p o l y m o n e y ; i t ' s not l e g a l tender in that sphere where we have to
do our w o r k . In fact, the m o r e e n e r g y we spend s t o k i n g up on s u
p p o r t from c o l l e a g u e s and l o v e d o n e s , the weaker we b e c o m
e and the less c a p a b l e o f handling our b u s i n e s s .
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 761-765 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:41:31

T h e Marine C o r p s teaches you how to be miserable. T h i s is invaluable for

an artist. Marines love to be miserable. Marines derive a perverse satisfaction in
having colder chow, crappier equipment, and h i g h e r c a s u a l t y r a t e s
than a n y outfit o f d o g f a c e s , s w a b jockeys, or flyboys, all of whom
they despise. Why? Because these candy-asses don't know how to be miserable.
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 761-766 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:41:37

T h e Marine C o r p s teaches you how to be miserable. T h i s is invaluable for

an artist. Marines love to be miserable. Marines derive a perverse satisfaction in
having colder chow, crappier equipment, and h i g h e r c a s u a l t y r a t e s
than a n y outfit o f d o g f a c e s , s w a b jockeys, or flyboys, all of whom
they despise. Why? Because these candy-asses don't know how to be miserable. T
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 761-767 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:41:56

T h e Marine C o r p s teaches you how to be miserable. T h i s is invaluable for

an artist. Marines love to be miserable. Marines derive a perverse satisfaction in
having colder chow, crappier equipment, and h i g h e r c a s u a l t y r a t e s
than a n y outfit o f d o g f a c e s , s w a b jockeys, or flyboys, all of whom
they despise. Why? Because these candy-asses don't know how to be miserable. T h e
artist c o m m i t t i n g h i m s e l f to his calling has v o l - unteered for
hell, whether he k n o w s it or not. He
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 770-771 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:42:32

Because this is war, baby. And war is hell.

STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 798-798 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 14:46:16

h e a m a t e u r takes it so s e r i o u s l y it p a r a l y z e s him.
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 843-846 | Added on Thursday, 31 January 2019 15:18:07

seeming detachment of the professional, the cold-blooded character to his demeanor,

is a compensating device to keep him from loving the game so much that he freezes
in action. Playing for money, or adopting the attitude of one who plays for money,
lowers the fever.
STEVEN PRESSFIELD (The War of Art Break Through the Blocks;Win your Inner Creative
Battles (2003, Warner books))
- Your Highlight at location 1688-1689 | Added on Monday, 18 February 2019 01:16:28

To l a b o r in the arts for a n y r e a s o n o t h e r than l o v e is

21 Lessons for the 21st Century (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Your Highlight at location 1617-1618 | Added on Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Global politics thus follows the Anna Karenina principle: successful states are all
alike, but every failed state fails in its own way,
21 Lessons for the 21st Century (Yuval Noah Harari)
- Your Highlight at location 1781-1781 | Added on Tuesday, 26 February 2019

problem starts when benign patriotism morphs into chauvinistic

The God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy)
- Your Highlight at location 400-400 | Added on Tuesday, 5 March 2019 07:34:23

small child on a high chair. They were puffy with edema,

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 62-63 | Added on Thursday, 28 March 2019 11:29:37

he would say, rapping the relevant table with adamantine

Convenience Store Woman (Sayaka Murata)
- Your Highlight at location 121-121 | Added on Friday, 29 March 2019 12:01:48

Keiko …” she muttered helplessly on the way home, hugging

Convenience Store Woman (Sayaka Murata)
- Your Highlight at location 674-674 | Added on Sunday, 31 March 2019 09:12:05

leave him off the work roster,” the manager said nonchalantly.
Convenience Store Woman (Sayaka Murata)
- Your Highlight at location 978-979 | Added on Tuesday, 2 April 2019 01:08:57

“Ah, the convenience store …” Shiraha said inanely.

Auroville: Dream and Reality: An Anthology of Writing (Akash Kapur)
- Your Highlight at location 360-362 | Added on Saturday, 13 April 2019 09:02:30

everywhere.’ This community is elusive, elliptical, tenaciously inconsistent.

Utopian or all-too-human, dream or reality; it’s hard to say what Auroville is.
Auroville: Dream and Reality: An Anthology of Writing (Akash Kapur)
- Your Highlight at location 596-597 | Added on Saturday, 13 April 2019 09:44:05

‘City of the dawn’, ‘City of Human Unity’, ‘City of the Future’ and similar phrases
were applied to Auroville in the early years with sincerity, goodwill, and, as we
can see now, considerable naivety.
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Joanne K. Rowling)
- Your Highlight at location 45-45 | Added on Friday, 10 May 2019 15:16:30

. Dursley gab sich einen kleinen Ruck und verjagte

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 2147-2147 | Added on Monday, 13 May 2019 01:15:20

me more than a cartload full of Jesuitical compliments would

Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Joanne K. Rowling)
- Your Highlight at location 38-38 | Added on Monday, 13 May 2019 18:37:43

An der Straßenecke fiel ihm zum ersten Mal etwas Merkwürdiges

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 3121-3124 | Added on Tuesday, 21 May 2019 14:43:42

Now art dealers have certain prejudices, which I think possible you have not shaken
off yet, particularly the idea that painting is inborn – all right, inborn, but not
so as is supposed; one must put out one’s hands and grasp it – that grasping is a
difficult thing – one must not wait till it reveals itself. There is something, but
not at all what people pretend. Practice makes perfect: by painting, one becomes a
painter . . .
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 3453-3456 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 17:56:08

You do not know how paralysing it is, that staring of a blank canvas, which says to
the painter: you don’t know anything; the canvas stares at you like an idiot, and
it hypnotizes some painters, so that they themselves become idiots. Many painters
are afraid of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the real
passionate painter, who dares – and who has once for all broken that spell of ‘you
cannot’ . . .
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 3453-3456 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 17:57:46

You do not know how paralysing it is, that staring of a blank canvas, which says to
the painter: you don’t know anything; the canvas stares at you like an idiot, and
it hypnotizes some painters, so that they themselves become idiots. Many painters
are afraid of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the real
passionate painter, who dares – and who has once for all broken that spell of ‘you
cannot’ . . .
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 692-693 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 19:00:12

“India as a female, Indian thought as a dream, caste society as a centrifuge, and

of Hinduism as a jungle or even a sponge.” 19 Pursued under the
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 885-886 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 20:35:09

everything worth considering in Indian art or architecture was introduced by some

foreign influence.
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1138-1144 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:01:59

Tillotson extends an implicit concern for identity to contemporary 20th century

architectural explorations by observing “India’s more thoughtful architects,” and
their attempts “to revive Indian architectural values.” 30 Tillotson challenges the
contemporary approaches by well-established architects from the Delhi-Ahmedabad-
Mumbai regions in their specific attempts to “tranform” Indian tradition—both in
their practice and writings—in their self-proclaimed rejection of the Modern
movement in Indian architecture. 31 Tillotson sums up by saying, “an educated
Indian might be forgiven for being unsure whether he will find a greater self-
respect in continuing to follow Western tastes or in returning to his heritage.” 32
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1327-1328 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 21:21:39

“One did not have to reject India’s Muslim, or even British, colonial heritage once
it could be seen as absolved and absorbed by the force of “Hindu”/Indian
spirituality.” Ibid., 24.
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1404-1406 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 22:51:31

Bozdogan offers two basic principles to keep in mind; first, “not to lose sight of
the provisional nature of identity politics” in postcolonial critiques of
architecture, and second, “not to lose sight of the absence of any necessary and/or
automatic connection between the work of art/architecture and its politics
(original emphases).”
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1498-1502 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 22:56:10

6 In the light of this argument, the generation of foreign-returned architects,

therefore, had multiple advantages over those educated in India. They were
consistently being involved in architectural projects connected with nation-
building activities. Further, their teaching commissions in schools of
architecture, involvement with development programmes at both the urban and
grassroots levels, and their commitment to writing about such concerns—such
activities, in hindsight, promoted the institutionalisation of what Indian
architecture meant to them.
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1522-1525 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 22:59:43

During this period and possibly related to the rise in Hindu communalism, there was
a marked shift, in the architectural context, towards more traditional ( Vedic and
Shastraic) and vernacular ways of building which were being re-evaluated by both
users and professionals as capable of offering potentially more pragmatic solutions
to the perennial problems of housing and climate in India. 10
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1625-1625 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:08:15

when her book Consuming Modernity was first conceived. After

‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1625-1627 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:08:39

Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi—apart from curbing rampant violence occasioned by the
assassination—witnessed unprecedented privatisation and the denationalisation of
industry. In
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1725-1727 | Added on Thursday, 23 May 2019 23:14:32

The term ‘western industrialised societies’ with inherent notions of progress and
advancement in comparison to other (read ‘Third World’) cultures and societies on
the path of progress reflects the continuing dissemination of already problematic
concepts such as ‘modernism’ and ‘postmodernism’ in architectural discourses of the
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1913-1914 | Added on Friday, 24 May 2019 00:19:11

But the answer does not lie in the superficial imitation of local traditions
either, as it fails to update what is substantial about the past, and does not
address what is pressing in the present.
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1938-1940 | Added on Friday, 24 May 2019 00:20:49

Pallasmaa implies, influenced architects such as “Tadao Ando and Charles Correa and
many others” from the regions. These architects and their works are, therefore,
according to Pallasmaa, representative of the “strongest contemporary traditions.”
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 1959-1960 | Added on Friday, 24 May 2019 00:22:09

the [Third World] architect must avoid both international and national stereotypes.
‘Indian Architecture’ and the Production of a Postcolonial Discourse (Shaji K.
- Your Highlight at location 2140-2143 | Added on Friday, 24 May 2019 00:31:04

At this stage it would be well to pause and contemplate: industrialization can be

utilized in a different manner than has been the case generally during the last
century, which was characterized by a mistaken division between the fine arts, the
decorative arts and utilitarian objects. The distinction was that fine art has no
practical use, decorative art no symbolic meaning and the utilitarian object no
pretensions to beauty. This attitude has been the root cause of much of the banal
architecture of the last 50 years.
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 4457-4458 | Added on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 15:44:07

So one must strike while the iron is hot . .

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 4481-4481 | Added on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 15:46:29

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 4481-4481 | Added on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 15:46:39

To die quietly of old age would be to go there on foot . . .

The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (Van Gogh, Vincent)
- Your Highlight at location 4842-4844 | Added on Wednesday, 29 May 2019 08:48:12

I have a lover’s clear sight or a lover’s blindness for work just now. Because
these colours about me are all new to me, and give me extraordinary exaltation. I
have no thought of fatigue, I shall do another picture this very night, and I shall
bring it off . . .
A game of thrones (George Martin)
- Your Highlight at location 907-908 | Added on Saturday, 1 June 2019 17:37:33

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength.
Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used
to hurt you.”
A game of thrones (George Martin)
- Your Highlight at location 8362-8362 | Added on Thursday, 13 June 2019 13:03:07

Smiling, he plucked up the dagger and offered it to Ned, hilt

A game of thrones (George Martin)
- Your Highlight at location 9877-9878 | Added on Monday, 17 June 2019 11:09:08

told, he did not know what to make of them himself. Was he their commander or their
captive? Most of the time, it seemed to be a little of both. “It might be best
A game of thrones (George Martin)
- Your Highlight at location 10282-10283 | Added on Monday, 17 June 2019 23:41:10

valiant . . . and the master of whisperers must be sly and obsequious

Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 904-905 | Added on Tuesday, 25 June 2019 17:29:13

they were wrong then too. Every day would be a repudiation

Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 1736-1738 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 00:25:45

When we think of events in the distant past or distant future we tend to think
abstractly about why they happened or will happen, but when we think of events in
the near past or near future we tend to think concretely about how they happened or
will happen.20
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 1843-1844 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 00:40:22

This tendency to fill in the holes in our memories of the past with material from
the present is especially powerful when it comes to remembering our emotions.
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 1856-1858 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 00:42:18

If the past is a wall with some holes, the future is a hole with no walls. Memory
uses the filling-in trick, but imagination is the filling-in trick, and if the
present lightly colors our remembered pasts, it thoroughly infuses our imagined
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 2029-2030 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 09:08:45

The time-share arrangement between perception and imagination is one of the causes
of presentism, but it is not the only one.
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 2058-2059 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 11:50:32

is in front of us, that we are moving toward our senescence

Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 2252-2253 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 12:07:50

The fact that it is so much easier to remember the past than to generate the
possible causes us to make plenty of weird decisions.
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 2308-2310 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 12:12:58

The facts are these: (a) value is determined by the comparison of one thing with
another; (b) there is more than one kind of comparison we can make in any given
instance; and (c) we may value something more highly when we make one kind of
comparison than when we make a different kind of comparison.
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 2359-2360 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 12:19:10

Historians use the word presentism to describe the tendency to judge historical
figures by contemporary standards.
Stumbling on Happiness (Daniel Gilbert)
- Your Highlight at location 2366-2367 | Added on Sunday, 30 June 2019 12:20:18

backward. Because predictions about the future are made in the present, they are
inevitably influenced by the present.
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 540-540 | Added on Saturday, 6 July 2019 01:55:14

of World War II; and the previous century of avuncular

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 1191-1192 | Added on Tuesday, 9 July 2019 11:23:12

spoke in a second language of innuendo and double entendre.

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 1230-1230 | Added on Tuesday, 9 July 2019 11:27:36

its existence an affront not only to a capitalism corseted,

The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 421-422 | Added on Wednesday, 10 July 2019 08:47:48

F1 racer Mario Andretti said: ‘If everything seems under control you’re not going
fast enough.’
The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 463-464 | Added on Wednesday, 10 July 2019 08:53:08

the soreness of growth is so much less expensive than the devastating costs of
The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 623-624 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 00:01:53

“only people who are capable of loving strongly can suffer great sorrow,” while the
Sufi poet Rumi wrote, “You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”
The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1305-1305 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:48:55

“Profound,” the artist contributed, showing great exuberance

The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1363-1364 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:54:24

Going deep and embracing—to use your words—granularity

The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1363-1364 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:54:38

Going deep and embracing—to use your words—granularity

The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1379-1380 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:56:26

Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this
gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.
The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1379-1380 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:56:36

poet Rumi: Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave
this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.
The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1379-1380 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:56:48

poet Rumi: Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave
this gathering. Half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.
The 5 AM Club (Robin Sharma)
- Your Highlight at location 1395-1398 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 19:59:50

Philip of Macedonia in a message to Sparta: “You are advised to submit without

further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms,
slay your people and raze your city.” Sparta’s reply: “If.”
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 1515-1515 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 23:13:07

and it was over a silky smooth white pottage that I commiserated

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 1515-1515 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 23:13:11

was over a silky smooth white pottage that I commiserated

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 1662-1662 | Added on Thursday, 11 July 2019 23:32:29

casino operator. Hobby: Viet Cong tax collector. We cordoned

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 2208-2208 | Added on Sunday, 14 July 2019 13:01:57

“Resentment.” That’s a good word. Always resent, never relent.

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 3111-3112 | Added on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 09:00:21

over the table to whisper the rest. We’re sending a reconnaissance

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 3211-3211 | Added on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 11:45:18

Nothing. I was left with the beat of a trashy discotheque

The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 3211-3211 | Added on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 11:45:27

white lie? Nothing. I was left with the beat of a trashy discotheque
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 3256-3258 | Added on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 12:12:06

I admit to not being an aficionado of children, having been one and having found my
cohort and myself generally despicable. Unlike many, I was not intent on
reproducing myself, deliberately or accidentally, since one of myself was more than
enough for me to handle.
Designing the Modern City (Eric Mumford)
- Your Highlight at location 94-94 | Added on Thursday, 18 July 2019 10:00:43

urban design outcomes just mentioned. More polemical

Designing the Modern City (Eric Mumford)
- Your Highlight at location 93-94 | Added on Thursday, 18 July 2019 10:00:48

clear accounts of the many specific European urban design outcomes just mentioned.
More polemical
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) (Viet Thanh Nguyen)
- Your Highlight at location 4641-4642 | Added on Saturday, 20 July 2019 07:14:16

Altogether there were a dozen of us on the reconnaissance

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1592-1593 | Added on Saturday, 27 July 2019 00:15:01

at the very southern tip of the continent with access to two oceans, its natural
wealth of gold, silver and
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1592-1593 | Added on Sunday, 28 July 2019 23:23:54

developed than many African nations, thanks to its location at the very southern
tip of the continent with access to two oceans, its natural wealth of gold, silver
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 1414-1416 | Added on Tuesday, 30 July 2019 14:34:25

‘to ensure that all residents benefit from any proposals for conservation’. Bayley
further argues that conservation should only be recommended if: any design or other
faults having been put right, the building will continue to be viable in the
future, and residents support the proposals.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 1417-1419 | Added on Tuesday, 30 July 2019 14:34:37

One of the attractions of Modern Movement architecture is the broad commitment to

what might be called progressive practice, and social equality was a key theme for
those who continued to address the social agenda of Modernism3.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Bookmark at location 1582 | Added on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 00:42:55

D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 1663-1663 | Added on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 00:44:03

Education in Transformation Technology, Progress and Sustainability

D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 2533-2533 | Added on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 14:11:04

the Israeli art & architectural historian, Michael Levin.5 The

D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3268-3271 | Added on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 23:53:28

business creation and development; � increased employment and local business

investment; � an enhanced physical environment; � conservation of built heritage.
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:27:47

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:04

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:05

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:06

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:07

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:09

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:12

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:16

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:18

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:21

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:25

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:30

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:32

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:37

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:39

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:43

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:45

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:49

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:52

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:55

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:28:58

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:29:01

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:29:04

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:29:06

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 1888-1889 | Added on Thursday, 1 August 2019 10:29:09

arms race gain pace, with militants in Gaza seeking rockets

Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2161-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:04
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:07

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:09

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:12

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:14

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:17

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:19

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:21

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:24

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:26

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:29

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:32

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:37

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:39

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:41

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:44

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:48
energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:51

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:53

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:56

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:25:59

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:01
energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:03

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:08

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:11

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:13

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:17
energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:20

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:23

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:25

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:27

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:30

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:32

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:34

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:38

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:43

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:47

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:51

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:26:53

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:01

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:04

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:06

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:08

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:11

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:14

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:17

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:26

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:30

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:34

of Malacca, which as we saw in the chapter on China is a choke point that could
strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a
$46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running
1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic
Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and
beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a land route such as this would make
Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:38

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:27:41

energy needs. This would allow it to bypass the Strait of Malacca, which as we saw
in the chapter on China is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic
growth. In the spring of 2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build
a superhighway of roads, railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to
China’s Xinjiang region. The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called,
will give China direct access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese
investment in building a land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy,
and this is one of the reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:29:07

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:30:23

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2157-2161 | Added on Friday, 2 August 2019 09:32:30

is a choke point that could strangle Chinese economic growth. In the spring of
2015, the two countries agreed a $46 billion deal to build a superhighway of roads,
railways and pipelines running 1,800 miles from Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang region.
The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor, as it is called, will give China direct
access to the Indian Ocean and beyond. Massive Chinese investment in building a
land route such as this would make Pakistan very happy, and this is one of the
reasons Pakistan will
Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
- Your Highlight at location 170-170 | Added on Saturday, 3 August 2019 00:16:29

D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3343-3346 | Added on Monday, 5 August 2019 10:19:55

These unique urban compositions are under threat due to a process of renewal. The
image of the post-war modernist districts is a bad one: too much of the same small
dwellings, all social housing; bad quality of public space; unclear boundaries
between public and private; malfunctioning of common spaces; a functionalist, dull
architecture. The modernist ideas on collectivism and lifestyles don’t fit our
fragmented, globalized society.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3355-3356 | Added on Monday, 5 August 2019 10:22:20

In this way, renewal means wiping out a complete historic layer, existing human
urban patterns and social structures.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3418-3419 | Added on Monday, 5 August 2019 14:10:59

Difficult processes are cut into small pieces. The project boundaries are as narrow
as possible. Due to that, there is no room for transformation, discussion or
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3435-3436 | Added on Monday, 5 August 2019 14:13:21

In this way, the city physically and socially can develop, adapt, change, grow; in
short, enrich instead of starting all over again after only 40 years.
Prisoners of Geography (Tim Marshall)
- Your Highlight at location 2816-2818 | Added on Sunday, 11 August 2019 11:20:52

despite the dramatic decision made in the late 1950s to move the capital
(previously Rio de Janeiro) several hundred miles inland to the purpose-built city
of Brasilia in an attempt to develop the heart of Brazil.
Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
- Your Highlight at location 663-664 | Added on Tuesday, 13 August 2019 14:11:54

roll call. The door was flung open, and the snowstorm blew into
Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
- Your Highlight at location 805-805 | Added on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 12:42:31

its inmates were under his protection. The delegate billeted

Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
- Your Highlight at location 1173-1173 | Added on Friday, 16 August 2019 23:52:02

free, they thought they could use their freedom licentiously

Man's Search for Meaning (Viktor Frankl)
- Your Highlight at location 1337-1339 | Added on Saturday, 17 August 2019 13:11:46

Let us consider, for instance, “Sunday neurosis,” that kind of depression which
afflicts people who become aware of the lack of content in their lives when the
rush of the busy week is over and the void within themselves becomes manifest.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 1023-1023 | Added on Monday, 26 August 2019 10:43:57

after Kumiko fell asleep. The soldiers were all asleep there. The sky overhead was
filled with stars, and millions of
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 1054-1055 | Added on Monday, 26 August 2019 23:57:05

The variety of professions in this world was amazing, each assigned its place amid
the paper’s neat rows, as on a new graveyard map.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3042-3043 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019

ideals of the Modern Movement have been superseded and overtaken by the powers of
the market economy and political populism.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3051-3052 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Convincing the layman of these values is especially difficult when the ensemble
“reflects the associated social and economic problems” of that place.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Note at location 3052 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019 11:56:55
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3066-3067 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019

If we define the present town planning problems and examine the prime objectives
that could be used to overcome future challenges, we see that the standards laid
down by Modern experiences still offer a positive final balance.
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3068-3069 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Urban Regeneration, such as the typical urban rebuilding schemes carried out before
and after the 2nd World War
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3178-3180 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019

One of the great achievements of Modernism, and possibly the most undervalued, is
its way of creating cities from rules of composition superior to the classical
rules. Le Corbusier defined it in “Precisiones”5 as: COMPOSITION = Nature +
D Van Den Heuvel M Mesman W Quist B Lemmens (The)
- Your Highlight at location 3343-3346 | Added on Wednesday, 4 September 2019

These unique urban compositions are under threat due to a process of renewal. The
image of the post-war modernist districts is a bad one: too much of the same small
dwellings, all social housing; bad quality of public space; unclear boundaries
between public and private; malfunctioning of common spaces; a functionalist, dull
architecture. The modernist ideas on collectivism and lifestyles don’t fit our
fragmented, globalized society.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 4457-4457 | Added on Friday, 6 September 2019 10:44:24

together all along now, and I think I have a pretty good idea how you feel about
it. So now let me do the thinking.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 4466-4466 | Added on Friday, 6 September 2019 10:45:18

more, but I can’t do it yet. I think I’ll have to tell you sometime.”
The Art of Loving (Erich Fromm)
- Your Highlight at location 843-844 | Added on Friday, 15 November 2019 14:25:03

If the desire for physical union is not stimulated by love, if erotic love is not
also brotherly love, it never leads to union in more than an orgiastic, transitory
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 108-110 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 10:53:00

More resources are used in the economy. Existing resources are used more
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 188-188 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:23:46

Theory of Income, Output and Employment

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 191-191 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:23:56

inflation, deflation and reflation.

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 193-194 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:24:21

Macro Theory of Distribution dealing with the relative shares of wages and profits
in the total national income.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 202-204 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:25:34

To understand why the overall flow of output and income fluctuates; what factors
lead to the growth in the productive capacity and what are social and economic cost
of economy’s growth, it is necessary to study the field of aggregate economics
i.e., total output income.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 215-217 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:27:57

the theory of consumer behaviour and the theory of production and costs. Theory of
Factor pricing. Theory of Economic Welfare.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 223-223 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:28:43

What might be right policy of an individual, a firm or an industry may not be right
for the economic system as a whole.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 231-232 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:32:06

Price theory is the main tool of microeconomics because the properties of market
supply and demand functions are generally built up from assumptions about the
actions of households or firms
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 236-237 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:33:02

Analysis of consumption, investment and labour supply behaviour of a household firm

is an example of micro economics. [4]
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 258-259 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:34:12

In economics, factors of production are the resources employed to produce goods and
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 281-282 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:35:16
The payment for someone else's labor and all income received from one’s own labor
is wages.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 285-286 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:35:50

Job creation depends on the expansion of the economy. The supply of labour must
also consider the quality of labour and how efficiently the workers do the tasks
given to them.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 300-301 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:38:04

Financial capital is simply the amount of money the initiator of the business has
invested in it.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 322-323 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:39:55

Enterprise/Entrepreneurship is the risk taking activity that utilizes land, labour

and capital to produce goods or services in the expectation of a future reward
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 357-357 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:42:08

.Land economics is a branch of the economics which focuses on the use of land and
the role of land in economics.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 362-367 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:42:35

It is nature’s free gift. It is fixed in quantity. It doesn’t have any supply

value. It is permanent. Land lacks mobility in geographical sense. Land provides
infinite variation of degree, fertility and situation so that no two pieces of land
are exactly alike.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 386-389 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:48:34


Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 396-398 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:49:03

One of the fields of focus in land economics is the allocation of land. As a fixed
resource, land's value is dictated by its availability, and the allocation of land
resources can play a critical role in how land is treated.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 401-402 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:50:12

Researchers in this field may look at issues like government acquisition of land to
satisfy right of way requirements for roadways and utilities,
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 402-404 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 12:51:35
They also look at how land can be made more profitable, and how land values shift
over time in response to a variety of factors including market pressures and the
discovery of natural resources.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 412-412 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:07:52

Land economics is a branch of economics field which focuses on the use of land and
the role of land in economics.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 429-444 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:09:05

Changing landforms from a natural or semi-natural state for a purpose such as

agriculture or housing. Subdividing real estate into lots, typically for the
purpose of building homes. Developing property or changing its purpose, for example
by converting an unused factory complex into condominiums.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 445-446 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:09:16

The conversion of land from one use to another is the generally accepted definition
of land development. [2]
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 453-454 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:16:29

The systematic approach to the land use planning, analysis and engineering is known
as land development design.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 467-468 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:22:52

Feasibility/programming initiates the process with a general review of proposed

program and existing site conditions, with particular emphasis on identification of
environmental, cultural and infrastructure resources.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 470-471 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:23:06

Site analysis determines the allowable use of the site based on local master plans,
codes and ordinances and recommends a course of action
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 475-476 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:23:13

Conceptual design presents the initial organisation of the development program

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 477-479 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:25:11

Schematic design is a refinement of the initial concept sketches that adds scale,
dimensions and precise testing of specific uses, including building arrangements
and infrastructure systems.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 480-482 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:25:20

Final design is the conclusion to the primary design effort. Carried out
predominantly by engineers, preliminary plans are enhanced with a level of detail
sufficient to construct all aspects of the project
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 483-484 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:25:45

Plan submission and permitting represent the formal regulatory review of final
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 486-486 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:25:56

Construction is the final step in land development process.

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 496-496 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:28:30

Land being the major non renewable natural resource is inelastic in nature
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 550-553 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:36:29

Public policy can be generally defined as the course of action or inaction taken by
governmental entities (the decisions of government) with regard to a particular
issue or set of issues.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 558-559 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:36:57

"Public policy is commonly embodied "in constitutions, legislative acts, and

judicial decisions.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 563-565 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:48:25

only in 1976 when a comprehensive land ceiling legislation took place. Despite
these efforts India lacks a comprehensive Urban Land Policy. Neither the Government
of India nor the State Government has formulated any such policy.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 570-572 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 13:48:50

Reports/papers brought out by the central or State government Five year Plans
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 603-606 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:00:27

The Fifth Five Year Plan is of great significance so far as urban land policy is
concerned. It recognized that, perhaps the most important instrument necessary for
achieving breakthrough in urban development will be the formulation of Urban Land
Policy. In the Sixth Plan the thrust of urbanization policy was on development of
small and medium towns and achieving balanced distribution of urban population.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 634-638 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:05:26

Optimum social use of urban land. Supply of adequate quantity of land at reasonable
prices. Encouraging community effort for land development and housing. Preventing
concentration of land ownership
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 617-619 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:05:38

Town Planning Legislation including Urban Development Authority Acts: To control

the use of land with a view to regulate its planned growth and development.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 620-621 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:05:50

Land Acquisition Act: To acquire land for public purposes.

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 626-630 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:06:19

Slum Improvement and Clearance Act: To improve the living conditions of slum
dwellers. Urban Land Ceiling and Development Act: To improve ceiling limits on land
holdings and achieve equitable distribution of urban land.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 623-624 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:06:39

Municipal enactment including building byelaws: To control building activities.

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 677-680 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:09:57

Cost items fall as the number of storeys increases, e.g. roofs, foundation. (2)
Cost items rise as the number of storeys increases, e.g. lift installation, fire
services. (3) Cost items fall initially and then rise as the number of storeys
increases, e.g. curtain walling. (4) Cost items unaffected by height, e.g. floor
finishes, do
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 750-751 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:55:00

The Physical Environment

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 754-754 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 14:55:09

The Social Environment

Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 1218-1219 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Sociology distinguishes the term organization into planned formal and unplanned
informal organizations. Sociology analyzes organizations in the first line from an
institutional perspective.
Building-Economics-and-Sociology Notes (
- Your Highlight at location 1306-1309 | Added on Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and political science referring to the way

that the administrative execution and enforcement of legal rules are socially
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 7122-7123 | Added on Thursday, 5 December 2019

I put my hand on the cat’s chest and felt his heart beating. The pulse was faint
and fast, but his heart, like mine, was ticking off the time allotted to his small
body with all the restless earnestness of my own.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 8388-8390 | Added on Tuesday, 17 December 2019

I sometimes feel that by concentrating on my work like this, with all the mindless
determination of an ant, I’m getting closer to the “real me.” I don’t know how to
put it, but it’s kind of like by not thinking about myself I can get closer to the
core of my self. That’s what I mean by “kind of weird.”
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 8415-8416 | Added on Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Do you know what you’re going to be doing three years from now, Mr. Wind-Up Bird?
Godan (Hindi) (Munshi Premchand)
- Your Highlight at location 46-47 | Added on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 18:56:12

लो। और आज न जाओगे तो कौन हरज़ होगा। अभी तो परसों गये थे।’

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (Haruki Murakami)
- Your Highlight at location 10856-10857 | Added on Thursday, 26 December 2019

All kinds of characters have come on the scene, and strange things have happened
one after another, to the point where, if I try to think about them in order, I
lose track. Viewed at more of a distance, though, the thread running through them
is perfectly clear.
A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 474 | location 5574-5576 | Added on Monday, 6 January 2020

The ratio of indoor area to site area (FAR—for floor area ratio) cannot thus exceed
0.5 in a single story building, 1.0 in a two story, 1.5 in a three story and 2.0 in
a four story building.
A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 478 | location 5622-5622 | Added on Monday, 6 January 2020

shielded parking structure.

A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 479 | location 5637-5638 | Added on Monday, 6 January 2020
Make the entrance to the parking lot a natural gateway to the buildings which it
serves, and place it so that you can easily see the main entrance to the building
from the entrance to the parking.
A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 481 | location 5653-5655 | Added on Monday, 6 January 2020

In many modern building complexes the problem of disorientation is acute. People

have no idea where they are, and they experience considerable mental stress as a
A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 489 | location 5742-5743 | Added on Monday, 6 January 2020

A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 494 | location 5804-5805 | Added on Monday, 6 January 2020

Public places are meant to invite free loitering.

A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 496 | location 5830-5830 | Added on Tuesday, 7 January
2020 09:17:06

Thus, in places in the street where seats, activities, entrances, and counters are
placed, the street should widen to about 16 feet (one
A Pattern Language (Center for Environmental Structure Series) (Alexander,
- Your Highlight on page 496 | location 5833-5834 | Added on Tuesday, 7 January
2020 09:17:21

the higher the ceiling, the more distant people seem from each other.
The Paradoxical Prime Minister (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 480-480 | Added on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 22:49:26

The Paradoxical Prime Minister (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 492-493 | Added on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 22:52:25

heard dismaying reports of their being marginalized and ghettoized

The Paradoxical Prime Minister (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 492-493 | Added on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 22:52:28

heard dismaying reports of their being marginalized and ghettoized

The Paradoxical Prime Minister (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 492-493 | Added on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 22:52:34
heard dismaying reports of their being marginalized and ghettoized
The Paradoxical Prime Minister (Unknown)
- Your Highlight at location 585-585 | Added on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 23:12:23

tranquil capital, Ahmedabad, and other places in Gandhi’s homeland.

Never Let Me Go (Kazuo Ishiguro)
- Your Highlight at location 1613-1613 | Added on Sunday, 1 March 2020 08:34:10

know then that all these places had only the most tenuous

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